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<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ use Symfony\Polyfill\Mbstring as p; if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000) { return require __DIR__.'/bootstrap80.php'; } if (!function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) { function mb_convert_encoding($string, $to_encoding, $from_encoding = null) { return p\Mbstring::mb_convert_encoding($string, $to_encoding, $from_encoding); } } if (!function_exists('mb_decode_mimeheader')) { function mb_decode_mimeheader($string) { return p\Mbstring::mb_decode_mimeheader($string); } } if (!function_exists('mb_encode_mimeheader')) { function mb_encode_mimeheader($string, $charset = null, $transfer_encoding = null, $newline = "\r ", $indent = 0) { return p\Mbstring::mb_encode_mimeheader($string, $charset, $transfer_encoding, $newline, $indent); } } if (!function_exists('mb_decode_numericentity')) { function mb_decode_numericentity($string, $map, $encoding = null) { return p\Mbstring::mb_decode_numericentity($string, $map, $encoding); } } if (!function_exists('mb_encode_numericentity')) { function mb_encode_numericentity($string, $map, $encoding = null, $hex = false) { return p\Mbstring::mb_encode_numericentity($string, $map, $encoding, $hex); } } if (!function_exists('mb_convert_case')) { function mb_convert_case($string, $mode, $encoding = null) { return p\Mbstring::mb_convert_case($string, $mode, $encoding); } } if (!function_exists('mb_internal_encoding')) { function mb_internal_encoding($encoding = null) { return p\Mbstring::mb_internal_encoding($encoding); } } if (!function_exists('mb_language')) { function mb_language($language = null) { return p\Mbstring::mb_language($language); } } if (!function_exists('mb_list_encodings')) { function mb_list_encodings() { return p\Mbstring::mb_list_encodings(); } } if (!function_exists('mb_encoding_aliases')) { function mb_encoding_aliases($encoding) { return p\Mbstring::mb_encoding_aliases($encoding); } } if (!function_exists('mb_check_encoding')) { function mb_check_encoding($value = null, $encoding = null) { return p\Mbstring::mb_check_encoding($value, $encoding); } } if (!function_exists('mb_detect_encoding')) { function mb_detect_encoding($string, $encodings = null, $strict = false) { return p\Mbstring::mb_detect_encoding($string, $encodings, $strict); } } if (!function_exists('mb_detect_order')) { function mb_detect_order($encoding = null) { return p\Mbstring::mb_detect_order($encoding); } } if (!function_exists('mb_parse_str')) { function mb_parse_str($string, &$result = []) { parse_str($string, $result); return (bool) $result; } } if (!function_exists('mb_strlen')) { function mb_strlen($string, $encoding = null) { return p\Mbstring::mb_strlen($string, $encoding); } } if (!function_exists('mb_strpos')) { function mb_strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0, $encoding = null) { return p\Mbstring::mb_strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset, $encoding); } } if (!function_exists('mb_strtolower')) { function mb_strtolower($string, $encoding = null) { return p\Mbstring::mb_strtolower($string, $encoding); } } if (!function_exists('mb_strtoupper')) { function mb_strtoupper($string, $encoding = null) { return p\Mbstring::mb_strtoupper($string, $encoding); } } if (!function_exists('mb_substitute_character')) { function mb_substitute_character($substitute_character = null) { return p\Mbstring::mb_substitute_character($substitute_character); } } if (!function_exists('mb_substr')) { function mb_substr($string, $start, $length = 2147483647, $encoding = null) { return p\Mbstring::mb_substr($string, $start, $length, $encoding); } } if (!function_exists('mb_stripos')) { function mb_stripos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0, $encoding = null) { return p\Mbstring::mb_stripos($haystack, $needle, $offset, $encoding); } } if (!function_exists('mb_stristr')) { function mb_stristr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle = false, $encoding = null) { return p\Mbstring::mb_stristr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle, $encoding); } } if (!function_exists('mb_strrchr')) { function mb_strrchr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle = false, $encoding = null) { return p\Mbstring::mb_strrchr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle, $encoding); } } if (!function_exists('mb_strrichr')) { function mb_strrichr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle = false, $encoding = null) { return p\Mbstring::mb_strrichr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle, $encoding); } } if (!function_exists('mb_strripos')) { function mb_strripos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0, $encoding = null) { return p\Mbstring::mb_strripos($haystack, $needle, $offset, $encoding); } } if (!function_exists('mb_strrpos')) { function mb_strrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0, $encoding = null) { return p\Mbstring::mb_strrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset, $encoding); } } if (!function_exists('mb_strstr')) { function mb_strstr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle = false, $encoding = null) { return p\Mbstring::mb_strstr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle, $encoding); } } if (!function_exists('mb_get_info')) { function mb_get_info($type = 'all') { return p\Mbstring::mb_get_info($type); } } if (!function_exists('mb_http_output')) { function mb_http_output($encoding = null) { return p\Mbstring::mb_http_output($encoding); } } if (!function_exists('mb_strwidth')) { function mb_strwidth($string, $encoding = null) { return p\Mbstring::mb_strwidth($string, $encoding); } } if (!function_exists('mb_substr_count')) { function mb_substr_count($haystack, $needle, $encoding = null) { return p\Mbstring::mb_substr_count($haystack, $needle, $encoding); } } if (!function_exists('mb_output_handler')) { function mb_output_handler($string, $status) { return p\Mbstring::mb_output_handler($string, $status); } } if (!function_exists('mb_http_input')) { function mb_http_input($type = null) { return p\Mbstring::mb_http_input($type); } } if (!function_exists('mb_convert_variables')) { function mb_convert_variables($to_encoding, $from_encoding, &...$vars) { return p\Mbstring::mb_convert_variables($to_encoding, $from_encoding, ...$vars); } } if (!function_exists('mb_ord')) { function mb_ord($string, $encoding = null) { return p\Mbstring::mb_ord($string, $encoding); } } if (!function_exists('mb_chr')) { function mb_chr($codepoint, $encoding = null) { return p\Mbstring::mb_chr($codepoint, $encoding); } } if (!function_exists('mb_scrub')) { function mb_scrub($string, $encoding = null) { $encoding = null === $encoding ? mb_internal_encoding() : $encoding; return mb_convert_encoding($string, $encoding, $encoding); } } if (!function_exists('mb_str_split')) { function mb_str_split($string, $length = 1, $encoding = null) { return p\Mbstring::mb_str_split($string, $length, $encoding); } } if (!function_exists('mb_str_pad')) { function mb_str_pad(string $string, int $length, string $pad_string = ' ', int $pad_type = STR_PAD_RIGHT, ?string $encoding = null): string { return p\Mbstring::mb_str_pad($string, $length, $pad_string, $pad_type, $encoding); } } if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) { return; } if (!defined('MB_CASE_UPPER')) { define('MB_CASE_UPPER', 0); } if (!defined('MB_CASE_LOWER')) { define('MB_CASE_LOWER', 1); } if (!defined('MB_CASE_TITLE')) { define('MB_CASE_TITLE', 2); } |