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<?php /** * This file is part of the Carbon package. * * (c) Brian Nesbitt <> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Carbon; use Closure; use DateTimeImmutable; use DateTimeZone; use Psr\Clock\ClockInterface; /** * A factory to generate CarbonImmutable instances with common settings. * * <autodoc generated by `composer phpdoc`> * * @method bool canBeCreatedFromFormat($date, $format) Checks if the (date)time string is in a given format and valid to create a * new instance. * @method CarbonImmutable|false create($year = 0, $month = 1, $day = 1, $hour = 0, $minute = 0, $second = 0, $tz = null) Create a new Carbon instance from a specific date and time. * If any of $year, $month or $day are set to null their now() values will * be used. * If $hour is null it will be set to its now() value and the default * values for $minute and $second will be their now() values. * If $hour is not null then the default values for $minute and $second * will be 0. * @method CarbonImmutable createFromDate($year = null, $month = null, $day = null, $tz = null) Create a Carbon instance from just a date. The time portion is set to now. * @method CarbonImmutable|false createFromFormat($format, $time, $tz = null) Create a Carbon instance from a specific format. * @method CarbonImmutable|false createFromIsoFormat($format, $time, $tz = null, $locale = 'en', $translator = null) Create a Carbon instance from a specific ISO format (same replacements as ->isoFormat()). * @method CarbonImmutable|false createFromLocaleFormat($format, $locale, $time, $tz = null) Create a Carbon instance from a specific format and a string in a given language. * @method CarbonImmutable|false createFromLocaleIsoFormat($format, $locale, $time, $tz = null) Create a Carbon instance from a specific ISO format and a string in a given language. * @method CarbonImmutable createFromTime($hour = 0, $minute = 0, $second = 0, $tz = null) Create a Carbon instance from just a time. The date portion is set to today. * @method CarbonImmutable createFromTimeString($time, $tz = null) Create a Carbon instance from a time string. The date portion is set to today. * @method CarbonImmutable createFromTimestamp($timestamp, $tz = null) Create a Carbon instance from a timestamp and set the timezone (use default one if not specified). * Timestamp input can be given as int, float or a string containing one or more numbers. * @method CarbonImmutable createFromTimestampMs($timestamp, $tz = null) Create a Carbon instance from a timestamp in milliseconds. * Timestamp input can be given as int, float or a string containing one or more numbers. * @method CarbonImmutable createFromTimestampMsUTC($timestamp) Create a Carbon instance from a timestamp in milliseconds. * Timestamp input can be given as int, float or a string containing one or more numbers. * @method CarbonImmutable createFromTimestampUTC($timestamp) Create a Carbon instance from an timestamp keeping the timezone to UTC. * Timestamp input can be given as int, float or a string containing one or more numbers. * @method CarbonImmutable createMidnightDate($year = null, $month = null, $day = null, $tz = null) Create a Carbon instance from just a date. The time portion is set to midnight. * @method CarbonImmutable|false createSafe($year = null, $month = null, $day = null, $hour = null, $minute = null, $second = null, $tz = null) Create a new safe Carbon instance from a specific date and time. * If any of $year, $month or $day are set to null their now() values will * be used. * If $hour is null it will be set to its now() value and the default * values for $minute and $second will be their now() values. * If $hour is not null then the default values for $minute and $second * will be 0. * If one of the set values is not valid, an InvalidDateException * will be thrown. * @method CarbonInterface createStrict(?int $year = 0, ?int $month = 1, ?int $day = 1, ?int $hour = 0, ?int $minute = 0, ?int $second = 0, $tz = null) Create a new Carbon instance from a specific date and time using strict validation. * @method CarbonImmutable disableHumanDiffOption($humanDiffOption) @deprecated To avoid conflict between different third-party libraries, static setters should not be used. * You should rather use the ->settings() method. * @method CarbonImmutable enableHumanDiffOption($humanDiffOption) @deprecated To avoid conflict between different third-party libraries, static setters should not be used. * You should rather use the ->settings() method. * @method mixed executeWithLocale($locale, $func) Set the current locale to the given, execute the passed function, reset the locale to previous one, * then return the result of the closure (or null if the closure was void). * @method CarbonImmutable fromSerialized($value) Create an instance from a serialized string. * @method