Commit 6b43ed0d2f4b63469fbc2db6eecae67dd979140f
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r=e.parent;return r&&r._ts&&r._initted&&!r._lock&&(r.rawTime()<0||t(r))},ge=function(t){var;return"isFromStart"===e||"isStart"===e},de=function(t,e,r,i){var n=t._repeat,o=Nt(e)||0,s=t._tTime/t._tDur;return s&&!i&&(t._time*=o/t._dur),t._dur=o,t._tDur=n?n<0?1e10:Nt(o*(n+1)+t._rDelay*n):o,s>0&&!i&&le(t,t._tTime=t._tDur*s),t.parent&&ae(t),r||ee(t.parent,t),t},me=function(t){return t instanceof ur?ee(t):de(t,t._dur)},_e={_start:0,endTime:Tt,totalDuration:Tt},ve=function t(e,r,i){var n,o,s,a=e.labels,l=e._recent||_e,c=e.duration()>=U?l.endTime(!1):e._dur;return tt(r)&&(isNaN(r)||r in a)?(o=r.charAt(0),s="%"===r.substr(-1),n=r.indexOf("="),"<"===o||">"===o?(n>=0&&(r=r.replace(/=/,"")),("<"===o?l._start:l.endTime(l._repeat>=0))+(parseFloat(r.substr(1))||0)*(s?(n<0?l:i).totalDuration()/100:1)):n<0?(r in a||(a[r]=c),a[r]):(o=parseFloat(r.charAt(n-1)+r.substr(n+1)),s&&i&&(o=o/100*(ct(i)?i[0]:i).totalDuration()),n>1?t(e,r.substr(0,n-1),i)+o:c+o)):null==r?c:+r},ye=function(t,e,r){var i,n,o=rt(e[1]),s=(o?2:1)+(t<2?0:1),a=e[s];if(o&&(a.duration=e[1]),a.parent=r,t){for(i=a,n=r;n&&!("immediateRender"in i);)i=n.vars.defaults||{},n=ot(n.vars.inherit)&&n.parent;a.immediateRender=ot(i.immediateRender),t<2?a.runBackwards=1:a.startAt=e[s-1]}return new xr(e[0],a,e[s+1])},be=function(t,e){return t||0===t?e(t):e},xe=function(t,e,r){return r<t?t:r>e?e:r},we=function(t,e){return tt(t)&&(e=mt.exec(t))?e[1]:""},Te=[].slice,ke=function(t,e){return t&&nt(t)&&"length"in t&&(!e&&!t.length||t.length-1 in t&&nt(t[0]))&&!t.nodeType&&t!==R},Ce=function(t,e,r){return P&&!e&&P.selector?P.selector(t):!tt(t)||r||!B&&Qe()?ct(t)?function(t,e,r){return void 0===r&&(r=[]),t.forEach((function(t){var i;return tt(t)&&!e||ke(t,1)?(i=r).push.apply(i,Ce(t)):r.push(t)}))||r}(t,r):ke(t)?,0):t?[t]:[]||I).querySelectorAll(t),0)},Ee=function(t){return t=Ce(t)[0]||xt("Invalid scope")||{},function(e){var r=t.current||t.nativeElement||t;return Ce(e,r.querySelectorAll?r:r===t?xt("Invalid 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e=Math.pow(10,((t+"").split(".")[1]||"").length);return function(r){var i=Nt(Math.round(parseFloat(r)/t)*t*e);return(i-i%1)/e+(rt(r)?0:we(r))}},Oe=function(t,e){var r,i,n=ct(t);return!n&&nt(t)&&(r=n=t.radius||U,t.values?(t=Ce(t.values),(i=!rt(t[0]))&&(r*=r)):t=Se(t.increment)),be(e,n?et(t)?function(e){return i=t(e),Math.abs(i-e)<=r?i:e}:function(e){for(var n,o,s=parseFloat(i?e.x:e),a=parseFloat(i?e.y:0),l=U,c=0,u=t.length;u--;)(n=i?(n=t[u].x-s)*n+(o=t[u].y-a)*o:Math.abs(t[u]-s))<l&&(l=n,c=u);return c=!r||l<=r?t[c]:e,i||c===e||rt(e)?c:c+we(e)}:Se(t))},Pe=function(t,e,r,i){return be(ct(t)?!e:!0===r?!!(r=0):!i,(function(){return ct(t)?t[~~(Math.random()*t.length)]:(r=r||1e-5)&&(i=r<1?Math.pow(10,(r+"").length-2):1)&&Math.floor(Math.round((t-r/2+Math.random()*(e-t+.99*r))/r)*r*i)/i}))},De=function(t,e,r){return be(r,(function(r){return t[~~e(r)]}))},Re=function(t){for(var e,r,i,n,o=0,s="";~(e=t.indexOf("random(",o));)i=t.indexOf(")",e),n="["===t.charAt(e+7),r=t.substr(e+7,i-e-7).match(n?dt:ut),s+=t.substr(o,e-o)+Pe(n?r:+r[0],n?0:+r[1],+r[2]||1e-5),o=i+1;return s+t.substr(o,t.length-o)},Be=function(t,e,r,i,n){var o=e-t,s=i-r;return be(n,(function(e){return r+((e-t)/o*s||0)}))},Ie=function(t,e,r){var i,n,o,s=t.labels,a=U;for(i in s)(n=s[i]-e)<0==!!r&&n&&a>(n=Math.abs(n))&&(o=i,a=n);return o},Le=function(t,e,r){var i,n,o,s=t.vars,a=s[e],l=P,c=t._ctx;if(a)return i=s[e+"Params"],n=s.callbackScope||t,r&&Mt.length&&Xt(),c&&(P=c),o=i?a.apply(n,i),P=l,o},We=function(t){return te(t),t.scrollTrigger&&t.scrollTrigger.kill(!!O),t.progress()<1&&Le(t,"onInterrupt"),t},ze=[],Fe=function(t){if(st()&&t){var 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RegExp(e+")","gi")}(),Ge=/hsl[a]?\(/,je=function(t){var e,r=t.join(" ");if(Ue.lastIndex=0,Ue.test(r))return e=Ge.test(r),t[1]=He(t[1],e),t[0]=He(t[0],e,Ve(t[1])),!0},Ke=function(){var t,e,r,i,n,o,,a=500,l=33,c=s(),u=c,h=1e3/240,f=h,p=[],g=function r(g){var d,m,_,v,y=s()-u,b=!0===g;if(y>a&&(c+=y-l),((d=(_=(u+=y)-c)-f)>0||b)&&(v=++i.frame,n=_-1e3*i.time,i.time=_/=1e3,f+=d+(d>=h?4:h-d),m=1),b||(t=e(r)),m)for(o=0;o<p.length;o++)p[o](_,n,v,g)};return i={time:0,frame:0,tick:function(){g(!0)},deltaRatio:function(t){return n/(1e3/(t||60))},wake:function(){L&&(!B&&st()&&(R=B=window,I=R.document||{},_t.gsap=jr,(R.gsapVersions||(R.gsapVersions=[])).push(jr.version),yt(vt||R.GreenSockGlobals||!R.gsap&&R||{}),r=R.requestAnimationFrame,ze.forEach(Fe)),t&&i.sleep(),e=r||function(t){return 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t<Y?N*t*t:t<.7272727272727273?N*Math.pow(t-1.5/q,2)+.75:t<.9090909090909092?N*(t-=2.25/q)*t+.9375:N*Math.pow(t-2.625/q,2)+.984375}),nr("Expo",(function(t){return t?Math.pow(2,10*(t-1)):0})),nr("Circ",(function(t){return-(Z(1-t*t)-1)})),nr("Sine",(function(t){return 1===t?1:1-$(t*K)})),nr("Back",ar("in"),ar("out"),ar()),Ze.SteppedEase=Ze.steps=_t.SteppedEase={config:function(t,e){void 0===t&&(t=1);var r=1/t,i=t+(e?0:1),n=e?1:0;return function(t){return((i*xe(0,.99999999,t)|0)+n)*r}}},H.ease=Ze["quad.out"],zt("onComplete,onUpdate,onStart,onRepeat,onReverseComplete,onInterrupt",(function(t){return Bt+=t+","+t+"Params,"}));var lr=function(t,e){,t._gsap=this,,this.harness=e,this.get=e?e.get:Wt,this.set=e?e.getSetter:Er},cr=function(){function t(t){this.vars=t,this._delay=+t.delay||0,(this._repeat=t.repeat===1/0?-2:t.repeat||0)&&(this._rDelay=t.repeatDelay||0,this._yoyo=!!t.yoyo||!!t.yoyoEase),this._ts=1,de(this,+t.duration,1,1),,P&&(this._ctx=P,,F||Ke.wake()}var e=t.prototype;return 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null!=t&&,e),this.paused(!0)},e.resume=function(){return this.paused(!1)},e.reversed=function(t){return arguments.length?(!!t!==this.reversed()&&this.timeScale(-this._rts||(t?-1e-8:0)),this):this._rts<0},e.invalidate=function(){return this._initted=this._act=0,this._zTime=-1e-8,this},e.isActive=function(){var t,e=this.parent||this._dp,r=this._start;return!(e&&!(this._ts&&this._initted&&e.isActive()&&(t=e.rawTime(!0))>=r&&t<this.endTime(!0)-G))},e.eventCallback=function(t,e,r){var i=this.vars;return arguments.length>1?(e?(i[t]=e,r&&(i[t+"Params"]=r),"onUpdate"===t&&(this._onUpdate=e)):delete i[t],this):i[t]},e.then=function(t){var e=this;return new Promise((function(r){var i=et(t)?t:Ut,n=function(){var 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this;if(_=this._dur,m=this._tDur,x&&(this._lock=2,d=b?_:-1e-4,this.render(d,!0),this.vars.repeatRefresh&&!g&&this.invalidate()),this._lock=0,!this._ts&&!l)return this;rr(this,g)}}if(this._hasPause&&!this._forcing&&this._lock<2&&(c=function(t,e,r){var i;if(r>e)for(i=t._first;i&&i._start<=r;){if("isPause">e)return i;i=i._next}else for(i=t._last;i&&i._start>=r;){if("isPause"<e)return i;i=i._prev}}(this,Nt(d),Nt(i)),c&&(v-=i-(i=c._start))),this._tTime=v,this._time=i,this._act=!u,this._initted||(this._onUpdate=this.vars.onUpdate,this._initted=1,this._zTime=t,d=0),!d&&i&&!e&&!s&&(Le(this,"onStart"),this._tTime!==v))return this;if(i>=d&&t>=0)for(n=this._first;n;){if(o=n._next,(n._act||i>=n._start)&&n._ts&&c!==n){if(n.parent!==this)return this.render(t,e,r);if(n.render(n._ts>0?(i-n._start)*n._ts:(n._dirty?n.totalDuration():n._tDur)+(i-n._start)*n._ts,e,r),i!==this._time||!this._ts&&!l){c=0,o&&(v+=this._zTime=-1e-8);break}}n=o}else{n=this._last;for(var w=t<0?t:i;n;){if(o=n._prev,(n._act||w<=n._end)&&n._ts&&c!==n){if(n.parent!==this)return this.render(t,e,r);if(n.render(n._ts>0?(w-n._start)*n._ts:(n._dirty?n.totalDuration():n._tDur)+(w-n._start)*n._ts,e,r||O&&(n._initted||n._startAt)),i!==this._time||!this._ts&&!l){c=0,o&&(v+=this._zTime=w?-1e-8:G);break}}n=o}}if(c&&!e&&(this.pause(),c.render(i>=d?0:-1e-8)._zTime=i>=d?1:-1,this._ts))return this._start=h,ae(this),this.render(t,e,r);this._onUpdate&&!e&&Le(this,"onUpdate",!0),(v===m&&this._tTime>=this.totalDuration()||!v&&d)&&(h!==this._start&&Math.abs(u)===Math.abs(this._ts)||this._lock||((t||!_)&&(v===m&&this._ts>0||!v&&this._ts<0)&&te(this,1),e||t<0&&!d||!v&&!d&&m||(Le(this,v===m&&t>=0?"onComplete":"onReverseComplete",!0),this._prom&&!(v<m&&this.timeScale()>0)&&this._prom())))}return this},r.add=function(t,e){var r=this;if(rt(e)||(e=ve(this,e,t)),!(t instanceof cr)){if(ct(t))return t.forEach((function(t){return r.add(t,e)})),this;if(tt(t))return this.addLabel(t,e);if(!et(t))return this;t=xr.delayedCall(0,t)}return this!==t?ue(this,t,e):this},r.getChildren=function(t,e,r,i){void 0===t&&(t=!0),void 0===e&&(e=!0),void 0===r&&(r=!0),void 0===i&&(i=-U);for(var n=[],o=this._first;o;)o._start>=i&&(o instanceof xr?e&&n.push(o):(r&&n.push(o),t&&n.push.apply(n,o.getChildren(!0,e,r)))),o=o._next;return n},r.getById=function(t){for(var e=this.getChildren(1,1,1),r=e.length;r--;)if(e[r] e[r]},r.remove=function(t){return tt(t)?this.removeLabel(t):et(t)?this.killTweensOf(t):(Jt(this,t),t===this._recent&&(this._recent=this._last),ee(this))},r.totalTime=function(e,r){return arguments.length?(this._forcing=1,!this._dp&&this._ts&&(this._start=Nt(Ke.time-(this._ts>0?e/this._ts:(this.totalDuration()-e)/-this._ts))),,e,r),this._forcing=0,this):this._tTime},r.addLabel=function(t,e){return this.labels[t]=ve(this,e),this},r.removeLabel=function(t){return delete this.labels[t],this},r.addPause=function(t,e,r){var i=xr.delayedCall(0,e||Tt,r);return"isPause",this._hasPause=1,ue(this,i,ve(this,t))},r.removePause=function(t){var e=this._first;for(t=ve(this,t);e;)e._start===t&&"isPause",e=e._next},r.killTweensOf=function(t,e,r){for(var i=this.getTweensOf(t,r),n=i.length;n--;)hr!==i[n]&&i[n].kill(t,e);return this},r.getTweensOf=function(t,e){for(var r,i=[],n=Ce(t),o=this._first,s=rt(e);o;)o instanceof xr?Yt(o._targets,n)&&(s?(!hr||o._initted&&o._ts)&&o.globalTime(0)<=e&&o.globalTime(o.totalDuration())>e:!e||o.isActive())&&i.push(o):(r=o.getTweensOf(n,e)).length&&i.push.apply(i,r),o=o._next;return i},r.tweenTo=function(t,e){e=e||{};var r,i=this,n=ve(i,t),o=e,s=o.startAt,a=o.onStart,l=o.onStartParams,c=o.immediateRender,,Gt({ease:e.ease||"none",lazy:!1,immediateRender:!1,time:n,overwrite:"auto",duration:e.duration||Math.abs((n-(s&&"time"in s?s.time:i._time))/i.timeScale())||G,onStart:function(){if(i.pause(),!r){var t=e.duration||Math.abs((n-(s&&"time"in s?s.time:i._time))/i.timeScale());u._dur!==t&&de(u,t,0,1).render(u._time,!0,!0),r=1}a&&a.apply(u,l||[])}},e));return c?u.render(0):u},r.tweenFromTo=function(t,e,r){return this.tweenTo(e,Gt({startAt:{time:ve(this,t)}},r))},r.recent=function(){return this._recent},r.nextLabel=function(t){return void 0===t&&(t=this._time),Ie(this,ve(this,t))},r.previousLabel=function(t){return void 0===t&&(t=this._time),Ie(this,ve(this,t),1)},r.currentLabel=function(t){return arguments.length?,!0):this.previousLabel(this._time+G)},r.shiftChildren=function(t,e,r){void 0===r&&(r=0);for(var i,n=this._first,o=this.labels;n;)n._start>=r&&(n._start+=t,n._end+=t),n=n._next;if(e)for(i in o)o[i]>=r&&(o[i]+=t);return ee(this)},r.invalidate=function(e){var r=this._first;for(this._lock=0;r;)r.invalidate(e),r=r._next;return,e)},r.clear=function(t){void 0===t&&(t=!0);for(var e,r=this._first;r;)e=r._next,this.remove(r),r=e;return this._dp&&(this._time=this._tTime=this._pTime=0),t&&(this.labels={}),ee(this)},r.totalDuration=function(t){var e,r,i,n=0,o=this,s=o._last,a=U;if(arguments.length)return o.timeScale((o._repeat<0?o.duration():o.totalDuration())/(o.reversed()?-t:t));if(o._dirty){for(i=o.parent;s;)e=s._prev,s._dirty&&s.totalDuration(),(r=s._start)>a&&o._sort&&s._ts&&!o._lock?(o._lock=1,ue(o,s,r-s._delay,1)._lock=0):a=r,r<0&&s._ts&&(n-=r,(!i&&!o._dp||i&&i.smoothChildTiming)&&(o._start+=r/o._ts,o._time-=r,o._tTime-=r),o.shiftChildren(-r,!1,-Infinity),a=0),s._end>n&&s._ts&&(n=s._end),s=e;de(o,o===D&&o._time>n?o._time:n,1,1),o._dirty=0}return o._tDur},e.updateRoot=function(t){if(D._ts&&(Vt(D,se(t,D)),W=Ke.frame),Ke.frame>=Dt){Dt+=V.autoSleep||120;var e=D._first;if((!e||!e._ts)&&V.autoSleep&&Ke._listeners.length<2){for(;e&&!e._ts;)e=e._next;e||Ke.sleep()}}},e}(cr);Gt(ur.prototype,{_lock:0,_hasPause:0,_forcing:0});var hr,fr,pr=function(t,e,r,i,n,o,s){var a,l,c,u,h,f,p,g,d=new Ir(this._pt,t,e,0,1,Sr,null,n),m=0,_=0;for(d.b=r,d.e=i,r+="",(p=~(i+="").indexOf("random("))&&(i=Re(i)),o&&(o(g=[r,i],t,e),r=g[0],i=g[1]),l=r.match(pt)||[];a=pt.exec(i);)u=a[0],h=i.substring(m,a.index),c?c=(c+1)%5:"rgba("===h.substr(-5)&&(c=1),u!==l[_++]&&(f=parseFloat(l[_-1])||0,d._pt={_next:d._pt,p:h||1===_?h:",",s:f,c:"="===u.charAt(1)?qt(f,u)-f:parseFloat(u)-f,m:c&&c<4?Math.round:0},m=pt.lastIndex);return d.c=m<i.length?i.substring(m,i.length):"",d.fp=s,(gt.test(i)||p)&&(d.e=0),this._pt=d,d},gr=function(t,e,r,i,n,o,s,a,l,c){et(i)&&(i=i(n||0,t,o));var u,h=t[e],f="get"!==r?r:et(h)?l?t[e.indexOf("set")||!et(t["get"+e.substr(3)])?e:"get"+e.substr(3)](l):t[e]():h,p=et(h)?l?kr:Tr:wr;if(tt(i)&&(~i.indexOf("random(")&&(i=Re(i)),"="===i.charAt(1)&&((u=qt(f,i)+(we(f)||0))||0===u)&&(i=u)),!c||f!==i||fr)return isNaN(f*i)||""===i?(!h&&!(e in t)&&bt(e,i),,t,e,f,i,p,a||V.stringFilter,l)):(u=new Ir(this._pt,t,e,+f||0,i-(f||0),"boolean"==typeof h?Mr:Ar,0,p),l&&(u.fp=l),s&&u.modifier(s,this,t),this._pt=u)},dr=function(t,e,r,i,n,o){var s,a,l,c;if(Ot[t]&&!1!==(s=new Ot[t]).init(n,s.rawVars?e[t]:function(t,e,r,i,n){if(et(t)&&(t=vr(t,n,e,r,i)),!nt(t)||||ct(t)||lt(t))return tt(t)?vr(t,n,e,r,i):t;var o,s={};for(o in t)s[o]=vr(t[o],n,e,r,i);return s}(e[t],i,n,o,r),r,i,o)&&(r._pt=a=new Ir(r._pt,n,t,0,1,s.render,s,0,s.priority),r!==z))for(l=r._ptLookup[r._targets.indexOf(n)],c=s._props.length;c--;)l[s._props[c]]=a;return s},mr=function t(e,r,i){var n,o,s,a,l,c,u,h,f,p,g,d,m,_=e.vars,v=_.ease,y=_.startAt,b=_.immediateRender,x=_.lazy,w=_.onUpdate,T=_.onUpdateParams,k=_.callbackScope,C=_.runBackwards,E=_.yoyoEase,A=_.keyframes,M=_.autoRevert,P=e._dur,R=e._startAt,B=e._targets,I=e.parent,L=I&&"nested",W="auto"===e._overwrite&&!S,z=e.timeline;if(z&&(!A||!v)&&(v="none"),e._ease=ir(v,H.ease),e._yEase=E?er(ir(!0===E?v:E,H.ease)):0,E&&e._yoyo&&!e._repeat&&(E=e._yEase,e._yEase=e._ease,e._ease=E),e._from=!z&&!!_.runBackwards,!z||A&&!_.stagger){if(d=(h=B[0]?Lt(B[0]).harness:0)&&_[h.prop],n=Qt(_,At),R&&(R._zTime<0&&R.progress(1),r<0&&C&&b&&!M?R.render(-1,!0):R.revert(C&&P?Ct:kt),R._lazy=0),y){if(te(e._startAt=xr.set(B,Gt({data:"isStart",overwrite:!1,parent:I,immediateRender:!0,lazy:!R&&ot(x),startAt:null,delay:0,onUpdate:w,onUpdateParams:T,callbackScope:k,stagger:0},y))),e._startAt._dp=0,e._startAt._sat=e,r<0&&(O||!b&&!M)&&e._startAt.revert(Ct),b&&P&&r<=0&&i<=0)return void(r&&(e._zTime=r))}else if(C&&P&&!R)if(r&&(b=!1),s=Gt({overwrite:!1,data:"isFromStart",lazy:b&&!R&&ot(x),immediateRender:b,stagger:0,parent:I},n),d&&(s[h.prop]=d),te(e._startAt=xr.set(B,s)),e._startAt._dp=0,e._startAt._sat=e,r<0&&(O?e._startAt.revert(Ct):e._startAt.render(-1,!0)),e._zTime=r,b){if(!r)return}else t(e._startAt,G,G);for(e._pt=e._ptCache=0,x=P&&ot(x)||x&&!P,o=0;o<B.length;o++){if(u=(l=B[o])._gsap||It(B)[o]._gsap,e._ptLookup[o]=p={},St[]&&Mt.length&&Xt(),g=L===B?o:L.indexOf(l),h&&!1!==(f=new h).init(l,d||n,e,g,L)&&(e._pt=a=new Ir(e._pt,l,,0,1,f.render,f,0,f.priority),f._props.forEach((function(t){p[t]=a})),f.priority&&(c=1)),!h||d)for(s in n)Ot[s]&&(f=dr(s,n,e,g,l,L))?f.priority&&(c=1):p[s],l,s,"get",n[s],g,L,0,_.stringFilter);e._op&&e._op[o]&&e.kill(l,e._op[o]),W&&e._pt&&(hr=e,D.killTweensOf(l,p,e.globalTime(r)),m=!e.parent,hr=0),e._pt&&x&&(St[]=1)}c&&Br(e),e._onInit&&e._onInit(e)}e._onUpdate=w,e._initted=(!e._op||e._pt)&&!m,A&&r<=0&&z.render(U,!0,!0)},_r=function(t,e,r,i){var n,o,s=e.ease||i||"power1.inOut";if(ct(e))o=r[t]||(r[t]=[]),e.forEach((function(t,r){return o.push({t:r/(e.length-1)*100,v:t,e:s})}));else for(n in e)o=r[n]||(r[n]=[]),"ease"===n||o.push({t:parseFloat(t),v:e[n],e:s})},vr=function(t,e,r,i,n){return et(t)?,r,i,n):tt(t)&&~t.indexOf("random(")?Re(t):t},yr=Bt+"repeat,repeatDelay,yoyo,repeatRefresh,yoyoEase,autoRevert",br={};zt(yr+",id,stagger,delay,duration,paused,scrollTrigger",(function(t){return br[t]=1}));var xr=function(t){function e(e,r,i,n){var o;"number"==typeof r&&(i.duration=r,r=i,i=null);var s,a,l,c,u,h,f,p,g=(,n?r:Zt(r))||this).vars,d=g.duration,m=g.delay,_=g.immediateRender,v=g.stagger,y=g.overwrite,b=g.keyframes,x=g.defaults,w=g.scrollTrigger,T=g.yoyoEase,k=r.parent||D,C=(ct(e)||lt(e)?rt(e[0]):"length"in r)?[e]:Ce(e);if(o._targets=C.length?It(C):xt("GSAP target "+e+" not found.",!V.nullTargetWarn)||[],o._ptLookup=[],o._overwrite=y,b||v||at(d)||at(m)){if(r=o.vars,(s=o.timeline=new ur({data:"nested",defaults:x||{},targets:k&&"nested"})).kill(),s.parent=s._dp=A(o),s._start=0,v||at(d)||at(m)){if(c=C.length,f=v&&Me(v),nt(v))for(u in v)~yr.indexOf(u)&&(p||(p={}),p[u]=v[u]);for(a=0;a<c;a++)(l=Qt(r,br)).stagger=0,T&&(l.yoyoEase=T),p&&jt(l,p),h=C[a],l.duration=+vr(d,A(o),a,h,C),l.delay=(+vr(m,A(o),a,h,C)||0)-o._delay,!v&&1===c&&l.delay&&(o._delay=m=l.delay,o._start+=m,l.delay=0),,l,f?f(a,h,C):0),s._ease=Ze.none;s.duration()?d=m=0:o.timeline=0}else if(b){Zt(Gt(s.vars.defaults,{ease:"none"})),s._ease=ir(b.ease||r.ease||"none");var E,M,O,P=0;if(ct(b))b.forEach((function(t){return,t,">")})),s.duration();else{for(u in l={},b)"ease"===u||"easeEach"===u||_r(u,b[u],l,b.easeEach);for(u in l)for(E=l[u].sort((function(t,e){return t.t-e.t})),P=0,a=0;a<E.length;a++)(O={ease:(M=E[a]).e,duration:(M.t-(a?E[a-1].t:0))/100*d})[u]=M.v,,O,P),P+=O.duration;s.duration()<d&&{},{duration:d-s.duration()})}}d||o.duration(d=s.duration())}else o.timeline=0;return!0!==y||S||(hr=A(o),D.killTweensOf(C),hr=0),ue(k,A(o),i),r.reversed&&o.reverse(),r.paused&&o.paused(!0),(_||!d&&!b&&o._start===Nt(k._time)&&ot(_)&&ie(A(o))&&"nested"!,o.render(Math.max(0,-m)||0)),w&&he(A(o),w),o}M(e,t);var r=e.prototype;return r.render=function(t,e,r){var i,n,o,s,a,l,c,u,h,f=this._time,p=this._tDur,g=this._dur,d=t<0,m=t>p-G&&!d?p:t<G?0:t;if(g){if(m!==this._tTime||!t||r||!this._initted&&this._tTime||this._startAt&&this._zTime<0!==d){if(i=m,u=this.timeline,this._repeat){if(s=g+this._rDelay,this._repeat<-1&&d)return this.totalTime(100*s+t,e,r);if(i=Nt(m%s),m===p?(o=this._repeat,i=g):((o=~~(m/s))&&o===m/s&&(i=g,o--),i>g&&(i=g)),(l=this._yoyo&&1&o)&&(h=this._yEase,i=g-i),a=oe(this._tTime,s),i===f&&!r&&this._initted)return this._tTime=m,this;o!==a&&(u&&this._yEase&&rr(u,l),!this.vars.repeatRefresh||l||this._lock||(this._lock=r=1,this.render(Nt(s*o),!0).invalidate()._lock=0))}if(!this._initted){if(fe(this,d?t:i,r,e,m))return this._tTime=0,this;if(f!==this._time)return this;if(g!==this._dur)return this.render(t,e,r)}if(this._tTime=m,this._time=i,!this._act&&this._ts&&(this._act=1,this._lazy=0),this.ratio=c=(h||this._ease)(i/g),this._from&&(this.ratio=c=1-c),i&&!f&&!e&&!o&&(Le(this,"onStart"),this._tTime!==m))return this;for(n=this._pt;n;)n.r(c,n.d),n=n._next;u&&u.render(t<0?t:!i&&l?-1e-8:u._dur*u._ease(i/this._dur),e,r)||this._startAt&&(this._zTime=t),this._onUpdate&&!e&&(d&&re(this,t,0,r),Le(this,"onUpdate")),this._repeat&&o!==a&&this.vars.onRepeat&&!e&&this.parent&&Le(this,"onRepeat"),m!==this._tDur&&m||this._tTime!==m||(d&&!this._onUpdate&&re(this,t,0,!0),(t||!g)&&(m===this._tDur&&this._ts>0||!m&&this._ts<0)&&te(this,1),e||d&&!f||!(m||f||l)||(Le(this,m===p?"onComplete":"onReverseComplete",!0),this._prom&&!(m<p&&this.timeScale()>0)&&this._prom()))}}else!function(t,e,r,i){var n,o,s,a=t.ratio,l=e<0||!e&&(!t._start&&pe(t)&&(t._initted||!ge(t))||(t._ts<0||t._dp._ts<0)&&!ge(t))?0:1,c=t._rDelay,u=0;if(c&&t._repeat&&(u=xe(0,t._tDur,e),o=oe(u,c),t._yoyo&&1&o&&(l=1-l),o!==oe(t._tTime,c)&&(a=1-l,t.vars.repeatRefresh&&t._initted&&t.invalidate())),l!==a||O||i||t._zTime===G||!e&&t._zTime){if(!t._initted&&fe(t,e,i,r,u))return;for(s=t._zTime,t._zTime=e||(r?G:0),r||(r=e&&!s),t.ratio=l,t._from&&(l=1-l),t._time=0,t._tTime=u,n=t._pt;n;)n.r(l,n.d),n=n._next;e<0&&re(t,e,0,!0),t._onUpdate&&!r&&Le(t,"onUpdate"),u&&t._repeat&&!r&&t.parent&&Le(t,"onRepeat"),(e>=t._tDur||e<0)&&t.ratio===l&&(l&&te(t,1),r||O||(Le(t,l?"onComplete":"onReverseComplete",!0),t._prom&&t._prom()))}else t._zTime||(t._zTime=e)}(this,t,e,r);return this},r.targets=function(){return this._targets},r.invalidate=function(e){return(!e||!this.vars.runBackwards)&&(this._startAt=0),this._pt=this._op=this._onUpdate=this._lazy=this.ratio=0,this._ptLookup=[],this.timeline&&this.timeline.invalidate(e),,e)},r.resetTo=function(t,e,r,i){F||Ke.wake(),this._ts||;var n=Math.min(this._dur,(this._dp._time-this._start)*this._ts);return this._initted||mr(this,n),function(t,e,r,i,n,o,s){var a,l,c,u,h=(t._pt&&t._ptCache||(t._ptCache={}))[e];if(!h)for(h=t._ptCache[e]=[],c=t._ptLookup,u=t._targets.length;u--;){if((a=c[u][e])&&a.d&&a.d._pt)for(a=a.d._pt;a&&a.p!==e&&a.fp!==e;)a=a._next;if(!a)return fr=1,t.vars[e]="+=0",mr(t,s),fr=0,1;h.push(a)}for(u=h.length;u--;)(a=(l=h[u])._pt||l).s=!i&&0!==i||n?a.s+(i||0)+o*a.c:i,a.c=r-a.s,l.e&&(l.e=Ft(r)+we(l.e)),l.b&&(l.b=a.s+we(l.b))}(this,t,e,r,i,this._ease(n/this._dur),n)?this.resetTo(t,e,r,i):(le(this,0),this.parent||$t(this._dp,this,"_first","_last",this._dp._sort?"_start":0),this.render(0))},r.kill=function(t,e){if(void 0===e&&(e="all"),!(t||e&&"all"!==e))return this._lazy=this._pt=0,this.parent?We(this):this;if(this.timeline){var r=this.timeline.totalDuration();return this.timeline.killTweensOf(t,e,hr&&!0!==hr.vars.overwrite)._first||We(this),this.parent&&r!==this.timeline.totalDuration()&&de(this,this._dur*this.timeline._tDur/r,0,1),this}var i,n,o,s,a,l,c,u=this._targets,h=t?Ce(t):u,f=this._ptLookup,p=this._pt;if((!e||"all"===e)&&function(t,e){for(var r=t.length,i=r===e.length;i&&r--&&t[r]===e[r];);return r<0}(u,h))return"all"===e&&(this._pt=0),We(this);for(i=this._op=this._op||[],"all"!==e&&(tt(e)&&(a={},zt(e,(function(t){return a[t]=1})),e=a),e=function(t,e){var r,i,n,o,s=t[0]?Lt(t[0]).harness:0,a=s&&s.aliases;if(!a)return e;for(i in r=jt({},e),a)if(i in r)for(n=(o=a[i].split(",")).length;n--;)r[o[n]]=r[i];return r}(u,e)),c=u.length;c--;)if(~h.indexOf(u[c]))for(a in n=f[c],"all"===e?(i[c]=e,s=n,o={}):(o=i[c]=i[c]||{},s=e),s)(l=n&&n[a])&&("kill"in l.d&&!0!==l.d.kill(a)||Jt(this,l,"_pt"),delete n[a]),"all"!==o&&(o[a]=1);return this._initted&&!this._pt&&p&&We(this),this},,r){return new e(t,r,arguments[2])},e.from=function(t,e){return ye(1,arguments)},e.delayedCall=function(t,r,i,n){return new e(r,0,{immediateRender:!1,lazy:!1,overwrite:!1,delay:t,onComplete:r,onReverseComplete:r,onCompleteParams:i,onReverseCompleteParams:i,callbackScope:n})},e.fromTo=function(t,e,r){return ye(2,arguments)},e.set=function(t,r){return r.duration=0,r.repeatDelay||(r.repeat=0),new e(t,r)},e.killTweensOf=function(t,e,r){return D.killTweensOf(t,e,r)},e}(cr);Gt(xr.prototype,{_targets:[],_lazy:0,_startAt:0,_op:0,_onInit:0}),zt("staggerTo,staggerFrom,staggerFromTo",(function(t){xr[t]=function(){var e=new ur,,0);return r.splice("staggerFromTo"===t?5:4,0,0),e[t].apply(e,r)}}));var wr=function(t,e,r){return t[e]=r},Tr=function(t,e,r){return t[e](r)},kr=function(t,e,r,i){return t[e](i.fp,r)},Cr=function(t,e,r){return t.setAttribute(e,r)},Er=function(t,e){return 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t.prototype.modifier=function(t,e,r){this.mSet=this.mSet||this.set,this.set=Rr,this.m=t,,this.tween=e},t}();zt(Bt+"parent,duration,ease,delay,overwrite,runBackwards,startAt,yoyo,immediateRender,repeat,repeatDelay,data,paused,reversed,lazy,callbackScope,stringFilter,id,yoyoEase,stagger,inherit,repeatRefresh,keyframes,autoRevert,scrollTrigger",(function(t){return At[t]=1})),_t.TweenMax=_t.TweenLite=xr,_t.TimelineLite=_t.TimelineMax=ur,D=new ur({sortChildren:!1,defaults:H,autoRemoveChildren:!0,id:"root",smoothChildTiming:!0}),V.stringFilter=je;var Lr=[],Wr={},zr=[],Fr=0,Nr=0,qr=function(t){return(Wr[t]||zr).map((function(t){return t()}))},Yr=function(){var,e=[];t-Fr>2&&(qr("matchMediaInit"),Lr.forEach((function(t){var r,i,n,o,s=t.queries,a=t.conditions;for(i in s)(r=R.matchMedia(s[i]).matches)&&(n=1),r!==a[i]&&(a[i]=r,o=1);o&&(t.revert(),n&&e.push(t))})),qr("matchMediaRevert"),e.forEach((function(t){return t.onMatch(t)})),Fr=t,qr("matchMedia"))},Xr=function(){function 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t.kill&&t.kill()}));if(this.clear(),e)for(var n=Lr.length;n--;)Lr[n],1)},e.revert=function(t){this.kill(t||{})},t}(),Vr=function(){function t(t){this.contexts=[],this.scope=t}var e=t.prototype;return e.add=function(t,e,r){nt(t)||(t={matches:t});var i,n,o,s=new Xr(0,r||this.scope),a=s.conditions={};for(n in P&&!s.selector&&(s.selector=P.selector),this.contexts.push(s),e=s.add("onMatch",e),s.queries=t,t)"all"===n?o=1:(i=R.matchMedia(t[n]))&&(Lr.indexOf(s)<0&&Lr.push(s),(a[n]=i.matches)&&(o=1),i.addListener?i.addListener(Yr):i.addEventListener("change",Yr));return o&&e(s),this},e.revert=function(t){this.kill(t||{})},e.kill=function(t){this.contexts.forEach((function(e){return e.kill(t,!0)}))},t}(),Hr={registerPlugin:function(){for(var t=arguments.length,e=new Array(t),r=0;r<t;r++)e[r]=arguments[r];e.forEach((function(t){return Fe(t)}))},timeline:function(t){return new ur(t)},getTweensOf:function(t,e){return D.getTweensOf(t,e)},getProperty:function(t,e,r,i){tt(t)&&(t=Ce(t)[0]);var n=Lt(t||{}).get,o=r?Ut:Ht;return"native"===r&&(r=""),t?e?o((Ot[e]&&Ot[e].get||n)(t,e,r,i)):function(e,r,i){return o((Ot[e]&&Ot[e].get||n)(t,e,r,i))}:t},quickSetter:function(t,e,r){if((t=Ce(t)).length>1){var{return jr.quickSetter(t,e,r)})),n=i.length;return function(t){for(var e=n;e--;)i[e](t)}}t=t[0]||{};var o=Ot[e],s=Lt(t),a=s.harness&&(s.harness.aliases||{})[e]||e,l=o?function(e){var i=new o;z._pt=0,i.init(t,r?e+r:e,z,0,[t]),i.render(1,i),z._pt&&Or(1,z)}:s.set(t,a);return o?l:function(e){return l(t,a,r?e+r:e,s,1)}},quickTo:function(t,e,r){var i,,jt(((i={})[e]="+=0.1",i.paused=!0,i),r||{})),o=function(t,r,i){return n.resetTo(e,t,r,i)};return o.tween=n,o},isTweening:function(t){return D.getTweensOf(t,!0).length>0},defaults:function(t){return t&&t.ease&&(t.ease=ir(t.ease,H.ease)),Kt(H,t||{})},config:function(t){return Kt(V,t||{})},registerEffect:function(t){var,r=t.effect,i=t.plugins,n=t.defaults,o=t.extendTimeline;(i||"").split(",").forEach((function(t){return t&&!Ot[t]&&!_t[t]&&xt(e+" 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e,r,,n=t.length,o=0;for((t.t._gsap||ro.core.getCache(t.t)).uncache=1;o<n;o+=2)r=t[o+1],e=t[o],r?i[e]=r:i[e]&&i.removeProperty(e.replace(sa,"-$1").toLowerCase())}},la=function(t){for(var e=na.length,,i=[],n=0;n<e;n++)i.push(na[n],r[na[n]]);return i.t=t,i},ca={left:0,top:0},ua=function(t,e,r,i,n,o,s,a,l,c,u,h,f,p){rs(t)&&(t=t(a)),es(t)&&"max"===t.substr(0,3)&&(t=h+("="===t.charAt(4)?Is("0"+t.substr(3),r):0));var g,d,m,_=f?f.time():0;if(f&&,isNaN(t)||(t=+t),is(t))f&&(t=ro.utils.mapRange(f.scrollTrigger.start,f.scrollTrigger.end,0,h,t)),s&&Ws(s,r,i,!0);else{rs(e)&&(e=e(a));var v,y,b,x,w=(t||"0").split(" ");m=jn(e,a)||ao,(v=ks(m)||{})&&(v.left||||"none"!==ws(m).display||(,"block",v=ks(m),x?"display")),y=Is(w[0],v[i.d]),b=Is(w[1]||"0",r),t=v[i.p]-l[i.p]-c+y+n-b,s&&Ws(s,b,i,r-b<20||s._isStart&&b>20),r-=r-b}if(p&&(a[p]=t||-.001,t<0&&(t=0)),o){var 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116 | + (t.b = t.b + t.db), | |
117 | + (function (t) { | |
118 | + (t.x = s + 1 * Math.sin(-_.rotation - _.time / 1e3 + t.a) * Math.cos(t.b)), (t.y = a + 1 * Math.sin(t.b)), (t.z = l - 1 * Math.cos(t.b) * Math.cos(-_.rotation - _.time / 1e3 + t.a)); | |
119 | + })(t); | |
120 | + }), | |
121 | + _.dots.sort((t, e) => e.z - t.z), | |
122 | + _.dots.forEach((t) => { | |
123 | + (t.links = []), | |
124 | + _.dots.forEach((e) => { | |
125 | + var r, i; | |
126 | + (r = t), (i = e), Math.sqrt(Math.pow(r.x - i.x, 2) + Math.pow(r.y - i.y, 2) + Math.pow(r.z - i.z, 2)) < 0.15 && t.links.push(e); | |
127 | + }); | |
128 | + }), | |
129 | + (_.ctx.fillStyle = _.background), | |
130 | + _.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, _.WIDTH, _.HEIGHT), | |
131 | + (_.ctx.fillStyle = _.colorFill), | |
132 | + (_.ctx.strokeStyle = _.colorStroke), | |
133 | + _.dots.forEach(b), | |
134 | + _.dots.forEach(y), | |
135 | + requestAnimationFrame(x); | |
136 | + } | |
137 | + function w(...t) { | |
138 | + return t.length > 0 | |
139 | + ? { a: t[0], b: t[1], da: 0, db: 0, xDisplay: 0, yDisplay: 0, links: [] } | |
140 | + : { a: (c.MAX - c.MIN) * Math.random() + c.MIN, b: (u.MAX - u.MIN) * Math.random() + u.MIN, da: n * Math.random() - 0.0015, db: n * Math.random() - 0.0015, links: [] }; | |
141 | + } | |
142 | + function T() { | |
143 | + const t = i.CANVAS.clientWidth, | |
144 | + e = i.CANVAS.clientHeight, | |
145 | + r = Math.min(t, e); | |
146 | + (_.KKK = r / 3), (_.WIDTH = t), (_.HEIGHT = e), (i.CANVAS.width = t), (i.CANVAS.height = e); | |
147 | + } | |
148 | + const k = document.querySelectorAll(".js_toggle_input"); | |
149 | + function C() { | |
150 | + document.body.classList.add("light-mode"), v(!0), console.log("светлая тема"); | |
151 | + } | |
152 | + function E() { | |
153 | + document.body.classList.remove("light-mode"), v(!1), console.log("тёмная тема"); | |
154 | + } | |
155 | + function A(t) { | |
156 | + if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); | |
157 | + return t; | |
158 | + } | |
159 | + function M(t, e) { | |
160 | + (t.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype)), (t.prototype.constructor = t), (t.__proto__ = e); | |
161 | + } | |
162 | + var S, | |
163 | + O, | |
164 | + P, | |
165 | + D, | |
166 | + R, | |
167 | + B, | |
168 | + I, | |
169 | + L, | |
170 | + W, | |
171 | + z, | |
172 | + F, | |
173 | + N, | |
174 | + q, | |
175 | + Y, | |
176 | + X, | |
177 | + V = { autoSleep: 120, force3D: "auto", nullTargetWarn: 1, units: { lineHeight: "" } }, | |
178 | + H = { duration: 0.5, overwrite: !1, delay: 0 }, | |
179 | + U = 1e8, | |
180 | + G = 1e-8, | |
181 | + j = 2 * Math.PI, | |
182 | + K = j / 4, | |
183 | + Q = 0, | |
184 | + Z = Math.sqrt, | |
185 | + $ = Math.cos, | |
186 | + J = Math.sin, | |
187 | + tt = function (t) { | |
188 | + return "string" == typeof t; | |
189 | + }, | |
190 | + et = function (t) { | |
191 | + return "function" == typeof t; | |
192 | + }, | |
193 | + rt = function (t) { | |
194 | + return "number" == typeof t; | |
195 | + }, | |
196 | + it = function (t) { | |
197 | + return void 0 === t; | |
198 | + }, | |
199 | + nt = function (t) { | |
200 | + return "object" == typeof t; | |
201 | + }, | |
202 | + ot = function (t) { | |
203 | + return !1 !== t; | |
204 | + }, | |
205 | + st = function () { | |
206 | + return "undefined" != typeof window; | |
207 | + }, | |
208 | + at = function (t) { | |
209 | + return et(t) || tt(t); | |
210 | + }, | |
211 | + lt = ("function" == typeof ArrayBuffer && ArrayBuffer.isView) || function () {}, | |
212 | + ct = Array.isArray, | |
213 | + ut = /(?:-?\.?\d|\.)+/gi, | |
214 | + ht = /[-+=.]*\d+[.e\-+]*\d*[e\-+]*\d*/g, | |
215 | + ft = /[-+=.]*\d+[.e-]*\d*[a-z%]*/g, | |
216 | + pt = /[-+=.]*\d+\.?\d*(?:e-|e\+)?\d*/gi, | |
217 | + gt = /[+-]=-?[.\d]+/, | |
218 | + dt = /[^,'"\[\]\s]+/gi, | |
219 | + mt = /^[+\-=e\s\d]*\d+[.\d]*([a-z]*|%)\s*$/i, | |
220 | + _t = {}, | |
221 | + vt = {}, | |
222 | + yt = function (t) { | |
223 | + return (vt = jt(t, _t)) && jr; | |
224 | + }, | |
225 | + bt = function (t, e) { | |
226 | + return console.warn("Invalid property", t, "set to", e, "Missing plugin? gsap.registerPlugin()"); | |
227 | + }, | |
228 | + xt = function (t, e) { | |
229 | + return !e && console.warn(t); | |
230 | + }, | |
231 | + wt = function (t, e) { | |
232 | + return (t && (_t[t] = e) && vt && (vt[t] = e)) || _t; | |
233 | + }, | |
234 | + Tt = function () { | |
235 | + return 0; | |
236 | + }, | |
237 | + kt = { suppressEvents: !0, isStart: !0, kill: !1 }, | |
238 | + Ct = { suppressEvents: !0, kill: !1 }, | |
239 | + Et = { suppressEvents: !0 }, | |
240 | + At = {}, | |
241 | + Mt = [], | |
242 | + St = {}, | |
243 | + Ot = {}, | |
244 | + Pt = {}, | |
245 | + Dt = 30, | |
246 | + Rt = [], | |
247 | + Bt = "", | |
248 | + It = function (t) { | |
249 | + var e, | |
250 | + r, | |
251 | + i = t[0]; | |
252 | + if ((nt(i) || et(i) || (t = [t]), !(e = (i._gsap || {}).harness))) { | |
253 | + for (r = Rt.length; r-- && !Rt[r].targetTest(i); ); | |
254 | + e = Rt[r]; | |
255 | + } | |
256 | + for (r = t.length; r--; ) (t[r] && (t[r]._gsap || (t[r]._gsap = new lr(t[r], e)))) || t.splice(r, 1); | |
257 | + return t; | |
258 | + }, | |
259 | + Lt = function (t) { | |
260 | + return t._gsap || It(Ce(t))[0]._gsap; | |
261 | + }, | |
262 | + Wt = function (t, e, r) { | |
263 | + return (r = t[e]) && et(r) ? t[e]() : (it(r) && t.getAttribute && t.getAttribute(e)) || r; | |
264 | + }, | |
265 | + zt = function (t, e) { | |
266 | + return (t = t.split(",")).forEach(e) || t; | |
267 | + }, | |
268 | + Ft = function (t) { | |
269 | + return Math.round(1e5 * t) / 1e5 || 0; | |
270 | + }, | |
271 | + Nt = function (t) { | |
272 | + return Math.round(1e7 * t) / 1e7 || 0; | |
273 | + }, | |
274 | + qt = function (t, e) { | |
275 | + var r = e.charAt(0), | |
276 | + i = parseFloat(e.substr(2)); | |
277 | + return (t = parseFloat(t)), "+" === r ? t + i : "-" === r ? t - i : "*" === r ? t * i : t / i; | |
278 | + }, | |
279 | + Yt = function (t, e) { | |
280 | + for (var r = e.length, i = 0; t.indexOf(e[i]) < 0 && ++i < r; ); | |
281 | + return i < r; | |
282 | + }, | |
283 | + Xt = function () { | |
284 | + var t, | |
285 | + e, | |
286 | + r = Mt.length, | |
287 | + i = Mt.slice(0); | |
288 | + for (St = {}, Mt.length = 0, t = 0; t < r; t++) (e = i[t]) && e._lazy && (e.render(e._lazy[0], e._lazy[1], !0)._lazy = 0); | |
289 | + }, | |
290 | + Vt = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
291 | + Mt.length && !O && Xt(), t.render(e, r, i || (O && e < 0 && (t._initted || t._startAt))), Mt.length && !O && Xt(); | |
292 | + }, | |
293 | + Ht = function (t) { | |
294 | + var e = parseFloat(t); | |
295 | + return (e || 0 === e) && (t + "").match(dt).length < 2 ? e : tt(t) ? t.trim() : t; | |
296 | + }, | |
297 | + Ut = function (t) { | |
298 | + return t; | |
299 | + }, | |
300 | + Gt = function (t, e) { | |
301 | + for (var r in e) r in t || (t[r] = e[r]); | |
302 | + return t; | |
303 | + }, | |
304 | + jt = function (t, e) { | |
305 | + for (var r in e) t[r] = e[r]; | |
306 | + return t; | |
307 | + }, | |
308 | + Kt = function t(e, r) { | |
309 | + for (var i in r) "__proto__" !== i && "constructor" !== i && "prototype" !== i && (e[i] = nt(r[i]) ? t(e[i] || (e[i] = {}), r[i]) : r[i]); | |
310 | + return e; | |
311 | + }, | |
312 | + Qt = function (t, e) { | |
313 | + var r, | |
314 | + i = {}; | |
315 | + for (r in t) r in e || (i[r] = t[r]); | |
316 | + return i; | |
317 | + }, | |
318 | + Zt = function (t) { | |
319 | + var e, | |
320 | + r = t.parent || D, | |
321 | + i = t.keyframes | |
322 | + ? ((e = ct(t.keyframes)), | |
323 | + function (t, r) { | |
324 | + for (var i in r) i in t || ("duration" === i && e) || "ease" === i || (t[i] = r[i]); | |
325 | + }) | |
326 | + : Gt; | |
327 | + if (ot(t.inherit)) for (; r; ) i(t, r.vars.defaults), (r = r.parent || r._dp); | |
328 | + return t; | |
329 | + }, | |
330 | + $t = function (t, e, r, i, n) { | |
331 | + void 0 === r && (r = "_first"), void 0 === i && (i = "_last"); | |
332 | + var o, | |
333 | + s = t[i]; | |
334 | + if (n) for (o = e[n]; s && s[n] > o; ) s = s._prev; | |
335 | + return s ? ((e._next = s._next), (s._next = e)) : ((e._next = t[r]), (t[r] = e)), e._next ? (e._next._prev = e) : (t[i] = e), (e._prev = s), (e.parent = e._dp = t), e; | |
336 | + }, | |
337 | + Jt = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
338 | + void 0 === r && (r = "_first"), void 0 === i && (i = "_last"); | |
339 | + var n = e._prev, | |
340 | + o = e._next; | |
341 | + n ? (n._next = o) : t[r] === e && (t[r] = o), o ? (o._prev = n) : t[i] === e && (t[i] = n), (e._next = e._prev = e.parent = null); | |
342 | + }, | |
343 | + te = function (t, e) { | |
344 | + t.parent && (!e || t.parent.autoRemoveChildren) && t.parent.remove && t.parent.remove(t), (t._act = 0); | |
345 | + }, | |
346 | + ee = function (t, e) { | |
347 | + if (t && (!e || e._end > t._dur || e._start < 0)) for (var r = t; r; ) (r._dirty = 1), (r = r.parent); | |
348 | + return t; | |
349 | + }, | |
350 | + re = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
351 | + return t._startAt && (O ? t._startAt.revert(Ct) : (t.vars.immediateRender && !t.vars.autoRevert) || t._startAt.render(e, !0, i)); | |
352 | + }, | |
353 | + ie = function t(e) { | |
354 | + return !e || (e._ts && t(e.parent)); | |
355 | + }, | |
356 | + ne = function (t) { | |
357 | + return t._repeat ? oe(t._tTime, (t = t.duration() + t._rDelay)) * t : 0; | |
358 | + }, | |
359 | + oe = function (t, e) { | |
360 | + var r = Math.floor((t /= e)); | |
361 | + return t && r === t ? r - 1 : r; | |
362 | + }, | |
363 | + se = function (t, e) { | |
364 | + return (t - e._start) * e._ts + (e._ts >= 0 ? 0 : e._dirty ? e.totalDuration() : e._tDur); | |
365 | + }, | |
366 | + ae = function (t) { | |
367 | + return (t._end = Nt(t._start + (t._tDur / Math.abs(t._ts || t._rts || G) || 0))); | |
368 | + }, | |
369 | + le = function (t, e) { | |
370 | + var r = t._dp; | |
371 | + return r && r.smoothChildTiming && t._ts && ((t._start = Nt(r._time - (t._ts > 0 ? e / t._ts : ((t._dirty ? t.totalDuration() : t._tDur) - e) / -t._ts))), ae(t), r._dirty || ee(r, t)), t; | |
372 | + }, | |
373 | + ce = function (t, e) { | |
374 | + var r; | |
375 | + if (((e._time || (e._initted && !e._dur)) && ((r = se(t.rawTime(), e)), (!e._dur || xe(0, e.totalDuration(), r) - e._tTime > G) && e.render(r, !0)), ee(t, e)._dp && t._initted && t._time >= t._dur && t._ts)) { | |
376 | + if (t._dur < t.duration()) for (r = t; r._dp; ) r.rawTime() >= 0 && r.totalTime(r._tTime), (r = r._dp); | |
377 | + t._zTime = -1e-8; | |
378 | + } | |
379 | + }, | |
380 | + ue = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
381 | + return ( | |
382 | + e.parent && te(e), | |
383 | + (e._start = Nt((rt(r) ? r : r || t !== D ? ve(t, r, e) : t._time) + e._delay)), | |
384 | + (e._end = Nt(e._start + (e.totalDuration() / Math.abs(e.timeScale()) || 0))), | |
385 | + $t(t, e, "_first", "_last", t._sort ? "_start" : 0), | |
386 | + ge(e) || (t._recent = e), | |
387 | + i || ce(t, e), | |
388 | + t._ts < 0 && le(t, t._tTime), | |
389 | + t | |
390 | + ); | |
391 | + }, | |
392 | + he = function (t, e) { | |
393 | + return (_t.ScrollTrigger || bt("scrollTrigger", e)) && _t.ScrollTrigger.create(e, t); | |
394 | + }, | |
395 | + fe = function (t, e, r, i, n) { | |
396 | + return mr(t, e, n), t._initted ? (!r && t._pt && !O && ((t._dur && !1 !== t.vars.lazy) || (!t._dur && t.vars.lazy)) && W !== Ke.frame ? (Mt.push(t), (t._lazy = [n, i]), 1) : void 0) : 1; | |
397 | + }, | |
398 | + pe = function t(e) { | |
399 | + var r = e.parent; | |
400 | + return r && r._ts && r._initted && !r._lock && (r.rawTime() < 0 || t(r)); | |
401 | + }, | |
402 | + ge = function (t) { | |
403 | + var e =; | |
404 | + return "isFromStart" === e || "isStart" === e; | |
405 | + }, | |
406 | + de = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
407 | + var n = t._repeat, | |
408 | + o = Nt(e) || 0, | |
409 | + s = t._tTime / t._tDur; | |
410 | + return s && !i && (t._time *= o / t._dur), (t._dur = o), (t._tDur = n ? (n < 0 ? 1e10 : Nt(o * (n + 1) + t._rDelay * n)) : o), s > 0 && !i && le(t, (t._tTime = t._tDur * s)), t.parent && ae(t), r || ee(t.parent, t), t; | |
411 | + }, | |
412 | + me = function (t) { | |
413 | + return t instanceof ur ? ee(t) : de(t, t._dur); | |
414 | + }, | |
415 | + _e = { _start: 0, endTime: Tt, totalDuration: Tt }, | |
416 | + ve = function t(e, r, i) { | |
417 | + var n, | |
418 | + o, | |
419 | + s, | |
420 | + a = e.labels, | |
421 | + l = e._recent || _e, | |
422 | + c = e.duration() >= U ? l.endTime(!1) : e._dur; | |
423 | + return tt(r) && (isNaN(r) || r in a) | |
424 | + ? ((o = r.charAt(0)), | |
425 | + (s = "%" === r.substr(-1)), | |
426 | + (n = r.indexOf("=")), | |
427 | + "<" === o || ">" === o | |
428 | + ? (n >= 0 && (r = r.replace(/=/, "")), ("<" === o ? l._start : l.endTime(l._repeat >= 0)) + (parseFloat(r.substr(1)) || 0) * (s ? (n < 0 ? l : i).totalDuration() / 100 : 1)) | |
429 | + : n < 0 | |
430 | + ? (r in a || (a[r] = c), a[r]) | |
431 | + : ((o = parseFloat(r.charAt(n - 1) + r.substr(n + 1))), s && i && (o = (o / 100) * (ct(i) ? i[0] : i).totalDuration()), n > 1 ? t(e, r.substr(0, n - 1), i) + o : c + o)) | |
432 | + : null == r | |
433 | + ? c | |
434 | + : +r; | |
435 | + }, | |
436 | + ye = function (t, e, r) { | |
437 | + var i, | |
438 | + n, | |
439 | + o = rt(e[1]), | |
440 | + s = (o ? 2 : 1) + (t < 2 ? 0 : 1), | |
441 | + a = e[s]; | |
442 | + if ((o && (a.duration = e[1]), (a.parent = r), t)) { | |
443 | + for (i = a, n = r; n && !("immediateRender" in i); ) (i = n.vars.defaults || {}), (n = ot(n.vars.inherit) && n.parent); | |
444 | + (a.immediateRender = ot(i.immediateRender)), t < 2 ? (a.runBackwards = 1) : (a.startAt = e[s - 1]); | |
445 | + } | |
446 | + return new xr(e[0], a, e[s + 1]); | |
447 | + }, | |
448 | + be = function (t, e) { | |
449 | + return t || 0 === t ? e(t) : e; | |
450 | + }, | |
451 | + xe = function (t, e, r) { | |
452 | + return r < t ? t : r > e ? e : r; | |
453 | + }, | |
454 | + we = function (t, e) { | |
455 | + return tt(t) && (e = mt.exec(t)) ? e[1] : ""; | |
456 | + }, | |
457 | + Te = [].slice, | |
458 | + ke = function (t, e) { | |
459 | + return t && nt(t) && "length" in t && ((!e && !t.length) || (t.length - 1 in t && nt(t[0]))) && !t.nodeType && t !== R; | |
460 | + }, | |
461 | + Ce = function (t, e, r) { | |
462 | + return P && !e && P.selector | |
463 | + ? P.selector(t) | |
464 | + : !tt(t) || r || (!B && Qe()) | |
465 | + ? ct(t) | |
466 | + ? (function (t, e, r) { | |
467 | + return ( | |
468 | + void 0 === r && (r = []), | |
469 | + t.forEach(function (t) { | |
470 | + var i; | |
471 | + return (tt(t) && !e) || ke(t, 1) ? (i = r).push.apply(i, Ce(t)) : r.push(t); | |
472 | + }) || r | |
473 | + ); | |
474 | + })(t, r) | |
475 | + : ke(t) | |
476 | + ?, 0) | |
477 | + : t | |
478 | + ? [t] | |
479 | + : [] | |
480 | + : || I).querySelectorAll(t), 0); | |
481 | + }, | |
482 | + Ee = function (t) { | |
483 | + return ( | |
484 | + (t = Ce(t)[0] || xt("Invalid scope") || {}), | |
485 | + function (e) { | |
486 | + var r = t.current || t.nativeElement || t; | |
487 | + return Ce(e, r.querySelectorAll ? r : r === t ? xt("Invalid scope") || I.createElement("div") : t); | |
488 | + } | |
489 | + ); | |
490 | + }, | |
491 | + Ae = function (t) { | |
492 | + return t.sort(function () { | |
493 | + return 0.5 - Math.random(); | |
494 | + }); | |
495 | + }, | |
496 | + Me = function (t) { | |
497 | + if (et(t)) return t; | |
498 | + var e = nt(t) ? t : { each: t }, | |
499 | + r = ir(e.ease), | |
500 | + i = e.from || 0, | |
501 | + n = parseFloat(e.base) || 0, | |
502 | + o = {}, | |
503 | + s = i > 0 && i < 1, | |
504 | + a = isNaN(i) || s, | |
505 | + l = e.axis, | |
506 | + c = i, | |
507 | + u = i; | |
508 | + return ( | |
509 | + tt(i) ? (c = u = { center: 0.5, edges: 0.5, end: 1 }[i] || 0) : !s && a && ((c = i[0]), (u = i[1])), | |
510 | + function (t, s, h) { | |
511 | + var f, | |
512 | + p, | |
513 | + g, | |
514 | + d, | |
515 | + m, | |
516 | + _, | |
517 | + v, | |
518 | + y, | |
519 | + b, | |
520 | + x = (h || e).length, | |
521 | + w = o[x]; | |
522 | + if (!w) { | |
523 | + if (!(b = "auto" === e.grid ? 0 : (e.grid || [1, U])[1])) { | |
524 | + for (v = -U; v < (v = h[b++].getBoundingClientRect().left) && b < x; ); | |
525 | + b--; | |
526 | + } | |
527 | + for (w = o[x] = [], f = a ? Math.min(b, x) * c - 0.5 : i % b, p = b === U ? 0 : a ? (x * u) / b - 0.5 : (i / b) | 0, v = 0, y = U, _ = 0; _ < x; _++) | |
528 | + (g = (_ % b) - f), (d = p - ((_ / b) | 0)), (w[_] = m = l ? Math.abs("y" === l ? d : g) : Z(g * g + d * d)), m > v && (v = m), m < y && (y = m); | |
529 | + "random" === i && Ae(w), | |
530 | + (w.max = v - y), | |
531 | + (w.min = y), | |
532 | + (w.v = x = (parseFloat(e.amount) || parseFloat(e.each) * (b > x ? x - 1 : l ? ("y" === l ? x / b : b) : Math.max(b, x / b)) || 0) * ("edges" === i ? -1 : 1)), | |
533 | + (w.b = x < 0 ? n - x : n), | |
534 | + (w.u = we(e.amount || e.each) || 0), | |
535 | + (r = r && x < 0 ? er(r) : r); | |
536 | + } | |
537 | + return (x = (w[t] - w.min) / w.max || 0), Nt(w.b + (r ? r(x) : x) * w.v) + w.u; | |
538 | + } | |
539 | + ); | |
540 | + }, | |
541 | + Se = function (t) { | |
542 | + var e = Math.pow(10, ((t + "").split(".")[1] || "").length); | |
543 | + return function (r) { | |
544 | + var i = Nt(Math.round(parseFloat(r) / t) * t * e); | |
545 | + return (i - (i % 1)) / e + (rt(r) ? 0 : we(r)); | |
546 | + }; | |
547 | + }, | |
548 | + Oe = function (t, e) { | |
549 | + var r, | |
550 | + i, | |
551 | + n = ct(t); | |
552 | + return ( | |
553 | + !n && nt(t) && ((r = n = t.radius || U), t.values ? ((t = Ce(t.values)), (i = !rt(t[0])) && (r *= r)) : (t = Se(t.increment))), | |
554 | + be( | |
555 | + e, | |
556 | + n | |
557 | + ? et(t) | |
558 | + ? function (e) { | |
559 | + return (i = t(e)), Math.abs(i - e) <= r ? i : e; | |
560 | + } | |
561 | + : function (e) { | |
562 | + for (var n, o, s = parseFloat(i ? e.x : e), a = parseFloat(i ? e.y : 0), l = U, c = 0, u = t.length; u--; ) | |
563 | + (n = i ? (n = t[u].x - s) * n + (o = t[u].y - a) * o : Math.abs(t[u] - s)) < l && ((l = n), (c = u)); | |
564 | + return (c = !r || l <= r ? t[c] : e), i || c === e || rt(e) ? c : c + we(e); | |
565 | + } | |
566 | + : Se(t) | |
567 | + ) | |
568 | + ); | |
569 | + }, | |
570 | + Pe = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
571 | + return be(ct(t) ? !e : !0 === r ? !!(r = 0) : !i, function () { | |
572 | + return ct(t) ? t[~~(Math.random() * t.length)] : (r = r || 1e-5) && (i = r < 1 ? Math.pow(10, (r + "").length - 2) : 1) && Math.floor(Math.round((t - r / 2 + Math.random() * (e - t + 0.99 * r)) / r) * r * i) / i; | |
573 | + }); | |
574 | + }, | |
575 | + De = function (t, e, r) { | |
576 | + return be(r, function (r) { | |
577 | + return t[~~e(r)]; | |
578 | + }); | |
579 | + }, | |
580 | + Re = function (t) { | |
581 | + for (var e, r, i, n, o = 0, s = ""; ~(e = t.indexOf("random(", o)); ) | |
582 | + (i = t.indexOf(")", e)), (n = "[" === t.charAt(e + 7)), (r = t.substr(e + 7, i - e - 7).match(n ? dt : ut)), (s += t.substr(o, e - o) + Pe(n ? r : +r[0], n ? 0 : +r[1], +r[2] || 1e-5)), (o = i + 1); | |
583 | + return s + t.substr(o, t.length - o); | |
584 | + }, | |
585 | + Be = function (t, e, r, i, n) { | |
586 | + var o = e - t, | |
587 | + s = i - r; | |
588 | + return be(n, function (e) { | |
589 | + return r + (((e - t) / o) * s || 0); | |
590 | + }); | |
591 | + }, | |
592 | + Ie = function (t, e, r) { | |
593 | + var i, | |
594 | + n, | |
595 | + o, | |
596 | + s = t.labels, | |
597 | + a = U; | |
598 | + for (i in s) (n = s[i] - e) < 0 == !!r && n && a > (n = Math.abs(n)) && ((o = i), (a = n)); | |
599 | + return o; | |
600 | + }, | |
601 | + Le = function (t, e, r) { | |
602 | + var i, | |
603 | + n, | |
604 | + o, | |
605 | + s = t.vars, | |
606 | + a = s[e], | |
607 | + l = P, | |
608 | + c = t._ctx; | |
609 | + if (a) return (i = s[e + "Params"]), (n = s.callbackScope || t), r && Mt.length && Xt(), c && (P = c), (o = i ? a.apply(n, i) :, (P = l), o; | |
610 | + }, | |
611 | + We = function (t) { | |
612 | + return te(t), t.scrollTrigger && t.scrollTrigger.kill(!!O), t.progress() < 1 && Le(t, "onInterrupt"), t; | |
613 | + }, | |
614 | + ze = [], | |
615 | + Fe = function (t) { | |
616 | + if (st() && t) { | |
617 | + var e = (t = (! && t.default) || t).name, | |
618 | + r = et(t), | |
619 | + i = | |
620 | + e && !r && t.init | |
621 | + ? function () { | |
622 | + this._props = []; | |
623 | + } | |
624 | + : t, | |
625 | + n = { init: Tt, render: Or, add: gr, kill: Dr, modifier: Pr, rawVars: 0 }, | |
626 | + o = { targetTest: 0, get: 0, getSetter: Er, aliases: {}, register: 0 }; | |
627 | + if ((Qe(), t !== i)) { | |
628 | + if (Ot[e]) return; | |
629 | + Gt(i, Gt(Qt(t, n), o)), jt(i.prototype, jt(n, Qt(t, o))), (Ot[(i.prop = e)] = i), t.targetTest && (Rt.push(i), (At[e] = 1)), (e = ("css" === e ? "CSS" : e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.substr(1)) + "Plugin"); | |
630 | + } | |
631 | + wt(e, i), t.register && t.register(jr, i, Ir); | |
632 | + } else t && ze.push(t); | |
633 | + }, | |
634 | + Ne = 255, | |
635 | + qe = { | |
636 | + aqua: [0, Ne, Ne], | |
637 | + lime: [0, Ne, 0], | |
638 | + silver: [192, 192, 192], | |
639 | + black: [0, 0, 0], | |
640 | + maroon: [128, 0, 0], | |
641 | + teal: [0, 128, 128], | |
642 | + blue: [0, 0, Ne], | |
643 | + navy: [0, 0, 128], | |
644 | + white: [Ne, Ne, Ne], | |
645 | + olive: [128, 128, 0], | |
646 | + yellow: [Ne, Ne, 0], | |
647 | + orange: [Ne, 165, 0], | |
648 | + gray: [128, 128, 128], | |
649 | + purple: [128, 0, 128], | |
650 | + green: [0, 128, 0], | |
651 | + red: [Ne, 0, 0], | |
652 | + pink: [Ne, 192, 203], | |
653 | + cyan: [0, Ne, Ne], | |
654 | + transparent: [Ne, Ne, Ne, 0], | |
655 | + }, | |
656 | + Ye = function (t, e, r) { | |
657 | + return ((6 * (t += t < 0 ? 1 : t > 1 ? -1 : 0) < 1 ? e + (r - e) * t * 6 : t < 0.5 ? r : 3 * t < 2 ? e + (r - e) * (2 / 3 - t) * 6 : e) * Ne + 0.5) | 0; | |
658 | + }, | |
659 | + Xe = function (t, e, r) { | |
660 | + var i, | |
661 | + n, | |
662 | + o, | |
663 | + s, | |
664 | + a, | |
665 | + l, | |
666 | + c, | |
667 | + u, | |
668 | + h, | |
669 | + f, | |
670 | + p = t ? (rt(t) ? [t >> 16, (t >> 8) & Ne, t & Ne] : 0) :; | |
671 | + if (!p) { | |
672 | + if (("," === t.substr(-1) && (t = t.substr(0, t.length - 1)), qe[t])) p = qe[t]; | |
673 | + else if ("#" === t.charAt(0)) { | |
674 | + if ((t.length < 6 && ((i = t.charAt(1)), (n = t.charAt(2)), (o = t.charAt(3)), (t = "#" + i + i + n + n + o + o + (5 === t.length ? t.charAt(4) + t.charAt(4) : ""))), 9 === t.length)) | |
675 | + return [(p = parseInt(t.substr(1, 6), 16)) >> 16, (p >> 8) & Ne, p & Ne, parseInt(t.substr(7), 16) / 255]; | |
676 | + p = [(t = parseInt(t.substr(1), 16)) >> 16, (t >> 8) & Ne, t & Ne]; | |
677 | + } else if ("hsl" === t.substr(0, 3)) | |
678 | + if (((p = f = t.match(ut)), e)) { | |
679 | + if (~t.indexOf("=")) return (p = t.match(ht)), r && p.length < 4 && (p[3] = 1), p; | |
680 | + } else | |
681 | + (s = (+p[0] % 360) / 360), | |
682 | + (a = +p[1] / 100), | |
683 | + (i = 2 * (l = +p[2] / 100) - (n = l <= 0.5 ? l * (a + 1) : l + a - l * a)), | |
684 | + p.length > 3 && (p[3] *= 1), | |
685 | + (p[0] = Ye(s + 1 / 3, i, n)), | |
686 | + (p[1] = Ye(s, i, n)), | |
687 | + (p[2] = Ye(s - 1 / 3, i, n)); | |
688 | + else p = t.match(ut) || qe.transparent; | |
689 | + p =; | |
690 | + } | |
691 | + return ( | |
692 | + e && | |
693 | + !f && | |
694 | + ((i = p[0] / Ne), | |
695 | + (n = p[1] / Ne), | |
696 | + (o = p[2] / Ne), | |
697 | + (l = ((c = Math.max(i, n, o)) + (u = Math.min(i, n, o))) / 2), | |
698 | + c === u ? (s = a = 0) : ((h = c - u), (a = l > 0.5 ? h / (2 - c - u) : h / (c + u)), (s = c === i ? (n - o) / h + (n < o ? 6 : 0) : c === n ? (o - i) / h + 2 : (i - n) / h + 4), (s *= 60)), | |
699 | + (p[0] = ~~(s + 0.5)), | |
700 | + (p[1] = ~~(100 * a + 0.5)), | |
701 | + (p[2] = ~~(100 * l + 0.5))), | |
702 | + r && p.length < 4 && (p[3] = 1), | |
703 | + p | |
704 | + ); | |
705 | + }, | |
706 | + Ve = function (t) { | |
707 | + var e = [], | |
708 | + r = [], | |
709 | + i = -1; | |
710 | + return ( | |
711 | + t.split(Ue).forEach(function (t) { | |
712 | + var n = t.match(ft) || []; | |
713 | + e.push.apply(e, n), r.push((i += n.length + 1)); | |
714 | + }), | |
715 | + (e.c = r), | |
716 | + e | |
717 | + ); | |
718 | + }, | |
719 | + He = function (t, e, r) { | |
720 | + var i, | |
721 | + n, | |
722 | + o, | |
723 | + s, | |
724 | + a = "", | |
725 | + l = (t + a).match(Ue), | |
726 | + c = e ? "hsla(" : "rgba(", | |
727 | + u = 0; | |
728 | + if (!l) return t; | |
729 | + if ( | |
730 | + ((l = (t) { | |
731 | + return (t = Xe(t, e, 1)) && c + (e ? t[0] + "," + t[1] + "%," + t[2] + "%," + t[3] : t.join(",")) + ")"; | |
732 | + })), | |
733 | + r && ((o = Ve(t)), (i = r.c).join(a) !== o.c.join(a))) | |
734 | + ) | |
735 | + for (s = (n = t.replace(Ue, "1").split(ft)).length - 1; u < s; u++) a += n[u] + (~i.indexOf(u) ? l.shift() || c + "0,0,0,0)" : (o.length ? o : l.length ? l : r).shift()); | |
736 | + if (!n) for (s = (n = t.split(Ue)).length - 1; u < s; u++) a += n[u] + l[u]; | |
737 | + return a + n[s]; | |
738 | + }, | |
739 | + Ue = (function () { | |
740 | + var t, | |
741 | + e = "(?:\\b(?:(?:rgb|rgba|hsl|hsla)\\(.+?\\))|\\B#(?:[0-9a-f]{3,4}){1,2}\\b"; | |
742 | + for (t in qe) e += "|" + t + "\\b"; | |
743 | + return new RegExp(e + ")", "gi"); | |
744 | + })(), | |
745 | + Ge = /hsl[a]?\(/, | |
746 | + je = function (t) { | |
747 | + var e, | |
748 | + r = t.join(" "); | |
749 | + if (((Ue.lastIndex = 0), Ue.test(r))) return (e = Ge.test(r)), (t[1] = He(t[1], e)), (t[0] = He(t[0], e, Ve(t[1]))), !0; | |
750 | + }, | |
751 | + Ke = (function () { | |
752 | + var t, | |
753 | + e, | |
754 | + r, | |
755 | + i, | |
756 | + n, | |
757 | + o, | |
758 | + s =, | |
759 | + a = 500, | |
760 | + l = 33, | |
761 | + c = s(), | |
762 | + u = c, | |
763 | + h = 1e3 / 240, | |
764 | + f = h, | |
765 | + p = [], | |
766 | + g = function r(g) { | |
767 | + var d, | |
768 | + m, | |
769 | + _, | |
770 | + v, | |
771 | + y = s() - u, | |
772 | + b = !0 === g; | |
773 | + if ((y > a && (c += y - l), ((d = (_ = (u += y) - c) - f) > 0 || b) && ((v = ++i.frame), (n = _ - 1e3 * i.time), (i.time = _ /= 1e3), (f += d + (d >= h ? 4 : h - d)), (m = 1)), b || (t = e(r)), m)) | |
774 | + for (o = 0; o < p.length; o++) p[o](_, n, v, g); | |
775 | + }; | |
776 | + return (i = { | |
777 | + time: 0, | |
778 | + frame: 0, | |
779 | + tick: function () { | |
780 | + g(!0); | |
781 | + }, | |
782 | + deltaRatio: function (t) { | |
783 | + return n / (1e3 / (t || 60)); | |
784 | + }, | |
785 | + wake: function () { | |
786 | + L && | |
787 | + (!B && | |
788 | + st() && | |
789 | + ((R = B = window), | |
790 | + (I = R.document || {}), | |
791 | + (_t.gsap = jr), | |
792 | + (R.gsapVersions || (R.gsapVersions = [])).push(jr.version), | |
793 | + yt(vt || R.GreenSockGlobals || (!R.gsap && R) || {}), | |
794 | + (r = R.requestAnimationFrame), | |
795 | + ze.forEach(Fe)), | |
796 | + t && i.sleep(), | |
797 | + (e = | |
798 | + r || | |
799 | + function (t) { | |
800 | + return setTimeout(t, (f - 1e3 * i.time + 1) | 0); | |
801 | + }), | |
802 | + (F = 1), | |
803 | + g(2)); | |
804 | + }, | |
805 | + sleep: function () { | |
806 | + (r ? R.cancelAnimationFrame : clearTimeout)(t), (F = 0), (e = Tt); | |
807 | + }, | |
808 | + lagSmoothing: function (t, e) { | |
809 | + (a = t || 1 / 0), (l = Math.min(e || 33, a)); | |
810 | + }, | |
811 | + fps: function (t) { | |
812 | + (h = 1e3 / (t || 240)), (f = 1e3 * i.time + h); | |
813 | + }, | |
814 | + add: function (t, e, r) { | |
815 | + var n = e | |
816 | + ? function (e, r, o, s) { | |
817 | + t(e, r, o, s), i.remove(n); | |
818 | + } | |
819 | + : t; | |
820 | + return i.remove(t), p[r ? "unshift" : "push"](n), Qe(), n; | |
821 | + }, | |
822 | + remove: function (t, e) { | |
823 | + ~(e = p.indexOf(t)) && p.splice(e, 1) && o >= e && o--; | |
824 | + }, | |
825 | + _listeners: p, | |
826 | + }); | |
827 | + })(), | |
828 | + Qe = function () { | |
829 | + return !F && Ke.wake(); | |
830 | + }, | |
831 | + Ze = {}, | |
832 | + $e = /^[\d.\-M][\d.\-,\s]/, | |
833 | + Je = /["']/g, | |
834 | + tr = function (t) { | |
835 | + for (var e, r, i, n = {}, o = t.substr(1, t.length - 3).split(":"), s = o[0], a = 1, l = o.length; a < l; a++) | |
836 | + (r = o[a]), (e = a !== l - 1 ? r.lastIndexOf(",") : r.length), (i = r.substr(0, e)), (n[s] = isNaN(i) ? i.replace(Je, "").trim() : +i), (s = r.substr(e + 1).trim()); | |
837 | + return n; | |
838 | + }, | |
839 | + er = function (t) { | |
840 | + return function (e) { | |
841 | + return 1 - t(1 - e); | |
842 | + }; | |
843 | + }, | |
844 | + rr = function t(e, r) { | |
845 | + for (var i, n = e._first; n; ) | |
846 | + n instanceof ur ? t(n, r) : !n.vars.yoyoEase || (n._yoyo && n._repeat) || n._yoyo === r || (n.timeline ? t(n.timeline, r) : ((i = n._ease), (n._ease = n._yEase), (n._yEase = i), (n._yoyo = r))), (n = n._next); | |
847 | + }, | |
848 | + ir = function (t, e) { | |
849 | + return ( | |
850 | + (t && | |
851 | + (et(t) | |
852 | + ? t | |
853 | + : Ze[t] || | |
854 | + (function (t) { | |
855 | + var e, | |
856 | + r, | |
857 | + i, | |
858 | + n, | |
859 | + o = (t + "").split("("), | |
860 | + s = Ze[o[0]]; | |
861 | + return s && o.length > 1 && s.config | |
862 | + ? s.config.apply( | |
863 | + null, | |
864 | + ~t.indexOf("{") ? [tr(o[1])] : ((e = t), (r = e.indexOf("(") + 1), (i = e.indexOf(")")), (n = e.indexOf("(", r)), e.substring(r, ~n && n < i ? e.indexOf(")", i + 1) : i)).split(",").map(Ht) | |
865 | + ) | |
866 | + : Ze._CE && $e.test(t) | |
867 | + ? Ze._CE("", t) | |
868 | + : s; | |
869 | + })(t))) || | |
870 | + e | |
871 | + ); | |
872 | + }, | |
873 | + nr = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
874 | + void 0 === r && | |
875 | + (r = function (t) { | |
876 | + return 1 - e(1 - t); | |
877 | + }), | |
878 | + void 0 === i && | |
879 | + (i = function (t) { | |
880 | + return t < 0.5 ? e(2 * t) / 2 : 1 - e(2 * (1 - t)) / 2; | |
881 | + }); | |
882 | + var n, | |
883 | + o = { easeIn: e, easeOut: r, easeInOut: i }; | |
884 | + return ( | |
885 | + zt(t, function (t) { | |
886 | + for (var e in ((Ze[t] = _t[t] = o), (Ze[(n = t.toLowerCase())] = r), o)) Ze[n + ("easeIn" === e ? ".in" : "easeOut" === e ? ".out" : ".inOut")] = Ze[t + "." + e] = o[e]; | |
887 | + }), | |
888 | + o | |
889 | + ); | |
890 | + }, | |
891 | + or = function (t) { | |
892 | + return function (e) { | |
893 | + return e < 0.5 ? (1 - t(1 - 2 * e)) / 2 : 0.5 + t(2 * (e - 0.5)) / 2; | |
894 | + }; | |
895 | + }, | |
896 | + sr = function t(e, r, i) { | |
897 | + var n = r >= 1 ? r : 1, | |
898 | + o = (i || (e ? 0.3 : 0.45)) / (r < 1 ? r : 1), | |
899 | + s = (o / j) * (Math.asin(1 / n) || 0), | |
900 | + a = function (t) { | |
901 | + return 1 === t ? 1 : n * Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * J((t - s) * o) + 1; | |
902 | + }, | |
903 | + l = | |
904 | + "out" === e | |
905 | + ? a | |
906 | + : "in" === e | |
907 | + ? function (t) { | |
908 | + return 1 - a(1 - t); | |
909 | + } | |
910 | + : or(a); | |
911 | + return ( | |
912 | + (o = j / o), | |
913 | + (l.config = function (r, i) { | |
914 | + return t(e, r, i); | |
915 | + }), | |
916 | + l | |
917 | + ); | |
918 | + }, | |
919 | + ar = function t(e, r) { | |
920 | + void 0 === r && (r = 1.70158); | |
921 | + var i = function (t) { | |
922 | + return t ? --t * t * ((r + 1) * t + r) + 1 : 0; | |
923 | + }, | |
924 | + n = | |
925 | + "out" === e | |
926 | + ? i | |
927 | + : "in" === e | |
928 | + ? function (t) { | |
929 | + return 1 - i(1 - t); | |
930 | + } | |
931 | + : or(i); | |
932 | + return ( | |
933 | + (n.config = function (r) { | |
934 | + return t(e, r); | |
935 | + }), | |
936 | + n | |
937 | + ); | |
938 | + }; | |
939 | + zt("Linear,Quad,Cubic,Quart,Quint,Strong", function (t, e) { | |
940 | + var r = e < 5 ? e + 1 : e; | |
941 | + nr( | |
942 | + t + ",Power" + (r - 1), | |
943 | + e | |
944 | + ? function (t) { | |
945 | + return Math.pow(t, r); | |
946 | + } | |
947 | + : function (t) { | |
948 | + return t; | |
949 | + }, | |
950 | + function (t) { | |
951 | + return 1 - Math.pow(1 - t, r); | |
952 | + }, | |
953 | + function (t) { | |
954 | + return t < 0.5 ? Math.pow(2 * t, r) / 2 : 1 - Math.pow(2 * (1 - t), r) / 2; | |
955 | + } | |
956 | + ); | |
957 | + }), | |
958 | + (Ze.Linear.easeNone = Ze.none = Ze.Linear.easeIn), | |
959 | + nr("Elastic", sr("in"), sr("out"), sr()), | |
960 | + (N = 7.5625), | |
961 | + (Y = 1 / (q = 2.75)), | |
962 | + nr( | |
963 | + "Bounce", | |
964 | + function (t) { | |
965 | + return 1 - X(1 - t); | |
966 | + }, | |
967 | + (X = function (t) { | |
968 | + return t < Y ? N * t * t : t < 0.7272727272727273 ? N * Math.pow(t - 1.5 / q, 2) + 0.75 : t < 0.9090909090909092 ? N * (t -= 2.25 / q) * t + 0.9375 : N * Math.pow(t - 2.625 / q, 2) + 0.984375; | |
969 | + }) | |
970 | + ), | |
971 | + nr("Expo", function (t) { | |
972 | + return t ? Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)) : 0; | |
973 | + }), | |
974 | + nr("Circ", function (t) { | |
975 | + return -(Z(1 - t * t) - 1); | |
976 | + }), | |
977 | + nr("Sine", function (t) { | |
978 | + return 1 === t ? 1 : 1 - $(t * K); | |
979 | + }), | |
980 | + nr("Back", ar("in"), ar("out"), ar()), | |
981 | + (Ze.SteppedEase = Ze.steps = _t.SteppedEase = { | |
982 | + config: function (t, e) { | |
983 | + void 0 === t && (t = 1); | |
984 | + var r = 1 / t, | |
985 | + i = t + (e ? 0 : 1), | |
986 | + n = e ? 1 : 0; | |
987 | + return function (t) { | |
988 | + return (((i * xe(0, 0.99999999, t)) | 0) + n) * r; | |
989 | + }; | |
990 | + }, | |
991 | + }), | |
992 | + (H.ease = Ze["quad.out"]), | |
993 | + zt("onComplete,onUpdate,onStart,onRepeat,onReverseComplete,onInterrupt", function (t) { | |
994 | + return (Bt += t + "," + t + "Params,"); | |
995 | + }); | |
996 | + var lr = function (t, e) { | |
997 | + ( = Q++), (t._gsap = this), ( = t), (this.harness = e), (this.get = e ? e.get : Wt), (this.set = e ? e.getSetter : Er); | |
998 | + }, | |
999 | + cr = (function () { | |
1000 | + function t(t) { | |
1001 | + (this.vars = t), | |
1002 | + (this._delay = +t.delay || 0), | |
1003 | + (this._repeat = t.repeat === 1 / 0 ? -2 : t.repeat || 0) && ((this._rDelay = t.repeatDelay || 0), (this._yoyo = !!t.yoyo || !!t.yoyoEase)), | |
1004 | + (this._ts = 1), | |
1005 | + de(this, +t.duration, 1, 1), | |
1006 | + ( =, | |
1007 | + P && ((this._ctx = P),, | |
1008 | + F || Ke.wake(); | |
1009 | + } | |
1010 | + var e = t.prototype; | |
1011 | + return ( | |
1012 | + (e.delay = function (t) { | |
1013 | + return t || 0 === t ? (this.parent && this.parent.smoothChildTiming && this.startTime(this._start + t - this._delay), (this._delay = t), this) : this._delay; | |
1014 | + }), | |
1015 | + (e.duration = function (t) { | |
1016 | + return arguments.length ? this.totalDuration(this._repeat > 0 ? t + (t + this._rDelay) * this._repeat : t) : this.totalDuration() && this._dur; | |
1017 | + }), | |
1018 | + (e.totalDuration = function (t) { | |
1019 | + return arguments.length ? ((this._dirty = 0), de(this, this._repeat < 0 ? t : (t - this._repeat * this._rDelay) / (this._repeat + 1))) : this._tDur; | |
1020 | + }), | |
1021 | + (e.totalTime = function (t, e) { | |
1022 | + if ((Qe(), !arguments.length)) return this._tTime; | |
1023 | + var r = this._dp; | |
1024 | + if (r && r.smoothChildTiming && this._ts) { | |
1025 | + for (le(this, t), !r._dp || r.parent || ce(r, this); r && r.parent; ) | |
1026 | + r.parent._time !== r._start + (r._ts >= 0 ? r._tTime / r._ts : (r.totalDuration() - r._tTime) / -r._ts) && r.totalTime(r._tTime, !0), (r = r.parent); | |
1027 | + !this.parent && this._dp.autoRemoveChildren && ((this._ts > 0 && t < this._tDur) || (this._ts < 0 && t > 0) || (!this._tDur && !t)) && ue(this._dp, this, this._start - this._delay); | |
1028 | + } | |
1029 | + return (this._tTime !== t || (!this._dur && !e) || (this._initted && Math.abs(this._zTime) === G) || (!t && !this._initted && (this.add || this._ptLookup))) && (this._ts || (this._pTime = t), Vt(this, t, e)), this; | |
1030 | + }), | |
1031 | + (e.time = function (t, e) { | |
1032 | + return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(Math.min(this.totalDuration(), t + ne(this)) % (this._dur + this._rDelay) || (t ? this._dur : 0), e) : this._time; | |
1033 | + }), | |
1034 | + (e.totalProgress = function (t, e) { | |
1035 | + return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(this.totalDuration() * t, e) : this.totalDuration() ? Math.min(1, this._tTime / this._tDur) : this.ratio; | |
1036 | + }), | |
1037 | + (e.progress = function (t, e) { | |
1038 | + return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(this.duration() * (!this._yoyo || 1 & this.iteration() ? t : 1 - t) + ne(this), e) : this.duration() ? Math.min(1, this._time / this._dur) : this.ratio; | |
1039 | + }), | |
1040 | + (e.iteration = function (t, e) { | |
1041 | + var r = this.duration() + this._rDelay; | |
1042 | + return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(this._time + (t - 1) * r, e) : this._repeat ? oe(this._tTime, r) + 1 : 1; | |
1043 | + }), | |
1044 | + (e.timeScale = function (t) { | |
1045 | + if (!arguments.length) return -1e-8 === this._rts ? 0 : this._rts; | |
1046 | + if (this._rts === t) return this; | |
1047 | + var e = this.parent && this._ts ? se(this.parent._time, this) : this._tTime; | |
1048 | + return ( | |
1049 | + (this._rts = +t || 0), | |
1050 | + (this._ts = this._ps || -1e-8 === t ? 0 : this._rts), | |
1051 | + this.totalTime(xe(-Math.abs(this._delay), this._tDur, e), !0), | |
1052 | + ae(this), | |
1053 | + (function (t) { | |
1054 | + for (var e = t.parent; e && e.parent; ) (e._dirty = 1), e.totalDuration(), (e = e.parent); | |
