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<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\DependencyInjection; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\CompilerPassInterface; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\ServiceLocatorTagPass; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference; class TranslatorPass implements CompilerPassInterface { private $translatorServiceId; private $readerServiceId; private $loaderTag; private $debugCommandServiceId; private $updateCommandServiceId; public function __construct(string $translatorServiceId = 'translator.default', string $readerServiceId = 'translation.reader', string $loaderTag = 'translation.loader', string $debugCommandServiceId = 'console.command.translation_debug', string $updateCommandServiceId = 'console.command.translation_extract') { if (0 < \func_num_args()) { trigger_deprecation('symfony/translation', '5.3', 'Configuring "%s" is deprecated.', __CLASS__); } $this->translatorServiceId = $translatorServiceId; $this->readerServiceId = $readerServiceId; $this->loaderTag = $loaderTag; $this->debugCommandServiceId = $debugCommandServiceId; $this->updateCommandServiceId = $updateCommandServiceId; } public function process(ContainerBuilder $container) { if (!$container->hasDefinition($this->translatorServiceId)) { return; } $loaders = []; $loaderRefs = []; foreach ($container->findTaggedServiceIds($this->loaderTag, true) as $id => $attributes) { $loaderRefs[$id] = new Reference($id); $loaders[$id][] = $attributes[0]['alias']; if (isset($attributes[0]['legacy-alias'])) { $loaders[$id][] = $attributes[0]['legacy-alias']; } } if ($container->hasDefinition($this->readerServiceId)) { $definition = $container->getDefinition($this->readerServiceId); foreach ($loaders as $id => $formats) { foreach ($formats as $format) { $definition->addMethodCall('addLoader', [$format, $loaderRefs[$id]]); } } } $container ->findDefinition($this->translatorServiceId) ->replaceArgument(0, ServiceLocatorTagPass::register($container, $loaderRefs)) ->replaceArgument(3, $loaders) ; if (!$container->hasParameter('twig.default_path')) { return; } $paths = array_keys($container->getDefinition('twig.template_iterator')->getArgument(1)); if ($container->hasDefinition($this->debugCommandServiceId)) { $definition = $container->getDefinition($this->debugCommandServiceId); $definition->replaceArgument(4, $container->getParameter('twig.default_path')); if (\count($definition->getArguments()) > 6) { $definition->replaceArgument(6, $paths); } } if ($container->hasDefinition($this->updateCommandServiceId)) { $definition = $container->getDefinition($this->updateCommandServiceId); $definition->replaceArgument(5, $container->getParameter('twig.default_path')); if (\count($definition->getArguments()) > 7) { $definition->replaceArgument(7, $paths); } } } } |