void genericMacro($macro, $priority = 0) Register a custom macro. * @method array getAvailableLocales() Returns the list of internally available locales and already loaded custom locales. * (It will ignore custom translator dynamic loading.) * @method Language[] getAvailableLocalesInfo() Returns list of Language object for each available locale. This object allow you to get the ISO name, native * name, region and variant of the locale. * @method array getDays() Get the days of the week * @method string|null getFallbackLocale() Get the fallback locale. * @method array getFormatsToIsoReplacements() List of replacements from date() format to isoFormat(). * @method int getHumanDiffOptions() Return default humanDiff() options (merged flags as integer). * @method array getIsoUnits() Returns list of locale units for ISO formatting. * @method array getLastErrors() {@inheritdoc} * @method string getLocale() Get the current translator locale. * @method callable|null getMacro($name) Get the raw callable macro registered globally for a given name. * @method int getMidDayAt() get midday/noon hour * @method Closure|CarbonImmutable getTestNow() Get the Carbon instance (real or mock) to be returned when a "now" * instance is created. * @method string getTimeFormatByPrecision($unitPrecision) Return a format from H:i to H:i:s.u according to given unit precision. * @method string getTranslationMessageWith($translator, string $key, ?string $locale = null, ?string $default = null) Returns raw translation message for a given key. * @method \Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface getTranslator() Get the default translator instance in use. * @method int getWeekEndsAt() Get the last day of week * @method int getWeekStartsAt() Get the first day of week * @method array getWeekendDays() Get weekend days * @method bool hasFormat($date, $format) Checks if the (date)time string is in a given format. * @method bool hasFormatWithModifiers($date, $format) Checks if the (date)time string is in a given format. * @method bool hasMacro($name) Checks if macro is registered globally. * @method bool hasRelativeKeywords($time) Determine if a time string will produce a relative date. * @method bool hasTestNow() Determine if there is a valid test instance set. A valid test instance * is anything that is not null. * @method CarbonImmutable instance($date) Create a Carbon instance from a DateTime one. * @method bool isImmutable() Returns true if the current class/instance is immutable. * @method bool isModifiableUnit($unit) Returns true if a property can be changed via setter. * @method bool isMutable() Returns true if the current class/instance is mutable. * @method bool isStrictModeEnabled() Returns true if the strict mode is globally in use, false else. * (It can be overridden in specific instances.) * @method bool localeHasDiffOneDayWords($locale) Returns true if the given locale is internally supported and has words for 1-day diff (just now, yesterday, tomorrow). * Support is considered enabled if the 3 words are translated in the given locale. * @method bool localeHasDiffSyntax($locale) Returns true if the given locale is internally supported and has diff syntax support (ago, from now, before, after). * Support is considered enabled if the 4 sentences are translated in the given locale. * @method bool localeHasDiffTwoDayWords($locale) Returns true if the given locale is internally supported and has words for 2-days diff (before yesterday, after tomorrow). * Support is considered enabled if the 2 words are translated in the given locale. * @method bool localeHasPeriodSyntax($locale) Returns true if the given locale is internally supported and has period syntax support (X times, every X, from X, to X). * Support is considered enabled if the 4 sentences are translated in the given locale. * @method bool localeHasShortUnits($locale) Returns true if the given locale is internally supported and has short-units support. * Support is considered enabled if either year, day or hour has a short variant translated. * @method void macro($name, $macro) Register a custom macro. * @method CarbonImmutable|null make($var) Make a Carbon instance from given variable if possible. * Always return a new instance. Parse only strings and only these likely to be dates (skip intervals * and recurrences). Throw an exception for invalid format, but otherwise return null. * @method CarbonImmutable maxValue() Create a Carbon instance for the greatest supported date. * @method CarbonImmutable minValue() Create a Carbon instance for the lowest supported date. * @method void mixin($mixin) Mix another object into the class. * @method CarbonImmutable parse($time = null, $tz = null) Create a carbon instance from a string. * This is an alias for the constructor that allows better fluent syntax * as it allows you to do Carbon::parse('Monday