1055 | + return t; | |
1056 | + })(this) | |
1057 | + ); | |
1058 | + }), | |
1059 | + (e.paused = function (t) { | |
1060 | + return arguments.length | |
1061 | + ? (this._ps !== t && | |
1062 | + ((this._ps = t), | |
1063 | + t | |
1064 | + ? ((this._pTime = this._tTime || Math.max(-this._delay, this.rawTime())), (this._ts = this._act = 0)) | |
1065 | + : (Qe(), | |
1066 | + (this._ts = this._rts), | |
1067 | + this.totalTime(this.parent && !this.parent.smoothChildTiming ? this.rawTime() : this._tTime || this._pTime, 1 === this.progress() && Math.abs(this._zTime) !== G && (this._tTime -= G)))), | |
1068 | + this) | |
1069 | + : this._ps; | |
1070 | + }), | |
1071 | + (e.startTime = function (t) { | |
1072 | + if (arguments.length) { | |
1073 | + this._start = t; | |
1074 | + var e = this.parent || this._dp; | |
1075 | + return e && (e._sort || !this.parent) && ue(e, this, t - this._delay), this; | |
1076 | + } | |
1077 | + return this._start; | |
1078 | + }), | |
1079 | + (e.endTime = function (t) { | |
1080 | + return this._start + (ot(t) ? this.totalDuration() : this.duration()) / Math.abs(this._ts || 1); | |
1081 | + }), | |
1082 | + (e.rawTime = function (t) { | |
1083 | + var e = this.parent || this._dp; | |
1084 | + return e ? (t && (!this._ts || (this._repeat && this._time && this.totalProgress() < 1)) ? this._tTime % (this._dur + this._rDelay) : this._ts ? se(e.rawTime(t), this) : this._tTime) : this._tTime; | |
1085 | + }), | |
1086 | + (e.revert = function (t) { | |
1087 | + void 0 === t && (t = Et); | |
1088 | + var e = O; | |
1089 | + return (O = t), (this._initted || this._startAt) && (this.timeline && this.timeline.revert(t), this.totalTime(-0.01, t.suppressEvents)), "nested" !== && !1 !== t.kill && this.kill(), (O = e), this; | |
1090 | + }), | |
1091 | + (e.globalTime = function (t) { | |
1092 | + for (var e = this, r = arguments.length ? t : e.rawTime(); e; ) (r = e._start + r / (e._ts || 1)), (e = e._dp); | |
1093 | + return !this.parent && this._sat ? (this._sat.vars.immediateRender ? -1 : this._sat.globalTime(t)) : r; | |
1094 | + }), | |
1095 | + (e.repeat = function (t) { | |
1096 | + return arguments.length ? ((this._repeat = t === 1 / 0 ? -2 : t), me(this)) : -2 === this._repeat ? 1 / 0 : this._repeat; | |
1097 | + }), | |
1098 | + (e.repeatDelay = function (t) { | |
1099 | + if (arguments.length) { | |
1100 | + var e = this._time; | |
1101 | + return (this._rDelay = t), me(this), e ? this.time(e) : this; | |
1102 | + } | |
1103 | + return this._rDelay; | |
1104 | + }), | |
1105 | + (e.yoyo = function (t) { | |
1106 | + return arguments.length ? ((this._yoyo = t), this) : this._yoyo; | |
1107 | + }), | |
1108 | + ( = function (t, e) { | |
1109 | + return this.totalTime(ve(this, t), ot(e)); | |
1110 | + }), | |
1111 | + (e.restart = function (t, e) { | |
1112 | + return ? -this._delay : 0, ot(e)); | |
1113 | + }), | |
1114 | + ( = function (t, e) { | |
1115 | + return null != t &&, e), this.reversed(!1).paused(!1); | |
1116 | + }), | |
1117 | + (e.reverse = function (t, e) { | |
1118 | + return null != t && || this.totalDuration(), e), this.reversed(!0).paused(!1); | |
1119 | + }), | |
1120 | + (e.pause = function (t, e) { | |
1121 | + return null != t &&, e), this.paused(!0); | |
1122 | + }), | |
1123 | + (e.resume = function () { | |
1124 | + return this.paused(!1); | |
1125 | + }), | |
1126 | + (e.reversed = function (t) { | |
1127 | + return arguments.length ? (!!t !== this.reversed() && this.timeScale(-this._rts || (t ? -1e-8 : 0)), this) : this._rts < 0; | |
1128 | + }), | |
1129 | + (e.invalidate = function () { | |
1130 | + return (this._initted = this._act = 0), (this._zTime = -1e-8), this; | |
1131 | + }), | |
1132 | + (e.isActive = function () { | |
1133 | + var t, | |
1134 | + e = this.parent || this._dp, | |
1135 | + r = this._start; | |
1136 | + return !(e && !(this._ts && this._initted && e.isActive() && (t = e.rawTime(!0)) >= r && t < this.endTime(!0) - G)); | |
1137 | + }), | |
1138 | + (e.eventCallback = function (t, e, r) { | |
1139 | + var i = this.vars; | |
1140 | + return arguments.length > 1 ? (e ? ((i[t] = e), r && (i[t + "Params"] = r), "onUpdate" === t && (this._onUpdate = e)) : delete i[t], this) : i[t]; | |
1141 | + }), | |
1142 | + (e.then = function (t) { | |
1143 | + var e = this; | |
1144 | + return new Promise(function (r) { | |
1145 | + var i = et(t) ? t : Ut, | |
1146 | + n = function () { | |
1147 | + var t = e.then; | |
1148 | + (e.then = null), et(i) && (i = i(e)) && (i.then || i === e) && (e.then = t), r(i), (e.then = t); | |
1149 | + }; | |
1150 | + (e._initted && 1 === e.totalProgress() && e._ts >= 0) || (!e._tTime && e._ts < 0) ? n() : (e._prom = n); | |
1151 | + }); | |
1152 | + }), | |
1153 | + (e.kill = function () { | |
1154 | + We(this); | |
1155 | + }), | |
1156 | + t | |
1157 | + ); | |
1158 | + })(); | |
1159 | + Gt(cr.prototype, { _time: 0, _start: 0, _end: 0, _tTime: 0, _tDur: 0, _dirty: 0, _repeat: 0, _yoyo: !1, parent: null, _initted: !1, _rDelay: 0, _ts: 1, _dp: 0, ratio: 0, _zTime: -1e-8, _prom: 0, _ps: !1, _rts: 1 }); | |
1160 | + var ur = (function (t) { | |
1161 | + function e(e, r) { | |
1162 | + var i; | |
1163 | + return ( | |
1164 | + void 0 === e && (e = {}), | |
1165 | + ((i =, e) || this).labels = {}), | |
1166 | + (i.smoothChildTiming = !!e.smoothChildTiming), | |
1167 | + (i.autoRemoveChildren = !!e.autoRemoveChildren), | |
1168 | + (i._sort = ot(e.sortChildren)), | |
1169 | + D && ue(e.parent || D, A(i), r), | |
1170 | + e.reversed && i.reverse(), | |
1171 | + e.paused && i.paused(!0), | |
1172 | + e.scrollTrigger && he(A(i), e.scrollTrigger), | |
1173 | + i | |
1174 | + ); | |
1175 | + } | |
1176 | + M(e, t); | |
1177 | + var r = e.prototype; | |
1178 | + return ( | |
1179 | + ( = function (t, e, r) { | |
1180 | + return ye(0, arguments, this), this; | |
1181 | + }), | |
1182 | + (r.from = function (t, e, r) { | |
1183 | + return ye(1, arguments, this), this; | |
1184 | + }), | |
1185 | + (r.fromTo = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
1186 | + return ye(2, arguments, this), this; | |
1187 | + }), | |
1188 | + (r.set = function (t, e, r) { | |
1189 | + return (e.duration = 0), (e.parent = this), Zt(e).repeatDelay || (e.repeat = 0), (e.immediateRender = !!e.immediateRender), new xr(t, e, ve(this, r), 1), this; | |
1190 | + }), | |
1191 | + ( = function (t, e, r) { | |
1192 | + return ue(this, xr.delayedCall(0, t, e), r); | |
1193 | + }), | |
1194 | + (r.staggerTo = function (t, e, r, i, n, o, s) { | |
1195 | + return (r.duration = e), (r.stagger = r.stagger || i), (r.onComplete = o), (r.onCompleteParams = s), (r.parent = this), new xr(t, r, ve(this, n)), this; | |
1196 | + }), | |
1197 | + (r.staggerFrom = function (t, e, r, i, n, o, s) { | |
1198 | + return (r.runBackwards = 1), (Zt(r).immediateRender = ot(r.immediateRender)), this.staggerTo(t, e, r, i, n, o, s); | |
1199 | + }), | |
1200 | + (r.staggerFromTo = function (t, e, r, i, n, o, s, a) { | |
1201 | + return (i.startAt = r), (Zt(i).immediateRender = ot(i.immediateRender)), this.staggerTo(t, e, i, n, o, s, a); | |
1202 | + }), | |
1203 | + (r.render = function (t, e, r) { | |
1204 | + var i, | |
1205 | + n, | |
1206 | + o, | |
1207 | + s, | |
1208 | + a, | |
1209 | + l, | |
1210 | + c, | |
1211 | + u, | |
1212 | + h, | |
1213 | + f, | |
1214 | + p, | |
1215 | + g, | |
1216 | + d = this._time, | |
1217 | + m = this._dirty ? this.totalDuration() : this._tDur, | |
1218 | + _ = this._dur, | |
1219 | + v = t <= 0 ? 0 : Nt(t), | |
1220 | + y = this._zTime < 0 != t < 0 && (this._initted || !_); | |
1221 | + if ((this !== D && v > m && t >= 0 && (v = m), v !== this._tTime || r || y)) { | |
1222 | + if ((d !== this._time && _ && ((v += this._time - d), (t += this._time - d)), (i = v), (h = this._start), (l = !(u = this._ts)), y && (_ || (d = this._zTime), (t || !e) && (this._zTime = t)), this._repeat)) { | |
1223 | + if (((p = this._yoyo), (a = _ + this._rDelay), this._repeat < -1 && t < 0)) return this.totalTime(100 * a + t, e, r); | |
1224 | + if ( | |
1225 | + ((i = Nt(v % a)), | |
1226 | + v === m ? ((s = this._repeat), (i = _)) : ((s = ~~(v / a)) && s === v / a && ((i = _), s--), i > _ && (i = _)), | |
1227 | + (f = oe(this._tTime, a)), | |
1228 | + !d && this._tTime && f !== s && this._tTime - f * a - this._dur <= 0 && (f = s), | |
1229 | + p && 1 & s && ((i = _ - i), (g = 1)), | |
1230 | + s !== f && !this._lock) | |
1231 | + ) { | |
1232 | + var b = p && 1 & f, | |
1233 | + x = b === (p && 1 & s); | |
1234 | + if ( | |
1235 | + (s < f && (b = !b), | |
1236 | + (d = b ? 0 : _), | |
1237 | + (this._lock = 1), | |
1238 | + (this.render(d || (g ? 0 : Nt(s * a)), e, !_)._lock = 0), | |
1239 | + (this._tTime = v), | |
1240 | + !e && this.parent && Le(this, "onRepeat"), | |
1241 | + this.vars.repeatRefresh && !g && (this.invalidate()._lock = 1), | |
1242 | + (d && d !== this._time) || l !== !this._ts || (this.vars.onRepeat && !this.parent && !this._act)) | |
1243 | + ) | |
1244 | + return this; | |
1245 | + if (((_ = this._dur), (m = this._tDur), x && ((this._lock = 2), (d = b ? _ : -1e-4), this.render(d, !0), this.vars.repeatRefresh && !g && this.invalidate()), (this._lock = 0), !this._ts && !l)) return this; | |
1246 | + rr(this, g); | |
1247 | + } | |
1248 | + } | |
1249 | + if ( | |
1250 | + (this._hasPause && | |
1251 | + !this._forcing && | |
1252 | + this._lock < 2 && | |
1253 | + ((c = (function (t, e, r) { | |
1254 | + var i; | |
1255 | + if (r > e) | |
1256 | + for (i = t._first; i && i._start <= r; ) { | |
1257 | + if ("isPause" === && i._start > e) return i; | |
1258 | + i = i._next; | |
1259 | + } | |
1260 | + else | |
1261 | + for (i = t._last; i && i._start >= r; ) { | |
1262 | + if ("isPause" === && i._start < e) return i; | |
1263 | + i = i._prev; | |
1264 | + } | |
1265 | + })(this, Nt(d), Nt(i))), | |
1266 | + c && (v -= i - (i = c._start))), | |
1267 | + (this._tTime = v), | |
1268 | + (this._time = i), | |
1269 | + (this._act = !u), | |
1270 | + this._initted || ((this._onUpdate = this.vars.onUpdate), (this._initted = 1), (this._zTime = t), (d = 0)), | |
1271 | + !d && i && !e && !s && (Le(this, "onStart"), this._tTime !== v)) | |
1272 | + ) | |
1273 | + return this; | |
1274 | + if (i >= d && t >= 0) | |
1275 | + for (n = this._first; n; ) { | |
1276 | + if (((o = n._next), (n._act || i >= n._start) && n._ts && c !== n)) { | |
1277 | + if (n.parent !== this) return this.render(t, e, r); | |
1278 | + if ((n.render(n._ts > 0 ? (i - n._start) * n._ts : (n._dirty ? n.totalDuration() : n._tDur) + (i - n._start) * n._ts, e, r), i !== this._time || (!this._ts && !l))) { | |
1279 | + (c = 0), o && (v += this._zTime = -1e-8); | |
1280 | + break; | |
1281 | + } | |
1282 | + } | |
1283 | + n = o; | |
1284 | + } | |
1285 | + else { | |
1286 | + n = this._last; | |
1287 | + for (var w = t < 0 ? t : i; n; ) { | |
1288 | + if (((o = n._prev), (n._act || w <= n._end) && n._ts && c !== n)) { | |
1289 | + if (n.parent !== this) return this.render(t, e, r); | |
1290 | + if ((n.render(n._ts > 0 ? (w - n._start) * n._ts : (n._dirty ? n.totalDuration() : n._tDur) + (w - n._start) * n._ts, e, r || (O && (n._initted || n._startAt))), i !== this._time || (!this._ts && !l))) { | |
1291 | + (c = 0), o && (v += this._zTime = w ? -1e-8 : G); | |
1292 | + break; | |
1293 | + } | |
1294 | + } | |
1295 | + n = o; | |
1296 | + } | |
1297 | + } | |
1298 | + if (c && !e && (this.pause(), (c.render(i >= d ? 0 : -1e-8)._zTime = i >= d ? 1 : -1), this._ts)) return (this._start = h), ae(this), this.render(t, e, r); | |
1299 | + this._onUpdate && !e && Le(this, "onUpdate", !0), | |
1300 | + ((v === m && this._tTime >= this.totalDuration()) || (!v && d)) && | |
1301 | + ((h !== this._start && Math.abs(u) === Math.abs(this._ts)) || | |
1302 | + this._lock || | |
1303 | + ((t || !_) && ((v === m && this._ts > 0) || (!v && this._ts < 0)) && te(this, 1), | |
1304 | + e || (t < 0 && !d) || (!v && !d && m) || (Le(this, v === m && t >= 0 ? "onComplete" : "onReverseComplete", !0), this._prom && !(v < m && this.timeScale() > 0) && this._prom()))); | |
1305 | + } | |
1306 | + return this; | |
1307 | + }), | |
1308 | + (r.add = function (t, e) { | |
1309 | + var r = this; | |
1310 | + if ((rt(e) || (e = ve(this, e, t)), !(t instanceof cr))) { | |
1311 | + if (ct(t)) | |
1312 | + return ( | |
1313 | + t.forEach(function (t) { | |
1314 | + return r.add(t, e); | |
1315 | + }), | |
1316 | + this | |
1317 | + ); | |
1318 | + if (tt(t)) return this.addLabel(t, e); | |
1319 | + if (!et(t)) return this; | |
1320 | + t = xr.delayedCall(0, t); | |
1321 | + } | |
1322 | + return this !== t ? ue(this, t, e) : this; | |
1323 | + }), | |
1324 | + (r.getChildren = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
1325 | + void 0 === t && (t = !0), void 0 === e && (e = !0), void 0 === r && (r = !0), void 0 === i && (i = -U); | |
1326 | + for (var n = [], o = this._first; o; ) o._start >= i && (o instanceof xr ? e && n.push(o) : (r && n.push(o), t && n.push.apply(n, o.getChildren(!0, e, r)))), (o = o._next); | |
1327 | + return n; | |
1328 | + }), | |
1329 | + (r.getById = function (t) { | |
1330 | + for (var e = this.getChildren(1, 1, 1), r = e.length; r--; ) if (e[r] === t) return e[r]; | |
1331 | + }), | |
1332 | + (r.remove = function (t) { | |
1333 | + return tt(t) ? this.removeLabel(t) : et(t) ? this.killTweensOf(t) : (Jt(this, t), t === this._recent && (this._recent = this._last), ee(this)); | |
1334 | + }), | |
1335 | + (r.totalTime = function (e, r) { | |
1336 | + return arguments.length | |
1337 | + ? ((this._forcing = 1), !this._dp && this._ts && (this._start = Nt(Ke.time - (this._ts > 0 ? e / this._ts : (this.totalDuration() - e) / -this._ts))),, e, r), (this._forcing = 0), this) | |
1338 | + : this._tTime; | |
1339 | + }), | |
1340 | + (r.addLabel = function (t, e) { | |
1341 | + return (this.labels[t] = ve(this, e)), this; | |
1342 | + }), | |
1343 | + (r.removeLabel = function (t) { | |
1344 | + return delete this.labels[t], this; | |
1345 | + }), | |
1346 | + (r.addPause = function (t, e, r) { | |
1347 | + var i = xr.delayedCall(0, e || Tt, r); | |
1348 | + return ( = "isPause"), (this._hasPause = 1), ue(this, i, ve(this, t)); | |
1349 | + }), | |
1350 | + (r.removePause = function (t) { | |
1351 | + var e = this._first; | |
1352 | + for (t = ve(this, t); e; ) e._start === t && "isPause" === && te(e), (e = e._next); | |
1353 | + }), | |
1354 | + (r.killTweensOf = function (t, e, r) { | |
1355 | + for (var i = this.getTweensOf(t, r), n = i.length; n--; ) hr !== i[n] && i[n].kill(t, e); | |
1356 | + return this; | |
1357 | + }), | |
1358 | + (r.getTweensOf = function (t, e) { | |
1359 | + for (var r, i = [], n = Ce(t), o = this._first, s = rt(e); o; ) | |
1360 | + o instanceof xr | |
1361 | + ? Yt(o._targets, n) && (s ? (!hr || (o._initted && o._ts)) && o.globalTime(0) <= e && o.globalTime(o.totalDuration()) > e : !e || o.isActive()) && i.push(o) | |
1362 | + : (r = o.getTweensOf(n, e)).length && i.push.apply(i, r), | |
1363 | + (o = o._next); | |
1364 | + return i; | |
1365 | + }), | |
1366 | + (r.tweenTo = function (t, e) { | |
1367 | + e = e || {}; | |
1368 | + var r, | |
1369 | + i = this, | |
1370 | + n = ve(i, t), | |
1371 | + o = e, | |
1372 | + s = o.startAt, | |
1373 | + a = o.onStart, | |
1374 | + l = o.onStartParams, | |
1375 | + c = o.immediateRender, | |
1376 | + u = | |
1377 | + i, | |
1378 | + Gt( | |
1379 | + { | |
1380 | + ease: e.ease || "none", | |
1381 | + lazy: !1, | |
1382 | + immediateRender: !1, | |
1383 | + time: n, | |
1384 | + overwrite: "auto", | |
1385 | + duration: e.duration || Math.abs((n - (s && "time" in s ? s.time : i._time)) / i.timeScale()) || G, | |
1386 | + onStart: function () { | |
1387 | + if ((i.pause(), !r)) { | |
1388 | + var t = e.duration || Math.abs((n - (s && "time" in s ? s.time : i._time)) / i.timeScale()); | |
1389 | + u._dur !== t && de(u, t, 0, 1).render(u._time, !0, !0), (r = 1); | |
1390 | + } | |
1391 | + a && a.apply(u, l || []); | |
1392 | + }, | |
1393 | + }, | |
1394 | + e | |
1395 | + ) | |
1396 | + ); | |
1397 | + return c ? u.render(0) : u; | |
1398 | + }), | |
1399 | + (r.tweenFromTo = function (t, e, r) { | |
1400 | + return this.tweenTo(e, Gt({ startAt: { time: ve(this, t) } }, r)); | |
1401 | + }), | |
1402 | + (r.recent = function () { | |
1403 | + return this._recent; | |
1404 | + }), | |
1405 | + (r.nextLabel = function (t) { | |
1406 | + return void 0 === t && (t = this._time), Ie(this, ve(this, t)); | |
1407 | + }), | |
1408 | + (r.previousLabel = function (t) { | |
1409 | + return void 0 === t && (t = this._time), Ie(this, ve(this, t), 1); | |
1410 | + }), | |
1411 | + (r.currentLabel = function (t) { | |
1412 | + return arguments.length ?, !0) : this.previousLabel(this._time + G); | |
1413 | + }), | |
1414 | + (r.shiftChildren = function (t, e, r) { | |
1415 | + void 0 === r && (r = 0); | |
1416 | + for (var i, n = this._first, o = this.labels; n; ) n._start >= r && ((n._start += t), (n._end += t)), (n = n._next); | |
1417 | + if (e) for (i in o) o[i] >= r && (o[i] += t); | |
1418 | + return ee(this); | |
1419 | + }), | |
1420 | + (r.invalidate = function (e) { | |
1421 | + var r = this._first; | |
1422 | + for (this._lock = 0; r; ) r.invalidate(e), (r = r._next); | |
1423 | + return, e); | |
1424 | + }), | |
1425 | + (r.clear = function (t) { | |
1426 | + void 0 === t && (t = !0); | |
1427 | + for (var e, r = this._first; r; ) (e = r._next), this.remove(r), (r = e); | |
1428 | + return this._dp && (this._time = this._tTime = this._pTime = 0), t && (this.labels = {}), ee(this); | |
1429 | + }), | |
1430 | + (r.totalDuration = function (t) { | |
1431 | + var e, | |
1432 | + r, | |
1433 | + i, | |
1434 | + n = 0, | |
1435 | + o = this, | |
1436 | + s = o._last, | |
1437 | + a = U; | |
1438 | + if (arguments.length) return o.timeScale((o._repeat < 0 ? o.duration() : o.totalDuration()) / (o.reversed() ? -t : t)); | |
1439 | + if (o._dirty) { | |
1440 | + for (i = o.parent; s; ) | |
1441 | + (e = s._prev), | |
1442 | + s._dirty && s.totalDuration(), | |
1443 | + (r = s._start) > a && o._sort && s._ts && !o._lock ? ((o._lock = 1), (ue(o, s, r - s._delay, 1)._lock = 0)) : (a = r), | |
1444 | + r < 0 && s._ts && ((n -= r), ((!i && !o._dp) || (i && i.smoothChildTiming)) && ((o._start += r / o._ts), (o._time -= r), (o._tTime -= r)), o.shiftChildren(-r, !1, -Infinity), (a = 0)), | |
1445 | + s._end > n && s._ts && (n = s._end), | |
1446 | + (s = e); | |
1447 | + de(o, o === D && o._time > n ? o._time : n, 1, 1), (o._dirty = 0); | |
1448 | + } | |
1449 | + return o._tDur; | |
1450 | + }), | |
1451 | + (e.updateRoot = function (t) { | |
1452 | + if ((D._ts && (Vt(D, se(t, D)), (W = Ke.frame)), Ke.frame >= Dt)) { | |
1453 | + Dt += V.autoSleep || 120; | |
1454 | + var e = D._first; | |
1455 | + if ((!e || !e._ts) && V.autoSleep && Ke._listeners.length < 2) { | |
1456 | + for (; e && !e._ts; ) e = e._next; | |
1457 | + e || Ke.sleep(); | |
1458 | + } | |
1459 | + } | |
1460 | + }), | |
1461 | + e | |
1462 | + ); | |
1463 | + })(cr); | |
1464 | + Gt(ur.prototype, { _lock: 0, _hasPause: 0, _forcing: 0 }); | |
1465 | + var hr, | |
1466 | + fr, | |
1467 | + pr = function (t, e, r, i, n, o, s) { | |
1468 | + var a, | |
1469 | + l, | |
1470 | + c, | |
1471 | + u, | |
1472 | + h, | |
1473 | + f, | |
1474 | + p, | |
1475 | + g, | |
1476 | + d = new Ir(this._pt, t, e, 0, 1, Sr, null, n), | |
1477 | + m = 0, | |
1478 | + _ = 0; | |
1479 | + for (d.b = r, d.e = i, r += "", (p = ~(i += "").indexOf("random(")) && (i = Re(i)), o && (o((g = [r, i]), t, e), (r = g[0]), (i = g[1])), l = r.match(pt) || []; (a = pt.exec(i)); ) | |
1480 | + (u = a[0]), | |
1481 | + (h = i.substring(m, a.index)), | |
1482 | + c ? (c = (c + 1) % 5) : "rgba(" === h.substr(-5) && (c = 1), | |
1483 | + u !== l[_++] && | |
1484 | + ((f = parseFloat(l[_ - 1]) || 0), (d._pt = { _next: d._pt, p: h || 1 === _ ? h : ",", s: f, c: "=" === u.charAt(1) ? qt(f, u) - f : parseFloat(u) - f, m: c && c < 4 ? Math.round : 0 }), (m = pt.lastIndex)); | |
1485 | + return (d.c = m < i.length ? i.substring(m, i.length) : ""), (d.fp = s), (gt.test(i) || p) && (d.e = 0), (this._pt = d), d; | |
1486 | + }, | |
1487 | + gr = function (t, e, r, i, n, o, s, a, l, c) { | |
1488 | + et(i) && (i = i(n || 0, t, o)); | |
1489 | + var u, | |
1490 | + h = t[e], | |
1491 | + f = "get" !== r ? r : et(h) ? (l ? t[e.indexOf("set") || !et(t["get" + e.substr(3)]) ? e : "get" + e.substr(3)](l) : t[e]()) : h, | |
1492 | + p = et(h) ? (l ? kr : Tr) : wr; | |
1493 | + if ((tt(i) && (~i.indexOf("random(") && (i = Re(i)), "=" === i.charAt(1) && ((u = qt(f, i) + (we(f) || 0)) || 0 === u) && (i = u)), !c || f !== i || fr)) | |
1494 | + return isNaN(f * i) || "" === i | |
1495 | + ? (!h && !(e in t) && bt(e, i),, t, e, f, i, p, a || V.stringFilter, l)) | |
1496 | + : ((u = new Ir(this._pt, t, e, +f || 0, i - (f || 0), "boolean" == typeof h ? Mr : Ar, 0, p)), l && (u.fp = l), s && u.modifier(s, this, t), (this._pt = u)); | |
1497 | + }, | |
1498 | + dr = function (t, e, r, i, n, o) { | |
1499 | + var s, a, l, c; | |
1500 | + if ( | |
1501 | + Ot[t] && | |
1502 | + !1 !== | |
1503 | + (s = new Ot[t]()).init( | |
1504 | + n, | |
1505 | + s.rawVars | |
1506 | + ? e[t] | |
1507 | + : (function (t, e, r, i, n) { | |
1508 | + if ((et(t) && (t = vr(t, n, e, r, i)), !nt(t) || ( && t.nodeType) || ct(t) || lt(t))) return tt(t) ? vr(t, n, e, r, i) : t; | |
1509 | + var o, | |
1510 | + s = {}; | |
1511 | + for (o in t) s[o] = vr(t[o], n, e, r, i); | |
1512 | + return s; | |
1513 | + })(e[t], i, n, o, r), | |
1514 | + r, | |
1515 | + i, | |
1516 | + o | |
1517 | + ) && | |
1518 | + ((r._pt = a = new Ir(r._pt, n, t, 0, 1, s.render, s, 0, s.priority)), r !== z) | |
1519 | + ) | |
1520 | + for (l = r._ptLookup[r._targets.indexOf(n)], c = s._props.length; c--; ) l[s._props[c]] = a; | |
1521 | + return s; | |
1522 | + }, | |
1523 | + mr = function t(e, r, i) { | |
1524 | + var n, | |
1525 | + o, | |
1526 | + s, | |
1527 | + a, | |
1528 | + l, | |
1529 | + c, | |
1530 | + u, | |
1531 | + h, | |
1532 | + f, | |
1533 | + p, | |
1534 | + g, | |
1535 | + d, | |
1536 | + m, | |
1537 | + _ = e.vars, | |
1538 | + v = _.ease, | |
1539 | + y = _.startAt, | |
1540 | + b = _.immediateRender, | |
1541 | + x = _.lazy, | |
1542 | + w = _.onUpdate, | |
1543 | + T = _.onUpdateParams, | |
1544 | + k = _.callbackScope, | |
1545 | + C = _.runBackwards, | |
1546 | + E = _.yoyoEase, | |
1547 | + A = _.keyframes, | |
1548 | + M = _.autoRevert, | |
1549 | + P = e._dur, | |
1550 | + R = e._startAt, | |
1551 | + B = e._targets, | |
1552 | + I = e.parent, | |
1553 | + L = I && "nested" === ? I.vars.targets : B, | |
1554 | + W = "auto" === e._overwrite && !S, | |
1555 | + z = e.timeline; | |
1556 | + if ( | |
1557 | + (z && (!A || !v) && (v = "none"), | |
1558 | + (e._ease = ir(v, H.ease)), | |
1559 | + (e._yEase = E ? er(ir(!0 === E ? v : E, H.ease)) : 0), | |
1560 | + E && e._yoyo && !e._repeat && ((E = e._yEase), (e._yEase = e._ease), (e._ease = E)), | |
1561 | + (e._from = !z && !!_.runBackwards), | |
1562 | + !z || (A && !_.stagger)) | |
1563 | + ) { | |
1564 | + if (((d = (h = B[0] ? Lt(B[0]).harness : 0) && _[h.prop]), (n = Qt(_, At)), R && (R._zTime < 0 && R.progress(1), r < 0 && C && b && !M ? R.render(-1, !0) : R.revert(C && P ? Ct : kt), (R._lazy = 0)), y)) { | |
1565 | + if ( | |
1566 | + (te((e._startAt = xr.set(B, Gt({ data: "isStart", overwrite: !1, parent: I, immediateRender: !0, lazy: !R && ot(x), startAt: null, delay: 0, onUpdate: w, onUpdateParams: T, callbackScope: k, stagger: 0 }, y)))), | |
1567 | + (e._startAt._dp = 0), | |
1568 | + (e._startAt._sat = e), | |
1569 | + r < 0 && (O || (!b && !M)) && e._startAt.revert(Ct), | |
1570 | + b && P && r <= 0 && i <= 0) | |
1571 | + ) | |
1572 | + return void (r && (e._zTime = r)); | |
1573 | + } else if (C && P && !R) | |
1574 | + if ( | |
1575 | + (r && (b = !1), | |
1576 | + (s = Gt({ overwrite: !1, data: "isFromStart", lazy: b && !R && ot(x), immediateRender: b, stagger: 0, parent: I }, n)), | |
1577 | + d && (s[h.prop] = d), | |
1578 | + te((e._startAt = xr.set(B, s))), | |
1579 | + (e._startAt._dp = 0), | |
1580 | + (e._startAt._sat = e), | |
1581 | + r < 0 && (O ? e._startAt.revert(Ct) : e._startAt.render(-1, !0)), | |
1582 | + (e._zTime = r), | |
1583 | + b) | |
1584 | + ) { | |
1585 | + if (!r) return; | |
1586 | + } else t(e._startAt, G, G); | |
1587 | + for (e._pt = e._ptCache = 0, x = (P && ot(x)) || (x && !P), o = 0; o < B.length; o++) { | |
1588 | + if ( | |
1589 | + ((u = (l = B[o])._gsap || It(B)[o]._gsap), | |
1590 | + (e._ptLookup[o] = p = {}), | |
1591 | + St[] && Mt.length && Xt(), | |
1592 | + (g = L === B ? o : L.indexOf(l)), | |
1593 | + h && | |
1594 | + !1 !== (f = new h()).init(l, d || n, e, g, L) && | |
1595 | + ((e._pt = a = new Ir(e._pt, l,, 0, 1, f.render, f, 0, f.priority)), | |
1596 | + f._props.forEach(function (t) { | |
1597 | + p[t] = a; | |
1598 | + }), | |
1599 | + f.priority && (c = 1)), | |
1600 | + !h || d) | |
1601 | + ) | |
1602 | + for (s in n) Ot[s] && (f = dr(s, n, e, g, l, L)) ? f.priority && (c = 1) : (p[s] = a =, l, s, "get", n[s], g, L, 0, _.stringFilter)); | |
1603 | + e._op && e._op[o] && e.kill(l, e._op[o]), W && e._pt && ((hr = e), D.killTweensOf(l, p, e.globalTime(r)), (m = !e.parent), (hr = 0)), e._pt && x && (St[] = 1); | |
1604 | + } | |
1605 | + c && Br(e), e._onInit && e._onInit(e); | |
1606 | + } | |
1607 | + (e._onUpdate = w), (e._initted = (!e._op || e._pt) && !m), A && r <= 0 && z.render(U, !0, !0); | |
1608 | + }, | |
1609 | + _r = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
1610 | + var n, | |
1611 | + o, | |
1612 | + s = e.ease || i || "power1.inOut"; | |
1613 | + if (ct(e)) | |
1614 | + (o = r[t] || (r[t] = [])), | |
1615 | + e.forEach(function (t, r) { | |
1616 | + return o.push({ t: (r / (e.length - 1)) * 100, v: t, e: s }); | |
1617 | + }); | |
1618 | + else for (n in e) (o = r[n] || (r[n] = [])), "ease" === n || o.push({ t: parseFloat(t), v: e[n], e: s }); | |
1619 | + }, | |
1620 | + vr = function (t, e, r, i, n) { | |
1621 | + return et(t) ?, r, i, n) : tt(t) && ~t.indexOf("random(") ? Re(t) : t; | |
1622 | + }, | |
1623 | + yr = Bt + "repeat,repeatDelay,yoyo,repeatRefresh,yoyoEase,autoRevert", | |
1624 | + br = {}; | |
1625 | + zt(yr + ",id,stagger,delay,duration,paused,scrollTrigger", function (t) { | |
1626 | + return (br[t] = 1); | |
1627 | + }); | |
1628 | + var xr = (function (t) { | |
1629 | + function e(e, r, i, n) { | |
1630 | + var o; | |
1631 | + "number" == typeof r && ((i.duration = r), (r = i), (i = null)); | |
1632 | + var s, | |
1633 | + a, | |
1634 | + l, | |
1635 | + c, | |
1636 | + u, | |
1637 | + h, | |
1638 | + f, | |
1639 | + p, | |
1640 | + g = (o =, n ? r : Zt(r)) || this).vars, | |
1641 | + d = g.duration, | |
1642 | + m = g.delay, | |
1643 | + _ = g.immediateRender, | |
1644 | + v = g.stagger, | |
1645 | + y = g.overwrite, | |
1646 | + b = g.keyframes, | |
1647 | + x = g.defaults, | |
1648 | + w = g.scrollTrigger, | |
1649 | + T = g.yoyoEase, | |
1650 | + k = r.parent || D, | |
1651 | + C = (ct(e) || lt(e) ? rt(e[0]) : "length" in r) ? [e] : Ce(e); | |
1652 | + if (((o._targets = C.length ? It(C) : xt("GSAP target " + e + " not found.", !V.nullTargetWarn) || []), (o._ptLookup = []), (o._overwrite = y), b || v || at(d) || at(m))) { | |
1653 | + if (((r = o.vars), (s = o.timeline = new ur({ data: "nested", defaults: x || {}, targets: k && "nested" === ? k.vars.targets : C })).kill(), (s.parent = s._dp = A(o)), (s._start = 0), v || at(d) || at(m))) { | |
1654 | + if (((c = C.length), (f = v && Me(v)), nt(v))) for (u in v) ~yr.indexOf(u) && (p || (p = {}), (p[u] = v[u])); | |
1655 | + for (a = 0; a < c; a++) | |
1656 | + ((l = Qt(r, br)).stagger = 0), | |
1657 | + T && (l.yoyoEase = T), | |
1658 | + p && jt(l, p), | |
1659 | + (h = C[a]), | |
1660 | + (l.duration = +vr(d, A(o), a, h, C)), | |
1661 | + (l.delay = (+vr(m, A(o), a, h, C) || 0) - o._delay), | |
1662 | + !v && 1 === c && l.delay && ((o._delay = m = l.delay), (o._start += m), (l.delay = 0)), | |
1663 | +, l, f ? f(a, h, C) : 0), | |
1664 | + (s._ease = Ze.none); | |
1665 | + s.duration() ? (d = m = 0) : (o.timeline = 0); | |
1666 | + } else if (b) { | |
1667 | + Zt(Gt(s.vars.defaults, { ease: "none" })), (s._ease = ir(b.ease || r.ease || "none")); | |
1668 | + var E, | |
1669 | + M, | |
1670 | + O, | |
1671 | + P = 0; | |
1672 | + if (ct(b)) | |
1673 | + b.forEach(function (t) { | |
1674 | + return, t, ">"); | |
1675 | + }), | |
1676 | + s.duration(); | |
1677 | + else { | |
1678 | + for (u in ((l = {}), b)) "ease" === u || "easeEach" === u || _r(u, b[u], l, b.easeEach); | |
1679 | + for (u in l) | |
1680 | + for ( | |
1681 | + E = l[u].sort(function (t, e) { | |
1682 | + return t.t - e.t; | |
1683 | + }), | |
1684 | + P = 0, | |
1685 | + a = 0; | |
1686 | + a < E.length; | |
1687 | + a++ | |
1688 | + ) | |
1689 | + ((O = { ease: (M = E[a]).e, duration: ((M.t - (a ? E[a - 1].t : 0)) / 100) * d })[u] = M.v),, O, P), (P += O.duration); | |
1690 | + s.duration() < d &&{}, { duration: d - s.duration() }); | |
1691 | + } | |
1692 | + } | |
1693 | + d || o.duration((d = s.duration())); | |
1694 | + } else o.timeline = 0; | |
1695 | + return ( | |
1696 | + !0 !== y || S || ((hr = A(o)), D.killTweensOf(C), (hr = 0)), | |
1697 | + ue(k, A(o), i), | |
1698 | + r.reversed && o.reverse(), | |
1699 | + r.paused && o.paused(!0), | |
1700 | + (_ || (!d && !b && o._start === Nt(k._time) && ot(_) && ie(A(o)) && "nested" !== && ((o._tTime = -1e-8), o.render(Math.max(0, -m) || 0)), | |
1701 | + w && he(A(o), w), | |
1702 | + o | |
1703 | + ); | |
1704 | + } | |
1705 | + M(e, t); | |
1706 | + var r = e.prototype; | |
1707 | + return ( | |
1708 | + (r.render = function (t, e, r) { | |
1709 | + var i, | |
1710 | + n, | |
1711 | + o, | |
1712 | + s, | |
1713 | + a, | |
1714 | + l, | |
1715 | + c, | |
1716 | + u, | |
1717 | + h, | |
1718 | + f = this._time, | |
1719 | + p = this._tDur, | |
1720 | + g = this._dur, | |
1721 | + d = t < 0, | |
1722 | + m = t > p - G && !d ? p : t < G ? 0 : t; | |
1723 | + if (g) { | |
1724 | + if (m !== this._tTime || !t || r || (!this._initted && this._tTime) || (this._startAt && this._zTime < 0 !== d)) { | |
1725 | + if (((i = m), (u = this.timeline), this._repeat)) { | |
1726 | + if (((s = g + this._rDelay), this._repeat < -1 && d)) return this.totalTime(100 * s + t, e, r); | |
1727 | + if ( | |
1728 | + ((i = Nt(m % s)), | |
1729 | + m === p ? ((o = this._repeat), (i = g)) : ((o = ~~(m / s)) && o === m / s && ((i = g), o--), i > g && (i = g)), | |
1730 | + (l = this._yoyo && 1 & o) && ((h = this._yEase), (i = g - i)), | |
1731 | + (a = oe(this._tTime, s)), | |
1732 | + i === f && !r && this._initted) | |
1733 | + ) | |
1734 | + return (this._tTime = m), this; | |
1735 | + o !== a && (u && this._yEase && rr(u, l), !this.vars.repeatRefresh || l || this._lock || ((this._lock = r = 1), (this.render(Nt(s * o), !0).invalidate()._lock = 0))); | |
1736 | + } | |
1737 | + if (!this._initted) { | |
1738 | + if (fe(this, d ? t : i, r, e, m)) return (this._tTime = 0), this; | |
1739 | + if (f !== this._time) return this; | |
1740 | + if (g !== this._dur) return this.render(t, e, r); | |
1741 | + } | |
1742 | + if ( | |
1743 | + ((this._tTime = m), | |
1744 | + (this._time = i), | |
1745 | + !this._act && this._ts && ((this._act = 1), (this._lazy = 0)), | |
1746 | + (this.ratio = c = (h || this._ease)(i / g)), | |
1747 | + this._from && (this.ratio = c = 1 - c), | |
1748 | + i && !f && !e && !o && (Le(this, "onStart"), this._tTime !== m)) | |
1749 | + ) | |
1750 | + return this; | |
1751 | + for (n = this._pt; n; ) n.r(c, n.d), (n = n._next); | |
1752 | + (u && u.render(t < 0 ? t : !i && l ? -1e-8 : u._dur * u._ease(i / this._dur), e, r)) || (this._startAt && (this._zTime = t)), | |
1753 | + this._onUpdate && !e && (d && re(this, t, 0, r), Le(this, "onUpdate")), | |
1754 | + this._repeat && o !== a && this.vars.onRepeat && !e && this.parent && Le(this, "onRepeat"), | |
1755 | + (m !== this._tDur && m) || | |
1756 | + this._tTime !== m || | |
1757 | + (d && !this._onUpdate && re(this, t, 0, !0), | |
1758 | + (t || !g) && ((m === this._tDur && this._ts > 0) || (!m && this._ts < 0)) && te(this, 1), | |
1759 | + e || (d && !f) || !(m || f || l) || (Le(this, m === p ? "onComplete" : "onReverseComplete", !0), this._prom && !(m < p && this.timeScale() > 0) && this._prom())); | |
1760 | + } | |
1761 | + } else | |
1762 | + !(function (t, e, r, i) { | |
1763 | + var n, | |
1764 | + o, | |
1765 | + s, | |
1766 | + a = t.ratio, | |
1767 | + l = e < 0 || (!e && ((!t._start && pe(t) && (t._initted || !ge(t))) || ((t._ts < 0 || t._dp._ts < 0) && !ge(t)))) ? 0 : 1, | |
1768 | + c = t._rDelay, | |
1769 | + u = 0; | |
1770 | + if ( | |
1771 | + (c && t._repeat && ((u = xe(0, t._tDur, e)), (o = oe(u, c)), t._yoyo && 1 & o && (l = 1 - l), o !== oe(t._tTime, c) && ((a = 1 - l), t.vars.repeatRefresh && t._initted && t.invalidate())), | |
1772 | + l !== a || O || i || t._zTime === G || (!e && t._zTime)) | |
1773 | + ) { | |
1774 | + if (!t._initted && fe(t, e, i, r, u)) return; | |
1775 | + for (s = t._zTime, t._zTime = e || (r ? G : 0), r || (r = e && !s), t.ratio = l, t._from && (l = 1 - l), t._time = 0, t._tTime = u, n = t._pt; n; ) n.r(l, n.d), (n = n._next); | |
1776 | + e < 0 && re(t, e, 0, !0), | |
1777 | + t._onUpdate && !r && Le(t, "onUpdate"), | |
1778 | + u && t._repeat && !r && t.parent && Le(t, "onRepeat"), | |
1779 | + (e >= t._tDur || e < 0) && t.ratio === l && (l && te(t, 1), r || O || (Le(t, l ? "onComplete" : "onReverseComplete", !0), t._prom && t._prom())); | |
1780 | + } else t._zTime || (t._zTime = e); | |
1781 | + })(this, t, e, r); | |
1782 | + return this; | |
1783 | + }), | |
1784 | + (r.targets = function () { | |
1785 | + return this._targets; | |
1786 | + }), | |
1787 | + (r.invalidate = function (e) { | |
1788 | + return ( | |
1789 | + (!e || !this.vars.runBackwards) && (this._startAt = 0), | |
1790 | + (this._pt = this._op = this._onUpdate = this._lazy = this.ratio = 0), | |
1791 | + (this._ptLookup = []), | |
1792 | + this.timeline && this.timeline.invalidate(e), | |
1793 | +, e) | |
1794 | + ); | |
1795 | + }), | |
1796 | + (r.resetTo = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
1797 | + F || Ke.wake(), this._ts ||; | |
1798 | + var n = Math.min(this._dur, (this._dp._time - this._start) * this._ts); | |
1799 | + return ( | |
1800 | + this._initted || mr(this, n), | |
1801 | + (function (t, e, r, i, n, o, s) { | |
1802 | + var a, | |
1803 | + l, | |
1804 | + c, | |
1805 | + u, | |
1806 | + h = ((t._pt && t._ptCache) || (t._ptCache = {}))[e]; | |
1807 | + if (!h) | |
1808 | + for (h = t._ptCache[e] = [], c = t._ptLookup, u = t._targets.length; u--; ) { | |
1809 | + if ((a = c[u][e]) && a.d && a.d._pt) for (a = a.d._pt; a && a.p !== e && a.fp !== e; ) a = a._next; | |
1810 | + if (!a) return (fr = 1), (t.vars[e] = "+=0"), mr(t, s), (fr = 0), 1; | |
1811 | + h.push(a); | |
1812 | + } | |
1813 | + for (u = h.length; u--; ) ((a = (l = h[u])._pt || l).s = (!i && 0 !== i) || n ? a.s + (i || 0) + o * a.c : i), (a.c = r - a.s), l.e && (l.e = Ft(r) + we(l.e)), l.b && (l.b = a.s + we(l.b)); | |
1814 | + })(this, t, e, r, i, this._ease(n / this._dur), n) | |
1815 | + ? this.resetTo(t, e, r, i) | |
1816 | + : (le(this, 0), this.parent || $t(this._dp, this, "_first", "_last", this._dp._sort ? "_start" : 0), this.render(0)) | |
1817 | + ); | |
1818 | + }), | |
1819 | + (r.kill = function (t, e) { | |
1820 | + if ((void 0 === e && (e = "all"), !(t || (e && "all" !== e)))) return (this._lazy = this._pt = 0), this.parent ? We(this) : this; | |
1821 | + if (this.timeline) { | |
1822 | + var r = this.timeline.totalDuration(); | |
1823 | + return this.timeline.killTweensOf(t, e, hr && !0 !== hr.vars.overwrite)._first || We(this), this.parent && r !== this.timeline.totalDuration() && de(this, (this._dur * this.timeline._tDur) / r, 0, 1), this; | |
1824 | + } | |
1825 | + var i, | |
1826 | + n, | |
1827 | + o, | |
1828 | + s, | |
1829 | + a, | |
1830 | + l, | |
1831 | + c, | |
1832 | + u = this._targets, | |
1833 | + h = t ? Ce(t) : u, | |
1834 | + f = this._ptLookup, | |
1835 | + p = this._pt; | |
1836 | + if ( | |
1837 | + (!e || "all" === e) && | |
1838 | + (function (t, e) { | |
1839 | + for (var r = t.length, i = r === e.length; i && r-- && t[r] === e[r]; ); | |
1840 | + return r < 0; | |
1841 | + })(u, h) | |
1842 | + ) | |
1843 | + return "all" === e && (this._pt = 0), We(this); | |
1844 | + for ( | |
1845 | + i = this._op = this._op || [], | |
1846 | + "all" !== e && | |
1847 | + (tt(e) && | |
1848 | + ((a = {}), | |
1849 | + zt(e, function (t) { | |
1850 | + return (a[t] = 1); | |
1851 | + }), | |
1852 | + (e = a)), | |
1853 | + (e = (function (t, e) { | |
1854 | + var r, | |
1855 | + i, | |
1856 | + n, | |
1857 | + o, | |
1858 | + s = t[0] ? Lt(t[0]).harness : 0, | |
1859 | + a = s && s.aliases; | |
1860 | + if (!a) return e; | |
1861 | + for (i in ((r = jt({}, e)), a)) if ((i in r)) for (n = (o = a[i].split(",")).length; n--; ) r[o[n]] = r[i]; | |
1862 | + return r; | |
1863 | + })(u, e))), | |
1864 | + c = u.length; | |
1865 | + c--; | |
1866 | + | |
1867 | + ) | |
1868 | + if (~h.indexOf(u[c])) | |
1869 | + for (a in ((n = f[c]), "all" === e ? ((i[c] = e), (s = n), (o = {})) : ((o = i[c] = i[c] || {}), (s = e)), s)) | |
1870 | + (l = n && n[a]) && (("kill" in l.d && !0 !== l.d.kill(a)) || Jt(this, l, "_pt"), delete n[a]), "all" !== o && (o[a] = 1); | |
1871 | + return this._initted && !this._pt && p && We(this), this; | |
1872 | + }), | |
1873 | + ( = function (t, r) { | |
1874 | + return new e(t, r, arguments[2]); | |
1875 | + }), | |
1876 | + (e.from = function (t, e) { | |
1877 | + return ye(1, arguments); | |
1878 | + }), | |
1879 | + (e.delayedCall = function (t, r, i, n) { | |
1880 | + return new e(r, 0, { immediateRender: !1, lazy: !1, overwrite: !1, delay: t, onComplete: r, onReverseComplete: r, onCompleteParams: i, onReverseCompleteParams: i, callbackScope: n }); | |
1881 | + }), | |
1882 | + (e.fromTo = function (t, e, r) { | |
1883 | + return ye(2, arguments); | |
1884 | + }), | |
1885 | + (e.set = function (t, r) { | |
1886 | + return (r.duration = 0), r.repeatDelay || (r.repeat = 0), new e(t, r); | |
1887 | + }), | |
1888 | + (e.killTweensOf = function (t, e, r) { | |
1889 | + return D.killTweensOf(t, e, r); | |
1890 | + }), | |
1891 | + e | |
1892 | + ); | |
1893 | + })(cr); | |
1894 | + Gt(xr.prototype, { _targets: [], _lazy: 0, _startAt: 0, _op: 0, _onInit: 0 }), | |
1895 | + zt("staggerTo,staggerFrom,staggerFromTo", function (t) { | |
1896 | + xr[t] = function () { | |
1897 | + var e = new ur(), | |
1898 | + r =, 0); | |
1899 | + return r.splice("staggerFromTo" === t ? 5 : 4, 0, 0), e[t].apply(e, r); | |
1900 | + }; | |
1901 | + }); | |
1902 | + var wr = function (t, e, r) { | |
1903 | + return (t[e] = r); | |
1904 | + }, | |
1905 | + Tr = function (t, e, r) { | |
1906 | + return t[e](r); | |
1907 | + }, | |
1908 | + kr = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
1909 | + return t[e](i.fp, r); | |
1910 | + }, | |
1911 | + Cr = function (t, e, r) { | |
1912 | + return t.setAttribute(e, r); | |
1913 | + }, | |
1914 | + Er = function (t, e) { | |
1915 | + return et(t[e]) ? Tr : it(t[e]) && t.setAttribute ? Cr : wr; | |
1916 | + }, | |
1917 | + Ar = function (t, e) { | |
1918 | + return e.set(e.t, e.p, Math.round(1e6 * (e.s + e.c * t)) / 1e6, e); | |
1919 | + }, | |
1920 | + Mr = function (t, e) { | |
1921 | + return e.set(e.t, e.p, !!(e.s + e.c * t), e); | |
1922 | + }, | |
1923 | + Sr = function (t, e) { | |
1924 | + var r = e._pt, | |
1925 | + i = ""; | |
1926 | + if (!t && e.b) i = e.b; | |
1927 | + else if (1 === t && e.e) i = e.e; | |
1928 | + else { | |
1929 | + for (; r; ) (i = r.p + (r.m ? r.m(r.s + r.c * t) : Math.round(1e4 * (r.s + r.c * t)) / 1e4) + i), (r = r._next); | |
1930 | + i += e.c; | |
1931 | + } | |
1932 | + e.set(e.t, e.p, i, e); | |
1933 | + }, | |
1934 | + Or = function (t, e) { | |
1935 | + for (var r = e._pt; r; ) r.r(t, r.d), (r = r._next); | |
1936 | + }, | |
1937 | + Pr = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
1938 | + for (var n, o = this._pt; o; ) (n = o._next), o.p === i && o.modifier(t, e, r), (o = n); | |
1939 | + }, | |
1940 | + Dr = function (t) { | |
1941 | + for (var e, r, i = this._pt; i; ) (r = i._next), (i.p === t && !i.op) || i.op === t ? Jt(this, i, "_pt") : i.dep || (e = 1), (i = r); | |
1942 | + return !e; | |
1943 | + }, | |
1944 | + Rr = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
1945 | + i.mSet(t, e,, r,, i); | |
1946 | + }, | |
1947 | + Br = function (t) { | |
1948 | + for (var e, r, i, n, o = t._pt; o; ) { | |
1949 | + for (e = o._next, r = i; r && >; ) r = r._next; | |
1950 | + (o._prev = r ? r._prev : n) ? (o._prev._next = o) : (i = o), (o._next = r) ? (r._prev = o) : (n = o), (o = e); | |
1951 | + } | |
1952 | + t._pt = i; | |
1953 | + }, | |
1954 | + Ir = (function () { | |
1955 | + function t(t, e, r, i, n, o, s, a, l) { | |
1956 | + (this.t = e), (this.s = i), (this.c = n), (this.p = r), (this.r = o || Ar), (this.d = s || this), (this.set = a || wr), ( = l || 0), (this._next = t), t && (t._prev = this); | |
1957 | + } | |
1958 | + return ( | |
1959 | + (t.prototype.modifier = function (t, e, r) { | |
1960 | + (this.mSet = this.mSet || this.set), (this.set = Rr), (this.m = t), ( = r), (this.tween = e); | |
1961 | + }), | |
1962 | + t | |
1963 | + ); | |
1964 | + })(); | |
1965 | + zt( | |
1966 | + Bt + | |
1967 | + "parent,duration,ease,delay,overwrite,runBackwards,startAt,yoyo,immediateRender,repeat,repeatDelay,data,paused,reversed,lazy,callbackScope,stringFilter,id,yoyoEase,stagger,inherit,repeatRefresh,keyframes,autoRevert,scrollTrigger", | |
1968 | + function (t) { | |
1969 | + return (At[t] = 1); | |
1970 | + } | |
1971 | + ), | |
1972 | + (_t.TweenMax = _t.TweenLite = xr), | |
1973 | + (_t.TimelineLite = _t.TimelineMax = ur), | |
1974 | + (D = new ur({ sortChildren: !1, defaults: H, autoRemoveChildren: !0, id: "root", smoothChildTiming: !0 })), | |
1975 | + (V.stringFilter = je); | |
1976 | + var Lr = [], | |
1977 | + Wr = {}, | |
1978 | + zr = [], | |
1979 | + Fr = 0, | |
1980 | + Nr = 0, | |
1981 | + qr = function (t) { | |
1982 | + return (Wr[t] || zr).map(function (t) { | |
1983 | + return t(); | |
1984 | + }); | |
1985 | + }, | |
1986 | + Yr = function () { | |
1987 | + var t =, | |
1988 | + e = []; | |
1989 | + t - Fr > 2 && | |
1990 | + (qr("matchMediaInit"), | |
1991 | + Lr.forEach(function (t) { | |
1992 | + var r, | |
1993 | + i, | |
1994 | + n, | |
1995 | + o, | |
1996 | + s = t.queries, | |
1997 | + a = t.conditions; | |
1998 | + for (i in s) (r = R.matchMedia(s[i]).matches) && (n = 1), r !== a[i] && ((a[i] = r), (o = 1)); | |
1999 | + o && (t.revert(), n && e.push(t)); | |
2000 | + }), | |
2001 | + qr("matchMediaRevert"), | |
2002 | + e.forEach(function (t) { | |
2003 | + return t.onMatch(t); | |
2004 | + }), | |
2005 | + (Fr = t), | |
2006 | + qr("matchMedia")); | |
2007 | + }, | |
2008 | + Xr = (function () { | |
2009 | + function t(t, e) { | |
2010 | + (this.selector = e && Ee(e)), ( = []), (this._r = []), (this.isReverted = !1), ( = Nr++), t && this.add(t); | |
2011 | + } | |
2012 | + var e = t.prototype; | |
2013 | + return ( | |
2014 | + (e.add = function (t, e, r) { | |
2015 | + et(t) && ((r = e), (e = t), (t = et)); | |
2016 | + var i = this, | |
2017 | + n = function () { | |
2018 | + var t, | |
2019 | + n = P, | |
2020 | + o = i.selector; | |
2021 | + return n && n !== i &&, r && (i.selector = Ee(r)), (P = i), (t = e.apply(i, arguments)), et(t) && i._r.push(t), (P = n), (i.selector = o), (i.isReverted = !1), t; | |
2022 | + }; | |
2023 | + return (i.last = n), t === et ? n(i) : t ? (i[t] = n) : n; | |
2024 | + }), | |
2025 | + (e.ignore = function (t) { | |
2026 | + var e = P; | |
2027 | + (P = null), t(this), (P = e); | |
2028 | + }), | |
2029 | + (e.getTweens = function () { | |
2030 | + var e = []; | |
2031 | + return ( | |
2032 | + (r) { | |
2033 | + return r instanceof t ? e.push.apply(e, r.getTweens()) : r instanceof xr && !(r.parent && "nested" === && e.push(r); | |
2034 | + }), | |
2035 | + e | |
2036 | + ); | |
2037 | + }), | |
2038 | + (e.clear = function () { | |
2039 | + this._r.length = = 0; | |
2040 | + }), | |
2041 | + (e.kill = function (t, e) { | |
2042 | + var r = this; | |
2043 | + if (t) { | |
2044 | + var i = this.getTweens(); | |
2045 | + (t) { | |
2046 | + "isFlip" === && | |
2047 | + (t.revert(), | |
2048 | + t.getChildren(!0, !0, !1).forEach(function (t) { | |
2049 | + return i.splice(i.indexOf(t), 1); | |
2050 | + })); | |
2051 | + }), | |
2052 | + i | |
2053 | + .map(function (t) { | |
2054 | + return { g: t.globalTime(0), t }; | |
2055 | + }) | |
2056 | + .sort(function (t, e) { | |
2057 | + return e.g - t.g || -1; | |
2058 | + }) | |
2059 | + .forEach(function (e) { | |
2060 | + return e.t.revert(t); | |
2061 | + }), | |
2062 | + (e) { | |
2063 | + return e instanceof ur ? "nested" !== && e.kill() : !(e instanceof xr) && e.revert && e.revert(t); | |
2064 | + }), | |
2065 | + this._r.forEach(function (e) { | |
2066 | + return e(t, r); | |
2067 | + }), | |
2068 | + (this.isReverted = !0); | |
2069 | + } else | |
2070 | + (t) { | |
2071 | + return t.kill && t.kill(); | |
2072 | + }); | |
2073 | + if ((this.clear(), e)) for (var n = Lr.length; n--; ) Lr[n].id === && Lr.splice(n, 1); | |
2074 | + }), | |
2075 | + (e.revert = function (t) { | |
2076 | + this.kill(t || {}); | |
2077 | + }), | |
2078 | + t | |
2079 | + ); | |
2080 | + })(), | |
2081 | + Vr = (function () { | |
2082 | + function t(t) { | |
2083 | + (this.contexts = []), (this.scope = t); | |
2084 | + } | |
2085 | + var e = t.prototype; | |
2086 | + return ( | |
2087 | + (e.add = function (t, e, r) { | |
2088 | + nt(t) || (t = { matches: t }); | |
2089 | + var i, | |
2090 | + n, | |
2091 | + o, | |
2092 | + s = new Xr(0, r || this.scope), | |
2093 | + a = (s.conditions = {}); | |
2094 | + for (n in (P && !s.selector && (s.selector = P.selector), this.contexts.push(s), (e = s.add("onMatch", e)), (s.queries = t), t)) | |
2095 | + "all" === n ? (o = 1) : (i = R.matchMedia(t[n])) && (Lr.indexOf(s) < 0 && Lr.push(s), (a[n] = i.matches) && (o = 1), i.addListener ? i.addListener(Yr) : i.addEventListener("change", Yr)); | |
2096 | + return o && e(s), this; | |
2097 | + }), | |
2098 | + (e.revert = function (t) { | |
2099 | + this.kill(t || {}); | |
2100 | + }), | |
2101 | + (e.kill = function (t) { | |
2102 | + this.contexts.forEach(function (e) { | |
2103 | + return e.kill(t, !0); | |
2104 | + }); | |
2105 | + }), | |
2106 | + t | |
2107 | + ); | |
2108 | + })(), | |
2109 | + Hr = { | |
2110 | + registerPlugin: function () { | |
2111 | + for (var t = arguments.length, e = new Array(t), r = 0; r < t; r++) e[r] = arguments[r]; | |
2112 | + e.forEach(function (t) { | |
2113 | + return Fe(t); | |
2114 | + }); | |
2115 | + }, | |
2116 | + timeline: function (t) { | |
2117 | + return new ur(t); | |
2118 | + }, | |
2119 | + getTweensOf: function (t, e) { | |
2120 | + return D.getTweensOf(t, e); | |
2121 | + }, | |
2122 | + getProperty: function (t, e, r, i) { | |
2123 | + tt(t) && (t = Ce(t)[0]); | |
2124 | + var n = Lt(t || {}).get, | |
2125 | + o = r ? Ut : Ht; | |
2126 | + return ( | |
2127 | + "native" === r && (r = ""), | |
2128 | + t | |
2129 | + ? e | |
2130 | + ? o(((Ot[e] && Ot[e].get) || n)(t, e, r, i)) | |
2131 | + : function (e, r, i) { | |
2132 | + return o(((Ot[e] && Ot[e].get) || n)(t, e, r, i)); | |
2133 | + } | |
2134 | + : t | |
2135 | + ); | |
2136 | + }, | |
2137 | + quickSetter: function (t, e, r) { | |
2138 | + if ((t = Ce(t)).length > 1) { | |
2139 | + var i = (t) { | |
2140 | + return jr.quickSetter(t, e, r); | |
2141 | + }), | |
2142 | + n = i.length; | |
2143 | + return function (t) { | |
2144 | + for (var e = n; e--; ) i[e](t); | |
2145 | + }; | |
2146 | + } | |
2147 | + t = t[0] || {}; | |
2148 | + var o = Ot[e], | |
2149 | + s = Lt(t), | |
2150 | + a = (s.harness && (s.harness.aliases || {})[e]) || e, | |
2151 | + l = o | |
2152 | + ? function (e) { | |
2153 | + var i = new o(); | |
2154 | + (z._pt = 0), i.init(t, r ? e + r : e, z, 0, [t]), i.render(1, i), z._pt && Or(1, z); | |
2155 | + } | |
2156 | + : s.set(t, a); | |
2157 | + return o | |
2158 | + ? l | |
2159 | + : function (e) { | |
2160 | + return l(t, a, r ? e + r : e, s, 1); | |
2161 | + }; | |
2162 | + }, | |
2163 | + quickTo: function (t, e, r) { | |
2164 | + var i, | |
2165 | + n =, jt((((i = {})[e] = "+=0.1"), (i.paused = !0), i), r || {})), | |
2166 | + o = function (t, r, i) { | |
2167 | + return n.resetTo(e, t, r, i); | |
2168 | + }; | |
2169 | + return (o.tween = n), o; | |
2170 | + }, | |
2171 | + isTweening: function (t) { | |
2172 | + return D.getTweensOf(t, !0).length > 0; | |
2173 | + }, | |
2174 | + defaults: function (t) { | |
2175 | + return t && t.ease && (t.ease = ir(t.ease, H.ease)), Kt(H, t || {}); | |
2176 | + }, | |
2177 | + config: function (t) { | |
2178 | + return Kt(V, t || {}); | |
2179 | + }, | |
2180 | + registerEffect: function (t) { | |
2181 | + var e =, | |
2182 | + r = t.effect, | |
2183 | + i = t.plugins, | |
2184 | + n = t.defaults, | |
2185 | + o = t.extendTimeline; | |
2186 | + (i || "").split(",").forEach(function (t) { | |
2187 | + return t && !Ot[t] && !_t[t] && xt(e + " effect requires " + t + " plugin."); | |
2188 | + }), | |
2189 | + (Pt[e] = function (t, e, i) { | |
2190 | + return r(Ce(t), Gt(e || {}, n), i); | |
2191 | + }), | |
2192 | + o && | |
2193 | + (ur.prototype[e] = function (t, r, i) { | |
2194 | + return this.add(Pt[e](t, nt(r) ? r : (i = r) && {}, this), i); | |
2195 | + }); | |
2196 | + }, | |
2197 | + registerEase: function (t, e) { | |
2198 | + Ze[t] = ir(e); | |
2199 | + }, | |
2200 | + parseEase: function (t, e) { | |
2201 | + return arguments.length ? ir(t, e) : Ze; | |
2202 | + }, | |
2203 | + getById: function (t) { | |
2204 | + return D.getById(t); | |
2205 | + }, | |
2206 | + exportRoot: function (t, e) { | |
2207 | + void 0 === t && (t = {}); | |
2208 | + var r, | |
2209 | + i, | |
2210 | + n = new ur(t); | |
2211 | + for (n.smoothChildTiming = ot(t.smoothChildTiming), D.remove(n), n._dp = 0, n._time = n._tTime = D._time, r = D._first; r; ) | |
2212 | + (i = r._next), (!e && !r._dur && r instanceof xr && r.vars.onComplete === r._targets[0]) || ue(n, r, r._start - r._delay), (r = i); | |
2213 | + return ue(D, n, 0), n; | |
2214 | + }, | |
2215 | + context: function (t, e) { | |
2216 | + return t ? new Xr(t, e) : P; | |
2217 | + }, | |
2218 | + matchMedia: function (t) { | |
2219 | + return new Vr(t); | |
2220 | + }, | |
2221 | + matchMediaRefresh: function () { | |
2222 | + return ( | |
2223 | + Lr.forEach(function (t) { | |
2224 | + var e, | |
2225 | + r, | |
2226 | + i = t.conditions; | |
2227 | + for (r in i) i[r] && ((i[r] = !1), (e = 1)); | |
2228 | + e && t.revert(); | |
2229 | + }) || Yr() | |
2230 | + ); | |
2231 | + }, | |
2232 | + addEventListener: function (t, e) { | |
2233 | + var r = Wr[t] || (Wr[t] = []); | |
2234 | + ~r.indexOf(e) || r.push(e); | |
2235 | + }, | |
2236 | + removeEventListener: function (t, e) { | |
2237 | + var r = Wr[t], | |
2238 | + i = r && r.indexOf(e); | |
2239 | + i >= 0 && r.splice(i, 1); | |
2240 | + }, | |
2241 | + utils: { | |
2242 | + wrap: function t(e, r, i) { | |
2243 | + var n = r - e; | |
2244 | + return ct(e) | |
2245 | + ? De(e, t(0, e.length), r) | |
2246 | + : be(i, function (t) { | |
2247 | + return ((n + ((t - e) % n)) % n) + e; | |
2248 | + }); | |
2249 | + }, | |
2250 | + wrapYoyo: function t(e, r, i) { | |
2251 | + var n = r - e, | |
2252 | + o = 2 * n; | |
2253 | + return ct(e) | |
2254 | + ? De(e, t(0, e.length - 1), r) | |
2255 | + : be(i, function (t) { | |
2256 | + return e + ((t = (o + ((t - e) % o)) % o || 0) > n ? o - t : t); | |
2257 | + }); | |
2258 | + }, | |
2259 | + distribute: Me, | |
2260 | + random: Pe, | |
2261 | + snap: Oe, | |
2262 | + normalize: function (t, e, r) { | |
2263 | + return Be(t, e, 0, 1, r); | |
2264 | + }, | |
2265 | + getUnit: we, | |
2266 | + clamp: function (t, e, r) { | |
2267 | + return be(r, function (r) { | |
2268 | + return xe(t, e, r); | |
2269 | + }); | |
2270 | + }, | |
2271 | + splitColor: Xe, | |
2272 | + toArray: Ce, | |
2273 | + selector: Ee, | |
2274 | + mapRange: Be, | |
2275 | + pipe: function () { | |
2276 | + for (var t = arguments.length, e = new Array(t), r = 0; r < t; r++) e[r] = arguments[r]; | |
2277 | + return function (t) { | |
2278 | + return e.reduce(function (t, e) { | |
2279 | + return e(t); | |
2280 | + }, t); | |
2281 | + }; | |
2282 | + }, | |
2283 | + unitize: function (t, e) { | |
2284 | + return function (r) { | |
2285 | + return t(parseFloat(r)) + (e || we(r)); | |
2286 | + }; | |
2287 | + }, | |
2288 | + interpolate: function t(e, r, i, n) { | |
2289 | + var o = isNaN(e + r) | |
2290 | + ? 0 | |
2291 | + : function (t) { | |
2292 | + return (1 - t) * e + t * r; | |
2293 | + }; | |
2294 | + if (!o) { | |
2295 | + var s, | |
2296 | + a, | |
2297 | + l, | |
2298 | + c, | |
2299 | + u, | |
2300 | + h = tt(e), | |
2301 | + f = {}; | |
2302 | + if ((!0 === i && (n = 1) && (i = null), h)) (e = { p: e }), (r = { p: r }); | |
2303 | + else if (ct(e) && !ct(r)) { | |
2304 | + for (l = [], c = e.length, u = c - 2, a = 1; a < c; a++) l.push(t(e[a - 1], e[a])); | |
2305 | + c--, | |
2306 | + (o = function (t) { | |
2307 | + t *= c; | |
2308 | + var e = Math.min(u, ~~t); | |
2309 | + return l[e](t - e); | |
2310 | + }), | |
2311 | + (i = r); | |
2312 | + } else n || (e = jt(ct(e) ? [] : {}, e)); | |
2313 | + if (!l) { | |
2314 | + for (s in r), e, s, "get", r[s]); | |
2315 | + o = function (t) { | |
2316 | + return Or(t, f) || (h ? e.p : e); | |
2317 | + }; | |
2318 | + } | |
2319 | + } | |
2320 | + return be(i, o); | |
2321 | + }, | |
2322 | + shuffle: Ae, | |
2323 | + }, | |
2324 | + install: yt, | |
2325 | + effects: Pt, | |
2326 | + ticker: Ke, | |
2327 | + updateRoot: ur.updateRoot, | |
2328 | + plugins: Ot, | |
2329 | + globalTimeline: D, | |
2330 | + core: { | |
2331 | + PropTween: Ir, | |
2332 | + globals: wt, | |
2333 | + Tween: xr, | |
2334 | + Timeline: ur, | |
2335 | + Animation: cr, | |
2336 | + getCache: Lt, | |
2337 | + _removeLinkedListItem: Jt, | |
2338 | + reverting: function () { | |
2339 | + return O; | |
2340 | + }, | |
2341 | + context: function (t) { | |
2342 | + return t && P && (, (t._ctx = P)), P; | |
2343 | + }, | |
2344 | + suppressOverwrites: function (t) { | |
2345 | + return (S = t); | |
2346 | + }, | |
2347 | + }, | |
2348 | + }; | |
2349 | + zt("to,from,fromTo,delayedCall,set,killTweensOf", function (t) { | |
2350 | + return (Hr[t] = xr[t]); | |
2351 | + }), | |
2352 | + Ke.add(ur.updateRoot), | |
2353 | + (z ={}, { duration: 0 })); | |
2354 | + var Ur = function (t, e) { | |
2355 | + for (var r = t._pt; r && r.p !== e && r.op !== e && r.fp !== e; ) r = r._next; | |
2356 | + return r; | |
2357 | + }, | |
2358 | + Gr = function (t, e) { | |
2359 | + return { | |
2360 | + name: t, | |
2361 | + rawVars: 1, | |
2362 | + init: function (t, r, i) { | |
2363 | + i._onInit = function (t) { | |
2364 | + var i, n; | |
2365 | + if ( | |
2366 | + (tt(r) && | |
2367 | + ((i = {}), | |
2368 | + zt(r, function (t) { | |
2369 | + return (i[t] = 1); | |
2370 | + }), | |
2371 | + (r = i)), | |
2372 | + e) | |
2373 | + ) { | |
2374 | + for (n in ((i = {}), r)) i[n] = e(r[n]); | |
2375 | + r = i; | |
2376 | + } | |
2377 | + !(function (t, e) { | |
2378 | + var r, | |
2379 | + i, | |
2380 | + n, | |
2381 | + o = t._targets; | |
2382 | + for (r in e) for (i = o.length; i--; ) (n = t._ptLookup[i][r]) && (n = n.d) && (n._pt && (n = Ur(n, r)), n && n.modifier && n.modifier(e[r], t, o[i], r)); | |
2383 | + })(t, r); | |
2384 | + }; | |
2385 | + }, | |
2386 | + }; | |
2387 | + }, | |
2388 | + jr = | |
2389 | + Hr.registerPlugin( | |
2390 | + { | |
2391 | + name: "attr", | |
2392 | + init: function (t, e, r, i, n) { | |
2393 | + var o, s, a; | |
2394 | + for (o in ((this.tween = r), e)) (a = t.getAttribute(o) || ""), ((s = this.add(t, "setAttribute", (a || 0) + "", e[o], i, n, 0, 0, o)).op = o), (s.b = a), this._props.push(o); | |
2395 | + }, | |
2396 | + render: function (t, e) { | |
2397 | + for (var r = e._pt; r; ) O ? r.set(r.t, r.p, r.b, r) : r.r(t, r.d), (r = r._next); | |
2398 | + }, | |
2399 | + }, | |
2400 | + { | |
2401 | + name: "endArray", | |
2402 | + init: function (t, e) { | |
2403 | + for (var r = e.length; r--; ) this.add(t, r, t[r] || 0, e[r], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); | |
2404 | + }, | |
2405 | + }, | |
2406 | + Gr("roundProps", Se), | |
2407 | + Gr("modifiers"), | |
2408 | + Gr("snap", Oe) | |
2409 | + ) || Hr; | |
2410 | + (xr.version = ur.version = jr.version = "3.12.1"), | |
2411 | + (L = 1), | |
2412 | + st() && Qe(), | |
2413 | + Ze.Power0, | |
2414 | + Ze.Power1, | |
2415 | + Ze.Power2, | |
2416 | + Ze.Power3, | |
2417 | + Ze.Power4, | |
2418 | + Ze.Linear, | |
2419 | + Ze.Quad, | |
2420 | + Ze.Cubic, | |
2421 | + Ze.Quart, | |
2422 | + Ze.Quint, | |
2423 | + Ze.Strong, | |
2424 | + Ze.Elastic, | |
2425 | + Ze.Back, | |
2426 | + Ze.SteppedEase, | |
2427 | + Ze.Bounce, | |
2428 | + Ze.Sine, | |
2429 | + Ze.Expo, | |
2430 | + Ze.Circ; | |
2431 | + var Kr, | |
2432 | + Qr, | |
2433 | + Zr, | |
2434 | + $r, | |
2435 | + Jr, | |
2436 | + ti, | |
2437 | + ei, | |
2438 | + ri, | |
2439 | + ii = {}, | |
2440 | + ni = 180 / Math.PI, | |
2441 | + oi = Math.PI / 180, | |
2442 | + si = Math.atan2, | |
2443 | + ai = /([A-Z])/g, | |
2444 | + li = /(left|right|width|margin|padding|x)/i, | |
2445 | + ci = /[\s,\(]\S/, | |
2446 | + ui = { autoAlpha: "opacity,visibility", scale: "scaleX,scaleY", alpha: "opacity" }, | |
2447 | + hi = function (t, e) { | |
2448 | + return e.set(e.t, e.p, Math.round(1e4 * (e.s + e.c * t)) / 1e4 + e.u, e); | |
2449 | + }, | |
2450 | + fi = function (t, e) { | |
2451 | + return e.set(e.t, e.p, 1 === t ? e.e : Math.round(1e4 * (e.s + e.c * t)) / 1e4 + e.u, e); | |
2452 | + }, | |
2453 | + pi = function (t, e) { | |
2454 | + return e.set(e.t, e.p, t ? Math.round(1e4 * (e.s + e.c * t)) / 1e4 + e.u : e.b, e); | |
2455 | + }, | |
2456 | + gi = function (t, e) { | |
2457 | + var r = e.s + e.c * t; | |
2458 | + e.set(e.t, e.p, ~~(r + (r < 0 ? -0.5 : 0.5)) + e.u, e); | |
2459 | + }, | |
2460 | + di = function (t, e) { | |
2461 | + return e.set(e.t, e.p, t ? e.e : e.b, e); | |
2462 | + }, | |
2463 | + mi = function (t, e) { | |
2464 | + return e.set(e.t, e.p, 1 !== t ? e.b : e.e, e); | |
2465 | + }, | |
2466 | + _i = function (t, e, r) { | |
2467 | + return ([e] = r); | |
2468 | + }, | |
2469 | + vi = function (t, e, r) { | |
2470 | + return, r); | |
2471 | + }, | |
2472 | + yi = function (t, e, r) { | |
2473 | + return (t._gsap[e] = r); | |
2474 | + }, | |
2475 | + bi = function (t, e, r) { | |
2476 | + return (t._gsap.scaleX = t._gsap.scaleY = r); | |
2477 | + }, | |
2478 | + xi = function (t, e, r, i, n) { | |
2479 | + var o = t._gsap; | |
2480 | + (o.scaleX = o.scaleY = r), o.renderTransform(n, o); | |
2481 | + }, | |
2482 | + wi = function (t, e, r, i, n) { | |
2483 | + var o = t._gsap; | |
2484 | + (o[e] = r), o.renderTransform(n, o); | |
2485 | + }, | |
2486 | + Ti = "transform", | |
2487 | + ki = Ti + "Origin", | |
2488 | + Ci = function t(e, r) { | |
2489 | + var i = this, | |
2490 | + n =, | |
2491 | + o =; | |
2492 | + if (e in ii && o) { | |
2493 | + if (((this.tfm = this.tfm || {}), "transform" === e)) | |
2494 | + return ui.transform.split(",").forEach(function (e) { | |
2495 | + return, e, r); | |
2496 | + }); | |
2497 | + if ( | |
2498 | + (~(e = ui[e] || e).indexOf(",") | |
2499 | + ? e.split(",").forEach(function (t) { | |
2500 | + return (i.tfm[t] = Xi(n, t)); | |
2501 | + }) | |
2502 | + : (this.tfm[e] = n._gsap.x ? n._gsap[e] : Xi(n, e)), | |
2503 | + this.props.indexOf(Ti) >= 0) | |
2504 | + ) | |
2505 | + return; | |
2506 | + n._gsap.svg && ((this.svgo = n.getAttribute("data-svg-origin")), this.props.push(ki, r, "")), (e = Ti); | |
2507 | + } | |
2508 | + (o || r) && this.props.push(e, r, o[e]); | |
2509 | + }, | |
2510 | + Ei = function (t) { | |
2511 | + t.translate && (t.removeProperty("translate"), t.removeProperty("scale"), t.removeProperty("rotate")); | |
2512 | + }, | |
2513 | + Ai = function () { | |
2514 | + var t, | |
2515 | + e, | |
2516 | + r = this.props, | |
2517 | + i =, | |
2518 | + n =, | |
2519 | + o = i._gsap; | |
2520 | + for (t = 0; t < r.length; t += 3) r[t + 1] ? (i[r[t]] = r[t + 2]) : r[t + 2] ? (n[r[t]] = r[t + 2]) : n.removeProperty("--" === r[t].substr(0, 2) ? r[t] : r[t].replace(ai, "-$1").toLowerCase()); | |
2521 | + if (this.tfm) { | |
2522 | + for (e in this.tfm) o[e] = this.tfm[e]; | |
2523 | + o.svg && (o.renderTransform(), i.setAttribute("data-svg-origin", this.svgo || "")), ((t = ei()) && t.isStart) || n[Ti] || (Ei(n), (o.uncache = 1)); | |
2524 | + } | |
2525 | + }, | |
2526 | + Mi = function (t, e) { | |
2527 | + var r = { target: t, props: [], revert: Ai, save: Ci }; | |
2528 | + return ( | |
2529 | + t._gsap || jr.core.getCache(t), | |
2530 | + e && | |
2531 | + e.split(",").forEach(function (t) { | |
2532 | + return; | |
2533 | + }), | |
2534 | + r | |
2535 | + ); | |
2536 | + }, | |
2537 | + Si = function (t, e) { | |
2538 | + var r = Qr.createElementNS ? Qr.createElementNS((e || "").replace(/^https/, "http"), t) : Qr.createElement(t); | |
2539 | + return ? r : Qr.createElement(t); | |
2540 | + }, | |
2541 | + Oi = function t(e, r, i) { | |
2542 | + var n = getComputedStyle(e); | |
2543 | + return n[r] || n.getPropertyValue(r.replace(ai, "-$1").toLowerCase()) || n.getPropertyValue(r) || (!i && t(e, Di(r) || r, 1)) || ""; | |
2544 | + }, | |
2545 | + Pi = "O,Moz,ms,Ms,Webkit".split(","), | |
2546 | + Di = function (t, e, r) { | |
2547 | + var i = (e || Jr).style, | |
2548 | + n = 5; | |
2549 | + if (t in i && !r) return t; | |
2550 | + for (t = t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.substr(1); n-- && !(Pi[n] + t in i); ); | |
2551 | + return n < 0 ? null : (3 === n ? "ms" : n >= 0 ? Pi[n] : "") + t; | |
2552 | + }, | |
2553 | + Ri = function () { | |
2554 | + "undefined" != typeof window && | |
2555 | + window.document && | |
2556 | + ((Kr = window), | |
2557 | + (Qr = Kr.document), | |
2558 | + (Zr = Qr.documentElement), | |
2559 | + (Jr = Si("div") || { style: {} }), | |
2560 | + Si("div"), | |
2561 | + (Ti = Di(Ti)), | |
2562 | + (ki = Ti + "Origin"), | |
2563 | + ( = "border-width:0;line-height:0;position:absolute;padding:0"), | |
2564 | + (ri = !!Di("perspective")), | |
2565 | + (ei = jr.core.reverting), | |
2566 | + ($r = 1)); | |
2567 | + }, | |
2568 | + Bi = function t(e) { | |
2569 | + var r, | |
2570 | + i = Si("svg", (this.ownerSVGElement && this.ownerSVGElement.getAttribute("xmlns")) || ""), | |
2571 | + n = this.parentNode, | |
2572 | + o = this.nextSibling, | |
2573 | + s =; | |
2574 | + if ((Zr.appendChild(i), i.appendChild(this), ( = "block"), e)) | |
2575 | + try { | |
2576 | + (r = this.getBBox()), (this._gsapBBox = this.getBBox), (this.getBBox = t); | |
2577 | + } catch (t) {} | |
2578 | + else this._gsapBBox && (r = this._gsapBBox()); | |
2579 | + return n && (o ? n.insertBefore(this, o) : n.appendChild(this)), Zr.removeChild(i), ( = s), r; | |
2580 | + }, | |
2581 | + Ii = function (t, e) { | |
2582 | + for (var r = e.length; r--; ) if (t.hasAttribute(e[r])) return t.getAttribute(e[r]); | |
2583 | + }, | |
2584 | + Li = function (t) { | |
2585 | + var e; | |
2586 | + try { | |
2587 | + e = t.getBBox(); | |
2588 | + } catch (r) { | |
2589 | + e =, !0); | |
2590 | + } | |
2591 | + return (e && (e.width || e.height)) || t.getBBox === Bi || (e =, !0)), !e || e.width || e.x || e.y ? e : { x: +Ii(t, ["x", "cx", "x1"]) || 0, y: +Ii(t, ["y", "cy", "y1"]) || 0, width: 0, height: 0 }; | |
2592 | + }, | |
2593 | + Wi = function (t) { | |
2594 | + return !(!t.getCTM || (t.parentNode && !t.ownerSVGElement) || !Li(t)); | |
2595 | + }, | |
2596 | + zi = function (t, e) { | |
2597 | + if (e) { | |
2598 | + var r =; | |
2599 | + e in ii && e !== ki && (e = Ti), r.removeProperty ? (("ms" !== e.substr(0, 2) && "webkit" !== e.substr(0, 6)) || (e = "-" + e), r.removeProperty(e.replace(ai, "-$1").toLowerCase())) : r.removeAttribute(e); | |
2600 | + } | |
2601 | + }, | |
2602 | + Fi = function (t, e, r, i, n, o) { | |
2603 | + var s = new Ir(t._pt, e, r, 0, 1, o ? mi : di); | |
2604 | + return (t._pt = s), (s.b = i), (s.e = n), t._props.push(r), s; | |
2605 | + }, | |
2606 | + Ni = { deg: 1, rad: 1, turn: 1 }, | |
2607 | + qi = { grid: 1, flex: 1 }, | |
2608 | + Yi = function t(e, r, i, n) { | |
2609 | + var o, | |
2610 | + s, | |
2611 | + a, | |
2612 | + l, | |
2613 | + c = parseFloat(i) || 0, | |
2614 | + u = (i + "").trim().substr((c + "").length) || "px", | |
2615 | + h =, | |
2616 | + f = li.test(r), | |
2617 | + p = "svg" === e.tagName.toLowerCase(), | |
2618 | + g = (p ? "client" : "offset") + (f ? "Width" : "Height"), | |
