/*! For license information please see ibImba.js.LICENSE.txt */ (() => { "use strict"; const t = { scroll() { document.body.style.overflow = ""; }, unscroll() { document.body.style.overflow = "hidden"; }, }; class e { constructor(t) { (this._popup = t), (this.openPopup = this.openPopup.bind(this)), (this.closePopup = this.closePopup.bind(this)), (this._setEscHandler = this._setEscHandler.bind(this)), (this.setEventListeners = this.setEventListeners.bind(this)); } openPopup(e) { e && (this._subject = e), this._popup.classList.add("popup-form_visible"), (document.body.style.overflow = "hidden"), t.unscroll(), document.addEventListener("keydown", this._setEscHandler); } closePopup() { this._popup.classList.remove("popup-form_visible"), t.scroll(), document.removeEventListener("keydown", this._setEscHandler); } _setEscHandler(t) { "Escape" === t.key && this.closePopup(); } setEventListeners() { this._popup.addEventListener("mousedown", (t) => { (t.target.classList.contains("popup-form_visible") || t.target.closest(".popup-form__close")) && this.closePopup(); }); } } class r extends e { constructor(t, e) { super(t), (this._form = t.querySelector(".form")), (this._onSubmit = e), (this._inputList = this._form.querySelectorAll(".form__item")), (this._popupButton = this._form.querySelector(".form__btn")), (this._inputValues = {}), (this._hiddenInput = this._form.querySelector(".form__fields_input-hidden")); } openPopup(t) { super.openPopup(t), (this._hiddenInput.value = this._subject), console.log(this._hiddenInput.value); } closePopup() { this._form.reset(), super.closePopup(); } _getInputValues() { return ( this._inputList.forEach((t) => { this._inputValues[t.name] = t.value; }), this._inputValues ); } setEventListeners() { super.setEventListeners(), this._form.addEventListener("submit", (t) => { t.preventDefault(); }); } } const i = { WRAPPER: document.querySelector(".wrapper"), CANVAS: document.querySelector(".canvas") }, n = 0.003, o = 20, s = 0, a = 0, l = o, c = { MIN: -180, MAX: 180 }, u = { MIN: -90, MAX: 90 }, h = "#202020", f = "#FBFBFB", p = "#A42E2C", g = "#670E0E", d = "#511112", m = "#340D0F", _ = { rotation: 0, time: 0, ctx: void 0, dots: [], background: f, KKK: 0, WIDTH: 0, HEIGHT: 0, colorFill: p, colorStroke: g }; try { T(), requestAnimationFrame(T), (function () { for (let t = 0; t < 500; t++) _.dots.push(w()); })(), (function () { const t = i.CANVAS.getContext("2d"); t.fillRect(0, 0, i.CANVAS.width, i.CANVAS.height), (_.ctx = t); })(), x(), x(); } catch (t) {} function v(t) { t ? ((_.background = f), (_.colorFill = d), (_.colorStroke = m)) : ((_.background = h), (_.colorFill = p), (_.colorStroke = g)); } function y(t) { const e = o / t.z, r = _.WIDTH / 2, i = _.HEIGHT / 2, n = _.KKK * e * t.x + r, s = -_.KKK * e * t.y + i; (t.xDisplay = n), (t.yDisplay = s), _.ctx.beginPath(), _.ctx.ellipse(n, s, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2 * Math.PI), _.ctx.fill(); } function b(t) { t.links.forEach((e) => { _.ctx.beginPath(), _.ctx.moveTo(t.xDisplay, t.yDisplay), _.ctx.lineTo(e.xDisplay, e.yDisplay), _.ctx.stroke(); }); } function x() { T(), _.time++, _.dots.forEach((t) => { (t.a = t.a + t.da), (t.b = t.b + t.db), (function (t) { (t.x = s + 1 * Math.sin(-_.rotation - _.time / 1e3 + t.a) * Math.cos(t.b)), (t.y = a + 1 * Math.sin(t.b)), (t.z = l - 1 * Math.cos(t.b) * Math.cos(-_.rotation - _.time / 1e3 + t.a)); })(t); }), _.dots.sort((t, e) => e.z - t.z), _.dots.forEach((t) => { (t.links = []), _.dots.forEach((e) => { var r, i; (r = t), (i = e), Math.sqrt(Math.pow(r.x - i.x, 2) + Math.pow(r.y - i.y, 2) + Math.pow(r.z - i.z, 2)) < 0.15 && t.links.push(e); }); }), (_.ctx.fillStyle = _.background), _.