next week')->fn() rather * than (new Carbon('Monday next week'))->fn(). * @method CarbonImmutable parseFromLocale($time, $locale = null, $tz = null) Create a carbon instance from a localized string (in French, Japanese, Arabic, etc.). * @method string pluralUnit(string $unit) Returns standardized plural of a given singular/plural unit name (in English). * @method CarbonImmutable|false rawCreateFromFormat($format, $time, $tz = null) Create a Carbon instance from a specific format. * @method CarbonImmutable rawParse($time = null, $tz = null) Create a carbon instance from a string. * This is an alias for the constructor that allows better fluent syntax * as it allows you to do Carbon::parse('Monday next week')->fn() rather * than (new Carbon('Monday next week'))->fn(). * @method CarbonImmutable resetMacros() Remove all macros and generic macros. * @method void resetMonthsOverflow() @deprecated To avoid conflict between different third-party libraries, static setters should not be used. * You should rather use the ->settings() method. * Or you can use method variants: addMonthsWithOverflow/addMonthsNoOverflow, same variants * are available for quarters, years, decade, centuries, millennia (singular and plural forms). * @method void resetToStringFormat() Reset the format used to the default when type juggling a Carbon instance to a string * @method void resetYearsOverflow() @deprecated To avoid conflict between different third-party libraries, static setters should not be used. * You should rather use the ->settings() method. * Or you can use method variants: addYearsWithOverflow/addYearsNoOverflow, same variants * are available for quarters, years, decade, centuries, millennia (singular and plural forms). * @method void serializeUsing($callback) @deprecated To avoid conflict between different third-party libraries, static setters should not be used. * You should rather transform Carbon object before the serialization. * JSON serialize all Carbon instances using the given callback. * @method CarbonImmutable setFallbackLocale($locale) Set the fallback locale. * @method CarbonImmutable setHumanDiffOptions($humanDiffOptions) @deprecated To avoid conflict between different third-party libraries, static setters should not be used. * You should rather use the ->settings() method. * @method bool setLocale($locale) Set the current translator locale and indicate if the source locale file exists. * Pass 'auto' as locale to use closest language from the current LC_TIME locale. * @method void setMidDayAt($hour) @deprecated To avoid conflict between different third-party libraries, static setters should not be used. * You should rather consider mid-day is always 12pm, then if you need to test if it's an other * hour, test it explicitly: * $date->format('G') == 13 * or to set explicitly to a given hour: * $date->setTime(13, 0, 0, 0) * Set midday/noon hour * @method CarbonImmutable setTestNow($testNow = null) Set a Carbon instance (real or mock) to be returned when a "now" * instance is created. The provided instance will be returned * specifically under the following conditions: * - A call to the static now() method, ex. Carbon::now() * - When a null (or blank string) is passed to the constructor or parse(), ex. new Carbon(null) * - When the string "now" is passed to the constructor or parse(), ex. new Carbon('now') * - When a string containing the desired time is passed to Carbon::parse(). * Note the timezone parameter was left out of the examples above and * has no affect as the mock value will be returned regardless of its value. * Only the moment is mocked with setTestNow(), the timezone will still be the one passed * as parameter of date_default_timezone_get() as a fallback (see setTestNowAndTimezone()). * To clear the test instance call this method using the default * parameter of null. * /!\ Use this method for unit tests only. * @method CarbonImmutable setTestNowAndTimezone($testNow = null, $tz = null) Set a Carbon instance (real or mock) to be returned when a "now" * instance is created. The provided instance will be returned * specifically under the following conditions: * - A call to the static now() method, ex. Carbon::now() * - When a null (or blank string) is passed to the constructor or parse(), ex. new Carbon(null) * - When the string "now" is passed to the constructor or parse(), ex. new Carbon('now') * - When a string containing the desired time is passed to Carbon::parse(). * It will also align default timezone (e.g. call date_default_timezone_set()) with * the second argument or if null, with the timezone of the given date object. * To clear the test instance call this method using the default * parameter of null. * /!