2619 | + d = 100, | |
2620 | + m = "px" === n, | |
2621 | + _ = "%" === n; | |
2622 | + return n === u || !c || Ni[n] || Ni[u] | |
2623 | + ? c | |
2624 | + : ("px" !== u && !m && (c = t(e, r, i, "px")), | |
2625 | + (l = e.getCTM && Wi(e)), | |
2626 | + (!_ && "%" !== u) || (!ii[r] && !~r.indexOf("adius")) | |
2627 | + ? ((h[f ? "width" : "height"] = d + (m ? u : n)), | |
2628 | + (s = ~r.indexOf("adius") || ("em" === n && e.appendChild && !p) ? e : e.parentNode), | |
2629 | + l && (s = (e.ownerSVGElement || {}).parentNode), | |
2630 | + (s && s !== Qr && s.appendChild) || (s = Qr.body), | |
2631 | + (a = s._gsap) && _ && a.width && f && a.time === Ke.time && !a.uncache | |
2632 | + ? Ft((c / a.width) * d) | |
2633 | + : ((_ || "%" === u) && !qi[Oi(s, "display")] && (h.position = Oi(e, "position")), | |
2634 | + s === e && (h.position = "static"), | |
2635 | + s.appendChild(Jr), | |
2636 | + (o = Jr[g]), | |
2637 | + s.removeChild(Jr), | |
2638 | + (h.position = "absolute"), | |
2639 | + f && _ && (((a = Lt(s)).time = Ke.time), (a.width = s[g])), | |
2640 | + Ft(m ? (o * c) / d : o && c ? (d / o) * c : 0))) | |
2641 | + : ((o = l ? e.getBBox()[f ? "width" : "height"] : e[g]), Ft(_ ? (c / o) * d : (c / 100) * o))); | |
2642 | + }, | |
2643 | + Xi = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
2644 | + var n; | |
2645 | + return ( | |
2646 | + $r || Ri(), | |
2647 | + e in ui && "transform" !== e && ~(e = ui[e]).indexOf(",") && (e = e.split(",")[0]), | |
2648 | + ii[e] && "transform" !== e | |
2649 | + ? ((n = tn(t, i)), (n = "transformOrigin" !== e ? n[e] : n.svg ? n.origin : en(Oi(t, ki)) + " " + n.zOrigin + "px")) | |
2650 | + : (!(n =[e]) || "auto" === n || i || ~(n + "").indexOf("calc(")) && (n = (Gi[e] && Gi[e](t, e, r)) || Oi(t, e) || Wt(t, e) || ("opacity" === e ? 1 : 0)), | |
2651 | + r && !~(n + "").trim().indexOf(" ") ? Yi(t, e, n, r) + r : n | |
2652 | + ); | |
2653 | + }, | |
2654 | + Vi = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
2655 | + if (!r || "none" === r) { | |
2656 | + var n = Di(e, t, 1), | |
2657 | + o = n && Oi(t, n, 1); | |
2658 | + o && o !== r ? ((e = n), (r = o)) : "borderColor" === e && (r = Oi(t, "borderTopColor")); | |
2659 | + } | |
2660 | + var s, | |
2661 | + a, | |
2662 | + l, | |
2663 | + c, | |
2664 | + u, | |
2665 | + h, | |
2666 | + f, | |
2667 | + p, | |
2668 | + g, | |
2669 | + d, | |
2670 | + m, | |
2671 | + _ = new Ir(this._pt,, e, 0, 1, Sr), | |
2672 | + v = 0, | |
2673 | + y = 0; | |
2674 | + if (((_.b = r), (_.e = i), (r += ""), "auto" == (i += "") && (([e] = i), (i = Oi(t, e) || i), ([e] = r)), je((s = [r, i])), (i = s[1]), (l = (r = s[0]).match(ft) || []), (i.match(ft) || []).length)) { | |
2675 | + for (; (a = ft.exec(i)); ) | |
2676 | + (f = a[0]), | |
2677 | + (g = i.substring(v, a.index)), | |
2678 | + u ? (u = (u + 1) % 5) : ("rgba(" !== g.substr(-5) && "hsla(" !== g.substr(-5)) || (u = 1), | |
2679 | + f !== (h = l[y++] || "") && | |
2680 | + ((c = parseFloat(h) || 0), | |
2681 | + (m = h.substr((c + "").length)), | |
2682 | + "=" === f.charAt(1) && (f = qt(c, f) + m), | |
2683 | + (p = parseFloat(f)), | |
2684 | + (d = f.substr((p + "").length)), | |
2685 | + (v = ft.lastIndex - d.length), | |
2686 | + d || ((d = d || V.units[e] || m), v === i.length && ((i += d), (_.e += d))), | |
2687 | + m !== d && (c = Yi(t, e, h, d) || 0), | |
2688 | + (_._pt = { _next: _._pt, p: g || 1 === y ? g : ",", s: c, c: p - c, m: (u && u < 4) || "zIndex" === e ? Math.round : 0 })); | |
2689 | + _.c = v < i.length ? i.substring(v, i.length) : ""; | |
2690 | + } else _.r = "display" === e && "none" === i ? mi : di; | |
2691 | + return gt.test(i) && (_.e = 0), (this._pt = _), _; | |
2692 | + }, | |
2693 | + Hi = { top: "0%", bottom: "100%", left: "0%", right: "100%", center: "50%" }, | |
2694 | + Ui = function (t, e) { | |
2695 | + if (e.tween && e.tween._time === e.tween._dur) { | |
2696 | + var r, | |
2697 | + i, | |
2698 | + n, | |
2699 | + o = e.t, | |
2700 | + s =, | |
2701 | + a = e.u, | |
2702 | + l = o._gsap; | |
2703 | + if ("all" === a || !0 === a) (s.cssText = ""), (i = 1); | |
2704 | + else for (n = (a = a.split(",")).length; --n > -1; ) (r = a[n]), ii[r] && ((i = 1), (r = "transformOrigin" === r ? ki : Ti)), zi(o, r); | |
2705 | + i && (zi(o, Ti), l && (l.svg && o.removeAttribute("transform"), tn(o, 1), (l.uncache = 1), Ei(s))); | |
2706 | + } | |
2707 | + }, | |
2708 | + Gi = { | |
2709 | + clearProps: function (t, e, r, i, n) { | |
2710 | + if ("isFromStart" !== { | |
2711 | + var o = (t._pt = new Ir(t._pt, e, r, 0, 0, Ui)); | |
2712 | + return (o.u = i), ( = -10), (o.tween = n), t._props.push(r), 1; | |
2713 | + } | |
2714 | + }, | |
2715 | + }, | |
2716 | + ji = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], | |
2717 | + Ki = {}, | |
2718 | + Qi = function (t) { | |
2719 | + return "matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)" === t || "none" === t || !t; | |
2720 | + }, | |
2721 | + Zi = function (t) { | |
2722 | + var e = Oi(t, Ti); | |
2723 | + return Qi(e) ? ji : e.substr(7).match(ht).map(Ft); | |
2724 | + }, | |
2725 | + $i = function (t, e) { | |
2726 | + var r, | |
2727 | + i, | |
2728 | + n, | |
2729 | + o, | |
2730 | + s = t._gsap || Lt(t), | |
2731 | + a =, | |
2732 | + l = Zi(t); | |
2733 | + return s.svg && t.getAttribute("transform") | |
2734 | + ? "1,0,0,1,0,0" === (l = [(n = t.transform.baseVal.consolidate().matrix).a, n.b, n.c, n.d, n.e, n.f]).join(",") | |
2735 | + ? ji | |
2736 | + : l | |
2737 | + : (l !== ji || | |
2738 | + t.offsetParent || | |
2739 | + t === Zr || | |
2740 | + s.svg || | |
2741 | + ((n = a.display), | |
2742 | + (a.display = "block"), | |
2743 | + ((r = t.parentNode) && t.offsetParent) || ((o = 1), (i = t.nextElementSibling), Zr.appendChild(t)), | |
2744 | + (l = Zi(t)), | |
2745 | + n ? (a.display = n) : zi(t, "display"), | |
2746 | + o && (i ? r.insertBefore(t, i) : r ? r.appendChild(t) : Zr.removeChild(t))), | |
2747 | + e && l.length > 6 ? [l[0], l[1], l[4], l[5], l[12], l[13]] : l); | |
2748 | + }, | |
2749 | + Ji = function (t, e, r, i, n, o) { | |
2750 | + var s, | |
2751 | + a, | |
2752 | + l, | |
2753 | + c = t._gsap, | |
2754 | + u = n || $i(t, !0), | |
2755 | + h = c.xOrigin || 0, | |
2756 | + f = c.yOrigin || 0, | |
2757 | + p = c.xOffset || 0, | |
2758 | + g = c.yOffset || 0, | |
2759 | + d = u[0], | |
2760 | + m = u[1], | |
2761 | + _ = u[2], | |
2762 | + v = u[3], | |
2763 | + y = u[4], | |
2764 | + b = u[5], | |
2765 | + x = e.split(" "), | |
2766 | + w = parseFloat(x[0]) || 0, | |
2767 | + T = parseFloat(x[1]) || 0; | |
2768 | + r | |
2769 | + ? u !== ji && (a = d * v - m * _) && ((l = w * (-m / a) + T * (d / a) - (d * b - m * y) / a), (w = w * (v / a) + T * (-_ / a) + (_ * b - v * y) / a), (T = l)) | |
2770 | + : ((w = (s = Li(t)).x + (~x[0].indexOf("%") ? (w / 100) * s.width : w)), (T = s.y + (~(x[1] || x[0]).indexOf("%") ? (T / 100) * s.height : T))), | |
2771 | + i || (!1 !== i && c.smooth) ? ((y = w - h), (b = T - f), (c.xOffset = p + (y * d + b * _) - y), (c.yOffset = g + (y * m + b * v) - b)) : (c.xOffset = c.yOffset = 0), | |
2772 | + (c.xOrigin = w), | |
2773 | + (c.yOrigin = T), | |
2774 | + (c.smooth = !!i), | |
2775 | + (c.origin = e), | |
2776 | + (c.originIsAbsolute = !!r), | |
2777 | + ([ki] = "0px 0px"), | |
2778 | + o && (Fi(o, c, "xOrigin", h, w), Fi(o, c, "yOrigin", f, T), Fi(o, c, "xOffset", p, c.xOffset), Fi(o, c, "yOffset", g, c.yOffset)), | |
2779 | + t.setAttribute("data-svg-origin", w + " " + T); | |
2780 | + }, | |
2781 | + tn = function (t, e) { | |
2782 | + var r = t._gsap || new lr(t); | |
2783 | + if ("x" in r && !e && !r.uncache) return r; | |
2784 | + var i, | |
2785 | + n, | |
2786 | + o, | |
2787 | + s, | |
2788 | + a, | |
2789 | + l, | |
2790 | + c, | |
2791 | + u, | |
2792 | + h, | |
2793 | + f, | |
2794 | + p, | |
2795 | + g, | |
2796 | + d, | |
2797 | + m, | |
2798 | + _, | |
2799 | + v, | |
2800 | + y, | |
2801 | + b, | |
2802 | + x, | |
2803 | + w, | |
2804 | + T, | |
2805 | + k, | |
2806 | + C, | |
2807 | + E, | |
2808 | + A, | |
2809 | + M, | |
2810 | + S, | |
2811 | + O, | |
2812 | + P, | |
2813 | + D, | |
2814 | + R, | |
2815 | + B, | |
2816 | + I =, | |
2817 | + L = r.scaleX < 0, | |
2818 | + W = "px", | |
2819 | + z = "deg", | |
2820 | + F = getComputedStyle(t), | |
2821 | + N = Oi(t, ki) || "0"; | |
2822 | + return ( | |
2823 | + (i = n = o = l = c = u = h = f = p = 0), | |
2824 | + (s = a = 1), | |
2825 | + (r.svg = !(!t.getCTM || !Wi(t))), | |
2826 | + F.translate && | |
2827 | + (("none" === F.translate && "none" === F.scale && "none" === F.rotate) || | |
2828 | + (I[Ti] = | |
2829 | + ("none" !== F.translate ? "translate3d(" + (F.translate + " 0 0").split(" ").slice(0, 3).join(", ") + ") " : "") + | |
2830 | + ("none" !== F.rotate ? "rotate(" + F.rotate + ") " : "") + | |
2831 | + ("none" !== F.scale ? "scale(" + F.scale.split(" ").join(",") + ") " : "") + | |
2832 | + ("none" !== F[Ti] ? F[Ti] : "")), | |
2833 | + (I.scale = I.rotate = I.translate = "none")), | |
2834 | + (m = $i(t, r.svg)), | |
2835 | + r.svg && (r.uncache ? ((A = t.getBBox()), (N = r.xOrigin - A.x + "px " + (r.yOrigin - A.y) + "px"), (E = "")) : (E = !e && t.getAttribute("data-svg-origin")), Ji(t, E || N, !!E || r.originIsAbsolute, !1 !== r.smooth, m)), | |
2836 | + (g = r.xOrigin || 0), | |
2837 | + (d = r.yOrigin || 0), | |
2838 | + m !== ji && | |
2839 | + ((b = m[0]), | |
2840 | + (x = m[1]), | |
2841 | + (w = m[2]), | |
2842 | + (T = m[3]), | |
2843 | + (i = k = m[4]), | |
2844 | + (n = C = m[5]), | |
2845 | + 6 === m.length | |
2846 | + ? ((s = Math.sqrt(b * b + x * x)), | |
2847 | + (a = Math.sqrt(T * T + w * w)), | |
2848 | + (l = b || x ? si(x, b) * ni : 0), | |
2849 | + (h = w || T ? si(w, T) * ni + l : 0) && (a *= Math.abs(Math.cos(h * oi))), | |
2850 | + r.svg && ((i -= g - (g * b + d * w)), (n -= d - (g * x + d * T)))) | |
2851 | + : ((B = m[6]), | |
2852 | + (D = m[7]), | |
2853 | + (S = m[8]), | |
2854 | + (O = m[9]), | |
2855 | + (P = m[10]), | |
2856 | + (R = m[11]), | |
2857 | + (i = m[12]), | |
2858 | + (n = m[13]), | |
2859 | + (o = m[14]), | |
2860 | + (c = (_ = si(B, P)) * ni), | |
2861 | + _ && | |
2862 | + ((E = k * (v = Math.cos(-_)) + S * (y = Math.sin(-_))), | |
2863 | + (A = C * v + O * y), | |
2864 | + (M = B * v + P * y), | |
2865 | + (S = k * -y + S * v), | |
2866 | + (O = C * -y + O * v), | |
2867 | + (P = B * -y + P * v), | |
2868 | + (R = D * -y + R * v), | |
2869 | + (k = E), | |
2870 | + (C = A), | |
2871 | + (B = M)), | |
2872 | + (u = (_ = si(-w, P)) * ni), | |
2873 | + _ && ((v = Math.cos(-_)), (R = T * (y = Math.sin(-_)) + R * v), (b = E = b * v - S * y), (x = A = x * v - O * y), (w = M = w * v - P * y)), | |
2874 | + (l = (_ = si(x, b)) * ni), | |
2875 | + _ && ((E = b * (v = Math.cos(_)) + x * (y = Math.sin(_))), (A = k * v + C * y), (x = x * v - b * y), (C = C * v - k * y), (b = E), (k = A)), | |
2876 | + c && Math.abs(c) + Math.abs(l) > 359.9 && ((c = l = 0), (u = 180 - u)), | |
2877 | + (s = Ft(Math.sqrt(b * b + x * x + w * w))), | |
2878 | + (a = Ft(Math.sqrt(C * C + B * B))), | |
2879 | + (_ = si(k, C)), | |
2880 | + (h = Math.abs(_) > 2e-4 ? _ * ni : 0), | |
2881 | + (p = R ? 1 / (R < 0 ? -R : R) : 0)), | |
2882 | + r.svg && ((E = t.getAttribute("transform")), (r.forceCSS = t.setAttribute("transform", "") || !Qi(Oi(t, Ti))), E && t.setAttribute("transform", E))), | |
2883 | + Math.abs(h) > 90 && Math.abs(h) < 270 && (L ? ((s *= -1), (h += l <= 0 ? 180 : -180), (l += l <= 0 ? 180 : -180)) : ((a *= -1), (h += h <= 0 ? 180 : -180))), | |
2884 | + (e = e || r.uncache), | |
2885 | + (r.x = i - ((r.xPercent = i && ((!e && r.xPercent) || (Math.round(t.offsetWidth / 2) === Math.round(-i) ? -50 : 0))) ? (t.offsetWidth * r.xPercent) / 100 : 0) + W), | |
2886 | + (r.y = n - ((r.yPercent = n && ((!e && r.yPercent) || (Math.round(t.offsetHeight / 2) === Math.round(-n) ? -50 : 0))) ? (t.offsetHeight * r.yPercent) / 100 : 0) + W), | |
2887 | + (r.z = o + W), | |
2888 | + (r.scaleX = Ft(s)), | |
2889 | + (r.scaleY = Ft(a)), | |
2890 | + (r.rotation = Ft(l) + z), | |
2891 | + (r.rotationX = Ft(c) + z), | |
2892 | + (r.rotationY = Ft(u) + z), | |
2893 | + (r.skewX = h + z), | |
2894 | + (r.skewY = f + z), | |
2895 | + (r.transformPerspective = p + W), | |
2896 | + (r.zOrigin = parseFloat(N.split(" ")[2]) || 0) && (I[ki] = en(N)), | |
2897 | + (r.xOffset = r.yOffset = 0), | |
2898 | + (r.force3D = V.force3D), | |
2899 | + (r.renderTransform = r.svg ? cn : ri ? ln : nn), | |
2900 | + (r.uncache = 0), | |
2901 | + r | |
2902 | + ); | |
2903 | + }, | |
2904 | + en = function (t) { | |
2905 | + return (t = t.split(" "))[0] + " " + t[1]; | |
2906 | + }, | |
2907 | + rn = function (t, e, r) { | |
2908 | + var i = we(e); | |
2909 | + return Ft(parseFloat(e) + parseFloat(Yi(t, "x", r + "px", i))) + i; | |
2910 | + }, | |
2911 | + nn = function (t, e) { | |
2912 | + (e.z = "0px"), (e.rotationY = e.rotationX = "0deg"), (e.force3D = 0), ln(t, e); | |
2913 | + }, | |
2914 | + on = "0deg", | |
2915 | + sn = "0px", | |
2916 | + an = ") ", | |
2917 | + ln = function (t, e) { | |
2918 | + var r = e || this, | |
2919 | + i = r.xPercent, | |
2920 | + n = r.yPercent, | |
2921 | + o = r.x, | |
2922 | + s = r.y, | |
2923 | + a = r.z, | |
2924 | + l = r.rotation, | |
2925 | + c = r.rotationY, | |
2926 | + u = r.rotationX, | |
2927 | + h = r.skewX, | |
2928 | + f = r.skewY, | |
2929 | + p = r.scaleX, | |
2930 | + g = r.scaleY, | |
2931 | + d = r.transformPerspective, | |
2932 | + m = r.force3D, | |
2933 | + _ =, | |
2934 | + v = r.zOrigin, | |
2935 | + y = "", | |
2936 | + b = ("auto" === m && t && 1 !== t) || !0 === m; | |
2937 | + if (v && (u !== on || c !== on)) { | |
2938 | + var x, | |
2939 | + w = parseFloat(c) * oi, | |
2940 | + T = Math.sin(w), | |
2941 | + k = Math.cos(w); | |
2942 | + (w = parseFloat(u) * oi), (x = Math.cos(w)), (o = rn(_, o, T * x * -v)), (s = rn(_, s, -Math.sin(w) * -v)), (a = rn(_, a, k * x * -v + v)); | |
2943 | + } | |
2944 | + d !== sn && (y += "perspective(" + d + an), | |
2945 | + (i || n) && (y += "translate(" + i + "%, " + n + "%) "), | |
2946 | + (b || o !== sn || s !== sn || a !== sn) && (y += a !== sn || b ? "translate3d(" + o + ", " + s + ", " + a + ") " : "translate(" + o + ", " + s + an), | |
2947 | + l !== on && (y += "rotate(" + l + an), | |
2948 | + c !== on && (y += "rotateY(" + c + an), | |
2949 | + u !== on && (y += "rotateX(" + u + an), | |
2950 | + (h === on && f === on) || (y += "skew(" + h + ", " + f + an), | |
2951 | + (1 === p && 1 === g) || (y += "scale(" + p + ", " + g + an), | |
2952 | + ([Ti] = y || "translate(0, 0)"); | |
2953 | + }, | |
2954 | + cn = function (t, e) { | |
2955 | + var r, | |
2956 | + i, | |
2957 | + n, | |
2958 | + o, | |
2959 | + s, | |
2960 | + a = e || this, | |
2961 | + l = a.xPercent, | |
2962 | + c = a.yPercent, | |
2963 | + u = a.x, | |
2964 | + h = a.y, | |
2965 | + f = a.rotation, | |
2966 | + p = a.skewX, | |
2967 | + g = a.skewY, | |
2968 | + d = a.scaleX, | |
2969 | + m = a.scaleY, | |
2970 | + _ =, | |
2971 | + v = a.xOrigin, | |
2972 | + y = a.yOrigin, | |
2973 | + b = a.xOffset, | |
2974 | + x = a.yOffset, | |
2975 | + w = a.forceCSS, | |
2976 | + T = parseFloat(u), | |
2977 | + k = parseFloat(h); | |
2978 | + (f = parseFloat(f)), | |
2979 | + (p = parseFloat(p)), | |
2980 | + (g = parseFloat(g)) && ((p += g = parseFloat(g)), (f += g)), | |
2981 | + f || p | |
2982 | + ? ((f *= oi), | |
2983 | + (p *= oi), | |
2984 | + (r = Math.cos(f) * d), | |
2985 | + (i = Math.sin(f) * d), | |
2986 | + (n = Math.sin(f - p) * -m), | |
2987 | + (o = Math.cos(f - p) * m), | |
2988 | + p && ((g *= oi), (s = Math.tan(p - g)), (n *= s = Math.sqrt(1 + s * s)), (o *= s), g && ((s = Math.tan(g)), (r *= s = Math.sqrt(1 + s * s)), (i *= s))), | |
2989 | + (r = Ft(r)), | |
2990 | + (i = Ft(i)), | |
2991 | + (n = Ft(n)), | |
2992 | + (o = Ft(o))) | |
2993 | + : ((r = d), (o = m), (i = n = 0)), | |
2994 | + ((T && !~(u + "").indexOf("px")) || (k && !~(h + "").indexOf("px"))) && ((T = Yi(_, "x", u, "px")), (k = Yi(_, "y", h, "px"))), | |
2995 | + (v || y || b || x) && ((T = Ft(T + v - (v * r + y * n) + b)), (k = Ft(k + y - (v * i + y * o) + x))), | |
2996 | + (l || c) && ((s = _.getBBox()), (T = Ft(T + (l / 100) * s.width)), (k = Ft(k + (c / 100) * s.height))), | |
2997 | + (s = "matrix(" + r + "," + i + "," + n + "," + o + "," + T + "," + k + ")"), | |
2998 | + _.setAttribute("transform", s), | |
2999 | + w && ([Ti] = s); | |
3000 | + }, | |
3001 | + un = function (t, e, r, i, n) { | |
3002 | + var o, | |
3003 | + s, | |
3004 | + a = 360, | |
3005 | + l = tt(n), | |
3006 | + c = parseFloat(n) * (l && ~n.indexOf("rad") ? ni : 1) - i, | |
3007 | + u = i + c + "deg"; | |
3008 | + return ( | |
3009 | + l && ("short" === (o = n.split("_")[1]) && (c %= a) != c % 180 && (c += c < 0 ? a : -360), "cw" === o && c < 0 ? (c = ((c + 36e9) % a) - ~~(c / a) * a) : "ccw" === o && c > 0 && (c = ((c - 36e9) % a) - ~~(c / a) * a)), | |
3010 | + (t._pt = s = new Ir(t._pt, e, r, i, c, fi)), | |
3011 | + (s.e = u), | |
3012 | + (s.u = "deg"), | |
3013 | + t._props.push(r), | |
3014 | + s | |
3015 | + ); | |
3016 | + }, | |
3017 | + hn = function (t, e) { | |
3018 | + for (var r in e) t[r] = e[r]; | |
3019 | + return t; | |
3020 | + }, | |
3021 | + fn = function (t, e, r) { | |
3022 | + var i, | |
3023 | + n, | |
3024 | + o, | |
3025 | + s, | |
3026 | + a, | |
3027 | + l, | |
3028 | + c, | |
3029 | + u = hn({}, r._gsap), | |
3030 | + h =; | |
3031 | + for (n in (u.svg | |
3032 | + ? ((o = r.getAttribute("transform")), r.setAttribute("transform", ""), (h[Ti] = e), (i = tn(r, 1)), zi(r, Ti), r.setAttribute("transform", o)) | |
3033 | + : ((o = getComputedStyle(r)[Ti]), (h[Ti] = e), (i = tn(r, 1)), (h[Ti] = o)), | |
3034 | + ii)) | |
3035 | + (o = u[n]) !== (s = i[n]) && | |
3036 | + "perspective,force3D,transformOrigin,svgOrigin".indexOf(n) < 0 && | |
3037 | + ((a = we(o) !== (c = we(s)) ? Yi(r, n, o, c) : parseFloat(o)), (l = parseFloat(s)), (t._pt = new Ir(t._pt, i, n, a, l - a, hi)), (t._pt.u = c || 0), t._props.push(n)); | |
3038 | + hn(i, u); | |
3039 | + }; | |
3040 | + zt("padding,margin,Width,Radius", function (t, e) { | |
3041 | + var r = "Top", | |
3042 | + i = "Right", | |
3043 | + n = "Bottom", | |
3044 | + o = "Left", | |
3045 | + s = (e < 3 ? [r, i, n, o] : [r + o, r + i, n + i, n + o]).map(function (r) { | |
3046 | + return e < 2 ? t + r : "border" + r + t; | |
3047 | + }); | |
3048 | + Gi[e > 1 ? "border" + t : t] = function (t, e, r, i, n) { | |
3049 | + var o, a; | |
3050 | + if (arguments.length < 4) | |
3051 | + return ( | |
3052 | + (o = (e) { | |
3053 | + return Xi(t, e, r); | |
3054 | + })), | |
3055 | + 5 === (a = o.join(" ")).split(o[0]).length ? o[0] : a | |
3056 | + ); | |
3057 | + (o = (i + "").split(" ")), | |
3058 | + (a = {}), | |
3059 | + s.forEach(function (t, e) { | |
3060 | + return (a[t] = o[e] = o[e] || o[((e - 1) / 2) | 0]); | |
3061 | + }), | |
3062 | + t.init(e, a, n); | |
3063 | + }; | |
3064 | + }); | |
3065 | + var pn, | |
3066 | + gn, | |
3067 | + dn = { | |
3068 | + name: "css", | |
3069 | + register: Ri, | |
3070 | + targetTest: function (t) { | |
3071 | + return && t.nodeType; | |
3072 | + }, | |
3073 | + init: function (t, e, r, i, n) { | |
3074 | + var o, | |
3075 | + s, | |
3076 | + a, | |
3077 | + l, | |
3078 | + c, | |
3079 | + u, | |
3080 | + h, | |
3081 | + f, | |
3082 | + p, | |
3083 | + g, | |
3084 | + d, | |
3085 | + m, | |
3086 | + _, | |
3087 | + v, | |
3088 | + y, | |
3089 | + b, | |
3090 | + x, | |
3091 | + w, | |
3092 | + T, | |
3093 | + k, | |
3094 | + C = this._props, | |
3095 | + E =, | |
3096 | + A = r.vars.startAt; | |
3097 | + for (h in ($r || Ri(), (this.styles = this.styles || Mi(t)), (b = this.styles.props), (this.tween = r), e)) | |
3098 | + if ("autoRound" !== h && ((s = e[h]), !Ot[h] || !dr(h, e, r, i, t, n))) | |
3099 | + if (((c = typeof s), (u = Gi[h]), "function" === c && (c = typeof (s =, i, t, n))), "string" === c && ~s.indexOf("random(") && (s = Re(s)), u)) u(this, t, h, s, r) && (y = 1); | |
3100 | + else if ("--" === h.substr(0, 2)) | |
3101 | + (o = (getComputedStyle(t).getPropertyValue(h) + "").trim()), | |
3102 | + (s += ""), | |
3103 | + (Ue.lastIndex = 0), | |
3104 | + Ue.test(o) || ((f = we(o)), (p = we(s))), | |
3105 | + p ? f !== p && (o = Yi(t, h, o, p) + p) : f && (s += f), | |
3106 | + this.add(E, "setProperty", o, s, i, n, 0, 0, h), | |
3107 | + C.push(h), | |
3108 | + b.push(h, 0, E[h]); | |
3109 | + else if ("undefined" !== c) { | |
3110 | + if ( | |
3111 | + (A && h in A | |
3112 | + ? ((o = "function" == typeof A[h] ? A[h].call(r, i, t, n) : A[h]), | |
3113 | + tt(o) && ~o.indexOf("random(") && (o = Re(o)), | |
3114 | + we(o + "") || (o += V.units[h] || we(Xi(t, h)) || ""), | |
3115 | + "=" === (o + "").charAt(1) && (o = Xi(t, h))) | |
3116 | + : (o = Xi(t, h)), | |
3117 | + (l = parseFloat(o)), | |
3118 | + (g = "string" === c && "=" === s.charAt(1) && s.substr(0, 2)) && (s = s.substr(2)), | |
3119 | + (a = parseFloat(s)), | |
3120 | + h in ui && | |
3121 | + ("autoAlpha" === h && | |
3122 | + (1 === l && "hidden" === Xi(t, "visibility") && a && (l = 0), b.push("visibility", 0, E.visibility), Fi(this, E, "visibility", l ? "inherit" : "hidden", a ? "inherit" : "hidden", !a)), | |
3123 | + "scale" !== h && "transform" !== h && ~(h = ui[h]).indexOf(",") && (h = h.split(",")[0])), | |
3124 | + (d = h in ii)) | |
3125 | + ) | |
3126 | + if ( | |
3127 | + (, | |
3128 | + m || | |
3129 | + (((_ = t._gsap).renderTransform && !e.parseTransform) || tn(t, e.parseTransform), | |
3130 | + (v = !1 !== e.smoothOrigin && _.smooth), | |
3131 | + ((m = this._pt = new Ir(this._pt, E, Ti, 0, 1, _.renderTransform, _, 0, -1)).dep = 1)), | |
3132 | + "scale" === h) | |
3133 | + ) | |
3134 | + (this._pt = new Ir(this._pt, _, "scaleY", _.scaleY, (g ? qt(_.scaleY, g + a) : a) - _.scaleY || 0, hi)), (this._pt.u = 0), C.push("scaleY", h), (h += "X"); | |
3135 | + else { | |
3136 | + if ("transformOrigin" === h) { | |
3137 | + b.push(ki, 0, E[ki]), | |
3138 | + (w = void 0), | |
3139 | + (T = void 0), | |
3140 | + (k = void 0), | |
3141 | + (T = (w = (x = s).split(" "))[0]), | |
3142 | + (k = w[1] || "50%"), | |
3143 | + ("top" !== T && "bottom" !== T && "left" !== k && "right" !== k) || ((x = T), (T = k), (k = x)), | |
3144 | + (w[0] = Hi[T] || T), | |
3145 | + (w[1] = Hi[k] || k), | |
3146 | + (s = w.join(" ")), | |
3147 | + _.svg ? Ji(t, s, 0, v, 0, this) : ((p = parseFloat(s.split(" ")[2]) || 0) !== _.zOrigin && Fi(this, _, "zOrigin", _.zOrigin, p), Fi(this, E, h, en(o), en(s))); | |
3148 | + continue; | |
3149 | + } | |
3150 | + if ("svgOrigin" === h) { | |
3151 | + Ji(t, s, 1, v, 0, this); | |
3152 | + continue; | |
3153 | + } | |
3154 | + if (h in Ki) { | |
3155 | + un(this, _, h, l, g ? qt(l, g + s) : s); | |
3156 | + continue; | |
3157 | + } | |
3158 | + if ("smoothOrigin" === h) { | |
3159 | + Fi(this, _, "smooth", _.smooth, s); | |
3160 | + continue; | |
3161 | + } | |
3162 | + if ("force3D" === h) { | |
3163 | + _[h] = s; | |
3164 | + continue; | |
3165 | + } | |
3166 | + if ("transform" === h) { | |
3167 | + fn(this, s, t); | |
3168 | + continue; | |
3169 | + } | |
3170 | + } | |
3171 | + else h in E || (h = Di(h) || h); | |
3172 | + if (d || ((a || 0 === a) && (l || 0 === l) && !ci.test(s) && h in E)) | |
3173 | + a || (a = 0), | |
3174 | + (f = (o + "").substr((l + "").length)) !== (p = we(s) || (h in V.units ? V.units[h] : f)) && (l = Yi(t, h, o, p)), | |
3175 | + (this._pt = new Ir(this._pt, d ? _ : E, h, l, (g ? qt(l, g + a) : a) - l, d || ("px" !== p && "zIndex" !== h) || !1 === e.autoRound ? hi : gi)), | |
3176 | + (this._pt.u = p || 0), | |
3177 | + f !== p && "%" !== p && ((this._pt.b = o), (this._pt.r = pi)); | |
3178 | + else if (h in E), t, h, o, g ? g + s : s); | |
3179 | + else if (h in t) this.add(t, h, o || t[h], g ? g + s : s, i, n); | |
3180 | + else if ("parseTransform" !== h) { | |
3181 | + bt(h, s); | |
3182 | + continue; | |
3183 | + } | |
3184 | + d || (h in E ? b.push(h, 0, E[h]) : b.push(h, 1, o || t[h])), C.push(h); | |
3185 | + } | |
3186 | + y && Br(this); | |
3187 | + }, | |
3188 | + render: function (t, e) { | |
3189 | + if (e.tween._time || !ei()) for (var r = e._pt; r; ) r.r(t, r.d), (r = r._next); | |
3190 | + else e.styles.revert(); | |
3191 | + }, | |
3192 | + get: Xi, | |
3193 | + aliases: ui, | |
3194 | + getSetter: function (t, e, r) { | |
3195 | + var i = ui[e]; | |
3196 | + return ( | |
3197 | + i && i.indexOf(",") < 0 && (e = i), | |
3198 | + e in ii && e !== ki && (t._gsap.x || Xi(t, "x")) ? (r && ti === r ? ("scale" === e ? bi : yi) : (ti = r || {}) && ("scale" === e ? xi : wi)) : && !it([e]) ? _i : ~e.indexOf("-") ? vi : Er(t, e) | |
3199 | + ); | |
3200 | + }, | |
3201 | + core: { _removeProperty: zi, _getMatrix: $i }, | |
3202 | + }; | |
3203 | + (jr.utils.checkPrefix = Di), | |
3204 | + (jr.core.getStyleSaver = Mi), | |
3205 | + (gn = zt("x,y,z,scale,scaleX,scaleY,xPercent,yPercent" + "," + (pn = "rotation,rotationX,rotationY,skewX,skewY") + ",transform,transformOrigin,svgOrigin,force3D,smoothOrigin,transformPerspective", function (t) { | |
3206 | + ii[t] = 1; | |
3207 | + })), | |
3208 | + zt(pn, function (t) { | |
3209 | + (V.units[t] = "deg"), (Ki[t] = 1); | |
3210 | + }), | |
3211 | + (ui[gn[13]] = "x,y,z,scale,scaleX,scaleY,xPercent,yPercent," + pn), | |
3212 | + zt("0:translateX,1:translateY,2:translateZ,8:rotate,8:rotationZ,8:rotateZ,9:rotateX,10:rotateY", function (t) { | |
3213 | + var e = t.split(":"); | |
3214 | + ui[e[1]] = gn[e[0]]; | |
3215 | + }), | |
3216 | + zt("x,y,z,top,right,bottom,left,width,height,fontSize,padding,margin,perspective", function (t) { | |
3217 | + V.units[t] = "px"; | |
3218 | + }), | |
3219 | + jr.registerPlugin(dn); | |
3220 | + var mn = jr.registerPlugin(dn) || jr; | |
3221 | + function _n(t, e) { | |
3222 | + for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { | |
3223 | + var i = e[r]; | |
3224 | + (i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1), (i.configurable = !0), "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, i.key, i); | |
3225 | + } | |
3226 | + } | |
3227 | + mn.core.Tween; | |
3228 | + var vn, | |
3229 | + yn, | |
3230 | + bn, | |
3231 | + xn, | |
3232 | + wn, | |
3233 | + Tn, | |
3234 | + kn, | |
3235 | + Cn, | |
3236 | + En, | |
3237 | + An, | |
3238 | + Mn, | |
3239 | + Sn, | |
3240 | + On, | |
3241 | + Pn = function () { | |
3242 | + return vn || ("undefined" != typeof window && (vn = window.gsap) && vn.registerPlugin && vn); | |
3243 | + }, | |
3244 | + Dn = 1, | |
3245 | + Rn = [], | |
3246 | + Bn = [], | |
3247 | + In = [], | |
3248 | + Ln =, | |
3249 | + Wn = function (t, e) { | |
3250 | + return e; | |
3251 | + }, | |
3252 | + zn = function (t, e) { | |
3253 | + return ~In.indexOf(t) && In[In.indexOf(t) + 1][e]; | |
3254 | + }, | |
3255 | + Fn = function (t) { | |
3256 | + return !!~An.indexOf(t); | |
3257 | + }, | |
3258 | + Nn = function (t, e, r, i, n) { | |
3259 | + return t.addEventListener(e, r, { passive: !i, capture: !!n }); | |
3260 | + }, | |
3261 | + qn = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
3262 | + return t.removeEventListener(e, r, !!i); | |
3263 | + }, | |
3264 | + Yn = "scrollLeft", | |
3265 | + Xn = "scrollTop", | |
3266 | + Vn = function () { | |
3267 | + return (Mn && Mn.isPressed) || Bn.cache++; | |
3268 | + }, | |
3269 | + Hn = function (t, e) { | |
3270 | + var r = function r(i) { | |
3271 | + if (i || 0 === i) { | |
3272 | + Dn && (bn.history.scrollRestoration = "manual"); | |
3273 | + var n = Mn && Mn.isPressed; | |
3274 | + (i = r.v = Math.round(i) || (Mn && Mn.iOS ? 1 : 0)), t(i), (r.cacheID = Bn.cache), n && Wn("ss", i); | |
3275 | + } else (e || Bn.cache !== r.cacheID || Wn("ref")) && ((r.cacheID = Bn.cache), (r.v = t())); | |
3276 | + return r.v + r.offset; | |
3277 | + }; | |
3278 | + return (r.offset = 0), t && r; | |
3279 | + }, | |
3280 | + Un = { | |
3281 | + s: Yn, | |
3282 | + p: "left", | |
3283 | + p2: "Left", | |
3284 | + os: "right", | |
3285 | + os2: "Right", | |
3286 | + d: "width", | |
3287 | + d2: "Width", | |
3288 | + a: "x", | |
3289 | + sc: Hn(function (t) { | |
3290 | + return arguments.length ? bn.scrollTo(t, : bn.pageXOffset || xn[Yn] || wn[Yn] || Tn[Yn] || 0; | |
3291 | + }), | |
3292 | + }, | |
3293 | + Gn = { | |
3294 | + s: Xn, | |
3295 | + p: "top", | |
3296 | + p2: "Top", | |
3297 | + os: "bottom", | |
3298 | + os2: "Bottom", | |
3299 | + d: "height", | |
3300 | + d2: "Height", | |
3301 | + a: "y", | |
3302 | + op: Un, | |
3303 | + sc: Hn(function (t) { | |
3304 | + return arguments.length ? bn.scrollTo(, t) : bn.pageYOffset || xn[Xn] || wn[Xn] || Tn[Xn] || 0; | |
3305 | + }), | |
3306 | + }, | |
3307 | + jn = function (t, e) { | |
3308 | + return ((e && e._ctx && e._ctx.selector) || vn.utils.toArray)(t)[0] || ("string" == typeof t && !1 !== vn.config().nullTargetWarn ? console.warn("Element not found:", t) : null); | |
3309 | + }, | |
3310 | + Kn = function (t, e) { | |
3311 | + var r = e.s, | |
3312 | + i =; | |
3313 | + Fn(t) && (t = xn.scrollingElement || wn); | |
3314 | + var n = Bn.indexOf(t), | |
3315 | + o = i === ? 1 : 2; | |
3316 | + !~n && (n = Bn.push(t) - 1), Bn[n + o] || t.addEventListener("scroll", Vn); | |
3317 | + var s = Bn[n + o], | |
3318 | + a = | |
3319 | + s || | |
3320 | + (Bn[n + o] = | |
3321 | + Hn(zn(t, r), !0) || | |
3322 | + (Fn(t) | |
3323 | + ? i | |
3324 | + : Hn(function (e) { | |
3325 | + return arguments.length ? (t[r] = e) : t[r]; | |
3326 | + }))); | |
3327 | + return ( = t), s || (a.smooth = "smooth" === vn.getProperty(t, "scrollBehavior")), a; | |
3328 | + }, | |
3329 | + Qn = function (t, e, r) { | |
3330 | + var i = t, | |
3331 | + n = t, | |
3332 | + o = Ln(), | |
3333 | + s = o, | |
3334 | + a = e || 50, | |
3335 | + l = Math.max(500, 3 * a), | |
3336 | + c = function (t, e) { | |
3337 | + var l = Ln(); | |
3338 | + e || l - o > a ? ((n = i), (i = t), (s = o), (o = l)) : r ? (i += t) : (i = n + ((t - n) / (l - s)) * (o - s)); | |
3339 | + }; | |
3340 | + return { | |
3341 | + update: c, | |
3342 | + reset: function () { | |
3343 | + (n = i = r ? 0 : i), (s = o = 0); | |
3344 | + }, | |
3345 | + getVelocity: function (t) { | |
3346 | + var e = s, | |
3347 | + a = n, | |
3348 | + u = Ln(); | |
3349 | + return (t || 0 === t) && t !== i && c(t), o === s || u - s > l ? 0 : ((i + (r ? a : -a)) / ((r ? u : o) - e)) * 1e3; | |
3350 | + }, | |
3351 | + }; | |
3352 | + }, | |
3353 | + Zn = function (t, e) { | |
3354 | + return e && !t._gsapAllow && t.preventDefault(), t.changedTouches ? t.changedTouches[0] : t; | |
3355 | + }, | |
3356 | + $n = function (t) { | |
3357 | + var e = Math.max.apply(Math, t), | |
3358 | + r = Math.min.apply(Math, t); | |
3359 | + return Math.abs(e) >= Math.abs(r) ? e : r; | |
3360 | + }, | |
3361 | + Jn = function () { | |
3362 | + (En = vn.core.globals().ScrollTrigger) && | |
3363 | + En.core && | |
3364 | + (function () { | |
3365 | + var t = En.core, | |
3366 | + e = t.bridge || {}, | |
3367 | + r = t._scrollers, | |
3368 | + i = t._proxies; | |
3369 | + r.push.apply(r, Bn), | |
3370 | + i.push.apply(i, In), | |
3371 | + (Bn = r), | |
3372 | + (In = i), | |
3373 | + (Wn = function (t, r) { | |
3374 | + return e[t](r); | |
3375 | + }); | |
3376 | + })(); | |
3377 | + }, | |
3378 | + to = function (t) { | |
3379 | + return ( | |
3380 | + (vn = t || Pn()) && | |
3381 | + "undefined" != typeof document && | |
3382 | + document.body && | |
3383 | + ((bn = window), | |
3384 | + (xn = document), | |
3385 | + (wn = xn.documentElement), | |
3386 | + (Tn = xn.body), | |
3387 | + (An = [bn, xn, wn, Tn]), | |
3388 | + vn.utils.clamp, | |
3389 | + (On = vn.core.context || function () {}), | |
3390 | + (Cn = "onpointerenter" in Tn ? "pointer" : "mouse"), | |
3391 | + (kn = eo.isTouch = bn.matchMedia && bn.matchMedia("(hover: none), (pointer: coarse)").matches ? 1 : "ontouchstart" in bn || navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0 || navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0 ? 2 : 0), | |
3392 | + (Sn = eo.eventTypes = ("ontouchstart" in wn ? "touchstart,touchmove,touchcancel,touchend" : "onpointerdown" in wn ? "pointerdown,pointermove,pointercancel,pointerup" : "mousedown,mousemove,mouseup,mouseup").split(",")), | |
3393 | + setTimeout(function () { | |
3394 | + return (Dn = 0); | |
3395 | + }, 500), | |
3396 | + Jn(), | |
3397 | + (yn = 1)), | |
3398 | + yn | |
3399 | + ); | |
3400 | + }; | |
3401 | + (Un.op = Gn), (Bn.cache = 0); | |
3402 | + var eo = (function () { | |
3403 | + function t(t) { | |
3404 | + this.init(t); | |
3405 | + } | |
3406 | + var e, r; | |
3407 | + return ( | |
3408 | + (t.prototype.init = function (t) { | |
3409 | + yn || to(vn) || console.warn("Please gsap.registerPlugin(Observer)"), En || Jn(); | |
3410 | + var e = t.tolerance, | |
3411 | + r = t.dragMinimum, | |
3412 | + i = t.type, | |
3413 | + n =, | |
3414 | + o = t.lineHeight, | |
3415 | + s = t.debounce, | |
3416 | + a = t.preventDefault, | |
3417 | + l = t.onStop, | |
3418 | + c = t.onStopDelay, | |
3419 | + u = t.ignore, | |
3420 | + h = t.wheelSpeed, | |
3421 | + f = t.event, | |
3422 | + p = t.onDragStart, | |
3423 | + g = t.onDragEnd, | |
3424 | + d = t.onDrag, | |
3425 | + m = t.onPress, | |
3426 | + _ = t.onRelease, | |
3427 | + v = t.onRight, | |
3428 | + y = t.onLeft, | |
3429 | + b = t.onUp, | |
3430 | + x = t.onDown, | |
3431 | + w = t.onChangeX, | |
3432 | + T = t.onChangeY, | |
3433 | + k = t.onChange, | |
3434 | + C = t.onToggleX, | |
3435 | + E = t.onToggleY, | |
3436 | + A = t.onHover, | |
3437 | + M = t.onHoverEnd, | |
3438 | + S = t.onMove, | |
3439 | + O = t.ignoreCheck, | |
3440 | + P = t.isNormalizer, | |
3441 | + D = t.onGestureStart, | |
3442 | + R = t.onGestureEnd, | |
3443 | + B = t.onWheel, | |
3444 | + I = t.onEnable, | |
3445 | + L = t.onDisable, | |
3446 | + W = t.onClick, | |
3447 | + z = t.scrollSpeed, | |
3448 | + F = t.capture, | |
3449 | + N = t.allowClicks, | |
3450 | + q = t.lockAxis, | |
3451 | + Y = t.onLockAxis; | |
3452 | + ( = n = jn(n) || wn), | |
3453 | + (this.vars = t), | |
3454 | + u && (u = vn.utils.toArray(u)), | |
3455 | + (e = e || 1e-9), | |
3456 | + (r = r || 0), | |
3457 | + (h = h || 1), | |
3458 | + (z = z || 1), | |
3459 | + (i = i || "wheel,touch,pointer"), | |
3460 | + (s = !1 !== s), | |
3461 | + o || (o = parseFloat(bn.getComputedStyle(Tn).lineHeight) || 22); | |
3462 | + var X, | |
3463 | + V, | |
3464 | + H, | |
3465 | + U, | |
3466 | + G, | |
3467 | + j, | |
3468 | + K, | |
3469 | + Q = this, | |
3470 | + Z = 0, | |
3471 | + $ = 0, | |
3472 | + J = Kn(n, Un), | |
3473 | + tt = Kn(n, Gn), | |
3474 | + et = J(), | |
3475 | + rt = tt(), | |
3476 | + it = ~i.indexOf("touch") && !~i.indexOf("pointer") && "pointerdown" === Sn[0], | |
3477 | + nt = Fn(n), | |
3478 | + ot = n.ownerDocument || xn, | |
3479 | + st = [0, 0, 0], | |
3480 | + at = [0, 0, 0], | |
3481 | + lt = 0, | |
3482 | + ct = function () { | |
3483 | + return (lt = Ln()); | |
3484 | + }, | |
3485 | + ut = function (t, e) { | |
3486 | + return ((Q.event = t) && u && ~u.indexOf( || (e && it && "touch" !== t.pointerType) || (O && O(t, e)); | |
3487 | + }, | |
3488 | + ht = function () { | |
3489 | + var t = (Q.deltaX = $n(st)), | |
3490 | + r = (Q.deltaY = $n(at)), | |
3491 | + i = Math.abs(t) >= e, | |
3492 | + n = Math.abs(r) >= e; | |
3493 | + k && (i || n) && k(Q, t, r, st, at), | |
3494 | + i && (v && Q.deltaX > 0 && v(Q), y && Q.deltaX < 0 && y(Q), w && w(Q), C && Q.deltaX < 0 != Z < 0 && C(Q), (Z = Q.deltaX), (st[0] = st[1] = st[2] = 0)), | |
3495 | + n && (x && Q.deltaY > 0 && x(Q), b && Q.deltaY < 0 && b(Q), T && T(Q), E && Q.deltaY < 0 != $ < 0 && E(Q), ($ = Q.deltaY), (at[0] = at[1] = at[2] = 0)), | |
3496 | + (U || H) && (S && S(Q), H && (d(Q), (H = !1)), (U = !1)), | |
3497 | + j && !(j = !1) && Y && Y(Q), | |
3498 | + G && (B(Q), (G = !1)), | |
3499 | + (X = 0); | |
3500 | + }, | |
3501 | + ft = function (t, e, r) { | |
3502 | + (st[r] += t), (at[r] += e), Q._vx.update(t), Q._vy.update(e), s ? X || (X = requestAnimationFrame(ht)) : ht(); | |
3503 | + }, | |
3504 | + pt = function (t, e) { | |
3505 | + q && !K && ((Q.axis = K = Math.abs(t) > Math.abs(e) ? "x" : "y"), (j = !0)), | |
3506 | + "y" !== K && ((st[2] += t), Q._vx.update(t, !0)), | |
3507 | + "x" !== K && ((at[2] += e), Q._vy.update(e, !0)), | |
3508 | + s ? X || (X = requestAnimationFrame(ht)) : ht(); | |
3509 | + }, | |
3510 | + gt = function (t) { | |
3511 | + if (!ut(t, 1)) { | |
3512 | + var e = (t = Zn(t, a)).clientX, | |
3513 | + i = t.clientY, | |
3514 | + n = e - Q.x, | |
3515 | + o = i - Q.y, | |
3516 | + s = Q.isDragging; | |
3517 | + (Q.x = e), (Q.y = i), (s || Math.abs(Q.startX - e) >= r || Math.abs(Q.startY - i) >= r) && (d && (H = !0), s || (Q.isDragging = !0), pt(n, o), s || (p && p(Q))); | |
3518 | + } | |
3519 | + }, | |
3520 | + dt = (Q.onPress = function (t) { | |
3521 | + ut(t, 1) || | |
3522 | + (t && t.button) || | |
3523 | + ((Q.axis = K = null), | |
3524 | + V.pause(), | |
3525 | + (Q.isPressed = !0), | |
3526 | + (t = Zn(t)), | |
3527 | + (Z = $ = 0), | |
3528 | + (Q.startX = Q.x = t.clientX), | |
3529 | + (Q.startY = Q.y = t.clientY), | |
3530 | + Q._vx.reset(), | |
3531 | + Q._vy.reset(), | |
3532 | + Nn(P ? n : ot, Sn[1], gt, a, !0), | |
3533 | + (Q.deltaX = Q.deltaY = 0), | |
3534 | + m && m(Q)); | |
3535 | + }), | |
3536 | + mt = (Q.onRelease = function (t) { | |
3537 | + if (!ut(t, 1)) { | |
3538 | + qn(P ? n : ot, Sn[1], gt, !0); | |
3539 | + var e = !isNaN(Q.y - Q.startY), | |
3540 | + r = Q.isDragging && (Math.abs(Q.x - Q.startX) > 3 || Math.abs(Q.y - Q.startY) > 3), | |
3541 | + i = Zn(t); | |
3542 | + !r && | |
3543 | + e && | |
3544 | + (Q._vx.reset(), | |
3545 | + Q._vy.reset(), | |
3546 | + a && | |
3547 | + N && | |
3548 | + vn.delayedCall(0.08, function () { | |
3549 | + if (Ln() - lt > 300 && !t.defaultPrevented) | |
3550 | + if (; | |
3551 | + else if (ot.createEvent) { | |
3552 | + var e = ot.createEvent("MouseEvents"); | |
3553 | + e.initMouseEvent("click", !0, !0, bn, 1, i.screenX, i.screenY, i.clientX, i.clientY, !1, !1, !1, !1, 0, null),; | |
3554 | + } | |
3555 | + })), | |
3556 | + (Q.isDragging = Q.isGesturing = Q.isPressed = !1), | |
3557 | + l && !P && V.restart(!0), | |
3558 | + g && r && g(Q), | |
3559 | + _ && _(Q, r); | |
3560 | + } | |
3561 | + }), | |
3562 | + _t = function (t) { | |
3563 | + return t.touches && t.touches.length > 1 && (Q.isGesturing = !0) && D(t, Q.isDragging); | |
3564 | + }, | |
3565 | + vt = function () { | |
3566 | + return (Q.isGesturing = !1) || R(Q); | |
3567 | + }, | |
3568 | + yt = function (t) { | |
3569 | + if (!ut(t)) { | |
3570 | + var e = J(), | |
3571 | + r = tt(); | |
3572 | + ft((e - et) * z, (r - rt) * z, 1), (et = e), (rt = r), l && V.restart(!0); | |
3573 | + } | |
3574 | + }, | |
3575 | + bt = function (t) { | |
3576 | + if (!ut(t)) { | |
3577 | + (t = Zn(t, a)), B && (G = !0); | |
3578 | + var e = (1 === t.deltaMode ? o : 2 === t.deltaMode ? bn.innerHeight : 1) * h; | |
3579 | + ft(t.deltaX * e, t.deltaY * e, 0), l && !P && V.restart(!0); | |
3580 | + } | |
3581 | + }, | |
3582 | + xt = function (t) { | |
3583 | + if (!ut(t)) { | |
3584 | + var e = t.clientX, | |
3585 | + r = t.clientY, | |
3586 | + i = e - Q.x, | |
3587 | + n = r - Q.y; | |
3588 | + (Q.x = e), (Q.y = r), (U = !0), (i || n) && pt(i, n); | |
3589 | + } | |
3590 | + }, | |
3591 | + wt = function (t) { | |
3592 | + (Q.event = t), A(Q); | |
3593 | + }, | |
3594 | + Tt = function (t) { | |
3595 | + (Q.event = t), M(Q); | |
3596 | + }, | |
3597 | + kt = function (t) { | |
3598 | + return ut(t) || (Zn(t, a) && W(Q)); | |
3599 | + }; | |
3600 | + (V = Q._dc = vn | |
3601 | + .delayedCall(c || 0.25, function () { | |
3602 | + Q._vx.reset(), Q._vy.reset(), V.pause(), l && l(Q); | |
3603 | + }) | |
3604 | + .pause()), | |
3605 | + (Q.deltaX = Q.deltaY = 0), | |
3606 | + (Q._vx = Qn(0, 50, !0)), | |
3607 | + (Q._vy = Qn(0, 50, !0)), | |
3608 | + (Q.scrollX = J), | |
3609 | + (Q.scrollY = tt), | |
3610 | + (Q.isDragging = Q.isGesturing = Q.isPressed = !1), | |
3611 | + On(this), | |
3612 | + (Q.enable = function (t) { | |
3613 | + return ( | |
3614 | + Q.isEnabled || | |
3615 | + (Nn(nt ? ot : n, "scroll", Vn), | |
3616 | + i.indexOf("scroll") >= 0 && Nn(nt ? ot : n, "scroll", yt, a, F), | |
3617 | + i.indexOf("wheel") >= 0 && Nn(n, "wheel", bt, a, F), | |
3618 | + ((i.indexOf("touch") >= 0 && kn) || i.indexOf("pointer") >= 0) && | |
3619 | + (Nn(n, Sn[0], dt, a, F), | |
3620 | + Nn(ot, Sn[2], mt), | |
3621 | + Nn(ot, Sn[3], mt), | |
3622 | + N && Nn(n, "click", ct, !1, !0), | |
3623 | + W && Nn(n, "click", kt), | |
3624 | + D && Nn(ot, "gesturestart", _t), | |
3625 | + R && Nn(ot, "gestureend", vt), | |
3626 | + A && Nn(n, Cn + "enter", wt), | |
3627 | + M && Nn(n, Cn + "leave", Tt), | |
3628 | + S && Nn(n, Cn + "move", xt)), | |
3629 | + (Q.isEnabled = !0), | |
3630 | + t && t.type && dt(t), | |
3631 | + I && I(Q)), | |
3632 | + Q | |
3633 | + ); | |
3634 | + }), | |
3635 | + (Q.disable = function () { | |
3636 | + Q.isEnabled && | |
3637 | + (Rn.filter(function (t) { | |
3638 | + return t !== Q && Fn(; | |
3639 | + }).length || qn(nt ? ot : n, "scroll", Vn), | |
3640 | + Q.isPressed && (Q._vx.reset(), Q._vy.reset(), qn(P ? n : ot, Sn[1], gt, !0)), | |
3641 | + qn(nt ? ot : n, "scroll", yt, F), | |
3642 | + qn(n, "wheel", bt, F), | |
3643 | + qn(n, Sn[0], dt, F), | |
3644 | + qn(ot, Sn[2], mt), | |
3645 | + qn(ot, Sn[3], mt), | |
3646 | + qn(n, "click", ct, !0), | |
3647 | + qn(n, "click", kt), | |
3648 | + qn(ot, "gesturestart", _t), | |
3649 | + qn(ot, "gestureend", vt), | |
3650 | + qn(n, Cn + "enter", wt), | |
3651 | + qn(n, Cn + "leave", Tt), | |
3652 | + qn(n, Cn + "move", xt), | |
3653 | + (Q.isEnabled = Q.isPressed = Q.isDragging = !1), | |
3654 | + L && L(Q)); | |
3655 | + }), | |
3656 | + (Q.kill = Q.revert = function () { | |
3657 | + Q.disable(); | |
3658 | + var t = Rn.indexOf(Q); | |
3659 | + t >= 0 && Rn.splice(t, 1), Mn === Q && (Mn = 0); | |
3660 | + }), | |
3661 | + Rn.push(Q), | |
3662 | + P && Fn(n) && (Mn = Q), | |
3663 | + Q.enable(f); | |
3664 | + }), | |
3665 | + (e = t), | |
3666 | + (r = [ | |
3667 | + { | |
3668 | + key: "velocityX", | |
3669 | + get: function () { | |
3670 | + return this._vx.getVelocity(); | |
3671 | + }, | |
3672 | + }, | |
3673 | + { | |
3674 | + key: "velocityY", | |
3675 | + get: function () { | |
3676 | + return this._vy.getVelocity(); | |
3677 | + }, | |
3678 | + }, | |
3679 | + ]) && _n(e.prototype, r), | |
3680 | + t | |
3681 | + ); | |
3682 | + })(); | |
3683 | + (eo.version = "3.12.1"), | |
3684 | + (eo.create = function (t) { | |
3685 | + return new eo(t); | |
3686 | + }), | |
3687 | + (eo.register = to), | |
3688 | + (eo.getAll = function () { | |
3689 | + return Rn.slice(); | |
3690 | + }), | |
3691 | + (eo.getById = function (t) { | |
3692 | + return Rn.filter(function (e) { | |
3693 | + return === t; | |
3694 | + })[0]; | |
3695 | + }), | |
3696 | + Pn() && vn.registerPlugin(eo); | |
3697 | + var ro, | |
3698 | + io, | |
3699 | + no, | |
3700 | + oo, | |
3701 | + so, | |
3702 | + ao, | |
3703 | + lo, | |
3704 | + co, | |
3705 | + uo, | |
3706 | + ho, | |
3707 | + fo, | |
3708 | + po, | |
3709 | + go, | |
3710 | + mo, | |
3711 | + _o, | |
3712 | + vo, | |
3713 | + yo, | |
3714 | + bo, | |
3715 | + xo, | |
3716 | + wo, | |
3717 | + To, | |
3718 | + ko, | |
3719 | + Co, | |
3720 | + Eo, | |
3721 | + Ao, | |
3722 | + Mo, | |
3723 | + So, | |
3724 | + Oo, | |
3725 | + Po, | |
3726 | + Do, | |
3727 | + Ro, | |
3728 | + Bo, | |
3729 | + Io, | |
3730 | + Lo, | |
3731 | + Wo = 1, | |
3732 | + zo =, | |
3733 | + Fo = zo(), | |
3734 | + No = 0, | |
3735 | + qo = 0, | |
3736 | + Yo = function (t, e, r) { | |
3737 | + var i = es(t) && ("clamp(" === t.substr(0, 6) || t.indexOf("max") > -1); | |
3738 | + return (r["_" + e + "Clamp"] = i), i ? t.substr(6, t.length - 7) : t; | |
3739 | + }, | |
3740 | + Xo = function (t, e) { | |
3741 | + return !e || (es(t) && "clamp(" === t.substr(0, 6)) ? t : "clamp(" + t + ")"; | |
3742 | + }, | |
3743 | + Vo = function t() { | |
3744 | + return qo && requestAnimationFrame(t); | |
3745 | + }, | |
3746 | + Ho = function () { | |
3747 | + return (mo = 1); | |
3748 | + }, | |
3749 | + Uo = function () { | |
3750 | + return (mo = 0); | |
3751 | + }, | |
3752 | + Go = function (t) { | |
3753 | + return t; | |
3754 | + }, | |
3755 | + jo = function (t) { | |
3756 | + return Math.round(1e5 * t) / 1e5 || 0; | |
3757 | + }, | |
3758 | + Ko = function () { | |
3759 | + return "undefined" != typeof window; | |
3760 | + }, | |
3761 | + Qo = function () { | |
3762 | + return ro || (Ko() && (ro = window.gsap) && ro.registerPlugin && ro); | |
3763 | + }, | |
3764 | + Zo = function (t) { | |
3765 | + return !!~lo.indexOf(t); | |
3766 | + }, | |
3767 | + $o = function (t) { | |
3768 | + return ( | |
3769 | + zn(t, "getBoundingClientRect") || | |
3770 | + (Zo(t) | |
3771 | + ? function () { | |
3772 | + return (ca.width = no.innerWidth), (ca.height = no.innerHeight), ca; | |
3773 | + } | |
3774 | + : function () { | |
3775 | + return ks(t); | |
3776 | + }) | |
3777 | + ); | |
3778 | + }, | |
3779 | + Jo = function (t, e) { | |
3780 | + var r = e.s, | |
3781 | + i = e.d2, | |
3782 | + n = e.d, | |
3783 | + o = e.a; | |
3784 | + return Math.max(0, (r = "scroll" + i) && (o = zn(t, r)) ? o() - $o(t)()[n] : Zo(t) ? (so[r] || ao[r]) - (no["inner" + i] || so["client" + i] || ao["client" + i]) : t[r] - t["offset" + i]); | |
3785 | + }, | |
3786 | + ts = function (t, e) { | |
3787 | + for (var r = 0; r < xo.length; r += 3) (!e || ~e.indexOf(xo[r + 1])) && t(xo[r], xo[r + 1], xo[r + 2]); | |
3788 | + }, | |
3789 | + es = function (t) { | |
3790 | + return "string" == typeof t; | |
3791 | + }, | |
3792 | + rs = function (t) { | |
3793 | + return "function" == typeof t; | |
3794 | + }, | |
3795 | + is = function (t) { | |
3796 | + return "number" == typeof t; | |
3797 | + }, | |
3798 | + ns = function (t) { | |
3799 | + return "object" == typeof t; | |
3800 | + }, | |
3801 | + os = function (t, e, r) { | |
3802 | + return t && t.progress(e ? 0 : 1) && r && t.pause(); | |
3803 | + }, | |
3804 | + ss = function (t, e) { | |
3805 | + if (t.enabled) { | |
3806 | + var r = e(t); | |
3807 | + r && r.totalTime && (t.callbackAnimation = r); | |
3808 | + } | |
3809 | + }, | |
3810 | + as = Math.abs, | |
3811 | + ls = "left", | |
3812 | + cs = "right", | |
3813 | + us = "bottom", | |
3814 | + hs = "width", | |
3815 | + fs = "height", | |
3816 | + ps = "Right", | |
3817 | + gs = "Left", | |
3818 | + ds = "Top", | |
3819 | + ms = "Bottom", | |
3820 | + _s = "padding", | |
3821 | + vs = "margin", | |
3822 | + ys = "Width", | |
3823 | + bs = "Height", | |
3824 | + xs = "px", | |
3825 | + ws = function (t) { | |
3826 | + return no.getComputedStyle(t); | |
3827 | + }, | |
3828 | + Ts = function (t, e) { | |
3829 | + for (var r in e) r in t || (t[r] = e[r]); | |
3830 | + return t; | |
3831 | + }, | |
3832 | + ks = function (t, e) { | |
3833 | + var r = e && "matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)" !== ws(t)[_o] &&, { x: 0, y: 0, xPercent: 0, yPercent: 0, rotation: 0, rotationX: 0, rotationY: 0, scale: 1, skewX: 0, skewY: 0 }).progress(1), | |
3834 | + i = t.getBoundingClientRect(); | |
3835 | + return r && r.progress(0).kill(), i; | |
3836 | + }, | |
3837 | + Cs = function (t, e) { | |
3838 | + var r = e.d2; | |
3839 | + return t["offset" + r] || t["client" + r] || 0; | |
3840 | + }, | |
3841 | + Es = function (t) { | |
3842 | + var e, | |
3843 | + r = [], | |
3844 | + i = t.labels, | |
3845 | + n = t.duration(); | |
3846 | + for (e in i) r.push(i[e] / n); | |
3847 | + return r; | |
3848 | + }, | |
3849 | + As = function (t) { | |
3850 | + var e = ro.utils.snap(t), | |
3851 | + r = | |
3852 | + Array.isArray(t) && | |
3853 | + t.slice(0).sort(function (t, e) { | |
3854 | + return t - e; | |
3855 | + }); | |
3856 | + return r | |
3857 | + ? function (t, i, n) { | |
3858 | + var o; | |
3859 | + if ((void 0 === n && (n = 0.001), !i)) return e(t); | |
3860 | + if (i > 0) { | |
3861 | + for (t -= n, o = 0; o < r.length; o++) if (r[o] >= t) return r[o]; | |
3862 | + return r[o - 1]; | |
3863 | + } | |
3864 | + for (o = r.length, t += n; o--; ) if (r[o] <= t) return r[o]; | |
3865 | + return r[0]; | |
3866 | + } | |
3867 | + : function (r, i, n) { | |
3868 | + void 0 === n && (n = 0.001); | |
3869 | + var o = e(r); | |
3870 | + return !i || Math.abs(o - r) < n || o - r < 0 == i < 0 ? o : e(i < 0 ? r - t : r + t); | |
3871 | + }; | |
3872 | + }, | |
3873 | + Ms = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
3874 | + return r.split(",").forEach(function (r) { | |
3875 | + return t(e, r, i); | |
3876 | + }); | |
3877 | + }, | |
3878 | + Ss = function (t, e, r, i, n) { | |
3879 | + return t.addEventListener(e, r, { passive: !i, capture: !!n }); | |
3880 | + }, | |
3881 | + Os = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
3882 | + return t.removeEventListener(e, r, !!i); | |
3883 | + }, | |
3884 | + Ps = function (t, e, r) { | |
3885 | + (r = r && r.wheelHandler) && (t(e, "wheel", r), t(e, "touchmove", r)); | |
3886 | + }, | |
3887 | + Ds = { startColor: "green", endColor: "red", indent: 0, fontSize: "16px", fontWeight: "normal" }, | |
3888 | + Rs = { toggleActions: "play", anticipatePin: 0 }, | |
3889 | + Bs = { top: 0, left: 0, center: 0.5, bottom: 1, right: 1 }, | |
3890 | + Is = function (t, e) { | |
3891 | + if (es(t)) { | |
3892 | + var r = t.indexOf("="), | |
3893 | + i = ~r ? +(t.charAt(r - 1) + 1) * parseFloat(t.substr(r + 1)) : 0; | |
3894 | + ~r && (t.indexOf("%") > r && (i *= e / 100), (t = t.substr(0, r - 1))), (t = i + (t in Bs ? Bs[t] * e : ~t.indexOf("%") ? (parseFloat(t) * e) / 100 : parseFloat(t) || 0)); | |
3895 | + } | |
3896 | + return t; | |
3897 | + }, | |
3898 | + Ls = function (t, e, r, i, n, o, s, a) { | |
3899 | + var l = n.startColor, | |
3900 | + c = n.endColor, | |
3901 | + u = n.fontSize, | |
3902 | + h = n.indent, | |
3903 | + f = n.fontWeight, | |
3904 | + p = oo.createElement("div"), | |
3905 | + g = Zo(r) || "fixed" === zn(r, "pinType"), | |
3906 | + d = -1 !== t.indexOf("scroller"), | |
3907 | + m = g ? ao : r, | |
3908 | + _ = -1 !== t.indexOf("start"), | |
3909 | + v = _ ? l : c, | |
3910 | + y = "border-color:" + v + ";font-size:" + u + ";color:" + v + ";font-weight:" + f + ";pointer-events:none;white-space:nowrap;font-family:sans-serif,Arial;z-index:1000;padding:4px 8px;border-width:0;border-style:solid;"; | |
3911 | + return ( | |
3912 | + (y += "position:" + ((d || a) && g ? "fixed;" : "absolute;")), | |
3913 | + (d || a || !g) && (y += (i === Gn ? cs : us) + ":" + (o + parseFloat(h)) + "px;"), | |
3914 | + s && (y += "box-sizing:border-box;text-align:left;width:" + s.offsetWidth + "px;"), | |
3915 | + (p._isStart = _), | |
3916 | + p.setAttribute("class", "gsap-marker-" + t + (e ? " marker-" + e : "")), | |
3917 | + ( = y), | |
3918 | + (p.innerText = e || 0 === e ? t + "-" + e : t), | |
3919 | + m.children[0] ? m.insertBefore(p, m.children[0]) : m.appendChild(p), | |
3920 | + (p._offset = p["offset" + i.op.d2]), | |
3921 | + Ws(p, 0, i, _), | |
3922 | + p | |
3923 | + ); | |
3924 | + }, | |
3925 | + Ws = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
3926 | + var n = { display: "block" }, | |
3927 | + o = r[i ? "os2" : "p2"], | |
3928 | + s = r[i ? "p2" : "os2"]; | |
3929 | + (t._isFlipped = i), (n[r.a + "Percent"] = i ? -100 : 0), (n[r.a] = i ? "1px" : 0), (n["border" + o + ys] = 1), (n["border" + s + ys] = 0), (n[r.p] = e + "px"), ro.set(t, n); | |
3930 | + }, | |
3931 | + zs = [], | |
3932 | + Fs = {}, | |
3933 | + Ns = function () { | |
3934 | + return zo() - No > 34 && (Ro || (Ro = requestAnimationFrame(ra))); | |
3935 | + }, | |
3936 | + qs = function () { | |
3937 | + (!Co || !Co.isPressed || Co.startX > ao.clientWidth) && (Bn.cache++, Co ? Ro || (Ro = requestAnimationFrame(ra)) : ra(), No || Gs("scrollStart"), (No = zo())); | |
3938 | + }, | |
3939 | + Ys = function () { | |
3940 | + (Mo = no.innerWidth), (Ao = no.innerHeight); | |
3941 | + }, | |
3942 | + Xs = function () { | |
3943 | + Bn.cache++, !go && !ko && !oo.fullscreenElement && !oo.webkitFullscreenElement && (!Eo || Mo !== no.innerWidth || Math.abs(no.innerHeight - Ao) > 0.25 * no.innerHeight) && co.restart(!0); | |
3944 | + }, | |
3945 | + Vs = {}, | |
3946 | + Hs = [], | |
3947 | + Us = function t() { | |
3948 | + return Os(ma, "scrollEnd", t) || Js(!0); | |
3949 | + }, | |
3950 | + Gs = function (t) { | |
3951 | + return ( | |
3952 | + (Vs[t] && | |
3953 | + Vs[t].map(function (t) { | |
3954 | + return t(); | |
3955 | + })) || | |
3956 | + Hs | |
3957 | + ); | |
3958 | + }, | |
3959 | + js = [], | |
3960 | + Ks = function (t) { | |
3961 | + for (var e = 0; e < js.length; e += 5) (!t || (js[e + 4] && js[e + 4].query === t)) && ((js[e].style.cssText = js[e + 1]), js[e].getBBox && js[e].setAttribute("transform", js[e + 2] || ""), (js[e + 3].uncache = 1)); | |
3962 | + }, | |
3963 | + Qs = function (t, e) { | |
3964 | + var r; | |
3965 | + for (vo = 0; vo < zs.length; vo++) !(r = zs[vo]) || (e && r._ctx !== e) || (t ? r.kill(1) : r.revert(!0, !0)); | |
3966 | + e && Ks(e), e || Gs("revert"); | |
3967 | + }, | |
3968 | + Zs = function (t, e) { | |
3969 | + Bn.cache++, | |
3970 | + (e || !Bo) && | |
3971 | + Bn.forEach(function (t) { | |
3972 | + return rs(t) && t.cacheID++ && (t.rec = 0); | |
3973 | + }), | |
3974 | + es(t) && (no.history.scrollRestoration = Po = t); | |
3975 | + }, | |
3976 | + $s = 0, | |
3977 | + Js = function (t, e) { | |
3978 | + if (!No || t) { | |
3979 | + (Bo = ma.isRefreshing = !0), | |
3980 | + Bn.forEach(function (t) { | |
3981 | + return rs(t) && ++t.cacheID && (t.rec = t()); | |
3982 | + }); | |
3983 | + var r = Gs("refreshInit"); | |
3984 | + wo && ma.sort(), | |
3985 | + e || Qs(), | |
3986 | + Bn.forEach(function (t) { | |
3987 | + rs(t) && (t.smooth && ( = "auto"), t(0)); | |
3988 | + }), | |
3989 | + zs.slice(0).forEach(function (t) { | |
3990 | + return t.refresh(); | |
3991 | + }), | |
3992 | + zs.forEach(function (t, e) { | |
3993 | + if (t._subPinOffset && { | |
3994 | + var r = t.vars.horizontal ? "offsetWidth" : "offsetHeight", | |
3995 | + i =[r]; | |
3996 | + t.revert(!0, 1), t.adjustPinSpacing([r] - i), t.refresh(); | |
3997 | + } | |
3998 | + }), | |
3999 | + zs.forEach(function (t) { | |
4000 | + var e = Jo(t.scroller, t._dir); | |
4001 | + ("max" === t.vars.end || (t._endClamp && t.end > e)) && t.setPositions(t.start, Math.max(t.start + 1, e), !0); | |
4002 | + }), | |
4003 | + r.forEach(function (t) { | |
4004 | + return t && t.render && t.render(-1); | |
4005 | + }), | |
4006 | + Bn.forEach(function (t) { | |
4007 | + rs(t) && | |
4008 | + (t.smooth && | |
4009 | + requestAnimationFrame(function () { | |
4010 | + return ( = "smooth"); | |
4011 | + }), | |
4012 | + t.rec && t(t.rec)); | |
4013 | + }), | |
4014 | + Zs(Po, 1), | |
4015 | + co.pause(), | |
4016 | + $s++, | |
4017 | + (Bo = 2), | |
4018 | + ra(2), | |
4019 | + zs.forEach(function (t) { | |
4020 | + return rs(t.vars.onRefresh) && t.vars.onRefresh(t); | |
4021 | + }), | |
4022 | + (Bo = ma.isRefreshing = !1), | |
4023 | + Gs("refresh"); | |
4024 | + } else Ss(ma, "scrollEnd", Us); | |
4025 | + }, | |
4026 | + ta = 0, | |
4027 | + ea = 1, | |
4028 | + ra = function (t) { | |
4029 | + if (!Bo || 2 === t) { | |
4030 | + (ma.isUpdating = !0), Lo && Lo.update(0); | |
4031 | + var e = zs.length, | |
4032 | + r = zo(), | |
4033 | + i = r - Fo >= 50, | |
4034 | + n = e && zs[0].scroll(); | |
4035 | + if (((ea = ta > n ? -1 : 1), Bo || (ta = n), i && (No && !mo && r - No > 200 && ((No = 0), Gs("scrollEnd")), (fo = Fo), (Fo = r)), ea < 0)) { | |
4036 | + for (vo = e; vo-- > 0; ) zs[vo] && zs[vo].update(0, i); | |
4037 | + ea = 1; | |
4038 | + } else for (vo = 0; vo < e; vo++) zs[vo] && zs[vo].update(0, i); | |
4039 | + ma.isUpdating = !1; | |
4040 | + } | |
4041 | + Ro = 0; | |
4042 | + }, | |
4043 | + ia = [ | |
4044 | + ls, | |
4045 | + "top", | |
4046 | + us, | |
4047 | + cs, | |
4048 | + vs + ms, | |
4049 | + vs + ps, | |
4050 | + vs + ds, | |
4051 | + vs + gs, | |
4052 | + "display", | |
4053 | + "flexShrink", | |
4054 | + "float", | |
4055 | + "zIndex", | |
4056 | + "gridColumnStart", | |
4057 | + "gridColumnEnd", | |
4058 | + "gridRowStart", | |
4059 | + "gridRowEnd", | |
4060 | + "gridArea", | |
4061 | + "justifySelf", | |
4062 | + "alignSelf", | |
4063 | + "placeSelf", | |
4064 | + "order", | |
4065 | + ], | |
4066 | + na = ia.concat([hs, fs, "boxSizing", "max" + ys, "max" + bs, "position", vs, _s, _s + ds, _s + ps, _s + ms, _s + gs]), | |
4067 | + oa = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
4068 | + if (!t._gsap.swappedIn) { | |
4069 | + for (var n, o = ia.length, s =, a =; o--; ) s[(n = ia[o])] = r[n]; | |
4070 | + (s.position = "absolute" === r.position ? "absolute" : "relative"), | |
4071 | + "inline" === r.display && (s.display = "inline-block"), | |
4072 | + (a[us] = a[cs] = "auto"), | |
4073 | + (s.flexBasis = r.flexBasis || "auto"), | |
4074 | + (s.overflow = "visible"), | |
4075 | + (s.boxSizing = "border-box"), | |
4076 | + (s[hs] = Cs(t, Un) + xs), | |
4077 | + (s[fs] = Cs(t, Gn) + xs), | |
4078 | + (s[_s] = a[vs] = = a[ls] = "0"), | |
4079 | + aa(i), | |
4080 | + (a[hs] = a["max" + ys] = r[hs]), | |
4081 | + (a[fs] = a["max" + bs] = r[fs]), | |
4082 | + (a[_s] = r[_s]), | |
4083 | + t.parentNode !== e && (t.parentNode.insertBefore(e, t), e.appendChild(t)), | |
4084 | + (t._gsap.swappedIn = !0); | |
4085 | + } | |
4086 | + }, | |
4087 | + sa = /([A-Z])/g, | |
4088 | + aa = function (t) { | |
4089 | + if (t) { | |
4090 | + var e, | |
4091 | + r, | |
4092 | + i =, | |
4093 | + n = t.length, | |
4094 | + o = 0; | |
4095 | + for ((t.t._gsap || ro.core.getCache(t.t)).uncache = 1; o < n; o += 2) (r = t[o + 1]), (e = t[o]), r ? (i[e] = r) : i[e] && i.removeProperty(e.replace(sa, "-$1").toLowerCase()); | |
4096 | + } | |
4097 | + }, | |
4098 | + la = function (t) { | |
4099 | + for (var e = na.length, r =, i = [], n = 0; n < e; n++) i.push(na[n], r[na[n]]); | |
4100 | + return (i.t = t), i; | |
4101 | + }, | |
4102 | + ca = { left: 0, top: 0 }, | |
4103 | + ua = function (t, e, r, i, n, o, s, a, l, c, u, h, f, p) { | |
4104 | + rs(t) && (t = t(a)), es(t) && "max" === t.substr(0, 3) && (t = h + ("=" === t.charAt(4) ? Is("0" + t.substr(3), r) : 0)); | |
4105 | + var g, | |
4106 | + d, | |
4107 | + m, | |
4108 | + _ = f ? f.time() : 0; | |
4109 | + if ((f &&, isNaN(t) || (t = +t), is(t))) f && (t = ro.utils.mapRange(f.scrollTrigger.start, f.scrollTrigger.end, 0, h, t)), s && Ws(s, r, i, !0); | |
4110 | + else { | |
4111 | + rs(e) && (e = e(a)); | |
4112 | + var v, | |
4113 | + y, | |
4114 | + b, | |
4115 | + x, | |
4116 | + w = (t || "0").split(" "); | |
4117 | + (m = jn(e, a) || ao), | |
4118 | + ((v = ks(m) || {}) && (v.left || || "none" !== ws(m).display || ((x =, ( = "block"), (v = ks(m)), x ? ( = x) :"display")), | |
4119 | + (y = Is(w[0], v[i.d])), | |
4120 | + (b = Is(w[1] || "0", r)), | |
4121 | + (t = v[i.p] - l[i.p] - c + y + n - b), | |
4122 | + s && Ws(s, b, i, r - b < 20 || (s._isStart && b > 20)), | |
4123 | + (r -= r - b); | |
4124 | + } | |
4125 | + if ((p && ((a[p] = t || -0.001), t < 0 && (t = 0)), o)) { | |
4126 | + var T = t + r, | |
4127 | + k = o._isStart; | |
4128 | + (g = "scroll" + i.d2), Ws(o, T, i, (k && T > 20) || (!k && (u ? Math.max(ao[g], so[g]) : o.parentNode[g]) <= T + 1)), u && ((l = ks(s)), u && ([i.op.p] = l[i.op.p] - i.op.m - o._offset + xs)); | |
4129 | + } | |
4130 | + return f && m && ((g = ks(m)),, (d = ks(m)), (f._caScrollDist = g[i.p] - d[i.p]), (t = (t / f._caScrollDist) * h)), f &&, f ? t : Math.round(t); | |
4131 | + }, | |
4132 | + ha = /(webkit|moz|length|cssText|inset)/i, | |
4133 | + fa = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
4134 | + if (t.parentNode !== e) { | |
4135 | + var n, | |
4136 | + o, | |
4137 | + s =; | |
4138 | + if (e === ao) { | |
4139 | + for (n in ((t._stOrig = s.cssText), (o = ws(t)))) +n || ha.test(n) || !o[n] || "string" != typeof s[n] || "0" === n || (s[n] = o[n]); | |
4140 | + ( = r), (s.left = i); | |
4141 | + } else s.cssText = t._stOrig; | |
4142 | + (ro.core.getCache(t).uncache = 1), e.appendChild(t); | |
4143 | + } | |
4144 | + }, | |
4145 | + pa = function (t, e, r) { | |
4146 | + var i = e, | |
4147 | + n = i; | |
4148 | + return function (e) { | |
4149 | + var o = Math.round(t()); | |
4150 | + return o !== i && o !== n && Math.abs(o - i) > 3 && Math.abs(o - n) > 3 && ((e = o), r && r()), (n = i), (i = e), e; | |
4151 | + }; | |
4152 | + }, | |
4153 | + ga = function (t, e, r) { | |
4154 | + var i = {}; | |
4155 | + (i[e.p] = "+=" + r), ro.set(t, i); | |
4156 | + }, | |
4157 | + da = function (t, e) { | |
4158 | + var r = Kn(t, e), | |
4159 | + i = "_scroll" + e.p2, | |
4160 | + n = function e(n, o, s, a, l) { | |
4161 | + var c = e.tween, | |
4162 | + u = o.onComplete, | |
4163 | + h = {}; | |
4164 | + s = s || r(); | |
4165 | + var f = pa(r, s, function () { | |
4166 | + c.kill(), (e.tween = 0); | |
4167 | + }); | |
4168 | + return ( | |
4169 | + (l = (a && l) || 0), | |
4170 | + (a = a || n - s), | |
4171 | + c && c.kill(), | |
4172 | + (o[i] = n), | |
4173 | + (o.modifiers = h), | |
4174 | + (h[i] = function () { | |
4175 | + return f(s + a * c.ratio + l * c.ratio * c.ratio); | |
4176 | + }), | |
4177 | + (o.onUpdate = function () { | |
4178 | + Bn.cache++, ra(); | |
4179 | + }), | |
4180 | + (o.onComplete = function () { | |
4181 | + (e.tween = 0), u &&; | |
4182 | + }), | |
4183 | + (c = e.tween =, o)) | |
4184 | + ); | |
4185 | + }; | |
4186 | + return ( | |
4187 | + (t[i] = r), | |
4188 | + (r.wheelHandler = function () { | |
4189 | + return n.tween && n.tween.kill() && (n.tween = 0); | |
4190 | + }), | |
4191 | + Ss(t, "wheel", r.wheelHandler), | |
4192 | + ma.isTouch && Ss(t, "touchmove", r.wheelHandler), | |
4193 | + n | |
4194 | + ); | |
4195 | + }, | |
4196 | + ma = (function () { | |
4197 | + function t(e, r) { | |
4198 | + io || t.register(ro) || console.warn("Please gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger)"), Oo(this), this.init(e, r); | |
4199 | + } | |
4200 | + return ( | |
4201 | + (t.prototype.init = function (e, r) { | |
4202 | + if (((this.progress = this.start = 0), this.vars && this.kill(!0, !0), qo)) { | |
4203 | + var i, | |
4204 | + n, | |
4205 | + o, | |
4206 | + s, | |
4207 | + a, | |
4208 | + l, | |
4209 | + c, | |
4210 | + u, | |
4211 | + h, | |
4212 | + f, | |
4213 | + p, | |
4214 | + g, | |
4215 | + d, | |
4216 | + m, | |
4217 | + _, | |
4218 | + v, | |
4219 | + y, | |
4220 | + b, | |
4221 | + x, | |
4222 | + w, | |
4223 | + T, | |
4224 | + k, | |
4225 | + C, | |
4226 | + E, | |
4227 | + A, | |
4228 | + M, | |
4229 | + S, | |
4230 | + O, | |
4231 | + P, | |
4232 | + D, | |
4233 | + R, | |
4234 | + B, | |
4235 | + I, | |
4236 | + L, | |
4237 | + W, | |
4238 | + z, | |
4239 | + F, | |
4240 | + N, | |
4241 | + q, | |
4242 | + Y, | |
4243 | + X, | |
4244 | + V, | |
4245 | + H = (e = Ts(es(e) || is(e) || e.nodeType ? { trigger: e } : e, Rs)), | |
4246 | + U = H.onUpdate, | |
4247 | + G = H.toggleClass, | |
4248 | + j =, | |
4249 | + K = H.onToggle, | |
4250 | + Q = H.onRefresh, | |
4251 | + Z = H.scrub, | |
4252 | + $ = H.trigger, | |
4253 | + J =, | |
4254 | + tt = H.pinSpacing, | |
4255 | + et = H.invalidateOnRefresh, | |
4256 | + rt = H.anticipatePin, | |
4257 | + it = H.onScrubComplete, | |
4258 | + nt = H.onSnapComplete, | |
4259 | + ot = H.once, | |
4260 | + st = H.snap, | |
4261 | + at = H.pinReparent, | |
4262 | + lt = H.pinSpacer, | |
4263 | + ct = H.containerAnimation, | |
4264 | + ut = H.fastScrollEnd, | |
4265 | + ht = H.preventOverlaps, | |
4266 | + ft = e.horizontal || (e.containerAnimation && !1 !== e.horizontal) ? Un : Gn, | |
4267 | + pt = !Z && 0 !== Z, | |
4268 | + gt = jn(e.scroller || no), | |
4269 | + dt = ro.core.getCache(gt), | |
4270 | + mt = Zo(gt), | |
4271 | + _t = "fixed" === ("pinType" in e ? e.pinType : zn(gt, "pinType") || (mt && "fixed")), | |
4272 | + vt = [e.onEnter, e.onLeave, e.onEnterBack, e.onLeaveBack], | |
4273 | + yt = pt && e.toggleActions.split(" "), | |
4274 | + bt = "markers" in e ? e.markers : Rs.markers, | |
4275 | + xt = mt ? 0 : parseFloat(ws(gt)["border" + ft.p2 + ys]) || 0, | |
4276 | + wt = this, | |
4277 | + Tt = | |
4278 | + e.onRefreshInit && | |
4279 | + function () { | |
4280 | + return e.onRefreshInit(wt); | |
4281 | + }, | |
4282 | + kt = (function (t, e, r) { | |
4283 | + var i = r.d, | |
4284 | + n = r.d2, | |
4285 | + o = r.a; | |
4286 | + return (o = zn(t, "getBoundingClientRect")) | |
4287 | + ? function () { | |
4288 | + return o()[i]; | |
4289 | + } | |
4290 | + : function () { | |
4291 | + return (e ? no["inner" + n] : t["client" + n]) || 0; | |
4292 | + }; | |
4293 | + })(gt, mt, ft), | |
4294 | + Ct = (function (t, e) { | |
4295 | + return !e || ~In.indexOf(t) | |
4296 | + ? $o(t) | |
4297 | + : function () { | |
4298 | + return ca; | |