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, _.WIDTH, _.HEIGHT), (_.ctx.fillStyle = _.colorFill), (_.ctx.strokeStyle = _.colorStroke), _.dots.forEach(b), _.dots.forEach(y), requestAnimationFrame(x); } function w(...t) { return t.length > 0 ? { a: t[0], b: t[1], da: 0, db: 0, xDisplay: 0, yDisplay: 0, links: [] } : { a: (c.MAX - c.MIN) * Math.random() + c.MIN, b: (u.MAX - u.MIN) * Math.random() + u.MIN, da: n * Math.random() - 0.0015, db: n * Math.random() - 0.0015, links: [] }; } function T() { const t = i.CANVAS.clientWidth, e = i.CANVAS.clientHeight, r = Math.min(t, e); (_.KKK = r / 3), (_.WIDTH = t), (_.HEIGHT = e), (i.CANVAS.width = t), (i.CANVAS.height = e); } const k = document.querySelectorAll(".js_toggle_input"); function C() { document.body.classList.add("light-mode"), v(!0), console.log("светлая тема"); } function E() { document.body.classList.remove("light-mode"), v(!1), console.log("тёмная тема"); } function A(t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t; } function M(t, e) { (t.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype)), (t.prototype.constructor = t), (t.__proto__ = e); } var S, O, P, D, R, B, I, L, W, z, F, N, q, Y, X, V = { autoSleep: 120, force3D: "auto", nullTargetWarn: 1, units: { lineHeight: "" } }, H = { duration: 0.5, overwrite: !1, delay: 0 }, U = 1e8, G = 1e-8, j = 2 * Math.PI, K = j / 4, Q = 0, Z = Math.sqrt, $ = Math.cos, J = Math.sin, tt = function (t) { return "string" == typeof t; }, et = function (t) { return "function" == typeof t; }, rt = function (t) { return "number" == typeof t; }, it = function (t) { return void 0 === t; }, nt = function (t) { return "object" == typeof t; }, ot = function (t) { return !1 !== t; }, st = function () { return "undefined" != typeof window; }, at = function (t) { return et(t) || tt(t); }, lt = ("function" == typeof ArrayBuffer && ArrayBuffer.isView) || function () {}, ct = Array.isArray, ut = /(?:-?\.?\d|\.)+/gi, ht = /[-+=.]*\d+[.e\-+]*\d*[e\-+]*\d*/g, ft = /[-+=.]*\d+[.e-]*\d*[a-z%]*/g, pt = /[-+=.]*\d+\.?\d*(?:e-|e\+)?\d*/gi, gt = /[+-]=-?[.\d]+/, dt = /[^,'"\[\]\s]+/gi, mt = /^[+\-=e\s\d]*\d+[.\d]*([a-z]*|%)\s*$/i, _t = {}, vt = {}, yt = function (t) { return (vt = jt(t, _t)) && jr; }, bt = function (t, e) { return console.warn("Invalid property", t, "set to", e, "Missing plugin? gsap.registerPlugin()"); }, xt = function (t, e) { return !e && console.warn(t); }, wt = function (t, e) { return (t && (_t[t] = e) && vt && (vt[t] = e)) || _t; }, Tt = function () { return 0; }, kt = { suppressEvents: !0, isStart: !0, kill: !1 }, Ct = { suppressEvents: !0, kill: !1 }, Et = { suppressEvents: !0 }, At = {}, Mt = [], St = {}, Ot = {}, Pt = {}, Dt = 30, Rt = [], Bt = "", It = function (t) { var e, r, i = t[0]; if ((nt(i) || et(i) || (t = [t]), !