\ Use this method for unit tests only. * @method void setToStringFormat($format) @deprecated To avoid conflict between different third-party libraries, static setters should not be used. * You should rather let Carbon object being cast to string with DEFAULT_TO_STRING_FORMAT, and * use other method or custom format passed to format() method if you need to dump another string * format. * Set the default format used when type juggling a Carbon instance to a string. * @method void setTranslator(TranslatorInterface $translator) Set the default translator instance to use. * @method CarbonImmutable setUtf8($utf8) @deprecated To avoid conflict between different third-party libraries, static setters should not be used. * You should rather use UTF-8 language packages on every machine. * Set if UTF8 will be used for localized date/time. * @method void setWeekEndsAt($day) @deprecated To avoid conflict between different third-party libraries, static setters should not be used. * Use $weekStartsAt optional parameter instead when using startOfWeek, floorWeek, ceilWeek * or roundWeek method. You can also use the 'first_day_of_week' locale setting to change the * start of week according to current locale selected and implicitly the end of week. * Set the last day of week * @method void setWeekStartsAt($day) @deprecated To avoid conflict between different third-party libraries, static setters should not be used. * Use $weekEndsAt optional parameter instead when using endOfWeek method. You can also use the * 'first_day_of_week' locale setting to change the start of week according to current locale * selected and implicitly the end of week. * Set the first day of week * @method void setWeekendDays($days) @deprecated To avoid conflict between different third-party libraries, static setters should not be used. * You should rather consider week-end is always saturday and sunday, and if you have some custom * week-end days to handle, give to those days an other name and create a macro for them: * ``` * Carbon::macro('isDayOff', function ($date) { * return $date->isSunday() || $date->isMonday(); * }); * Carbon::macro('isNotDayOff', function ($date) { * return !$date->isDayOff(); * }); * if ($someDate->isDayOff()) ... * if ($someDate->isNotDayOff()) ... * // Add 5 not-off days * $count = 5; * while ($someDate->isDayOff() || ($count-- > 0)) { * $someDate->addDay(); * } * ``` * Set weekend days * @method bool shouldOverflowMonths() Get the month overflow global behavior (can be overridden in specific instances). * @method bool shouldOverflowYears() Get the month overflow global behavior (can be overridden in specific instances). * @method string singularUnit(string $unit) Returns standardized singular of a given singular/plural unit name (in English). * @method CarbonImmutable today($tz = null) Create a Carbon instance for today. * @method CarbonImmutable tomorrow($tz = null) Create a Carbon instance for tomorrow. * @method string translateTimeString($timeString, $from = null, $to = null, $mode = CarbonInterface::TRANSLATE_ALL) Translate a time string from a locale to an other. * @method string translateWith(TranslatorInterface $translator, string $key, array $parameters = [], $number = null) Translate using translation string or callback available. * @method void useMonthsOverflow($monthsOverflow = true) @deprecated To avoid conflict between different third-party libraries, static setters should not be used. * You should rather use the ->settings() method. * Or you can use method variants: addMonthsWithOverflow/addMonthsNoOverflow, same variants * are available for quarters, years, decade, centuries, millennia (singular and plural forms). * @method CarbonImmutable useStrictMode($strictModeEnabled = true) @deprecated To avoid conflict between different third-party libraries, static setters should not be used. * You should rather use the ->settings() method. * @method void useYearsOverflow($yearsOverflow = true) @deprecated To avoid conflict between different third-party libraries, static setters should not be used. * You should rather use the ->settings() method. * Or you can use method variants: addYearsWithOverflow/addYearsNoOverflow, same variants * are available for quarters, years, decade, centuries, millennia (singular and plural forms). * @method mixed withTestNow($testNow, $callback) Temporarily sets a static date to be used within the callback. * Using setTestNow to set the date, executing the callback, then * clearing the test instance. * /!\ Use this method for unit tests only. * @method CarbonImmutable yesterday($tz = null) Create a Carbon instance for yesterday. * * </autodoc> */ class FactoryImmutable extends Factory implements ClockInterface { protected $className = CarbonImmutable::class; /** * Get a Carbon instance for the current date and time. * * @param DateTimeZone|string|int|null $tz * * @return CarbonImmutable */ public function now($tz = null): DateTimeImmutable { $className = $this->className; return new $className(null, $tz); } } |