4299 | + }; | |
4300 | + })(gt, mt), | |
4301 | + Et = 0, | |
4302 | + At = 0, | |
4303 | + Mt = 0, | |
4304 | + St = Kn(gt, ft); | |
4305 | + if ( | |
4306 | + ((wt._startClamp = wt._endClamp = !1), | |
4307 | + (wt._dir = ft), | |
4308 | + (rt *= 45), | |
4309 | + (wt.scroller = gt), | |
4310 | + (wt.scroll = ct ? ct.time.bind(ct) : St), | |
4311 | + (s = St()), | |
4312 | + (wt.vars = e), | |
4313 | + (r = r || e.animation), | |
4314 | + "refreshPriority" in e && ((wo = 1), -9999 === e.refreshPriority && (Lo = wt)), | |
4315 | + (dt.tweenScroll = dt.tweenScroll || { top: da(gt, Gn), left: da(gt, Un) }), | |
4316 | + (wt.tweenTo = i = dt.tweenScroll[ft.p]), | |
4317 | + (wt.scrubDuration = function (t) { | |
4318 | + (I = is(t) && t) | |
4319 | + ? B | |
4320 | + ? B.duration(t) | |
4321 | + : (B =, { | |
4322 | + ease: "expo", | |
4323 | + totalProgress: "+=0", | |
4324 | + duration: I, | |
4325 | + paused: !0, | |
4326 | + onComplete: function () { | |
4327 | + return it && it(wt); | |
4328 | + }, | |
4329 | + })) | |
4330 | + : (B && B.progress(1).kill(), (B = 0)); | |
4331 | + }), | |
4332 | + r && | |
4333 | + ((r.vars.lazy = !1), | |
4334 | + (r._initted && !wt.isReverted) || (!1 !== r.vars.immediateRender && !1 !== e.immediateRender && r.duration() && r.render(0, !0, !0)), | |
4335 | + (wt.animation = r.pause()), | |
4336 | + (r.scrollTrigger = wt), | |
4337 | + wt.scrubDuration(Z), | |
4338 | + (D = 0), | |
4339 | + j || (j =, | |
4340 | + st && | |
4341 | + ((ns(st) && !st.push) || (st = { snapTo: st }), | |
4342 | + "scrollBehavior" in && ro.set(mt ? [ao, so] : gt, { scrollBehavior: "auto" }), | |
4343 | + Bn.forEach(function (t) { | |
4344 | + return rs(t) && === (mt ? oo.scrollingElement || so : gt) && (t.smooth = !1); | |
4345 | + }), | |
4346 | + (o = rs(st.snapTo) | |
4347 | + ? st.snapTo | |
4348 | + : "labels" === st.snapTo | |
4349 | + ? (function (t) { | |
4350 | + return function (e) { | |
4351 | + return ro.utils.snap(Es(t), e); | |
4352 | + }; | |
4353 | + })(r) | |
4354 | + : "labelsDirectional" === st.snapTo | |
4355 | + ? ((Y = r), | |
4356 | + function (t, e) { | |
4357 | + return As(Es(Y))(t, e.direction); | |
4358 | + }) | |
4359 | + : !1 !== st.directional | |
4360 | + ? function (t, e) { | |
4361 | + return As(st.snapTo)(t, zo() - At < 500 ? 0 : e.direction); | |
4362 | + } | |
4363 | + : ro.utils.snap(st.snapTo)), | |
4364 | + (L = st.duration || { min: 0.1, max: 2 }), | |
4365 | + (L = ns(L) ? ho(L.min, L.max) : ho(L, L)), | |
4366 | + (W = ro | |
4367 | + .delayedCall(st.delay || I / 2 || 0.1, function () { | |
4368 | + var t = St(), | |
4369 | + e = zo() - At < 500, | |
4370 | + n = i.tween; | |
4371 | + if (!(e || Math.abs(wt.getVelocity()) < 10) || n || mo || Et === t) wt.isActive && Et !== t && W.restart(!0); | |
4372 | + else { | |
4373 | + var s = (t - l) / m, | |
4374 | + a = r && !pt ? r.totalProgress() : s, | |
4375 | + u = e ? 0 : ((a - R) / (zo() - fo)) * 1e3 || 0, | |
4376 | + h = ro.utils.clamp(-s, 1 - s, (as(u / 2) * u) / 0.185), | |
4377 | + f = s + (!1 === st.inertia ? 0 : h), | |
4378 | + p = ho(0, 1, o(f, wt)), | |
4379 | + g = Math.round(l + p * m), | |
4380 | + d = st, | |
4381 | + _ = d.onStart, | |
4382 | + v = d.onInterrupt, | |
4383 | + y = d.onComplete; | |
4384 | + if (t <= c && t >= l && g !== t) { | |
4385 | + if (n && !n._initted && <= as(g - t)) return; | |
4386 | + !1 === st.inertia && (h = p - s), | |
4387 | + i( | |
4388 | + g, | |
4389 | + { | |
4390 | + duration: L(as((0.185 * Math.max(as(f - a), as(p - a))) / u / 0.05 || 0)), | |
4391 | + ease: st.ease || "power3", | |
4392 | + data: as(g - t), | |
4393 | + onInterrupt: function () { | |
4394 | + return W.restart(!0) && v && v(wt); | |
4395 | + }, | |
4396 | + onComplete: function () { | |
4397 | + wt.update(), (Et = St()), (D = R = r && !pt ? r.totalProgress() : wt.progress), nt && nt(wt), y && y(wt); | |
4398 | + }, | |
4399 | + }, | |
4400 | + t, | |
4401 | + h * m, | |
4402 | + g - t - h * m | |
4403 | + ), | |
4404 | + _ && _(wt, i.tween); | |
4405 | + } | |
4406 | + } | |
4407 | + }) | |
4408 | + .pause())), | |
4409 | + j && (Fs[j] = wt), | |
4410 | + (q = ($ = wt.trigger = jn($ || (!0 !== J && J))) && $._gsap && $._gsap.stRevert) && (q = q(wt)), | |
4411 | + (J = !0 === J ? $ : jn(J)), | |
4412 | + es(G) && (G = { targets: $, className: G }), | |
4413 | + J && | |
4414 | + (!1 === tt || tt === vs || (tt = !(!tt && J.parentNode && && "flex" === ws(J.parentNode).display) && _s), | |
4415 | + ( = J), | |
4416 | + (n = ro.core.getCache(J)).spacer | |
4417 | + ? (_ = n.pinState) | |
4418 | + : (lt && ((lt = jn(lt)) && !lt.nodeType && (lt = lt.current || lt.nativeElement), (n.spacerIsNative = !!lt), lt && (n.spacerState = la(lt))), | |
4419 | + (n.spacer = b = lt || oo.createElement("div")), | |
4420 | + b.classList.add("pin-spacer"), | |
4421 | + j && b.classList.add("pin-spacer-" + j), | |
4422 | + (n.pinState = _ = la(J))), | |
4423 | + !1 !== e.force3D && ro.set(J, { force3D: !0 }), | |
4424 | + (wt.spacer = b = n.spacer), | |
4425 | + (P = ws(J)), | |
4426 | + (E = P[tt + ft.os2]), | |
4427 | + (w = ro.getProperty(J)), | |
4428 | + (T = ro.quickSetter(J, ft.a, xs)), | |
4429 | + oa(J, b, P), | |
4430 | + (y = la(J))), | |
4431 | + bt) | |
4432 | + ) { | |
4433 | + (g = ns(bt) ? Ts(bt, Ds) : Ds), (f = Ls("scroller-start", j, gt, ft, g, 0)), (p = Ls("scroller-end", j, gt, ft, g, 0, f)), (x = f["offset" + ft.op.d2]); | |
4434 | + var Ot = jn(zn(gt, "content") || gt); | |
4435 | + (u = this.markerStart = Ls("start", j, Ot, ft, g, x, 0, ct)), | |
4436 | + (h = this.markerEnd = Ls("end", j, Ot, ft, g, x, 0, ct)), | |
4437 | + ct && (N = ro.quickSetter([u, h], ft.a, xs)), | |
4438 | + _t || | |
4439 | + (In.length && !0 === zn(gt, "fixedMarkers")) || | |
4440 | + ((V = ws((X = mt ? ao : gt)).position), | |
4441 | + ( = "absolute" === V || "fixed" === V ? V : "relative"), | |
4442 | + ro.set([f, p], { force3D: !0 }), | |
4443 | + (M = ro.quickSetter(f, ft.a, xs)), | |
4444 | + (O = ro.quickSetter(p, ft.a, xs))); | |
4445 | + } | |
4446 | + if (ct) { | |
4447 | + var Pt = ct.vars.onUpdate, | |
4448 | + Dt = ct.vars.onUpdateParams; | |
4449 | + ct.eventCallback("onUpdate", function () { | |
4450 | + wt.update(0, 0, 1), Pt && Pt.apply(ct, Dt || []); | |
4451 | + }); | |
4452 | + } | |
4453 | + if ( | |
4454 | + ((wt.previous = function () { | |
4455 | + return zs[zs.indexOf(wt) - 1]; | |
4456 | + }), | |
4457 | + ( = function () { | |
4458 | + return zs[zs.indexOf(wt) + 1]; | |
4459 | + }), | |
4460 | + (wt.revert = function (t, e) { | |
4461 | + if (!e) return wt.kill(!0); | |
4462 | + var i = !1 !== t || !wt.enabled, | |
4463 | + n = go; | |
4464 | + i !== wt.isReverted && | |
4465 | + (i && ((z = Math.max(St(), wt.scroll.rec || 0)), (Mt = wt.progress), (F = r && r.progress())), | |
4466 | + u && | |
4467 | + [u, h, f, p].forEach(function (t) { | |
4468 | + return ( = i ? "none" : "block"); | |
4469 | + }), | |
4470 | + i && ((go = wt), wt.update(i)), | |
4471 | + !J || | |
4472 | + (at && wt.isActive) || | |
4473 | + (i | |
4474 | + ? (function (t, e, r) { | |
4475 | + aa(r); | |
4476 | + var i = t._gsap; | |
4477 | + if (i.spacerIsNative) aa(i.spacerState); | |
4478 | + else if (t._gsap.swappedIn) { | |
4479 | + var n = e.parentNode; | |
4480 | + n && (n.insertBefore(t, e), n.removeChild(e)); | |
4481 | + } | |
4482 | + t._gsap.swappedIn = !1; | |
4483 | + })(J, b, _) | |
4484 | + : oa(J, b, ws(J), A)), | |
4485 | + i || wt.update(i), | |
4486 | + (go = n), | |
4487 | + (wt.isReverted = i)); | |
4488 | + }), | |
4489 | + (wt.refresh = function (n, o, g, x) { | |
4490 | + if ((!go && wt.enabled) || o) | |
4491 | + if (J && n && No) Ss(t, "scrollEnd", Us); | |
4492 | + else { | |
4493 | + !Bo && Tt && Tt(wt), (go = wt), i.tween && (i.tween.kill(), (i.tween = 0)), B && B.pause(), et && r && r.revert({ kill: !1 }).invalidate(), wt.isReverted || wt.revert(!0, !0), (wt._subPinOffset = !1); | |
4494 | + var T, | |
4495 | + E, | |
4496 | + M, | |
4497 | + O, | |
4498 | + P, | |
4499 | + D, | |
4500 | + R, | |
4501 | + I, | |
4502 | + L, | |
4503 | + N, | |
4504 | + q, | |
4505 | + Y, | |
4506 | + X, | |
4507 | + V = kt(), | |
4508 | + H = Ct(), | |
4509 | + U = ct ? ct.duration() : Jo(gt, ft), | |
4510 | + G = m <= 0.01, | |
4511 | + j = 0, | |
4512 | + K = x || 0, | |
4513 | + Z = ns(g) ? g.end : e.end, | |
4514 | + rt = e.endTrigger || $, | |
4515 | + it = ns(g) ? g.start : e.start || (0 !== e.start && $ ? (J ? "0 0" : "0 100%") : 0), | |
4516 | + nt = (wt.pinnedContainer = e.pinnedContainer && jn(e.pinnedContainer, wt)), | |
4517 | + ot = ($ && Math.max(0, zs.indexOf(wt))) || 0, | |
4518 | + st = ot; | |
4519 | + for (bt && ns(g) && ((Y = ro.getProperty(f, ft.p)), (X = ro.getProperty(p, ft.p))); st--; ) | |
4520 | + (D = zs[st]).end || D.refresh(0, 1) || (go = wt), !(R = || (R !== $ && R !== J && R !== nt) || D.isReverted || (N || (N = []), N.unshift(D), D.revert(!0, !0)), D !== zs[st] && (ot--, st--); | |
4521 | + for ( | |
4522 | + rs(it) && (it = it(wt)), | |
4523 | + it = Yo(it, "start", wt), | |
4524 | + l = ua(it, $, V, ft, St(), u, f, wt, H, xt, _t, U, ct, wt._startClamp && "_startClamp") || (J ? -0.001 : 0), | |
4525 | + rs(Z) && (Z = Z(wt)), | |
4526 | + es(Z) && | |
4527 | + !Z.indexOf("+=") && | |
4528 | + (~Z.indexOf(" ") | |
4529 | + ? (Z = (es(it) ? it.split(" ")[0] : "") + Z) | |
4530 | + : ((j = Is(Z.substr(2), V)), (Z = es(it) ? it : (ct ? ro.utils.mapRange(0, ct.duration(), ct.scrollTrigger.start, ct.scrollTrigger.end, l) : l) + j), (rt = $))), | |
4531 | + Z = Yo(Z, "end", wt), | |
4532 | + c = Math.max(l, ua(Z || (rt ? "100% 0" : U), rt, V, ft, St() + j, h, p, wt, H, xt, _t, U, ct, wt._endClamp && "_endClamp")) || -0.001, | |
4533 | + j = 0, | |
4534 | + st = ot; | |
4535 | + st--; | |
4536 | + | |
4537 | + ) | |
4538 | + (R = (D = zs[st]).pin) && | |
4539 | + D.start - D._pinPush <= l && | |
4540 | + !ct && | |
4541 | + D.end > 0 && | |
4542 | + ((T = D.end - (wt._startClamp ? Math.max(0, D.start) : D.start)), ((R === $ && D.start - D._pinPush < l) || R === nt) && isNaN(it) && (j += T * (1 - D.progress)), R === J && (K += T)); | |
4543 | + if ( | |
4544 | + ((l += j), | |
4545 | + (c += j), | |
4546 | + wt._startClamp && (wt._startClamp += j), | |
4547 | + wt._endClamp && !Bo && ((wt._endClamp = c || -0.001), (c = Math.min(c, Jo(gt, ft)))), | |
4548 | + (m = c - l || ((l -= 0.01) && 0.001)), | |
4549 | + G && (Mt = ro.utils.clamp(0, 1, ro.utils.normalize(l, c, z))), | |
4550 | + (wt._pinPush = K), | |
4551 | + u && j && (((T = {})[ft.a] = "+=" + j), nt && (T[ft.p] = "-=" + St()), ro.set([u, h], T)), | |
4552 | + J) | |
4553 | + ) | |
4554 | + (T = ws(J)), | |
4555 | + (O = ft === Gn), | |
4556 | + (M = St()), | |
4557 | + (k = parseFloat(w(ft.a)) + K), | |
4558 | + !U && | |
4559 | + c > 1 && | |
4560 | + ((q = { style: (q = (mt ? oo.scrollingElement || so : gt).style), value: q["overflow" + ft.a.toUpperCase()] }), | |
4561 | + mt && "scroll" !== ws(ao)["overflow" + ft.a.toUpperCase()] && (["overflow" + ft.a.toUpperCase()] = "scroll")), | |
4562 | + oa(J, b, T), | |
4563 | + (y = la(J)), | |
4564 | + (E = ks(J, !0)), | |
4565 | + (I = _t && Kn(gt, O ? Un : Gn)()), | |
4566 | + tt && | |
4567 | + (((A = [tt + ft.os2, m + K + xs]).t = b), | |
4568 | + (st = tt === _s ? Cs(J, ft) + m + K : 0) && A.push(ft.d, st + xs), | |
4569 | + aa(A), | |
4570 | + nt && | |
4571 | + zs.forEach(function (t) { | |
4572 | + === nt && !1 !== t.vars.pinSpacing && (t._subPinOffset = !0); | |
4573 | + }), | |
4574 | + _t && St(z)), | |
4575 | + _t && | |
4576 | + (((P = { top: + (O ? M - l : I) + xs, left: E.left + (O ? I : M - l) + xs, boxSizing: "border-box", position: "fixed" })[hs] = P["max" + ys] = Math.ceil(E.width) + xs), | |
4577 | + (P[fs] = P["max" + bs] = Math.ceil(E.height) + xs), | |
4578 | + (P[vs] = P[vs + ds] = P[vs + ps] = P[vs + ms] = P[vs + gs] = "0"), | |
4579 | + (P[_s] = T[_s]), | |
4580 | + (P[_s + ds] = T[_s + ds]), | |
4581 | + (P[_s + ps] = T[_s + ps]), | |
4582 | + (P[_s + ms] = T[_s + ms]), | |
4583 | + (P[_s + gs] = T[_s + gs]), | |
4584 | + (v = (function (t, e, r) { | |
4585 | + for (var i, n = [], o = t.length, s = r ? 8 : 0; s < o; s += 2) (i = t[s]), n.push(i, i in e ? e[i] : t[s + 1]); | |
4586 | + return (n.t = t.t), n; | |
4587 | + })(_, P, at)), | |
4588 | + Bo && St(0)), | |
4589 | + r | |
4590 | + ? ((L = r._initted), | |
4591 | + To(1), | |
4592 | + r.render(r.duration(), !0, !0), | |
4593 | + (C = w(ft.a) - k + m + K), | |
4594 | + (S = Math.abs(m - C) > 1), | |
4595 | + _t && S && v.splice(v.length - 2, 2), | |
4596 | + r.render(0, !0, !0), | |
4597 | + L || r.invalidate(!0), | |
4598 | + r.parent || r.totalTime(r.totalTime()), | |
4599 | + To(0)) | |
4600 | + : (C = m), | |
4601 | + q && (q.value ? (["overflow" + ft.a.toUpperCase()] = q.value) :"overflow-" + ft.a)); | |
4602 | + else if ($ && St() && !ct) for (E = $.parentNode; E && E !== ao; ) E._pinOffset && ((l -= E._pinOffset), (c -= E._pinOffset)), (E = E.parentNode); | |
4603 | + N && | |
4604 | + N.forEach(function (t) { | |
4605 | + return t.revert(!1, !0); | |
4606 | + }), | |
4607 | + (wt.start = l), | |
4608 | + (wt.end = c), | |
4609 | + (s = a = Bo ? z : St()), | |
4610 | + ct || Bo || (s < z && St(z), (wt.scroll.rec = 0)), | |
4611 | + wt.revert(!1, !0), | |
4612 | + (At = zo()), | |
4613 | + W && ((Et = -1), wt.isActive && St(l + m * Mt), W.restart(!0)), | |
4614 | + (go = 0), | |
4615 | + r && pt && (r._initted || F) && r.progress() !== F && r.progress(F || 0, !0).render(r.time(), !0, !0), | |
4616 | + (G || Mt !== wt.progress || ct) && (r && !pt && r.totalProgress(ct && l < -0.001 && !Mt ? ro.utils.normalize(l, c, 0) : Mt, !0), (wt.progress = G || (s - l) / m === Mt ? 0 : Mt)), | |
4617 | + J && tt && (b._pinOffset = Math.round(wt.progress * C)), | |
4618 | + B && B.invalidate(), | |
4619 | + isNaN(Y) || ((Y -= ro.getProperty(f, ft.p)), (X -= ro.getProperty(p, ft.p)), ga(f, ft, Y), ga(u, ft, Y - (x || 0)), ga(p, ft, X), ga(h, ft, X - (x || 0))), | |
4620 | + G && !Bo && wt.update(), | |
4621 | + !Q || Bo || d || ((d = !0), Q(wt), (d = !1)); | |
4622 | + } | |
4623 | + }), | |
4624 | + (wt.getVelocity = function () { | |
4625 | + return ((St() - a) / (zo() - fo)) * 1e3 || 0; | |
4626 | + }), | |
4627 | + (wt.endAnimation = function () { | |
4628 | + os(wt.callbackAnimation), r && (B ? B.progress(1) : r.paused() ? pt || os(r, wt.direction < 0, 1) : os(r, r.reversed())); | |
4629 | + }), | |
4630 | + (wt.labelToScroll = function (t) { | |
4631 | + return (r && r.labels && (l || wt.refresh() || l) + (r.labels[t] / r.duration()) * m) || 0; | |
4632 | + }), | |
4633 | + (wt.getTrailing = function (t) { | |
4634 | + var e = zs.indexOf(wt), | |
4635 | + r = wt.direction > 0 ? zs.slice(0, e).reverse() : zs.slice(e + 1); | |
4636 | + return (es(t) | |
4637 | + ? r.filter(function (e) { | |
4638 | + return e.vars.preventOverlaps === t; | |
4639 | + }) | |
4640 | + : r | |
4641 | + ).filter(function (t) { | |
4642 | + return wt.direction > 0 ? t.end <= l : t.start >= c; | |
4643 | + }); | |
4644 | + }), | |
4645 | + (wt.update = function (t, e, n) { | |
4646 | + if (!ct || n || t) { | |
4647 | + var o, | |
4648 | + u, | |
4649 | + h, | |
4650 | + p, | |
4651 | + g, | |
4652 | + d, | |
4653 | + _, | |
4654 | + x = !0 === Bo ? z : wt.scroll(), | |
4655 | + w = t ? 0 : (x - l) / m, | |
4656 | + A = w < 0 ? 0 : w > 1 ? 1 : w || 0, | |
4657 | + P = wt.progress; | |
4658 | + if ( | |
4659 | + (e && ((a = s), (s = ct ? St() : x), st && ((R = D), (D = r && !pt ? r.totalProgress() : A))), | |
4660 | + rt && !A && J && !go && !Wo && No && l < x + ((x - a) / (zo() - fo)) * rt && (A = 1e-4), | |
4661 | + A !== P && wt.enabled) | |
4662 | + ) { | |
4663 | + if ( | |
4664 | + ((p = (g = (o = wt.isActive = !!A && A < 1) != (!!P && P < 1)) || !!A != !!P), | |
4665 | + (wt.direction = A > P ? 1 : -1), | |
4666 | + (wt.progress = A), | |
4667 | + p && !go && ((u = A && !P ? 0 : 1 === A ? 1 : 1 === P ? 2 : 3), pt && ((h = (!g && "none" !== yt[u + 1] && yt[u + 1]) || yt[u]), (_ = r && ("complete" === h || "reset" === h || h in r)))), | |
4668 | + ht && | |
4669 | + (g || _) && | |
4670 | + (_ || Z || !r) && | |
4671 | + (rs(ht) | |
4672 | + ? ht(wt) | |
4673 | + : wt.getTrailing(ht).forEach(function (t) { | |
4674 | + return t.endAnimation(); | |
4675 | + })), | |
4676 | + pt || | |
4677 | + (!B || go || Wo | |
4678 | + ? r && r.totalProgress(A, !(!go || (!At && !t))) | |
4679 | + : (B._dp._time - B._start !== B._time && B.render(B._dp._time - B._start), | |
4680 | + B.resetTo ? B.resetTo("totalProgress", A, r._tTime / r._tDur) : ((B.vars.totalProgress = A), B.invalidate().restart()))), | |
4681 | + J) | |
4682 | + ) | |
4683 | + if ((t && tt && ([tt + ft.os2] = E), _t)) { | |
4684 | + if (p) { | |
4685 | + if (((d = !t && A > P && c + 1 > x && x + 1 >= Jo(gt, ft)), at)) | |
4686 | + if (t || (!o && !d)) fa(J, b); | |
4687 | + else { | |
4688 | + var I = ks(J, !0), | |
4689 | + L = x - l; | |
4690 | + fa(J, ao, + (ft === Gn ? L : 0) + xs, I.left + (ft === Gn ? 0 : L) + xs); | |
4691 | + } | |
4692 | + aa(o || d ? v : y), (S && A < 1 && o) || T(k + (1 !== A || d ? 0 : C)); | |
4693 | + } | |
4694 | + } else T(jo(k + C * A)); | |
4695 | + st && !i.tween && !go && !Wo && W.restart(!0), | |
4696 | + G && | |
4697 | + (g || (ot && A && (A < 1 || !Do))) && | |
4698 | + uo(G.targets).forEach(function (t) { | |
4699 | + return t.classList[o || ot ? "add" : "remove"](G.className); | |
4700 | + }), | |
4701 | + U && !pt && !t && U(wt), | |
4702 | + p && !go | |
4703 | + ? (pt && (_ && ("complete" === h ? r.pause().totalProgress(1) : "reset" === h ? r.restart(!0).pause() : "restart" === h ? r.restart(!0) : r[h]()), U && U(wt)), | |
4704 | + (!g && Do) || (K && g && ss(wt, K), vt[u] && ss(wt, vt[u]), ot && (1 === A ? wt.kill(!1, 1) : (vt[u] = 0)), g || (vt[(u = 1 === A ? 1 : 3)] && ss(wt, vt[u]))), | |
4705 | + ut && !o && Math.abs(wt.getVelocity()) > (is(ut) ? ut : 2500) && (os(wt.callbackAnimation), B ? B.progress(1) : os(r, "reverse" === h ? 1 : !A, 1))) | |
4706 | + : pt && U && !go && U(wt); | |
4707 | + } | |
4708 | + if (O) { | |
4709 | + var F = ct ? (x / ct.duration()) * (ct._caScrollDist || 0) : x; | |
4710 | + M(F + (f._isFlipped ? 1 : 0)), O(F); | |
4711 | + } | |
4712 | + N && N((-x / ct.duration()) * (ct._caScrollDist || 0)); | |
4713 | + } | |
4714 | + }), | |
4715 | + (wt.enable = function (e, r) { | |
4716 | + wt.enabled || ((wt.enabled = !0), Ss(gt, "resize", Xs), Ss(mt ? oo : gt, "scroll", qs), Tt && Ss(t, "refreshInit", Tt), !1 !== e && ((wt.progress = Mt = 0), (s = a = Et = St())), !1 !== r && wt.refresh()); | |
4717 | + }), | |
4718 | + (wt.getTween = function (t) { | |
4719 | + return t && i ? i.tween : B; | |
4720 | + }), | |
4721 | + (wt.setPositions = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
4722 | + if (ct) { | |
4723 | + var n = ct.scrollTrigger, | |
4724 | + o = ct.duration(), | |
4725 | + s = n.end - n.start; | |
4726 | + (t = n.start + (s * t) / o), (e = n.start + (s * e) / o); | |
4727 | + } | |
4728 | + wt.refresh(!1, !1, { start: Xo(t, r && !!wt._startClamp), end: Xo(e, r && !!wt._endClamp) }, i), wt.update(); | |
4729 | + }), | |
4730 | + (wt.adjustPinSpacing = function (t) { | |
4731 | + if (A && t) { | |
4732 | + var e = A.indexOf(ft.d) + 1; | |
4733 | + (A[e] = parseFloat(A[e]) + t + xs), (A[1] = parseFloat(A[1]) + t + xs), aa(A); | |
4734 | + } | |
4735 | + }), | |
4736 | + (wt.disable = function (e, r) { | |
4737 | + if ( | |
4738 | + wt.enabled && | |
4739 | + (!1 !== e && wt.revert(!0, !0), | |
4740 | + (wt.enabled = wt.isActive = !1), | |
4741 | + r || (B && B.pause()), | |
4742 | + (z = 0), | |
4743 | + n && (n.uncache = 1), | |
4744 | + Tt && Os(t, "refreshInit", Tt), | |
4745 | + W && (W.pause(), i.tween && i.tween.kill() && (i.tween = 0)), | |
4746 | + !mt) | |
4747 | + ) { | |
4748 | + for (var o = zs.length; o--; ) if (zs[o].scroller === gt && zs[o] !== wt) return; | |
4749 | + Os(gt, "resize", Xs), Os(gt, "scroll", qs); | |
4750 | + } | |
4751 | + }), | |
4752 | + (wt.kill = function (t, i) { | |
4753 | + wt.disable(t, i), B && !i && B.kill(), j && delete Fs[j]; | |
4754 | + var o = zs.indexOf(wt); | |
4755 | + o >= 0 && zs.splice(o, 1), | |
4756 | + o === vo && ea > 0 && vo--, | |
4757 | + (o = 0), | |
4758 | + zs.forEach(function (t) { | |
4759 | + return t.scroller === wt.scroller && (o = 1); | |
4760 | + }), | |
4761 | + o || Bo || (wt.scroll.rec = 0), | |
4762 | + r && ((r.scrollTrigger = null), t && r.revert({ kill: !1 }), i || r.kill()), | |
4763 | + u && | |
4764 | + [u, h, f, p].forEach(function (t) { | |
4765 | + return t.parentNode && t.parentNode.removeChild(t); | |
4766 | + }), | |
4767 | + Lo === wt && (Lo = 0), | |
4768 | + J && | |
4769 | + (n && (n.uncache = 1), | |
4770 | + (o = 0), | |
4771 | + zs.forEach(function (t) { | |
4772 | + return === J && o++; | |
4773 | + }), | |
4774 | + o || (n.spacer = 0)), | |
4775 | + e.onKill && e.onKill(wt); | |
4776 | + }), | |
4777 | + zs.push(wt), | |
4778 | + wt.enable(!1, !1), | |
4779 | + q && q(wt), | |
4780 | + r && r.add && !m) | |
4781 | + ) { | |
4782 | + var Rt = wt.update; | |
4783 | + (wt.update = function () { | |
4784 | + (wt.update = Rt), l || c || wt.refresh(); | |
4785 | + }), | |
4786 | + ro.delayedCall(0.01, wt.update), | |
4787 | + (m = 0.01), | |
4788 | + (l = c = 0); | |
4789 | + } else wt.refresh(); | |
4790 | + J && | |
4791 | + (function () { | |
4792 | + if (Io !== $s) { | |
4793 | + var t = (Io = $s); | |
4794 | + requestAnimationFrame(function () { | |
4795 | + return t === $s && Js(!0); | |
4796 | + }); | |
4797 | + } | |
4798 | + })(); | |
4799 | + } else this.update = this.refresh = this.kill = Go; | |
4800 | + }), | |
4801 | + (t.register = function (e) { | |
4802 | + return io || ((ro = e || Qo()), Ko() && window.document && t.enable(), (io = qo)), io; | |
4803 | + }), | |
4804 | + (t.defaults = function (t) { | |
4805 | + if (t) for (var e in t) Rs[e] = t[e]; | |
4806 | + return Rs; | |
4807 | + }), | |
4808 | + (t.disable = function (t, e) { | |
4809 | + (qo = 0), | |
4810 | + zs.forEach(function (r) { | |
4811 | + return r[e ? "kill" : "disable"](t); | |
4812 | + }), | |
4813 | + Os(no, "wheel", qs), | |
4814 | + Os(oo, "scroll", qs), | |
4815 | + clearInterval(po), | |
4816 | + Os(oo, "touchcancel", Go), | |
4817 | + Os(ao, "touchstart", Go), | |
4818 | + Ms(Os, oo, "pointerdown,touchstart,mousedown", Ho), | |
4819 | + Ms(Os, oo, "pointerup,touchend,mouseup", Uo), | |
4820 | + co.kill(), | |
4821 | + ts(Os); | |
4822 | + for (var r = 0; r < Bn.length; r += 3) Ps(Os, Bn[r], Bn[r + 1]), Ps(Os, Bn[r], Bn[r + 2]); | |
4823 | + }), | |
4824 | + (t.enable = function () { | |
4825 | + if ( | |
4826 | + ((no = window), | |
4827 | + (oo = document), | |
4828 | + (so = oo.documentElement), | |
4829 | + (ao = oo.body), | |
4830 | + ro && | |
4831 | + ((uo = ro.utils.toArray), | |
4832 | + (ho = ro.utils.clamp), | |
4833 | + (Oo = ro.core.context || Go), | |
4834 | + (To = ro.core.suppressOverwrites || Go), | |
4835 | + (Po = no.history.scrollRestoration || "auto"), | |
4836 | + (ta = no.pageYOffset), | |
4837 | + ro.core.globals("ScrollTrigger", t), | |
4838 | + ao)) | |
4839 | + ) { | |
4840 | + (qo = 1), | |
4841 | + Vo(), | |
4842 | + eo.register(ro), | |
4843 | + (t.isTouch = eo.isTouch), | |
4844 | + (So = eo.isTouch && /(iPad|iPhone|iPod|Mac)/g.test(navigator.userAgent)), | |
4845 | + Ss(no, "wheel", qs), | |
4846 | + (lo = [no, oo, so, ao]), | |
4847 | + ro.matchMedia | |
4848 | + ? ((t.matchMedia = function (t) { | |
4849 | + var e, | |
4850 | + r = ro.matchMedia(); | |
4851 | + for (e in t) r.add(e, t[e]); | |
4852 | + return r; | |
4853 | + }), | |
4854 | + ro.addEventListener("matchMediaInit", function () { | |
4855 | + return Qs(); | |
4856 | + }), | |
4857 | + ro.addEventListener("matchMediaRevert", function () { | |
4858 | + return Ks(); | |
4859 | + }), | |
4860 | + ro.addEventListener("matchMedia", function () { | |
4861 | + Js(0, 1), Gs("matchMedia"); | |
4862 | + }), | |
4863 | + ro.matchMedia("(orientation: portrait)", function () { | |
4864 | + return Ys(), Ys; | |
4865 | + })) | |
4866 | + : console.warn("Requires GSAP 3.11.0 or later"), | |
4867 | + Ys(), | |
4868 | + Ss(oo, "scroll", qs); | |
4869 | + var e, | |
4870 | + r, | |
4871 | + i =, | |
4872 | + n = i.borderTopStyle, | |
4873 | + o = ro.core.Animation.prototype; | |
4874 | + for ( | |
4875 | + o.revert || | |
4876 | + Object.defineProperty(o, "revert", { | |
4877 | + value: function () { | |
4878 | + return this.time(-0.01, !0); | |
4879 | + }, | |
4880 | + }), | |
4881 | + i.borderTopStyle = "solid", | |
4882 | + e = ks(ao), | |
4883 | + Gn.m = Math.round( + || 0, | |
4884 | + Un.m = Math.round(e.left + || 0, | |
4885 | + n ? (i.borderTopStyle = n) : i.removeProperty("border-top-style"), | |
4886 | + po = setInterval(Ns, 250), | |
4887 | + ro.delayedCall(0.5, function () { | |
4888 | + return (Wo = 0); | |
4889 | + }), | |
4890 | + Ss(oo, "touchcancel", Go), | |
4891 | + Ss(ao, "touchstart", Go), | |
4892 | + Ms(Ss, oo, "pointerdown,touchstart,mousedown", Ho), | |
4893 | + Ms(Ss, oo, "pointerup,touchend,mouseup", Uo), | |
4894 | + _o = ro.utils.checkPrefix("transform"), | |
4895 | + na.push(_o), | |
4896 | + io = zo(), | |
4897 | + co = ro.delayedCall(0.2, Js).pause(), | |
4898 | + xo = [ | |
4899 | + oo, | |
4900 | + "visibilitychange", | |
4901 | + function () { | |
4902 | + var t = no.innerWidth, | |
4903 | + e = no.innerHeight; | |
4904 | + oo.hidden ? ((yo = t), (bo = e)) : (yo === t && bo === e) || Xs(); | |
4905 | + }, | |
4906 | + oo, | |
4907 | + "DOMContentLoaded", | |
4908 | + Js, | |
4909 | + no, | |
4910 | + "load", | |
4911 | + Js, | |
4912 | + no, | |
4913 | + "resize", | |
4914 | + Xs, | |
4915 | + ], | |
4916 | + ts(Ss), | |
4917 | + zs.forEach(function (t) { | |
4918 | + return t.enable(0, 1); | |
4919 | + }), | |
4920 | + r = 0; | |
4921 | + r < Bn.length; | |
4922 | + r += 3 | |
4923 | + ) | |
4924 | + Ps(Os, Bn[r], Bn[r + 1]), Ps(Os, Bn[r], Bn[r + 2]); | |
4925 | + } | |
4926 | + }), | |
4927 | + (t.config = function (e) { | |
4928 | + "limitCallbacks" in e && (Do = !!e.limitCallbacks); | |
4929 | + var r = e.syncInterval; | |
4930 | + (r && clearInterval(po)) || ((po = r) && setInterval(Ns, r)), | |
4931 | + "ignoreMobileResize" in e && (Eo = 1 === t.isTouch && e.ignoreMobileResize), | |
4932 | + "autoRefreshEvents" in e && (ts(Os) || ts(Ss, e.autoRefreshEvents || "none"), (ko = -1 === (e.autoRefreshEvents + "").indexOf("resize"))); | |
4933 | + }), | |
4934 | + (t.scrollerProxy = function (t, e) { | |
4935 | + var r = jn(t), | |
4936 | + i = Bn.indexOf(r), | |
4937 | + n = Zo(r); | |
4938 | + ~i && Bn.splice(i, n ? 6 : 2), e && (n ? In.unshift(no, e, ao, e, so, e) : In.unshift(r, e)); | |
4939 | + }), | |
4940 | + (t.clearMatchMedia = function (t) { | |
4941 | + zs.forEach(function (e) { | |
4942 | + return e._ctx && e._ctx.query === t && e._ctx.kill(!0, !0); | |
4943 | + }); | |
4944 | + }), | |
4945 | + (t.isInViewport = function (t, e, r) { | |
4946 | + var i = (es(t) ? jn(t) : t).getBoundingClientRect(), | |
4947 | + n = i[r ? hs : fs] * e || 0; | |
4948 | + return r ? i.right - n > 0 && i.left + n < no.innerWidth : i.bottom - n > 0 && + n < no.innerHeight; | |
4949 | + }), | |
4950 | + (t.positionInViewport = function (t, e, r) { | |
4951 | + es(t) && (t = jn(t)); | |
4952 | + var i = t.getBoundingClientRect(), | |
4953 | + n = i[r ? hs : fs], | |
4954 | + o = null == e ? n / 2 : e in Bs ? Bs[e] * n : ~e.indexOf("%") ? (parseFloat(e) * n) / 100 : parseFloat(e) || 0; | |
4955 | + return r ? (i.left + o) / no.innerWidth : ( + o) / no.innerHeight; | |
4956 | + }), | |
4957 | + (t.killAll = function (t) { | |
4958 | + if ( | |
4959 | + (zs.slice(0).forEach(function (t) { | |
4960 | + return "ScrollSmoother" !== && t.kill(); | |
4961 | + }), | |
4962 | + !0 !== t) | |
4963 | + ) { | |
4964 | + var e = Vs.killAll || []; | |
4965 | + (Vs = {}), | |
4966 | + e.forEach(function (t) { | |
4967 | + return t(); | |
4968 | + }); | |
4969 | + } | |
4970 | + }), | |
4971 | + t | |
4972 | + ); | |
4973 | + })(); | |
4974 | + (ma.version = "3.12.1"), | |
4975 | + (ma.saveStyles = function (t) { | |
4976 | + return t | |
4977 | + ? uo(t).forEach(function (t) { | |
4978 | + if (t && { | |
4979 | + var e = js.indexOf(t); | |
4980 | + e >= 0 && js.splice(e, 5), js.push(t,, t.getBBox && t.getAttribute("transform"), ro.core.getCache(t), Oo()); | |
4981 | + } | |
4982 | + }) | |
4983 | + : js; | |
4984 | + }), | |
4985 | + (ma.revert = function (t, e) { | |
4986 | + return Qs(!t, e); | |
4987 | + }), | |
4988 | + (ma.create = function (t, e) { | |
4989 | + return new ma(t, e); | |
4990 | + }), | |
4991 | + (ma.refresh = function (t) { | |
4992 | + return t ? Xs() : (io || ma.register()) && Js(!0); | |
4993 | + }), | |
4994 | + (ma.update = function (t) { | |
4995 | + return ++Bn.cache && ra(!0 === t ? 2 : 0); | |
4996 | + }), | |
4997 | + (ma.clearScrollMemory = Zs), | |
4998 | + (ma.maxScroll = function (t, e) { | |
4999 | + return Jo(t, e ? Un : Gn); | |
5000 | + }), | |
5001 | + (ma.getScrollFunc = function (t, e) { | |
5002 | + return Kn(jn(t), e ? Un : Gn); | |
5003 | + }), | |
5004 | + (ma.getById = function (t) { | |
5005 | + return Fs[t]; | |
5006 | + }), | |
5007 | + (ma.getAll = function () { | |
5008 | + return zs.filter(function (t) { | |
5009 | + return "ScrollSmoother" !==; | |
5010 | + }); | |
5011 | + }), | |
5012 | + (ma.isScrolling = function () { | |
5013 | + return !!No; | |
5014 | + }), | |
5015 | + (ma.snapDirectional = As), | |
5016 | + (ma.addEventListener = function (t, e) { | |
5017 | + var r = Vs[t] || (Vs[t] = []); | |
5018 | + ~r.indexOf(e) || r.push(e); | |
5019 | + }), | |
5020 | + (ma.removeEventListener = function (t, e) { | |
5021 | + var r = Vs[t], | |
5022 | + i = r && r.indexOf(e); | |
5023 | + i >= 0 && r.splice(i, 1); | |
5024 | + }), | |
5025 | + (ma.batch = function (t, e) { | |
5026 | + var r, | |
5027 | + i = [], | |
5028 | + n = {}, | |
5029 | + o = e.interval || 0.016, | |
5030 | + s = e.batchMax || 1e9, | |
5031 | + a = function (t, e) { | |
5032 | + var r = [], | |
5033 | + i = [], | |
5034 | + n = ro | |
5035 | + .delayedCall(o, function () { | |
5036 | + e(r, i), (r = []), (i = []); | |
5037 | + }) | |
5038 | + .pause(); | |
5039 | + return function (t) { | |
5040 | + r.length || n.restart(!0), r.push(t.trigger), i.push(t), s <= r.length && n.progress(1); | |
5041 | + }; | |
5042 | + }; | |
5043 | + for (r in e) n[r] = "on" === r.substr(0, 2) && rs(e[r]) && "onRefreshInit" !== r ? a(0, e[r]) : e[r]; | |
5044 | + return ( | |
5045 | + rs(s) && | |
5046 | + ((s = s()), | |
5047 | + Ss(ma, "refresh", function () { | |
5048 | + return (s = e.batchMax()); | |
5049 | + })), | |
5050 | + uo(t).forEach(function (t) { | |
5051 | + var e = {}; | |
5052 | + for (r in n) e[r] = n[r]; | |
5053 | + (e.trigger = t), i.push(ma.create(e)); | |
5054 | + }), | |
5055 | + i | |
5056 | + ); | |
5057 | + }); | |
5058 | + var _a, | |
5059 | + va = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
5060 | + return e > i ? t(i) : e < 0 && t(0), r > i ? (i - e) / (r - e) : r < 0 ? e / (e - r) : 1; | |
5061 | + }, | |
5062 | + ya = function t(e, r) { | |
5063 | + !0 === r ?"touch-action") : ( = !0 === r ? "auto" : r ? "pan-" + r + (eo.isTouch ? " pinch-zoom" : "") : "none"), e === so && t(ao, r); | |
5064 | + }, | |
5065 | + ba = { auto: 1, scroll: 1 }, | |
5066 | + xa = function (t) { | |
5067 | + var e, | |
5068 | + r = t.event, | |
5069 | + i =, | |
5070 | + n = t.axis, | |
5071 | + o = (r.changedTouches ? r.changedTouches[0] : r).target, | |
5072 | + s = o._gsap || ro.core.getCache(o), | |
5073 | + a = zo(); | |
5074 | + if (!s._isScrollT || a - s._isScrollT > 2e3) { | |
5075 | + for (; o && o !== ao && ((o.scrollHeight <= o.clientHeight && o.scrollWidth <= o.clientWidth) || (!ba[(e = ws(o)).overflowY] && !ba[e.overflowX])); ) o = o.parentNode; | |
5076 | + (s._isScroll = o && o !== i && !Zo(o) && (ba[(e = ws(o)).overflowY] || ba[e.overflowX])), (s._isScrollT = a); | |
5077 | + } | |
5078 | + (s._isScroll || "x" === n) && (r.stopPropagation(), (r._gsapAllow = !0)); | |
5079 | + }, | |
5080 | + wa = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
5081 | + return eo.create({ | |
5082 | + target: t, | |
5083 | + capture: !0, | |
5084 | + debounce: !1, | |
5085 | + lockAxis: !0, | |
5086 | + type: e, | |
5087 | + onWheel: (i = i && xa), | |
5088 | + onPress: i, | |
5089 | + onDrag: i, | |
5090 | + onScroll: i, | |
5091 | + onEnable: function () { | |
5092 | + return r && Ss(oo, eo.eventTypes[0], ka, !1, !0); | |
5093 | + }, | |
5094 | + onDisable: function () { | |
5095 | + return Os(oo, eo.eventTypes[0], ka, !0); | |
5096 | + }, | |
5097 | + }); | |
5098 | + }, | |
5099 | + Ta = /(input|label|select|textarea)/i, | |
5100 | + ka = function (t) { | |
5101 | + var e = Ta.test(; | |
5102 | + (e || _a) && ((t._gsapAllow = !0), (_a = e)); | |
5103 | + }; | |
5104 | + (ma.sort = function (t) { | |
5105 | + return zs.sort( | |
5106 | + t || | |
5107 | + function (t, e) { | |
5108 | + return -1e6 * (t.vars.refreshPriority || 0) + t.start - (e.start + -1e6 * (e.vars.refreshPriority || 0)); | |
5109 | + } | |
5110 | + ); | |
5111 | + }), | |
5112 | + (ma.observe = function (t) { | |
5113 | + return new eo(t); | |
5114 | + }), | |
5115 | + (ma.normalizeScroll = function (t) { | |
5116 | + if (void 0 === t) return Co; | |
5117 | + if (!0 === t && Co) return Co.enable(); | |
5118 | + if (!1 === t) return Co && Co.kill(); | |
5119 | + var e = | |
5120 | + t instanceof eo | |
5121 | + ? t | |
5122 | + : (function (t) { | |
5123 | + ns(t) || (t = {}), (t.preventDefault = t.isNormalizer = t.allowClicks = !0), t.type || (t.type = "wheel,touch"), (t.debounce = !!t.debounce), ( = || "normalizer"); | |
5124 | + var e, | |
5125 | + r, | |
5126 | + i, | |
5127 | + n, | |
5128 | + o, | |
5129 | + s, | |
5130 | + a, | |
5131 | + l, | |
5132 | + c = t, | |
5133 | + u = c.normalizeScrollX, | |
5134 | + h = c.momentum, | |
5135 | + f = c.allowNestedScroll, | |
5136 | + p = c.onRelease, | |
5137 | + g = jn( || so, | |
5138 | + d = ro.core.globals().ScrollSmoother, | |
5139 | + m = d && d.get(), | |
5140 | + _ = So && ((t.content && jn(t.content)) || (m && !1 !== t.content && !m.smooth() && m.content())), | |
5141 | + v = Kn(g, Gn), | |
5142 | + y = Kn(g, Un), | |
5143 | + b = 1, | |
5144 | + x = (eo.isTouch && no.visualViewport ? no.visualViewport.scale * no.visualViewport.width : no.outerWidth) / no.innerWidth, | |
5145 | + w = 0, | |
5146 | + T = rs(h) | |
5147 | + ? function () { | |
5148 | + return h(e); | |
5149 | + } | |
5150 | + : function () { | |
5151 | + return h || 2.8; | |
5152 | + }, | |
5153 | + k = wa(g, t.type, !0, f), | |
5154 | + C = function () { | |
5155 | + return (n = !1); | |
5156 | + }, | |
5157 | + E = Go, | |
5158 | + A = Go, | |
5159 | + M = function () { | |
5160 | + (r = Jo(g, Gn)), (A = ho(So ? 1 : 0, r)), u && (E = ho(0, Jo(g, Un))), (i = $s); | |
5161 | + }, | |
5162 | + S = function () { | |
5163 | + (_._gsap.y = jo(parseFloat(_._gsap.y) + v.offset) + "px"), ( = "matrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, " + parseFloat(_._gsap.y) + ", 0, 1)"), (v.offset = v.cacheID = 0); | |
5164 | + }, | |
5165 | + O = function () { | |
5166 | + M(), o.isActive() && o.vars.scrollY > r && (v() > r ? o.progress(1) && v(r) : o.resetTo("scrollY", r)); | |
5167 | + }; | |
5168 | + return ( | |
5169 | + _ && ro.set(_, { y: "+=0" }), | |
5170 | + (t.ignoreCheck = function (t) { | |
5171 | + return ( | |
5172 | + (So && | |
5173 | + "touchmove" === t.type && | |
5174 | + (function () { | |
5175 | + if (n) { | |
5176 | + requestAnimationFrame(C); | |
5177 | + var t = jo(e.deltaY / 2), | |
5178 | + r = A(v.v - t); | |
5179 | + if (_ && r !== v.v + v.offset) { | |
5180 | + v.offset = r - v.v; | |
5181 | + var i = jo((parseFloat(_ && _._gsap.y) || 0) - v.offset); | |
5182 | + ( = "matrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, " + i + ", 0, 1)"), (_._gsap.y = i + "px"), (v.cacheID = Bn.cache), ra(); | |
5183 | + } | |
5184 | + return !0; | |
5185 | + } | |
5186 | + v.offset && S(), (n = !0); | |
5187 | + })()) || | |
5188 | + (b > 1.05 && "touchstart" !== t.type) || | |
5189 | + e.isGesturing || | |
5190 | + (t.touches && t.touches.length > 1) | |
5191 | + ); | |
5192 | + }), | |
5193 | + (t.onPress = function () { | |
5194 | + n = !1; | |
5195 | + var t = b; | |
5196 | + (b = jo(((no.visualViewport && no.visualViewport.scale) || 1) / x)), o.pause(), t !== b && ya(g, b > 1.01 || (!u && "x")), (s = y()), (a = v()), M(), (i = $s); | |
5197 | + }), | |
5198 | + (t.onRelease = t.onGestureStart = function (t, e) { | |
5199 | + if ((v.offset && S(), e)) { | |
5200 | + Bn.cache++; | |
5201 | + var i, | |
5202 | + n, | |
5203 | + s = T(); | |
5204 | + u && ((n = (i = y()) + (0.05 * s * -t.velocityX) / 0.227), (s *= va(y, i, n, Jo(g, Un))), (o.vars.scrollX = E(n))), | |
5205 | + (n = (i = v()) + (0.05 * s * -t.velocityY) / 0.227), | |
5206 | + (s *= va(v, i, n, Jo(g, Gn))), | |
5207 | + (o.vars.scrollY = A(n)), | |
5208 | + o.invalidate().duration(s).play(0.01), | |
5209 | + ((So && o.vars.scrollY >= r) || i >= r - 1) &&{}, { onUpdate: O, duration: s }); | |
5210 | + } else l.restart(!0); | |
5211 | + p && p(t); | |
5212 | + }), | |
5213 | + (t.onWheel = function () { | |
5214 | + o._ts && o.pause(), zo() - w > 1e3 && ((i = 0), (w = zo())); | |
5215 | + }), | |
5216 | + (t.onChange = function (t, e, r, n, o) { | |
5217 | + if (($s !== i && M(), e && u && y(E(n[2] === e ? s + (t.startX - t.x) : y() + e - n[1])), r)) { | |
5218 | + v.offset && S(); | |
5219 | + var l = o[2] === r, | |
5220 | + c = l ? a + t.startY - t.y : v() + r - o[1], | |
5221 | + h = A(c); | |
5222 | + l && c !== h && (a += h - c), v(h); | |
5223 | + } | |
5224 | + (r || e) && ra(); | |
5225 | + }), | |
5226 | + (t.onEnable = function () { | |
5227 | + ya(g, !u && "x"), ma.addEventListener("refresh", O), Ss(no, "resize", O), v.smooth && (( = "auto"), (v.smooth = y.smooth = !1)), k.enable(); | |
5228 | + }), | |
5229 | + (t.onDisable = function () { | |
5230 | + ya(g, !0), Os(no, "resize", O), ma.removeEventListener("refresh", O), k.kill(); | |
5231 | + }), | |
5232 | + (t.lockAxis = !1 !== t.lockAxis), | |
5233 | + ((e = new eo(t)).iOS = So), | |
5234 | + So && !v() && v(1), | |
5235 | + So && ro.ticker.add(Go), | |
5236 | + (l = e._dc), | |
5237 | + (o =, { | |
5238 | + ease: "power4", | |
5239 | + paused: !0, | |
5240 | + scrollX: u ? "+=0.1" : "+=0", | |
5241 | + scrollY: "+=0.1", | |
5242 | + modifiers: { | |
5243 | + scrollY: pa(v, v(), function () { | |
5244 | + return o.pause(); | |
5245 | + }), | |
5246 | + }, | |
5247 | + onUpdate: ra, | |
5248 | + onComplete: l.vars.onComplete, | |
5249 | + })), | |
5250 | + e | |
5251 | + ); | |
5252 | + })(t); | |
5253 | + return Co && === && Co.kill(), Zo( && (Co = e), e; | |
5254 | + }), | |
5255 | + (ma.core = { | |
5256 | + _getVelocityProp: Qn, | |
5257 | + _inputObserver: wa, | |
5258 | + _scrollers: Bn, | |
5259 | + _proxies: In, | |
5260 | + bridge: { | |
5261 | + ss: function () { | |
5262 | + No || Gs("scrollStart"), (No = zo()); | |
5263 | + }, | |
5264 | + ref: function () { | |
5265 | + return go; | |
5266 | + }, | |
5267 | + }, | |
5268 | + }), | |
5269 | + Qo() && ro.registerPlugin(ma); | |
5270 | + const Ca = { IMG: document.querySelector(".cover-security__img"), WRAPPER: document.querySelector(".wrapper"), TARGET: document.querySelector(".services-security__info") }, | |
5271 | + Ea = Ca.IMG.getBoundingClientRect().left, | |
5272 | + Aa = document.documentElement.clientWidth / 2 - 450 + 31 - 8, | |
5273 | + Ma = Ca.IMG.getBoundingClientRect().top, | |
5274 | + Sa = Ca.TARGET.getBoundingClientRect().top; | |
5275 | + function Oa(t, e) { | |
5276 | + const r = getComputedStyle(e); | |
5277 | + t.addEventListener("click", () => { | |
5278 | + "none" === r.display ? (e.classList.remove("our-solutions__card-more-info_unvisible"), (t.textContent = "Скрыть информацию")) : (e.classList.add("our-solutions__card-more-info_unvisible"), (t.textContent = "Показать больше")); | |
5279 | + }); | |
5280 | + } | |
5281 | + console.log(Ea, Aa), mn.registerPlugin(ma); | |
5282 | + const Pa = [/* | |
5283 | + { imgWhite: "/images/clients/white/logo1.svg", imgColor: "/images/clients/color/logo1.svg", imgBlack: "/images/clients/black/logo1.svg", imgColorWhite: "/images/clients/color-white/logo1.svg" }, | |
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5292 | + { imgWhite: "/images/clients/white/logo10.png", imgColor: "/images/clients/color/logo10.png", imgBlack: "/images/clients/black/logo10.png", imgColorWhite: "/images/clients/color-white/logo10.png" }, | |
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5296 | + { imgWhite: "/images/clients/white/logo14.png", imgColor: "/images/clients/color/logo14.png", imgBlack: "/images/clients/black/logo14.png", imgColorWhite: "/images/clients/color-white/logo14.png" }, | |
5297 | + { imgWhite: "/images/clients/white/logo15.png", imgColor: "/images/clients/color/logo15.png", imgBlack: "/images/clients/black/logo15.png", imgColorWhite: "/images/clients/color-white/logo15.png" }, | |
5298 | + { imgWhite: "/images/clients/white/logo16.png", imgColor: "/images/clients/color/logo16.png", imgBlack: "/images/clients/black/logo16.png", imgColorWhite: "/images/clients/color-white/logo16.png" }, | |
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5300 | + */]; | |
5301 | + function Da(t, ...e) { | |
5302 | + const r = document.createElement("img"); | |
5303 | + return (r.src = t), r.classList.add(...e), r; | |
5304 | + } | |
5305 | + function Ra(...t) { | |
5306 | + const e = document.createElement("div"); | |
5307 | + return e.classList.add(...t), e; | |
5308 | + } | |
5309 | + const Ba = document.querySelector(".tab-clients"); | |
5310 | + const Ia = [/* | |
5311 | + { | |
5312 | + imgWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/white/logo1.png", | |
5313 | + imgColor: "/images/partners/big-logo/color/logo1.png", | |
5314 | + imgBlack: "/images/partners/big-logo/black/logo1.png", | |
5315 | + imgColorWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/color-white/logo1.png", | |
5316 | + subtitle: "", | |
5317 | + name: "Код безопасности", | |
5318 | + text: "Российский разработчик программных и аппаратных средств, обеспечивающих полную защиту ИТ-инфраструктуры: конечных станций и серверов, периметра сети, современных виртуальных инфраструктур и мобильных устройств.", | |
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5323 | + imgBlack: "/images/partners/big-logo/black/logo2.svg", | |
5324 | + imgColorWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/color-white/logo2.svg", | |
5325 | + subtitle: "Авторизованный партнер", | |
5326 | + name: "Positive technologies", | |
5327 | + text: "Российский разработчик решений для информационной безопасности.", | |
5328 | + }, | |
5329 | + { | |
5330 | + imgWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/white/logo3.png", | |
5331 | + imgColor: "/images/partners/big-logo/color/logo3.png", | |
5332 | + imgBlack: "/images/partners/big-logo/black/logo3.png", | |
5333 | + imgColorWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/color-white/logo3.png", | |
5334 | + subtitle: "Registered Partner", | |
5335 | + name: "Лаборатория Касперского", | |
5336 | + text: "Российский разработчик и производитель систем защиты от компьютерных вирусов, спама, хакерских атак и прочих киберугроз.", | |
5337 | + }, | |
5338 | + { | |
5339 | + imgWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/white/logo4.png", | |
5340 | + imgColor: "/images/partners/big-logo/color/logo4.png", | |
5341 | + imgBlack: "/images/partners/big-logo/black/logo4.png", | |
5342 | + imgColorWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/color-white/logo4.png", | |
5343 | + subtitle: "Partner", | |
5344 | + name: "Check Point", | |
5345 | + text: "Израильский разработчик решений по кибербезопасности.", | |
5346 | + }, | |
5347 | + { | |
5348 | + imgWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/white/logo5.svg", | |
5349 | + imgColor: "/images/partners/big-logo/color/logo5.svg", | |
5350 | + imgBlack: "/images/partners/big-logo/black/logo5.svg", | |
5351 | + imgColorWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/color-white/logo5.svg", | |
5352 | + subtitle: "Bronze", | |
5353 | + name: "UserGate", | |
5354 | + text: "Российский разработчик программного обеспечения и микроэлектроники в сфере информационной безопасности.", | |
5355 | + }, | |
5356 | + { | |
5357 | + imgWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/white/logo6.png", | |
5358 | + imgColor: "/images/partners/big-logo/color/logo6.png", | |
5359 | + imgBlack: "/images/partners/big-logo/black/logo6.png", | |
5360 | + imgColorWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/color-white/logo6.png", | |
5361 | + subtitle: "", | |
5362 | + name: "Ruseim", | |
5363 | + text: "Российский производитель, занимающийся созданием решений в области мониторинга и управления событиями информационной безопасности на основе анализа данных в реальном времени.", | |
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5366 | + imgWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/white/logo9.png", | |
5367 | + imgColor: "/images/partners/big-logo/color/logo9.png", | |
5368 | + imgBlack: "/images/partners/big-logo/black/logo9.png", | |
5369 | + imgColorWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/color-white/logo9.png", | |
5370 | + subtitle: "Авторизованный партнер", | |
5371 | + name: "Аэродиск", | |
5372 | + text: "Российский производитель инновационных решений в области хранения данных и виртуализации (системы хранения данных, гиперконвергентная система и программное обеспечение).", | |
5373 | + }, | |
5374 | + { | |
5375 | + imgWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/white/logo10.png", | |
5376 | + imgColor: "/images/partners/big-logo/color/logo10.png", | |
5377 | + imgBlack: "/images/partners/big-logo/black/logo10.png", | |
5378 | + imgColorWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/color-white/logo10.png", | |
5379 | + subtitle: "Авторизованный партнер", | |
5380 | + name: "Звезда", | |
5381 | + text: | |
5382 | + "Российский разработчик и производитель вычислительного радиоэлектронного оборудования и ПО (вычислительные серверы, программно-определяемые системы хранения данных, автоматизированные рабочие места и тонкие клиенты). телекоммуникационное оборудование)", | |
5383 | + }, | |
5384 | + { | |
5385 | + imgWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/white/logo12.png", | |
5386 | + imgColor: "/images/partners/big-logo/color/logo12.png", | |
5387 | + imgBlack: "/images/partners/big-logo/black/logo12.png", | |
5388 | + imgColorWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/color-white/logo12.png", | |
5389 | + subtitle: "Авторизованный партнер", | |
5390 | + name: "Р7-Офис", | |
5391 | + text: "Российский разработчик офисного программного обеспечения.", | |
5392 | + }, | |
5393 | + { | |
5394 | + imgWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/white/logo14.svg", | |
5395 | + imgColor: "/images/partners/big-logo/color/logo14.svg", | |
5396 | + imgBlack: "/images/partners/big-logo/black/logo14.svg", | |
5397 | + imgColorWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/color-white/logo14.svg", | |
5398 | + subtitle: "Торговый партнер", | |
5399 | + name: "CommuniGate Systems", | |
5400 | + text: "Российский разработчик программного обеспечения в области интегрированных коммуникаций.", | |
5401 | + }, | |
5402 | + { | |
5403 | + imgWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/white/logo15.svg", | |
5404 | + imgColor: "/images/partners/big-logo/color/logo15.svg", | |
5405 | + imgBlack: "/images/partners/big-logo/black/logo15.svg", | |
5406 | + imgColorWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/color-white/logo15.svg", | |
5407 | + subtitle: "Реселлер", | |
5408 | + name: "ROSA", | |
5409 | + text: "Российский разработчик системного ПО (настольные и серверные операционные системы, системы разворачивания облачных и инфраструктурных сервисов).", | |
5410 | + }, | |
5411 | + { | |
5412 | + imgWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/white/logo16.svg", | |
5413 | + imgColor: "/images/partners/big-logo/color/logo16.svg", | |
5414 | + imgBlack: "/images/partners/big-logo/black/logo16.svg", | |
5415 | + imgColorWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/color-white/logo16.svg", | |
5416 | + subtitle: "Авторизованный партнер", | |
5417 | + name: "Yadro", | |
5418 | + text: "Российский производитель высокотехнологичного оборудования (серверы, системы хранения данных, инфраструктурные решения).", | |
5419 | + }, | |
5420 | + */], | |
5421 | + La = document.querySelector(".tab-partner"); | |
5422 | + const Wa = { TAB_ROW: ".tabs", TAB_BUTTON: ".tab-partners__item", TAB_CONTENT: ".tab-partners__section", SECTION: ".tab-partners", TAB_BTN_ACTIVE: ".tab-partners__item_active", TAB_CONTENT_ACTIVE: ".tab-partners__section_active" }, | |
5423 | + za = { TAB_BTN_ACTIVE: "tab-partners__item_active", TAB_CONTENT_ACTIVE: "tab-partners__section_active" }; | |
5424 | + class Fa { | |
5425 | + constructor(t, e) { | |
5426 | + (this._selectors = t), (this._classes = e); | |
5427 | + } | |
5428 | + initTabs() { | |
5429 | + this._getElements(), this._setAttributes(), this._setListeners(), this._showByIndex(0); | |
5430 | + } | |
5431 | + _getElements() { | |
5432 | + (this._section = document.querySelector(this._selectors.SECTION)), | |
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5435 | + (this._contents = this._tabRow.querySelectorAll(this._selectors.TAB_CONTENT)), | |
5436 | + (this._activeTab = this._tabRow.querySelector(this._selectors.TAB_BTN_ACTIVE)), | |
5437 | + (this._activeTabContent = this._tabRow.querySelector(this._selectors.TAB_CONTENT_ACTIVE)); | |
5438 | + } | |
5439 | + _setAttributes() { | |
5440 | + this._headers.forEach((t, e) => { | |
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5442 | + }); | |
5443 | + } | |
5444 | + _setListeners() { | |
5445 | + this._tabRow.addEventListener("click", (t) => { | |
5446 | + const e =; | |
5447 | + e && (t.preventDefault(), this._setActiveTab(e)); | |
5448 | + }); | |
5449 | + } | |
5450 | + _setActiveTab(t) { | |
5451 | + t !== this._activeTab && (this._toggleClass(!1), (this._activeTab = t), (this._activeTabContent = this._contents[t.dataset.index]), this._toggleClass(!0)); | |
5452 | + } | |
5453 | + setActiveTab(t) { | |
5454 | + const e = this._headers[t]; | |
5455 | + this._setActiveTab(e); | |
5456 | + } | |
5457 | + _toggleClass(t) { | |
5458 | + this._activeTab && this._activeTab.classList.toggle(this._classes.TAB_BTN_ACTIVE, t), this._activeTabContent && this._activeTabContent.classList.toggle(this._classes.TAB_CONTENT_ACTIVE, t); | |
5459 | + } | |
5460 | + _showByIndex(t) { | |
5461 | + this._setActiveTab(this._headers[t]); | |
5462 | + } | |
5463 | + } | |
5464 | + !(function () { | |
5465 | + try { | |
5466 | + const t = new Fa(Wa, za); | |
5467 | + t.initTabs(); | |
5468 | + "1" === new URL(window.location.href).searchParams.get("tab") && t.setActiveTab(1), createHero(); | |
5469 | + } catch (t) {} | |
5470 | + "dark" === localStorage.getItem("theme") | |
5471 | + ? (k.forEach((t) => { | |
5472 | + t.checked = !1; | |
5473 | + }), | |
5474 | + E()) | |
5475 | + : (k.forEach((t) => { | |
5476 | + t.checked = !0; | |
5477 | + }), | |
5478 | + C()), | |
5479 | + k.forEach((t) => { | |
5480 | + t.addEventListener("change", () => { | |
5481 | + t.checked | |
5482 | + ? (k.forEach((t) => { | |
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5484 | + }), | |
5485 | + localStorage.setItem("theme", "light"), | |
5486 | + C()) | |
5487 | + : (k.forEach((t) => { | |
5488 | + t.checked = !1; | |
5489 | + }), | |
5490 | + localStorage.setItem("theme", "dark"), | |
5491 | + E()); | |
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5499 | + n = document.querySelector(".js_menu_exit"); | |
5500 | + ( = ""), | |
5501 | + e.addEventListener("click", () => { | |
5502 | + i.classList.add("active"), r.classList.add("active-half"), n.classList.add("active"), t.unscroll(); | |
5503 | + }), | |
5504 | + n.addEventListener("click", () => { | |
5505 | + o(); | |
5506 | + }), | |
5507 | + i.addEventListener("click", () => { | |
5508 | + o(); | |
5509 | + }); | |
5510 | + const o = () => { | |
5511 | + i.classList.remove("active"), r.classList.remove("active-half", "active-full"), n.classList.remove("active"), t.scroll(); | |
5512 | + }; | |
5513 | + } catch (t) {} | |
5514 | + })(), | |
5515 | + (function () { | |
5516 | + try { | |
5517 | + const t = document.querySelector("#popupform"), | |
5518 | + e = new r(t, () => { | |
5519 | + e.closePopup(); | |
5520 | + }); | |
5521 | + e.setEventListeners(), | |
5522 | + document.querySelectorAll(".popup-form-open").forEach((t) => { | |
5523 | + t.addEventListener("click", (t) => { | |
5524 | + const r =; | |
5525 | + e.openPopup(r); | |
5526 | + }); | |
5527 | + }); | |
5528 | + } catch (t) { | |
5529 | + console.log(t); | |
5530 | + } | |
5531 | + })(), | |
5532 | + document.querySelector(".about-security-fact__number") && | |
5533 | + document.querySelectorAll(".about-security-fact__number span").forEach((t) => { | |
5534 | + let e = t.getBoundingClientRect().top, | |
5535 | + r = +t.dataset.num; | |
5536 | + const i = { value: 0 }; | |
5537 | + window.addEventListener("scroll", function n() { | |
5538 | + window.pageYOffset > e - window.innerHeight && | |
5539 | + (this.removeEventListener("scroll", n), | |
5540 | +, { | |
5541 | + value: r, | |
5542 | + duration: 1, | |
5543 | + onUpdate: () => { | |
5544 | + t.textContent = (function (t) { | |
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5547 | + return (e = -1 != r.indexOf(",") ? new Intl.NumberFormat("ru-RU").format(r.replace(",", ".")).replace(".", ",") : new Intl.NumberFormat("ru-RU").format(r).replace(",", ".")), e; | |
5548 | + })(Math.round(i.value)); | |
5549 | + }, | |
5550 | + })); | |
5551 | + }); | |
5552 | + }), | |
5553 | + (function () { | |
5554 | + const t = document.querySelector(".our-solutions__more-btn"); | |
5555 | + t.addEventListener("click", () => { | |
5556 | + document.querySelectorAll(".our-solutions__card_unvisible").forEach((e) => { | |
5557 | + e.classList.remove("our-solutions__card_unvisible"), ( = "none"); | |
5558 | + }); | |
5559 | + }); | |
5560 | + })(), | |
5561 | + (function () { | |
5562 | + const t = document.querySelector(".cases__more-btn"); | |
5563 | + t.addEventListener("click", () => { | |
5564 | + document.querySelectorAll(".cases__card_unvisible").forEach((e) => { | |
5565 | + e.classList.remove("cases__card_unvisible"), ( = "none"); | |
5566 | + }); | |
5567 | + }); | |
5568 | + })(), | |
5569 | + (function () { | |
5570 | + const t = document.querySelectorAll(".our-solutions__card-btn"), | |
5571 | + e = document.querySelectorAll(".our-solutions__card-more-info_unvisible"); | |
5572 | + for (let r = 0; r < t.length; r++) Oa(t[r], e[r]); | |
5573 | + })(), | |
5574 | + (function () { | |
5575 | + Pa.forEach((t, e) => { | |
5576 | + const r = (function (t, e) { | |
5577 | + const r = Ra("tab-clients__img-box", "logo-img-box"), | |
5578 | + i = Da(t.imgWhite, "tab-clients__img-white", "logo-img-box__grey-light"), | |
5579 | + n = Da(t.imgBlack, "tab-clients__img-black", "logo-img-box__grey-dark"), | |
5580 | + o = Da(t.imgColor, "tab-clients__img-color", "logo-img-box__color-light"), | |
5581 | + s = Da(t.imgColorWhite, "tab-clients__img-color-white", "logo-img-box__color-dark"); | |
5582 | + return r.append(i), r.append(n), r.append(o), r.append(s), e || r.classList.add("logo_unvisible"), r; | |
5583 | + })(t, e < 8); | |
5584 | + Ba.append(r); | |
5585 | + }); | |
5586 | + const t = document.querySelector(".tab-clients__btn"); | |
5587 | + t.addEventListener("click", () => { | |
5588 | + document.querySelectorAll(".logo_unvisible").forEach((e) => { | |
5589 | + e.classList.remove("logo_unvisible"), ( = "none"); | |
5590 | + }); | |
5591 | + }); | |
5592 | + })(), | |
5593 | + Ia.forEach((t, e) => { | |
5594 | + if (e < 8) { | |
5595 | + const e = (function (t, e) { | |
5596 | + const r = Ra("tab-partner__img-box", "logo-img-box"), | |
5597 | + i = Da(t.imgWhite, "tab-partner__img-white", "logo-img-box__grey-light"), | |
5598 | + n = Da(t.imgBlack, "tab-partner__img-black", "logo-img-box__grey-dark"), | |
5599 | + o = Da(t.imgColor, "tab-partner__img-color", "logo-img-box__color-light"), | |
5600 | + s = Da(t.imgColorWhite, "tab-partner__img-color-white", "logo-img-box__color-dark"); | |
5601 | + return r.append(i), r.append(n), r.append(o), r.append(s), r; | |
5602 | + })(t); | |
5603 | + La.append(e); | |
5604 | + } | |
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5608 | + scrollTrigger: { trigger: Ca.WRAPPER, pin: Ca.IMG, start: "top top", end: "+=" + (Sa - Ma - 600), scrub: !0 }, | |
5609 | + onComplete: () => { | |
5610 | +; | |
5611 | + }, | |
5612 | + }); | |
5613 | + mn.set(Ca.IMG, { transformOrigin: "left center" }), t.fromTo(Ca.IMG, { x: 0, scale: 1, rotate: 0, y: 0 }, { x: Aa - Ea, scale: 408 / 848, rotate: 90, y: 170, duration: 1, ease: "power1.easeInOut" }); | |
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... | ... | @@ -74,58 +74,4 @@ |
74 | 74 | ); ?> |
75 | 75 | </div> |
76 | 76 | </section> |
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81 | - <li class="tab-partners__item tab-partners__item_active" data-index="0" role="tab"> | |
82 | - <button class="lead-title tab-name tab-partners__link" type="button">Наши заказчики</button> | |
83 | - </li> | |
84 | - <li class="tab-partners__item" data-index="1" role="tab"> | |
85 | - <button class="lead-title tab-name tab-partners__link" type="button">Наши партнёры</button> | |
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124 | - $component | |
125 | - ); ?> | |
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127 | - <a class="button button_style_link tab-partner__btn" href="/partners/"> посмотреть все</a> | |
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129 | - </div> | |
130 | - </div> | |
131 | -</section> | |
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Changes suppressed. Click to show
