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<?php /** * This file is part of the Carbon package. * * (c) Brian Nesbitt <> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Carbon\Traits; use Carbon\CarbonInterface; use Carbon\CarbonInterval; use Carbon\CarbonPeriod; use Closure; use Generator; use ReflectionClass; use ReflectionException; use ReflectionMethod; use Throwable; /** * Trait Mixin. * * Allows mixing in entire classes with multiple macros. */ trait Mixin { /** * Stack of macro instance contexts. * * @var array */ protected static $macroContextStack = []; /** * Mix another object into the class. * * @example * ``` * Carbon::mixin(new class { * public function addMoon() { * return function () { * return $this->addDays(30); * }; * } * public function subMoon() { * return function () { * return $this->subDays(30); * }; * } * }); * $fullMoon = Carbon::create('2018-12-22'); * $nextFullMoon = $fullMoon->addMoon(); * $blackMoon = Carbon::create('2019-01-06'); * $previousBlackMoon = $blackMoon->subMoon(); * echo "$nextFullMoon "; * echo "$previousBlackMoon "; * ``` * * @param object|string $mixin * * @throws ReflectionException * * @return void */ public static function mixin($mixin) { \is_string($mixin) && trait_exists($mixin) ? self::loadMixinTrait($mixin) : self::loadMixinClass($mixin); } /** * @param object|string $mixin * * @throws ReflectionException */ private static function loadMixinClass($mixin) { $methods = (new ReflectionClass($mixin))->getMethods( ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC | ReflectionMethod::IS_PROTECTED ); foreach ($methods as $method) { if ($method->isConstructor() || $method->isDestructor()) { continue; } $method->setAccessible(true); static::macro($method->name, $method->invoke($mixin)); } } /** * @param string $trait */ private static function loadMixinTrait($trait) { $context = eval(self::getAnonymousClassCodeForTrait($trait)); $className = \get_class($context); $baseClass = static::class; foreach (self::getMixableMethods($context) as $name) { $closureBase = Closure::fromCallable([$context, $name]); static::macro($name, function (...$parameters) use ($closureBase, $className, $baseClass) { $downContext = isset($this) ? ($this) : new $baseClass(); $context = isset($this) ? $this->cast($className) : new $className(); try { // @ is required to handle error if not converted into exceptions $closure = @$closureBase->bindTo($context); } catch (Throwable $throwable) { // @codeCoverageIgnore $closure = $closureBase; // @codeCoverageIgnore } // in case of errors not converted into exceptions $closure = $closure ?: $closureBase; $result = $closure(...$parameters); if (!($result instanceof $className)) { return $result; } if ($downContext instanceof CarbonInterface && $result instanceof CarbonInterface) { if ($context !== $result) { $downContext = $downContext->copy(); } return $downContext ->setTimezone($result->getTimezone()) ->modify($result->format('Y-m-d H:i:s.u')) ->settings($result->getSettings()); } if ($downContext instanceof CarbonInterval && $result instanceof CarbonInterval) { if ($context !== $result) { $downContext = $downContext->copy(); } $downContext->copyProperties($result); self::copyStep($downContext, $result); self::copyNegativeUnits($downContext, $result); return $downContext->settings($result->getSettings()); } if ($downContext instanceof CarbonPeriod && $result instanceof CarbonPeriod) { if ($context !== $result) { $downContext = $downContext->copy(); } return $downContext ->setDates($result->getStartDate(), $result->getEndDate()) ->setRecurrences($result->getRecurrences()) ->setOptions($result->getOptions()) ->settings($result->getSettings()); } return $result; }); } } private static function getAnonymousClassCodeForTrait(string $trait) { return 'return new class() extends '.static::class.' {use '.$trait.';};'; } private static function getMixableMethods(self $context): Generator { foreach (get_class_methods($context) as $name) { if (method_exists(static::class, $name)) { continue; } yield $name; } } /** * Stack a Carbon context from inside calls of self::this() and execute a given action. * * @param static|null $context * @param callable $callable * * @throws Throwable * * @return mixed */ protected static function bindMacroContext($context, callable $callable) { static::$macroContextStack[] = $context; try { return $callable(); } finally { array_pop(static::$macroContextStack); } } /** * Return the current context from inside a macro callee or a null if static. * * @return static|null */ protected static function context() { return end(static::$macroContextStack) ?: null; } /** * Return the current context from inside a macro callee or a new one if static. * * @return static */ protected static function this() { return end(static::$macroContextStack) ?: new static(); } } |