(e = (i._gsap || {}).harness))) { for (r = Rt.length; r-- && !Rt[r].targetTest(i); ); e = Rt[r]; } for (r = t.length; r--; ) (t[r] && (t[r]._gsap || (t[r]._gsap = new lr(t[r], e)))) || t.splice(r, 1); return t; }, Lt = function (t) { return t._gsap || It(Ce(t))[0]._gsap; }, Wt = function (t, e, r) { return (r = t[e]) && et(r) ? t[e]() : (it(r) && t.getAttribute && t.getAttribute(e)) || r; }, zt = function (t, e) { return (t = t.split(",")).forEach(e) || t; }, Ft = function (t) { return Math.round(1e5 * t) / 1e5 || 0; }, Nt = function (t) { return Math.round(1e7 * t) / 1e7 || 0; }, qt = function (t, e) { var r = e.charAt(0), i = parseFloat(e.substr(2)); return (t = parseFloat(t)), "+" === r ? t + i : "-" === r ? t - i : "*" === r ? t * i : t / i; }, Yt = function (t, e) { for (var r = e.length, i = 0; t.indexOf(e[i]) < 0 && ++i < r; ); return i < r; }, Xt = function () { var t, e, r = Mt.length, i = Mt.slice(0); for (St = {}, Mt.length = 0, t = 0; t < r; t++) (e = i[t]) && e._lazy && (e.render(e._lazy[0], e._lazy[1], !0)._lazy = 0); }, Vt = function (t, e, r, i) { Mt.length && !O && Xt(), t.render(e, r, i || (O && e < 0 && (t._initted || t._startAt))), Mt.length && !O && Xt(); }, Ht = function (t) { var e = parseFloat(t); return (e || 0 === e) && (t + "").match(dt).length < 2 ? e : tt(t) ? t.trim() : t; }, Ut = function (t) { return t; }, Gt = function (t, e) { for (var r in e) r in t || (t[r] = e[r]); return t; }, jt = function (t, e) { for (var r in e) t[r] = e[r]; return t; }, Kt = function t(e, r) { for (var i in r) "__proto__" !== i && "constructor" !== i && "prototype" !== i && (e[i] = nt(r[i]) ? t(e[i] || (e[i] = {}), r[i]) : r[i]); return e; }, Qt = function (t, e) { var r, i = {}; for (r in t) r in e || (i[r] = t[r]); return i; }, Zt = function (t) { var e, r = t.parent || D, i = t.keyframes ? ((e = ct(t.keyframes)), function (t, r) { for (var i in r) i in t || ("duration" === i && e) || "ease" === i || (t[i] = r[i]); }) : Gt; if (ot(t.inherit)) for (; r; ) i(t, r.vars.defaults), (r = r.parent || r._dp); return t; }, $t = function (t, e, r, i, n) { void 0 === r && (r = "_first"), void 0 === i && (i = "_last"); var o, s = t[i]; if (n) for (o = e[n]; s && s[n] > o; ) s = s._prev; return s ? ((e._next = s._next), (s._next = e)) : ((e._next = t[r]), (t[r] = e)), e._next ? (e._next._prev = e) : (t[i] = e), (e._prev = s), (e.parent = e._dp = t), e; }, Jt = function (t, e, r, i) { void 0 === r && (r = "_first"), void 0 === i && (i = "_last"); var n = e._prev, o = e._next; n ? (n._next = o) : t[r] === e && (t[r] = o), o ? (o._prev = n) : t[i] === e && (t[i] = n), (e._next = e._prev = e.parent = null); }, te = function (t, e) { t.parent && (!e || t.parent.autoRemoveChildren) && t.parent.remove && t.parent.remove(t), (t._act = 0); }, ee = function (t, e) { if (t && (!e || e._end > t._dur || e._start < 0)) for (var r = t; r; ) (r._dirty = 1), (r = r.parent); return t; }, re = function (t, e, r, i) { return t._startAt && (O ? t._startAt.revert(Ct) : (t.vars.immediateRender && !t.vars.autoRevert) || t._startAt.render(e, !0, i)); }, ie = function t(e) { return !e || (e._ts && t(e.parent)); }, ne = function (t) { return t._repeat ? oe(t._tTime, (t = t.duration() + t._rDelay)) * t : 0; }, oe = function (t, e) { var r = Math.floor((t /= e)); return t && r === t ? r - 1 : r; }, se = function (t, e) { return (t - e._start) * e._ts + (e._ts >= 0 ? 