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ArrayBuffer&&ArrayBuffer.isView||function(){},ct=Array.isArray,ut=/(?:-?\.?\d|\.)+/gi,ht=/[-+=.]*\d+[.e\-+]*\d*[e\-+]*\d*/g,ft=/[-+=.]*\d+[.e-]*\d*[a-z%]*/g,pt=/[-+=.]*\d+\.?\d*(?:e-|e\+)?\d*/gi,gt=/[+-]=-?[.\d]+/,dt=/[^,'"\[\]\s]+/gi,mt=/^[+\-=e\s\d]*\d+[.\d]*([a-z]*|%)\s*$/i,_t={},vt={},yt=function(t){return(vt=jt(t,_t))&&jr},bt=function(t,e){return console.warn("Invalid property",t,"set to",e,"Missing plugin? gsap.registerPlugin()")},xt=function(t,e){return!e&&console.warn(t)},wt=function(t,e){return t&&(_t[t]=e)&&vt&&(vt[t]=e)||_t},Tt=function(){return 0},kt={suppressEvents:!0,isStart:!0,kill:!1},Ct={suppressEvents:!0,kill:!1},Et={suppressEvents:!0},At={},Mt=[],St={},Ot={},Pt={},Dt=30,Rt=[],Bt="",It=function(t){var e,r,i=t[0];if(nt(i)||et(i)||(t=[t]),!(e=(i._gsap||{}).harness)){for(r=Rt.length;r--&&!Rt[r].targetTest(i););e=Rt[r]}for(r=t.length;r--;)t[r]&&(t[r]._gsap||(t[r]._gsap=new lr(t[r],e)))||t.splice(r,1);return t},Lt=function(t){return t._gsap||It(Ce(t))[0]._gsap},Wt=function(t,e,r){return(r=t[e])&&et(r)?t[e]():it(r)&&t.getAttribute&&t.getAttribute(e)||r},zt=function(t,e){return(t=t.split(",")).forEach(e)||t},Ft=function(t){return Math.round(1e5*t)/1e5||0},Nt=function(t){return Math.round(1e7*t)/1e7||0},qt=function(t,e){var r=e.charAt(0),i=parseFloat(e.substr(2));return t=parseFloat(t),"+"===r?t+i:"-"===r?t-i:"*"===r?t*i:t/i},Yt=function(t,e){for(var r=e.length,i=0;t.indexOf(e[i])<0&&++i<r;);return i<r},Xt=function(){var t,e,r=Mt.length,i=Mt.slice(0);for(St={},Mt.length=0,t=0;t<r;t++)(e=i[t])&&e._lazy&&(e.render(e._lazy[0],e._lazy[1],!0)._lazy=0)},Vt=function(t,e,r,i){Mt.length&&!O&&Xt(),t.render(e,r,i||O&&e<0&&(t._initted||t._startAt)),Mt.length&&!O&&Xt()},Ht=function(t){var e=parseFloat(t);return(e||0===e)&&(t+"").match(dt).length<2?e:tt(t)?t.trim():t},Ut=function(t){return t},Gt=function(t,e){for(var r in e)r in t||(t[r]=e[r]);return t},jt=function(t,e){for(var r in e)t[r]=e[r];return t},Kt=function t(e,r){for(var i in r)"__proto__"!==i&&"constructor"!==i&&"prototype"!==i&&(e[i]=nt(r[i])?t(e[i]||(e[i]={}),r[i]):r[i]);return e},Qt=function(t,e){var r,i={};for(r in t)r in e||(i[r]=t[r]);return i},Zt=function(t){var e,r=t.parent||D,i=t.keyframes?(e=ct(t.keyframes),function(t,r){for(var i in r)i in t||"duration"===i&&e||"ease"===i||(t[i]=r[i])}):Gt;if(ot(t.inherit))for(;r;)i(t,r.vars.defaults),r=r.parent||r._dp;return t},$t=function(t,e,r,i,n){void 0===r&&(r="_first"),void 0===i&&(i="_last");var o,s=t[i];if(n)for(o=e[n];s&&s[n]>o;)s=s._prev;return s?(e._next=s._next,s._next=e):(e._next=t[r],t[r]=e),e._next?e._next._prev=e:t[i]=e,e._prev=s,e.parent=e._dp=t,e},Jt=function(t,e,r,i){void 0===r&&(r="_first"),void 0===i&&(i="_last");var n=e._prev,o=e._next;n?n._next=o:t[r]===e&&(t[r]=o),o?o._prev=n:t[i]===e&&(t[i]=n),e._next=e._prev=e.parent=null},te=function(t,e){t.parent&&(!e||t.parent.autoRemoveChildren)&&t.parent.remove&&t.parent.remove(t),t._act=0},ee=function(t,e){if(t&&(!e||e._end>t._dur||e._start<0))for(var r=t;r;)r._dirty=1,r=r.parent;return t},re=function(t,e,r,i){return t._startAt&&(O?t._startAt.revert(Ct):t.vars.immediateRender&&!t.vars.autoRevert||t._startAt.render(e,!0,i))},ie=function t(e){return!e||e._ts&&t(e.parent)},ne=function(t){return t._repeat?oe(t._tTime,t=t.duration()+t._rDelay)*t:0},oe=function(t,e){var r=Math.floor(t/=e);return t&&r===t?r-1:r},se=function(t,e){return(t-e._start)*e._ts+(e._ts>=0?0:e._dirty?e.totalDuration():e._tDur)},ae=function(t){return t._end=Nt(t._start+(t._tDur/Math.abs(t._ts||t._rts||G)||0))},le=function(t,e){var r=t._dp;return r&&r.smoothChildTiming&&t._ts&&(t._start=Nt(r._time-(t._ts>0?e/t._ts:((t._dirty?t.totalDuration():t._tDur)-e)/-t._ts)),ae(t),r._dirty||ee(r,t)),t},ce=function(t,e){var r;if((e._time||e._initted&&!e._dur)&&(r=se(t.rawTime(),e),(!e._dur||xe(0,e.totalDuration(),r)-e._tTime>G)&&e.render(r,!0)),ee(t,e)._dp&&t._initted&&t._time>=t._dur&&t._ts){if(t._dur<t.duration())for(r=t;r._dp;)r.rawTime()>=0&&r.totalTime(r._tTime),r=r._dp;t._zTime=-1e-8}},ue=function(t,e,r,i){return e.parent&&te(e),e._start=Nt((rt(r)?r:r||t!==D?ve(t,r,e):t._time)+e._delay),e._end=Nt(e._start+(e.totalDuration()/Math.abs(e.timeScale())||0)),$t(t,e,"_first","_last",t._sort?"_start":0),ge(e)||(t._recent=e),i||ce(t,e),t._ts<0&&le(t,t._tTime),t},he=function(t,e){return(_t.ScrollTrigger||bt("scrollTrigger",e))&&_t.ScrollTrigger.create(e,t)},fe=function(t,e,r,i,n){return mr(t,e,n),t._initted?!r&&t._pt&&!O&&(t._dur&&!1!==t.vars.lazy||!t._dur&&t.vars.lazy)&&W!==Ke.frame?(Mt.push(t),t._lazy=[n,i],1):void 0:1},pe=function t(e){var r=e.parent;return r&&r._ts&&r._initted&&!r._lock&&(r.rawTime()<0||t(r))},ge=function(t){var;return"isFromStart"===e||"isStart"===e},de=function(t,e,r,i){var n=t._repeat,o=Nt(e)||0,s=t._tTime/t._tDur;return s&&!i&&(t._time*=o/t._dur),t._dur=o,t._tDur=n?n<0?1e10:Nt(o*(n+1)+t._rDelay*n):o,s>0&&!i&&le(t,t._tTime=t._tDur*s),t.parent&&ae(t),r||ee(t.parent,t),t},me=function(t){return t instanceof ur?ee(t):de(t,t._dur)},_e={_start:0,endTime:Tt,totalDuration:Tt},ve=function t(e,r,i){var n,o,s,a=e.labels,l=e._recent||_e,c=e.duration()>=U?l.endTime(!1):e._dur;return tt(r)&&(isNaN(r)||r in a)?(o=r.charAt(0),s="%"===r.substr(-1),n=r.indexOf("="),"<"===o||">"===o?(n>=0&&(r=r.replace(/=/,"")),("<"===o?l._start:l.endTime(l._repeat>=0))+(parseFloat(r.substr(1))||0)*(s?(n<0?l:i).totalDuration()/100:1)):n<0?(r in a||(a[r]=c),a[r]):(o=parseFloat(r.charAt(n-1)+r.substr(n+1)),s&&i&&(o=o/100*(ct(i)?i[0]:i).totalDuration()),n>1?t(e,r.substr(0,n-1),i)+o:c+o)):null==r?c:+r},ye=function(t,e,r){var i,n,o=rt(e[1]),s=(o?2:1)+(t<2?0:1),a=e[s];if(o&&(a.duration=e[1]),a.parent=r,t){for(i=a,n=r;n&&!("immediateRender"in i);)i=n.vars.defaults||{},n=ot(n.vars.inherit)&&n.parent;a.immediateRender=ot(i.immediateRender),t<2?a.runBackwards=1:a.startAt=e[s-1]}return new xr(e[0],a,e[s+1])},be=function(t,e){return t||0===t?e(t):e},xe=function(t,e,r){return r<t?t:r>e?e:r},we=function(t,e){return tt(t)&&(e=mt.exec(t))?e[1]:""},Te=[].slice,ke=function(t,e){return t&&nt(t)&&"length"in t&&(!e&&!t.length||t.length-1 in t&&nt(t[0]))&&!t.nodeType&&t!==R},Ce=function(t,e,r){return P&&!e&&P.selector?P.selector(t):!tt(t)||r||!B&&Qe()?ct(t)?function(t,e,r){return void 0===r&&(r=[]),t.forEach((function(t){var i;return tt(t)&&!e||ke(t,1)?(i=r).push.apply(i,Ce(t)):r.push(t)}))||r}(t,r):ke(t)?,0):t?[t]:[]||I).querySelectorAll(t),0)},Ee=function(t){return t=Ce(t)[0]||xt("Invalid scope")||{},function(e){var r=t.current||t.nativeElement||t;return Ce(e,r.querySelectorAll?r:r===t?xt("Invalid scope")||I.createElement("div"):t)}},Ae=function(t){return t.sort((function(){return.5-Math.random()}))},Me=function(t){if(et(t))return t;var e=nt(t)?t:{each:t},r=ir(e.ease),i=e.from||0,n=parseFloat(e.base)||0,o={},s=i>0&&i<1,a=isNaN(i)||s,l=e.axis,c=i,u=i;return tt(i)?c=u={center:.5,edges:.5,end:1}[i]||0:!s&&a&&(c=i[0],u=i[1]),function(t,s,h){var f,p,g,d,m,_,v,y,b,x=(h||e).length,w=o[x];if(!w){if(!(b="auto"===e.grid?0:(e.grid||[1,U])[1])){for(v=-U;v<(v=h[b++].getBoundingClientRect().left)&&b<x;);b--}for(w=o[x]=[],f=a?Math.min(b,x)*c-.5:i%b,p=b===U?0:a?x*u/b-.5:i/b|0,v=0,y=U,_=0;_<x;_++)g=_%b-f,d=p-(_/b|0),w[_]=m=l?Math.abs("y"===l?d:g):Z(g*g+d*d),m>v&&(v=m),m<y&&(y=m);"random"===i&&Ae(w),w.max=v-y,w.min=y,w.v=x=(parseFloat(e.amount)||parseFloat(e.each)*(b>x?x-1:l?"y"===l?x/b:b:Math.max(b,x/b))||0)*("edges"===i?-1:1),w.b=x<0?n-x:n,w.u=we(e.amount||e.each)||0,r=r&&x<0?er(r):r}return x=(w[t]-w.min)/w.max||0,Nt(w.b+(r?r(x):x)*w.v)+w.u}},Se=function(t){var e=Math.pow(10,((t+"").split(".")[1]||"").length);return function(r){var i=Nt(Math.round(parseFloat(r)/t)*t*e);return(i-i%1)/e+(rt(r)?0:we(r))}},Oe=function(t,e){var r,i,n=ct(t);return!n&&nt(t)&&(r=n=t.radius||U,t.values?(t=Ce(t.values),(i=!rt(t[0]))&&(r*=r)):t=Se(t.increment)),be(e,n?et(t)?function(e){return i=t(e),Math.abs(i-e)<=r?i:e}:function(e){for(var n,o,s=parseFloat(i?e.x:e),a=parseFloat(i?e.y:0),l=U,c=0,u=t.length;u--;)(n=i?(n=t[u].x-s)*n+(o=t[u].y-a)*o:Math.abs(t[u]-s))<l&&(l=n,c=u);return c=!r||l<=r?t[c]:e,i||c===e||rt(e)?c:c+we(e)}:Se(t))},Pe=function(t,e,r,i){return be(ct(t)?!e:!0===r?!!(r=0):!i,(function(){return ct(t)?t[~~(Math.random()*t.length)]:(r=r||1e-5)&&(i=r<1?Math.pow(10,(r+"").length-2):1)&&Math.floor(Math.round((t-r/2+Math.random()*(e-t+.99*r))/r)*r*i)/i}))},De=function(t,e,r){return be(r,(function(r){return t[~~e(r)]}))},Re=function(t){for(var e,r,i,n,o=0,s="";~(e=t.indexOf("random(",o));)i=t.indexOf(")",e),n="["===t.charAt(e+7),r=t.substr(e+7,i-e-7).match(n?dt:ut),s+=t.substr(o,e-o)+Pe(n?r:+r[0],n?0:+r[1],+r[2]||1e-5),o=i+1;return s+t.substr(o,t.length-o)},Be=function(t,e,r,i,n){var o=e-t,s=i-r;return be(n,(function(e){return r+((e-t)/o*s||0)}))},Ie=function(t,e,r){var i,n,o,s=t.labels,a=U;for(i in s)(n=s[i]-e)<0==!!r&&n&&a>(n=Math.abs(n))&&(o=i,a=n);return o},Le=function(t,e,r){var i,n,o,s=t.vars,a=s[e],l=P,c=t._ctx;if(a)return i=s[e+"Params"],n=s.callbackScope||t,r&&Mt.length&&Xt(),c&&(P=c),o=i?a.apply(n,i),P=l,o},We=function(t){return te(t),t.scrollTrigger&&t.scrollTrigger.kill(!!O),t.progress()<1&&Le(t,"onInterrupt"),t},ze=[],Fe=function(t){if(st()&&t){var e=(t=!||t).name,r=et(t),i=e&&!r&&t.init?function(){this._props=[]}:t,n={init:Tt,render:Or,add:gr,kill:Dr,modifier:Pr,rawVars:0},o={targetTest:0,get:0,getSetter:Er,aliases:{},register:0};if(Qe(),t!==i){if(Ot[e])return;Gt(i,Gt(Qt(t,n),o)),jt(i.prototype,jt(n,Qt(t,o))),Ot[i.prop=e]=i,t.targetTest&&(Rt.push(i),At[e]=1),e=("css"===e?"CSS":e.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+e.substr(1))+"Plugin"}wt(e,i),t.register&&t.register(jr,i,Ir)}else t&&ze.push(t)},Ne=255,qe={aqua:[0,Ne,Ne],lime:[0,Ne,0],silver:[192,192,192],black:[0,0,0],maroon:[128,0,0],teal:[0,128,128],blue:[0,0,Ne],navy:[0,0,128],white:[Ne,Ne,Ne],olive:[128,128,0],yellow:[Ne,Ne,0],orange:[Ne,165,0],gray:[128,128,128],purple:[128,0,128],green:[0,128,0],red:[Ne,0,0],pink:[Ne,192,203],cyan:[0,Ne,Ne],transparent:[Ne,Ne,Ne,0]},Ye=function(t,e,r){return(6*(t+=t<0?1:t>1?-1:0)<1?e+(r-e)*t*6:t<.5?r:3*t<2?e+(r-e)*(2/3-t)*6:e)*Ne+.5|0},Xe=function(t,e,r){var i,n,o,s,a,l,c,u,h,f,p=t?rt(t)?[t>>16,t>>8&Ne,t&Ne];if(!p){if(","===t.substr(-1)&&(t=t.substr(0,t.length-1)),qe[t])p=qe[t];else if("#"===t.charAt(0)){if(t.length<6&&(i=t.charAt(1),n=t.charAt(2),o=t.charAt(3),t="#"+i+i+n+n+o+o+(5===t.length?t.charAt(4)+t.charAt(4):"")),9===t.length)return[(p=parseInt(t.substr(1,6),16))>>16,p>>8&Ne,p&Ne,parseInt(t.substr(7),16)/255];p=[(t=parseInt(t.substr(1),16))>>16,t>>8&Ne,t&Ne]}else if("hsl"===t.substr(0,3))if(p=f=t.match(ut),e){if(~t.indexOf("="))return p=t.match(ht),r&&p.length<4&&(p[3]=1),p}else s=+p[0]%360/360,a=+p[1]/100,i=2*(l=+p[2]/100)-(n=l<=.5?l*(a+1):l+a-l*a),p.length>3&&(p[3]*=1),p[0]=Ye(s+1/3,i,n),p[1]=Ye(s,i,n),p[2]=Ye(s-1/3,i,n);else p=t.match(ut)||qe.transparent;}return e&&!f&&(i=p[0]/Ne,n=p[1]/Ne,o=p[2]/Ne,l=((c=Math.max(i,n,o))+(u=Math.min(i,n,o)))/2,c===u?s=a=0:(h=c-u,a=l>.5?h/(2-c-u):h/(c+u),s=c===i?(n-o)/h+(n<o?6:0):c===n?(o-i)/h+2:(i-n)/h+4,s*=60),p[0]=~~(s+.5),p[1]=~~(100*a+.5),p[2]=~~(100*l+.5)),r&&p.length<4&&(p[3]=1),p},Ve=function(t){var e=[],r=[],i=-1;return t.split(Ue).forEach((function(t){var n=t.match(ft)||[];e.push.apply(e,n),r.push(i+=n.length+1)})),e.c=r,e},He=function(t,e,r){var i,n,o,s,a="",l=(t+a).match(Ue),c=e?"hsla(":"rgba(",u=0;if(!l)return t;if({return(t=Xe(t,e,1))&&c+(e?t[0]+","+t[1]+"%,"+t[2]+"%,"+t[3]:t.join(","))+")"})),r&&(o=Ve(t),(i=r.c).join(a)!==o.c.join(a)))for(s=(n=t.replace(Ue,"1").split(ft)).length-1;u<s;u++)a+=n[u]+(~i.indexOf(u)?l.shift()||c+"0,0,0,0)":(o.length?o:l.length?l:r).shift());if(!n)for(s=(n=t.split(Ue)).length-1;u<s;u++)a+=n[u]+l[u];return a+n[s]},Ue=function(){var t,e="(?:\\b(?:(?:rgb|rgba|hsl|hsla)\\(.+?\\))|\\B#(?:[0-9a-f]{3,4}){1,2}\\b";for(t in qe)e+="|"+t+"\\b";return new RegExp(e+")","gi")}(),Ge=/hsl[a]?\(/,je=function(t){var e,r=t.join(" ");if(Ue.lastIndex=0,Ue.test(r))return e=Ge.test(r),t[1]=He(t[1],e),t[0]=He(t[0],e,Ve(t[1])),!0},Ke=function(){var t,e,r,i,n,o,,a=500,l=33,c=s(),u=c,h=1e3/240,f=h,p=[],g=function r(g){var d,m,_,v,y=s()-u,b=!0===g;if(y>a&&(c+=y-l),((d=(_=(u+=y)-c)-f)>0||b)&&(v=++i.frame,n=_-1e3*i.time,i.time=_/=1e3,f+=d+(d>=h?4:h-d),m=1),b||(t=e(r)),m)for(o=0;o<p.length;o++)p[o](_,n,v,g)};return i={time:0,frame:0,tick:function(){g(!0)},deltaRatio:function(t){return n/(1e3/(t||60))},wake:function(){L&&(!B&&st()&&(R=B=window,I=R.document||{},_t.gsap=jr,(R.gsapVersions||(R.gsapVersions=[])).push(jr.version),yt(vt||R.GreenSockGlobals||!R.gsap&&R||{}),r=R.requestAnimationFrame,ze.forEach(Fe)),t&&i.sleep(),e=r||function(t){return setTimeout(t,f-1e3*i.time+1|0)},F=1,g(2))},sleep:function(){(r?R.cancelAnimationFrame:clearTimeout)(t),F=0,e=Tt},lagSmoothing:function(t,e){a=t||1/0,l=Math.min(e||33,a)},fps:function(t){h=1e3/(t||240),f=1e3*i.time+h},add:function(t,e,r){var n=e?function(e,r,o,s){t(e,r,o,s),i.remove(n)}:t;return i.remove(t),p[r?"unshift":"push"](n),Qe(),n},remove:function(t,e){~(e=p.indexOf(t))&&p.splice(e,1)&&o>=e&&o--},_listeners:p}}(),Qe=function(){return!F&&Ke.wake()},Ze={},$e=/^[\d.\-M][\d.\-,\s]/,Je=/["']/g,tr=function(t){for(var e,r,i,n={},o=t.substr(1,t.length-3).split(":"),s=o[0],a=1,l=o.length;a<l;a++)r=o[a],e=a!==l-1?r.lastIndexOf(","):r.length,i=r.substr(0,e),n[s]=isNaN(i)?i.replace(Je,"").trim():+i,s=r.substr(e+1).trim();return n},er=function(t){return function(e){return 1-t(1-e)}},rr=function t(e,r){for(var i,n=e._first;n;)n instanceof ur?t(n,r):!n.vars.yoyoEase||n._yoyo&&n._repeat||n._yoyo===r||(n.timeline?t(n.timeline,r):(i=n._ease,n._ease=n._yEase,n._yEase=i,n._yoyo=r)),n=n._next},ir=function(t,e){return t&&(et(t)?t:Ze[t]||function(t){var e,r,i,n,o=(t+"").split("("),s=Ze[o[0]];return s&&o.length>1&&s.config?s.config.apply(null,~t.indexOf("{")?[tr(o[1])]:(e=t,r=e.indexOf("(")+1,i=e.indexOf(")"),n=e.indexOf("(",r),e.substring(r,~n&&n<i?e.indexOf(")",i+1):i)).split(",").map(Ht)):Ze._CE&&$e.test(t)?Ze._CE("",t):s}(t))||e},nr=function(t,e,r,i){void 0===r&&(r=function(t){return 1-e(1-t)}),void 0===i&&(i=function(t){return t<.5?e(2*t)/2:1-e(2*(1-t))/2});var n,o={easeIn:e,easeOut:r,easeInOut:i};return zt(t,(function(t){for(var e in Ze[t]=_t[t]=o,Ze[n=t.toLowerCase()]=r,o)Ze[n+("easeIn"===e?".in":"easeOut"===e?".out":".inOut")]=Ze[t+"."+e]=o[e]})),o},or=function(t){return function(e){return e<.5?(1-t(1-2*e))/2:.5+t(2*(e-.5))/2}},sr=function t(e,r,i){var n=r>=1?r:1,o=(i||(e?.3:.45))/(r<1?r:1),s=o/j*(Math.asin(1/n)||0),a=function(t){return 1===t?1:n*Math.pow(2,-10*t)*J((t-s)*o)+1},l="out"===e?a:"in"===e?function(t){return 1-a(1-t)}:or(a);return o=j/o,l.config=function(r,i){return t(e,r,i)},l},ar=function t(e,r){void 0===r&&(r=1.70158);var i=function(t){return t?--t*t*((r+1)*t+r)+1:0},n="out"===e?i:"in"===e?function(t){return 1-i(1-t)}:or(i);return n.config=function(r){return t(e,r)},n};zt("Linear,Quad,Cubic,Quart,Quint,Strong",(function(t,e){var r=e<5?e+1:e;nr(t+",Power"+(r-1),e?function(t){return Math.pow(t,r)}:function(t){return t},(function(t){return 1-Math.pow(1-t,r)}),(function(t){return t<.5?Math.pow(2*t,r)/2:1-Math.pow(2*(1-t),r)/2}))})),Ze.Linear.easeNone=Ze.none=Ze.Linear.easeIn,nr("Elastic",sr("in"),sr("out"),sr()),N=7.5625,Y=1/(q=2.75),nr("Bounce",(function(t){return 1-X(1-t)}),X=function(t){return t<Y?N*t*t:t<.7272727272727273?N*Math.pow(t-1.5/q,2)+.75:t<.9090909090909092?N*(t-=2.25/q)*t+.9375:N*Math.pow(t-2.625/q,2)+.984375}),nr("Expo",(function(t){return t?Math.pow(2,10*(t-1)):0})),nr("Circ",(function(t){return-(Z(1-t*t)-1)})),nr("Sine",(function(t){return 1===t?1:1-$(t*K)})),nr("Back",ar("in"),ar("out"),ar()),Ze.SteppedEase=Ze.steps=_t.SteppedEase={config:function(t,e){void 0===t&&(t=1);var r=1/t,i=t+(e?0:1),n=e?1:0;return function(t){return((i*xe(0,.99999999,t)|0)+n)*r}}},H.ease=Ze["quad.out"],zt("onComplete,onUpdate,onStart,onRepeat,onReverseComplete,onInterrupt",(function(t){return Bt+=t+","+t+"Params,"}));var lr=function(t,e){,t._gsap=this,,this.harness=e,this.get=e?e.get:Wt,this.set=e?e.getSetter:Er},cr=function(){function t(t){this.vars=t,this._delay=+t.delay||0,(this._repeat=t.repeat===1/0?-2:t.repeat||0)&&(this._rDelay=t.repeatDelay||0,this._yoyo=!!t.yoyo||!!t.yoyoEase),this._ts=1,de(this,+t.duration,1,1),,P&&(this._ctx=P,,F||Ke.wake()}var e=t.prototype;return e.delay=function(t){return t||0===t?(this.parent&&this.parent.smoothChildTiming&&this.startTime(this._start+t-this._delay),this._delay=t,this):this._delay},e.duration=function(t){return arguments.length?this.totalDuration(this._repeat>0?t+(t+this._rDelay)*this._repeat:t):this.totalDuration()&&this._dur},e.totalDuration=function(t){return arguments.length?(this._dirty=0,de(this,this._repeat<0?t:(t-this._repeat*this._rDelay)/(this._repeat+1))):this._tDur},e.totalTime=function(t,e){if(Qe(),!arguments.length)return this._tTime;var r=this._dp;if(r&&r.smoothChildTiming&&this._ts){for(le(this,t),!r._dp||r.parent||ce(r,this);r&&r.parent;)r.parent._time!==r._start+(r._ts>=0?r._tTime/r._ts:(r.totalDuration()-r._tTime)/-r._ts)&&r.totalTime(r._tTime,!0),r=r.parent;!this.parent&&this._dp.autoRemoveChildren&&(this._ts>0&&t<this._tDur||this._ts<0&&t>0||!this._tDur&&!t)&&ue(this._dp,this,this._start-this._delay)}return(this._tTime!==t||!this._dur&&!e||this._initted&&Math.abs(this._zTime)===G||!t&&!this._initted&&(this.add||this._ptLookup))&&(this._ts||(this._pTime=t),Vt(this,t,e)),this},e.time=function(t,e){return arguments.length?this.totalTime(Math.min(this.totalDuration(),t+ne(this))%(this._dur+this._rDelay)||(t?this._dur:0),e):this._time},e.totalProgress=function(t,e){return arguments.length?this.totalTime(this.totalDuration()*t,e):this.totalDuration()?Math.min(1,this._tTime/this._tDur):this.ratio},e.progress=function(t,e){return arguments.length?this.totalTime(this.duration()*(!this._yoyo||1&this.iteration()?t:1-t)+ne(this),e):this.duration()?Math.min(1,this._time/this._dur):this.ratio},e.iteration=function(t,e){var r=this.duration()+this._rDelay;return arguments.length?this.totalTime(this._time+(t-1)*r,e):this._repeat?oe(this._tTime,r)+1:1},e.timeScale=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return-1e-8===this._rts?0:this._rts;if(this._rts===t)return this;var e=this.parent&&this._ts?se(this.parent._time,this):this._tTime;return this._rts=+t||0,this._ts=this._ps||-1e-8===t?0:this._rts,this.totalTime(xe(-Math.abs(this._delay),this._tDur,e),!0),ae(this),function(t){for(var e=t.parent;e&&e.parent;)e._dirty=1,e.totalDuration(),e=e.parent;return t}(this)},e.paused=function(t){return arguments.length?(this._ps!==t&&(this._ps=t,t?(this._pTime=this._tTime||Math.max(-this._delay,this.rawTime()),this._ts=this._act=0):(Qe(),this._ts=this._rts,this.totalTime(this.parent&&!this.parent.smoothChildTiming?this.rawTime():this._tTime||this._pTime,1===this.progress()&&Math.abs(this._zTime)!==G&&(this._tTime-=G)))),this):this._ps},e.startTime=function(t){if(arguments.length){this._start=t;var e=this.parent||this._dp;return e&&(e._sort||!this.parent)&&ue(e,this,t-this._delay),this}return this._start},e.endTime=function(t){return this._start+(ot(t)?this.totalDuration():this.duration())/Math.abs(this._ts||1)},e.rawTime=function(t){var e=this.parent||this._dp;return e?t&&(!this._ts||this._repeat&&this._time&&this.totalProgress()<1)?this._tTime%(this._dur+this._rDelay):this._ts?se(e.rawTime(t),this):this._tTime:this._tTime},e.revert=function(t){void 0===t&&(t=Et);var e=O;return O=t,(this._initted||this._startAt)&&(this.timeline&&this.timeline.revert(t),this.totalTime(-.01,t.suppressEvents)),"nested"!!1!==t.kill&&this.kill(),O=e,this},e.globalTime=function(t){for(var e=this,r=arguments.length?t:e.rawTime();e;)r=e._start+r/(e._ts||1),e=e._dp;return!this.parent&&this._sat?this._sat.vars.immediateRender?-1:this._sat.globalTime(t):r},e.repeat=function(t){return arguments.length?(this._repeat=t===1/0?-2:t,me(this)):-2===this._repeat?1/0:this._repeat},e.repeatDelay=function(t){if(arguments.length){var e=this._time;return this._rDelay=t,me(this),e?this.time(e):this}return this._rDelay},e.yoyo=function(t){return arguments.length?(this._yoyo=t,this):this._yoyo},,e){return this.totalTime(ve(this,t),ot(e))},e.restart=function(t,e){return,ot(e))},,e){return null!=t&&,e),this.reversed(!1).paused(!1)},e.reverse=function(t,e){return null!=t&&||this.totalDuration(),e),this.reversed(!0).paused(!1)},e.pause=function(t,e){return null!=t&&,e),this.paused(!0)},e.resume=function(){return this.paused(!1)},e.reversed=function(t){return arguments.length?(!!t!==this.reversed()&&this.timeScale(-this._rts||(t?-1e-8:0)),this):this._rts<0},e.invalidate=function(){return this._initted=this._act=0,this._zTime=-1e-8,this},e.isActive=function(){var t,e=this.parent||this._dp,r=this._start;return!(e&&!(this._ts&&this._initted&&e.isActive()&&(t=e.rawTime(!0))>=r&&t<this.endTime(!0)-G))},e.eventCallback=function(t,e,r){var i=this.vars;return arguments.length>1?(e?(i[t]=e,r&&(i[t+"Params"]=r),"onUpdate"===t&&(this._onUpdate=e)):delete i[t],this):i[t]},e.then=function(t){var e=this;return new Promise((function(r){var i=et(t)?t:Ut,n=function(){var t=e.then;e.then=null,et(i)&&(i=i(e))&&(i.then||i===e)&&(e.then=t),r(i),e.then=t};e._initted&&1===e.totalProgress()&&e._ts>=0||!e._tTime&&e._ts<0?n():e._prom=n}))},e.kill=function(){We(this)},t}();Gt(cr.prototype,{_time:0,_start:0,_end:0,_tTime:0,_tDur:0,_dirty:0,_repeat:0,_yoyo:!1,parent:null,_initted:!1,_rDelay:0,_ts:1,_dp:0,ratio:0,_zTime:-1e-8,_prom:0,_ps:!1,_rts:1});var ur=function(t){function e(e,r){var i;return void 0===e&&(e={}),(,e)||this).labels={},i.smoothChildTiming=!!e.smoothChildTiming,i.autoRemoveChildren=!!e.autoRemoveChildren,i._sort=ot(e.sortChildren),D&&ue(e.parent||D,A(i),r),e.reversed&&i.reverse(),e.paused&&i.paused(!0),e.scrollTrigger&&he(A(i),e.scrollTrigger),i}M(e,t);var r=e.prototype;return,e,r){return ye(0,arguments,this),this},r.from=function(t,e,r){return ye(1,arguments,this),this},r.fromTo=function(t,e,r,i){return ye(2,arguments,this),this},r.set=function(t,e,r){return e.duration=0,e.parent=this,Zt(e).repeatDelay||(e.repeat=0),e.immediateRender=!!e.immediateRender,new xr(t,e,ve(this,r),1),this},,e,r){return ue(this,xr.delayedCall(0,t,e),r)},r.staggerTo=function(t,e,r,i,n,o,s){return r.duration=e,r.stagger=r.stagger||i,r.onComplete=o,r.onCompleteParams=s,r.parent=this,new xr(t,r,ve(this,n)),this},r.staggerFrom=function(t,e,r,i,n,o,s){return r.runBackwards=1,Zt(r).immediateRender=ot(r.immediateRender),this.staggerTo(t,e,r,i,n,o,s)},r.staggerFromTo=function(t,e,r,i,n,o,s,a){return i.startAt=r,Zt(i).immediateRender=ot(i.immediateRender),this.staggerTo(t,e,i,n,o,s,a)},r.render=function(t,e,r){var i,n,o,s,a,l,c,u,h,f,p,g,d=this._time,m=this._dirty?this.totalDuration():this._tDur,_=this._dur,v=t<=0?0:Nt(t),y=this._zTime<0!=t<0&&(this._initted||!_);if(this!==D&&v>m&&t>=0&&(v=m),v!==this._tTime||r||y){if(d!==this._time&&_&&(v+=this._time-d,t+=this._time-d),i=v,h=this._start,l=!(u=this._ts),y&&(_||(d=this._zTime),(t||!e)&&(this._zTime=t)),this._repeat){if(p=this._yoyo,a=_+this._rDelay,this._repeat<-1&&t<0)return this.totalTime(100*a+t,e,r);if(i=Nt(v%a),v===m?(s=this._repeat,i=_):((s=~~(v/a))&&s===v/a&&(i=_,s--),i>_&&(i=_)),f=oe(this._tTime,a),!d&&this._tTime&&f!==s&&this._tTime-f*a-this._dur<=0&&(f=s),p&&1&s&&(i=_-i,g=1),s!==f&&!this._lock){var b=p&&1&f,x=b===(p&&1&s);if(s<f&&(b=!b),d=b?0:_,this._lock=1,this.render(d||(g?0:Nt(s*a)),e,!_)._lock=0,this._tTime=v,!e&&this.parent&&Le(this,"onRepeat"),this.vars.repeatRefresh&&!g&&(this.invalidate()._lock=1),d&&d!==this._time||l!==!this._ts||this.vars.onRepeat&&!this.parent&&!this._act)return this;if(_=this._dur,m=this._tDur,x&&(this._lock=2,d=b?_:-1e-4,this.render(d,!0),this.vars.repeatRefresh&&!g&&this.invalidate()),this._lock=0,!this._ts&&!l)return this;rr(this,g)}}if(this._hasPause&&!this._forcing&&this._lock<2&&(c=function(t,e,r){var i;if(r>e)for(i=t._first;i&&i._start<=r;){if("isPause">e)return i;i=i._next}else for(i=t._last;i&&i._start>=r;){if("isPause"<e)return i;i=i._prev}}(this,Nt(d),Nt(i)),c&&(v-=i-(i=c._start))),this._tTime=v,this._time=i,this._act=!u,this._initted||(this._onUpdate=this.vars.onUpdate,this._initted=1,this._zTime=t,d=0),!d&&i&&!e&&!s&&(Le(this,"onStart"),this._tTime!==v))return this;if(i>=d&&t>=0)for(n=this._first;n;){if(o=n._next,(n._act||i>=n._start)&&n._ts&&c!==n){if(n.parent!==this)return this.render(t,e,r);if(n.render(n._ts>0?(i-n._start)*n._ts:(n._dirty?n.totalDuration():n._tDur)+(i-n._start)*n._ts,e,r),i!==this._time||!this._ts&&!l){c=0,o&&(v+=this._zTime=-1e-8);break}}n=o}else{n=this._last;for(var w=t<0?t:i;n;){if(o=n._prev,(n._act||w<=n._end)&&n._ts&&c!==n){if(n.parent!==this)return this.render(t,e,r);if(n.render(n._ts>0?(w-n._start)*n._ts:(n._dirty?n.totalDuration():n._tDur)+(w-n._start)*n._ts,e,r||O&&(n._initted||n._startAt)),i!==this._time||!this._ts&&!l){c=0,o&&(v+=this._zTime=w?-1e-8:G);break}}n=o}}if(c&&!e&&(this.pause(),c.render(i>=d?0:-1e-8)._zTime=i>=d?1:-1,this._ts))return this._start=h,ae(this),this.render(t,e,r);this._onUpdate&&!e&&Le(this,"onUpdate",!0),(v===m&&this._tTime>=this.totalDuration()||!v&&d)&&(h!==this._start&&Math.abs(u)===Math.abs(this._ts)||this._lock||((t||!_)&&(v===m&&this._ts>0||!v&&this._ts<0)&&te(this,1),e||t<0&&!d||!v&&!d&&m||(Le(this,v===m&&t>=0?"onComplete":"onReverseComplete",!0),this._prom&&!(v<m&&this.timeScale()>0)&&this._prom())))}return this},r.add=function(t,e){var r=this;if(rt(e)||(e=ve(this,e,t)),!(t instanceof cr)){if(ct(t))return t.forEach((function(t){return r.add(t,e)})),this;if(tt(t))return this.addLabel(t,e);if(!et(t))return this;t=xr.delayedCall(0,t)}return this!==t?ue(this,t,e):this},r.getChildren=function(t,e,r,i){void 0===t&&(t=!0),void 0===e&&(e=!0),void 0===r&&(r=!0),void 0===i&&(i=-U);for(var n=[],o=this._first;o;)o._start>=i&&(o instanceof xr?e&&n.push(o):(r&&n.push(o),t&&n.push.apply(n,o.getChildren(!0,e,r)))),o=o._next;return n},r.getById=function(t){for(var e=this.getChildren(1,1,1),r=e.length;r--;)if(e[r] e[r]},r.remove=function(t){return tt(t)?this.removeLabel(t):et(t)?this.killTweensOf(t):(Jt(this,t),t===this._recent&&(this._recent=this._last),ee(this))},r.totalTime=function(e,r){return arguments.length?(this._forcing=1,!this._dp&&this._ts&&(this._start=Nt(Ke.time-(this._ts>0?e/this._ts:(this.totalDuration()-e)/-this._ts))),,e,r),this._forcing=0,this):this._tTime},r.addLabel=function(t,e){return this.labels[t]=ve(this,e),this},r.removeLabel=function(t){return delete this.labels[t],this},r.addPause=function(t,e,r){var i=xr.delayedCall(0,e||Tt,r);return"isPause",this._hasPause=1,ue(this,i,ve(this,t))},r.removePause=function(t){var e=this._first;for(t=ve(this,t);e;)e._start===t&&"isPause",e=e._next},r.killTweensOf=function(t,e,r){for(var i=this.getTweensOf(t,r),n=i.length;n--;)hr!==i[n]&&i[n].kill(t,e);return this},r.getTweensOf=function(t,e){for(var r,i=[],n=Ce(t),o=this._first,s=rt(e);o;)o instanceof xr?Yt(o._targets,n)&&(s?(!hr||o._initted&&o._ts)&&o.globalTime(0)<=e&&o.globalTime(o.totalDuration())>e:!e||o.isActive())&&i.push(o):(r=o.getTweensOf(n,e)).length&&i.push.apply(i,r),o=o._next;return i},r.tweenTo=function(t,e){e=e||{};var r,i=this,n=ve(i,t),o=e,s=o.startAt,a=o.onStart,l=o.onStartParams,c=o.immediateRender,,Gt({ease:e.ease||"none",lazy:!1,immediateRender:!1,time:n,overwrite:"auto",duration:e.duration||Math.abs((n-(s&&"time"in s?s.time:i._time))/i.timeScale())||G,onStart:function(){if(i.pause(),!r){var t=e.duration||Math.abs((n-(s&&"time"in s?s.time:i._time))/i.timeScale());u._dur!==t&&de(u,t,0,1).render(u._time,!0,!0),r=1}a&&a.apply(u,l||[])}},e));return c?u.render(0):u},r.tweenFromTo=function(t,e,r){return this.tweenTo(e,Gt({startAt:{time:ve(this,t)}},r))},r.recent=function(){return this._recent},r.nextLabel=function(t){return void 0===t&&(t=this._time),Ie(this,ve(this,t))},r.previousLabel=function(t){return void 0===t&&(t=this._time),Ie(this,ve(this,t),1)},r.currentLabel=function(t){return arguments.length?,!0):this.previousLabel(this._time+G)},r.shiftChildren=function(t,e,r){void 0===r&&(r=0);for(var i,n=this._first,o=this.labels;n;)n._start>=r&&(n._start+=t,n._end+=t),n=n._next;if(e)for(i in o)o[i]>=r&&(o[i]+=t);return ee(this)},r.invalidate=function(e){var r=this._first;for(this._lock=0;r;)r.invalidate(e),r=r._next;return,e)},r.clear=function(t){void 0===t&&(t=!0);for(var e,r=this._first;r;)e=r._next,this.remove(r),r=e;return this._dp&&(this._time=this._tTime=this._pTime=0),t&&(this.labels={}),ee(this)},r.totalDuration=function(t){var e,r,i,n=0,o=this,s=o._last,a=U;if(arguments.length)return o.timeScale((o._repeat<0?o.duration():o.totalDuration())/(o.reversed()?-t:t));if(o._dirty){for(i=o.parent;s;)e=s._prev,s._dirty&&s.totalDuration(),(r=s._start)>a&&o._sort&&s._ts&&!o._lock?(o._lock=1,ue(o,s,r-s._delay,1)._lock=0):a=r,r<0&&s._ts&&(n-=r,(!i&&!o._dp||i&&i.smoothChildTiming)&&(o._start+=r/o._ts,o._time-=r,o._tTime-=r),o.shiftChildren(-r,!1,-Infinity),a=0),s._end>n&&s._ts&&(n=s._end),s=e;de(o,o===D&&o._time>n?o._time:n,1,1),o._dirty=0}return o._tDur},e.updateRoot=function(t){if(D._ts&&(Vt(D,se(t,D)),W=Ke.frame),Ke.frame>=Dt){Dt+=V.autoSleep||120;var e=D._first;if((!e||!e._ts)&&V.autoSleep&&Ke._listeners.length<2){for(;e&&!e._ts;)e=e._next;e||Ke.sleep()}}},e}(cr);Gt(ur.prototype,{_lock:0,_hasPause:0,_forcing:0});var hr,fr,pr=function(t,e,r,i,n,o,s){var a,l,c,u,h,f,p,g,d=new Ir(this._pt,t,e,0,1,Sr,null,n),m=0,_=0;for(d.b=r,d.e=i,r+="",(p=~(i+="").indexOf("random("))&&(i=Re(i)),o&&(o(g=[r,i],t,e),r=g[0],i=g[1]),l=r.match(pt)||[];a=pt.exec(i);)u=a[0],h=i.substring(m,a.index),c?c=(c+1)%5:"rgba("===h.substr(-5)&&(c=1),u!==l[_++]&&(f=parseFloat(l[_-1])||0,d._pt={_next:d._pt,p:h||1===_?h:",",s:f,c:"="===u.charAt(1)?qt(f,u)-f:parseFloat(u)-f,m:c&&c<4?Math.round:0},m=pt.lastIndex);return d.c=m<i.length?i.substring(m,i.length):"",d.fp=s,(gt.test(i)||p)&&(d.e=0),this._pt=d,d},gr=function(t,e,r,i,n,o,s,a,l,c){et(i)&&(i=i(n||0,t,o));var u,h=t[e],f="get"!==r?r:et(h)?l?t[e.indexOf("set")||!et(t["get"+e.substr(3)])?e:"get"+e.substr(3)](l):t[e]():h,p=et(h)?l?kr:Tr:wr;if(tt(i)&&(~i.indexOf("random(")&&(i=Re(i)),"="===i.charAt(1)&&((u=qt(f,i)+(we(f)||0))||0===u)&&(i=u)),!c||f!==i||fr)return isNaN(f*i)||""===i?(!h&&!(e in t)&&bt(e,i),,t,e,f,i,p,a||V.stringFilter,l)):(u=new Ir(this._pt,t,e,+f||0,i-(f||0),"boolean"==typeof h?Mr:Ar,0,p),l&&(u.fp=l),s&&u.modifier(s,this,t),this._pt=u)},dr=function(t,e,r,i,n,o){var s,a,l,c;if(Ot[t]&&!1!==(s=new Ot[t]).init(n,s.rawVars?e[t]:function(t,e,r,i,n){if(et(t)&&(t=vr(t,n,e,r,i)),!nt(t)||||ct(t)||lt(t))return tt(t)?vr(t,n,e,r,i):t;var o,s={};for(o in t)s[o]=vr(t[o],n,e,r,i);return s}(e[t],i,n,o,r),r,i,o)&&(r._pt=a=new Ir(r._pt,n,t,0,1,s.render,s,0,s.priority),r!==z))for(l=r._ptLookup[r._targets.indexOf(n)],c=s._props.length;c--;)l[s._props[c]]=a;return s},mr=function t(e,r,i){var n,o,s,a,l,c,u,h,f,p,g,d,m,_=e.vars,v=_.ease,y=_.startAt,b=_.immediateRender,x=_.lazy,w=_.onUpdate,T=_.onUpdateParams,k=_.callbackScope,C=_.runBackwards,E=_.yoyoEase,A=_.keyframes,M=_.autoRevert,P=e._dur,R=e._startAt,B=e._targets,I=e.parent,L=I&&"nested",W="auto"===e._overwrite&&!S,z=e.timeline;if(z&&(!A||!v)&&(v="none"),e._ease=ir(v,H.ease),e._yEase=E?er(ir(!0===E?v:E,H.ease)):0,E&&e._yoyo&&!e._repeat&&(E=e._yEase,e._yEase=e._ease,e._ease=E),e._from=!z&&!!_.runBackwards,!z||A&&!_.stagger){if(d=(h=B[0]?Lt(B[0]).harness:0)&&_[h.prop],n=Qt(_,At),R&&(R._zTime<0&&R.progress(1),r<0&&C&&b&&!M?R.render(-1,!0):R.revert(C&&P?Ct:kt),R._lazy=0),y){if(te(e._startAt=xr.set(B,Gt({data:"isStart",overwrite:!1,parent:I,immediateRender:!0,lazy:!R&&ot(x),startAt:null,delay:0,onUpdate:w,onUpdateParams:T,callbackScope:k,stagger:0},y))),e._startAt._dp=0,e._startAt._sat=e,r<0&&(O||!b&&!M)&&e._startAt.revert(Ct),b&&P&&r<=0&&i<=0)return void(r&&(e._zTime=r))}else if(C&&P&&!R)if(r&&(b=!1),s=Gt({overwrite:!1,data:"isFromStart",lazy:b&&!R&&ot(x),immediateRender:b,stagger:0,parent:I},n),d&&(s[h.prop]=d),te(e._startAt=xr.set(B,s)),e._startAt._dp=0,e._startAt._sat=e,r<0&&(O?e._startAt.revert(Ct):e._startAt.render(-1,!0)),e._zTime=r,b){if(!r)return}else t(e._startAt,G,G);for(e._pt=e._ptCache=0,x=P&&ot(x)||x&&!P,o=0;o<B.length;o++){if(u=(l=B[o])._gsap||It(B)[o]._gsap,e._ptLookup[o]=p={},St[]&&Mt.length&&Xt(),g=L===B?o:L.indexOf(l),h&&!1!==(f=new h).init(l,d||n,e,g,L)&&(e._pt=a=new Ir(e._pt,l,,0,1,f.render,f,0,f.priority),f._props.forEach((function(t){p[t]=a})),f.priority&&(c=1)),!h||d)for(s in n)Ot[s]&&(f=dr(s,n,e,g,l,L))?f.priority&&(c=1):p[s],l,s,"get",n[s],g,L,0,_.stringFilter);e._op&&e._op[o]&&e.kill(l,e._op[o]),W&&e._pt&&(hr=e,D.killTweensOf(l,p,e.globalTime(r)),m=!e.parent,hr=0),e._pt&&x&&(St[]=1)}c&&Br(e),e._onInit&&e._onInit(e)}e._onUpdate=w,e._initted=(!e._op||e._pt)&&!m,A&&r<=0&&z.render(U,!0,!0)},_r=function(t,e,r,i){var n,o,s=e.ease||i||"power1.inOut";if(ct(e))o=r[t]||(r[t]=[]),e.forEach((function(t,r){return o.push({t:r/(e.length-1)*100,v:t,e:s})}));else for(n in e)o=r[n]||(r[n]=[]),"ease"===n||o.push({t:parseFloat(t),v:e[n],e:s})},vr=function(t,e,r,i,n){return et(t)?,r,i,n):tt(t)&&~t.indexOf("random(")?Re(t):t},yr=Bt+"repeat,repeatDelay,yoyo,repeatRefresh,yoyoEase,autoRevert",br={};zt(yr+",id,stagger,delay,duration,paused,scrollTrigger",(function(t){return br[t]=1}));var xr=function(t){function e(e,r,i,n){var o;"number"==typeof r&&(i.duration=r,r=i,i=null);var s,a,l,c,u,h,f,p,g=(,n?r:Zt(r))||this).vars,d=g.duration,m=g.delay,_=g.immediateRender,v=g.stagger,y=g.overwrite,b=g.keyframes,x=g.defaults,w=g.scrollTrigger,T=g.yoyoEase,k=r.parent||D,C=(ct(e)||lt(e)?rt(e[0]):"length"in r)?[e]:Ce(e);if(o._targets=C.length?It(C):xt("GSAP target "+e+" not found.",!V.nullTargetWarn)||[],o._ptLookup=[],o._overwrite=y,b||v||at(d)||at(m)){if(r=o.vars,(s=o.timeline=new ur({data:"nested",defaults:x||{},targets:k&&"nested"})).kill(),s.parent=s._dp=A(o),s._start=0,v||at(d)||at(m)){if(c=C.length,f=v&&Me(v),nt(v))for(u in v)~yr.indexOf(u)&&(p||(p={}),p[u]=v[u]);for(a=0;a<c;a++)(l=Qt(r,br)).stagger=0,T&&(l.yoyoEase=T),p&&jt(l,p),h=C[a],l.duration=+vr(d,A(o),a,h,C),l.delay=(+vr(m,A(o),a,h,C)||0)-o._delay,!v&&1===c&&l.delay&&(o._delay=m=l.delay,o._start+=m,l.delay=0),,l,f?f(a,h,C):0),s._ease=Ze.none;s.duration()?d=m=0:o.timeline=0}else if(b){Zt(Gt(s.vars.defaults,{ease:"none"})),s._ease=ir(b.ease||r.ease||"none");var E,M,O,P=0;if(ct(b))b.forEach((function(t){return,t,">")})),s.duration();else{for(u in l={},b)"ease"===u||"easeEach"===u||_r(u,b[u],l,b.easeEach);for(u in l)for(E=l[u].sort((function(t,e){return t.t-e.t})),P=0,a=0;a<E.length;a++)(O={ease:(M=E[a]).e,duration:(M.t-(a?E[a-1].t:0))/100*d})[u]=M.v,,O,P),P+=O.duration;s.duration()<d&&{},{duration:d-s.duration()})}}d||o.duration(d=s.duration())}else o.timeline=0;return!0!==y||S||(hr=A(o),D.killTweensOf(C),hr=0),ue(k,A(o),i),r.reversed&&o.reverse(),r.paused&&o.paused(!0),(_||!d&&!b&&o._start===Nt(k._time)&&ot(_)&&ie(A(o))&&"nested"!,o.render(Math.max(0,-m)||0)),w&&he(A(o),w),o}M(e,t);var r=e.prototype;return r.render=function(t,e,r){var i,n,o,s,a,l,c,u,h,f=this._time,p=this._tDur,g=this._dur,d=t<0,m=t>p-G&&!d?p:t<G?0:t;if(g){if(m!==this._tTime||!t||r||!this._initted&&this._tTime||this._startAt&&this._zTime<0!==d){if(i=m,u=this.timeline,this._repeat){if(s=g+this._rDelay,this._repeat<-1&&d)return this.totalTime(100*s+t,e,r);if(i=Nt(m%s),m===p?(o=this._repeat,i=g):((o=~~(m/s))&&o===m/s&&(i=g,o--),i>g&&(i=g)),(l=this._yoyo&&1&o)&&(h=this._yEase,i=g-i),a=oe(this._tTime,s),i===f&&!r&&this._initted)return this._tTime=m,this;o!==a&&(u&&this._yEase&&rr(u,l),!this.vars.repeatRefresh||l||this._lock||(this._lock=r=1,this.render(Nt(s*o),!0).invalidate()._lock=0))}if(!this._initted){if(fe(this,d?t:i,r,e,m))return this._tTime=0,this;if(f!==this._time)return this;if(g!==this._dur)return this.render(t,e,r)}if(this._tTime=m,this._time=i,!this._act&&this._ts&&(this._act=1,this._lazy=0),this.ratio=c=(h||this._ease)(i/g),this._from&&(this.ratio=c=1-c),i&&!f&&!e&&!o&&(Le(this,"onStart"),this._tTime!==m))return this;for(n=this._pt;n;)n.r(c,n.d),n=n._next;u&&u.render(t<0?t:!i&&l?-1e-8:u._dur*u._ease(i/this._dur),e,r)||this._startAt&&(this._zTime=t),this._onUpdate&&!e&&(d&&re(this,t,0,r),Le(this,"onUpdate")),this._repeat&&o!==a&&this.vars.onRepeat&&!e&&this.parent&&Le(this,"onRepeat"),m!==this._tDur&&m||this._tTime!==m||(d&&!this._onUpdate&&re(this,t,0,!0),(t||!g)&&(m===this._tDur&&this._ts>0||!m&&this._ts<0)&&te(this,1),e||d&&!f||!(m||f||l)||(Le(this,m===p?"onComplete":"onReverseComplete",!0),this._prom&&!(m<p&&this.timeScale()>0)&&this._prom()))}}else!function(t,e,r,i){var n,o,s,a=t.ratio,l=e<0||!e&&(!t._start&&pe(t)&&(t._initted||!ge(t))||(t._ts<0||t._dp._ts<0)&&!ge(t))?0:1,c=t._rDelay,u=0;if(c&&t._repeat&&(u=xe(0,t._tDur,e),o=oe(u,c),t._yoyo&&1&o&&(l=1-l),o!==oe(t._tTime,c)&&(a=1-l,t.vars.repeatRefresh&&t._initted&&t.invalidate())),l!==a||O||i||t._zTime===G||!e&&t._zTime){if(!t._initted&&fe(t,e,i,r,u))return;for(s=t._zTime,t._zTime=e||(r?G:0),r||(r=e&&!s),t.ratio=l,t._from&&(l=1-l),t._time=0,t._tTime=u,n=t._pt;n;)n.r(l,n.d),n=n._next;e<0&&re(t,e,0,!0),t._onUpdate&&!r&&Le(t,"onUpdate"),u&&t._repeat&&!r&&t.parent&&Le(t,"onRepeat"),(e>=t._tDur||e<0)&&t.ratio===l&&(l&&te(t,1),r||O||(Le(t,l?"onComplete":"onReverseComplete",!0),t._prom&&t._prom()))}else t._zTime||(t._zTime=e)}(this,t,e,r);return this},r.targets=function(){return this._targets},r.invalidate=function(e){return(!e||!this.vars.runBackwards)&&(this._startAt=0),this._pt=this._op=this._onUpdate=this._lazy=this.ratio=0,this._ptLookup=[],this.timeline&&this.timeline.invalidate(e),,e)},r.resetTo=function(t,e,r,i){F||Ke.wake(),this._ts||;var n=Math.min(this._dur,(this._dp._time-this._start)*this._ts);return this._initted||mr(this,n),function(t,e,r,i,n,o,s){var a,l,c,u,h=(t._pt&&t._ptCache||(t._ptCache={}))[e];if(!h)for(h=t._ptCache[e]=[],c=t._ptLookup,u=t._targets.length;u--;){if((a=c[u][e])&&a.d&&a.d._pt)for(a=a.d._pt;a&&a.p!==e&&a.fp!==e;)a=a._next;if(!a)return fr=1,t.vars[e]="+=0",mr(t,s),fr=0,1;h.push(a)}for(u=h.length;u--;)(a=(l=h[u])._pt||l).s=!i&&0!==i||n?a.s+(i||0)+o*a.c:i,a.c=r-a.s,l.e&&(l.e=Ft(r)+we(l.e)),l.b&&(l.b=a.s+we(l.b))}(this,t,e,r,i,this._ease(n/this._dur),n)?this.resetTo(t,e,r,i):(le(this,0),this.parent||$t(this._dp,this,"_first","_last",this._dp._sort?"_start":0),this.render(0))},r.kill=function(t,e){if(void 0===e&&(e="all"),!(t||e&&"all"!==e))return this._lazy=this._pt=0,this.parent?We(this):this;if(this.timeline){var r=this.timeline.totalDuration();return this.timeline.killTweensOf(t,e,hr&&!0!==hr.vars.overwrite)._first||We(this),this.parent&&r!==this.timeline.totalDuration()&&de(this,this._dur*this.timeline._tDur/r,0,1),this}var i,n,o,s,a,l,c,u=this._targets,h=t?Ce(t):u,f=this._ptLookup,p=this._pt;if((!e||"all"===e)&&function(t,e){for(var r=t.length,i=r===e.length;i&&r--&&t[r]===e[r];);return r<0}(u,h))return"all"===e&&(this._pt=0),We(this);for(i=this._op=this._op||[],"all"!==e&&(tt(e)&&(a={},zt(e,(function(t){return a[t]=1})),e=a),e=function(t,e){var r,i,n,o,s=t[0]?Lt(t[0]).harness:0,a=s&&s.aliases;if(!a)return e;for(i in r=jt({},e),a)if(i in r)for(n=(o=a[i].split(",")).length;n--;)r[o[n]]=r[i];return r}(u,e)),c=u.length;c--;)if(~h.indexOf(u[c]))for(a in n=f[c],"all"===e?(i[c]=e,s=n,o={}):(o=i[c]=i[c]||{},s=e),s)(l=n&&n[a])&&("kill"in l.d&&!0!==l.d.kill(a)||Jt(this,l,"_pt"),delete n[a]),"all"!==o&&(o[a]=1);return this._initted&&!this._pt&&p&&We(this),this},,r){return new e(t,r,arguments[2])},e.from=function(t,e){return ye(1,arguments)},e.delayedCall=function(t,r,i,n){return new e(r,0,{immediateRender:!1,lazy:!1,overwrite:!1,delay:t,onComplete:r,onReverseComplete:r,onCompleteParams:i,onReverseCompleteParams:i,callbackScope:n})},e.fromTo=function(t,e,r){return ye(2,arguments)},e.set=function(t,r){return r.duration=0,r.repeatDelay||(r.repeat=0),new e(t,r)},e.killTweensOf=function(t,e,r){return D.killTweensOf(t,e,r)},e}(cr);Gt(xr.prototype,{_targets:[],_lazy:0,_startAt:0,_op:0,_onInit:0}),zt("staggerTo,staggerFrom,staggerFromTo",(function(t){xr[t]=function(){var e=new ur,,0);return r.splice("staggerFromTo"===t?5:4,0,0),e[t].apply(e,r)}}));var wr=function(t,e,r){return t[e]=r},Tr=function(t,e,r){return t[e](r)},kr=function(t,e,r,i){return t[e](i.fp,r)},Cr=function(t,e,r){return t.setAttribute(e,r)},Er=function(t,e){return et(t[e])?Tr:it(t[e])&&t.setAttribute?Cr:wr},Ar=function(t,e){return e.set(e.t,e.p,Math.round(1e6*(e.s+e.c*t))/1e6,e)},Mr=function(t,e){return e.set(e.t,e.p,!!(e.s+e.c*t),e)},Sr=function(t,e){var r=e._pt,i="";if(!t&&e.b)i=e.b;else if(1===t&&e.e)i=e.e;else{for(;r;)i=r.p+(r.m?r.m(r.s+r.c*t):Math.round(1e4*(r.s+r.c*t))/1e4)+i,r=r._next;i+=e.c}e.set(e.t,e.p,i,e)},Or=function(t,e){for(var r=e._pt;r;)r.r(t,r.d),r=r._next},Pr=function(t,e,r,i){for(var n,o=this._pt;o;)n=o._next,o.p===i&&o.modifier(t,e,r),o=n},Dr=function(t){for(var e,r,i=this._pt;i;)r=i._next,i.p===t&&!i.op||i.op===t?Jt(this,i,"_pt"):i.dep||(e=1),i=r;return!e},Rr=function(t,e,r,i){i.mSet(t,e,,r,,i)},Br=function(t){for(var e,r,i,n,o=t._pt;o;){for(e=o._next,r=i;r&&>;)r=r._next;(o._prev=r?r._prev:n)?o._prev._next=o:i=o,(o._next=r)?r._prev=o:n=o,o=e}t._pt=i},Ir=function(){function t(t,e,r,i,n,o,s,a,l){this.t=e,this.s=i,this.c=n,this.p=r,this.r=o||Ar,this.d=s||this,this.set=a||wr,||0,this._next=t,t&&(t._prev=this)}return t.prototype.modifier=function(t,e,r){this.mSet=this.mSet||this.set,this.set=Rr,this.m=t,,this.tween=e},t}();zt(Bt+"parent,duration,ease,delay,overwrite,runBackwards,startAt,yoyo,immediateRender,repeat,repeatDelay,data,paused,reversed,lazy,callbackScope,stringFilter,id,yoyoEase,stagger,inherit,repeatRefresh,keyframes,autoRevert,scrollTrigger",(function(t){return At[t]=1})),_t.TweenMax=_t.TweenLite=xr,_t.TimelineLite=_t.TimelineMax=ur,D=new ur({sortChildren:!1,defaults:H,autoRemoveChildren:!0,id:"root",smoothChildTiming:!0}),V.stringFilter=je;var Lr=[],Wr={},zr=[],Fr=0,Nr=0,qr=function(t){return(Wr[t]||zr).map((function(t){return t()}))},Yr=function(){var,e=[];t-Fr>2&&(qr("matchMediaInit"),Lr.forEach((function(t){var r,i,n,o,s=t.queries,a=t.conditions;for(i in s)(r=R.matchMedia(s[i]).matches)&&(n=1),r!==a[i]&&(a[i]=r,o=1);o&&(t.revert(),n&&e.push(t))})),qr("matchMediaRevert"),e.forEach((function(t){return t.onMatch(t)})),Fr=t,qr("matchMedia"))},Xr=function(){function 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l=a&&l||0,a=a||n-s,c&&c.kill(),o[i]=n,o.modifiers=h,h[i]=function(){return f(s+a*c.ratio+l*c.ratio*c.ratio)},o.onUpdate=function(){Bn.cache++,ra()},o.onComplete=function(){e.tween=0,u&&},,o)};return t[i]=r,r.wheelHandler=function(){return n.tween&&n.tween.kill()&&(n.tween=0)},Ss(t,"wheel",r.wheelHandler),ma.isTouch&&Ss(t,"touchmove",r.wheelHandler),n},ma=function(){function t(e,r){io||t.register(ro)||console.warn("Please gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger)"),Oo(this),this.init(e,r)}return t.prototype.init=function(e,r){if(this.progress=this.start=0,this.vars&&this.kill(!0,!0),qo){var 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o()[i]}:function(){return(e?no["inner"+n]:t["client"+n])||0}}(gt,mt,ft),Ct=function(t,e){return!e||~In.indexOf(t)?$o(t):function(){return ca}}(gt,mt),Et=0,At=0,Mt=0,St=Kn(gt,ft);if(wt._startClamp=wt._endClamp=!1,wt._dir=ft,rt*=45,wt.scroller=gt,wt.scroll=ct?ct.time.bind(ct):St,s=St(),wt.vars=e,r=r||e.animation,"refreshPriority"in e&&(wo=1,-9999===e.refreshPriority&&(Lo=wt)),dt.tweenScroll=dt.tweenScroll||{top:da(gt,Gn),left:da(gt,Un)},wt.tweenTo=i=dt.tweenScroll[ft.p],wt.scrubDuration=function(t){(I=is(t)&&t)?B?B.duration(t),{ease:"expo",totalProgress:"+=0",duration:I,paused:!0,onComplete:function(){return it&&it(wt)}}):(B&&B.progress(1).kill(),B=0)},r&&(r.vars.lazy=!1,r._initted&&!wt.isReverted||!1!==r.vars.immediateRender&&!1!==e.immediateRender&&r.duration()&&r.render(0,!0,!0),wt.animation=r.pause(),r.scrollTrigger=wt,wt.scrubDuration(Z),D=0,j||(,st&&(ns(st)&&!st.push||(st={snapTo:st}),"scrollBehavior"in[ao,so]:gt,{scrollBehavior:"auto"}),Bn.forEach((function(t){return 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s=(t-l)/m,a=r&&!pt?r.totalProgress():s,u=e?0:(a-R)/(zo()-fo)*1e3||0,h=ro.utils.clamp(-s,1-s,as(u/2)*u/.185),f=s+(!1===st.inertia?0:h),p=ho(0,1,o(f,wt)),g=Math.round(l+p*m),d=st,_=d.onStart,v=d.onInterrupt,y=d.onComplete;if(t<=c&&t>=l&&g!==t){if(n&&!n._initted&&<=as(g-t))return;!1===st.inertia&&(h=p-s),i(g,{duration:L(as(.185*Math.max(as(f-a),as(p-a))/u/.05||0)),ease:st.ease||"power3",data:as(g-t),onInterrupt:function(){return 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0":U),rt,V,ft,St()+j,h,p,wt,H,xt,_t,U,ct,wt._endClamp&&"_endClamp"))||-.001,j=0,st=ot;st--;)(R=(D=zs[st]).pin)&&D.start-D._pinPush<=l&&!ct&&D.end>0&&(T=D.end-(wt._startClamp?Math.max(0,D.start):D.start),(R===$&&D.start-D._pinPush<l||R===nt)&&isNaN(it)&&(j+=T*(1-D.progress)),R===J&&(K+=T));if(l+=j,c+=j,wt._startClamp&&(wt._startClamp+=j),wt._endClamp&&!Bo&&(wt._endClamp=c||-.001,c=Math.min(c,Jo(gt,ft))),m=c-l||(l-=.01)&&.001,G&&(Mt=ro.utils.clamp(0,1,ro.utils.normalize(l,c,z))),wt._pinPush=K,u&&j&&((T={})[ft.a]="+="+j,nt&&(T[ft.p]="-="+St()),ro.set([u,h],T)),J)T=ws(J),O=ft===Gn,M=St(),k=parseFloat(w(ft.a))+K,!U&&c>1&&(q={style:q=(mt?oo.scrollingElement||so:gt).style,value:q["overflow"+ft.a.toUpperCase()]},mt&&"scroll"!==ws(ao)["overflow"+ft.a.toUpperCase()]&&(["overflow"+ft.a.toUpperCase()]="scroll")),oa(J,b,T),y=la(J),E=ks(J,!0),I=_t&&Kn(gt,O?Un:Gn)(),tt&&((A=[tt+ft.os2,m+K+xs]).t=b,(st=tt===_s?Cs(J,ft)+m+K:0)&&A.push(ft.d,st+xs),aa(A),nt&&zs.forEach((function(t){!1!==t.vars.pinSpacing&&(t._subPinOffset=!0)})),_t&&St(z)),_t&&((P={,left:E.left+(O?I:M-l)+xs,boxSizing:"border-box",position:"fixed"})[hs]=P["max"+ys]=Math.ceil(E.width)+xs,P[fs]=P["max"+bs]=Math.ceil(E.height)+xs,P[vs]=P[vs+ds]=P[vs+ps]=P[vs+ms]=P[vs+gs]="0",P[_s]=T[_s],P[_s+ds]=T[_s+ds],P[_s+ps]=T[_s+ps],P[_s+ms]=T[_s+ms],P[_s+gs]=T[_s+gs],v=function(t,e,r){for(var i,n=[],o=t.length,s=r?8:0;s<o;s+=2)i=t[s],n.push(i,i in e?e[i]:t[s+1]);return n.t=t.t,n}(_,P,at),Bo&&St(0)),r?(L=r._initted,To(1),r.render(r.duration(),!0,!0),C=w(ft.a)-k+m+K,S=Math.abs(m-C)>1,_t&&S&&v.splice(v.length-2,2),r.render(0,!0,!0),L||r.invalidate(!0),r.parent||r.totalTime(r.totalTime()),To(0)):C=m,q&&(q.value?["overflow"+ft.a.toUpperCase()]"overflow-"+ft.a));else if($&&St()&&!ct)for(E=$.parentNode;E&&E!==ao;)E._pinOffset&&(l-=E._pinOffset,c-=E._pinOffset),E=E.parentNode;N&&N.forEach((function(t){return t.revert(!1,!0)})),wt.start=l,wt.end=c,s=a=Bo?z:St(),ct||Bo||(s<z&&St(z),wt.scroll.rec=0),wt.revert(!1,!0),At=zo(),W&&(Et=-1,wt.isActive&&St(l+m*Mt),W.restart(!0)),go=0,r&&pt&&(r._initted||F)&&r.progress()!==F&&r.progress(F||0,!0).render(r.time(),!0,!0),(G||Mt!==wt.progress||ct)&&(r&&!pt&&r.totalProgress(ct&&l<-.001&&!Mt?ro.utils.normalize(l,c,0):Mt,!0),wt.progress=G||(s-l)/m===Mt?0:Mt),J&&tt&&(b._pinOffset=Math.round(wt.progress*C)),B&&B.invalidate(),isNaN(Y)||(Y-=ro.getProperty(f,ft.p),X-=ro.getProperty(p,ft.p),ga(f,ft,Y),ga(u,ft,Y-(x||0)),ga(p,ft,X),ga(h,ft,X-(x||0))),G&&!Bo&&wt.update(),!Q||Bo||d||(d=!0,Q(wt),d=!1)}},wt.getVelocity=function(){return(St()-a)/(zo()-fo)*1e3||0},wt.endAnimation=function(){os(wt.callbackAnimation),r&&(B?B.progress(1):r.paused()?pt||os(r,wt.direction<0,1):os(r,r.reversed()))},wt.labelToScroll=function(t){return r&&r.labels&&(l||wt.refresh()||l)+r.labels[t]/r.duration()*m||0},wt.getTrailing=function(t){var 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t.endAnimation()}))),pt||(!B||go||Wo?r&&r.totalProgress(A,!(!go||!At&&!t)):(B._dp._time-B._start!==B._time&&B.render(B._dp._time-B._start),B.resetTo?B.resetTo("totalProgress",A,r._tTime/r._tDur):(B.vars.totalProgress=A,B.invalidate().restart()))),J)if(t&&tt&&([tt+ft.os2]=E),_t){if(p){if(d=!t&&A>P&&c+1>x&&x+1>=Jo(gt,ft),at)if(t||!o&&!d)fa(J,b);else{var I=ks(J,!0),L=x-l;fa(J,ao,,I.left+(ft===Gn?0:L)+xs)}aa(o||d?v:y),S&&A<1&&o||T(k+(1!==A||d?0:C))}}else T(jo(k+C*A));st&&!i.tween&&!go&&!Wo&&W.restart(!0),G&&(g||ot&&A&&(A<1||!Do))&&uo(G.targets).forEach((function(t){return 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времени."},{imgWhite:"/images/partners/big-logo/white/logo9.png",imgColor:"/images/partners/big-logo/color/logo9.png",imgBlack:"/images/partners/big-logo/black/logo9.png",imgColorWhite:"/images/partners/big-logo/color-white/logo9.png",subtitle:"Авторизованный партнер",name:"Аэродиск",text:"Российский производитель инновационных решений в области хранения данных и виртуализации (системы хранения данных, гиперконвергентная система и программное обеспечение)."},{imgWhite:"/images/partners/big-logo/white/logo10.png",imgColor:"/images/partners/big-logo/color/logo10.png",imgBlack:"/images/partners/big-logo/black/logo10.png",imgColorWhite:"/images/partners/big-logo/color-white/logo10.png",subtitle:"Авторизованный партнер",name:"Звезда",text:"Российский разработчик и производитель вычислительного радиоэлектронного оборудования и ПО (вычислительные серверы, программно-определяемые системы хранения данных, автоматизированные рабочие места и тонкие клиенты). телекоммуникационное оборудование)"},{imgWhite:"/images/partners/big-logo/white/logo12.png",imgColor:"/images/partners/big-logo/color/logo12.png",imgBlack:"/images/partners/big-logo/black/logo12.png",imgColorWhite:"/images/partners/big-logo/color-white/logo12.png",subtitle:"Авторизованный партнер",name:"Р7-Офис",text:"Российский разработчик офисного программного обеспечения."},{imgWhite:"/images/partners/big-logo/white/logo14.svg",imgColor:"/images/partners/big-logo/color/logo14.svg",imgBlack:"/images/partners/big-logo/black/logo14.svg",imgColorWhite:"/images/partners/big-logo/color-white/logo14.svg",subtitle:"Торговый партнер",name:"CommuniGate Systems",text:"Российский разработчик программного обеспечения в области интегрированных коммуникаций."},{imgWhite:"/images/partners/big-logo/white/logo15.svg",imgColor:"/images/partners/big-logo/color/logo15.svg",imgBlack:"/images/partners/big-logo/black/logo15.svg",imgColorWhite:"/images/partners/big-logo/color-white/logo15.svg",subtitle:"Реселлер",name:"ROSA",text:"Российский разработчик системного ПО (настольные и серверные операционные системы, системы разворачивания облачных и инфраструктурных сервисов)."},{imgWhite:"/images/partners/big-logo/white/logo16.svg",imgColor:"/images/partners/big-logo/color/logo16.svg",imgBlack:"/images/partners/big-logo/black/logo16.svg",imgColorWhite:"/images/partners/big-logo/color-white/logo16.svg",subtitle:"Авторизованный партнер",name:"Yadro",text:"Российский производитель высокотехнологичного оборудования (серверы, системы хранения данных, инфраструктурные решения)."}],La=document.querySelector(".tab-partner");const 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32 | + ("popup-form_visible") ||".popup-form__close")) && this.closePopup(); | |
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54 | + this._inputList.forEach((t) => { | |
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57 | + this._inputValues | |
58 | + ); | |
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82 | + try { | |
83 | + T(), | |
84 | + requestAnimationFrame(T), | |
85 | + (function () { | |
86 | + for (let t = 0; t < 500; t++) _.dots.push(w()); | |
87 | + })(), | |
88 | + (function () { | |
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90 | + t.fillRect(0, 0, i.CANVAS.width, i.CANVAS.height), (_.ctx = t); | |
91 | + })(), | |
92 | + x(), | |
93 | + x(); | |
94 | + } catch (t) {} | |
95 | + function v(t) { | |
96 | + t ? ((_.background = f), (_.colorFill = d), (_.colorStroke = m)) : ((_.background = h), (_.colorFill = p), (_.colorStroke = g)); | |
97 | + } | |
98 | + function y(t) { | |
99 | + const e = o / t.z, | |
100 | + r = _.WIDTH / 2, | |
101 | + i = _.HEIGHT / 2, | |
102 | + n = _.KKK * e * t.x + r, | |
103 | + s = -_.KKK * e * t.y + i; | |
104 | + (t.xDisplay = n), (t.yDisplay = s), _.ctx.beginPath(), _.ctx.ellipse(n, s, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2 * Math.PI), _.ctx.fill(); | |
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106 | + function b(t) { | |
107 | + t.links.forEach((e) => { | |
108 | + _.ctx.beginPath(), _.ctx.moveTo(t.xDisplay, t.yDisplay), _.ctx.lineTo(e.xDisplay, e.yDisplay), _.ctx.stroke(); | |
109 | + }); | |
110 | + } | |
111 | + function x() { | |
112 | + T(), | |
113 | + _.time++, | |
114 | + _.dots.forEach((t) => { | |
115 | + (t.a = t.a + t.da), | |
116 | + (t.b = t.b + t.db), | |
117 | + (function (t) { | |
118 | + (t.x = s + 1 * Math.sin(-_.rotation - _.time / 1e3 + t.a) * Math.cos(t.b)), (t.y = a + 1 * Math.sin(t.b)), (t.z = l - 1 * Math.cos(t.b) * Math.cos(-_.rotation - _.time / 1e3 + t.a)); | |
119 | + })(t); | |
120 | + }), | |
121 | + _.dots.sort((t, e) => e.z - t.z), | |
122 | + _.dots.forEach((t) => { | |
123 | + (t.links = []), | |
124 | + _.dots.forEach((e) => { | |
125 | + var r, i; | |
126 | + (r = t), (i = e), Math.sqrt(Math.pow(r.x - i.x, 2) + Math.pow(r.y - i.y, 2) + Math.pow(r.z - i.z, 2)) < 0.15 && t.links.push(e); | |
127 | + }); | |
128 | + }), | |
129 | + (_.ctx.fillStyle = _.background), | |
130 | + _.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, _.WIDTH, _.HEIGHT), | |
131 | + (_.ctx.fillStyle = _.colorFill), | |
132 | + (_.ctx.strokeStyle = _.colorStroke), | |
133 | + _.dots.forEach(b), | |
134 | + _.dots.forEach(y), | |
135 | + requestAnimationFrame(x); | |
136 | + } | |
137 | + function w(...t) { | |
138 | + return t.length > 0 | |
139 | + ? { a: t[0], b: t[1], da: 0, db: 0, xDisplay: 0, yDisplay: 0, links: [] } | |
140 | + : { a: (c.MAX - c.MIN) * Math.random() + c.MIN, b: (u.MAX - u.MIN) * Math.random() + u.MIN, da: n * Math.random() - 0.0015, db: n * Math.random() - 0.0015, links: [] }; | |
141 | + } | |
142 | + function T() { | |
143 | + const t = i.CANVAS.clientWidth, | |
144 | + e = i.CANVAS.clientHeight, | |
145 | + r = Math.min(t, e); | |
146 | + (_.KKK = r / 3), (_.WIDTH = t), (_.HEIGHT = e), (i.CANVAS.width = t), (i.CANVAS.height = e); | |
147 | + } | |
148 | + const k = document.querySelectorAll(".js_toggle_input"); | |
149 | + function C() { | |
150 | + document.body.classList.add("light-mode"), v(!0), console.log("светлая тема"); | |
151 | + } | |
152 | + function E() { | |
153 | + document.body.classList.remove("light-mode"), v(!1), console.log("тёмная тема"); | |
154 | + } | |
155 | + function A(t) { | |
156 | + if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); | |
157 | + return t; | |
158 | + } | |
159 | + function M(t, e) { | |
160 | + (t.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype)), (t.prototype.constructor = t), (t.__proto__ = e); | |
161 | + } | |
162 | + var S, | |
163 | + O, | |
164 | + P, | |
165 | + D, | |
166 | + R, | |
167 | + B, | |
168 | + I, | |
169 | + L, | |
170 | + W, | |
171 | + z, | |
172 | + F, | |
173 | + N, | |
174 | + q, | |
175 | + Y, | |
176 | + X, | |
177 | + V = { autoSleep: 120, force3D: "auto", nullTargetWarn: 1, units: { lineHeight: "" } }, | |
178 | + H = { duration: 0.5, overwrite: !1, delay: 0 }, | |
179 | + U = 1e8, | |
180 | + G = 1e-8, | |
181 | + j = 2 * Math.PI, | |
182 | + K = j / 4, | |
183 | + Q = 0, | |
184 | + Z = Math.sqrt, | |
185 | + $ = Math.cos, | |
186 | + J = Math.sin, | |
187 | + tt = function (t) { | |
188 | + return "string" == typeof t; | |
189 | + }, | |
190 | + et = function (t) { | |
191 | + return "function" == typeof t; | |
192 | + }, | |
193 | + rt = function (t) { | |
194 | + return "number" == typeof t; | |
195 | + }, | |
196 | + it = function (t) { | |
197 | + return void 0 === t; | |
198 | + }, | |
199 | + nt = function (t) { | |
200 | + return "object" == typeof t; | |
201 | + }, | |
202 | + ot = function (t) { | |
203 | + return !1 !== t; | |
204 | + }, | |
205 | + st = function () { | |
206 | + return "undefined" != typeof window; | |
207 | + }, | |
208 | + at = function (t) { | |
209 | + return et(t) || tt(t); | |
210 | + }, | |
211 | + lt = ("function" == typeof ArrayBuffer && ArrayBuffer.isView) || function () {}, | |
212 | + ct = Array.isArray, | |
213 | + ut = /(?:-?\.?\d|\.)+/gi, | |
214 | + ht = /[-+=.]*\d+[.e\-+]*\d*[e\-+]*\d*/g, | |
215 | + ft = /[-+=.]*\d+[.e-]*\d*[a-z%]*/g, | |
216 | + pt = /[-+=.]*\d+\.?\d*(?:e-|e\+)?\d*/gi, | |
217 | + gt = /[+-]=-?[.\d]+/, | |
218 | + dt = /[^,'"\[\]\s]+/gi, | |
219 | + mt = /^[+\-=e\s\d]*\d+[.\d]*([a-z]*|%)\s*$/i, | |
220 | + _t = {}, | |
221 | + vt = {}, | |
222 | + yt = function (t) { | |
223 | + return (vt = jt(t, _t)) && jr; | |
224 | + }, | |
225 | + bt = function (t, e) { | |
226 | + return console.warn("Invalid property", t, "set to", e, "Missing plugin? gsap.registerPlugin()"); | |
227 | + }, | |
228 | + xt = function (t, e) { | |
229 | + return !e && console.warn(t); | |
230 | + }, | |
231 | + wt = function (t, e) { | |
232 | + return (t && (_t[t] = e) && vt && (vt[t] = e)) || _t; | |
233 | + }, | |
234 | + Tt = function () { | |
235 | + return 0; | |
236 | + }, | |
237 | + kt = { suppressEvents: !0, isStart: !0, kill: !1 }, | |
238 | + Ct = { suppressEvents: !0, kill: !1 }, | |
239 | + Et = { suppressEvents: !0 }, | |
240 | + At = {}, | |
241 | + Mt = [], | |
242 | + St = {}, | |
243 | + Ot = {}, | |
244 | + Pt = {}, | |
245 | + Dt = 30, | |
246 | + Rt = [], | |
247 | + Bt = "", | |
248 | + It = function (t) { | |
249 | + var e, | |
250 | + r, | |
251 | + i = t[0]; | |
252 | + if ((nt(i) || et(i) || (t = [t]), !(e = (i._gsap || {}).harness))) { | |
253 | + for (r = Rt.length; r-- && !Rt[r].targetTest(i); ); | |
254 | + e = Rt[r]; | |
255 | + } | |
256 | + for (r = t.length; r--; ) (t[r] && (t[r]._gsap || (t[r]._gsap = new lr(t[r], e)))) || t.splice(r, 1); | |
257 | + return t; | |
258 | + }, | |
259 | + Lt = function (t) { | |
260 | + return t._gsap || It(Ce(t))[0]._gsap; | |
261 | + }, | |
262 | + Wt = function (t, e, r) { | |
263 | + return (r = t[e]) && et(r) ? t[e]() : (it(r) && t.getAttribute && t.getAttribute(e)) || r; | |
264 | + }, | |
265 | + zt = function (t, e) { | |
266 | + return (t = t.split(",")).forEach(e) || t; | |
267 | + }, | |
268 | + Ft = function (t) { | |
269 | + return Math.round(1e5 * t) / 1e5 || 0; | |
270 | + }, | |
271 | + Nt = function (t) { | |
272 | + return Math.round(1e7 * t) / 1e7 || 0; | |
273 | + }, | |
274 | + qt = function (t, e) { | |
275 | + var r = e.charAt(0), | |
276 | + i = parseFloat(e.substr(2)); | |
277 | + return (t = parseFloat(t)), "+" === r ? t + i : "-" === r ? t - i : "*" === r ? t * i : t / i; | |
278 | + }, | |
279 | + Yt = function (t, e) { | |
280 | + for (var r = e.length, i = 0; t.indexOf(e[i]) < 0 && ++i < r; ); | |
281 | + return i < r; | |
282 | + }, | |
283 | + Xt = function () { | |
284 | + var t, | |
285 | + e, | |
286 | + r = Mt.length, | |
287 | + i = Mt.slice(0); | |
288 | + for (St = {}, Mt.length = 0, t = 0; t < r; t++) (e = i[t]) && e._lazy && (e.render(e._lazy[0], e._lazy[1], !0)._lazy = 0); | |
289 | + }, | |
290 | + Vt = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
291 | + Mt.length && !O && Xt(), t.render(e, r, i || (O && e < 0 && (t._initted || t._startAt))), Mt.length && !O && Xt(); | |
292 | + }, | |
293 | + Ht = function (t) { | |
294 | + var e = parseFloat(t); | |
295 | + return (e || 0 === e) && (t + "").match(dt).length < 2 ? e : tt(t) ? t.trim() : t; | |
296 | + }, | |
297 | + Ut = function (t) { | |
298 | + return t; | |
299 | + }, | |
300 | + Gt = function (t, e) { | |
301 | + for (var r in e) r in t || (t[r] = e[r]); | |
302 | + return t; | |
303 | + }, | |
304 | + jt = function (t, e) { | |
305 | + for (var r in e) t[r] = e[r]; | |
306 | + return t; | |
307 | + }, | |
308 | + Kt = function t(e, r) { | |
309 | + for (var i in r) "__proto__" !== i && "constructor" !== i && "prototype" !== i && (e[i] = nt(r[i]) ? t(e[i] || (e[i] = {}), r[i]) : r[i]); | |
310 | + return e; | |
311 | + }, | |
312 | + Qt = function (t, e) { | |
313 | + var r, | |
314 | + i = {}; | |
315 | + for (r in t) r in e || (i[r] = t[r]); | |
316 | + return i; | |
317 | + }, | |
318 | + Zt = function (t) { | |
319 | + var e, | |
320 | + r = t.parent || D, | |
321 | + i = t.keyframes | |
322 | + ? ((e = ct(t.keyframes)), | |
323 | + function (t, r) { | |
324 | + for (var i in r) i in t || ("duration" === i && e) || "ease" === i || (t[i] = r[i]); | |
325 | + }) | |
326 | + : Gt; | |
327 | + if (ot(t.inherit)) for (; r; ) i(t, r.vars.defaults), (r = r.parent || r._dp); | |
328 | + return t; | |
329 | + }, | |
330 | + $t = function (t, e, r, i, n) { | |
331 | + void 0 === r && (r = "_first"), void 0 === i && (i = "_last"); | |
332 | + var o, | |
333 | + s = t[i]; | |
334 | + if (n) for (o = e[n]; s && s[n] > o; ) s = s._prev; | |
335 | + return s ? ((e._next = s._next), (s._next = e)) : ((e._next = t[r]), (t[r] = e)), e._next ? (e._next._prev = e) : (t[i] = e), (e._prev = s), (e.parent = e._dp = t), e; | |
336 | + }, | |
337 | + Jt = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
338 | + void 0 === r && (r = "_first"), void 0 === i && (i = "_last"); | |
339 | + var n = e._prev, | |
340 | + o = e._next; | |
341 | + n ? (n._next = o) : t[r] === e && (t[r] = o), o ? (o._prev = n) : t[i] === e && (t[i] = n), (e._next = e._prev = e.parent = null); | |
342 | + }, | |
343 | + te = function (t, e) { | |
344 | + t.parent && (!e || t.parent.autoRemoveChildren) && t.parent.remove && t.parent.remove(t), (t._act = 0); | |
345 | + }, | |
346 | + ee = function (t, e) { | |
347 | + if (t && (!e || e._end > t._dur || e._start < 0)) for (var r = t; r; ) (r._dirty = 1), (r = r.parent); | |
348 | + return t; | |
349 | + }, | |
350 | + re = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
351 | + return t._startAt && (O ? t._startAt.revert(Ct) : (t.vars.immediateRender && !t.vars.autoRevert) || t._startAt.render(e, !0, i)); | |
352 | + }, | |
353 | + ie = function t(e) { | |
354 | + return !e || (e._ts && t(e.parent)); | |
355 | + }, | |
356 | + ne = function (t) { | |
357 | + return t._repeat ? oe(t._tTime, (t = t.duration() + t._rDelay)) * t : 0; | |
358 | + }, | |
359 | + oe = function (t, e) { | |
360 | + var r = Math.floor((t /= e)); | |
361 | + return t && r === t ? r - 1 : r; | |
362 | + }, | |
363 | + se = function (t, e) { | |
364 | + return (t - e._start) * e._ts + (e._ts >= 0 ? 0 : e._dirty ? e.totalDuration() : e._tDur); | |
365 | + }, | |
366 | + ae = function (t) { | |
367 | + return (t._end = Nt(t._start + (t._tDur / Math.abs(t._ts || t._rts || G) || 0))); | |
368 | + }, | |
369 | + le = function (t, e) { | |
370 | + var r = t._dp; | |
371 | + return r && r.smoothChildTiming && t._ts && ((t._start = Nt(r._time - (t._ts > 0 ? e / t._ts : ((t._dirty ? t.totalDuration() : t._tDur) - e) / -t._ts))), ae(t), r._dirty || ee(r, t)), t; | |
372 | + }, | |
373 | + ce = function (t, e) { | |
374 | + var r; | |
375 | + if (((e._time || (e._initted && !e._dur)) && ((r = se(t.rawTime(), e)), (!e._dur || xe(0, e.totalDuration(), r) - e._tTime > G) && e.render(r, !0)), ee(t, e)._dp && t._initted && t._time >= t._dur && t._ts)) { | |
376 | + if (t._dur < t.duration()) for (r = t; r._dp; ) r.rawTime() >= 0 && r.totalTime(r._tTime), (r = r._dp); | |
377 | + t._zTime = -1e-8; | |
378 | + } | |
379 | + }, | |
380 | + ue = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
381 | + return ( | |
382 | + e.parent && te(e), | |
383 | + (e._start = Nt((rt(r) ? r : r || t !== D ? ve(t, r, e) : t._time) + e._delay)), | |
384 | + (e._end = Nt(e._start + (e.totalDuration() / Math.abs(e.timeScale()) || 0))), | |
385 | + $t(t, e, "_first", "_last", t._sort ? "_start" : 0), | |
386 | + ge(e) || (t._recent = e), | |
387 | + i || ce(t, e), | |
388 | + t._ts < 0 && le(t, t._tTime), | |
389 | + t | |
390 | + ); | |
391 | + }, | |
392 | + he = function (t, e) { | |
393 | + return (_t.ScrollTrigger || bt("scrollTrigger", e)) && _t.ScrollTrigger.create(e, t); | |
394 | + }, | |
395 | + fe = function (t, e, r, i, n) { | |
396 | + return mr(t, e, n), t._initted ? (!r && t._pt && !O && ((t._dur && !1 !== t.vars.lazy) || (!t._dur && t.vars.lazy)) && W !== Ke.frame ? (Mt.push(t), (t._lazy = [n, i]), 1) : void 0) : 1; | |
397 | + }, | |
398 | + pe = function t(e) { | |
399 | + var r = e.parent; | |
400 | + return r && r._ts && r._initted && !r._lock && (r.rawTime() < 0 || t(r)); | |
401 | + }, | |
402 | + ge = function (t) { | |
403 | + var e =; | |
404 | + return "isFromStart" === e || "isStart" === e; | |
405 | + }, | |
406 | + de = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
407 | + var n = t._repeat, | |
408 | + o = Nt(e) || 0, | |
409 | + s = t._tTime / t._tDur; | |
410 | + return s && !i && (t._time *= o / t._dur), (t._dur = o), (t._tDur = n ? (n < 0 ? 1e10 : Nt(o * (n + 1) + t._rDelay * n)) : o), s > 0 && !i && le(t, (t._tTime = t._tDur * s)), t.parent && ae(t), r || ee(t.parent, t), t; | |
411 | + }, | |
412 | + me = function (t) { | |
413 | + return t instanceof ur ? ee(t) : de(t, t._dur); | |
414 | + }, | |
415 | + _e = { _start: 0, endTime: Tt, totalDuration: Tt }, | |
416 | + ve = function t(e, r, i) { | |
417 | + var n, | |
418 | + o, | |
419 | + s, | |
420 | + a = e.labels, | |
421 | + l = e._recent || _e, | |
422 | + c = e.duration() >= U ? l.endTime(!1) : e._dur; | |
423 | + return tt(r) && (isNaN(r) || r in a) | |
424 | + ? ((o = r.charAt(0)), | |
425 | + (s = "%" === r.substr(-1)), | |
426 | + (n = r.indexOf("=")), | |
427 | + "<" === o || ">" === o | |
428 | + ? (n >= 0 && (r = r.replace(/=/, "")), ("<" === o ? l._start : l.endTime(l._repeat >= 0)) + (parseFloat(r.substr(1)) || 0) * (s ? (n < 0 ? l : i).totalDuration() / 100 : 1)) | |
429 | + : n < 0 | |
430 | + ? (r in a || (a[r] = c), a[r]) | |
431 | + : ((o = parseFloat(r.charAt(n - 1) + r.substr(n + 1))), s && i && (o = (o / 100) * (ct(i) ? i[0] : i).totalDuration()), n > 1 ? t(e, r.substr(0, n - 1), i) + o : c + o)) | |
432 | + : null == r | |
433 | + ? c | |
434 | + : +r; | |
435 | + }, | |
436 | + ye = function (t, e, r) { | |
437 | + var i, | |
438 | + n, | |
439 | + o = rt(e[1]), | |
440 | + s = (o ? 2 : 1) + (t < 2 ? 0 : 1), | |
441 | + a = e[s]; | |
442 | + if ((o && (a.duration = e[1]), (a.parent = r), t)) { | |
443 | + for (i = a, n = r; n && !("immediateRender" in i); ) (i = n.vars.defaults || {}), (n = ot(n.vars.inherit) && n.parent); | |
444 | + (a.immediateRender = ot(i.immediateRender)), t < 2 ? (a.runBackwards = 1) : (a.startAt = e[s - 1]); | |
445 | + } | |
446 | + return new xr(e[0], a, e[s + 1]); | |
447 | + }, | |
448 | + be = function (t, e) { | |
449 | + return t || 0 === t ? e(t) : e; | |
450 | + }, | |
451 | + xe = function (t, e, r) { | |
452 | + return r < t ? t : r > e ? e : r; | |
453 | + }, | |
454 | + we = function (t, e) { | |
455 | + return tt(t) && (e = mt.exec(t)) ? e[1] : ""; | |
456 | + }, | |
457 | + Te = [].slice, | |
458 | + ke = function (t, e) { | |
459 | + return t && nt(t) && "length" in t && ((!e && !t.length) || (t.length - 1 in t && nt(t[0]))) && !t.nodeType && t !== R; | |
460 | + }, | |
461 | + Ce = function (t, e, r) { | |
462 | + return P && !e && P.selector | |
463 | + ? P.selector(t) | |
464 | + : !tt(t) || r || (!B && Qe()) | |
465 | + ? ct(t) | |
466 | + ? (function (t, e, r) { | |
467 | + return ( | |
468 | + void 0 === r && (r = []), | |
469 | + t.forEach(function (t) { | |
470 | + var i; | |
471 | + return (tt(t) && !e) || ke(t, 1) ? (i = r).push.apply(i, Ce(t)) : r.push(t); | |
472 | + }) || r | |
473 | + ); | |
474 | + })(t, r) | |
475 | + : ke(t) | |
476 | + ?, 0) | |
477 | + : t | |
478 | + ? [t] | |
479 | + : [] | |
480 | + : || I).querySelectorAll(t), 0); | |
481 | + }, | |
482 | + Ee = function (t) { | |
483 | + return ( | |
484 | + (t = Ce(t)[0] || xt("Invalid scope") || {}), | |
485 | + function (e) { | |
486 | + var r = t.current || t.nativeElement || t; | |
487 | + return Ce(e, r.querySelectorAll ? r : r === t ? xt("Invalid scope") || I.createElement("div") : t); | |
488 | + } | |
489 | + ); | |
490 | + }, | |
491 | + Ae = function (t) { | |
492 | + return t.sort(function () { | |
493 | + return 0.5 - Math.random(); | |
494 | + }); | |
495 | + }, | |
496 | + Me = function (t) { | |
497 | + if (et(t)) return t; | |
498 | + var e = nt(t) ? t : { each: t }, | |
499 | + r = ir(e.ease), | |
500 | + i = e.from || 0, | |
501 | + n = parseFloat(e.base) || 0, | |
502 | + o = {}, | |
503 | + s = i > 0 && i < 1, | |
504 | + a = isNaN(i) || s, | |
505 | + l = e.axis, | |
506 | + c = i, | |
507 | + u = i; | |
508 | + return ( | |
509 | + tt(i) ? (c = u = { center: 0.5, edges: 0.5, end: 1 }[i] || 0) : !s && a && ((c = i[0]), (u = i[1])), | |
510 | + function (t, s, h) { | |
511 | + var f, | |
512 | + p, | |
513 | + g, | |
514 | + d, | |
515 | + m, | |
516 | + _, | |
517 | + v, | |
518 | + y, | |
519 | + b, | |
520 | + x = (h || e).length, | |
521 | + w = o[x]; | |
522 | + if (!w) { | |
523 | + if (!(b = "auto" === e.grid ? 0 : (e.grid || [1, U])[1])) { | |
524 | + for (v = -U; v < (v = h[b++].getBoundingClientRect().left) && b < x; ); | |
525 | + b--; | |
526 | + } | |
527 | + for (w = o[x] = [], f = a ? Math.min(b, x) * c - 0.5 : i % b, p = b === U ? 0 : a ? (x * u) / b - 0.5 : (i / b) | 0, v = 0, y = U, _ = 0; _ < x; _++) | |
528 | + (g = (_ % b) - f), (d = p - ((_ / b) | 0)), (w[_] = m = l ? Math.abs("y" === l ? d : g) : Z(g * g + d * d)), m > v && (v = m), m < y && (y = m); | |
529 | + "random" === i && Ae(w), | |
530 | + (w.max = v - y), | |
531 | + (w.min = y), | |
532 | + (w.v = x = (parseFloat(e.amount) || parseFloat(e.each) * (b > x ? x - 1 : l ? ("y" === l ? x / b : b) : Math.max(b, x / b)) || 0) * ("edges" === i ? -1 : 1)), | |
533 | + (w.b = x < 0 ? n - x : n), | |
534 | + (w.u = we(e.amount || e.each) || 0), | |
535 | + (r = r && x < 0 ? er(r) : r); | |
536 | + } | |
537 | + return (x = (w[t] - w.min) / w.max || 0), Nt(w.b + (r ? r(x) : x) * w.v) + w.u; | |
538 | + } | |
539 | + ); | |
540 | + }, | |
541 | + Se = function (t) { | |
542 | + var e = Math.pow(10, ((t + "").split(".")[1] || "").length); | |
543 | + return function (r) { | |
544 | + var i = Nt(Math.round(parseFloat(r) / t) * t * e); | |
545 | + return (i - (i % 1)) / e + (rt(r) ? 0 : we(r)); | |
546 | + }; | |
547 | + }, | |
548 | + Oe = function (t, e) { | |
549 | + var r, | |
550 | + i, | |
551 | + n = ct(t); | |
552 | + return ( | |
553 | + !n && nt(t) && ((r = n = t.radius || U), t.values ? ((t = Ce(t.values)), (i = !rt(t[0])) && (r *= r)) : (t = Se(t.increment))), | |
554 | + be( | |
555 | + e, | |
556 | + n | |
557 | + ? et(t) | |
558 | + ? function (e) { | |
559 | + return (i = t(e)), Math.abs(i - e) <= r ? i : e; | |
560 | + } | |
561 | + : function (e) { | |
562 | + for (var n, o, s = parseFloat(i ? e.x : e), a = parseFloat(i ? e.y : 0), l = U, c = 0, u = t.length; u--; ) | |
563 | + (n = i ? (n = t[u].x - s) * n + (o = t[u].y - a) * o : Math.abs(t[u] - s)) < l && ((l = n), (c = u)); | |
564 | + return (c = !r || l <= r ? t[c] : e), i || c === e || rt(e) ? c : c + we(e); | |
565 | + } | |
566 | + : Se(t) | |
567 | + ) | |
568 | + ); | |
569 | + }, | |
570 | + Pe = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
571 | + return be(ct(t) ? !e : !0 === r ? !!(r = 0) : !i, function () { | |
572 | + return ct(t) ? t[~~(Math.random() * t.length)] : (r = r || 1e-5) && (i = r < 1 ? Math.pow(10, (r + "").length - 2) : 1) && Math.floor(Math.round((t - r / 2 + Math.random() * (e - t + 0.99 * r)) / r) * r * i) / i; | |
573 | + }); | |
574 | + }, | |
575 | + De = function (t, e, r) { | |
576 | + return be(r, function (r) { | |
577 | + return t[~~e(r)]; | |
578 | + }); | |
579 | + }, | |
580 | + Re = function (t) { | |
581 | + for (var e, r, i, n, o = 0, s = ""; ~(e = t.indexOf("random(", o)); ) | |
582 | + (i = t.indexOf(")", e)), (n = "[" === t.charAt(e + 7)), (r = t.substr(e + 7, i - e - 7).match(n ? dt : ut)), (s += t.substr(o, e - o) + Pe(n ? r : +r[0], n ? 0 : +r[1], +r[2] || 1e-5)), (o = i + 1); | |
583 | + return s + t.substr(o, t.length - o); | |
584 | + }, | |
585 | + Be = function (t, e, r, i, n) { | |
586 | + var o = e - t, | |
587 | + s = i - r; | |
588 | + return be(n, function (e) { | |
589 | + return r + (((e - t) / o) * s || 0); | |
590 | + }); | |
591 | + }, | |
592 | + Ie = function (t, e, r) { | |
593 | + var i, | |
594 | + n, | |
