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<?php /** * This file is part of the Carbon package. * * (c) Brian Nesbitt <> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ /* * Authors: * - Philippe Vaucher * - Martin Suja * - Tsutomu Kuroda * - tjku * - Max Melentiev * - Juanito Fatas * - Ivan Stana * - Akira Matsuda * - Christopher Dell * - James McKinney * - Enrique Vidal * - Simone Carletti * - Aaron Patterson * - Jozef Fulop * - Nicolás Hock Isaza * - Tom Hughes * - Simon Hürlimann (CyT) * - jofi * - Jakub ADAMEC * - Marek Adamický * - AlterwebStudio */ use Carbon\CarbonInterface; $fromNow = function ($time) { return 'o '.strtr($time, [ 'hodina' => 'hodinu', 'minúta' => 'minútu', 'sekunda' => 'sekundu', ]); }; $ago = function ($time) { $replacements = [ '/\bhodina\b/' => 'hodinou', '/\bminúta\b/' => 'minútou', '/\bsekunda\b/' => 'sekundou', '/\bdeň\b/u' => 'dňom', '/\btýždeň\b/u' => 'týždňom', '/\bmesiac\b/' => 'mesiacom', '/\brok\b/' => 'rokom', ]; $replacementsPlural = [ '/\bhodiny\b/' => 'hodinami', '/\bminúty\b/' => 'minútami', '/\bsekundy\b/' => 'sekundami', '/\bdni\b/' => 'dňami', '/\btýždne\b/' => 'týždňami', '/\bmesiace\b/' => 'mesiacmi', '/\broky\b/' => 'rokmi', ]; foreach ($replacements + $replacementsPlural as $pattern => $replacement) { $time = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $time); } return "pred $time"; }; return [ 'year' => ':count rok|:count roky|:count rokov', 'a_year' => 'rok|:count roky|:count rokov', 'y' => ':count r', 'month' => ':count mesiac|:count mesiace|:count mesiacov', 'a_month' => 'mesiac|:count mesiace|:count mesiacov', 'm' => ':count m', 'week' => ':count týždeň|:count týždne|:count týždňov', 'a_week' => 'týždeň|:count týždne|:count týždňov', 'w' => ':count t', 'day' => ':count deň|:count dni|:count dní', 'a_day' => 'deň|:count dni|:count dní', 'd' => ':count d', 'hour' => ':count hodina|:count hodiny|:count hodín', 'a_hour' => 'hodina|:count hodiny|:count hodín', 'h' => ':count h', 'minute' => ':count minúta|:count minúty|:count minút', 'a_minute' => 'minúta|:count minúty|:count minút', 'min' => ':count min', 'second' => ':count sekunda|:count sekundy|:count sekúnd', 'a_second' => 'sekunda|:count sekundy|:count sekúnd', 's' => ':count s', 'millisecond' => ':count milisekunda|:count milisekundy|:count milisekúnd', 'a_millisecond' => 'milisekunda|:count milisekundy|:count milisekúnd', 'ms' => ':count ms', 'microsecond' => ':count mikrosekunda|:count mikrosekundy|:count mikrosekúnd', 'a_microsecond' => 'mikrosekunda|:count mikrosekundy|:count mikrosekúnd', 'µs' => ':count µs', 'ago' => $ago, 'from_now' => $fromNow, 'before' => ':time pred', 'after' => ':time po', 'hour_after' => ':count hodinu|:count hodiny|:count hodín', 'minute_after' => ':count minútu|:count minúty|:count minút', 'second_after' => ':count sekundu|:count sekundy|:count sekúnd', 'hour_before' => ':count hodinu|:count hodiny|:count hodín', 'minute_before' => ':count minútu|:count minúty|:count minút', 'second_before' => ':count sekundu|:count sekundy|:count sekúnd', 'first_day_of_week' => 1, 'day_of_first_week_of_year' => 4, 'list' => [', ', ' a '], 'diff_now' => 'teraz', 'diff_yesterday' => 'včera', 'diff_tomorrow' => 'zajtra', 'formats' => [ 'LT' => 'HH:mm', 'LTS' => 'HH:mm:ss', 'L' => 'DD.MM.YYYY', 'LL' => 'DD. MMMM YYYY', 'LLL' => 'D. M. HH:mm', 'LLLL' => 'dddd D. MMMM YYYY HH:mm', ], 'calendar' => [ 'sameDay' => '[dnes o] LT', 'nextDay' => '[zajtra o] LT', 'lastDay' => '[včera o] LT', 'nextWeek' => 'dddd [o] LT', 'lastWeek' => static function (CarbonInterface $date) { switch ($date->dayOfWeek) { case 1: case 2: case 4: case 5: return '[minulý] dddd [o] LT'; //pondelok/utorok/štvrtok/piatok default: return '[minulá] dddd [o] LT'; } }, 'sameElse' => 'L', ], 'weekdays' => ['nedeľa', 'pondelok', 'utorok', 'streda', 'štvrtok', 'piatok', 'sobota'], 'weekdays_short' => ['ned', 'pon', 'uto', 'str', 'štv', 'pia', 'sob'], 'weekdays_min' => ['ne', 'po', 'ut', 'st', 'št', 'pi', 'so'], 'months' => ['január', 'február', 'marec', 'apríl', 'máj', 'jún', 'júl', 'august', 'september', 'október', 'november', 'december'], 'months_short' => ['jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'máj', 'jún', 'júl', 'aug', 'sep', 'okt', 'nov', 'dec'], 'meridiem' => ['dopoludnia', 'popoludní'], ]; |