0 : e._dirty ? e.totalDuration() : e._tDur); }, ae = function (t) { return (t._end = Nt(t._start + (t._tDur / Math.abs(t._ts || t._rts || G) || 0))); }, le = function (t, e) { var r = t._dp; return r && r.smoothChildTiming && t._ts && ((t._start = Nt(r._time - (t._ts > 0 ? e / t._ts : ((t._dirty ? t.totalDuration() : t._tDur) - e) / -t._ts))), ae(t), r._dirty || ee(r, t)), t; }, ce = function (t, e) { var r; if (((e._time || (e._initted && !e._dur)) && ((r = se(t.rawTime(), e)), (!e._dur || xe(0, e.totalDuration(), r) - e._tTime > G) && e.render(r, !0)), ee(t, e)._dp && t._initted && t._time >= t._dur && t._ts)) { if (t._dur < t.duration()) for (r = t; r._dp; ) r.rawTime() >= 0 && r.totalTime(r._tTime), (r = r._dp); t._zTime = -1e-8; } }, ue = function (t, e, r, i) { return ( e.parent && te(e), (e._start = Nt((rt(r) ? r : r || t !== D ? ve(t, r, e) : t._time) + e._delay)), (e._end = Nt(e._start + (e.totalDuration() / Math.abs(e.timeScale()) || 0))), $t(t, e, "_first", "_last", t._sort ? "_start" : 0), ge(e) || (t._recent = e), i || ce(t, e), t._ts < 0 && le(t, t._tTime), t ); }, he = function (t, e) { return (_t.ScrollTrigger || bt("scrollTrigger", e)) && _t.ScrollTrigger.create(e, t); }, fe = function (t, e, r, i, n) { return mr(t, e, n), t._initted ? (!r && t._pt && !O && ((t._dur && !1 !== t.vars.lazy) || (!t._dur && t.vars.lazy)) && W !== Ke.frame ? (Mt.push(t), (t._lazy = [n, i]), 1) : void 0) : 1; }, pe = function t(e) { var r = e.parent; return r && r._ts && r._initted && !r._lock && (r.rawTime() < 0 || t(r)); }, ge = function (t) { var e = t.data; return "isFromStart" === e || "isStart" === e; }, de = function (t, e, r, i) { var n = t._repeat, o = Nt(e) || 0, s = t._tTime / t._tDur; return s && !i && (t._time *= o / t._dur), (t._dur = o), (t._tDur = n ? (n < 0 ? 1e10 : Nt(o * (n + 1) + t._rDelay * n)) : o), s > 0 && !i && le(t, (t._tTime = t._tDur * s)), t.parent && ae(t), r || ee(t.parent, t), t; }, me = function (t) { return t instanceof ur ? ee(t) : de(t, t._dur); }, _e = { _start: 0, endTime: Tt, totalDuration: Tt }, ve = function t(e, r, i) { var n, o, s, a = e.labels, l = e._recent || _e, c = e.duration() >= U ? l.endTime(!1) : e._dur; return tt(r) && (isNaN(r) || r in a) ? ((o = r.charAt(0)), (s = "%" === r.substr(-1)), (n = r.indexOf("=")), "<" === o || ">" === o ? (n >= 0 && (r = r.replace(/=/, "")), ("<" === o ? l._start : l.endTime(l._repeat >= 0)) + (parseFloat(r.substr(1)) || 0) * (s ? (n < 0 ? l : i).totalDuration() / 100 : 1)) : n < 0 ? (r in a || (a[r] = c), a[r]) : ((o = parseFloat(r.charAt(n - 1) + r.substr(n + 1))), s && i && (o = (o / 100) * (ct(i) ? i[0] : i).totalDuration()), n > 1 ? t(e, r.substr(0, n - 1), i) + o : c + o)) : null == r ? c : +r; }, ye = function (t, e, r) { var i, n, o = rt(e[1]), s = (o ? 2 : 1) + (t < 2 ? 0 : 1), a = e[s]; if ((o && (a.duration = e[1]), (a.parent = r), t)) { for (i = a, n = r; n && !("immediateRender" in i); ) (i = n.vars.defaults || {}), (n = ot(n.vars.inherit) && n.parent); (a.immediateRender = ot(i.immediateRender)), t < 2 ? (a.runBackwards = 1) : (a.startAt = e[s - 1]); } return new xr(e[0], a, e[s + 1]); }, be = function (t, e) { return t || 0 === t ? e(t) : e; }, xe = function (t, e, r) { return r < t ? t : r > e ? e : r; }, we = function (t, e) { return tt(t) && (e = mt.exec(t)) ? e[1] : ""; }, Te = [].slice, ke = function (t, e) { return t && nt(t) && "length" in t && ((!e && !t.length) || (t.length - 1 in t && nt(t[0]))) && !t.nodeType && t !