595 | + o, | |
596 | + s = t.labels, | |
597 | + a = U; | |
598 | + for (i in s) (n = s[i] - e) < 0 == !!r && n && a > (n = Math.abs(n)) && ((o = i), (a = n)); | |
599 | + return o; | |
600 | + }, | |
601 | + Le = function (t, e, r) { | |
602 | + var i, | |
603 | + n, | |
604 | + o, | |
605 | + s = t.vars, | |
606 | + a = s[e], | |
607 | + l = P, | |
608 | + c = t._ctx; | |
609 | + if (a) return (i = s[e + "Params"]), (n = s.callbackScope || t), r && Mt.length && Xt(), c && (P = c), (o = i ? a.apply(n, i) :, (P = l), o; | |
610 | + }, | |
611 | + We = function (t) { | |
612 | + return te(t), t.scrollTrigger && t.scrollTrigger.kill(!!O), t.progress() < 1 && Le(t, "onInterrupt"), t; | |
613 | + }, | |
614 | + ze = [], | |
615 | + Fe = function (t) { | |
616 | + if (st() && t) { | |
617 | + var e = (t = (! && t.default) || t).name, | |
618 | + r = et(t), | |
619 | + i = | |
620 | + e && !r && t.init | |
621 | + ? function () { | |
622 | + this._props = []; | |
623 | + } | |
624 | + : t, | |
625 | + n = { init: Tt, render: Or, add: gr, kill: Dr, modifier: Pr, rawVars: 0 }, | |
626 | + o = { targetTest: 0, get: 0, getSetter: Er, aliases: {}, register: 0 }; | |
627 | + if ((Qe(), t !== i)) { | |
628 | + if (Ot[e]) return; | |
629 | + Gt(i, Gt(Qt(t, n), o)), jt(i.prototype, jt(n, Qt(t, o))), (Ot[(i.prop = e)] = i), t.targetTest && (Rt.push(i), (At[e] = 1)), (e = ("css" === e ? "CSS" : e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.substr(1)) + "Plugin"); | |
630 | + } | |
631 | + wt(e, i), t.register && t.register(jr, i, Ir); | |
632 | + } else t && ze.push(t); | |
633 | + }, | |
634 | + Ne = 255, | |
635 | + qe = { | |
636 | + aqua: [0, Ne, Ne], | |
637 | + lime: [0, Ne, 0], | |
638 | + silver: [192, 192, 192], | |
639 | + black: [0, 0, 0], | |
640 | + maroon: [128, 0, 0], | |
641 | + teal: [0, 128, 128], | |
642 | + blue: [0, 0, Ne], | |
643 | + navy: [0, 0, 128], | |
644 | + white: [Ne, Ne, Ne], | |
645 | + olive: [128, 128, 0], | |
646 | + yellow: [Ne, Ne, 0], | |
647 | + orange: [Ne, 165, 0], | |
648 | + gray: [128, 128, 128], | |
649 | + purple: [128, 0, 128], | |
650 | + green: [0, 128, 0], | |
651 | + red: [Ne, 0, 0], | |
652 | + pink: [Ne, 192, 203], | |
653 | + cyan: [0, Ne, Ne], | |
654 | + transparent: [Ne, Ne, Ne, 0], | |
655 | + }, | |
656 | + Ye = function (t, e, r) { | |
657 | + return ((6 * (t += t < 0 ? 1 : t > 1 ? -1 : 0) < 1 ? e + (r - e) * t * 6 : t < 0.5 ? r : 3 * t < 2 ? e + (r - e) * (2 / 3 - t) * 6 : e) * Ne + 0.5) | 0; | |
658 | + }, | |
659 | + Xe = function (t, e, r) { | |
660 | + var i, | |
661 | + n, | |
662 | + o, | |
663 | + s, | |
664 | + a, | |
665 | + l, | |
666 | + c, | |
667 | + u, | |
668 | + h, | |
669 | + f, | |
670 | + p = t ? (rt(t) ? [t >> 16, (t >> 8) & Ne, t & Ne] : 0) :; | |
671 | + if (!p) { | |
672 | + if (("," === t.substr(-1) && (t = t.substr(0, t.length - 1)), qe[t])) p = qe[t]; | |
673 | + else if ("#" === t.charAt(0)) { | |
674 | + if ((t.length < 6 && ((i = t.charAt(1)), (n = t.charAt(2)), (o = t.charAt(3)), (t = "#" + i + i + n + n + o + o + (5 === t.length ? t.charAt(4) + t.charAt(4) : ""))), 9 === t.length)) | |
675 | + return [(p = parseInt(t.substr(1, 6), 16)) >> 16, (p >> 8) & Ne, p & Ne, parseInt(t.substr(7), 16) / 255]; | |
676 | + p = [(t = parseInt(t.substr(1), 16)) >> 16, (t >> 8) & Ne, t & Ne]; | |
677 | + } else if ("hsl" === t.substr(0, 3)) | |
678 | + if (((p = f = t.match(ut)), e)) { | |
679 | + if (~t.indexOf("=")) return (p = t.match(ht)), r && p.length < 4 && (p[3] = 1), p; | |
680 | + } else | |
681 | + (s = (+p[0] % 360) / 360), | |
682 | + (a = +p[1] / 100), | |
683 | + (i = 2 * (l = +p[2] / 100) - (n = l <= 0.5 ? l * (a + 1) : l + a - l * a)), | |
684 | + p.length > 3 && (p[3] *= 1), | |
685 | + (p[0] = Ye(s + 1 / 3, i, n)), | |
686 | + (p[1] = Ye(s, i, n)), | |
687 | + (p[2] = Ye(s - 1 / 3, i, n)); | |
688 | + else p = t.match(ut) || qe.transparent; | |
689 | + p =; | |
690 | + } | |
691 | + return ( | |
692 | + e && | |
693 | + !f && | |
694 | + ((i = p[0] / Ne), | |
695 | + (n = p[1] / Ne), | |
696 | + (o = p[2] / Ne), | |
697 | + (l = ((c = Math.max(i, n, o)) + (u = Math.min(i, n, o))) / 2), | |
698 | + c === u ? (s = a = 0) : ((h = c - u), (a = l > 0.5 ? h / (2 - c - u) : h / (c + u)), (s = c === i ? (n - o) / h + (n < o ? 6 : 0) : c === n ? (o - i) / h + 2 : (i - n) / h + 4), (s *= 60)), | |
699 | + (p[0] = ~~(s + 0.5)), | |
700 | + (p[1] = ~~(100 * a + 0.5)), | |
701 | + (p[2] = ~~(100 * l + 0.5))), | |
702 | + r && p.length < 4 && (p[3] = 1), | |
703 | + p | |
704 | + ); | |
705 | + }, | |
706 | + Ve = function (t) { | |
707 | + var e = [], | |
708 | + r = [], | |
709 | + i = -1; | |
710 | + return ( | |
711 | + t.split(Ue).forEach(function (t) { | |
712 | + var n = t.match(ft) || []; | |
713 | + e.push.apply(e, n), r.push((i += n.length + 1)); | |
714 | + }), | |
715 | + (e.c = r), | |
716 | + e | |
717 | + ); | |
718 | + }, | |
719 | + He = function (t, e, r) { | |
720 | + var i, | |
721 | + n, | |
722 | + o, | |
723 | + s, | |
724 | + a = "", | |
725 | + l = (t + a).match(Ue), | |
726 | + c = e ? "hsla(" : "rgba(", | |
727 | + u = 0; | |
728 | + if (!l) return t; | |
729 | + if ( | |
730 | + ((l = (t) { | |
731 | + return (t = Xe(t, e, 1)) && c + (e ? t[0] + "," + t[1] + "%," + t[2] + "%," + t[3] : t.join(",")) + ")"; | |
732 | + })), | |
733 | + r && ((o = Ve(t)), (i = r.c).join(a) !== o.c.join(a))) | |
734 | + ) | |
735 | + for (s = (n = t.replace(Ue, "1").split(ft)).length - 1; u < s; u++) a += n[u] + (~i.indexOf(u) ? l.shift() || c + "0,0,0,0)" : (o.length ? o : l.length ? l : r).shift()); | |
736 | + if (!n) for (s = (n = t.split(Ue)).length - 1; u < s; u++) a += n[u] + l[u]; | |
737 | + return a + n[s]; | |
738 | + }, | |
739 | + Ue = (function () { | |
740 | + var t, | |
741 | + e = "(?:\\b(?:(?:rgb|rgba|hsl|hsla)\\(.+?\\))|\\B#(?:[0-9a-f]{3,4}){1,2}\\b"; | |
742 | + for (t in qe) e += "|" + t + "\\b"; | |
743 | + return new RegExp(e + ")", "gi"); | |
744 | + })(), | |
745 | + Ge = /hsl[a]?\(/, | |
746 | + je = function (t) { | |
747 | + var e, | |
748 | + r = t.join(" "); | |
749 | + if (((Ue.lastIndex = 0), Ue.test(r))) return (e = Ge.test(r)), (t[1] = He(t[1], e)), (t[0] = He(t[0], e, Ve(t[1]))), !0; | |
750 | + }, | |
751 | + Ke = (function () { | |
752 | + var t, | |
753 | + e, | |
754 | + r, | |
755 | + i, | |
756 | + n, | |
757 | + o, | |
758 | + s =, | |
759 | + a = 500, | |
760 | + l = 33, | |
761 | + c = s(), | |
762 | + u = c, | |
763 | + h = 1e3 / 240, | |
764 | + f = h, | |
765 | + p = [], | |
766 | + g = function r(g) { | |
767 | + var d, | |
768 | + m, | |
769 | + _, | |
770 | + v, | |
771 | + y = s() - u, | |
772 | + b = !0 === g; | |
773 | + if ((y > a && (c += y - l), ((d = (_ = (u += y) - c) - f) > 0 || b) && ((v = ++i.frame), (n = _ - 1e3 * i.time), (i.time = _ /= 1e3), (f += d + (d >= h ? 4 : h - d)), (m = 1)), b || (t = e(r)), m)) | |
774 | + for (o = 0; o < p.length; o++) p[o](_, n, v, g); | |
775 | + }; | |
776 | + return (i = { | |
777 | + time: 0, | |
778 | + frame: 0, | |
779 | + tick: function () { | |
780 | + g(!0); | |
781 | + }, | |
782 | + deltaRatio: function (t) { | |
783 | + return n / (1e3 / (t || 60)); | |
784 | + }, | |
785 | + wake: function () { | |
786 | + L && | |
787 | + (!B && | |
788 | + st() && | |
789 | + ((R = B = window), | |
790 | + (I = R.document || {}), | |
791 | + (_t.gsap = jr), | |
792 | + (R.gsapVersions || (R.gsapVersions = [])).push(jr.version), | |
793 | + yt(vt || R.GreenSockGlobals || (!R.gsap && R) || {}), | |
794 | + (r = R.requestAnimationFrame), | |
795 | + ze.forEach(Fe)), | |
796 | + t && i.sleep(), | |
797 | + (e = | |
798 | + r || | |
799 | + function (t) { | |
800 | + return setTimeout(t, (f - 1e3 * i.time + 1) | 0); | |
801 | + }), | |
802 | + (F = 1), | |
803 | + g(2)); | |
804 | + }, | |
805 | + sleep: function () { | |
806 | + (r ? R.cancelAnimationFrame : clearTimeout)(t), (F = 0), (e = Tt); | |
807 | + }, | |
808 | + lagSmoothing: function (t, e) { | |
809 | + (a = t || 1 / 0), (l = Math.min(e || 33, a)); | |
810 | + }, | |
811 | + fps: function (t) { | |
812 | + (h = 1e3 / (t || 240)), (f = 1e3 * i.time + h); | |
813 | + }, | |
814 | + add: function (t, e, r) { | |
815 | + var n = e | |
816 | + ? function (e, r, o, s) { | |
817 | + t(e, r, o, s), i.remove(n); | |
818 | + } | |
819 | + : t; | |
820 | + return i.remove(t), p[r ? "unshift" : "push"](n), Qe(), n; | |
821 | + }, | |
822 | + remove: function (t, e) { | |
823 | + ~(e = p.indexOf(t)) && p.splice(e, 1) && o >= e && o--; | |
824 | + }, | |
825 | + _listeners: p, | |
826 | + }); | |
827 | + })(), | |
828 | + Qe = function () { | |
829 | + return !F && Ke.wake(); | |
830 | + }, | |
831 | + Ze = {}, | |
832 | + $e = /^[\d.\-M][\d.\-,\s]/, | |
833 | + Je = /["']/g, | |
834 | + tr = function (t) { | |
835 | + for (var e, r, i, n = {}, o = t.substr(1, t.length - 3).split(":"), s = o[0], a = 1, l = o.length; a < l; a++) | |
836 | + (r = o[a]), (e = a !== l - 1 ? r.lastIndexOf(",") : r.length), (i = r.substr(0, e)), (n[s] = isNaN(i) ? i.replace(Je, "").trim() : +i), (s = r.substr(e + 1).trim()); | |
837 | + return n; | |
838 | + }, | |
839 | + er = function (t) { | |
840 | + return function (e) { | |
841 | + return 1 - t(1 - e); | |
842 | + }; | |
843 | + }, | |
844 | + rr = function t(e, r) { | |
845 | + for (var i, n = e._first; n; ) | |
846 | + n instanceof ur ? t(n, r) : !n.vars.yoyoEase || (n._yoyo && n._repeat) || n._yoyo === r || (n.timeline ? t(n.timeline, r) : ((i = n._ease), (n._ease = n._yEase), (n._yEase = i), (n._yoyo = r))), (n = n._next); | |
847 | + }, | |
848 | + ir = function (t, e) { | |
849 | + return ( | |
850 | + (t && | |
851 | + (et(t) | |
852 | + ? t | |
853 | + : Ze[t] || | |
854 | + (function (t) { | |
855 | + var e, | |
856 | + r, | |
857 | + i, | |
858 | + n, | |
859 | + o = (t + "").split("("), | |
860 | + s = Ze[o[0]]; | |
861 | + return s && o.length > 1 && s.config | |
862 | + ? s.config.apply( | |
863 | + null, | |
864 | + ~t.indexOf("{") ? [tr(o[1])] : ((e = t), (r = e.indexOf("(") + 1), (i = e.indexOf(")")), (n = e.indexOf("(", r)), e.substring(r, ~n && n < i ? e.indexOf(")", i + 1) : i)).split(",").map(Ht) | |
865 | + ) | |
866 | + : Ze._CE && $e.test(t) | |
867 | + ? Ze._CE("", t) | |
868 | + : s; | |
869 | + })(t))) || | |
870 | + e | |
871 | + ); | |
872 | + }, | |
873 | + nr = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
874 | + void 0 === r && | |
875 | + (r = function (t) { | |
876 | + return 1 - e(1 - t); | |
877 | + }), | |
878 | + void 0 === i && | |
879 | + (i = function (t) { | |
880 | + return t < 0.5 ? e(2 * t) / 2 : 1 - e(2 * (1 - t)) / 2; | |
881 | + }); | |
882 | + var n, | |
883 | + o = { easeIn: e, easeOut: r, easeInOut: i }; | |
884 | + return ( | |
885 | + zt(t, function (t) { | |
886 | + for (var e in ((Ze[t] = _t[t] = o), (Ze[(n = t.toLowerCase())] = r), o)) Ze[n + ("easeIn" === e ? ".in" : "easeOut" === e ? ".out" : ".inOut")] = Ze[t + "." + e] = o[e]; | |
887 | + }), | |
888 | + o | |
889 | + ); | |
890 | + }, | |
891 | + or = function (t) { | |
892 | + return function (e) { | |
893 | + return e < 0.5 ? (1 - t(1 - 2 * e)) / 2 : 0.5 + t(2 * (e - 0.5)) / 2; | |
894 | + }; | |
895 | + }, | |
896 | + sr = function t(e, r, i) { | |
897 | + var n = r >= 1 ? r : 1, | |
898 | + o = (i || (e ? 0.3 : 0.45)) / (r < 1 ? r : 1), | |
899 | + s = (o / j) * (Math.asin(1 / n) || 0), | |
900 | + a = function (t) { | |
901 | + return 1 === t ? 1 : n * Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * J((t - s) * o) + 1; | |
902 | + }, | |
903 | + l = | |
904 | + "out" === e | |
905 | + ? a | |
906 | + : "in" === e | |
907 | + ? function (t) { | |
908 | + return 1 - a(1 - t); | |
909 | + } | |
910 | + : or(a); | |
911 | + return ( | |
912 | + (o = j / o), | |
913 | + (l.config = function (r, i) { | |
914 | + return t(e, r, i); | |
915 | + }), | |
916 | + l | |
917 | + ); | |
918 | + }, | |
919 | + ar = function t(e, r) { | |
920 | + void 0 === r && (r = 1.70158); | |
921 | + var i = function (t) { | |
922 | + return t ? --t * t * ((r + 1) * t + r) + 1 : 0; | |
923 | + }, | |
924 | + n = | |
925 | + "out" === e | |
926 | + ? i | |
927 | + : "in" === e | |
928 | + ? function (t) { | |
929 | + return 1 - i(1 - t); | |
930 | + } | |
931 | + : or(i); | |
932 | + return ( | |
933 | + (n.config = function (r) { | |
934 | + return t(e, r); | |
935 | + }), | |
936 | + n | |
937 | + ); | |
938 | + }; | |
939 | + zt("Linear,Quad,Cubic,Quart,Quint,Strong", function (t, e) { | |
940 | + var r = e < 5 ? e + 1 : e; | |
941 | + nr( | |
942 | + t + ",Power" + (r - 1), | |
943 | + e | |
944 | + ? function (t) { | |
945 | + return Math.pow(t, r); | |
946 | + } | |
947 | + : function (t) { | |
948 | + return t; | |
949 | + }, | |
950 | + function (t) { | |
951 | + return 1 - Math.pow(1 - t, r); | |
952 | + }, | |
953 | + function (t) { | |
954 | + return t < 0.5 ? Math.pow(2 * t, r) / 2 : 1 - Math.pow(2 * (1 - t), r) / 2; | |
955 | + } | |
956 | + ); | |
957 | + }), | |
958 | + (Ze.Linear.easeNone = Ze.none = Ze.Linear.easeIn), | |
959 | + nr("Elastic", sr("in"), sr("out"), sr()), | |
960 | + (N = 7.5625), | |
961 | + (Y = 1 / (q = 2.75)), | |
962 | + nr( | |
963 | + "Bounce", | |
964 | + function (t) { | |
965 | + return 1 - X(1 - t); | |
966 | + }, | |
967 | + (X = function (t) { | |
968 | + return t < Y ? N * t * t : t < 0.7272727272727273 ? N * Math.pow(t - 1.5 / q, 2) + 0.75 : t < 0.9090909090909092 ? N * (t -= 2.25 / q) * t + 0.9375 : N * Math.pow(t - 2.625 / q, 2) + 0.984375; | |
969 | + }) | |
970 | + ), | |
971 | + nr("Expo", function (t) { | |
972 | + return t ? Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)) : 0; | |
973 | + }), | |
974 | + nr("Circ", function (t) { | |
975 | + return -(Z(1 - t * t) - 1); | |
976 | + }), | |
977 | + nr("Sine", function (t) { | |
978 | + return 1 === t ? 1 : 1 - $(t * K); | |
979 | + }), | |
980 | + nr("Back", ar("in"), ar("out"), ar()), | |
981 | + (Ze.SteppedEase = Ze.steps = _t.SteppedEase = { | |
982 | + config: function (t, e) { | |
983 | + void 0 === t && (t = 1); | |
984 | + var r = 1 / t, | |
985 | + i = t + (e ? 0 : 1), | |
986 | + n = e ? 1 : 0; | |
987 | + return function (t) { | |
988 | + return (((i * xe(0, 0.99999999, t)) | 0) + n) * r; | |
989 | + }; | |
990 | + }, | |
991 | + }), | |
992 | + (H.ease = Ze["quad.out"]), | |
993 | + zt("onComplete,onUpdate,onStart,onRepeat,onReverseComplete,onInterrupt", function (t) { | |
994 | + return (Bt += t + "," + t + "Params,"); | |
995 | + }); | |
996 | + var lr = function (t, e) { | |
997 | + ( = Q++), (t._gsap = this), ( = t), (this.harness = e), (this.get = e ? e.get : Wt), (this.set = e ? e.getSetter : Er); | |
998 | + }, | |
999 | + cr = (function () { | |
1000 | + function t(t) { | |
1001 | + (this.vars = t), | |
1002 | + (this._delay = +t.delay || 0), | |
1003 | + (this._repeat = t.repeat === 1 / 0 ? -2 : t.repeat || 0) && ((this._rDelay = t.repeatDelay || 0), (this._yoyo = !!t.yoyo || !!t.yoyoEase)), | |
1004 | + (this._ts = 1), | |
1005 | + de(this, +t.duration, 1, 1), | |
1006 | + ( =, | |
1007 | + P && ((this._ctx = P),, | |
1008 | + F || Ke.wake(); | |
1009 | + } | |
1010 | + var e = t.prototype; | |
1011 | + return ( | |
1012 | + (e.delay = function (t) { | |
1013 | + return t || 0 === t ? (this.parent && this.parent.smoothChildTiming && this.startTime(this._start + t - this._delay), (this._delay = t), this) : this._delay; | |
1014 | + }), | |
1015 | + (e.duration = function (t) { | |
1016 | + return arguments.length ? this.totalDuration(this._repeat > 0 ? t + (t + this._rDelay) * this._repeat : t) : this.totalDuration() && this._dur; | |
1017 | + }), | |
1018 | + (e.totalDuration = function (t) { | |
1019 | + return arguments.length ? ((this._dirty = 0), de(this, this._repeat < 0 ? t : (t - this._repeat * this._rDelay) / (this._repeat + 1))) : this._tDur; | |
1020 | + }), | |
1021 | + (e.totalTime = function (t, e) { | |
1022 | + if ((Qe(), !arguments.length)) return this._tTime; | |
1023 | + var r = this._dp; | |
1024 | + if (r && r.smoothChildTiming && this._ts) { | |
1025 | + for (le(this, t), !r._dp || r.parent || ce(r, this); r && r.parent; ) | |
1026 | + r.parent._time !== r._start + (r._ts >= 0 ? r._tTime / r._ts : (r.totalDuration() - r._tTime) / -r._ts) && r.totalTime(r._tTime, !0), (r = r.parent); | |
1027 | + !this.parent && this._dp.autoRemoveChildren && ((this._ts > 0 && t < this._tDur) || (this._ts < 0 && t > 0) || (!this._tDur && !t)) && ue(this._dp, this, this._start - this._delay); | |
1028 | + } | |
1029 | + return (this._tTime !== t || (!this._dur && !e) || (this._initted && Math.abs(this._zTime) === G) || (!t && !this._initted && (this.add || this._ptLookup))) && (this._ts || (this._pTime = t), Vt(this, t, e)), this; | |
1030 | + }), | |
1031 | + (e.time = function (t, e) { | |
1032 | + return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(Math.min(this.totalDuration(), t + ne(this)) % (this._dur + this._rDelay) || (t ? this._dur : 0), e) : this._time; | |
1033 | + }), | |
1034 | + (e.totalProgress = function (t, e) { | |
1035 | + return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(this.totalDuration() * t, e) : this.totalDuration() ? Math.min(1, this._tTime / this._tDur) : this.ratio; | |
1036 | + }), | |
1037 | + (e.progress = function (t, e) { | |
1038 | + return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(this.duration() * (!this._yoyo || 1 & this.iteration() ? t : 1 - t) + ne(this), e) : this.duration() ? Math.min(1, this._time / this._dur) : this.ratio; | |
1039 | + }), | |
1040 | + (e.iteration = function (t, e) { | |
1041 | + var r = this.duration() + this._rDelay; | |
1042 | + return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(this._time + (t - 1) * r, e) : this._repeat ? oe(this._tTime, r) + 1 : 1; | |
1043 | + }), | |
1044 | + (e.timeScale = function (t) { | |
1045 | + if (!arguments.length) return -1e-8 === this._rts ? 0 : this._rts; | |
1046 | + if (this._rts === t) return this; | |
1047 | + var e = this.parent && this._ts ? se(this.parent._time, this) : this._tTime; | |
1048 | + return ( | |
1049 | + (this._rts = +t || 0), | |
1050 | + (this._ts = this._ps || -1e-8 === t ? 0 : this._rts), | |
1051 | + this.totalTime(xe(-Math.abs(this._delay), this._tDur, e), !0), | |
1052 | + ae(this), | |
1053 | + (function (t) { | |
1054 | + for (var e = t.parent; e && e.parent; ) (e._dirty = 1), e.totalDuration(), (e = e.parent); | |
1055 | + return t; | |
1056 | + })(this) | |
1057 | + ); | |
1058 | + }), | |
1059 | + (e.paused = function (t) { | |
1060 | + return arguments.length | |
1061 | + ? (this._ps !== t && | |
1062 | + ((this._ps = t), | |
1063 | + t | |
1064 | + ? ((this._pTime = this._tTime || Math.max(-this._delay, this.rawTime())), (this._ts = this._act = 0)) | |
1065 | + : (Qe(), | |
1066 | + (this._ts = this._rts), | |
1067 | + this.totalTime(this.parent && !this.parent.smoothChildTiming ? this.rawTime() : this._tTime || this._pTime, 1 === this.progress() && Math.abs(this._zTime) !== G && (this._tTime -= G)))), | |
1068 | + this) | |
1069 | + : this._ps; | |
1070 | + }), | |
1071 | + (e.startTime = function (t) { | |
1072 | + if (arguments.length) { | |
1073 | + this._start = t; | |
1074 | + var e = this.parent || this._dp; | |
1075 | + return e && (e._sort || !this.parent) && ue(e, this, t - this._delay), this; | |
1076 | + } | |
1077 | + return this._start; | |
1078 | + }), | |
1079 | + (e.endTime = function (t) { | |
1080 | + return this._start + (ot(t) ? this.totalDuration() : this.duration()) / Math.abs(this._ts || 1); | |
1081 | + }), | |
1082 | + (e.rawTime = function (t) { | |
1083 | + var e = this.parent || this._dp; | |
1084 | + return e ? (t && (!this._ts || (this._repeat && this._time && this.totalProgress() < 1)) ? this._tTime % (this._dur + this._rDelay) : this._ts ? se(e.rawTime(t), this) : this._tTime) : this._tTime; | |
1085 | + }), | |
1086 | + (e.revert = function (t) { | |
1087 | + void 0 === t && (t = Et); | |
1088 | + var e = O; | |
1089 | + return (O = t), (this._initted || this._startAt) && (this.timeline && this.timeline.revert(t), this.totalTime(-0.01, t.suppressEvents)), "nested" !== && !1 !== t.kill && this.kill(), (O = e), this; | |
1090 | + }), | |
1091 | + (e.globalTime = function (t) { | |
1092 | + for (var e = this, r = arguments.length ? t : e.rawTime(); e; ) (r = e._start + r / (e._ts || 1)), (e = e._dp); | |
1093 | + return !this.parent && this._sat ? (this._sat.vars.immediateRender ? -1 : this._sat.globalTime(t)) : r; | |
1094 | + }), | |
1095 | + (e.repeat = function (t) { | |
1096 | + return arguments.length ? ((this._repeat = t === 1 / 0 ? -2 : t), me(this)) : -2 === this._repeat ? 1 / 0 : this._repeat; | |
1097 | + }), | |
1098 | + (e.repeatDelay = function (t) { | |
1099 | + if (arguments.length) { | |
1100 | + var e = this._time; | |
1101 | + return (this._rDelay = t), me(this), e ? this.time(e) : this; | |
1102 | + } | |
1103 | + return this._rDelay; | |
1104 | + }), | |
1105 | + (e.yoyo = function (t) { | |
1106 | + return arguments.length ? ((this._yoyo = t), this) : this._yoyo; | |
1107 | + }), | |
1108 | + ( = function (t, e) { | |
1109 | + return this.totalTime(ve(this, t), ot(e)); | |
1110 | + }), | |
1111 | + (e.restart = function (t, e) { | |
1112 | + return ? -this._delay : 0, ot(e)); | |
1113 | + }), | |
1114 | + ( = function (t, e) { | |
1115 | + return null != t &&, e), this.reversed(!1).paused(!1); | |
1116 | + }), | |
1117 | + (e.reverse = function (t, e) { | |
1118 | + return null != t && || this.totalDuration(), e), this.reversed(!0).paused(!1); | |
1119 | + }), | |
1120 | + (e.pause = function (t, e) { | |
1121 | + return null != t &&, e), this.paused(!0); | |
1122 | + }), | |
1123 | + (e.resume = function () { | |
1124 | + return this.paused(!1); | |
1125 | + }), | |
1126 | + (e.reversed = function (t) { | |
1127 | + return arguments.length ? (!!t !== this.reversed() && this.timeScale(-this._rts || (t ? -1e-8 : 0)), this) : this._rts < 0; | |
1128 | + }), | |
1129 | + (e.invalidate = function () { | |
1130 | + return (this._initted = this._act = 0), (this._zTime = -1e-8), this; | |
1131 | + }), | |
1132 | + (e.isActive = function () { | |
1133 | + var t, | |
1134 | + e = this.parent || this._dp, | |
1135 | + r = this._start; | |
1136 | + return !(e && !(this._ts && this._initted && e.isActive() && (t = e.rawTime(!0)) >= r && t < this.endTime(!0) - G)); | |
1137 | + }), | |
1138 | + (e.eventCallback = function (t, e, r) { | |
1139 | + var i = this.vars; | |
1140 | + return arguments.length > 1 ? (e ? ((i[t] = e), r && (i[t + "Params"] = r), "onUpdate" === t && (this._onUpdate = e)) : delete i[t], this) : i[t]; | |
1141 | + }), | |
1142 | + (e.then = function (t) { | |
1143 | + var e = this; | |
1144 | + return new Promise(function (r) { | |
1145 | + var i = et(t) ? t : Ut, | |
1146 | + n = function () { | |
1147 | + var t = e.then; | |
1148 | + (e.then = null), et(i) && (i = i(e)) && (i.then || i === e) && (e.then = t), r(i), (e.then = t); | |
1149 | + }; | |
1150 | + (e._initted && 1 === e.totalProgress() && e._ts >= 0) || (!e._tTime && e._ts < 0) ? n() : (e._prom = n); | |
1151 | + }); | |
1152 | + }), | |
1153 | + (e.kill = function () { | |
1154 | + We(this); | |
1155 | + }), | |
1156 | + t | |
1157 | + ); | |
1158 | + })(); | |
1159 | + Gt(cr.prototype, { _time: 0, _start: 0, _end: 0, _tTime: 0, _tDur: 0, _dirty: 0, _repeat: 0, _yoyo: !1, parent: null, _initted: !1, _rDelay: 0, _ts: 1, _dp: 0, ratio: 0, _zTime: -1e-8, _prom: 0, _ps: !1, _rts: 1 }); | |
1160 | + var ur = (function (t) { | |
1161 | + function e(e, r) { | |
1162 | + var i; | |
1163 | + return ( | |
1164 | + void 0 === e && (e = {}), | |
1165 | + ((i =, e) || this).labels = {}), | |
1166 | + (i.smoothChildTiming = !!e.smoothChildTiming), | |
1167 | + (i.autoRemoveChildren = !!e.autoRemoveChildren), | |
1168 | + (i._sort = ot(e.sortChildren)), | |
1169 | + D && ue(e.parent || D, A(i), r), | |
1170 | + e.reversed && i.reverse(), | |
1171 | + e.paused && i.paused(!0), | |
1172 | + e.scrollTrigger && he(A(i), e.scrollTrigger), | |
1173 | + i | |
1174 | + ); | |
1175 | + } | |
1176 | + M(e, t); | |
1177 | + var r = e.prototype; | |
1178 | + return ( | |
1179 | + ( = function (t, e, r) { | |
1180 | + return ye(0, arguments, this), this; | |
1181 | + }), | |
1182 | + (r.from = function (t, e, r) { | |
1183 | + return ye(1, arguments, this), this; | |
1184 | + }), | |
1185 | + (r.fromTo = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
1186 | + return ye(2, arguments, this), this; | |
1187 | + }), | |
1188 | + (r.set = function (t, e, r) { | |
1189 | + return (e.duration = 0), (e.parent = this), Zt(e).repeatDelay || (e.repeat = 0), (e.immediateRender = !!e.immediateRender), new xr(t, e, ve(this, r), 1), this; | |
1190 | + }), | |
1191 | + ( = function (t, e, r) { | |
1192 | + return ue(this, xr.delayedCall(0, t, e), r); | |
1193 | + }), | |
1194 | + (r.staggerTo = function (t, e, r, i, n, o, s) { | |
1195 | + return (r.duration = e), (r.stagger = r.stagger || i), (r.onComplete = o), (r.onCompleteParams = s), (r.parent = this), new xr(t, r, ve(this, n)), this; | |
1196 | + }), | |
1197 | + (r.staggerFrom = function (t, e, r, i, n, o, s) { | |
1198 | + return (r.runBackwards = 1), (Zt(r).immediateRender = ot(r.immediateRender)), this.staggerTo(t, e, r, i, n, o, s); | |
1199 | + }), | |
1200 | + (r.staggerFromTo = function (t, e, r, i, n, o, s, a) { | |
1201 | + return (i.startAt = r), (Zt(i).immediateRender = ot(i.immediateRender)), this.staggerTo(t, e, i, n, o, s, a); | |
1202 | + }), | |
1203 | + (r.render = function (t, e, r) { | |
1204 | + var i, | |
1205 | + n, | |
1206 | + o, | |
1207 | + s, | |
1208 | + a, | |
1209 | + l, | |
1210 | + c, | |
1211 | + u, | |
1212 | + h, | |
1213 | + f, | |
1214 | + p, | |
1215 | + g, | |
1216 | + d = this._time, | |
1217 | + m = this._dirty ? this.totalDuration() : this._tDur, | |
1218 | + _ = this._dur, | |
1219 | + v = t <= 0 ? 0 : Nt(t), | |
1220 | + y = this._zTime < 0 != t < 0 && (this._initted || !_); | |
1221 | + if ((this !== D && v > m && t >= 0 && (v = m), v !== this._tTime || r || y)) { | |
1222 | + if ((d !== this._time && _ && ((v += this._time - d), (t += this._time - d)), (i = v), (h = this._start), (l = !(u = this._ts)), y && (_ || (d = this._zTime), (t || !e) && (this._zTime = t)), this._repeat)) { | |
1223 | + if (((p = this._yoyo), (a = _ + this._rDelay), this._repeat < -1 && t < 0)) return this.totalTime(100 * a + t, e, r); | |
1224 | + if ( | |
1225 | + ((i = Nt(v % a)), | |
1226 | + v === m ? ((s = this._repeat), (i = _)) : ((s = ~~(v / a)) && s === v / a && ((i = _), s--), i > _ && (i = _)), | |
1227 | + (f = oe(this._tTime, a)), | |
1228 | + !d && this._tTime && f !== s && this._tTime - f * a - this._dur <= 0 && (f = s), | |
1229 | + p && 1 & s && ((i = _ - i), (g = 1)), | |
1230 | + s !== f && !this._lock) | |
1231 | + ) { | |
1232 | + var b = p && 1 & f, | |
1233 | + x = b === (p && 1 & s); | |
1234 | + if ( | |
1235 | + (s < f && (b = !b), | |
1236 | + (d = b ? 0 : _), | |
1237 | + (this._lock = 1), | |
1238 | + (this.render(d || (g ? 0 : Nt(s * a)), e, !_)._lock = 0), | |
1239 | + (this._tTime = v), | |
1240 | + !e && this.parent && Le(this, "onRepeat"), | |
1241 | + this.vars.repeatRefresh && !g && (this.invalidate()._lock = 1), | |
1242 | + (d && d !== this._time) || l !== !this._ts || (this.vars.onRepeat && !this.parent && !this._act)) | |
1243 | + ) | |
1244 | + return this; | |
1245 | + if (((_ = this._dur), (m = this._tDur), x && ((this._lock = 2), (d = b ? _ : -1e-4), this.render(d, !0), this.vars.repeatRefresh && !g && this.invalidate()), (this._lock = 0), !this._ts && !l)) return this; | |
1246 | + rr(this, g); | |
1247 | + } | |
1248 | + } | |
1249 | + if ( | |
1250 | + (this._hasPause && | |
1251 | + !this._forcing && | |
1252 | + this._lock < 2 && | |
1253 | + ((c = (function (t, e, r) { | |
1254 | + var i; | |
1255 | + if (r > e) | |
1256 | + for (i = t._first; i && i._start <= r; ) { | |
1257 | + if ("isPause" === && i._start > e) return i; | |
1258 | + i = i._next; | |
1259 | + } | |
1260 | + else | |
1261 | + for (i = t._last; i && i._start >= r; ) { | |
1262 | + if ("isPause" === && i._start < e) return i; | |
1263 | + i = i._prev; | |
1264 | + } | |
1265 | + })(this, Nt(d), Nt(i))), | |
1266 | + c && (v -= i - (i = c._start))), | |
1267 | + (this._tTime = v), | |
1268 | + (this._time = i), | |
1269 | + (this._act = !u), | |
1270 | + this._initted || ((this._onUpdate = this.vars.onUpdate), (this._initted = 1), (this._zTime = t), (d = 0)), | |
1271 | + !d && i && !e && !s && (Le(this, "onStart"), this._tTime !== v)) | |
1272 | + ) | |
1273 | + return this; | |
1274 | + if (i >= d && t >= 0) | |
1275 | + for (n = this._first; n; ) { | |
1276 | + if (((o = n._next), (n._act || i >= n._start) && n._ts && c !== n)) { | |
1277 | + if (n.parent !== this) return this.render(t, e, r); | |
1278 | + if ((n.render(n._ts > 0 ? (i - n._start) * n._ts : (n._dirty ? n.totalDuration() : n._tDur) + (i - n._start) * n._ts, e, r), i !== this._time || (!this._ts && !l))) { | |
1279 | + (c = 0), o && (v += this._zTime = -1e-8); | |
1280 | + break; | |
1281 | + } | |
1282 | + } | |
1283 | + n = o; | |
1284 | + } | |
1285 | + else { | |
1286 | + n = this._last; | |
1287 | + for (var w = t < 0 ? t : i; n; ) { | |
1288 | + if (((o = n._prev), (n._act || w <= n._end) && n._ts && c !== n)) { | |
1289 | + if (n.parent !== this) return this.render(t, e, r); | |
1290 | + if ((n.render(n._ts > 0 ? (w - n._start) * n._ts : (n._dirty ? n.totalDuration() : n._tDur) + (w - n._start) * n._ts, e, r || (O && (n._initted || n._startAt))), i !== this._time || (!this._ts && !l))) { | |
1291 | + (c = 0), o && (v += this._zTime = w ? -1e-8 : G); | |
1292 | + break; | |
1293 | + } | |
1294 | + } | |
1295 | + n = o; | |
1296 | + } | |
1297 | + } | |
1298 | + if (c && !e && (this.pause(), (c.render(i >= d ? 0 : -1e-8)._zTime = i >= d ? 1 : -1), this._ts)) return (this._start = h), ae(this), this.render(t, e, r); | |
1299 | + this._onUpdate && !e && Le(this, "onUpdate", !0), | |
1300 | + ((v === m && this._tTime >= this.totalDuration()) || (!v && d)) && | |
1301 | + ((h !== this._start && Math.abs(u) === Math.abs(this._ts)) || | |
1302 | + this._lock || | |
1303 | + ((t || !_) && ((v === m && this._ts > 0) || (!v && this._ts < 0)) && te(this, 1), | |
1304 | + e || (t < 0 && !d) || (!v && !d && m) || (Le(this, v === m && t >= 0 ? "onComplete" : "onReverseComplete", !0), this._prom && !(v < m && this.timeScale() > 0) && this._prom()))); | |
1305 | + } | |
1306 | + return this; | |
1307 | + }), | |
1308 | + (r.add = function (t, e) { | |
1309 | + var r = this; | |
1310 | + if ((rt(e) || (e = ve(this, e, t)), !(t instanceof cr))) { | |
1311 | + if (ct(t)) | |
1312 | + return ( | |
1313 | + t.forEach(function (t) { | |
1314 | + return r.add(t, e); | |
1315 | + }), | |
1316 | + this | |
1317 | + ); | |
1318 | + if (tt(t)) return this.addLabel(t, e); | |
1319 | + if (!et(t)) return this; | |
1320 | + t = xr.delayedCall(0, t); | |
1321 | + } | |
1322 | + return this !== t ? ue(this, t, e) : this; | |
1323 | + }), | |
1324 | + (r.getChildren = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
1325 | + void 0 === t && (t = !0), void 0 === e && (e = !0), void 0 === r && (r = !0), void 0 === i && (i = -U); | |
1326 | + for (var n = [], o = this._first; o; ) o._start >= i && (o instanceof xr ? e && n.push(o) : (r && n.push(o), t && n.push.apply(n, o.getChildren(!0, e, r)))), (o = o._next); | |
1327 | + return n; | |
1328 | + }), | |
1329 | + (r.getById = function (t) { | |
1330 | + for (var e = this.getChildren(1, 1, 1), r = e.length; r--; ) if (e[r] === t) return e[r]; | |
1331 | + }), | |
1332 | + (r.remove = function (t) { | |
1333 | + return tt(t) ? this.removeLabel(t) : et(t) ? this.killTweensOf(t) : (Jt(this, t), t === this._recent && (this._recent = this._last), ee(this)); | |
1334 | + }), | |
1335 | + (r.totalTime = function (e, r) { | |
1336 | + return arguments.length | |
1337 | + ? ((this._forcing = 1), !this._dp && this._ts && (this._start = Nt(Ke.time - (this._ts > 0 ? e / this._ts : (this.totalDuration() - e) / -this._ts))),, e, r), (this._forcing = 0), this) | |
1338 | + : this._tTime; | |
1339 | + }), | |
1340 | + (r.addLabel = function (t, e) { | |
1341 | + return (this.labels[t] = ve(this, e)), this; | |
1342 | + }), | |
1343 | + (r.removeLabel = function (t) { | |
1344 | + return delete this.labels[t], this; | |
1345 | + }), | |
1346 | + (r.addPause = function (t, e, r) { | |
1347 | + var i = xr.delayedCall(0, e || Tt, r); | |
1348 | + return ( = "isPause"), (this._hasPause = 1), ue(this, i, ve(this, t)); | |
1349 | + }), | |
1350 | + (r.removePause = function (t) { | |
1351 | + var e = this._first; | |
1352 | + for (t = ve(this, t); e; ) e._start === t && "isPause" === && te(e), (e = e._next); | |
1353 | + }), | |
1354 | + (r.killTweensOf = function (t, e, r) { | |
1355 | + for (var i = this.getTweensOf(t, r), n = i.length; n--; ) hr !== i[n] && i[n].kill(t, e); | |
1356 | + return this; | |
1357 | + }), | |
1358 | + (r.getTweensOf = function (t, e) { | |
1359 | + for (var r, i = [], n = Ce(t), o = this._first, s = rt(e); o; ) | |
1360 | + o instanceof xr | |
1361 | + ? Yt(o._targets, n) && (s ? (!hr || (o._initted && o._ts)) && o.globalTime(0) <= e && o.globalTime(o.totalDuration()) > e : !e || o.isActive()) && i.push(o) | |
1362 | + : (r = o.getTweensOf(n, e)).length && i.push.apply(i, r), | |
1363 | + (o = o._next); | |
1364 | + return i; | |
1365 | + }), | |
1366 | + (r.tweenTo = function (t, e) { | |
1367 | + e = e || {}; | |
1368 | + var r, | |
1369 | + i = this, | |
1370 | + n = ve(i, t), | |
1371 | + o = e, | |
1372 | + s = o.startAt, | |
1373 | + a = o.onStart, | |
1374 | + l = o.onStartParams, | |
1375 | + c = o.immediateRender, | |
1376 | + u = | |
1377 | + i, | |
1378 | + Gt( | |
1379 | + { | |
1380 | + ease: e.ease || "none", | |
1381 | + lazy: !1, | |
1382 | + immediateRender: !1, | |
1383 | + time: n, | |
1384 | + overwrite: "auto", | |
1385 | + duration: e.duration || Math.abs((n - (s && "time" in s ? s.time : i._time)) / i.timeScale()) || G, | |
1386 | + onStart: function () { | |
1387 | + if ((i.pause(), !r)) { | |
1388 | + var t = e.duration || Math.abs((n - (s && "time" in s ? s.time : i._time)) / i.timeScale()); | |
1389 | + u._dur !== t && de(u, t, 0, 1).render(u._time, !0, !0), (r = 1); | |
1390 | + } | |
1391 | + a && a.apply(u, l || []); | |
1392 | + }, | |
1393 | + }, | |
1394 | + e | |
1395 | + ) | |
1396 | + ); | |
1397 | + return c ? u.render(0) : u; | |
1398 | + }), | |
1399 | + (r.tweenFromTo = function (t, e, r) { | |
1400 | + return this.tweenTo(e, Gt({ startAt: { time: ve(this, t) } }, r)); | |
1401 | + }), | |
1402 | + (r.recent = function () { | |
1403 | + return this._recent; | |
1404 | + }), | |
1405 | + (r.nextLabel = function (t) { | |
1406 | + return void 0 === t && (t = this._time), Ie(this, ve(this, t)); | |
1407 | + }), | |
1408 | + (r.previousLabel = function (t) { | |
1409 | + return void 0 === t && (t = this._time), Ie(this, ve(this, t), 1); | |
1410 | + }), | |
1411 | + (r.currentLabel = function (t) { | |
1412 | + return arguments.length ?, !0) : this.previousLabel(this._time + G); | |
1413 | + }), | |
1414 | + (r.shiftChildren = function (t, e, r) { | |
1415 | + void 0 === r && (r = 0); | |
1416 | + for (var i, n = this._first, o = this.labels; n; ) n._start >= r && ((n._start += t), (n._end += t)), (n = n._next); | |
1417 | + if (e) for (i in o) o[i] >= r && (o[i] += t); | |
1418 | + return ee(this); | |
1419 | + }), | |
1420 | + (r.invalidate = function (e) { | |
1421 | + var r = this._first; | |
1422 | + for (this._lock = 0; r; ) r.invalidate(e), (r = r._next); | |
1423 | + return, e); | |
1424 | + }), | |
1425 | + (r.clear = function (t) { | |
1426 | + void 0 === t && (t = !0); | |
1427 | + for (var e, r = this._first; r; ) (e = r._next), this.remove(r), (r = e); | |
1428 | + return this._dp && (this._time = this._tTime = this._pTime = 0), t && (this.labels = {}), ee(this); | |
1429 | + }), | |
1430 | + (r.totalDuration = function (t) { | |
1431 | + var e, | |
1432 | + r, | |
1433 | + i, | |
1434 | + n = 0, | |
1435 | + o = this, | |
1436 | + s = o._last, | |
1437 | + a = U; | |
1438 | + if (arguments.length) return o.timeScale((o._repeat < 0 ? o.duration() : o.totalDuration()) / (o.reversed() ? -t : t)); | |
1439 | + if (o._dirty) { | |
1440 | + for (i = o.parent; s; ) | |
1441 | + (e = s._prev), | |
1442 | + s._dirty && s.totalDuration(), | |
1443 | + (r = s._start) > a && o._sort && s._ts && !o._lock ? ((o._lock = 1), (ue(o, s, r - s._delay, 1)._lock = 0)) : (a = r), | |
1444 | + r < 0 && s._ts && ((n -= r), ((!i && !o._dp) || (i && i.smoothChildTiming)) && ((o._start += r / o._ts), (o._time -= r), (o._tTime -= r)), o.shiftChildren(-r, !1, -Infinity), (a = 0)), | |
1445 | + s._end > n && s._ts && (n = s._end), | |
1446 | + (s = e); | |
1447 | + de(o, o === D && o._time > n ? o._time : n, 1, 1), (o._dirty = 0); | |
1448 | + } | |
1449 | + return o._tDur; | |
1450 | + }), | |
1451 | + (e.updateRoot = function (t) { | |
1452 | + if ((D._ts && (Vt(D, se(t, D)), (W = Ke.frame)), Ke.frame >= Dt)) { | |
1453 | + Dt += V.autoSleep || 120; | |
1454 | + var e = D._first; | |
1455 | + if ((!e || !e._ts) && V.autoSleep && Ke._listeners.length < 2) { | |
1456 | + for (; e && !e._ts; ) e = e._next; | |
1457 | + e || Ke.sleep(); | |
1458 | + } | |
1459 | + } | |
1460 | + }), | |
1461 | + e | |
1462 | + ); | |
1463 | + })(cr); | |
1464 | + Gt(ur.prototype, { _lock: 0, _hasPause: 0, _forcing: 0 }); | |
1465 | + var hr, | |
1466 | + fr, | |
1467 | + pr = function (t, e, r, i, n, o, s) { | |
1468 | + var a, | |
1469 | + l, | |
1470 | + c, | |
1471 | + u, | |
1472 | + h, | |
1473 | + f, | |
1474 | + p, | |
1475 | + g, | |
1476 | + d = new Ir(this._pt, t, e, 0, 1, Sr, null, n), | |
1477 | + m = 0, | |
1478 | + _ = 0; | |
1479 | + for (d.b = r, d.e = i, r += "", (p = ~(i += "").indexOf("random(")) && (i = Re(i)), o && (o((g = [r, i]), t, e), (r = g[0]), (i = g[1])), l = r.match(pt) || []; (a = pt.exec(i)); ) | |
1480 | + (u = a[0]), | |
1481 | + (h = i.substring(m, a.index)), | |
1482 | + c ? (c = (c + 1) % 5) : "rgba(" === h.substr(-5) && (c = 1), | |
1483 | + u !== l[_++] && | |
1484 | + ((f = parseFloat(l[_ - 1]) || 0), (d._pt = { _next: d._pt, p: h || 1 === _ ? h : ",", s: f, c: "=" === u.charAt(1) ? qt(f, u) - f : parseFloat(u) - f, m: c && c < 4 ? Math.round : 0 }), (m = pt.lastIndex)); | |
1485 | + return (d.c = m < i.length ? i.substring(m, i.length) : ""), (d.fp = s), (gt.test(i) || p) && (d.e = 0), (this._pt = d), d; | |
1486 | + }, | |
1487 | + gr = function (t, e, r, i, n, o, s, a, l, c) { | |
1488 | + et(i) && (i = i(n || 0, t, o)); | |
1489 | + var u, | |
1490 | + h = t[e], | |
1491 | + f = "get" !== r ? r : et(h) ? (l ? t[e.indexOf("set") || !et(t["get" + e.substr(3)]) ? e : "get" + e.substr(3)](l) : t[e]()) : h, | |
1492 | + p = et(h) ? (l ? kr : Tr) : wr; | |
1493 | + if ((tt(i) && (~i.indexOf("random(") && (i = Re(i)), "=" === i.charAt(1) && ((u = qt(f, i) + (we(f) || 0)) || 0 === u) && (i = u)), !c || f !== i || fr)) | |
1494 | + return isNaN(f * i) || "" === i | |
1495 | + ? (!h && !(e in t) && bt(e, i),, t, e, f, i, p, a || V.stringFilter, l)) | |
1496 | + : ((u = new Ir(this._pt, t, e, +f || 0, i - (f || 0), "boolean" == typeof h ? Mr : Ar, 0, p)), l && (u.fp = l), s && u.modifier(s, this, t), (this._pt = u)); | |
1497 | + }, | |
1498 | + dr = function (t, e, r, i, n, o) { | |
1499 | + var s, a, l, c; | |
1500 | + if ( | |
1501 | + Ot[t] && | |
1502 | + !1 !== | |
1503 | + (s = new Ot[t]()).init( | |
1504 | + n, | |
1505 | + s.rawVars | |
1506 | + ? e[t] | |
1507 | + : (function (t, e, r, i, n) { | |
1508 | + if ((et(t) && (t = vr(t, n, e, r, i)), !nt(t) || ( && t.nodeType) || ct(t) || lt(t))) return tt(t) ? vr(t, n, e, r, i) : t; | |
1509 | + var o, | |
1510 | + s = {}; | |
1511 | + for (o in t) s[o] = vr(t[o], n, e, r, i); | |
1512 | + return s; | |
1513 | + })(e[t], i, n, o, r), | |
1514 | + r, | |
1515 | + i, | |
1516 | + o | |
1517 | + ) && | |
1518 | + ((r._pt = a = new Ir(r._pt, n, t, 0, 1, s.render, s, 0, s.priority)), r !== z) | |
1519 | + ) | |
1520 | + for (l = r._ptLookup[r._targets.indexOf(n)], c = s._props.length; c--; ) l[s._props[c]] = a; | |
1521 | + return s; | |
1522 | + }, | |
1523 | + mr = function t(e, r, i) { | |
1524 | + var n, | |
1525 | + o, | |
1526 | + s, | |
1527 | + a, | |
1528 | + l, | |
1529 | + c, | |
1530 | + u, | |
1531 | + h, | |
1532 | + f, | |
1533 | + p, | |
1534 | + g, | |
1535 | + d, | |
1536 | + m, | |
1537 | + _ = e.vars, | |
1538 | + v = _.ease, | |
1539 | + y = _.startAt, | |
1540 | + b = _.immediateRender, | |
1541 | + x = _.lazy, | |
1542 | + w = _.onUpdate, | |
1543 | + T = _.onUpdateParams, | |
1544 | + k = _.callbackScope, | |
1545 | + C = _.runBackwards, | |
1546 | + E = _.yoyoEase, | |
1547 | + A = _.keyframes, | |
1548 | + M = _.autoRevert, | |
1549 | + P = e._dur, | |
1550 | + R = e._startAt, | |
1551 | + B = e._targets, | |
1552 | + I = e.parent, | |
1553 | + L = I && "nested" === ? I.vars.targets : B, | |
1554 | + W = "auto" === e._overwrite && !S, | |
1555 | + z = e.timeline; | |
1556 | + if ( | |
1557 | + (z && (!A || !v) && (v = "none"), | |
1558 | + (e._ease = ir(v, H.ease)), | |
1559 | + (e._yEase = E ? er(ir(!0 === E ? v : E, H.ease)) : 0), | |
1560 | + E && e._yoyo && !e._repeat && ((E = e._yEase), (e._yEase = e._ease), (e._ease = E)), | |
1561 | + (e._from = !z && !!_.runBackwards), | |
1562 | + !z || (A && !_.stagger)) | |
1563 | + ) { | |
1564 | + if (((d = (h = B[0] ? Lt(B[0]).harness : 0) && _[h.prop]), (n = Qt(_, At)), R && (R._zTime < 0 && R.progress(1), r < 0 && C && b && !M ? R.render(-1, !0) : R.revert(C && P ? Ct : kt), (R._lazy = 0)), y)) { | |
1565 | + if ( | |
1566 | + (te((e._startAt = xr.set(B, Gt({ data: "isStart", overwrite: !1, parent: I, immediateRender: !0, lazy: !R && ot(x), startAt: null, delay: 0, onUpdate: w, onUpdateParams: T, callbackScope: k, stagger: 0 }, y)))), | |
1567 | + (e._startAt._dp = 0), | |
1568 | + (e._startAt._sat = e), | |
1569 | + r < 0 && (O || (!b && !M)) && e._startAt.revert(Ct), | |
1570 | + b && P && r <= 0 && i <= 0) | |
1571 | + ) | |
1572 | + return void (r && (e._zTime = r)); | |
1573 | + } else if (C && P && !R) | |
1574 | + if ( | |
1575 | + (r && (b = !1), | |
1576 | + (s = Gt({ overwrite: !1, data: "isFromStart", lazy: b && !R && ot(x), immediateRender: b, stagger: 0, parent: I }, n)), | |
1577 | + d && (s[h.prop] = d), | |
1578 | + te((e._startAt = xr.set(B, s))), | |
1579 | + (e._startAt._dp = 0), | |
1580 | + (e._startAt._sat = e), | |
1581 | + r < 0 && (O ? e._startAt.revert(Ct) : e._startAt.render(-1, !0)), | |
1582 | + (e._zTime = r), | |
1583 | + b) | |
1584 | + ) { | |
1585 | + if (!r) return; | |
1586 | + } else t(e._startAt, G, G); | |
1587 | + for (e._pt = e._ptCache = 0, x = (P && ot(x)) || (x && !P), o = 0; o < B.length; o++) { | |
1588 | + if ( | |
1589 | + ((u = (l = B[o])._gsap || It(B)[o]._gsap), | |
1590 | + (e._ptLookup[o] = p = {}), | |
1591 | + St[] && Mt.length && Xt(), | |
1592 | + (g = L === B ? o : L.indexOf(l)), | |
1593 | + h && | |
1594 | + !1 !== (f = new h()).init(l, d || n, e, g, L) && | |
1595 | + ((e._pt = a = new Ir(e._pt, l,, 0, 1, f.render, f, 0, f.priority)), | |
1596 | + f._props.forEach(function (t) { | |
1597 | + p[t] = a; | |
1598 | + }), | |
1599 | + f.priority && (c = 1)), | |
1600 | + !h || d) | |
1601 | + ) | |
1602 | + for (s in n) Ot[s] && (f = dr(s, n, e, g, l, L)) ? f.priority && (c = 1) : (p[s] = a =, l, s, "get", n[s], g, L, 0, _.stringFilter)); | |
1603 | + e._op && e._op[o] && e.kill(l, e._op[o]), W && e._pt && ((hr = e), D.killTweensOf(l, p, e.globalTime(r)), (m = !e.parent), (hr = 0)), e._pt && x && (St[] = 1); | |
1604 | + } | |
1605 | + c && Br(e), e._onInit && e._onInit(e); | |
1606 | + } | |
1607 | + (e._onUpdate = w), (e._initted = (!e._op || e._pt) && !m), A && r <= 0 && z.render(U, !0, !0); | |
1608 | + }, | |
1609 | + _r = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
1610 | + var n, | |
1611 | + o, | |
1612 | + s = e.ease || i || "power1.inOut"; | |
1613 | + if (ct(e)) | |
1614 | + (o = r[t] || (r[t] = [])), | |
1615 | + e.forEach(function (t, r) { | |
1616 | + return o.push({ t: (r / (e.length - 1)) * 100, v: t, e: s }); | |
1617 | + }); | |
1618 | + else for (n in e) (o = r[n] || (r[n] = [])), "ease" === n || o.push({ t: parseFloat(t), v: e[n], e: s }); | |
1619 | + }, | |
1620 | + vr = function (t, e, r, i, n) { | |
1621 | + return et(t) ?, r, i, n) : tt(t) && ~t.indexOf("random(") ? Re(t) : t; | |
1622 | + }, | |
1623 | + yr = Bt + "repeat,repeatDelay,yoyo,repeatRefresh,yoyoEase,autoRevert", | |
1624 | + br = {}; | |
1625 | + zt(yr + ",id,stagger,delay,duration,paused,scrollTrigger", function (t) { | |
1626 | + return (br[t] = 1); | |
1627 | + }); | |
1628 | + var xr = (function (t) { | |
1629 | + function e(e, r, i, n) { | |
1630 | + var o; | |
1631 | + "number" == typeof r && ((i.duration = r), (r = i), (i = null)); | |
1632 | + var s, | |
1633 | + a, | |
1634 | + l, | |
1635 | + c, | |
1636 | + u, | |
1637 | + h, | |
1638 | + f, | |
1639 | + p, | |
1640 | + g = (o =, n ? r : Zt(r)) || this).vars, | |
1641 | + d = g.duration, | |
1642 | + m = g.delay, | |
1643 | + _ = g.immediateRender, | |
1644 | + v = g.stagger, | |
1645 | + y = g.overwrite, | |
1646 | + b = g.keyframes, | |
1647 | + x = g.defaults, | |
1648 | + w = g.scrollTrigger, | |
1649 | + T = g.yoyoEase, | |
1650 | + k = r.parent || D, | |
1651 | + C = (ct(e) || lt(e) ? rt(e[0]) : "length" in r) ? [e] : Ce(e); | |
1652 | + if (((o._targets = C.length ? It(C) : xt("GSAP target " + e + " not found.", !V.nullTargetWarn) || []), (o._ptLookup = []), (o._overwrite = y), b || v || at(d) || at(m))) { | |
1653 | + if (((r = o.vars), (s = o.timeline = new ur({ data: "nested", defaults: x || {}, targets: k && "nested" === ? k.vars.targets : C })).kill(), (s.parent = s._dp = A(o)), (s._start = 0), v || at(d) || at(m))) { | |
1654 | + if (((c = C.length), (f = v && Me(v)), nt(v))) for (u in v) ~yr.indexOf(u) && (p || (p = {}), (p[u] = v[u])); | |
1655 | + for (a = 0; a < c; a++) | |
1656 | + ((l = Qt(r, br)).stagger = 0), | |
1657 | + T && (l.yoyoEase = T), | |
1658 | + p && jt(l, p), | |
1659 | + (h = C[a]), | |
1660 | + (l.duration = +vr(d, A(o), a, h, C)), | |
1661 | + (l.delay = (+vr(m, A(o), a, h, C) || 0) - o._delay), | |
1662 | + !v && 1 === c && l.delay && ((o._delay = m = l.delay), (o._start += m), (l.delay = 0)), | |
1663 | +, l, f ? f(a, h, C) : 0), | |
1664 | + (s._ease = Ze.none); | |
1665 | + s.duration() ? (d = m = 0) : (o.timeline = 0); | |
1666 | + } else if (b) { | |
1667 | + Zt(Gt(s.vars.defaults, { ease: "none" })), (s._ease = ir(b.ease || r.ease || "none")); | |
1668 | + var E, | |
1669 | + M, | |
1670 | + O, | |
1671 | + P = 0; | |
1672 | + if (ct(b)) | |
1673 | + b.forEach(function (t) { | |
1674 | + return, t, ">"); | |
1675 | + }), | |
1676 | + s.duration(); | |
1677 | + else { | |
1678 | + for (u in ((l = {}), b)) "ease" === u || "easeEach" === u || _r(u, b[u], l, b.easeEach); | |
1679 | + for (u in l) | |
1680 | + for ( | |
1681 | + E = l[u].sort(function (t, e) { | |
1682 | + return t.t - e.t; | |
1683 | + }), | |
1684 | + P = 0, | |
1685 | + a = 0; | |
1686 | + a < E.length; | |
1687 | + a++ | |
1688 | + ) | |
1689 | + ((O = { ease: (M = E[a]).e, duration: ((M.t - (a ? E[a - 1].t : 0)) / 100) * d })[u] = M.v),, O, P), (P += O.duration); | |
1690 | + s.duration() < d &&{}, { duration: d - s.duration() }); | |
1691 | + } | |
1692 | + } | |
1693 | + d || o.duration((d = s.duration())); | |
1694 | + } else o.timeline = 0; | |
1695 | + return ( | |
1696 | + !0 !== y || S || ((hr = A(o)), D.killTweensOf(C), (hr = 0)), | |
1697 | + ue(k, A(o), i), | |
1698 | + r.reversed && o.reverse(), | |
1699 | + r.paused && o.paused(!0), | |
1700 | + (_ || (!d && !b && o._start === Nt(k._time) && ot(_) && ie(A(o)) && "nested" !== && ((o._tTime = -1e-8), o.render(Math.max(0, -m) || 0)), | |
1701 | + w && he(A(o), w), | |
1702 | + o | |
1703 | + ); | |
1704 | + } | |
1705 | + M(e, t); | |
1706 | + var r = e.prototype; | |
1707 | + return ( | |
1708 | + (r.render = function (t, e, r) { | |
1709 | + var i, | |
1710 | + n, | |
1711 | + o, | |
1712 | + s, | |
1713 | + a, | |
1714 | + l, | |
1715 | + c, | |
1716 | + u, | |
1717 | + h, | |
1718 | + f = this._time, | |
1719 | + p = this._tDur, | |
1720 | + g = this._dur, | |
1721 | + d = t < 0, | |
1722 | + m = t > p - G && !d ? p : t < G ? 0 : t; | |
1723 | + if (g) { | |
1724 | + if (m !== this._tTime || !t || r || (!this._initted && this._tTime) || (this._startAt && this._zTime < 0 !== d)) { | |
1725 | + if (((i = m), (u = this.timeline), this._repeat)) { | |
1726 | + if (((s = g + this._rDelay), this._repeat < -1 && d)) return this.totalTime(100 * s + t, e, r); | |
1727 | + if ( | |
1728 | + ((i = Nt(m % s)), | |
1729 | + m === p ? ((o = this._repeat), (i = g)) : ((o = ~~(m / s)) && o === m / s && ((i = g), o--), i > g && (i = g)), | |
1730 | + (l = this._yoyo && 1 & o) && ((h = this._yEase), (i = g - i)), | |
1731 | + (a = oe(this._tTime, s)), | |
1732 | + i === f && !r && this._initted) | |
1733 | + ) | |
1734 | + return (this._tTime = m), this; | |
1735 | + o !== a && (u && this._yEase && rr(u, l), !this.vars.repeatRefresh || l || this._lock || ((this._lock = r = 1), (this.render(Nt(s * o), !0).invalidate()._lock = 0))); | |
1736 | + } | |
1737 | + if (!this._initted) { | |
1738 | + if (fe(this, d ? t : i, r, e, m)) return (this._tTime = 0), this; | |
1739 | + if (f !== this._time) return this; | |
1740 | + if (g !== this._dur) return this.render(t, e, r); | |
1741 | + } | |
1742 | + if ( | |
1743 | + ((this._tTime = m), | |
1744 | + (this._time = i), | |
1745 | + !this._act && this._ts && ((this._act = 1), (this._lazy = 0)), | |
1746 | + (this.ratio = c = (h || this._ease)(i / g)), | |
1747 | + this._from && (this.ratio = c = 1 - c), | |
1748 | + i && !f && !e && !o && (Le(this, "onStart"), this._tTime !== m)) | |
1749 | + ) | |
1750 | + return this; | |
1751 | + for (n = this._pt; n; ) n.r(c, n.d), (n = n._next); | |
1752 | + (u && u.render(t < 0 ? t : !i && l ? -1e-8 : u._dur * u._ease(i / this._dur), e, r)) || (this._startAt && (this._zTime = t)), | |
1753 | + this._onUpdate && !e && (d && re(this, t, 0, r), Le(this, "onUpdate")), | |
1754 | + this._repeat && o !== a && this.vars.onRepeat && !e && this.parent && Le(this, "onRepeat"), | |
1755 | + (m !== this._tDur && m) || | |
1756 | + this._tTime !== m || | |
1757 | + (d && !this._onUpdate && re(this, t, 0, !0), | |
1758 | + (t || !g) && ((m === this._tDur && this._ts > 0) || (!m && this._ts < 0)) && te(this, 1), | |
1759 | + e || (d && !f) || !(m || f || l) || (Le(this, m === p ? "onComplete" : "onReverseComplete", !0), this._prom && !(m < p && this.timeScale() > 0) && this._prom())); | |
1760 | + } | |
1761 | + } else | |
1762 | + !(function (t, e, r, i) { | |
1763 | + var n, | |
1764 | + o, | |
1765 | + s, | |
1766 | + a = t.ratio, | |
1767 | + l = e < 0 || (!e && ((!t._start && pe(t) && (t._initted || !ge(t))) || ((t._ts < 0 || t._dp._ts < 0) && !ge(t)))) ? 0 : 1, | |
1768 | + c = t._rDelay, | |
1769 | + u = 0; | |
1770 | + if ( | |
1771 | + (c && t._repeat && ((u = xe(0, t._tDur, e)), (o = oe(u, c)), t._yoyo && 1 & o && (l = 1 - l), o !== oe(t._tTime, c) && ((a = 1 - l), t.vars.repeatRefresh && t._initted && t.invalidate())), | |
1772 | + l !== a || O || i || t._zTime === G || (!e && t._zTime)) | |
1773 | + ) { | |
1774 | + if (!t._initted && fe(t, e, i, r, u)) return; | |
1775 | + for (s = t._zTime, t._zTime = e || (r ? G : 0), r || (r = e && !s), t.ratio = l, t._from && (l = 1 - l), t._time = 0, t._tTime = u, n = t._pt; n; ) n.r(l, n.d), (n = n._next); | |
1776 | + e < 0 && re(t, e, 0, !0), | |
1777 | + t._onUpdate && !r && Le(t, "onUpdate"), | |
1778 | + u && t._repeat && !r && t.parent && Le(t, "onRepeat"), | |
1779 | + (e >= t._tDur || e < 0) && t.ratio === l && (l && te(t, 1), r || O || (Le(t, l ? "onComplete" : "onReverseComplete", !0), t._prom && t._prom())); | |
1780 | + } else t._zTime || (t._zTime = e); | |
1781 | + })(this, t, e, r); | |
1782 | + return this; | |
1783 | + }), | |
1784 | + (r.targets = function () { | |
1785 | + return this._targets; | |
1786 | + }), | |
1787 | + (r.invalidate = function (e) { | |
1788 | + return ( | |
1789 | + (!e || !this.vars.runBackwards) && (this._startAt = 0), | |
1790 | + (this._pt = this._op = this._onUpdate = this._lazy = this.ratio = 0), | |
1791 | + (this._ptLookup = []), | |
1792 | + this.timeline && this.timeline.invalidate(e), | |
1793 | +, e) | |
1794 | + ); | |
1795 | + }), | |
1796 | + (r.resetTo = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
1797 | + F || Ke.wake(), this._ts ||; | |
1798 | + var n = Math.min(this._dur, (this._dp._time - this._start) * this._ts); | |
1799 | + return ( | |
1800 | + this._initted || mr(this, n), | |
1801 | + (function (t, e, r, i, n, o, s) { | |
1802 | + var a, | |
1803 | + l, | |
1804 | + c, | |
1805 | + u, | |
1806 | + h = ((t._pt && t._ptCache) || (t._ptCache = {}))[e]; | |
1807 | + if (!h) | |
1808 | + for (h = t._ptCache[e] = [], c = t._ptLookup, u = t._targets.length; u--; ) { | |
1809 | + if ((a = c[u][e]) && a.d && a.d._pt) for (a = a.d._pt; a && a.p !== e && a.fp !== e; ) a = a._next; | |
1810 | + if (!a) return (fr = 1), (t.vars[e] = "+=0"), mr(t, s), (fr = 0), 1; | |
1811 | + h.push(a); | |
1812 | + } | |
1813 | + for (u = h.length; u--; ) ((a = (l = h[u])._pt || l).s = (!i && 0 !== i) || n ? a.s + (i || 0) + o * a.c : i), (a.c = r - a.s), l.e && (l.e = Ft(r) + we(l.e)), l.b && (l.b = a.s + we(l.b)); | |
1814 | + })(this, t, e, r, i, this._ease(n / this._dur), n) | |
1815 | + ? this.resetTo(t, e, r, i) | |
1816 | + : (le(this, 0), this.parent || $t(this._dp, this, "_first", "_last", this._dp._sort ? "_start" : 0), this.render(0)) | |
1817 | + ); | |
1818 | + }), | |
1819 | + (r.kill = function (t, e) { | |
1820 | + if ((void 0 === e && (e = "all"), !(t || (e && "all" !== e)))) return (this._lazy = this._pt = 0), this.parent ? We(this) : this; | |
1821 | + if (this.timeline) { | |
1822 | + var r = this.timeline.totalDuration(); | |
1823 | + return this.timeline.killTweensOf(t, e, hr && !0 !== hr.vars.overwrite)._first || We(this), this.parent && r !== this.timeline.totalDuration() && de(this, (this._dur * this.timeline._tDur) / r, 0, 1), this; | |
1824 | + } | |
1825 | + var i, | |
1826 | + n, | |
1827 | + o, | |
1828 | + s, | |
1829 | + a, | |
1830 | + l, | |
1831 | + c, | |
1832 | + u = this._targets, | |
1833 | + h = t ? Ce(t) : u, | |
1834 | + f = this._ptLookup, | |
1835 | + p = this._pt; | |
1836 | + if ( | |
1837 | + (!e || "all" === e) && | |
1838 | + (function (t, e) { | |
1839 | + for (var r = t.length, i = r === e.length; i && r-- && t[r] === e[r]; ); | |
1840 | + return r < 0; | |
1841 | + })(u, h) | |
1842 | + ) | |
1843 | + return "all" === e && (this._pt = 0), We(this); | |
1844 | + for ( | |
1845 | + i = this._op = this._op || [], | |
1846 | + "all" !== e && | |
1847 | + (tt(e) && | |
1848 | + ((a = {}), | |
1849 | + zt(e, function (t) { | |
1850 | + return (a[t] = 1); | |
1851 | + }), | |
1852 | + (e = a)), | |
1853 | + (e = (function (t, e) { | |
1854 | + var r, | |
1855 | + i, | |
1856 | + n, | |
1857 | + o, | |
1858 | + s = t[0] ? Lt(t[0]).harness : 0, | |
1859 | + a = s && s.aliases; | |
1860 | + if (!a) return e; | |
1861 | + for (i in ((r = jt({}, e)), a)) if ((i in r)) for (n = (o = a[i].split(",")).length; n--; ) r[o[n]] = r[i]; | |
1862 | + return r; | |
1863 | + })(u, e))), | |
1864 | + c = u.length; | |
1865 | + c--; | |
1866 | + | |
1867 | + ) | |
1868 | + if (~h.indexOf(u[c])) | |
1869 | + for (a in ((n = f[c]), "all" === e ? ((i[c] = e), (s = n), (o = {})) : ((o = i[c] = i[c] || {}), (s = e)), s)) | |
1870 | + (l = n && n[a]) && (("kill" in l.d && !0 !== l.d.kill(a)) || Jt(this, l, "_pt"), delete n[a]), "all" !== o && (o[a] = 1); | |
1871 | + return this._initted && !this._pt && p && We(this), this; | |
1872 | + }), | |
1873 | + ( = function (t, r) { | |
1874 | + return new e(t, r, arguments[2]); | |
1875 | + }), | |
1876 | + (e.from = function (t, e) { | |
1877 | + return ye(1, arguments); | |
1878 | + }), | |
1879 | + (e.delayedCall = function (t, r, i, n) { | |
1880 | + return new e(r, 0, { immediateRender: !1, lazy: !1, overwrite: !1, delay: t, onComplete: r, onReverseComplete: r, onCompleteParams: i, onReverseCompleteParams: i, callbackScope: n }); | |
1881 | + }), | |
1882 | + (e.fromTo = function (t, e, r) { | |
1883 | + return ye(2, arguments); | |
1884 | + }), | |
1885 | + (e.set = function (t, r) { | |
1886 | + return (r.duration = 0), r.repeatDelay || (r.repeat = 0), new e(t, r); | |
1887 | + }), | |
1888 | + (e.killTweensOf = function (t, e, r) { | |
1889 | + return D.killTweensOf(t, e, r); | |
1890 | + }), | |
1891 | + e | |
1892 | + ); | |
1893 | + })(cr); | |
1894 | + Gt(xr.prototype, { _targets: [], _lazy: 0, _startAt: 0, _op: 0, _onInit: 0 }), | |
1895 | + zt("staggerTo,staggerFrom,staggerFromTo", function (t) { | |
1896 | + xr[t] = function () { | |
1897 | + var e = new ur(), | |
1898 | + r =, 0); | |
1899 | + return r.splice("staggerFromTo" === t ? 5 : 4, 0, 0), e[t].apply(e, r); | |
1900 | + }; | |
1901 | + }); | |
1902 | + var wr = function (t, e, r) { | |
1903 | + return (t[e] = r); | |
1904 | + }, | |
1905 | + Tr = function (t, e, r) { | |
1906 | + return t[e](r); | |
1907 | + }, | |
1908 | + kr = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
1909 | + return t[e](i.fp, r); | |
1910 | + }, | |
1911 | + Cr = function (t, e, r) { | |
1912 | + return t.setAttribute(e, r); | |
1913 | + }, | |
1914 | + Er = function (t, e) { | |
1915 | + return et(t[e]) ? Tr : it(t[e]) && t.setAttribute ? Cr : wr; | |
1916 | + }, | |
1917 | + Ar = function (t, e) { | |
1918 | + return e.set(e.t, e.p, Math.round(1e6 * (e.s + e.c * t)) / 1e6, e); | |
1919 | + }, | |
1920 | + Mr = function (t, e) { | |
1921 | + return e.set(e.t, e.p, !!(e.s + e.c * t), e); | |
1922 | + }, | |
1923 | + Sr = function (t, e) { | |
1924 | + var r = e._pt, | |
1925 | + i = ""; | |
1926 | + if (!t && e.b) i = e.b; | |
1927 | + else if (1 === t && e.e) i = e.e; | |
1928 | + else { | |
1929 | + for (; r; ) (i = r.p + (r.m ? r.m(r.s + r.c * t) : Math.round(1e4 * (r.s + r.c * t)) / 1e4) + i), (r = r._next); | |
1930 | + i += e.c; | |
1931 | + } | |
1932 | + e.set(e.t, e.p, i, e); | |
1933 | + }, | |
1934 | + Or = function (t, e) { | |
1935 | + for (var r = e._pt; r; ) r.r(t, r.d), (r = r._next); | |
1936 | + }, | |
1937 | + Pr = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
1938 | + for (var n, o = this._pt; o; ) (n = o._next), o.p === i && o.modifier(t, e, r), (o = n); | |
1939 | + }, | |
1940 | + Dr = function (t) { | |
1941 | + for (var e, r, i = this._pt; i; ) (r = i._next), (i.p === t && !i.op) || i.op === t ? Jt(this, i, "_pt") : i.dep || (e = 1), (i = r); | |
1942 | + return !e; | |
1943 | + }, | |
1944 | + Rr = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
1945 | + i.mSet(t, e,, r,, i); | |
1946 | + }, | |
1947 | + Br = function (t) { | |
1948 | + for (var e, r, i, n, o = t._pt; o; ) { | |
1949 | + for (e = o._next, r = i; r && >; ) r = r._next; | |
1950 | + (o._prev = r ? r._prev : n) ? (o._prev._next = o) : (i = o), (o._next = r) ? (r._prev = o) : (n = o), (o = e); | |
1951 | + } | |
1952 | + t._pt = i; | |
1953 | + }, | |
1954 | + Ir = (function () { | |
1955 | + function t(t, e, r, i, n, o, s, a, l) { | |
1956 | + (this.t = e), (this.s = i), (this.c = n), (this.p = r), (this.r = o || Ar), (this.d = s || this), (this.set = a || wr), ( = l || 0), (this._next = t), t && (t._prev = this); | |
1957 | + } | |
1958 | + return ( | |
1959 | + (t.prototype.modifier = function (t, e, r) { | |
1960 | + (this.mSet = this.mSet || this.set), (this.set = Rr), (this.m = t), ( = r), (this.tween = e); | |
1961 | + }), | |
1962 | + t | |
1963 | + ); | |
1964 | + })(); | |
1965 | + zt( | |
1966 | + Bt + | |
1967 | + "parent,duration,ease,delay,overwrite,runBackwards,startAt,yoyo,immediateRender,repeat,repeatDelay,data,paused,reversed,lazy,callbackScope,stringFilter,id,yoyoEase,stagger,inherit,repeatRefresh,keyframes,autoRevert,scrollTrigger", | |
1968 | + function (t) { | |
1969 | + return (At[t] = 1); | |
1970 | + } | |
1971 | + ), | |
1972 | + (_t.TweenMax = _t.TweenLite = xr), | |
1973 | + (_t.TimelineLite = _t.TimelineMax = ur), | |
1974 | + (D = new ur({ sortChildren: !1, defaults: H, autoRemoveChildren: !0, id: "root", smoothChildTiming: !0 })), | |
1975 | + (V.stringFilter = je); | |
1976 | + var Lr = [], | |
1977 | + Wr = {}, | |
1978 | + zr = [], | |
1979 | + Fr = 0, | |
1980 | + Nr = 0, | |
1981 | + qr = function (t) { | |
1982 | + return (Wr[t] || zr).map(function (t) { | |
1983 | + return t(); | |
1984 | + }); | |
1985 | + }, | |
1986 | + Yr = function () { | |
1987 | + var t =, | |
1988 | + e = []; | |
1989 | + t - Fr > 2 && | |
1990 | + (qr("matchMediaInit"), | |
1991 | + Lr.forEach(function (t) { | |
1992 | + var r, | |
1993 | + i, | |
1994 | + n, | |
1995 | + o, | |
1996 | + s = t.queries, | |
1997 | + a = t.conditions; | |
1998 | + for (i in s) (r = R.matchMedia(s[i]).matches) && (n = 1), r !== a[i] && ((a[i] = r), (o = 1)); | |
1999 | + o && (t.revert(), n && e.push(t)); | |
2000 | + }), | |
2001 | + qr("matchMediaRevert"), | |
2002 | + e.forEach(function (t) { | |
2003 | + return t.onMatch(t); | |
2004 | + }), | |
2005 | + (Fr = t), | |
2006 | + qr("matchMedia")); | |
2007 | + }, | |
2008 | + Xr = (function () { | |
2009 | + function t(t, e) { | |
2010 | + (this.selector = e && Ee(e)), ( = []), (this._r = []), (this.isReverted = !1), ( = Nr++), t && this.add(t); | |
2011 | + } | |
2012 | + var e = t.prototype; | |
2013 | + return ( | |
2014 | + (e.add = function (t, e, r) { | |
2015 | + et(t) && ((r = e), (e = t), (t = et)); | |
2016 | + var i = this, | |
2017 | + n = function () { | |
2018 | + var t, | |
2019 | + n = P, | |
2020 | + o = i.selector; | |
2021 | + return n && n !== i &&, r && (i.selector = Ee(r)), (P = i), (t = e.apply(i, arguments)), et(t) && i._r.push(t), (P = n), (i.selector = o), (i.isReverted = !1), t; | |
2022 | + }; | |
2023 | + return (i.last = n), t === et ? n(i) : t ? (i[t] = n) : n; | |
2024 | + }), | |
2025 | + (e.ignore = function (t) { | |
2026 | + var e = P; | |
2027 | + (P = null), t(this), (P = e); | |
2028 | + }), | |
2029 | + (e.getTweens = function () { | |
2030 | + var e = []; | |
2031 | + return ( | |
2032 | + (r) { | |
2033 | + return r instanceof t ? e.push.apply(e, r.getTweens()) : r instanceof xr && !(r.parent && "nested" === && e.push(r); | |
2034 | + }), | |
2035 | + e | |
2036 | + ); | |
2037 | + }), | |
2038 | + (e.clear = function () { | |
2039 | + this._r.length = = 0; | |
2040 | + }), | |
2041 | + (e.kill = function (t, e) { | |
2042 | + var r = this; | |
2043 | + if (t) { | |
2044 | + var i = this.getTweens(); | |
2045 | + (t) { | |
2046 | + "isFlip" === && | |
2047 | + (t.revert(), | |
2048 | + t.getChildren(!0, !0, !1).forEach(function (t) { | |
2049 | + return i.splice(i.indexOf(t), 1); | |
2050 | + })); | |
2051 | + }), | |
2052 | + i | |
2053 | + .map(function (t) { | |
2054 | + return { g: t.globalTime(0), t }; | |
2055 | + }) | |
2056 | + .sort(function (t, e) { | |
2057 | + return e.g - t.g || -1; | |
2058 | + }) | |
2059 | + .forEach(function (e) { | |
2060 | + return e.t.revert(t); | |
2061 | + }), | |
2062 | + (e) { | |
2063 | + return e instanceof ur ? "nested" !== && e.kill() : !(e instanceof xr) && e.revert && e.revert(t); | |
2064 | + }), | |
2065 | + this._r.forEach(function (e) { | |
2066 | + return e(t, r); | |
2067 | + }), | |
2068 | + (this.isReverted = !0); | |
2069 | + } else | |
2070 | + (t) { | |
2071 | + return t.kill && t.kill(); | |
2072 | + }); | |
2073 | + if ((this.clear(), e)) for (var n = Lr.length; n--; ) Lr[n].id === && Lr.splice(n, 1); | |
2074 | + }), | |
2075 | + (e.revert = function (t) { | |
2076 | + this.kill(t || {}); | |
2077 | + }), | |
2078 | + t | |
2079 | + ); | |
2080 | + })(), | |
2081 | + Vr = (function () { | |
2082 | + function t(t) { | |
2083 | + (this.contexts = []), (this.scope = t); | |
2084 | + } | |
2085 | + var e = t.prototype; | |
2086 | + return ( | |
2087 | + (e.add = function (t, e, r) { | |
2088 | + nt(t) || (t = { matches: t }); | |
2089 | + var i, | |
2090 | + n, | |
2091 | + o, | |
2092 | + s = new Xr(0, r || this.scope), | |
2093 | + a = (s.conditions = {}); | |
2094 | + for (n in (P && !s.selector && (s.selector = P.selector), this.contexts.push(s), (e = s.add("onMatch", e)), (s.queries = t), t)) | |
2095 | + "all" === n ? (o = 1) : (i = R.matchMedia(t[n])) && (Lr.indexOf(s) < 0 && Lr.push(s), (a[n] = i.matches) && (o = 1), i.addListener ? i.addListener(Yr) : i.addEventListener("change", Yr)); | |
2096 | + return o && e(s), this; | |
2097 | + }), | |
2098 | + (e.revert = function (t) { | |
2099 | + this.kill(t || {}); | |
2100 | + }), | |
2101 | + (e.kill = function (t) { | |
2102 | + this.contexts.forEach(function (e) { | |
2103 | + return e.kill(t, !0); | |
