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<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers\Auth; use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; |
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use App\Mail\ThankYouForRegistering; use App\Models\User; |
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use App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider; |
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use Illuminate\Auth\Access\AuthorizationException; use Illuminate\Auth\Events\Verified; |
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use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\VerifiesEmails; |
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use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail; |
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class VerificationController extends Controller { /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Email Verification Controller |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | This controller is responsible for handling email verification for any | user that recently registered with the application. Emails may also | be re-sent if the user didn't receive the original email message. | */ |
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use VerifiesEmails{ verify as public traitVerify; } |
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/** * Where to redirect users after verification. * * @var string */ protected $redirectTo = RouteServiceProvider::HOME; /** * Create a new controller instance. * * @return void */ public function __construct() { |
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$this->middleware('auth')->only('show', 'resend'); |
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$this->middleware('signed')->only('verify'); $this->middleware('throttle:6,1')->only('verify', 'resend'); } |
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public function verify(Request $request) { if (!auth()->check()) { auth()->loginUsingId($request->route('id')); } if ($request->route('id') != $request->user()->getKey()) { throw new AuthorizationException; } if ($request->user()->hasVerifiedEmail()) { return redirect($this->redirectPath()); } if ($request->user()->markEmailAsVerified()) { event(new Verified($request->user())); Mail::to($request->user()->email)->send(new ThankYouForRegistering($request->user())); } return redirect($this->redirectPath())->with('success', 'Вы успешно подтвердили свой адрес почты'); } |
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} |