== R; }, Ce = function (t, e, r) { return P && !e && P.selector ? P.selector(t) : !tt(t) || r || (!B && Qe()) ? ct(t) ? (function (t, e, r) { return ( void 0 === r && (r = []), t.forEach(function (t) { var i; return (tt(t) && !e) || ke(t, 1) ? (i = r).push.apply(i, Ce(t)) : r.push(t); }) || r ); })(t, r) : ke(t) ? Te.call(t, 0) : t ? [t] : [] : Te.call((e || I).querySelectorAll(t), 0); }, Ee = function (t) { return ( (t = Ce(t)[0] || xt("Invalid scope") || {}), function (e) { var r = t.current || t.nativeElement || t; return Ce(e, r.querySelectorAll ? r : r === t ? xt("Invalid scope") || I.createElement("div") : t); } ); }, Ae = function (t) { return t.sort(function () { return 0.5 - Math.random(); }); }, Me = function (t) { if (et(t)) return t; var e = nt(t) ? t : { each: t }, r = ir(e.ease), i = e.from || 0, n = parseFloat(e.base) || 0, o = {}, s = i > 0 && i < 1, a = isNaN(i) || s, l = e.axis, c = i, u = i; return ( tt(i) ? (c = u = { center: 0.5, edges: 0.5, end: 1 }[i] || 0) : !s && a && ((c = i[0]), (u = i[1])), function (t, s, h) { var f, p, g, d, m, _, v, y, b, x = (h || e).length, w = o[x]; if (!w) { if (!(b = "auto" === e.grid ? 0 : (e.grid || [1, U])[1])) { for (v = -U; v < (v = h[b++].getBoundingClientRect().left) && b < x; ); b--; } for (w = o[x] = [], f = a ? Math.min(b, x) * c - 0.5 : i % b, p = b === U ? 0 : a ? (x * u) / b - 0.5 : (i / b) | 0, v = 0, y = U, _ = 0; _ < x; _++) (g = (_ % b) - f), (d = p - ((_ / b) | 0)), (w[_] = m = l ? Math.abs("y" === l ? d : g) : Z(g * g + d * d)), m > v && (v = m), m < y && (y = m); "random" === i && Ae(w), (w.max = v - y), (w.min = y), (w.v = x = (parseFloat(e.amount) || parseFloat(e.each) * (b > x ? x - 1 : l ? ("y" === l ? x / b : b) : Math.max(b, x / b)) || 0) * ("edges" === i ? -1 : 1)), (w.b = x < 0 ? n - x : n), (w.u = we(e.amount || e.each) || 0), (r = r && x < 0 ? er(r) : r); } return (x = (w[t] - w.min) / w.max || 0), Nt(w.b + (r ? r(x) : x) * w.v) + w.u; } ); }, Se = function (t) { var e = Math.pow(10, ((t + "").split(".")[1] || "").length); return function (r) { var i = Nt(Math.round(parseFloat(r) / t) * t * e); return (i - (i % 1)) / e + (rt(r) ? 0 : we(r)); }; }, Oe = function (t, e) { var r, i, n = ct(t); return ( !n && nt(t) && ((r = n = t.radius || U), t.values ? ((t = Ce(t.values)), (i = !rt(t[0])) && (r *= r)) : (t = Se(t.increment))), be( e, n ? et(t) ? function (e) { return (i = t(e)), Math.abs(i - e) <= r ? i : e; } : function (e) { for (var n, o, s = parseFloat(i ? e.x : e), a = parseFloat(i ? e.y : 0), l = U, c = 0, u = t.length; u--; ) (n = i ? (n = t[u].x - s) * n + (o = t[u].y - a) * o : Math.abs(t[u] - s)) < l && ((l = n), (c = u)); return (c = !r || l <= r ? t[c] : e), i || c === e || rt(e) ? c : c + we(e); } : Se(t) ) ); }, Pe = function (t, e, r, i) { return be(ct(t) ? !e : !0 === r ? !!(r = 0) : !i, function () { return ct(t) ? t[~~(Math.random() * t.length)] : (r = r || 1e-5) && (i = r < 1 ? Math.pow(10, (r + "").length - 2) : 1) && Math.floor(Math.round((t - r / 2 + Math.random() * (e - t + 0.99 * r)) / r) * r * i) / i; }); }, De = function (t, e, r) { return be(r, function (r) { return t[~~e(r)]; }); }, Re = function (t) { for (var e, r, i, n, o = 0, s = ""; ~(e = t.indexOf("random(", o)); ) (i = t.indexOf(")", e)), (n = "[" === t.charAt(e + 7)), (r = t.substr(e + 7, i - e - 7).match(n ? dt : ut)), (s += t.substr(o, e - o) + Pe(n ? r : +r[0], n ? 