2104 | + }); | |
2105 | + }), | |
2106 | + t | |
2107 | + ); | |
2108 | + })(), | |
2109 | + Hr = { | |
2110 | + registerPlugin: function () { | |
2111 | + for (var t = arguments.length, e = new Array(t), r = 0; r < t; r++) e[r] = arguments[r]; | |
2112 | + e.forEach(function (t) { | |
2113 | + return Fe(t); | |
2114 | + }); | |
2115 | + }, | |
2116 | + timeline: function (t) { | |
2117 | + return new ur(t); | |
2118 | + }, | |
2119 | + getTweensOf: function (t, e) { | |
2120 | + return D.getTweensOf(t, e); | |
2121 | + }, | |
2122 | + getProperty: function (t, e, r, i) { | |
2123 | + tt(t) && (t = Ce(t)[0]); | |
2124 | + var n = Lt(t || {}).get, | |
2125 | + o = r ? Ut : Ht; | |
2126 | + return ( | |
2127 | + "native" === r && (r = ""), | |
2128 | + t | |
2129 | + ? e | |
2130 | + ? o(((Ot[e] && Ot[e].get) || n)(t, e, r, i)) | |
2131 | + : function (e, r, i) { | |
2132 | + return o(((Ot[e] && Ot[e].get) || n)(t, e, r, i)); | |
2133 | + } | |
2134 | + : t | |
2135 | + ); | |
2136 | + }, | |
2137 | + quickSetter: function (t, e, r) { | |
2138 | + if ((t = Ce(t)).length > 1) { | |
2139 | + var i = (t) { | |
2140 | + return jr.quickSetter(t, e, r); | |
2141 | + }), | |
2142 | + n = i.length; | |
2143 | + return function (t) { | |
2144 | + for (var e = n; e--; ) i[e](t); | |
2145 | + }; | |
2146 | + } | |
2147 | + t = t[0] || {}; | |
2148 | + var o = Ot[e], | |
2149 | + s = Lt(t), | |
2150 | + a = (s.harness && (s.harness.aliases || {})[e]) || e, | |
2151 | + l = o | |
2152 | + ? function (e) { | |
2153 | + var i = new o(); | |
2154 | + (z._pt = 0), i.init(t, r ? e + r : e, z, 0, [t]), i.render(1, i), z._pt && Or(1, z); | |
2155 | + } | |
2156 | + : s.set(t, a); | |
2157 | + return o | |
2158 | + ? l | |
2159 | + : function (e) { | |
2160 | + return l(t, a, r ? e + r : e, s, 1); | |
2161 | + }; | |
2162 | + }, | |
2163 | + quickTo: function (t, e, r) { | |
2164 | + var i, | |
2165 | + n =, jt((((i = {})[e] = "+=0.1"), (i.paused = !0), i), r || {})), | |
2166 | + o = function (t, r, i) { | |
2167 | + return n.resetTo(e, t, r, i); | |
2168 | + }; | |
2169 | + return (o.tween = n), o; | |
2170 | + }, | |
2171 | + isTweening: function (t) { | |
2172 | + return D.getTweensOf(t, !0).length > 0; | |
2173 | + }, | |
2174 | + defaults: function (t) { | |
2175 | + return t && t.ease && (t.ease = ir(t.ease, H.ease)), Kt(H, t || {}); | |
2176 | + }, | |
2177 | + config: function (t) { | |
2178 | + return Kt(V, t || {}); | |
2179 | + }, | |
2180 | + registerEffect: function (t) { | |
2181 | + var e =, | |
2182 | + r = t.effect, | |
2183 | + i = t.plugins, | |
2184 | + n = t.defaults, | |
2185 | + o = t.extendTimeline; | |
2186 | + (i || "").split(",").forEach(function (t) { | |
2187 | + return t && !Ot[t] && !_t[t] && xt(e + " effect requires " + t + " plugin."); | |
2188 | + }), | |
2189 | + (Pt[e] = function (t, e, i) { | |
2190 | + return r(Ce(t), Gt(e || {}, n), i); | |
2191 | + }), | |
2192 | + o && | |
2193 | + (ur.prototype[e] = function (t, r, i) { | |
2194 | + return this.add(Pt[e](t, nt(r) ? r : (i = r) && {}, this), i); | |
2195 | + }); | |
2196 | + }, | |
2197 | + registerEase: function (t, e) { | |
2198 | + Ze[t] = ir(e); | |
2199 | + }, | |
2200 | + parseEase: function (t, e) { | |
2201 | + return arguments.length ? ir(t, e) : Ze; | |
2202 | + }, | |
2203 | + getById: function (t) { | |
2204 | + return D.getById(t); | |
2205 | + }, | |
2206 | + exportRoot: function (t, e) { | |
2207 | + void 0 === t && (t = {}); | |
2208 | + var r, | |
2209 | + i, | |
2210 | + n = new ur(t); | |
2211 | + for (n.smoothChildTiming = ot(t.smoothChildTiming), D.remove(n), n._dp = 0, n._time = n._tTime = D._time, r = D._first; r; ) | |
2212 | + (i = r._next), (!e && !r._dur && r instanceof xr && r.vars.onComplete === r._targets[0]) || ue(n, r, r._start - r._delay), (r = i); | |
2213 | + return ue(D, n, 0), n; | |
2214 | + }, | |
2215 | + context: function (t, e) { | |
2216 | + return t ? new Xr(t, e) : P; | |
2217 | + }, | |
2218 | + matchMedia: function (t) { | |
2219 | + return new Vr(t); | |
2220 | + }, | |
2221 | + matchMediaRefresh: function () { | |
2222 | + return ( | |
2223 | + Lr.forEach(function (t) { | |
2224 | + var e, | |
2225 | + r, | |
2226 | + i = t.conditions; | |
2227 | + for (r in i) i[r] && ((i[r] = !1), (e = 1)); | |
2228 | + e && t.revert(); | |
2229 | + }) || Yr() | |
2230 | + ); | |
2231 | + }, | |
2232 | + addEventListener: function (t, e) { | |
2233 | + var r = Wr[t] || (Wr[t] = []); | |
2234 | + ~r.indexOf(e) || r.push(e); | |
2235 | + }, | |
2236 | + removeEventListener: function (t, e) { | |
2237 | + var r = Wr[t], | |
2238 | + i = r && r.indexOf(e); | |
2239 | + i >= 0 && r.splice(i, 1); | |
2240 | + }, | |
2241 | + utils: { | |
2242 | + wrap: function t(e, r, i) { | |
2243 | + var n = r - e; | |
2244 | + return ct(e) | |
2245 | + ? De(e, t(0, e.length), r) | |
2246 | + : be(i, function (t) { | |
2247 | + return ((n + ((t - e) % n)) % n) + e; | |
2248 | + }); | |
2249 | + }, | |
2250 | + wrapYoyo: function t(e, r, i) { | |
2251 | + var n = r - e, | |
2252 | + o = 2 * n; | |
2253 | + return ct(e) | |
2254 | + ? De(e, t(0, e.length - 1), r) | |
2255 | + : be(i, function (t) { | |
2256 | + return e + ((t = (o + ((t - e) % o)) % o || 0) > n ? o - t : t); | |
2257 | + }); | |
2258 | + }, | |
2259 | + distribute: Me, | |
2260 | + random: Pe, | |
2261 | + snap: Oe, | |
2262 | + normalize: function (t, e, r) { | |
2263 | + return Be(t, e, 0, 1, r); | |
2264 | + }, | |
2265 | + getUnit: we, | |
2266 | + clamp: function (t, e, r) { | |
2267 | + return be(r, function (r) { | |
2268 | + return xe(t, e, r); | |
2269 | + }); | |
2270 | + }, | |
2271 | + splitColor: Xe, | |
2272 | + toArray: Ce, | |
2273 | + selector: Ee, | |
2274 | + mapRange: Be, | |
2275 | + pipe: function () { | |
2276 | + for (var t = arguments.length, e = new Array(t), r = 0; r < t; r++) e[r] = arguments[r]; | |
2277 | + return function (t) { | |
2278 | + return e.reduce(function (t, e) { | |
2279 | + return e(t); | |
2280 | + }, t); | |
2281 | + }; | |
2282 | + }, | |
2283 | + unitize: function (t, e) { | |
2284 | + return function (r) { | |
2285 | + return t(parseFloat(r)) + (e || we(r)); | |
2286 | + }; | |
2287 | + }, | |
2288 | + interpolate: function t(e, r, i, n) { | |
2289 | + var o = isNaN(e + r) | |
2290 | + ? 0 | |
2291 | + : function (t) { | |
2292 | + return (1 - t) * e + t * r; | |
2293 | + }; | |
2294 | + if (!o) { | |
2295 | + var s, | |
2296 | + a, | |
2297 | + l, | |
2298 | + c, | |
2299 | + u, | |
2300 | + h = tt(e), | |
2301 | + f = {}; | |
2302 | + if ((!0 === i && (n = 1) && (i = null), h)) (e = { p: e }), (r = { p: r }); | |
2303 | + else if (ct(e) && !ct(r)) { | |
2304 | + for (l = [], c = e.length, u = c - 2, a = 1; a < c; a++) l.push(t(e[a - 1], e[a])); | |
2305 | + c--, | |
2306 | + (o = function (t) { | |
2307 | + t *= c; | |
2308 | + var e = Math.min(u, ~~t); | |
2309 | + return l[e](t - e); | |
2310 | + }), | |
2311 | + (i = r); | |
2312 | + } else n || (e = jt(ct(e) ? [] : {}, e)); | |
2313 | + if (!l) { | |
2314 | + for (s in r), e, s, "get", r[s]); | |
2315 | + o = function (t) { | |
2316 | + return Or(t, f) || (h ? e.p : e); | |
2317 | + }; | |
2318 | + } | |
2319 | + } | |
2320 | + return be(i, o); | |
2321 | + }, | |
2322 | + shuffle: Ae, | |
2323 | + }, | |
2324 | + install: yt, | |
2325 | + effects: Pt, | |
2326 | + ticker: Ke, | |
2327 | + updateRoot: ur.updateRoot, | |
2328 | + plugins: Ot, | |
2329 | + globalTimeline: D, | |
2330 | + core: { | |
2331 | + PropTween: Ir, | |
2332 | + globals: wt, | |
2333 | + Tween: xr, | |
2334 | + Timeline: ur, | |
2335 | + Animation: cr, | |
2336 | + getCache: Lt, | |
2337 | + _removeLinkedListItem: Jt, | |
2338 | + reverting: function () { | |
2339 | + return O; | |
2340 | + }, | |
2341 | + context: function (t) { | |
2342 | + return t && P && (, (t._ctx = P)), P; | |
2343 | + }, | |
2344 | + suppressOverwrites: function (t) { | |
2345 | + return (S = t); | |
2346 | + }, | |
2347 | + }, | |
2348 | + }; | |
2349 | + zt("to,from,fromTo,delayedCall,set,killTweensOf", function (t) { | |
2350 | + return (Hr[t] = xr[t]); | |
2351 | + }), | |
2352 | + Ke.add(ur.updateRoot), | |
2353 | + (z ={}, { duration: 0 })); | |
2354 | + var Ur = function (t, e) { | |
2355 | + for (var r = t._pt; r && r.p !== e && r.op !== e && r.fp !== e; ) r = r._next; | |
2356 | + return r; | |
2357 | + }, | |
2358 | + Gr = function (t, e) { | |
2359 | + return { | |
2360 | + name: t, | |
2361 | + rawVars: 1, | |
2362 | + init: function (t, r, i) { | |
2363 | + i._onInit = function (t) { | |
2364 | + var i, n; | |
2365 | + if ( | |
2366 | + (tt(r) && | |
2367 | + ((i = {}), | |
2368 | + zt(r, function (t) { | |
2369 | + return (i[t] = 1); | |
2370 | + }), | |
2371 | + (r = i)), | |
2372 | + e) | |
2373 | + ) { | |
2374 | + for (n in ((i = {}), r)) i[n] = e(r[n]); | |
2375 | + r = i; | |
2376 | + } | |
2377 | + !(function (t, e) { | |
2378 | + var r, | |
2379 | + i, | |
2380 | + n, | |
2381 | + o = t._targets; | |
2382 | + for (r in e) for (i = o.length; i--; ) (n = t._ptLookup[i][r]) && (n = n.d) && (n._pt && (n = Ur(n, r)), n && n.modifier && n.modifier(e[r], t, o[i], r)); | |
2383 | + })(t, r); | |
2384 | + }; | |
2385 | + }, | |
2386 | + }; | |
2387 | + }, | |
2388 | + jr = | |
2389 | + Hr.registerPlugin( | |
2390 | + { | |
2391 | + name: "attr", | |
2392 | + init: function (t, e, r, i, n) { | |
2393 | + var o, s, a; | |
2394 | + for (o in ((this.tween = r), e)) (a = t.getAttribute(o) || ""), ((s = this.add(t, "setAttribute", (a || 0) + "", e[o], i, n, 0, 0, o)).op = o), (s.b = a), this._props.push(o); | |
2395 | + }, | |
2396 | + render: function (t, e) { | |
2397 | + for (var r = e._pt; r; ) O ? r.set(r.t, r.p, r.b, r) : r.r(t, r.d), (r = r._next); | |
2398 | + }, | |
2399 | + }, | |
2400 | + { | |
2401 | + name: "endArray", | |
2402 | + init: function (t, e) { | |
2403 | + for (var r = e.length; r--; ) this.add(t, r, t[r] || 0, e[r], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); | |
2404 | + }, | |
2405 | + }, | |
2406 | + Gr("roundProps", Se), | |
2407 | + Gr("modifiers"), | |
2408 | + Gr("snap", Oe) | |
2409 | + ) || Hr; | |
2410 | + (xr.version = ur.version = jr.version = "3.12.1"), | |
2411 | + (L = 1), | |
2412 | + st() && Qe(), | |
2413 | + Ze.Power0, | |
2414 | + Ze.Power1, | |
2415 | + Ze.Power2, | |
2416 | + Ze.Power3, | |
2417 | + Ze.Power4, | |
2418 | + Ze.Linear, | |
2419 | + Ze.Quad, | |
2420 | + Ze.Cubic, | |
2421 | + Ze.Quart, | |
2422 | + Ze.Quint, | |
2423 | + Ze.Strong, | |
2424 | + Ze.Elastic, | |
2425 | + Ze.Back, | |
2426 | + Ze.SteppedEase, | |
2427 | + Ze.Bounce, | |
2428 | + Ze.Sine, | |
2429 | + Ze.Expo, | |
2430 | + Ze.Circ; | |
2431 | + var Kr, | |
2432 | + Qr, | |
2433 | + Zr, | |
2434 | + $r, | |
2435 | + Jr, | |
2436 | + ti, | |
2437 | + ei, | |
2438 | + ri, | |
2439 | + ii = {}, | |
2440 | + ni = 180 / Math.PI, | |
2441 | + oi = Math.PI / 180, | |
2442 | + si = Math.atan2, | |
2443 | + ai = /([A-Z])/g, | |
2444 | + li = /(left|right|width|margin|padding|x)/i, | |
2445 | + ci = /[\s,\(]\S/, | |
2446 | + ui = { autoAlpha: "opacity,visibility", scale: "scaleX,scaleY", alpha: "opacity" }, | |
2447 | + hi = function (t, e) { | |
2448 | + return e.set(e.t, e.p, Math.round(1e4 * (e.s + e.c * t)) / 1e4 + e.u, e); | |
2449 | + }, | |
2450 | + fi = function (t, e) { | |
2451 | + return e.set(e.t, e.p, 1 === t ? e.e : Math.round(1e4 * (e.s + e.c * t)) / 1e4 + e.u, e); | |
2452 | + }, | |
2453 | + pi = function (t, e) { | |
2454 | + return e.set(e.t, e.p, t ? Math.round(1e4 * (e.s + e.c * t)) / 1e4 + e.u : e.b, e); | |
2455 | + }, | |
2456 | + gi = function (t, e) { | |
2457 | + var r = e.s + e.c * t; | |
2458 | + e.set(e.t, e.p, ~~(r + (r < 0 ? -0.5 : 0.5)) + e.u, e); | |
2459 | + }, | |
2460 | + di = function (t, e) { | |
2461 | + return e.set(e.t, e.p, t ? e.e : e.b, e); | |
2462 | + }, | |
2463 | + mi = function (t, e) { | |
2464 | + return e.set(e.t, e.p, 1 !== t ? e.b : e.e, e); | |
2465 | + }, | |
2466 | + _i = function (t, e, r) { | |
2467 | + return ([e] = r); | |
2468 | + }, | |
2469 | + vi = function (t, e, r) { | |
2470 | + return, r); | |
2471 | + }, | |
2472 | + yi = function (t, e, r) { | |
2473 | + return (t._gsap[e] = r); | |
2474 | + }, | |
2475 | + bi = function (t, e, r) { | |
2476 | + return (t._gsap.scaleX = t._gsap.scaleY = r); | |
2477 | + }, | |
2478 | + xi = function (t, e, r, i, n) { | |
2479 | + var o = t._gsap; | |
2480 | + (o.scaleX = o.scaleY = r), o.renderTransform(n, o); | |
2481 | + }, | |
2482 | + wi = function (t, e, r, i, n) { | |
2483 | + var o = t._gsap; | |
2484 | + (o[e] = r), o.renderTransform(n, o); | |
2485 | + }, | |
2486 | + Ti = "transform", | |
2487 | + ki = Ti + "Origin", | |
2488 | + Ci = function t(e, r) { | |
2489 | + var i = this, | |
2490 | + n =, | |
2491 | + o =; | |
2492 | + if (e in ii && o) { | |
2493 | + if (((this.tfm = this.tfm || {}), "transform" === e)) | |
2494 | + return ui.transform.split(",").forEach(function (e) { | |
2495 | + return, e, r); | |
2496 | + }); | |
2497 | + if ( | |
2498 | + (~(e = ui[e] || e).indexOf(",") | |
2499 | + ? e.split(",").forEach(function (t) { | |
2500 | + return (i.tfm[t] = Xi(n, t)); | |
2501 | + }) | |
2502 | + : (this.tfm[e] = n._gsap.x ? n._gsap[e] : Xi(n, e)), | |
2503 | + this.props.indexOf(Ti) >= 0) | |
2504 | + ) | |
2505 | + return; | |
2506 | + n._gsap.svg && ((this.svgo = n.getAttribute("data-svg-origin")), this.props.push(ki, r, "")), (e = Ti); | |
2507 | + } | |
2508 | + (o || r) && this.props.push(e, r, o[e]); | |
2509 | + }, | |
2510 | + Ei = function (t) { | |
2511 | + t.translate && (t.removeProperty("translate"), t.removeProperty("scale"), t.removeProperty("rotate")); | |
2512 | + }, | |
2513 | + Ai = function () { | |
2514 | + var t, | |
2515 | + e, | |
2516 | + r = this.props, | |
2517 | + i =, | |
2518 | + n =, | |
2519 | + o = i._gsap; | |
2520 | + for (t = 0; t < r.length; t += 3) r[t + 1] ? (i[r[t]] = r[t + 2]) : r[t + 2] ? (n[r[t]] = r[t + 2]) : n.removeProperty("--" === r[t].substr(0, 2) ? r[t] : r[t].replace(ai, "-$1").toLowerCase()); | |
2521 | + if (this.tfm) { | |
2522 | + for (e in this.tfm) o[e] = this.tfm[e]; | |
2523 | + o.svg && (o.renderTransform(), i.setAttribute("data-svg-origin", this.svgo || "")), ((t = ei()) && t.isStart) || n[Ti] || (Ei(n), (o.uncache = 1)); | |
2524 | + } | |
2525 | + }, | |
2526 | + Mi = function (t, e) { | |
2527 | + var r = { target: t, props: [], revert: Ai, save: Ci }; | |
2528 | + return ( | |
2529 | + t._gsap || jr.core.getCache(t), | |
2530 | + e && | |
2531 | + e.split(",").forEach(function (t) { | |
2532 | + return; | |
2533 | + }), | |
2534 | + r | |
2535 | + ); | |
2536 | + }, | |
2537 | + Si = function (t, e) { | |
2538 | + var r = Qr.createElementNS ? Qr.createElementNS((e || "").replace(/^https/, "http"), t) : Qr.createElement(t); | |
2539 | + return ? r : Qr.createElement(t); | |
2540 | + }, | |
2541 | + Oi = function t(e, r, i) { | |
2542 | + var n = getComputedStyle(e); | |
2543 | + return n[r] || n.getPropertyValue(r.replace(ai, "-$1").toLowerCase()) || n.getPropertyValue(r) || (!i && t(e, Di(r) || r, 1)) || ""; | |
2544 | + }, | |
2545 | + Pi = "O,Moz,ms,Ms,Webkit".split(","), | |
2546 | + Di = function (t, e, r) { | |
2547 | + var i = (e || Jr).style, | |
2548 | + n = 5; | |
2549 | + if (t in i && !r) return t; | |
2550 | + for (t = t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.substr(1); n-- && !(Pi[n] + t in i); ); | |
2551 | + return n < 0 ? null : (3 === n ? "ms" : n >= 0 ? Pi[n] : "") + t; | |
2552 | + }, | |
2553 | + Ri = function () { | |
2554 | + "undefined" != typeof window && | |
2555 | + window.document && | |
2556 | + ((Kr = window), | |
2557 | + (Qr = Kr.document), | |
2558 | + (Zr = Qr.documentElement), | |
2559 | + (Jr = Si("div") || { style: {} }), | |
2560 | + Si("div"), | |
2561 | + (Ti = Di(Ti)), | |
2562 | + (ki = Ti + "Origin"), | |
2563 | + ( = "border-width:0;line-height:0;position:absolute;padding:0"), | |
2564 | + (ri = !!Di("perspective")), | |
2565 | + (ei = jr.core.reverting), | |
2566 | + ($r = 1)); | |
2567 | + }, | |
2568 | + Bi = function t(e) { | |
2569 | + var r, | |
2570 | + i = Si("svg", (this.ownerSVGElement && this.ownerSVGElement.getAttribute("xmlns")) || ""), | |
2571 | + n = this.parentNode, | |
2572 | + o = this.nextSibling, | |
2573 | + s =; | |
2574 | + if ((Zr.appendChild(i), i.appendChild(this), ( = "block"), e)) | |
2575 | + try { | |
2576 | + (r = this.getBBox()), (this._gsapBBox = this.getBBox), (this.getBBox = t); | |
2577 | + } catch (t) {} | |
2578 | + else this._gsapBBox && (r = this._gsapBBox()); | |
2579 | + return n && (o ? n.insertBefore(this, o) : n.appendChild(this)), Zr.removeChild(i), ( = s), r; | |
2580 | + }, | |
2581 | + Ii = function (t, e) { | |
2582 | + for (var r = e.length; r--; ) if (t.hasAttribute(e[r])) return t.getAttribute(e[r]); | |
2583 | + }, | |
2584 | + Li = function (t) { | |
2585 | + var e; | |
2586 | + try { | |
2587 | + e = t.getBBox(); | |
2588 | + } catch (r) { | |
2589 | + e =, !0); | |
2590 | + } | |
2591 | + return (e && (e.width || e.height)) || t.getBBox === Bi || (e =, !0)), !e || e.width || e.x || e.y ? e : { x: +Ii(t, ["x", "cx", "x1"]) || 0, y: +Ii(t, ["y", "cy", "y1"]) || 0, width: 0, height: 0 }; | |
2592 | + }, | |
2593 | + Wi = function (t) { | |
2594 | + return !(!t.getCTM || (t.parentNode && !t.ownerSVGElement) || !Li(t)); | |
2595 | + }, | |
2596 | + zi = function (t, e) { | |
2597 | + if (e) { | |
2598 | + var r =; | |
2599 | + e in ii && e !== ki && (e = Ti), r.removeProperty ? (("ms" !== e.substr(0, 2) && "webkit" !== e.substr(0, 6)) || (e = "-" + e), r.removeProperty(e.replace(ai, "-$1").toLowerCase())) : r.removeAttribute(e); | |
2600 | + } | |
2601 | + }, | |
2602 | + Fi = function (t, e, r, i, n, o) { | |
2603 | + var s = new Ir(t._pt, e, r, 0, 1, o ? mi : di); | |
2604 | + return (t._pt = s), (s.b = i), (s.e = n), t._props.push(r), s; | |
2605 | + }, | |
2606 | + Ni = { deg: 1, rad: 1, turn: 1 }, | |
2607 | + qi = { grid: 1, flex: 1 }, | |
2608 | + Yi = function t(e, r, i, n) { | |
2609 | + var o, | |
2610 | + s, | |
2611 | + a, | |
2612 | + l, | |
2613 | + c = parseFloat(i) || 0, | |
2614 | + u = (i + "").trim().substr((c + "").length) || "px", | |
2615 | + h =, | |
2616 | + f = li.test(r), | |
2617 | + p = "svg" === e.tagName.toLowerCase(), | |
2618 | + g = (p ? "client" : "offset") + (f ? "Width" : "Height"), | |
2619 | + d = 100, | |
2620 | + m = "px" === n, | |
2621 | + _ = "%" === n; | |
2622 | + return n === u || !c || Ni[n] || Ni[u] | |
2623 | + ? c | |
2624 | + : ("px" !== u && !m && (c = t(e, r, i, "px")), | |
2625 | + (l = e.getCTM && Wi(e)), | |
2626 | + (!_ && "%" !== u) || (!ii[r] && !~r.indexOf("adius")) | |
2627 | + ? ((h[f ? "width" : "height"] = d + (m ? u : n)), | |
2628 | + (s = ~r.indexOf("adius") || ("em" === n && e.appendChild && !p) ? e : e.parentNode), | |
2629 | + l && (s = (e.ownerSVGElement || {}).parentNode), | |
2630 | + (s && s !== Qr && s.appendChild) || (s = Qr.body), | |
2631 | + (a = s._gsap) && _ && a.width && f && a.time === Ke.time && !a.uncache | |
2632 | + ? Ft((c / a.width) * d) | |
2633 | + : ((_ || "%" === u) && !qi[Oi(s, "display")] && (h.position = Oi(e, "position")), | |
2634 | + s === e && (h.position = "static"), | |
2635 | + s.appendChild(Jr), | |
2636 | + (o = Jr[g]), | |
2637 | + s.removeChild(Jr), | |
2638 | + (h.position = "absolute"), | |
2639 | + f && _ && (((a = Lt(s)).time = Ke.time), (a.width = s[g])), | |
2640 | + Ft(m ? (o * c) / d : o && c ? (d / o) * c : 0))) | |
2641 | + : ((o = l ? e.getBBox()[f ? "width" : "height"] : e[g]), Ft(_ ? (c / o) * d : (c / 100) * o))); | |
2642 | + }, | |
2643 | + Xi = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
2644 | + var n; | |
2645 | + return ( | |
2646 | + $r || Ri(), | |
2647 | + e in ui && "transform" !== e && ~(e = ui[e]).indexOf(",") && (e = e.split(",")[0]), | |
2648 | + ii[e] && "transform" !== e | |
2649 | + ? ((n = tn(t, i)), (n = "transformOrigin" !== e ? n[e] : n.svg ? n.origin : en(Oi(t, ki)) + " " + n.zOrigin + "px")) | |
2650 | + : (!(n =[e]) || "auto" === n || i || ~(n + "").indexOf("calc(")) && (n = (Gi[e] && Gi[e](t, e, r)) || Oi(t, e) || Wt(t, e) || ("opacity" === e ? 1 : 0)), | |
2651 | + r && !~(n + "").trim().indexOf(" ") ? Yi(t, e, n, r) + r : n | |
2652 | + ); | |
2653 | + }, | |
2654 | + Vi = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
2655 | + if (!r || "none" === r) { | |
2656 | + var n = Di(e, t, 1), | |
2657 | + o = n && Oi(t, n, 1); | |
2658 | + o && o !== r ? ((e = n), (r = o)) : "borderColor" === e && (r = Oi(t, "borderTopColor")); | |
2659 | + } | |
2660 | + var s, | |
2661 | + a, | |
2662 | + l, | |
2663 | + c, | |
2664 | + u, | |
2665 | + h, | |
2666 | + f, | |
2667 | + p, | |
2668 | + g, | |
2669 | + d, | |
2670 | + m, | |
2671 | + _ = new Ir(this._pt,, e, 0, 1, Sr), | |
2672 | + v = 0, | |
2673 | + y = 0; | |
2674 | + if (((_.b = r), (_.e = i), (r += ""), "auto" == (i += "") && (([e] = i), (i = Oi(t, e) || i), ([e] = r)), je((s = [r, i])), (i = s[1]), (l = (r = s[0]).match(ft) || []), (i.match(ft) || []).length)) { | |
2675 | + for (; (a = ft.exec(i)); ) | |
2676 | + (f = a[0]), | |
2677 | + (g = i.substring(v, a.index)), | |
2678 | + u ? (u = (u + 1) % 5) : ("rgba(" !== g.substr(-5) && "hsla(" !== g.substr(-5)) || (u = 1), | |
2679 | + f !== (h = l[y++] || "") && | |
2680 | + ((c = parseFloat(h) || 0), | |
2681 | + (m = h.substr((c + "").length)), | |
2682 | + "=" === f.charAt(1) && (f = qt(c, f) + m), | |
2683 | + (p = parseFloat(f)), | |
2684 | + (d = f.substr((p + "").length)), | |
2685 | + (v = ft.lastIndex - d.length), | |
2686 | + d || ((d = d || V.units[e] || m), v === i.length && ((i += d), (_.e += d))), | |
2687 | + m !== d && (c = Yi(t, e, h, d) || 0), | |
2688 | + (_._pt = { _next: _._pt, p: g || 1 === y ? g : ",", s: c, c: p - c, m: (u && u < 4) || "zIndex" === e ? Math.round : 0 })); | |
2689 | + _.c = v < i.length ? i.substring(v, i.length) : ""; | |
2690 | + } else _.r = "display" === e && "none" === i ? mi : di; | |
2691 | + return gt.test(i) && (_.e = 0), (this._pt = _), _; | |
2692 | + }, | |
2693 | + Hi = { top: "0%", bottom: "100%", left: "0%", right: "100%", center: "50%" }, | |
2694 | + Ui = function (t, e) { | |
2695 | + if (e.tween && e.tween._time === e.tween._dur) { | |
2696 | + var r, | |
2697 | + i, | |
2698 | + n, | |
2699 | + o = e.t, | |
2700 | + s =, | |
2701 | + a = e.u, | |
2702 | + l = o._gsap; | |
2703 | + if ("all" === a || !0 === a) (s.cssText = ""), (i = 1); | |
2704 | + else for (n = (a = a.split(",")).length; --n > -1; ) (r = a[n]), ii[r] && ((i = 1), (r = "transformOrigin" === r ? ki : Ti)), zi(o, r); | |
2705 | + i && (zi(o, Ti), l && (l.svg && o.removeAttribute("transform"), tn(o, 1), (l.uncache = 1), Ei(s))); | |
2706 | + } | |
2707 | + }, | |
2708 | + Gi = { | |
2709 | + clearProps: function (t, e, r, i, n) { | |
2710 | + if ("isFromStart" !== { | |
2711 | + var o = (t._pt = new Ir(t._pt, e, r, 0, 0, Ui)); | |
2712 | + return (o.u = i), ( = -10), (o.tween = n), t._props.push(r), 1; | |
2713 | + } | |
2714 | + }, | |
2715 | + }, | |
2716 | + ji = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], | |
2717 | + Ki = {}, | |
2718 | + Qi = function (t) { | |
2719 | + return "matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)" === t || "none" === t || !t; | |
2720 | + }, | |
2721 | + Zi = function (t) { | |
2722 | + var e = Oi(t, Ti); | |
2723 | + return Qi(e) ? ji : e.substr(7).match(ht).map(Ft); | |
2724 | + }, | |
2725 | + $i = function (t, e) { | |
2726 | + var r, | |
2727 | + i, | |
2728 | + n, | |
2729 | + o, | |
2730 | + s = t._gsap || Lt(t), | |
2731 | + a =, | |
2732 | + l = Zi(t); | |
2733 | + return s.svg && t.getAttribute("transform") | |
2734 | + ? "1,0,0,1,0,0" === (l = [(n = t.transform.baseVal.consolidate().matrix).a, n.b, n.c, n.d, n.e, n.f]).join(",") | |
2735 | + ? ji | |
2736 | + : l | |
2737 | + : (l !== ji || | |
2738 | + t.offsetParent || | |
2739 | + t === Zr || | |
2740 | + s.svg || | |
2741 | + ((n = a.display), | |
2742 | + (a.display = "block"), | |
2743 | + ((r = t.parentNode) && t.offsetParent) || ((o = 1), (i = t.nextElementSibling), Zr.appendChild(t)), | |
2744 | + (l = Zi(t)), | |
2745 | + n ? (a.display = n) : zi(t, "display"), | |
2746 | + o && (i ? r.insertBefore(t, i) : r ? r.appendChild(t) : Zr.removeChild(t))), | |
2747 | + e && l.length > 6 ? [l[0], l[1], l[4], l[5], l[12], l[13]] : l); | |
2748 | + }, | |
2749 | + Ji = function (t, e, r, i, n, o) { | |
2750 | + var s, | |
2751 | + a, | |
2752 | + l, | |
2753 | + c = t._gsap, | |
2754 | + u = n || $i(t, !0), | |
2755 | + h = c.xOrigin || 0, | |
2756 | + f = c.yOrigin || 0, | |
2757 | + p = c.xOffset || 0, | |
2758 | + g = c.yOffset || 0, | |
2759 | + d = u[0], | |
2760 | + m = u[1], | |
2761 | + _ = u[2], | |
2762 | + v = u[3], | |
2763 | + y = u[4], | |
2764 | + b = u[5], | |
2765 | + x = e.split(" "), | |
2766 | + w = parseFloat(x[0]) || 0, | |
2767 | + T = parseFloat(x[1]) || 0; | |
2768 | + r | |
2769 | + ? u !== ji && (a = d * v - m * _) && ((l = w * (-m / a) + T * (d / a) - (d * b - m * y) / a), (w = w * (v / a) + T * (-_ / a) + (_ * b - v * y) / a), (T = l)) | |
2770 | + : ((w = (s = Li(t)).x + (~x[0].indexOf("%") ? (w / 100) * s.width : w)), (T = s.y + (~(x[1] || x[0]).indexOf("%") ? (T / 100) * s.height : T))), | |
2771 | + i || (!1 !== i && c.smooth) ? ((y = w - h), (b = T - f), (c.xOffset = p + (y * d + b * _) - y), (c.yOffset = g + (y * m + b * v) - b)) : (c.xOffset = c.yOffset = 0), | |
2772 | + (c.xOrigin = w), | |
2773 | + (c.yOrigin = T), | |
2774 | + (c.smooth = !!i), | |
2775 | + (c.origin = e), | |
2776 | + (c.originIsAbsolute = !!r), | |
2777 | + ([ki] = "0px 0px"), | |
2778 | + o && (Fi(o, c, "xOrigin", h, w), Fi(o, c, "yOrigin", f, T), Fi(o, c, "xOffset", p, c.xOffset), Fi(o, c, "yOffset", g, c.yOffset)), | |
2779 | + t.setAttribute("data-svg-origin", w + " " + T); | |
2780 | + }, | |
2781 | + tn = function (t, e) { | |
2782 | + var r = t._gsap || new lr(t); | |
2783 | + if ("x" in r && !e && !r.uncache) return r; | |
2784 | + var i, | |
2785 | + n, | |
2786 | + o, | |
2787 | + s, | |
2788 | + a, | |
2789 | + l, | |
2790 | + c, | |
2791 | + u, | |
2792 | + h, | |
2793 | + f, | |
2794 | + p, | |
2795 | + g, | |
2796 | + d, | |
2797 | + m, | |
2798 | + _, | |
2799 | + v, | |
2800 | + y, | |
2801 | + b, | |
2802 | + x, | |
2803 | + w, | |
2804 | + T, | |
2805 | + k, | |
2806 | + C, | |
2807 | + E, | |
2808 | + A, | |
2809 | + M, | |
2810 | + S, | |
2811 | + O, | |
2812 | + P, | |
2813 | + D, | |
2814 | + R, | |
2815 | + B, | |
2816 | + I =, | |
2817 | + L = r.scaleX < 0, | |
2818 | + W = "px", | |
2819 | + z = "deg", | |
2820 | + F = getComputedStyle(t), | |
2821 | + N = Oi(t, ki) || "0"; | |
2822 | + return ( | |
2823 | + (i = n = o = l = c = u = h = f = p = 0), | |
2824 | + (s = a = 1), | |
2825 | + (r.svg = !(!t.getCTM || !Wi(t))), | |
2826 | + F.translate && | |
2827 | + (("none" === F.translate && "none" === F.scale && "none" === F.rotate) || | |
2828 | + (I[Ti] = | |
2829 | + ("none" !== F.translate ? "translate3d(" + (F.translate + " 0 0").split(" ").slice(0, 3).join(", ") + ") " : "") + | |
2830 | + ("none" !== F.rotate ? "rotate(" + F.rotate + ") " : "") + | |
2831 | + ("none" !== F.scale ? "scale(" + F.scale.split(" ").join(",") + ") " : "") + | |
2832 | + ("none" !== F[Ti] ? F[Ti] : "")), | |
2833 | + (I.scale = I.rotate = I.translate = "none")), | |
2834 | + (m = $i(t, r.svg)), | |
2835 | + r.svg && (r.uncache ? ((A = t.getBBox()), (N = r.xOrigin - A.x + "px " + (r.yOrigin - A.y) + "px"), (E = "")) : (E = !e && t.getAttribute("data-svg-origin")), Ji(t, E || N, !!E || r.originIsAbsolute, !1 !== r.smooth, m)), | |
2836 | + (g = r.xOrigin || 0), | |
2837 | + (d = r.yOrigin || 0), | |
2838 | + m !== ji && | |
2839 | + ((b = m[0]), | |
2840 | + (x = m[1]), | |
2841 | + (w = m[2]), | |
2842 | + (T = m[3]), | |
2843 | + (i = k = m[4]), | |
2844 | + (n = C = m[5]), | |
2845 | + 6 === m.length | |
2846 | + ? ((s = Math.sqrt(b * b + x * x)), | |
2847 | + (a = Math.sqrt(T * T + w * w)), | |
2848 | + (l = b || x ? si(x, b) * ni : 0), | |
2849 | + (h = w || T ? si(w, T) * ni + l : 0) && (a *= Math.abs(Math.cos(h * oi))), | |
2850 | + r.svg && ((i -= g - (g * b + d * w)), (n -= d - (g * x + d * T)))) | |
2851 | + : ((B = m[6]), | |
2852 | + (D = m[7]), | |
2853 | + (S = m[8]), | |
2854 | + (O = m[9]), | |
2855 | + (P = m[10]), | |
2856 | + (R = m[11]), | |
2857 | + (i = m[12]), | |
2858 | + (n = m[13]), | |
2859 | + (o = m[14]), | |
2860 | + (c = (_ = si(B, P)) * ni), | |
2861 | + _ && | |
2862 | + ((E = k * (v = Math.cos(-_)) + S * (y = Math.sin(-_))), | |
2863 | + (A = C * v + O * y), | |
2864 | + (M = B * v + P * y), | |
2865 | + (S = k * -y + S * v), | |
2866 | + (O = C * -y + O * v), | |
2867 | + (P = B * -y + P * v), | |
2868 | + (R = D * -y + R * v), | |
2869 | + (k = E), | |
2870 | + (C = A), | |
2871 | + (B = M)), | |
2872 | + (u = (_ = si(-w, P)) * ni), | |
2873 | + _ && ((v = Math.cos(-_)), (R = T * (y = Math.sin(-_)) + R * v), (b = E = b * v - S * y), (x = A = x * v - O * y), (w = M = w * v - P * y)), | |
2874 | + (l = (_ = si(x, b)) * ni), | |
2875 | + _ && ((E = b * (v = Math.cos(_)) + x * (y = Math.sin(_))), (A = k * v + C * y), (x = x * v - b * y), (C = C * v - k * y), (b = E), (k = A)), | |
2876 | + c && Math.abs(c) + Math.abs(l) > 359.9 && ((c = l = 0), (u = 180 - u)), | |
2877 | + (s = Ft(Math.sqrt(b * b + x * x + w * w))), | |
2878 | + (a = Ft(Math.sqrt(C * C + B * B))), | |
2879 | + (_ = si(k, C)), | |
2880 | + (h = Math.abs(_) > 2e-4 ? _ * ni : 0), | |
2881 | + (p = R ? 1 / (R < 0 ? -R : R) : 0)), | |
2882 | + r.svg && ((E = t.getAttribute("transform")), (r.forceCSS = t.setAttribute("transform", "") || !Qi(Oi(t, Ti))), E && t.setAttribute("transform", E))), | |
2883 | + Math.abs(h) > 90 && Math.abs(h) < 270 && (L ? ((s *= -1), (h += l <= 0 ? 180 : -180), (l += l <= 0 ? 180 : -180)) : ((a *= -1), (h += h <= 0 ? 180 : -180))), | |
2884 | + (e = e || r.uncache), | |
2885 | + (r.x = i - ((r.xPercent = i && ((!e && r.xPercent) || (Math.round(t.offsetWidth / 2) === Math.round(-i) ? -50 : 0))) ? (t.offsetWidth * r.xPercent) / 100 : 0) + W), | |
2886 | + (r.y = n - ((r.yPercent = n && ((!e && r.yPercent) || (Math.round(t.offsetHeight / 2) === Math.round(-n) ? -50 : 0))) ? (t.offsetHeight * r.yPercent) / 100 : 0) + W), | |
2887 | + (r.z = o + W), | |
2888 | + (r.scaleX = Ft(s)), | |
2889 | + (r.scaleY = Ft(a)), | |
2890 | + (r.rotation = Ft(l) + z), | |
2891 | + (r.rotationX = Ft(c) + z), | |
2892 | + (r.rotationY = Ft(u) + z), | |
2893 | + (r.skewX = h + z), | |
2894 | + (r.skewY = f + z), | |
2895 | + (r.transformPerspective = p + W), | |
2896 | + (r.zOrigin = parseFloat(N.split(" ")[2]) || 0) && (I[ki] = en(N)), | |
2897 | + (r.xOffset = r.yOffset = 0), | |
2898 | + (r.force3D = V.force3D), | |
2899 | + (r.renderTransform = r.svg ? cn : ri ? ln : nn), | |
2900 | + (r.uncache = 0), | |
2901 | + r | |
2902 | + ); | |
2903 | + }, | |
2904 | + en = function (t) { | |
2905 | + return (t = t.split(" "))[0] + " " + t[1]; | |
2906 | + }, | |
2907 | + rn = function (t, e, r) { | |
2908 | + var i = we(e); | |
2909 | + return Ft(parseFloat(e) + parseFloat(Yi(t, "x", r + "px", i))) + i; | |
2910 | + }, | |
2911 | + nn = function (t, e) { | |
2912 | + (e.z = "0px"), (e.rotationY = e.rotationX = "0deg"), (e.force3D = 0), ln(t, e); | |
2913 | + }, | |
2914 | + on = "0deg", | |
2915 | + sn = "0px", | |
2916 | + an = ") ", | |
2917 | + ln = function (t, e) { | |
2918 | + var r = e || this, | |
2919 | + i = r.xPercent, | |
2920 | + n = r.yPercent, | |
2921 | + o = r.x, | |
2922 | + s = r.y, | |
2923 | + a = r.z, | |
2924 | + l = r.rotation, | |
2925 | + c = r.rotationY, | |
2926 | + u = r.rotationX, | |
2927 | + h = r.skewX, | |
2928 | + f = r.skewY, | |
2929 | + p = r.scaleX, | |
2930 | + g = r.scaleY, | |
2931 | + d = r.transformPerspective, | |
2932 | + m = r.force3D, | |
2933 | + _ =, | |
2934 | + v = r.zOrigin, | |
2935 | + y = "", | |
2936 | + b = ("auto" === m && t && 1 !== t) || !0 === m; | |
2937 | + if (v && (u !== on || c !== on)) { | |
2938 | + var x, | |
2939 | + w = parseFloat(c) * oi, | |
2940 | + T = Math.sin(w), | |
2941 | + k = Math.cos(w); | |
2942 | + (w = parseFloat(u) * oi), (x = Math.cos(w)), (o = rn(_, o, T * x * -v)), (s = rn(_, s, -Math.sin(w) * -v)), (a = rn(_, a, k * x * -v + v)); | |
2943 | + } | |
2944 | + d !== sn && (y += "perspective(" + d + an), | |
2945 | + (i || n) && (y += "translate(" + i + "%, " + n + "%) "), | |
2946 | + (b || o !== sn || s !== sn || a !== sn) && (y += a !== sn || b ? "translate3d(" + o + ", " + s + ", " + a + ") " : "translate(" + o + ", " + s + an), | |
2947 | + l !== on && (y += "rotate(" + l + an), | |
2948 | + c !== on && (y += "rotateY(" + c + an), | |
2949 | + u !== on && (y += "rotateX(" + u + an), | |
2950 | + (h === on && f === on) || (y += "skew(" + h + ", " + f + an), | |
2951 | + (1 === p && 1 === g) || (y += "scale(" + p + ", " + g + an), | |
2952 | + ([Ti] = y || "translate(0, 0)"); | |
2953 | + }, | |
2954 | + cn = function (t, e) { | |
2955 | + var r, | |
2956 | + i, | |
2957 | + n, | |
2958 | + o, | |
2959 | + s, | |
2960 | + a = e || this, | |
2961 | + l = a.xPercent, | |
2962 | + c = a.yPercent, | |
2963 | + u = a.x, | |
2964 | + h = a.y, | |
2965 | + f = a.rotation, | |
2966 | + p = a.skewX, | |
2967 | + g = a.skewY, | |
2968 | + d = a.scaleX, | |
2969 | + m = a.scaleY, | |
2970 | + _ =, | |
2971 | + v = a.xOrigin, | |
2972 | + y = a.yOrigin, | |
2973 | + b = a.xOffset, | |
2974 | + x = a.yOffset, | |
2975 | + w = a.forceCSS, | |
2976 | + T = parseFloat(u), | |
2977 | + k = parseFloat(h); | |
2978 | + (f = parseFloat(f)), | |
2979 | + (p = parseFloat(p)), | |
2980 | + (g = parseFloat(g)) && ((p += g = parseFloat(g)), (f += g)), | |
2981 | + f || p | |
2982 | + ? ((f *= oi), | |
2983 | + (p *= oi), | |
2984 | + (r = Math.cos(f) * d), | |
2985 | + (i = Math.sin(f) * d), | |
2986 | + (n = Math.sin(f - p) * -m), | |
2987 | + (o = Math.cos(f - p) * m), | |
2988 | + p && ((g *= oi), (s = Math.tan(p - g)), (n *= s = Math.sqrt(1 + s * s)), (o *= s), g && ((s = Math.tan(g)), (r *= s = Math.sqrt(1 + s * s)), (i *= s))), | |
2989 | + (r = Ft(r)), | |
2990 | + (i = Ft(i)), | |
2991 | + (n = Ft(n)), | |
2992 | + (o = Ft(o))) | |
2993 | + : ((r = d), (o = m), (i = n = 0)), | |
2994 | + ((T && !~(u + "").indexOf("px")) || (k && !~(h + "").indexOf("px"))) && ((T = Yi(_, "x", u, "px")), (k = Yi(_, "y", h, "px"))), | |
2995 | + (v || y || b || x) && ((T = Ft(T + v - (v * r + y * n) + b)), (k = Ft(k + y - (v * i + y * o) + x))), | |
2996 | + (l || c) && ((s = _.getBBox()), (T = Ft(T + (l / 100) * s.width)), (k = Ft(k + (c / 100) * s.height))), | |
2997 | + (s = "matrix(" + r + "," + i + "," + n + "," + o + "," + T + "," + k + ")"), | |
2998 | + _.setAttribute("transform", s), | |
2999 | + w && ([Ti] = s); | |
3000 | + }, | |
3001 | + un = function (t, e, r, i, n) { | |
3002 | + var o, | |
3003 | + s, | |
3004 | + a = 360, | |
3005 | + l = tt(n), | |
3006 | + c = parseFloat(n) * (l && ~n.indexOf("rad") ? ni : 1) - i, | |
3007 | + u = i + c + "deg"; | |
3008 | + return ( | |
3009 | + l && ("short" === (o = n.split("_")[1]) && (c %= a) != c % 180 && (c += c < 0 ? a : -360), "cw" === o && c < 0 ? (c = ((c + 36e9) % a) - ~~(c / a) * a) : "ccw" === o && c > 0 && (c = ((c - 36e9) % a) - ~~(c / a) * a)), | |
3010 | + (t._pt = s = new Ir(t._pt, e, r, i, c, fi)), | |
3011 | + (s.e = u), | |
3012 | + (s.u = "deg"), | |
3013 | + t._props.push(r), | |
3014 | + s | |
3015 | + ); | |
3016 | + }, | |
3017 | + hn = function (t, e) { | |
3018 | + for (var r in e) t[r] = e[r]; | |
3019 | + return t; | |
3020 | + }, | |
3021 | + fn = function (t, e, r) { | |
3022 | + var i, | |
3023 | + n, | |
3024 | + o, | |
3025 | + s, | |
3026 | + a, | |
3027 | + l, | |
3028 | + c, | |
3029 | + u = hn({}, r._gsap), | |
3030 | + h =; | |
3031 | + for (n in (u.svg | |
3032 | + ? ((o = r.getAttribute("transform")), r.setAttribute("transform", ""), (h[Ti] = e), (i = tn(r, 1)), zi(r, Ti), r.setAttribute("transform", o)) | |
3033 | + : ((o = getComputedStyle(r)[Ti]), (h[Ti] = e), (i = tn(r, 1)), (h[Ti] = o)), | |
3034 | + ii)) | |
3035 | + (o = u[n]) !== (s = i[n]) && | |
3036 | + "perspective,force3D,transformOrigin,svgOrigin".indexOf(n) < 0 && | |
3037 | + ((a = we(o) !== (c = we(s)) ? Yi(r, n, o, c) : parseFloat(o)), (l = parseFloat(s)), (t._pt = new Ir(t._pt, i, n, a, l - a, hi)), (t._pt.u = c || 0), t._props.push(n)); | |
3038 | + hn(i, u); | |
3039 | + }; | |
3040 | + zt("padding,margin,Width,Radius", function (t, e) { | |
3041 | + var r = "Top", | |
3042 | + i = "Right", | |
3043 | + n = "Bottom", | |
3044 | + o = "Left", | |
3045 | + s = (e < 3 ? [r, i, n, o] : [r + o, r + i, n + i, n + o]).map(function (r) { | |
3046 | + return e < 2 ? t + r : "border" + r + t; | |
3047 | + }); | |
3048 | + Gi[e > 1 ? "border" + t : t] = function (t, e, r, i, n) { | |
3049 | + var o, a; | |
3050 | + if (arguments.length < 4) | |
3051 | + return ( | |
3052 | + (o = (e) { | |
3053 | + return Xi(t, e, r); | |
3054 | + })), | |
3055 | + 5 === (a = o.join(" ")).split(o[0]).length ? o[0] : a | |
3056 | + ); | |
3057 | + (o = (i + "").split(" ")), | |
3058 | + (a = {}), | |
3059 | + s.forEach(function (t, e) { | |
3060 | + return (a[t] = o[e] = o[e] || o[((e - 1) / 2) | 0]); | |
3061 | + }), | |
3062 | + t.init(e, a, n); | |
3063 | + }; | |
3064 | + }); | |
3065 | + var pn, | |
3066 | + gn, | |
3067 | + dn = { | |
3068 | + name: "css", | |
3069 | + register: Ri, | |
3070 | + targetTest: function (t) { | |
3071 | + return && t.nodeType; | |
3072 | + }, | |
3073 | + init: function (t, e, r, i, n) { | |
3074 | + var o, | |
3075 | + s, | |
3076 | + a, | |
3077 | + l, | |
3078 | + c, | |
3079 | + u, | |
3080 | + h, | |
3081 | + f, | |
3082 | + p, | |
3083 | + g, | |
3084 | + d, | |
3085 | + m, | |
3086 | + _, | |
3087 | + v, | |
3088 | + y, | |
3089 | + b, | |
3090 | + x, | |
3091 | + w, | |
3092 | + T, | |
3093 | + k, | |
3094 | + C = this._props, | |
3095 | + E =, | |
3096 | + A = r.vars.startAt; | |
3097 | + for (h in ($r || Ri(), (this.styles = this.styles || Mi(t)), (b = this.styles.props), (this.tween = r), e)) | |
3098 | + if ("autoRound" !== h && ((s = e[h]), !Ot[h] || !dr(h, e, r, i, t, n))) | |
3099 | + if (((c = typeof s), (u = Gi[h]), "function" === c && (c = typeof (s =, i, t, n))), "string" === c && ~s.indexOf("random(") && (s = Re(s)), u)) u(this, t, h, s, r) && (y = 1); | |
3100 | + else if ("--" === h.substr(0, 2)) | |
3101 | + (o = (getComputedStyle(t).getPropertyValue(h) + "").trim()), | |
3102 | + (s += ""), | |
3103 | + (Ue.lastIndex = 0), | |
3104 | + Ue.test(o) || ((f = we(o)), (p = we(s))), | |
3105 | + p ? f !== p && (o = Yi(t, h, o, p) + p) : f && (s += f), | |
3106 | + this.add(E, "setProperty", o, s, i, n, 0, 0, h), | |
3107 | + C.push(h), | |
3108 | + b.push(h, 0, E[h]); | |
3109 | + else if ("undefined" !== c) { | |
3110 | + if ( | |
3111 | + (A && h in A | |
3112 | + ? ((o = "function" == typeof A[h] ? A[h].call(r, i, t, n) : A[h]), | |
3113 | + tt(o) && ~o.indexOf("random(") && (o = Re(o)), | |
3114 | + we(o + "") || (o += V.units[h] || we(Xi(t, h)) || ""), | |
3115 | + "=" === (o + "").charAt(1) && (o = Xi(t, h))) | |
3116 | + : (o = Xi(t, h)), | |
3117 | + (l = parseFloat(o)), | |
3118 | + (g = "string" === c && "=" === s.charAt(1) && s.substr(0, 2)) && (s = s.substr(2)), | |
3119 | + (a = parseFloat(s)), | |
3120 | + h in ui && | |
3121 | + ("autoAlpha" === h && | |
3122 | + (1 === l && "hidden" === Xi(t, "visibility") && a && (l = 0), b.push("visibility", 0, E.visibility), Fi(this, E, "visibility", l ? "inherit" : "hidden", a ? "inherit" : "hidden", !a)), | |
3123 | + "scale" !== h && "transform" !== h && ~(h = ui[h]).indexOf(",") && (h = h.split(",")[0])), | |
3124 | + (d = h in ii)) | |
3125 | + ) | |
3126 | + if ( | |
3127 | + (, | |
3128 | + m || | |
3129 | + (((_ = t._gsap).renderTransform && !e.parseTransform) || tn(t, e.parseTransform), | |
3130 | + (v = !1 !== e.smoothOrigin && _.smooth), | |
3131 | + ((m = this._pt = new Ir(this._pt, E, Ti, 0, 1, _.renderTransform, _, 0, -1)).dep = 1)), | |
3132 | + "scale" === h) | |
3133 | + ) | |
3134 | + (this._pt = new Ir(this._pt, _, "scaleY", _.scaleY, (g ? qt(_.scaleY, g + a) : a) - _.scaleY || 0, hi)), (this._pt.u = 0), C.push("scaleY", h), (h += "X"); | |
3135 | + else { | |
3136 | + if ("transformOrigin" === h) { | |
3137 | + b.push(ki, 0, E[ki]), | |
3138 | + (w = void 0), | |
3139 | + (T = void 0), | |
3140 | + (k = void 0), | |
3141 | + (T = (w = (x = s).split(" "))[0]), | |
3142 | + (k = w[1] || "50%"), | |
3143 | + ("top" !== T && "bottom" !== T && "left" !== k && "right" !== k) || ((x = T), (T = k), (k = x)), | |
3144 | + (w[0] = Hi[T] || T), | |
3145 | + (w[1] = Hi[k] || k), | |
3146 | + (s = w.join(" ")), | |
3147 | + _.svg ? Ji(t, s, 0, v, 0, this) : ((p = parseFloat(s.split(" ")[2]) || 0) !== _.zOrigin && Fi(this, _, "zOrigin", _.zOrigin, p), Fi(this, E, h, en(o), en(s))); | |
3148 | + continue; | |
3149 | + } | |
3150 | + if ("svgOrigin" === h) { | |
3151 | + Ji(t, s, 1, v, 0, this); | |
3152 | + continue; | |
3153 | + } | |
3154 | + if (h in Ki) { | |
3155 | + un(this, _, h, l, g ? qt(l, g + s) : s); | |
3156 | + continue; | |
3157 | + } | |
3158 | + if ("smoothOrigin" === h) { | |
3159 | + Fi(this, _, "smooth", _.smooth, s); | |
3160 | + continue; | |
3161 | + } | |
3162 | + if ("force3D" === h) { | |
3163 | + _[h] = s; | |
3164 | + continue; | |
3165 | + } | |
3166 | + if ("transform" === h) { | |
3167 | + fn(this, s, t); | |
3168 | + continue; | |
3169 | + } | |
3170 | + } | |
3171 | + else h in E || (h = Di(h) || h); | |
3172 | + if (d || ((a || 0 === a) && (l || 0 === l) && !ci.test(s) && h in E)) | |
3173 | + a || (a = 0), | |
3174 | + (f = (o + "").substr((l + "").length)) !== (p = we(s) || (h in V.units ? V.units[h] : f)) && (l = Yi(t, h, o, p)), | |
3175 | + (this._pt = new Ir(this._pt, d ? _ : E, h, l, (g ? qt(l, g + a) : a) - l, d || ("px" !== p && "zIndex" !== h) || !1 === e.autoRound ? hi : gi)), | |
3176 | + (this._pt.u = p || 0), | |
3177 | + f !== p && "%" !== p && ((this._pt.b = o), (this._pt.r = pi)); | |
3178 | + else if (h in E), t, h, o, g ? g + s : s); | |
3179 | + else if (h in t) this.add(t, h, o || t[h], g ? g + s : s, i, n); | |
3180 | + else if ("parseTransform" !== h) { | |
3181 | + bt(h, s); | |
3182 | + continue; | |
3183 | + } | |
3184 | + d || (h in E ? b.push(h, 0, E[h]) : b.push(h, 1, o || t[h])), C.push(h); | |
3185 | + } | |
3186 | + y && Br(this); | |
3187 | + }, | |
3188 | + render: function (t, e) { | |
3189 | + if (e.tween._time || !ei()) for (var r = e._pt; r; ) r.r(t, r.d), (r = r._next); | |
3190 | + else e.styles.revert(); | |
3191 | + }, | |
3192 | + get: Xi, | |
3193 | + aliases: ui, | |
3194 | + getSetter: function (t, e, r) { | |
3195 | + var i = ui[e]; | |
3196 | + return ( | |
3197 | + i && i.indexOf(",") < 0 && (e = i), | |
3198 | + e in ii && e !== ki && (t._gsap.x || Xi(t, "x")) ? (r && ti === r ? ("scale" === e ? bi : yi) : (ti = r || {}) && ("scale" === e ? xi : wi)) : && !it([e]) ? _i : ~e.indexOf("-") ? vi : Er(t, e) | |
3199 | + ); | |
3200 | + }, | |
3201 | + core: { _removeProperty: zi, _getMatrix: $i }, | |
3202 | + }; | |
3203 | + (jr.utils.checkPrefix = Di), | |
3204 | + (jr.core.getStyleSaver = Mi), | |
3205 | + (gn = zt("x,y,z,scale,scaleX,scaleY,xPercent,yPercent" + "," + (pn = "rotation,rotationX,rotationY,skewX,skewY") + ",transform,transformOrigin,svgOrigin,force3D,smoothOrigin,transformPerspective", function (t) { | |
3206 | + ii[t] = 1; | |
3207 | + })), | |
3208 | + zt(pn, function (t) { | |
3209 | + (V.units[t] = "deg"), (Ki[t] = 1); | |
3210 | + }), | |
3211 | + (ui[gn[13]] = "x,y,z,scale,scaleX,scaleY,xPercent,yPercent," + pn), | |
3212 | + zt("0:translateX,1:translateY,2:translateZ,8:rotate,8:rotationZ,8:rotateZ,9:rotateX,10:rotateY", function (t) { | |
3213 | + var e = t.split(":"); | |
3214 | + ui[e[1]] = gn[e[0]]; | |
3215 | + }), | |
3216 | + zt("x,y,z,top,right,bottom,left,width,height,fontSize,padding,margin,perspective", function (t) { | |
3217 | + V.units[t] = "px"; | |
3218 | + }), | |
3219 | + jr.registerPlugin(dn); | |
3220 | + var mn = jr.registerPlugin(dn) || jr; | |
3221 | + function _n(t, e) { | |
3222 | + for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { | |
3223 | + var i = e[r]; | |
3224 | + (i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1), (i.configurable = !0), "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, i.key, i); | |
3225 | + } | |
3226 | + } | |
3227 | + mn.core.Tween; | |
3228 | + var vn, | |
3229 | + yn, | |
3230 | + bn, | |
3231 | + xn, | |
3232 | + wn, | |
3233 | + Tn, | |
3234 | + kn, | |
3235 | + Cn, | |
3236 | + En, | |
3237 | + An, | |
3238 | + Mn, | |
3239 | + Sn, | |
3240 | + On, | |
3241 | + Pn = function () { | |
3242 | + return vn || ("undefined" != typeof window && (vn = window.gsap) && vn.registerPlugin && vn); | |
3243 | + }, | |
3244 | + Dn = 1, | |
3245 | + Rn = [], | |
3246 | + Bn = [], | |
3247 | + In = [], | |
3248 | + Ln =, | |
3249 | + Wn = function (t, e) { | |
3250 | + return e; | |
3251 | + }, | |
3252 | + zn = function (t, e) { | |
3253 | + return ~In.indexOf(t) && In[In.indexOf(t) + 1][e]; | |
3254 | + }, | |
3255 | + Fn = function (t) { | |
3256 | + return !!~An.indexOf(t); | |
3257 | + }, | |
3258 | + Nn = function (t, e, r, i, n) { | |
3259 | + return t.addEventListener(e, r, { passive: !i, capture: !!n }); | |
3260 | + }, | |
3261 | + qn = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
3262 | + return t.removeEventListener(e, r, !!i); | |
3263 | + }, | |
3264 | + Yn = "scrollLeft", | |
3265 | + Xn = "scrollTop", | |
3266 | + Vn = function () { | |
3267 | + return (Mn && Mn.isPressed) || Bn.cache++; | |
3268 | + }, | |
3269 | + Hn = function (t, e) { | |
3270 | + var r = function r(i) { | |
3271 | + if (i || 0 === i) { | |
3272 | + Dn && (bn.history.scrollRestoration = "manual"); | |
3273 | + var n = Mn && Mn.isPressed; | |
3274 | + (i = r.v = Math.round(i) || (Mn && Mn.iOS ? 1 : 0)), t(i), (r.cacheID = Bn.cache), n && Wn("ss", i); | |
3275 | + } else (e || Bn.cache !== r.cacheID || Wn("ref")) && ((r.cacheID = Bn.cache), (r.v = t())); | |
3276 | + return r.v + r.offset; | |
3277 | + }; | |
3278 | + return (r.offset = 0), t && r; | |
3279 | + }, | |
3280 | + Un = { | |
3281 | + s: Yn, | |
3282 | + p: "left", | |
3283 | + p2: "Left", | |
3284 | + os: "right", | |
3285 | + os2: "Right", | |
3286 | + d: "width", | |
3287 | + d2: "Width", | |
3288 | + a: "x", | |
3289 | + sc: Hn(function (t) { | |
3290 | + return arguments.length ? bn.scrollTo(t, : bn.pageXOffset || xn[Yn] || wn[Yn] || Tn[Yn] || 0; | |
3291 | + }), | |
3292 | + }, | |
3293 | + Gn = { | |
3294 | + s: Xn, | |
3295 | + p: "top", | |
3296 | + p2: "Top", | |
3297 | + os: "bottom", | |
3298 | + os2: "Bottom", | |
3299 | + d: "height", | |
3300 | + d2: "Height", | |
3301 | + a: "y", | |
3302 | + op: Un, | |
3303 | + sc: Hn(function (t) { | |
3304 | + return arguments.length ? bn.scrollTo(, t) : bn.pageYOffset || xn[Xn] || wn[Xn] || Tn[Xn] || 0; | |
3305 | + }), | |
3306 | + }, | |
3307 | + jn = function (t, e) { | |
3308 | + return ((e && e._ctx && e._ctx.selector) || vn.utils.toArray)(t)[0] || ("string" == typeof t && !1 !== vn.config().nullTargetWarn ? console.warn("Element not found:", t) : null); | |
3309 | + }, | |
3310 | + Kn = function (t, e) { | |
3311 | + var r = e.s, | |
3312 | + i =; | |
3313 | + Fn(t) && (t = xn.scrollingElement || wn); | |
3314 | + var n = Bn.indexOf(t), | |
3315 | + o = i === ? 1 : 2; | |
3316 | + !~n && (n = Bn.push(t) - 1), Bn[n + o] || t.addEventListener("scroll", Vn); | |
3317 | + var s = Bn[n + o], | |
3318 | + a = | |
3319 | + s || | |
3320 | + (Bn[n + o] = | |
3321 | + Hn(zn(t, r), !0) || | |
3322 | + (Fn(t) | |
3323 | + ? i | |
3324 | + : Hn(function (e) { | |
3325 | + return arguments.length ? (t[r] = e) : t[r]; | |
3326 | + }))); | |
3327 | + return ( = t), s || (a.smooth = "smooth" === vn.getProperty(t, "scrollBehavior")), a; | |
3328 | + }, | |
3329 | + Qn = function (t, e, r) { | |
3330 | + var i = t, | |
3331 | + n = t, | |
3332 | + o = Ln(), | |
3333 | + s = o, | |
3334 | + a = e || 50, | |
3335 | + l = Math.max(500, 3 * a), | |
3336 | + c = function (t, e) { | |
3337 | + var l = Ln(); | |
3338 | + e || l - o > a ? ((n = i), (i = t), (s = o), (o = l)) : r ? (i += t) : (i = n + ((t - n) / (l - s)) * (o - s)); | |
3339 | + }; | |
3340 | + return { | |
3341 | + update: c, | |
3342 | + reset: function () { | |
3343 | + (n = i = r ? 0 : i), (s = o = 0); | |
3344 | + }, | |
3345 | + getVelocity: function (t) { | |
3346 | + var e = s, | |
3347 | + a = n, | |
3348 | + u = Ln(); | |
3349 | + return (t || 0 === t) && t !== i && c(t), o === s || u - s > l ? 0 : ((i + (r ? a : -a)) / ((r ? u : o) - e)) * 1e3; | |
3350 | + }, | |
3351 | + }; | |
3352 | + }, | |
3353 | + Zn = function (t, e) { | |
3354 | + return e && !t._gsapAllow && t.preventDefault(), t.changedTouches ? t.changedTouches[0] : t; | |
3355 | + }, | |
3356 | + $n = function (t) { | |
3357 | + var e = Math.max.apply(Math, t), | |
3358 | + r = Math.min.apply(Math, t); | |
3359 | + return Math.abs(e) >= Math.abs(r) ? e : r; | |
3360 | + }, | |
3361 | + Jn = function () { | |
3362 | + (En = vn.core.globals().ScrollTrigger) && | |
3363 | + En.core && | |
3364 | + (function () { | |
3365 | + var t = En.core, | |
3366 | + e = t.bridge || {}, | |
3367 | + r = t._scrollers, | |
3368 | + i = t._proxies; | |
3369 | + r.push.apply(r, Bn), | |
3370 | + i.push.apply(i, In), | |
3371 | + (Bn = r), | |
3372 | + (In = i), | |
3373 | + (Wn = function (t, r) { | |
3374 | + return e[t](r); | |
3375 | + }); | |
3376 | + })(); | |
3377 | + }, | |
3378 | + to = function (t) { | |
3379 | + return ( | |
3380 | + (vn = t || Pn()) && | |
3381 | + "undefined" != typeof document && | |
3382 | + document.body && | |
3383 | + ((bn = window), | |
3384 | + (xn = document), | |
3385 | + (wn = xn.documentElement), | |
3386 | + (Tn = xn.body), | |
3387 | + (An = [bn, xn, wn, Tn]), | |
3388 | + vn.utils.clamp, | |
3389 | + (On = vn.core.context || function () {}), | |
3390 | + (Cn = "onpointerenter" in Tn ? "pointer" : "mouse"), | |
3391 | + (kn = eo.isTouch = bn.matchMedia && bn.matchMedia("(hover: none), (pointer: coarse)").matches ? 1 : "ontouchstart" in bn || navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0 || navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0 ? 2 : 0), | |
3392 | + (Sn = eo.eventTypes = ("ontouchstart" in wn ? "touchstart,touchmove,touchcancel,touchend" : "onpointerdown" in wn ? "pointerdown,pointermove,pointercancel,pointerup" : "mousedown,mousemove,mouseup,mouseup").split(",")), | |
3393 | + setTimeout(function () { | |
3394 | + return (Dn = 0); | |
3395 | + }, 500), | |
3396 | + Jn(), | |
3397 | + (yn = 1)), | |
3398 | + yn | |
3399 | + ); | |
3400 | + }; | |
3401 | + (Un.op = Gn), (Bn.cache = 0); | |
3402 | + var eo = (function () { | |
3403 | + function t(t) { | |
3404 | + this.init(t); | |
3405 | + } | |
3406 | + var e, r; | |
3407 | + return ( | |
3408 | + (t.prototype.init = function (t) { | |
3409 | + yn || to(vn) || console.warn("Please gsap.registerPlugin(Observer)"), En || Jn(); | |
3410 | + var e = t.tolerance, | |
3411 | + r = t.dragMinimum, | |
3412 | + i = t.type, | |
3413 | + n =, | |
3414 | + o = t.lineHeight, | |
3415 | + s = t.debounce, | |
3416 | + a = t.preventDefault, | |
3417 | + l = t.onStop, | |
3418 | + c = t.onStopDelay, | |
3419 | + u = t.ignore, | |
3420 | + h = t.wheelSpeed, | |
3421 | + f = t.event, | |
3422 | + p = t.onDragStart, | |
3423 | + g = t.onDragEnd, | |
3424 | + d = t.onDrag, | |
3425 | + m = t.onPress, | |
3426 | + _ = t.onRelease, | |
3427 | + v = t.onRight, | |
3428 | + y = t.onLeft, | |
3429 | + b = t.onUp, | |
3430 | + x = t.onDown, | |
3431 | + w = t.onChangeX, | |
3432 | + T = t.onChangeY, | |
3433 | + k = t.onChange, | |
3434 | + C = t.onToggleX, | |
3435 | + E = t.onToggleY, | |
3436 | + A = t.onHover, | |
3437 | + M = t.onHoverEnd, | |
3438 | + S = t.onMove, | |
3439 | + O = t.ignoreCheck, | |
3440 | + P = t.isNormalizer, | |
3441 | + D = t.onGestureStart, | |
3442 | + R = t.onGestureEnd, | |
3443 | + B = t.onWheel, | |
3444 | + I = t.onEnable, | |
3445 | + L = t.onDisable, | |
3446 | + W = t.onClick, | |
3447 | + z = t.scrollSpeed, | |
3448 | + F = t.capture, | |
3449 | + N = t.allowClicks, | |
3450 | + q = t.lockAxis, | |
3451 | + Y = t.onLockAxis; | |
3452 | + ( = n = jn(n) || wn), | |
3453 | + (this.vars = t), | |
3454 | + u && (u = vn.utils.toArray(u)), | |
3455 | + (e = e || 1e-9), | |
3456 | + (r = r || 0), | |
3457 | + (h = h || 1), | |
3458 | + (z = z || 1), | |
3459 | + (i = i || "wheel,touch,pointer"), | |
3460 | + (s = !1 !== s), | |
3461 | + o || (o = parseFloat(bn.getComputedStyle(Tn).lineHeight) || 22); | |
3462 | + var X, | |
3463 | + V, | |
3464 | + H, | |
3465 | + U, | |
3466 | + G, | |
3467 | + j, | |
3468 | + K, | |
3469 | + Q = this, | |
3470 | + Z = 0, | |
3471 | + $ = 0, | |
3472 | + J = Kn(n, Un), | |
3473 | + tt = Kn(n, Gn), | |
3474 | + et = J(), | |
3475 | + rt = tt(), | |
3476 | + it = ~i.indexOf("touch") && !~i.indexOf("pointer") && "pointerdown" === Sn[0], | |
3477 | + nt = Fn(n), | |
3478 | + ot = n.ownerDocument || xn, | |
3479 | + st = [0, 0, 0], | |
3480 | + at = [0, 0, 0], | |
3481 | + lt = 0, | |
3482 | + ct = function () { | |
3483 | + return (lt = Ln()); | |
3484 | + }, | |
3485 | + ut = function (t, e) { | |
3486 | + return ((Q.event = t) && u && ~u.indexOf( || (e && it && "touch" !== t.pointerType) || (O && O(t, e)); | |
3487 | + }, | |
3488 | + ht = function () { | |
3489 | + var t = (Q.deltaX = $n(st)), | |
3490 | + r = (Q.deltaY = $n(at)), | |
3491 | + i = Math.abs(t) >= e, | |
3492 | + n = Math.abs(r) >= e; | |
3493 | + k && (i || n) && k(Q, t, r, st, at), | |
3494 | + i && (v && Q.deltaX > 0 && v(Q), y && Q.deltaX < 0 && y(Q), w && w(Q), C && Q.deltaX < 0 != Z < 0 && C(Q), (Z = Q.deltaX), (st[0] = st[1] = st[2] = 0)), | |
3495 | + n && (x && Q.deltaY > 0 && x(Q), b && Q.deltaY < 0 && b(Q), T && T(Q), E && Q.deltaY < 0 != $ < 0 && E(Q), ($ = Q.deltaY), (at[0] = at[1] = at[2] = 0)), | |
3496 | + (U || H) && (S && S(Q), H && (d(Q), (H = !1)), (U = !1)), | |
3497 | + j && !(j = !1) && Y && Y(Q), | |
3498 | + G && (B(Q), (G = !1)), | |
3499 | + (X = 0); | |
3500 | + }, | |
3501 | + ft = function (t, e, r) { | |
3502 | + (st[r] += t), (at[r] += e), Q._vx.update(t), Q._vy.update(e), s ? X || (X = requestAnimationFrame(ht)) : ht(); | |
3503 | + }, | |
3504 | + pt = function (t, e) { | |
3505 | + q && !K && ((Q.axis = K = Math.abs(t) > Math.abs(e) ? "x" : "y"), (j = !0)), | |
3506 | + "y" !== K && ((st[2] += t), Q._vx.update(t, !0)), | |
3507 | + "x" !== K && ((at[2] += e), Q._vy.update(e, !0)), | |
3508 | + s ? X || (X = requestAnimationFrame(ht)) : ht(); | |
3509 | + }, | |
3510 | + gt = function (t) { | |
3511 | + if (!ut(t, 1)) { | |
3512 | + var e = (t = Zn(t, a)).clientX, | |
3513 | + i = t.clientY, | |
3514 | + n = e - Q.x, | |
3515 | + o = i - Q.y, | |
3516 | + s = Q.isDragging; | |
3517 | + (Q.x = e), (Q.y = i), (s || Math.abs(Q.startX - e) >= r || Math.abs(Q.startY - i) >= r) && (d && (H = !0), s || (Q.isDragging = !0), pt(n, o), s || (p && p(Q))); | |
3518 | + } | |
3519 | + }, | |
3520 | + dt = (Q.onPress = function (t) { | |
3521 | + ut(t, 1) || | |
3522 | + (t && t.button) || | |
3523 | + ((Q.axis = K = null), | |
3524 | + V.pause(), | |
3525 | + (Q.isPressed = !0), | |
3526 | + (t = Zn(t)), | |
3527 | + (Z = $ = 0), | |
3528 | + (Q.startX = Q.x = t.clientX), | |
3529 | + (Q.startY = Q.y = t.clientY), | |
3530 | + Q._vx.reset(), | |
3531 | + Q._vy.reset(), | |
3532 | + Nn(P ? n : ot, Sn[1], gt, a, !0), | |
3533 | + (Q.deltaX = Q.deltaY = 0), | |
3534 | + m && m(Q)); | |
3535 | + }), | |
3536 | + mt = (Q.onRelease = function (t) { | |
3537 | + if (!ut(t, 1)) { | |
3538 | + qn(P ? n : ot, Sn[1], gt, !0); | |
3539 | + var e = !isNaN(Q.y - Q.startY), | |
3540 | + r = Q.isDragging && (Math.abs(Q.x - Q.startX) > 3 || Math.abs(Q.y - Q.startY) > 3), | |
3541 | + i = Zn(t); | |
3542 | + !r && | |
3543 | + e && | |
3544 | + (Q._vx.reset(), | |
3545 | + Q._vy.reset(), | |
3546 | + a && | |
3547 | + N && | |
3548 | + vn.delayedCall(0.08, function () { | |
3549 | + if (Ln() - lt > 300 && !t.defaultPrevented) | |
3550 | + if (; | |
3551 | + else if (ot.createEvent) { | |
3552 | + var e = ot.createEvent("MouseEvents"); | |
3553 | + e.initMouseEvent("click", !0, !0, bn, 1, i.screenX, i.screenY, i.clientX, i.clientY, !1, !1, !1, !1, 0, null),; | |
3554 | + } | |
3555 | + })), | |
3556 | + (Q.isDragging = Q.isGesturing = Q.isPressed = !1), | |
3557 | + l && !P && V.restart(!0), | |
3558 | + g && r && g(Q), | |
3559 | + _ && _(Q, r); | |
3560 | + } | |
3561 | + }), | |
3562 | + _t = function (t) { | |
3563 | + return t.touches && t.touches.length > 1 && (Q.isGesturing = !0) && D(t, Q.isDragging); | |
3564 | + }, | |
3565 | + vt = function () { | |
3566 | + return (Q.isGesturing = !1) || R(Q); | |
3567 | + }, | |
3568 | + yt = function (t) { | |
3569 | + if (!ut(t)) { | |
3570 | + var e = J(), | |
3571 | + r = tt(); | |
3572 | + ft((e - et) * z, (r - rt) * z, 1), (et = e), (rt = r), l && V.restart(!0); | |
3573 | + } | |
3574 | + }, | |
3575 | + bt = function (t) { | |
3576 | + if (!ut(t)) { | |
3577 | + (t = Zn(t, a)), B && (G = !0); | |
3578 | + var e = (1 === t.deltaMode ? o : 2 === t.deltaMode ? bn.innerHeight : 1) * h; | |
3579 | + ft(t.deltaX * e, t.deltaY * e, 0), l && !P && V.restart(!0); | |
3580 | + } | |
3581 | + }, | |
3582 | + xt = function (t) { | |
3583 | + if (!ut(t)) { | |
3584 | + var e = t.clientX, | |
3585 | + r = t.clientY, | |
3586 | + i = e - Q.x, | |
3587 | + n = r - Q.y; | |
3588 | + (Q.x = e), (Q.y = r), (U = !0), (i || n) && pt(i, n); | |
3589 | + } | |
3590 | + }, | |
3591 | + wt = function (t) { | |
3592 | + (Q.event = t), A(Q); | |
3593 | + }, | |
3594 | + Tt = function (t) { | |
3595 | + (Q.event = t), M(Q); | |
3596 | + }, | |
3597 | + kt = function (t) { | |
3598 | + return ut(t) || (Zn(t, a) && W(Q)); | |
3599 | + }; | |
3600 | + (V = Q._dc = vn | |
3601 | + .delayedCall(c || 0.25, function () { | |
3602 | + Q._vx.reset(), Q._vy.reset(), V.pause(), l && l(Q); | |
3603 | + }) | |
3604 | + .pause()), | |
3605 | + (Q.deltaX = Q.deltaY = 0), | |
3606 | + (Q._vx = Qn(0, 50, !0)), | |
3607 | + (Q._vy = Qn(0, 50, !0)), | |
3608 | + (Q.scrollX = J), | |
3609 | + (Q.scrollY = tt), | |
3610 | + (Q.isDragging = Q.isGesturing = Q.isPressed = !1), | |
3611 | + On(this), | |
3612 | + (Q.enable = function (t) { | |
3613 | + return ( | |
3614 | + Q.isEnabled || | |
3615 | + (Nn(nt ? ot : n, "scroll", Vn), | |
3616 | + i.indexOf("scroll") >= 0 && Nn(nt ? ot : n, "scroll", yt, a, F), | |
3617 | + i.indexOf("wheel") >= 0 && Nn(n, "wheel", bt, a, F), | |
3618 | + ((i.indexOf("touch") >= 0 && kn) || i.indexOf("pointer") >= 0) && | |
3619 | + (Nn(n, Sn[0], dt, a, F), | |
3620 | + Nn(ot, Sn[2], mt), | |
3621 | + Nn(ot, Sn[3], mt), | |
3622 | + N && Nn(n, "click", ct, !1, !0), | |
3623 | + W && Nn(n, "click", kt), | |
3624 | + D && Nn(ot, "gesturestart", _t), | |
3625 | + R && Nn(ot, "gestureend", vt), | |
3626 | + A && Nn(n, Cn + "enter", wt), | |
3627 | + M && Nn(n, Cn + "leave", Tt), | |
3628 | + S && Nn(n, Cn + "move", xt)), | |
3629 | + (Q.isEnabled = !0), | |
3630 | + t && t.type && dt(t), | |
3631 | + I && I(Q)), | |
3632 | + Q | |
3633 | + ); | |
3634 | + }), | |
3635 | + (Q.disable = function () { | |
3636 | + Q.isEnabled && | |
3637 | + (Rn.filter(function (t) { | |
3638 | + return t !== Q && Fn(; | |
3639 | + }).length || qn(nt ? ot : n, "scroll", Vn), | |
3640 | + Q.isPressed && (Q._vx.reset(), Q._vy.reset(), qn(P ? n : ot, Sn[1], gt, !0)), | |
3641 | + qn(nt ? ot : n, "scroll", yt, F), | |
3642 | + qn(n, "wheel", bt, F), | |
3643 | + qn(n, Sn[0], dt, F), | |
3644 | + qn(ot, Sn[2], mt), | |
3645 | + qn(ot, Sn[3], mt), | |
3646 | + qn(n, "click", ct, !0), | |
3647 | + qn(n, "click", kt), | |
3648 | + qn(ot, "gesturestart", _t), | |
3649 | + qn(ot, "gestureend", vt), | |
3650 | + qn(n, Cn + "enter", wt), | |
3651 | + qn(n, Cn + "leave", Tt), | |
3652 | + qn(n, Cn + "move", xt), | |
3653 | + (Q.isEnabled = Q.isPressed = Q.isDragging = !1), | |
3654 | + L && L(Q)); | |
3655 | + }), | |
3656 | + (Q.kill = Q.revert = function () { | |
3657 | + Q.disable(); | |
3658 | + var t = Rn.indexOf(Q); | |
3659 | + t >= 0 && Rn.splice(t, 1), Mn === Q && (Mn = 0); | |
3660 | + }), | |
3661 | + Rn.push(Q), | |
3662 | + P && Fn(n) && (Mn = Q), | |
3663 | + Q.enable(f); | |
3664 | + }), | |
3665 | + (e = t), | |
3666 | + (r = [ | |
3667 | + { | |
3668 | + key: "velocityX", | |
3669 | + get: function () { | |
3670 | + return this._vx.getVelocity(); | |
3671 | + }, | |
3672 | + }, | |
3673 | + { | |
3674 | + key: "velocityY", | |
3675 | + get: function () { | |
3676 | + return this._vy.getVelocity(); | |
3677 | + }, | |
3678 | + }, | |
3679 | + ]) && _n(e.prototype, r), | |
3680 | + t | |
3681 | + ); | |
3682 | + })(); | |
3683 | + (eo.version = "3.12.1"), | |
3684 | + (eo.create = function (t) { | |
3685 | + return new eo(t); | |
3686 | + }), | |
3687 | + (eo.register = to), | |
3688 | + (eo.getAll = function () { | |
3689 | + return Rn.slice(); | |
3690 | + }), | |
3691 | + (eo.getById = function (t) { | |
3692 | + return Rn.filter(function (e) { | |
3693 | + return === t; | |
3694 | + })[0]; | |
3695 | + }), | |
3696 | + Pn() && vn.registerPlugin(eo); | |
3697 | + var ro, | |
3698 | + io, | |
3699 | + no, | |
3700 | + oo, | |
3701 | + so, | |
3702 | + ao, | |
3703 | + lo, | |
3704 | + co, | |
3705 | + uo, | |
3706 | + ho, | |
3707 | + fo, | |
3708 | + po, | |
3709 | + go, | |
3710 | + mo, | |
3711 | + _o, | |
3712 | + vo, | |
3713 | + yo, | |
3714 | + bo, | |
3715 | + xo, | |
3716 | + wo, | |
3717 | + To, | |
3718 | + ko, | |
3719 | + Co, | |
3720 | + Eo, | |
3721 | + Ao, | |
3722 | + Mo, | |
3723 | + So, | |
3724 | + Oo, | |
3725 | + Po, | |
3726 | + Do, | |
3727 | + Ro, | |
3728 | + Bo, | |
3729 | + Io, | |
3730 | + Lo, | |
3731 | + Wo = 1, | |
3732 | + zo =, | |
3733 | + Fo = zo(), | |
3734 | + No = 0, | |
3735 | + qo = 0, | |
3736 | + Yo = function (t, e, r) { | |
3737 | + var i = es(t) && ("clamp(" === t.substr(0, 6) || t.indexOf("max") > -1); | |
3738 | + return (r["_" + e + "Clamp"] = i), i ? t.substr(6, t.length - 7) : t; | |
3739 | + }, | |
3740 | + Xo = function (t, e) { | |
3741 | + return !e || (es(t) && "clamp(" === t.substr(0, 6)) ? t : "clamp(" + t + ")"; | |
3742 | + }, | |
3743 | + Vo = function t() { | |
3744 | + return qo && requestAnimationFrame(t); | |
3745 | + }, | |
3746 | + Ho = function () { | |
3747 | + return (mo = 1); | |
3748 | + }, | |
3749 | + Uo = function () { | |
3750 | + return (mo = 0); | |
3751 | + }, | |
3752 | + Go = function (t) { | |
3753 | + return t; | |
3754 | + }, | |
3755 | + jo = function (t) { | |
3756 | + return Math.round(1e5 * t) / 1e5 || 0; | |
3757 | + }, | |
3758 | + Ko = function () { | |
3759 | + return "undefined" != typeof window; | |
3760 | + }, | |
3761 | + Qo = function () { | |
3762 | + return ro || (Ko() && (ro = window.gsap) && ro.registerPlugin && ro); | |
3763 | + }, | |
3764 | + Zo = function (t) { | |
3765 | + return !!~lo.indexOf(t); | |
3766 | + }, | |
3767 | + $o = function (t) { | |
3768 | + return ( | |
3769 | + zn(t, "getBoundingClientRect") || | |
3770 | + (Zo(t) | |
3771 | + ? function () { | |
3772 | + return (ca.width = no.innerWidth), (ca.height = no.innerHeight), ca; | |
3773 | + } | |
3774 | + : function () { | |
3775 | + return ks(t); | |
3776 | + }) | |
3777 | + ); | |
3778 | + }, | |
3779 | + Jo = function (t, e) { | |
3780 | + var r = e.s, | |
3781 | + i = e.d2, | |
3782 | + n = e.d, | |
3783 | + o = e.a; | |
3784 | + return Math.max(0, (r = "scroll" + i) && (o = zn(t, r)) ? o() - $o(t)()[n] : Zo(t) ? (so[r] || ao[r]) - (no["inner" + i] || so["client" + i] || ao["client" + i]) : t[r] - t["offset" + i]); | |
3785 | + }, | |
3786 | + ts = function (t, e) { | |
3787 | + for (var r = 0; r < xo.length; r += 3) (!e || ~e.indexOf(xo[r + 1])) && t(xo[r], xo[r + 1], xo[r + 2]); | |
3788 | + }, | |
3789 | + es = function (t) { | |
3790 | + return "string" == typeof t; | |
3791 | + }, | |
3792 | + rs = function (t) { | |
3793 | + return "function" == typeof t; | |
3794 | + }, | |
3795 | + is = function (t) { | |
3796 | + return "number" == typeof t; | |
3797 | + }, | |
3798 | + ns = function (t) { | |
3799 | + return "object" == typeof t; | |
3800 | + }, | |
3801 | + os = function (t, e, r) { | |
3802 | + return t && t.progress(e ? 0 : 1) && r && t.pause(); | |
3803 | + }, | |
3804 | + ss = function (t, e) { | |
3805 | + if (t.enabled) { | |
3806 | + var r = e(t); | |
3807 | + r && r.totalTime && (t.callbackAnimation = r); | |
3808 | + } | |
3809 | + }, | |
3810 | + as = Math.abs, | |
3811 | + ls = "left", | |
3812 | + cs = "right", | |
3813 | + us = "bottom", | |
3814 | + hs = "width", | |
3815 | + fs = "height", | |
3816 | + ps = "Right", | |
3817 | + gs = "Left", | |
3818 | + ds = "Top", | |
3819 | + ms = "Bottom", | |
3820 | + _s = "padding", | |
3821 | + vs = "margin", | |
3822 | + ys = "Width", | |
3823 | + bs = "Height", | |
3824 | + xs = "px", | |
3825 | + ws = function (t) { | |
3826 | + return no.getComputedStyle(t); | |
3827 | + }, | |
3828 | + Ts = function (t, e) { | |
3829 | + for (var r in e) r in t || (t[r] = e[r]); | |
3830 | + return t; | |
3831 | + }, | |
3832 | + ks = function (t, e) { | |
3833 | + var r = e && "matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)" !== ws(t)[_o] &&, { x: 0, y: 0, xPercent: 0, yPercent: 0, rotation: 0, rotationX: 0, rotationY: 0, scale: 1, skewX: 0, skewY: 0 }).progress(1), | |
3834 | + i = t.getBoundingClientRect(); | |
3835 | + return r && r.progress(0).kill(), i; | |
3836 | + }, | |
3837 | + Cs = function (t, e) { | |
3838 | + var r = e.d2; | |
3839 | + return t["offset" + r] || t["client" + r] || 0; | |
3840 | + }, | |
3841 | + Es = function (t) { | |
3842 | + var e, | |
3843 | + r = [], | |
3844 | + i = t.labels, | |
3845 | + n = t.duration(); | |
3846 | + for (e in i) r.push(i[e] / n); | |
3847 | + return r; | |
3848 | + }, | |
3849 | + As = function (t) { | |
3850 | + var e = ro.utils.snap(t), | |
3851 | + r = | |
3852 | + Array.isArray(t) && | |
3853 | + t.slice(0).sort(function (t, e) { | |
3854 | + return t - e; | |
3855 | + }); | |
3856 | + return r | |
3857 | + ? function (t, i, n) { | |
3858 | + var o; | |
3859 | + if ((void 0 === n && (n = 0.001), !i)) return e(t); | |
3860 | + if (i > 0) { | |
3861 | + for (t -= n, o = 0; o < r.length; o++) if (r[o] >= t) return r[o]; | |
3862 | + return r[o - 1]; | |
3863 | + } | |
3864 | + for (o = r.length, t += n; o--; ) if (r[o] <= t) return r[o]; | |
3865 | + return r[0]; | |
3866 | + } | |
3867 | + : function (r, i, n) { | |
3868 | + void 0 === n && (n = 0.001); | |
3869 | + var o = e(r); | |
3870 | + return !i || Math.abs(o - r) < n || o - r < 0 == i < 0 ? o : e(i < 0 ? r - t : r + t); | |
3871 | + }; | |
3872 | + }, | |
3873 | + Ms = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
3874 | + return r.split(",").forEach(function (r) { | |
3875 | + return t(e, r, i); | |
3876 | + }); | |
3877 | + }, | |
3878 | + Ss = function (t, e, r, i, n) { | |
3879 | + return t.addEventListener(e, r, { passive: !i, capture: !!n }); | |
3880 | + }, | |
3881 | + Os = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
3882 | + return t.removeEventListener(e, r, !!i); | |
3883 | + }, | |
3884 | + Ps = function (t, e, r) { | |
3885 | + (r = r && r.wheelHandler) && (t(e, "wheel", r), t(e, "touchmove", r)); | |
3886 | + }, | |
3887 | + Ds = { startColor: "green", endColor: "red", indent: 0, fontSize: "16px", fontWeight: "normal" }, | |
3888 | + Rs = { toggleActions: "play", anticipatePin: 0 }, | |
3889 | + Bs = { top: 0, left: 0, center: 0.5, bottom: 1, right: 1 }, | |
3890 | + Is = function (t, e) { | |
3891 | + if (es(t)) { | |
3892 | + var r = t.indexOf("="), | |
3893 | + i = ~r ? +(t.charAt(r - 1) + 1) * parseFloat(t.substr(r + 1)) : 0; | |
3894 | + ~r && (t.indexOf("%") > r && (i *= e / 100), (t = t.substr(0, r - 1))), (t = i + (t in Bs ? Bs[t] * e : ~t.indexOf("%") ? (parseFloat(t) * e) / 100 : parseFloat(t) || 0)); | |
3895 | + } | |
3896 | + return t; | |
3897 | + }, | |
3898 | + Ls = function (t, e, r, i, n, o, s, a) { | |
3899 | + var l = n.startColor, | |
3900 | + c = n.endColor, | |
3901 | + u = n.fontSize, | |
3902 | + h = n.indent, | |
3903 | + f = n.fontWeight, | |
3904 | + p = oo.createElement("div"), | |
3905 | + g = Zo(r) || "fixed" === zn(r, "pinType"), | |
3906 | + d = -1 !== t.indexOf("scroller"), | |
3907 | + m = g ? ao : r, | |
3908 | + _ = -1 !== t.indexOf("start"), | |
3909 | + v = _ ? l : c, | |
3910 | + y = "border-color:" + v + ";font-size:" + u + ";color:" + v + ";font-weight:" + f + ";pointer-events:none;white-space:nowrap;font-family:sans-serif,Arial;z-index:1000;padding:4px 8px;border-width:0;border-style:solid;"; | |
3911 | + return ( | |
3912 | + (y += "position:" + ((d || a) && g ? "fixed;" : "absolute;")), | |
3913 | + (d || a || !g) && (y += (i === Gn ? cs : us) + ":" + (o + parseFloat(h)) + "px;"), | |
3914 | + s && (y += "box-sizing:border-box;text-align:left;width:" + s.offsetWidth + "px;"), | |
3915 | + (p._isStart = _), | |
3916 | + p.setAttribute("class", "gsap-marker-" + t + (e ? " marker-" + e : "")), | |
3917 | + ( = y), | |
3918 | + (p.innerText = e || 0 === e ? t + "-" + e : t), | |
3919 | + m.children[0] ? m.insertBefore(p, m.children[0]) : m.appendChild(p), | |
3920 | + (p._offset = p["offset" + i.op.d2]), | |
3921 | + Ws(p, 0, i, _), | |
3922 | + p | |
3923 | + ); | |
3924 | + }, | |
3925 | + Ws = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
3926 | + var n = { display: "block" }, | |
3927 | + o = r[i ? "os2" : "p2"], | |
3928 | + s = r[i ? "p2" : "os2"]; | |
3929 | + (t._isFlipped = i), (n[r.a + "Percent"] = i ? -100 : 0), (n[r.a] = i ? "1px" : 0), (n["border" + o + ys] = 1), (n["border" + s + ys] = 0), (n[r.p] = e + "px"), ro.set(t, n); | |
3930 | + }, | |
3931 | + zs = [], | |
3932 | + Fs = {}, | |
3933 | + Ns = function () { | |
3934 | + return zo() - No > 34 && (Ro || (Ro = requestAnimationFrame(ra))); | |
3935 | + }, | |
3936 | + qs = function () { | |
3937 | + (!Co || !Co.isPressed || Co.startX > ao.clientWidth) && (Bn.cache++, Co ? Ro || (Ro = requestAnimationFrame(ra)) : ra(), No || Gs("scrollStart"), (No = zo())); | |
3938 | + }, | |
3939 | + Ys = function () { | |
3940 | + (Mo = no.innerWidth), (Ao = no.innerHeight); | |
3941 | + }, | |
3942 | + Xs = function () { | |
3943 | + Bn.cache++, !go && !ko && !oo.fullscreenElement && !oo.webkitFullscreenElement && (!Eo || Mo !== no.innerWidth || Math.abs(no.innerHeight - Ao) > 0.25 * no.innerHeight) && co.restart(!0); | |
3944 | + }, | |
3945 | + Vs = {}, | |
3946 | + Hs = [], | |
3947 | + Us = function t() { | |
3948 | + return Os(ma, "scrollEnd", t) || Js(!0); | |
3949 | + }, | |
3950 | + Gs = function (t) { | |
3951 | + return ( | |
3952 | + (Vs[t] && | |
3953 | + Vs[t].map(function (t) { | |
3954 | + return t(); | |
3955 | + })) || | |
3956 | + Hs | |
3957 | + ); | |
3958 | + }, | |
3959 | + js = [], | |
3960 | + Ks = function (t) { | |
3961 | + for (var e = 0; e < js.length; e += 5) (!t || (js[e + 4] && js[e + 4].query === t)) && ((js[e].style.cssText = js[e + 1]), js[e].getBBox && js[e].setAttribute("transform", js[e + 2] || ""), (js[e + 3].uncache = 1)); | |
3962 | + }, | |
3963 | + Qs = function (t, e) { | |
3964 | + var r; | |
3965 | + for (vo = 0; vo < zs.length; vo++) !(r = zs[vo]) || (e && r._ctx !== e) || (t ? r.kill(1) : r.revert(!0, !0)); | |
3966 | + e && Ks(e), e || Gs("revert"); | |
3967 | + }, | |
3968 | + Zs = function (t, e) { | |
3969 | + Bn.cache++, | |
3970 | + (e || !Bo) && | |
3971 | + Bn.forEach(function (t) { | |
3972 | + return rs(t) && t.cacheID++ && (t.rec = 0); | |
3973 | + }), | |
3974 | + es(t) && (no.history.scrollRestoration = Po = t); | |
3975 | + }, | |
3976 | + $s = 0, | |
3977 | + Js = function (t, e) { | |
3978 | + if (!No || t) { | |
3979 | + (Bo = ma.isRefreshing = !0), | |
3980 | + Bn.forEach(function (t) { | |
3981 | + return rs(t) && ++t.cacheID && (t.rec = t()); | |
3982 | + }); | |
3983 | + var r = Gs("refreshInit"); | |
3984 | + wo && ma.sort(), | |
3985 | + e || Qs(), | |
3986 | + Bn.forEach(function (t) { | |
3987 | + rs(t) && (t.smooth && ( = "auto"), t(0)); | |
3988 | + }), | |
3989 | + zs.slice(0).forEach(function (t) { | |
3990 | + return t.refresh(); | |
3991 | + }), | |
3992 | + zs.forEach(function (t, e) { | |
3993 | + if (t._subPinOffset && { | |
3994 | + var r = t.vars.horizontal ? "offsetWidth" : "offsetHeight", | |
3995 | + i =[r]; | |
3996 | + t.revert(!0, 1), t.adjustPinSpacing([r] - i), t.refresh(); | |
3997 | + } | |
3998 | + }), | |
3999 | + zs.forEach(function (t) { | |
4000 | + var e = Jo(t.scroller, t._dir); | |
4001 | + ("max" === t.vars.end || (t._endClamp && t.end > e)) && t.setPositions(t.start, Math.max(t.start + 1, e), !0); | |
4002 | + }), | |
4003 | + r.forEach(function (t) { | |
4004 | + return t && t.render && t.render(-1); | |
4005 | + }), | |
4006 | + Bn.forEach(function (t) { | |
4007 | + rs(t) && | |
4008 | + (t.smooth && | |
4009 | + requestAnimationFrame(function () { | |
4010 | + return ( = "smooth"); | |
4011 | + }), | |
4012 | + t.rec && t(t.rec)); | |
4013 | + }), | |
4014 | + Zs(Po, 1), | |
4015 | + co.pause(), | |
4016 | + $s++, | |
4017 | + (Bo = 2), | |
4018 | + ra(2), | |
4019 | + zs.forEach(function (t) { | |
4020 | + return rs(t.vars.onRefresh) && t.vars.onRefresh(t); | |
4021 | + }), | |
4022 | + (Bo = ma.isRefreshing = !1), | |
4023 | + Gs("refresh"); | |
4024 | + } else Ss(ma, "scrollEnd", Us); | |
4025 | + }, | |
4026 | + ta = 0, | |
4027 | + ea = 1, | |
4028 | + ra = function (t) { | |
4029 | + if (!Bo || 2 === t) { | |
4030 | + (ma.isUpdating = !0), Lo && Lo.update(0); | |
4031 | + var e = zs.length, | |
4032 | + r = zo(), | |
4033 | + i = r - Fo >= 50, | |
4034 | + n = e && zs[0].scroll(); | |
4035 | + if (((ea = ta > n ? -1 : 1), Bo || (ta = n), i && (No && !mo && r - No > 200 && ((No = 0), Gs("scrollEnd")), (fo = Fo), (Fo = r)), ea < 0)) { | |
4036 | + for (vo = e; vo-- > 0; ) zs[vo] && zs[vo].update(0, i); | |
4037 | + ea = 1; | |
4038 | + } else for (vo = 0; vo < e; vo++) zs[vo] && zs[vo].update(0, i); | |
4039 | + ma.isUpdating = !1; | |
4040 | + } | |
4041 | + Ro = 0; | |
4042 | + }, | |
4043 | + ia = [ | |
4044 | + ls, | |
4045 | + "top", | |
4046 | + us, | |
4047 | + cs, | |
4048 | + vs + ms, | |
4049 | + vs + ps, | |
4050 | + vs + ds, | |
4051 | + vs + gs, | |
4052 | + "display", | |
4053 | + "flexShrink", | |
4054 | + "float", | |
4055 | + "zIndex", | |
4056 | + "gridColumnStart", | |
4057 | + "gridColumnEnd", | |
4058 | + "gridRowStart", | |
4059 | + "gridRowEnd", | |
4060 | + "gridArea", | |
4061 | + "justifySelf", | |
4062 | + "alignSelf", | |
4063 | + "placeSelf", | |
4064 | + "order", | |
4065 | + ], | |
4066 | + na = ia.concat([hs, fs, "boxSizing", "max" + ys, "max" + bs, "position", vs, _s, _s + ds, _s + ps, _s + ms, _s + gs]), | |
4067 | + oa = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
4068 | + if (!t._gsap.swappedIn) { | |
4069 | + for (var n, o = ia.length, s =, a =; o--; ) s[(n = ia[o])] = r[n]; | |
4070 | + (s.position = "absolute" === r.position ? "absolute" : "relative"), | |
4071 | + "inline" === r.display && (s.display = "inline-block"), | |
4072 | + (a[us] = a[cs] = "auto"), | |
4073 | + (s.flexBasis = r.flexBasis || "auto"), | |
4074 | + (s.overflow = "visible"), | |
4075 | + (s.boxSizing = "border-box"), | |
4076 | + (s[hs] = Cs(t, Un) + xs), | |
4077 | + (s[fs] = Cs(t, Gn) + xs), | |
4078 | + (s[_s] = a[vs] = = a[ls] = "0"), | |
4079 | + aa(i), | |
4080 | + (a[hs] = a["max" + ys] = r[hs]), | |
4081 | + (a[fs] = a["max" + bs] = r[fs]), | |
4082 | + (a[_s] = r[_s]), | |
4083 | + t.parentNode !== e && (t.parentNode.insertBefore(e, t), e.appendChild(t)), | |
4084 | + (t._gsap.swappedIn = !0); | |
4085 | + } | |
4086 | + }, | |
4087 | + sa = /([A-Z])/g, | |
4088 | + aa = function (t) { | |
4089 | + if (t) { | |
4090 | + var e, | |
4091 | + r, | |
4092 | + i =, | |
4093 | + n = t.length, | |
4094 | + o = 0; | |
4095 | + for ((t.t._gsap || ro.core.getCache(t.t)).uncache = 1; o < n; o += 2) (r = t[o + 1]), (e = t[o]), r ? (i[e] = r) : i[e] && i.removeProperty(e.replace(sa, "-$1").toLowerCase()); | |
4096 | + } | |
4097 | + }, | |
4098 | + la = function (t) { | |
4099 | + for (var e = na.length, r =, i = [], n = 0; n < e; n++) i.push(na[n], r[na[n]]); | |
4100 | + return (i.t = t), i; | |
4101 | + }, | |
4102 | + ca = { left: 0, top: 0 }, | |
4103 | + ua = function (t, e, r, i, n, o, s, a, l, c, u, h, f, p) { | |
4104 | + rs(t) && (t = t(a)), es(t) && "max" === t.substr(0, 3) && (t = h + ("=" === t.charAt(4) ? Is("0" + t.substr(3), r) : 0)); | |
4105 | + var g, | |
4106 | + d, | |
4107 | + m, | |
4108 | + _ = f ? f.time() : 0; | |
4109 | + if ((f &&, isNaN(t) || (t = +t), is(t))) f && (t = ro.utils.mapRange(f.scrollTrigger.start, f.scrollTrigger.end, 0, h, t)), s && Ws(s, r, i, !0); | |
4110 | + else { | |
4111 | + rs(e) && (e = e(a)); | |
4112 | + var v, | |
4113 | + y, | |
4114 | + b, | |
4115 | + x, | |
4116 | + w = (t || "0").split(" "); | |
4117 | + (m = jn(e, a) || ao), | |
4118 | + ((v = ks(m) || {}) && (v.left || || "none" !== ws(m).display || ((x =, ( = "block"), (v = ks(m)), x ? ( = x) :"display")), | |
4119 | + (y = Is(w[0], v[i.d])), | |
4120 | + (b = Is(w[1] || "0", r)), | |
4121 | + (t = v[i.p] - l[i.p] - c + y + n - b), | |
4122 | + s && Ws(s, b, i, r - b < 20 || (s._isStart && b > 20)), | |
4123 | + (r -= r - b); | |
4124 | + } | |
4125 | + if ((p && ((a[p] = t || -0.001), t < 0 && (t = 0)), o)) { | |
4126 | + var T = t + r, | |
4127 | + k = o._isStart; | |
4128 | + (g = "scroll" + i.d2), Ws(o, T, i, (k && T > 20) || (!k && (u ? Math.max(ao[g], so[g]) : o.parentNode[g]) <= T + 1)), u && ((l = ks(s)), u && ([i.op.p] = l[i.op.p] - i.op.m - o._offset + xs)); | |
4129 | + } | |
4130 | + return f && m && ((g = ks(m)),, (d = ks(m)), (f._caScrollDist = g[i.p] - d[i.p]), (t = (t / f._caScrollDist) * h)), f &&, f ? t : Math.round(t); | |
4131 | + }, | |
4132 | + ha = /(webkit|moz|length|cssText|inset)/i, | |
4133 | + fa = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
4134 | + if (t.parentNode !== e) { | |
4135 | + var n, | |
4136 | + o, | |
4137 | + s =; | |
4138 | + if (e === ao) { | |
4139 | + for (n in ((t._stOrig = s.cssText), (o = ws(t)))) +n || ha.test(n) || !o[n] || "string" != typeof s[n] || "0" === n || (s[n] = o[n]); | |
4140 | + ( = r), (s.left = i); | |
4141 | + } else s.cssText = t._stOrig; | |
4142 | + (ro.core.getCache(t).uncache = 1), e.appendChild(t); | |
4143 | + } | |
4144 | + }, | |
4145 | + pa = function (t, e, r) { | |
4146 | + var i = e, | |
4147 | + n = i; | |
4148 | + return function (e) { | |
4149 | + var o = Math.round(t()); | |
4150 | + return o !== i && o !== n && Math.abs(o - i) > 3 && Math.abs(o - n) > 3 && ((e = o), r && r()), (n = i), (i = e), e; | |
4151 | + }; | |
4152 | + }, | |
4153 | + ga = function (t, e, r) { | |
4154 | + var i = {}; | |
4155 | + (i[e.p] = "+=" + r), ro.set(t, i); | |
4156 | + }, | |
4157 | + da = function (t, e) { | |
4158 | + var r = Kn(t, e), | |
4159 | + i = "_scroll" + e.p2, | |
4160 | + n = function e(n, o, s, a, l) { | |
4161 | + var c = e.tween, | |
4162 | + u = o.onComplete, | |
4163 | + h = {}; | |
4164 | + s = s || r(); | |
4165 | + var f = pa(r, s, function () { | |
4166 | + c.kill(), (e.tween = 0); | |
4167 | + }); | |
4168 | + return ( | |
4169 | + (l = (a && l) || 0), | |
4170 | + (a = a || n - s), | |
4171 | + c && c.kill(), | |
4172 | + (o[i] = n), | |
4173 | + (o.modifiers = h), | |
4174 | + (h[i] = function () { | |
4175 | + return f(s + a * c.ratio + l * c.ratio * c.ratio); | |
4176 | + }), | |
4177 | + (o.onUpdate = function () { | |
4178 | + Bn.cache++, ra(); | |
4179 | + }), | |
4180 | + (o.onComplete = function () { | |
4181 | + (e.tween = 0), u &&; | |
4182 | + }), | |
4183 | + (c = e.tween =, o)) | |
4184 | + ); | |
4185 | + }; | |
4186 | + return ( | |
4187 | + (t[i] = r), | |
4188 | + (r.wheelHandler = function () { | |
4189 | + return n.tween && n.tween.kill() && (n.tween = 0); | |
4190 | + }), | |
4191 | + Ss(t, "wheel", r.wheelHandler), | |
4192 | + ma.isTouch && Ss(t, "touchmove", r.wheelHandler), | |
4193 | + n | |
4194 | + ); | |
4195 | + }, | |
4196 | + ma = (function () { | |
4197 | + function t(e, r) { | |
4198 | + io || t.register(ro) || console.warn("Please gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger)"), Oo(this), this.init(e, r); | |
4199 | + } | |
4200 | + return ( | |
4201 | + (t.prototype.init = function (e, r) { | |
4202 | + if (((this.progress = this.start = 0), this.vars && this.kill(!0, !0), qo)) { | |
4203 | + var i, | |
4204 | + n, | |
4205 | + o, | |
4206 | + s, | |
4207 | + a, | |
4208 | + l, | |
4209 | + c, | |
4210 | + u, | |
4211 | + h, | |
4212 | + f, | |
4213 | + p, | |
4214 | + g, | |
4215 | + d, | |
4216 | + m, | |
4217 | + _, | |
4218 | + v, | |
4219 | + y, | |
4220 | + b, | |
4221 | + x, | |
4222 | + w, | |
4223 | + T, | |
4224 | + k, | |
4225 | + C, | |
4226 | + E, | |
4227 | + A, | |
4228 | + M, | |
4229 | + S, | |
4230 | + O, | |
4231 | + P, | |
4232 | + D, | |
4233 | + R, | |
4234 | + B, | |
4235 | + I, | |
4236 | + L, | |
4237 | + W, | |
4238 | + z, | |
4239 | + F, | |
4240 | + N, | |
4241 | + q, | |
4242 | + Y, | |
4243 | + X, | |
4244 | + V, | |
4245 | + H = (e = Ts(es(e) || is(e) || e.nodeType ? { trigger: e } : e, Rs)), | |
4246 | + U = H.onUpdate, | |
4247 | + G = H.toggleClass, | |
4248 | + j =, | |
4249 | + K = H.onToggle, | |
4250 | + Q = H.onRefresh, | |
4251 | + Z = H.scrub, | |
4252 | + $ = H.trigger, | |
4253 | + J =, | |
4254 | + tt = H.pinSpacing, | |
4255 | + et = H.invalidateOnRefresh, | |
4256 | + rt = H.anticipatePin, | |
4257 | + it = H.onScrubComplete, | |
4258 | + nt = H.onSnapComplete, | |
4259 | + ot = H.once, | |
4260 | + st = H.snap, | |
4261 | + at = H.pinReparent, | |
4262 | + lt = H.pinSpacer, | |
4263 | + ct = H.containerAnimation, | |
4264 | + ut = H.fastScrollEnd, | |
4265 | + ht = H.preventOverlaps, | |
4266 | + ft = e.horizontal || (e.containerAnimation && !1 !== e.horizontal) ? Un : Gn, | |
4267 | + pt = !Z && 0 !== Z, | |
4268 | + gt = jn(e.scroller || no), | |
4269 | + dt = ro.core.getCache(gt), | |
4270 | + mt = Zo(gt), | |
4271 | + _t = "fixed" === ("pinType" in e ? e.pinType : zn(gt, "pinType") || (mt && "fixed")), | |
4272 | + vt = [e.onEnter, e.onLeave, e.onEnterBack, e.onLeaveBack], | |
4273 | + yt = pt && e.toggleActions.split(" "), | |
4274 | + bt = "markers" in e ? e.markers : Rs.markers, | |
4275 | + xt = mt ? 0 : parseFloat(ws(gt)["border" + ft.p2 + ys]) || 0, | |
4276 | + wt = this, | |
4277 | + Tt = | |
4278 | + e.onRefreshInit && | |
4279 | + function () { | |
4280 | + return e.onRefreshInit(wt); | |
4281 | + }, | |
4282 | + kt = (function (t, e, r) { | |
4283 | + var i = r.d, | |
4284 | + n = r.d2, | |
4285 | + o = r.a; | |
4286 | + return (o = zn(t, "getBoundingClientRect")) | |
4287 | + ? function () { | |
4288 | + return o()[i]; | |
4289 | + } | |
4290 | + : function () { | |
4291 | + return (e ? no["inner" + n] : t["client" + n]) || 0; | |
4292 | + }; | |
4293 | + })(gt, mt, ft), | |
4294 | + Ct = (function (t, e) { | |
4295 | + return !e || ~In.indexOf(t) | |
4296 | + ? $o(t) | |
4297 | + : function () { | |
4298 | + return ca; | |
4299 | + }; | |
4300 | + })(gt, mt), | |
4301 | + Et = 0, | |
4302 | + At = 0, | |
4303 | + Mt = 0, | |
4304 | + St = Kn(gt, ft); | |
4305 | + if ( | |
4306 | + ((wt._startClamp = wt._endClamp = !1), | |
4307 | + (wt._dir = ft), | |
4308 | + (rt *= 45), | |
4309 | + (wt.scroller = gt), | |
4310 | + (wt.scroll = ct ? ct.time.bind(ct) : St), | |
4311 | + (s = St()), | |
4312 | + (wt.vars = e), | |
4313 | + (r = r || e.animation), | |
4314 | + "refreshPriority" in e && ((wo = 1), -9999 === e.refreshPriority && (Lo = wt)), | |
4315 | + (dt.tweenScroll = dt.tweenScroll || { top: da(gt, Gn), left: da(gt, Un) }), | |
4316 | + (wt.tweenTo = i = dt.tweenScroll[ft.p]), | |
4317 | + (wt.scrubDuration = function (t) { | |
4318 | + (I = is(t) && t) | |
4319 | + ? B | |
4320 | + ? B.duration(t) | |
4321 | + : (B =, { | |
4322 | + ease: "expo", | |
4323 | + totalProgress: "+=0", | |
4324 | + duration: I, | |
4325 | + paused: !0, | |
4326 | + onComplete: function () { | |
4327 | + return it && it(wt); | |
4328 | + }, | |
4329 | + })) | |
4330 | + : (B && B.progress(1).kill(), (B = 0)); | |
4331 | + }), | |
4332 | + r && | |
4333 | + ((r.vars.lazy = !1), | |
4334 | + (r._initted && !wt.isReverted) || (!1 !== r.vars.immediateRender && !1 !== e.immediateRender && r.duration() && r.render(0, !0, !0)), | |
4335 | + (wt.animation = r.pause()), | |
4336 | + (r.scrollTrigger = wt), | |
4337 | + wt.scrubDuration(Z), | |
4338 | + (D = 0), | |
4339 | + j || (j =, | |
4340 | + st && | |
4341 | + ((ns(st) && !st.push) || (st = { snapTo: st }), | |
4342 | + "scrollBehavior" in && ro.set(mt ? [ao, so] : gt, { scrollBehavior: "auto" }), | |
4343 | + Bn.forEach(function (t) { | |
4344 | + return rs(t) && === (mt ? oo.scrollingElement || so : gt) && (t.smooth = !1); | |
4345 | + }), | |
4346 | + (o = rs(st.snapTo) | |
4347 | + ? st.snapTo | |
4348 | + : "labels" === st.snapTo | |
4349 | + ? (function (t) { | |
4350 | + return function (e) { | |
4351 | + return ro.utils.snap(Es(t), e); | |
4352 | + }; | |
4353 | + })(r) | |
4354 | + : "labelsDirectional" === st.snapTo | |
4355 | + ? ((Y = r), | |
4356 | + function (t, e) { | |
4357 | + return As(Es(Y))(t, e.direction); | |
4358 | + }) | |
4359 | + : !1 !== st.directional | |
4360 | + ? function (t, e) { | |
4361 | + return As(st.snapTo)(t, zo() - At < 500 ? 0 : e.direction); | |
4362 | + } | |
4363 | + : ro.utils.snap(st.snapTo)), | |
4364 | + (L = st.duration || { min: 0.1, max: 2 }), | |
4365 | + (L = ns(L) ? ho(L.min, L.max) : ho(L, L)), | |
4366 | + (W = ro | |
4367 | + .delayedCall(st.delay || I / 2 || 0.1, function () { | |
4368 | + var t = St(), | |
4369 | + e = zo() - At < 500, | |
4370 | + n = i.tween; | |
4371 | + if (!(e || Math.abs(wt.getVelocity()) < 10) || n || mo || Et === t) wt.isActive && Et !== t && W.restart(!0); | |
4372 | + else { | |
4373 | + var s = (t - l) / m, | |
4374 | + a = r && !pt ? r.totalProgress() : s, | |
4375 | + u = e ? 0 : ((a - R) / (zo() - fo)) * 1e3 || 0, | |
4376 | + h = ro.utils.clamp(-s, 1 - s, (as(u / 2) * u) / 0.185), | |
4377 | + f = s + (!1 === st.inertia ? 0 : h), | |
4378 | + p = ho(0, 1, o(f, wt)), | |
4379 | + g = Math.round(l + p * m), | |
4380 | + d = st, | |
4381 | + _ = d.onStart, | |
4382 | + v = d.onInterrupt, | |
4383 | + y = d.onComplete; | |
4384 | + if (t <= c && t >= l && g !== t) { | |
4385 | + if (n && !n._initted && <= as(g - t)) return; | |
4386 | + !1 === st.inertia && (h = p - s), | |
4387 | + i( | |
4388 | + g, | |
4389 | + { | |
4390 | + duration: L(as((0.185 * Math.max(as(f - a), as(p - a))) / u / 0.05 || 0)), | |
4391 | + ease: st.ease || "power3", | |
4392 | + data: as(g - t), | |
4393 | + onInterrupt: function () { | |
4394 | + return W.restart(!0) && v && v(wt); | |
4395 | + }, | |
4396 | + onComplete: function () { | |
4397 | + wt.update(), (Et = St()), (D = R = r && !pt ? r.totalProgress() : wt.progress), nt && nt(wt), y && y(wt); | |
4398 | + }, | |
4399 | + }, | |
4400 | + t, | |
4401 | + h * m, | |
4402 | + g - t - h * m | |
4403 | + ), | |
4404 | + _ && _(wt, i.tween); | |
4405 | + } | |
4406 | + } | |
4407 | + }) | |
4408 | + .pause())), | |
4409 | + j && (Fs[j] = wt), | |
4410 | + (q = ($ = wt.trigger = jn($ || (!0 !== J && J))) && $._gsap && $._gsap.stRevert) && (q = q(wt)), | |
4411 | + (J = !0 === J ? $ : jn(J)), | |
4412 | + es(G) && (G = { targets: $, className: G }), | |
4413 | + J && | |
4414 | + (!1 === tt || tt === vs || (tt = !(!tt && J.parentNode && && "flex" === ws(J.parentNode).display) && _s), | |
4415 | + ( = J), | |
4416 | + (n = ro.core.getCache(J)).spacer | |
4417 | + ? (_ = n.pinState) | |
4418 | + : (lt && ((lt = jn(lt)) && !lt.nodeType && (lt = lt.current || lt.nativeElement), (n.spacerIsNative = !!lt), lt && (n.spacerState = la(lt))), | |
4419 | + (n.spacer = b = lt || oo.createElement("div")), | |
4420 | + b.classList.add("pin-spacer"), | |
4421 | + j && b.classList.add("pin-spacer-" + j), | |
4422 | + (n.pinState = _ = la(J))), | |
4423 | + !1 !== e.force3D && ro.set(J, { force3D: !0 }), | |
4424 | + (wt.spacer = b = n.spacer), | |
4425 | + (P = ws(J)), | |
4426 | + (E = P[tt + ft.os2]), | |
4427 | + (w = ro.getProperty(J)), | |
4428 | + (T = ro.quickSetter(J, ft.a, xs)), | |
4429 | + oa(J, b, P), | |
4430 | + (y = la(J))), | |
4431 | + bt) | |
4432 | + ) { | |
4433 | + (g = ns(bt) ? Ts(bt, Ds) : Ds), (f = Ls("scroller-start", j, gt, ft, g, 0)), (p = Ls("scroller-end", j, gt, ft, g, 0, f)), (x = f["offset" + ft.op.d2]); | |
4434 | + var Ot = jn(zn(gt, "content") || gt); | |
4435 | + (u = this.markerStart = Ls("start", j, Ot, ft, g, x, 0, ct)), | |
4436 | + (h = this.markerEnd = Ls("end", j, Ot, ft, g, x, 0, ct)), | |
4437 | + ct && (N = ro.quickSetter([u, h], ft.a, xs)), | |
4438 | + _t || | |
4439 | + (In.length && !0 === zn(gt, "fixedMarkers")) || | |
4440 | + ((V = ws((X = mt ? ao : gt)).position), | |
4441 | + ( = "absolute" === V || "fixed" === V ? V : "relative"), | |
4442 | + ro.set([f, p], { force3D: !0 }), | |
4443 | + (M = ro.quickSetter(f, ft.a, xs)), | |
4444 | + (O = ro.quickSetter(p, ft.a, xs))); | |
4445 | + } | |
4446 | + if (ct) { | |
4447 | + var Pt = ct.vars.onUpdate, | |
4448 | + Dt = ct.vars.onUpdateParams; | |
4449 | + ct.eventCallback("onUpdate", function () { | |
4450 | + wt.update(0, 0, 1), Pt && Pt.apply(ct, Dt || []); | |
4451 | + }); | |
4452 | + } | |
4453 | + if ( | |
4454 | + ((wt.previous = function () { | |
4455 | + return zs[zs.indexOf(wt) - 1]; | |
4456 | + }), | |
4457 | + ( = function () { | |
4458 | + return zs[zs.indexOf(wt) + 1]; | |
4459 | + }), | |
4460 | + (wt.revert = function (t, e) { | |
4461 | + if (!e) return wt.kill(!0); | |
4462 | + var i = !1 !== t || !wt.enabled, | |
4463 | + n = go; | |
4464 | + i !== wt.isReverted && | |
4465 | + (i && ((z = Math.max(St(), wt.scroll.rec || 0)), (Mt = wt.progress), (F = r && r.progress())), | |
4466 | + u && | |
4467 | + [u, h, f, p].forEach(function (t) { | |
4468 | + return ( = i ? "none" : "block"); | |
4469 | + }), | |
4470 | + i && ((go = wt), wt.update(i)), | |
4471 | + !J || | |
4472 | + (at && wt.isActive) || | |
4473 | + (i | |
4474 | + ? (function (t, e, r) { | |
4475 | + aa(r); | |
4476 | + var i = t._gsap; | |
4477 | + if (i.spacerIsNative) aa(i.spacerState); | |
4478 | + else if (t._gsap.swappedIn) { | |
4479 | + var n = e.parentNode; | |
4480 | + n && (n.insertBefore(t, e), n.removeChild(e)); | |
4481 | + } | |
4482 | + t._gsap.swappedIn = !1; | |
4483 | + })(J, b, _) | |
4484 | + : oa(J, b, ws(J), A)), | |
4485 | + i || wt.update(i), | |
4486 | + (go = n), | |
4487 | + (wt.isReverted = i)); | |
4488 | + }), | |
4489 | + (wt.refresh = function (n, o, g, x) { | |
4490 | + if ((!go && wt.enabled) || o) | |
4491 | + if (J && n && No) Ss(t, "scrollEnd", Us); | |
4492 | + else { | |
4493 | + !Bo && Tt && Tt(wt), (go = wt), i.tween && (i.tween.kill(), (i.tween = 0)), B && B.pause(), et && r && r.revert({ kill: !1 }).invalidate(), wt.isReverted || wt.revert(!0, !0), (wt._subPinOffset = !1); | |
4494 | + var T, | |
4495 | + E, | |
4496 | + M, | |
4497 | + O, | |
4498 | + P, | |
4499 | + D, | |
4500 | + R, | |
4501 | + I, | |
4502 | + L, | |
4503 | + N, | |
4504 | + q, | |
4505 | + Y, | |
4506 | + X, | |
4507 | + V = kt(), | |
4508 | + H = Ct(), | |
4509 | + U = ct ? ct.duration() : Jo(gt, ft), | |
4510 | + G = m <= 0.01, | |
4511 | + j = 0, | |
4512 | + K = x || 0, | |
4513 | + Z = ns(g) ? g.end : e.end, | |
4514 | + rt = e.endTrigger || $, | |
4515 | + it = ns(g) ? g.start : e.start || (0 !== e.start && $ ? (J ? "0 0" : "0 100%") : 0), | |
4516 | + nt = (wt.pinnedContainer = e.pinnedContainer && jn(e.pinnedContainer, wt)), | |
4517 | + ot = ($ && Math.max(0, zs.indexOf(wt))) || 0, | |
4518 | + st = ot; | |
4519 | + for (bt && ns(g) && ((Y = ro.getProperty(f, ft.p)), (X = ro.getProperty(p, ft.p))); st--; ) | |
4520 | + (D = zs[st]).end || D.refresh(0, 1) || (go = wt), !(R = || (R !== $ && R !== J && R !== nt) || D.isReverted || (N || (N = []), N.unshift(D), D.revert(!0, !0)), D !== zs[st] && (ot--, st--); | |
4521 | + for ( | |
4522 | + rs(it) && (it = it(wt)), | |
4523 | + it = Yo(it, "start", wt), | |
4524 | + l = ua(it, $, V, ft, St(), u, f, wt, H, xt, _t, U, ct, wt._startClamp && "_startClamp") || (J ? -0.001 : 0), | |
4525 | + rs(Z) && (Z = Z(wt)), | |
4526 | + es(Z) && | |
4527 | + !Z.indexOf("+=") && | |
4528 | + (~Z.indexOf(" ") | |
4529 | + ? (Z = (es(it) ? it.split(" ")[0] : "") + Z) | |
4530 | + : ((j = Is(Z.substr(2), V)), (Z = es(it) ? it : (ct ? ro.utils.mapRange(0, ct.duration(), ct.scrollTrigger.start, ct.scrollTrigger.end, l) : l) + j), (rt = $))), | |
4531 | + Z = Yo(Z, "end", wt), | |
4532 | + c = Math.max(l, ua(Z || (rt ? "100% 0" : U), rt, V, ft, St() + j, h, p, wt, H, xt, _t, U, ct, wt._endClamp && "_endClamp")) || -0.001, | |
4533 | + j = 0, | |
4534 | + st = ot; | |
4535 | + st--; | |
4536 | + | |
4537 | + ) | |
4538 | + (R = (D = zs[st]).pin) && | |
4539 | + D.start - D._pinPush <= l && | |
4540 | + !ct && | |
4541 | + D.end > 0 && | |
4542 | + ((T = D.end - (wt._startClamp ? Math.max(0, D.start) : D.start)), ((R === $ && D.start - D._pinPush < l) || R === nt) && isNaN(it) && (j += T * (1 - D.progress)), R === J && (K += T)); | |
4543 | + if ( | |
4544 | + ((l += j), | |
4545 | + (c += j), | |
4546 | + wt._startClamp && (wt._startClamp += j), | |
4547 | + wt._endClamp && !Bo && ((wt._endClamp = c || -0.001), (c = Math.min(c, Jo(gt, ft)))), | |
4548 | + (m = c - l || ((l -= 0.01) && 0.001)), | |
4549 | + G && (Mt = ro.utils.clamp(0, 1, ro.utils.normalize(l, c, z))), | |
4550 | + (wt._pinPush = K), | |
4551 | + u && j && (((T = {})[ft.a] = "+=" + j), nt && (T[ft.p] = "-=" + St()), ro.set([u, h], T)), | |
4552 | + J) | |
4553 | + ) | |
4554 | + (T = ws(J)), | |
4555 | + (O = ft === Gn), | |
4556 | + (M = St()), | |
4557 | + (k = parseFloat(w(ft.a)) + K), | |
4558 | + !U && | |
4559 | + c > 1 && | |
4560 | + ((q = { style: (q = (mt ? oo.scrollingElement || so : gt).style), value: q["overflow" + ft.a.toUpperCase()] }), | |
4561 | + mt && "scroll" !== ws(ao)["overflow" + ft.a.toUpperCase()] && (["overflow" + ft.a.toUpperCase()] = "scroll")), | |
4562 | + oa(J, b, T), | |
4563 | + (y = la(J)), | |
4564 | + (E = ks(J, !0)), | |
4565 | + (I = _t && Kn(gt, O ? Un : Gn)()), | |
4566 | + tt && | |
4567 | + (((A = [tt + ft.os2, m + K + xs]).t = b), | |
4568 | + (st = tt === _s ? Cs(J, ft) + m + K : 0) && A.push(ft.d, st + xs), | |
4569 | + aa(A), | |
4570 | + nt && | |
4571 | + zs.forEach(function (t) { | |
4572 | + === nt && !1 !== t.vars.pinSpacing && (t._subPinOffset = !0); | |
4573 | + }), | |
4574 | + _t && St(z)), | |
4575 | + _t && | |
4576 | + (((P = { top: + (O ? M - l : I) + xs, left: E.left + (O ? I : M - l) + xs, boxSizing: "border-box", position: "fixed" })[hs] = P["max" + ys] = Math.ceil(E.width) + xs), | |
4577 | + (P[fs] = P["max" + bs] = Math.ceil(E.height) + xs), | |
4578 | + (P[vs] = P[vs + ds] = P[vs + ps] = P[vs + ms] = P[vs + gs] = "0"), | |
4579 | + (P[_s] = T[_s]), | |
4580 | + (P[_s + ds] = T[_s + ds]), | |
4581 | + (P[_s + ps] = T[_s + ps]), | |
4582 | + (P[_s + ms] = T[_s + ms]), | |
4583 | + (P[_s + gs] = T[_s + gs]), | |
4584 | + (v = (function (t, e, r) { | |
4585 | + for (var i, n = [], o = t.length, s = r ? 8 : 0; s < o; s += 2) (i = t[s]), n.push(i, i in e ? e[i] : t[s + 1]); | |
4586 | + return (n.t = t.t), n; | |
4587 | + })(_, P, at)), | |
4588 | + Bo && St(0)), | |
4589 | + r | |
4590 | + ? ((L = r._initted), | |
4591 | + To(1), | |
4592 | + r.render(r.duration(), !0, !0), | |
4593 | + (C = w(ft.a) - k + m + K), | |
4594 | + (S = Math.abs(m - C) > 1), | |
4595 | + _t && S && v.splice(v.length - 2, 2), | |
4596 | + r.render(0, !0, !0), | |
4597 | + L || r.invalidate(!0), | |
4598 | + r.parent || r.totalTime(r.totalTime()), | |
4599 | + To(0)) | |
4600 | + : (C = m), | |
4601 | + q && (q.value ? (["overflow" + ft.a.toUpperCase()] = q.value) :"overflow-" + ft.a)); | |
4602 | + else if ($ && St() && !ct) for (E = $.parentNode; E && E !== ao; ) E._pinOffset && ((l -= E._pinOffset), (c -= E._pinOffset)), (E = E.parentNode); | |
4603 | + N && | |
4604 | + N.forEach(function (t) { | |
4605 | + return t.revert(!1, !0); | |
4606 | + }), | |
4607 | + (wt.start = l), | |
4608 | + (wt.end = c), | |
4609 | + (s = a = Bo ? z : St()), | |
4610 | + ct || Bo || (s < z && St(z), (wt.scroll.rec = 0)), | |
4611 | + wt.revert(!1, !0), | |
4612 | + (At = zo()), | |
4613 | + W && ((Et = -1), wt.isActive && St(l + m * Mt), W.restart(!0)), | |
4614 | + (go = 0), | |
4615 | + r && pt && (r._initted || F) && r.progress() !== F && r.progress(F || 0, !0).render(r.time(), !0, !0), | |
4616 | + (G || Mt !== wt.progress || ct) && (r && !pt && r.totalProgress(ct && l < -0.001 && !Mt ? ro.utils.normalize(l, c, 0) : Mt, !0), (wt.progress = G || (s - l) / m === Mt ? 0 : Mt)), | |
4617 | + J && tt && (b._pinOffset = Math.round(wt.progress * C)), | |
4618 | + B && B.invalidate(), | |
4619 | + isNaN(Y) || ((Y -= ro.getProperty(f, ft.p)), (X -= ro.getProperty(p, ft.p)), ga(f, ft, Y), ga(u, ft, Y - (x || 0)), ga(p, ft, X), ga(h, ft, X - (x || 0))), | |
4620 | + G && !Bo && wt.update(), | |
4621 | + !Q || Bo || d || ((d = !0), Q(wt), (d = !1)); | |
4622 | + } | |
4623 | + }), | |
4624 | + (wt.getVelocity = function () { | |
4625 | + return ((St() - a) / (zo() - fo)) * 1e3 || 0; | |
4626 | + }), | |
4627 | + (wt.endAnimation = function () { | |
4628 | + os(wt.callbackAnimation), r && (B ? B.progress(1) : r.paused() ? pt || os(r, wt.direction < 0, 1) : os(r, r.reversed())); | |
4629 | + }), | |
4630 | + (wt.labelToScroll = function (t) { | |
4631 | + return (r && r.labels && (l || wt.refresh() || l) + (r.labels[t] / r.duration()) * m) || 0; | |
4632 | + }), | |
4633 | + (wt.getTrailing = function (t) { | |
4634 | + var e = zs.indexOf(wt), | |
4635 | + r = wt.direction > 0 ? zs.slice(0, e).reverse() : zs.slice(e + 1); | |
4636 | + return (es(t) | |
4637 | + ? r.filter(function (e) { | |
4638 | + return e.vars.preventOverlaps === t; | |
4639 | + }) | |
4640 | + : r | |
4641 | + ).filter(function (t) { | |
4642 | + return wt.direction > 0 ? t.end <= l : t.start >= c; | |
4643 | + }); | |
4644 | + }), | |
4645 | + (wt.update = function (t, e, n) { | |
4646 | + if (!ct || n || t) { | |
4647 | + var o, | |
4648 | + u, | |
4649 | + h, | |
4650 | + p, | |
4651 | + g, | |
4652 | + d, | |
4653 | + _, | |
4654 | + x = !0 === Bo ? z : wt.scroll(), | |
4655 | + w = t ? 0 : (x - l) / m, | |
4656 | + A = w < 0 ? 0 : w > 1 ? 1 : w || 0, | |
4657 | + P = wt.progress; | |
4658 | + if ( | |
4659 | + (e && ((a = s), (s = ct ? St() : x), st && ((R = D), (D = r && !pt ? r.totalProgress() : A))), | |
4660 | + rt && !A && J && !go && !Wo && No && l < x + ((x - a) / (zo() - fo)) * rt && (A = 1e-4), | |
4661 | + A !== P && wt.enabled) | |
4662 | + ) { | |
4663 | + if ( | |
4664 | + ((p = (g = (o = wt.isActive = !!A && A < 1) != (!!P && P < 1)) || !!A != !!P), | |
4665 | + (wt.direction = A > P ? 1 : -1), | |
4666 | + (wt.progress = A), | |
4667 | + p && !go && ((u = A && !P ? 0 : 1 === A ? 1 : 1 === P ? 2 : 3), pt && ((h = (!g && "none" !== yt[u + 1] && yt[u + 1]) || yt[u]), (_ = r && ("complete" === h || "reset" === h || h in r)))), | |
4668 | + ht && | |
4669 | + (g || _) && | |
4670 | + (_ || Z || !r) && | |
4671 | + (rs(ht) | |
4672 | + ? ht(wt) | |
4673 | + : wt.getTrailing(ht).forEach(function (t) { | |
4674 | + return t.endAnimation(); | |
4675 | + })), | |
4676 | + pt || | |
4677 | + (!B || go || Wo | |
4678 | + ? r && r.totalProgress(A, !(!go || (!At && !t))) | |
4679 | + : (B._dp._time - B._start !== B._time && B.render(B._dp._time - B._start), | |
4680 | + B.resetTo ? B.resetTo("totalProgress", A, r._tTime / r._tDur) : ((B.vars.totalProgress = A), B.invalidate().restart()))), | |
4681 | + J) | |
4682 | + ) | |
4683 | + if ((t && tt && ([tt + ft.os2] = E), _t)) { | |
4684 | + if (p) { | |
4685 | + if (((d = !t && A > P && c + 1 > x && x + 1 >= Jo(gt, ft)), at)) | |
4686 | + if (t || (!o && !d)) fa(J, b); | |
4687 | + else { | |
4688 | + var I = ks(J, !0), | |
4689 | + L = x - l; | |
4690 | + fa(J, ao, + (ft === Gn ? L : 0) + xs, I.left + (ft === Gn ? 0 : L) + xs); | |
4691 | + } | |
4692 | + aa(o || d ? v : y), (S && A < 1 && o) || T(k + (1 !== A || d ? 0 : C)); | |
4693 | + } | |
4694 | + } else T(jo(k + C * A)); | |
4695 | + st && !i.tween && !go && !Wo && W.restart(!0), | |
4696 | + G && | |
4697 | + (g || (ot && A && (A < 1 || !Do))) && | |
4698 | + uo(G.targets).forEach(function (t) { | |
4699 | + return t.classList[o || ot ? "add" : "remove"](G.className); | |
4700 | + }), | |
4701 | + U && !pt && !t && U(wt), | |
4702 | + p && !go | |
4703 | + ? (pt && (_ && ("complete" === h ? r.pause().totalProgress(1) : "reset" === h ? r.restart(!0).pause() : "restart" === h ? r.restart(!0) : r[h]()), U && U(wt)), | |
4704 | + (!g && Do) || (K && g && ss(wt, K), vt[u] && ss(wt, vt[u]), ot && (1 === A ? wt.kill(!1, 1) : (vt[u] = 0)), g || (vt[(u = 1 === A ? 1 : 3)] && ss(wt, vt[u]))), | |
4705 | + ut && !o && Math.abs(wt.getVelocity()) > (is(ut) ? ut : 2500) && (os(wt.callbackAnimation), B ? B.progress(1) : os(r, "reverse" === h ? 1 : !A, 1))) | |
4706 | + : pt && U && !go && U(wt); | |
4707 | + } | |
4708 | + if (O) { | |
4709 | + var F = ct ? (x / ct.duration()) * (ct._caScrollDist || 0) : x; | |
4710 | + M(F + (f._isFlipped ? 1 : 0)), O(F); | |
4711 | + } | |
4712 | + N && N((-x / ct.duration()) * (ct._caScrollDist || 0)); | |
4713 | + } | |
4714 | + }), | |
4715 | + (wt.enable = function (e, r) { | |
4716 | + wt.enabled || ((wt.enabled = !0), Ss(gt, "resize", Xs), Ss(mt ? oo : gt, "scroll", qs), Tt && Ss(t, "refreshInit", Tt), !1 !== e && ((wt.progress = Mt = 0), (s = a = Et = St())), !1 !== r && wt.refresh()); | |
4717 | + }), | |
4718 | + (wt.getTween = function (t) { | |
4719 | + return t && i ? i.tween : B; | |
4720 | + }), | |
4721 | + (wt.setPositions = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
4722 | + if (ct) { | |
4723 | + var n = ct.scrollTrigger, | |
4724 | + o = ct.duration(), | |
4725 | + s = n.end - n.start; | |
4726 | + (t = n.start + (s * t) / o), (e = n.start + (s * e) / o); | |
4727 | + } | |
4728 | + wt.refresh(!1, !1, { start: Xo(t, r && !!wt._startClamp), end: Xo(e, r && !!wt._endClamp) }, i), wt.update(); | |
4729 | + }), | |
4730 | + (wt.adjustPinSpacing = function (t) { | |
4731 | + if (A && t) { | |
4732 | + var e = A.indexOf(ft.d) + 1; | |
4733 | + (A[e] = parseFloat(A[e]) + t + xs), (A[1] = parseFloat(A[1]) + t + xs), aa(A); | |
4734 | + } | |
4735 | + }), | |
4736 | + (wt.disable = function (e, r) { | |
4737 | + if ( | |
4738 | + wt.enabled && | |
4739 | + (!1 !== e && wt.revert(!0, !0), | |
4740 | + (wt.enabled = wt.isActive = !1), | |
4741 | + r || (B && B.pause()), | |
4742 | + (z = 0), | |
4743 | + n && (n.uncache = 1), | |
4744 | + Tt && Os(t, "refreshInit", Tt), | |
4745 | + W && (W.pause(), i.tween && i.tween.kill() && (i.tween = 0)), | |
4746 | + !mt) | |
4747 | + ) { | |
4748 | + for (var o = zs.length; o--; ) if (zs[o].scroller === gt && zs[o] !== wt) return; | |
4749 | + Os(gt, "resize", Xs), Os(gt, "scroll", qs); | |
4750 | + } | |
4751 | + }), | |
4752 | + (wt.kill = function (t, i) { | |
4753 | + wt.disable(t, i), B && !i && B.kill(), j && delete Fs[j]; | |
4754 | + var o = zs.indexOf(wt); | |
4755 | + o >= 0 && zs.splice(o, 1), | |
4756 | + o === vo && ea > 0 && vo--, | |
4757 | + (o = 0), | |
4758 | + zs.forEach(function (t) { | |
4759 | + return t.scroller === wt.scroller && (o = 1); | |
4760 | + }), | |
4761 | + o || Bo || (wt.scroll.rec = 0), | |
4762 | + r && ((r.scrollTrigger = null), t && r.revert({ kill: !1 }), i || r.kill()), | |
4763 | + u && | |
4764 | + [u, h, f, p].forEach(function (t) { | |
4765 | + return t.parentNode && t.parentNode.removeChild(t); | |
4766 | + }), | |
4767 | + Lo === wt && (Lo = 0), | |
4768 | + J && | |
4769 | + (n && (n.uncache = 1), | |
4770 | + (o = 0), | |
4771 | + zs.forEach(function (t) { | |
4772 | + return === J && o++; | |
4773 | + }), | |
4774 | + o || (n.spacer = 0)), | |
4775 | + e.onKill && e.onKill(wt); | |
4776 | + }), | |
4777 | + zs.push(wt), | |
4778 | + wt.enable(!1, !1), | |
4779 | + q && q(wt), | |
4780 | + r && r.add && !m) | |
4781 | + ) { | |
4782 | + var Rt = wt.update; | |
4783 | + (wt.update = function () { | |
4784 | + (wt.update = Rt), l || c || wt.refresh(); | |
4785 | + }), | |
4786 | + ro.delayedCall(0.01, wt.update), | |
4787 | + (m = 0.01), | |
4788 | + (l = c = 0); | |
4789 | + } else wt.refresh(); | |
4790 | + J && | |
4791 | + (function () { | |
4792 | + if (Io !== $s) { | |
4793 | + var t = (Io = $s); | |
4794 | + requestAnimationFrame(function () { | |
4795 | + return t === $s && Js(!0); | |
4796 | + }); | |
4797 | + } | |
4798 | + })(); | |
4799 | + } else this.update = this.refresh = this.kill = Go; | |
4800 | + }), | |
4801 | + (t.register = function (e) { | |
4802 | + return io || ((ro = e || Qo()), Ko() && window.document && t.enable(), (io = qo)), io; | |
4803 | + }), | |
4804 | + (t.defaults = function (t) { | |
4805 | + if (t) for (var e in t) Rs[e] = t[e]; | |
4806 | + return Rs; | |
4807 | + }), | |
4808 | + (t.disable = function (t, e) { | |
4809 | + (qo = 0), | |
4810 | + zs.forEach(function (r) { | |
4811 | + return r[e ? "kill" : "disable"](t); | |
4812 | + }), | |
4813 | + Os(no, "wheel", qs), | |
4814 | + Os(oo, "scroll", qs), | |
4815 | + clearInterval(po), | |
4816 | + Os(oo, "touchcancel", Go), | |
4817 | + Os(ao, "touchstart", Go), | |
4818 | + Ms(Os, oo, "pointerdown,touchstart,mousedown", Ho), | |
4819 | + Ms(Os, oo, "pointerup,touchend,mouseup", Uo), | |
4820 | + co.kill(), | |
4821 | + ts(Os); | |
4822 | + for (var r = 0; r < Bn.length; r += 3) Ps(Os, Bn[r], Bn[r + 1]), Ps(Os, Bn[r], Bn[r + 2]); | |
4823 | + }), | |
4824 | + (t.enable = function () { | |
4825 | + if ( | |
4826 | + ((no = window), | |
4827 | + (oo = document), | |
4828 | + (so = oo.documentElement), | |
4829 | + (ao = oo.body), | |
4830 | + ro && | |
4831 | + ((uo = ro.utils.toArray), | |
4832 | + (ho = ro.utils.clamp), | |
4833 | + (Oo = ro.core.context || Go), | |
4834 | + (To = ro.core.suppressOverwrites || Go), | |
4835 | + (Po = no.history.scrollRestoration || "auto"), | |
4836 | + (ta = no.pageYOffset), | |
4837 | + ro.core.globals("ScrollTrigger", t), | |
4838 | + ao)) | |
4839 | + ) { | |
4840 | + (qo = 1), | |
4841 | + Vo(), | |
4842 | + eo.register(ro), | |
4843 | + (t.isTouch = eo.isTouch), | |
4844 | + (So = eo.isTouch && /(iPad|iPhone|iPod|Mac)/g.test(navigator.userAgent)), | |
4845 | + Ss(no, "wheel", qs), | |
4846 | + (lo = [no, oo, so, ao]), | |
4847 | + ro.matchMedia | |
4848 | + ? ((t.matchMedia = function (t) { | |
4849 | + var e, | |
4850 | + r = ro.matchMedia(); | |
4851 | + for (e in t) r.add(e, t[e]); | |
4852 | + return r; | |
4853 | + }), | |
4854 | + ro.addEventListener("matchMediaInit", function () { | |
4855 | + return Qs(); | |
4856 | + }), | |
4857 | + ro.addEventListener("matchMediaRevert", function () { | |
4858 | + return Ks(); | |
4859 | + }), | |
4860 | + ro.addEventListener("matchMedia", function () { | |
4861 | + Js(0, 1), Gs("matchMedia"); | |
4862 | + }), | |
4863 | + ro.matchMedia("(orientation: portrait)", function () { | |
4864 | + return Ys(), Ys; | |
4865 | + })) | |
4866 | + : console.warn("Requires GSAP 3.11.0 or later"), | |
4867 | + Ys(), | |
4868 | + Ss(oo, "scroll", qs); | |
4869 | + var e, | |
4870 | + r, | |
4871 | + i =, | |
4872 | + n = i.borderTopStyle, | |
4873 | + o = ro.core.Animation.prototype; | |
4874 | + for ( | |
4875 | + o.revert || | |
4876 | + Object.defineProperty(o, "revert", { | |
4877 | + value: function () { | |
4878 | + return this.time(-0.01, !0); | |
4879 | + }, | |
4880 | + }), | |
4881 | + i.borderTopStyle = "solid", | |
4882 | + e = ks(ao), | |
4883 | + Gn.m = Math.round( + || 0, | |
4884 | + Un.m = Math.round(e.left + || 0, | |
4885 | + n ? (i.borderTopStyle = n) : i.removeProperty("border-top-style"), | |
4886 | + po = setInterval(Ns, 250), | |
4887 | + ro.delayedCall(0.5, function () { | |
4888 | + return (Wo = 0); | |
4889 | + }), | |
4890 | + Ss(oo, "touchcancel", Go), | |
4891 | + Ss(ao, "touchstart", Go), | |
4892 | + Ms(Ss, oo, "pointerdown,touchstart,mousedown", Ho), | |
4893 | + Ms(Ss, oo, "pointerup,touchend,mouseup", Uo), | |
4894 | + _o = ro.utils.checkPrefix("transform"), | |
4895 | + na.push(_o), | |
4896 | + io = zo(), | |
4897 | + co = ro.delayedCall(0.2, Js).pause(), | |
4898 | + xo = [ | |
4899 | + oo, | |
4900 | + "visibilitychange", | |
4901 | + function () { | |
4902 | + var t = no.innerWidth, | |
4903 | + e = no.innerHeight; | |
4904 | + oo.hidden ? ((yo = t), (bo = e)) : (yo === t && bo === e) || Xs(); | |
4905 | + }, | |
4906 | + oo, | |
4907 | + "DOMContentLoaded", | |
4908 | + Js, | |
4909 | + no, | |
4910 | + "load", | |
4911 | + Js, | |
4912 | + no, | |
4913 | + "resize", | |
4914 | + Xs, | |
4915 | + ], | |
4916 | + ts(Ss), | |
4917 | + zs.forEach(function (t) { | |
4918 | + return t.enable(0, 1); | |
4919 | + }), | |
4920 | + r = 0; | |
4921 | + r < Bn.length; | |
4922 | + r += 3 | |
4923 | + ) | |
4924 | + Ps(Os, Bn[r], Bn[r + 1]), Ps(Os, Bn[r], Bn[r + 2]); | |
4925 | + } | |
4926 | + }), | |
4927 | + (t.config = function (e) { | |
4928 | + "limitCallbacks" in e && (Do = !!e.limitCallbacks); | |
4929 | + var r = e.syncInterval; | |
4930 | + (r && clearInterval(po)) || ((po = r) && setInterval(Ns, r)), | |
4931 | + "ignoreMobileResize" in e && (Eo = 1 === t.isTouch && e.ignoreMobileResize), | |
4932 | + "autoRefreshEvents" in e && (ts(Os) || ts(Ss, e.autoRefreshEvents || "none"), (ko = -1 === (e.autoRefreshEvents + "").indexOf("resize"))); | |
4933 | + }), | |
4934 | + (t.scrollerProxy = function (t, e) { | |
4935 | + var r = jn(t), | |
4936 | + i = Bn.indexOf(r), | |
4937 | + n = Zo(r); | |
4938 | + ~i && Bn.splice(i, n ? 6 : 2), e && (n ? In.unshift(no, e, ao, e, so, e) : In.unshift(r, e)); | |
4939 | + }), | |
4940 | + (t.clearMatchMedia = function (t) { | |
4941 | + zs.forEach(function (e) { | |
4942 | + return e._ctx && e._ctx.query === t && e._ctx.kill(!0, !0); | |
4943 | + }); | |
4944 | + }), | |
4945 | + (t.isInViewport = function (t, e, r) { | |
4946 | + var i = (es(t) ? jn(t) : t).getBoundingClientRect(), | |
4947 | + n = i[r ? hs : fs] * e || 0; | |
4948 | + return r ? i.right - n > 0 && i.left + n < no.innerWidth : i.bottom - n > 0 && + n < no.innerHeight; | |
4949 | + }), | |
4950 | + (t.positionInViewport = function (t, e, r) { | |
4951 | + es(t) && (t = jn(t)); | |
4952 | + var i = t.getBoundingClientRect(), | |
4953 | + n = i[r ? hs : fs], | |
4954 | + o = null == e ? n / 2 : e in Bs ? Bs[e] * n : ~e.indexOf("%") ? (parseFloat(e) * n) / 100 : parseFloat(e) || 0; | |
4955 | + return r ? (i.left + o) / no.innerWidth : ( + o) / no.innerHeight; | |
4956 | + }), | |
4957 | + (t.killAll = function (t) { | |
4958 | + if ( | |
4959 | + (zs.slice(0).forEach(function (t) { | |
4960 | + return "ScrollSmoother" !== && t.kill(); | |
4961 | + }), | |
4962 | + !0 !== t) | |
4963 | + ) { | |
4964 | + var e = Vs.killAll || []; | |
4965 | + (Vs = {}), | |
4966 | + e.forEach(function (t) { | |
4967 | + return t(); | |
4968 | + }); | |
4969 | + } | |
4970 | + }), | |
4971 | + t | |
4972 | + ); | |
4973 | + })(); | |
4974 | + (ma.version = "3.12.1"), | |
4975 | + (ma.saveStyles = function (t) { | |
4976 | + return t | |
4977 | + ? uo(t).forEach(function (t) { | |
4978 | + if (t && { | |
4979 | + var e = js.indexOf(t); | |
4980 | + e >= 0 && js.splice(e, 5), js.push(t,, t.getBBox && t.getAttribute("transform"), ro.core.getCache(t), Oo()); | |
4981 | + } | |
4982 | + }) | |
4983 | + : js; | |
4984 | + }), | |
4985 | + (ma.revert = function (t, e) { | |
4986 | + return Qs(!t, e); | |
4987 | + }), | |
4988 | + (ma.create = function (t, e) { | |
4989 | + return new ma(t, e); | |
4990 | + }), | |
4991 | + (ma.refresh = function (t) { | |
4992 | + return t ? Xs() : (io || ma.register()) && Js(!0); | |
4993 | + }), | |
4994 | + (ma.update = function (t) { | |
4995 | + return ++Bn.cache && ra(!0 === t ? 2 : 0); | |
4996 | + }), | |
4997 | + (ma.clearScrollMemory = Zs), | |
4998 | + (ma.maxScroll = function (t, e) { | |
4999 | + return Jo(t, e ? Un : Gn); | |
5000 | + }), | |
5001 | + (ma.getScrollFunc = function (t, e) { | |
5002 | + return Kn(jn(t), e ? Un : Gn); | |
5003 | + }), | |
5004 | + (ma.getById = function (t) { | |
5005 | + return Fs[t]; | |
5006 | + }), | |
5007 | + (ma.getAll = function () { | |
5008 | + return zs.filter(function (t) { | |
5009 | + return "ScrollSmoother" !==; | |
5010 | + }); | |
5011 | + }), | |
5012 | + (ma.isScrolling = function () { | |
5013 | + return !!No; | |
5014 | + }), | |
5015 | + (ma.snapDirectional = As), | |
5016 | + (ma.addEventListener = function (t, e) { | |
5017 | + var r = Vs[t] || (Vs[t] = []); | |
5018 | + ~r.indexOf(e) || r.push(e); | |
5019 | + }), | |
5020 | + (ma.removeEventListener = function (t, e) { | |
5021 | + var r = Vs[t], | |
5022 | + i = r && r.indexOf(e); | |
5023 | + i >= 0 && r.splice(i, 1); | |
5024 | + }), | |
5025 | + (ma.batch = function (t, e) { | |
5026 | + var r, | |
5027 | + i = [], | |
5028 | + n = {}, | |
5029 | + o = e.interval || 0.016, | |
5030 | + s = e.batchMax || 1e9, | |
5031 | + a = function (t, e) { | |
5032 | + var r = [], | |
5033 | + i = [], | |
5034 | + n = ro | |
5035 | + .delayedCall(o, function () { | |
5036 | + e(r, i), (r = []), (i = []); | |
5037 | + }) | |
5038 | + .pause(); | |
5039 | + return function (t) { | |
5040 | + r.length || n.restart(!0), r.push(t.trigger), i.push(t), s <= r.length && n.progress(1); | |
5041 | + }; | |
5042 | + }; | |
5043 | + for (r in e) n[r] = "on" === r.substr(0, 2) && rs(e[r]) && "onRefreshInit" !== r ? a(0, e[r]) : e[r]; | |
5044 | + return ( | |
5045 | + rs(s) && | |
5046 | + ((s = s()), | |
5047 | + Ss(ma, "refresh", function () { | |
5048 | + return (s = e.batchMax()); | |
5049 | + })), | |
5050 | + uo(t).forEach(function (t) { | |
5051 | + var e = {}; | |
5052 | + for (r in n) e[r] = n[r]; | |
5053 | + (e.trigger = t), i.push(ma.create(e)); | |
5054 | + }), | |
5055 | + i | |
5056 | + ); | |
5057 | + }); | |
5058 | + var _a, | |
5059 | + va = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
5060 | + return e > i ? t(i) : e < 0 && t(0), r > i ? (i - e) / (r - e) : r < 0 ? e / (e - r) : 1; | |
5061 | + }, | |
5062 | + ya = function t(e, r) { | |
5063 | + !0 === r ?"touch-action") : ( = !0 === r ? "auto" : r ? "pan-" + r + (eo.isTouch ? " pinch-zoom" : "") : "none"), e === so && t(ao, r); | |
5064 | + }, | |
5065 | + ba = { auto: 1, scroll: 1 }, | |
5066 | + xa = function (t) { | |
5067 | + var e, | |
5068 | + r = t.event, | |
5069 | + i =, | |
5070 | + n = t.axis, | |
5071 | + o = (r.changedTouches ? r.changedTouches[0] : r).target, | |
5072 | + s = o._gsap || ro.core.getCache(o), | |
5073 | + a = zo(); | |
5074 | + if (!s._isScrollT || a - s._isScrollT > 2e3) { | |
5075 | + for (; o && o !== ao && ((o.scrollHeight <= o.clientHeight && o.scrollWidth <= o.clientWidth) || (!ba[(e = ws(o)).overflowY] && !ba[e.overflowX])); ) o = o.parentNode; | |
5076 | + (s._isScroll = o && o !== i && !Zo(o) && (ba[(e = ws(o)).overflowY] || ba[e.overflowX])), (s._isScrollT = a); | |
5077 | + } | |
5078 | + (s._isScroll || "x" === n) && (r.stopPropagation(), (r._gsapAllow = !0)); | |
5079 | + }, | |
5080 | + wa = function (t, e, r, i) { | |
5081 | + return eo.create({ | |
5082 | + target: t, | |
5083 | + capture: !0, | |
5084 | + debounce: !1, | |
5085 | + lockAxis: !0, | |
5086 | + type: e, | |
5087 | + onWheel: (i = i && xa), | |
5088 | + onPress: i, | |
5089 | + onDrag: i, | |
5090 | + onScroll: i, | |
5091 | + onEnable: function () { | |
5092 | + return r && Ss(oo, eo.eventTypes[0], ka, !1, !0); | |
5093 | + }, | |
5094 | + onDisable: function () { | |
5095 | + return Os(oo, eo.eventTypes[0], ka, !0); | |
5096 | + }, | |
5097 | + }); | |
5098 | + }, | |
5099 | + Ta = /(input|label|select|textarea)/i, | |
5100 | + ka = function (t) { | |
5101 | + var e = Ta.test(; | |
5102 | + (e || _a) && ((t._gsapAllow = !0), (_a = e)); | |
5103 | + }; | |
5104 | + (ma.sort = function (t) { | |
5105 | + return zs.sort( | |
5106 | + t || | |
5107 | + function (t, e) { | |
5108 | + return -1e6 * (t.vars.refreshPriority || 0) + t.start - (e.start + -1e6 * (e.vars.refreshPriority || 0)); | |
5109 | + } | |
5110 | + ); | |
5111 | + }), | |
5112 | + (ma.observe = function (t) { | |
5113 | + return new eo(t); | |
5114 | + }), | |
5115 | + (ma.normalizeScroll = function (t) { | |
5116 | + if (void 0 === t) return Co; | |
5117 | + if (!0 === t && Co) return Co.enable(); | |
5118 | + if (!1 === t) return Co && Co.kill(); | |
5119 | + var e = | |
5120 | + t instanceof eo | |
5121 | + ? t | |
5122 | + : (function (t) { | |
5123 | + ns(t) || (t = {}), (t.preventDefault = t.isNormalizer = t.allowClicks = !0), t.type || (t.type = "wheel,touch"), (t.debounce = !!t.debounce), ( = || "normalizer"); | |
5124 | + var e, | |
5125 | + r, | |
5126 | + i, | |
5127 | + n, | |
5128 | + o, | |
5129 | + s, | |
5130 | + a, | |
5131 | + l, | |
5132 | + c = t, | |
5133 | + u = c.normalizeScrollX, | |
5134 | + h = c.momentum, | |
5135 | + f = c.allowNestedScroll, | |
5136 | + p = c.onRelease, | |
5137 | + g = jn( || so, | |
5138 | + d = ro.core.globals().ScrollSmoother, | |
5139 | + m = d && d.get(), | |
5140 | + _ = So && ((t.content && jn(t.content)) || (m && !1 !== t.content && !m.smooth() && m.content())), | |
5141 | + v = Kn(g, Gn), | |
5142 | + y = Kn(g, Un), | |
5143 | + b = 1, | |
5144 | + x = (eo.isTouch && no.visualViewport ? no.visualViewport.scale * no.visualViewport.width : no.outerWidth) / no.innerWidth, | |
5145 | + w = 0, | |
5146 | + T = rs(h) | |
5147 | + ? function () { | |
5148 | + return h(e); | |
5149 | + } | |
5150 | + : function () { | |
5151 | + return h || 2.8; | |
5152 | + }, | |
5153 | + k = wa(g, t.type, !0, f), | |
5154 | + C = function () { | |
5155 | + return (n = !1); | |
5156 | + }, | |
5157 | + E = Go, | |
5158 | + A = Go, | |
5159 | + M = function () { | |
5160 | + (r = Jo(g, Gn)), (A = ho(So ? 1 : 0, r)), u && (E = ho(0, Jo(g, Un))), (i = $s); | |
5161 | + }, | |
5162 | + S = function () { | |
5163 | + (_._gsap.y = jo(parseFloat(_._gsap.y) + v.offset) + "px"), ( = "matrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, " + parseFloat(_._gsap.y) + ", 0, 1)"), (v.offset = v.cacheID = 0); | |
5164 | + }, | |
5165 | + O = function () { | |
5166 | + M(), o.isActive() && o.vars.scrollY > r && (v() > r ? o.progress(1) && v(r) : o.resetTo("scrollY", r)); | |
5167 | + }; | |
5168 | + return ( | |
5169 | + _ && ro.set(_, { y: "+=0" }), | |
5170 | + (t.ignoreCheck = function (t) { | |
5171 | + return ( | |
5172 | + (So && | |
5173 | + "touchmove" === t.type && | |
5174 | + (function () { | |
5175 | + if (n) { | |
5176 | + requestAnimationFrame(C); | |
5177 | + var t = jo(e.deltaY / 2), | |
5178 | + r = A(v.v - t); | |
5179 | + if (_ && r !== v.v + v.offset) { | |
5180 | + v.offset = r - v.v; | |
5181 | + var i = jo((parseFloat(_ && _._gsap.y) || 0) - v.offset); | |
5182 | + ( = "matrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, " + i + ", 0, 1)"), (_._gsap.y = i + "px"), (v.cacheID = Bn.cache), ra(); | |
5183 | + } | |
5184 | + return !0; | |
5185 | + } | |
5186 | + v.offset && S(), (n = !0); | |
5187 | + })()) || | |
5188 | + (b > 1.05 && "touchstart" !== t.type) || | |
5189 | + e.isGesturing || | |
5190 | + (t.touches && t.touches.length > 1) | |
5191 | + ); | |
5192 | + }), | |
5193 | + (t.onPress = function () { | |
5194 | + n = !1; | |
5195 | + var t = b; | |
5196 | + (b = jo(((no.visualViewport && no.visualViewport.scale) || 1) / x)), o.pause(), t !== b && ya(g, b > 1.01 || (!u && "x")), (s = y()), (a = v()), M(), (i = $s); | |
5197 | + }), | |
5198 | + (t.onRelease = t.onGestureStart = function (t, e) { | |
5199 | + if ((v.offset && S(), e)) { | |
5200 | + Bn.cache++; | |
5201 | + var i, | |
5202 | + n, | |
5203 | + s = T(); | |
5204 | + u && ((n = (i = y()) + (0.05 * s * -t.velocityX) / 0.227), (s *= va(y, i, n, Jo(g, Un))), (o.vars.scrollX = E(n))), | |
5205 | + (n = (i = v()) + (0.05 * s * -t.velocityY) / 0.227), | |
5206 | + (s *= va(v, i, n, Jo(g, Gn))), | |
5207 | + (o.vars.scrollY = A(n)), | |
5208 | + o.invalidate().duration(s).play(0.01), | |
5209 | + ((So && o.vars.scrollY >= r) || i >= r - 1) &&{}, { onUpdate: O, duration: s }); | |
5210 | + } else l.restart(!0); | |
5211 | + p && p(t); | |
5212 | + }), | |
5213 | + (t.onWheel = function () { | |
5214 | + o._ts && o.pause(), zo() - w > 1e3 && ((i = 0), (w = zo())); | |
5215 | + }), | |
5216 | + (t.onChange = function (t, e, r, n, o) { | |
5217 | + if (($s !== i && M(), e && u && y(E(n[2] === e ? s + (t.startX - t.x) : y() + e - n[1])), r)) { | |
5218 | + v.offset && S(); | |
5219 | + var l = o[2] === r, | |
5220 | + c = l ? a + t.startY - t.y : v() + r - o[1], | |
5221 | + h = A(c); | |
5222 | + l && c !== h && (a += h - c), v(h); | |
5223 | + } | |
5224 | + (r || e) && ra(); | |
5225 | + }), | |
5226 | + (t.onEnable = function () { | |
5227 | + ya(g, !u && "x"), ma.addEventListener("refresh", O), Ss(no, "resize", O), v.smooth && (( = "auto"), (v.smooth = y.smooth = !1)), k.enable(); | |
5228 | + }), | |
5229 | + (t.onDisable = function () { | |
5230 | + ya(g, !0), Os(no, "resize", O), ma.removeEventListener("refresh", O), k.kill(); | |
5231 | + }), | |
5232 | + (t.lockAxis = !1 !== t.lockAxis), | |
5233 | + ((e = new eo(t)).iOS = So), | |
5234 | + So && !v() && v(1), | |
5235 | + So && ro.ticker.add(Go), | |
5236 | + (l = e._dc), | |
5237 | + (o =, { | |
5238 | + ease: "power4", | |
5239 | + paused: !0, | |
5240 | + scrollX: u ? "+=0.1" : "+=0", | |
5241 | + scrollY: "+=0.1", | |
5242 | + modifiers: { | |
5243 | + scrollY: pa(v, v(), function () { | |
5244 | + return o.pause(); | |
5245 | + }), | |
5246 | + }, | |
5247 | + onUpdate: ra, | |
5248 | + onComplete: l.vars.onComplete, | |
5249 | + })), | |
5250 | + e | |
5251 | + ); | |
5252 | + })(t); | |
5253 | + return Co && === && Co.kill(), Zo( && (Co = e), e; | |
5254 | + }), | |
5255 | + (ma.core = { | |
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5257 | + _inputObserver: wa, | |
5258 | + _scrollers: Bn, | |
5259 | + _proxies: In, | |
5260 | + bridge: { | |
5261 | + ss: function () { | |
5262 | + No || Gs("scrollStart"), (No = zo()); | |
5263 | + }, | |
5264 | + ref: function () { | |
5265 | + return go; | |
5266 | + }, | |
5267 | + }, | |
5268 | + }), | |
5269 | + Qo() && ro.registerPlugin(ma); | |
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5273 | + Ma = Ca.IMG.getBoundingClientRect().top, | |
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5276 | + const r = getComputedStyle(e); | |
5277 | + t.addEventListener("click", () => { | |
5278 | + "none" === r.display ? (e.classList.remove("our-solutions__card-more-info_unvisible"), (t.textContent = "Скрыть информацию")) : (e.classList.add("our-solutions__card-more-info_unvisible"), (t.textContent = "Показать больше")); | |
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5316 | + subtitle: "", | |
5317 | + name: "Код безопасности", | |
5318 | + text: "Российский разработчик программных и аппаратных средств, обеспечивающих полную защиту ИТ-инфраструктуры: конечных станций и серверов, периметра сети, современных виртуальных инфраструктур и мобильных устройств.", | |
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5325 | + subtitle: "Авторизованный партнер", | |
5326 | + name: "Positive technologies", | |
5327 | + text: "Российский разработчик решений для информационной безопасности.", | |
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5334 | + subtitle: "Registered Partner", | |
5335 | + name: "Лаборатория Касперского", | |
5336 | + text: "Российский разработчик и производитель систем защиты от компьютерных вирусов, спама, хакерских атак и прочих киберугроз.", | |
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5352 | + subtitle: "Bronze", | |
5353 | + name: "UserGate", | |
5354 | + text: "Российский разработчик программного обеспечения и микроэлектроники в сфере информационной безопасности.", | |
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5361 | + subtitle: "", | |
5362 | + name: "Ruseim", | |
5363 | + text: "Российский производитель, занимающийся созданием решений в области мониторинга и управления событиями информационной безопасности на основе анализа данных в реальном времени.", | |
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5370 | + subtitle: "Авторизованный партнер", | |
5371 | + name: "Аэродиск", | |
5372 | + text: "Российский производитель инновационных решений в области хранения данных и виртуализации (системы хранения данных, гиперконвергентная система и программное обеспечение).", | |
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5379 | + subtitle: "Авторизованный партнер", | |
5380 | + name: "Звезда", | |
5381 | + text: | |
5382 | + "Российский разработчик и производитель вычислительного радиоэлектронного оборудования и ПО (вычислительные серверы, программно-определяемые системы хранения данных, автоматизированные рабочие места и тонкие клиенты). телекоммуникационное оборудование)", | |
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5386 | + imgColor: "/images/partners/big-logo/color/logo12.png", | |
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5388 | + imgColorWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/color-white/logo12.png", | |
5389 | + subtitle: "Авторизованный партнер", | |
5390 | + name: "Р7-Офис", | |
5391 | + text: "Российский разработчик офисного программного обеспечения.", | |
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5397 | + imgColorWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/color-white/logo14.svg", | |
5398 | + subtitle: "Торговый партнер", | |
5399 | + name: "CommuniGate Systems", | |
5400 | + text: "Российский разработчик программного обеспечения в области интегрированных коммуникаций.", | |
5401 | + }, | |
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5407 | + subtitle: "Реселлер", | |
5408 | + name: "ROSA", | |
5409 | + text: "Российский разработчик системного ПО (настольные и серверные операционные системы, системы разворачивания облачных и инфраструктурных сервисов).", | |
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5415 | + imgColorWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/color-white/logo16.svg", | |
5416 | + subtitle: "Авторизованный партнер", | |
5417 | + name: "Yadro", | |
5418 | + text: "Российский производитель высокотехнологичного оборудования (серверы, системы хранения данных, инфраструктурные решения).", | |
5419 | + }, | |
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5558 | + }); | |
5559 | + }); | |
5560 | + })(), | |
5561 | + (function () { | |
5562 | + const t = document.querySelector(".cases__more-btn"); | |
5563 | + t.addEventListener("click", () => { | |
5564 | + document.querySelectorAll(".cases__card_unvisible").forEach((e) => { | |
5565 | + e.classList.remove("cases__card_unvisible"), ( = "none"); | |
5566 | + }); | |
5567 | + }); | |
5568 | + })(), | |
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5570 | + const t = document.querySelectorAll(".our-solutions__card-btn"), | |
5571 | + e = document.querySelectorAll(".our-solutions__card-more-info_unvisible"); | |
5572 | + for (let r = 0; r < t.length; r++) Oa(t[r], e[r]); | |
5573 | + })(), | |
5574 | + (function () { | |
5575 | + Pa.forEach((t, e) => { | |
5576 | + const r = (function (t, e) { | |
5577 | + const r = Ra("tab-clients__img-box", "logo-img-box"), | |
5578 | + i = Da(t.imgWhite, "tab-clients__img-white", "logo-img-box__grey-light"), | |
5579 | + n = Da(t.imgBlack, "tab-clients__img-black", "logo-img-box__grey-dark"), | |
5580 | + o = Da(t.imgColor, "tab-clients__img-color", "logo-img-box__color-light"), | |
5581 | + s = Da(t.imgColorWhite, "tab-clients__img-color-white", "logo-img-box__color-dark"); | |
5582 | + return r.append(i), r.append(n), r.append(o), r.append(s), e || r.classList.add("logo_unvisible"), r; | |
5583 | + })(t, e < 8); | |
5584 | + Ba.append(r); | |
5585 | + }); | |
5586 | + const t = document.querySelector(".tab-clients__btn"); | |
5587 | + t.addEventListener("click", () => { | |
5588 | + document.querySelectorAll(".logo_unvisible").forEach((e) => { | |
5589 | + e.classList.remove("logo_unvisible"), ( = "none"); | |
5590 | + }); | |
5591 | + }); | |
5592 | + })(), | |
5593 | + Ia.forEach((t, e) => { | |
5594 | + if (e < 8) { | |
5595 | + const e = (function (t, e) { | |
5596 | + const r = Ra("tab-partner__img-box", "logo-img-box"), | |
5597 | + i = Da(t.imgWhite, "tab-partner__img-white", "logo-img-box__grey-light"), | |
5598 | + n = Da(t.imgBlack, "tab-partner__img-black", "logo-img-box__grey-dark"), | |
5599 | + o = Da(t.imgColor, "tab-partner__img-color", "logo-img-box__color-light"), | |
5600 | + s = Da(t.imgColorWhite, "tab-partner__img-color-white", "logo-img-box__color-dark"); | |
5601 | + return r.append(i), r.append(n), r.append(o), r.append(s), r; | |
5602 | + })(t); | |
5603 | + La.append(e); | |
5604 | + } | |
5605 | + }), | |
5606 | + mn.matchMedia().add("(min-width: 1200px)", () => { | |
5607 | + const t = mn.timeline({ | |
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5609 | + onComplete: () => { | |
5610 | +; | |
5611 | + }, | |
5612 | + }); | |
5613 | + mn.set(Ca.IMG, { transformOrigin: "left center" }), t.fromTo(Ca.IMG, { x: 0, scale: 1, rotate: 0, y: 0 }, { x: Aa - Ea, scale: 408 / 848, rotate: 90, y: 170, duration: 1, ease: "power1.easeInOut" }); | |
5614 | + const e = mn.timeline({ ease: "power1.easeOut" }); | |
5615 | + e.fromTo(".services-security", { opacity: 1, duration: 1 }), ( = e), e.pause(), e.progress(1e-6); | |
5616 | + }); | |
5617 | + })(); | |
5618 | +})(); |