0 : +r[1], +r[2] || 1e-5)), (o = i + 1); return s + t.substr(o, t.length - o); }, Be = function (t, e, r, i, n) { var o = e - t, s = i - r; return be(n, function (e) { return r + (((e - t) / o) * s || 0); }); }, Ie = function (t, e, r) { var i, n, o, s = t.labels, a = U; for (i in s) (n = s[i] - e) < 0 == !!r && n && a > (n = Math.abs(n)) && ((o = i), (a = n)); return o; }, Le = function (t, e, r) { var i, n, o, s = t.vars, a = s[e], l = P, c = t._ctx; if (a) return (i = s[e + "Params"]), (n = s.callbackScope || t), r && Mt.length && Xt(), c && (P = c), (o = i ? a.apply(n, i) : a.call(n)), (P = l), o; }, We = function (t) { return te(t), t.scrollTrigger && t.scrollTrigger.kill(!!O), t.progress() < 1 && Le(t, "onInterrupt"), t; }, ze = [], Fe = function (t) { if (st() && t) { var e = (t = (!t.name && t.default) || t).name, r = et(t), i = e && !r && t.init ? function () { this._props = []; } : t, n = { init: Tt, render: Or, add: gr, kill: Dr, modifier: Pr, rawVars: 0 }, o = { targetTest: 0, get: 0, getSetter: Er, aliases: {}, register: 0 }; if ((Qe(), t !== i)) { if (Ot[e]) return; Gt(i, Gt(Qt(t, n), o)), jt(i.prototype, jt(n, Qt(t, o))), (Ot[(i.prop = e)] = i), t.targetTest && (Rt.push(i), (At[e] = 1)), (e = ("css" === e ? "CSS" : e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.substr(1)) + "Plugin"); } wt(e, i), t.register && t.register(jr, i, Ir); } else t && ze.push(t); }, Ne = 255, qe = { aqua: [0, Ne, Ne], lime: [0, Ne, 0], silver: [192, 192, 192], black: [0, 0, 0], maroon: [128, 0, 0], teal: [0, 128, 128], blue: [0, 0, Ne], navy: [0, 0, 128], white: [Ne, Ne, Ne], olive: [128, 128, 0], yellow: [Ne, Ne, 0], orange: [Ne, 165, 0], gray: [128, 128, 128], purple: [128, 0, 128], green: [0, 128, 0], red: [Ne, 0, 0], pink: [Ne, 192, 203], cyan: [0, Ne, Ne], transparent: [Ne, Ne, Ne, 0], }, Ye = function (t, e, r) { return ((6 * (t += t < 0 ? 1 : t > 1 ? -1 : 0) < 1 ? e + (r - e) * t * 6 : t < 0.5 ? r : 3 * t < 2 ? e + (r - e) * (2 / 3 - t) * 6 : e) * Ne + 0.5) | 0; }, Xe = function (t, e, r) { var i, n, o, s, a, l, c, u, h, f, p = t ? (rt(t) ? [t >> 16, (t >> 8) & Ne, t & Ne] : 0) : qe.black; if (!p) { if (("," === t.substr(-1) && (t = t.substr(0, t.length - 1)), qe[t])) p = qe[t]; else if ("#" === t.charAt(0)) { if ((t.length < 6 && ((i = t.charAt(1)), (n = t.charAt(2)), (o = t.charAt(3)), (t = "#" + i + i + n + n + o + o + (5 === t.length ? t.charAt(4) + t.charAt(4) : ""))), 9 === t.length)) return [(p = parseInt(t.substr(1, 6), 16)) >> 16, (p >> 8) & Ne, p & Ne, parseInt(t.substr(7), 16) / 255]; p = [(t = parseInt(t.substr(1), 16)) >> 16, (t >> 8) & Ne, t & Ne]; } else if ("hsl" === t.substr(0, 3)) if (((p = f = t.match(ut)), e)) { if (~t.indexOf("=")) return (p = t.match(ht)), r && p.length < 4 && (p[3] = 1), p; } else (s = (+p[0] % 360) / 360), (a = +p[1] / 100), (i = 2 * (l = +p[2] / 100) - (n = l <= 0.5 ? l * (a + 1) : l + a - l * a)), p.length > 3 && (p[3] *= 1), (p[0] = Ye(s + 1 / 3, i, n)), (p[1] = Ye(s, i, n)), (p[2] = Ye(s - 1 / 3, i, n)); else p = t.match(ut) || qe.transparent; p = p.map(Number); } return ( e && !f && ((i = p[0] / Ne), (n = p[1] / Ne), (o = p[2] / Ne), (l = ((c = Math.max(i, n, o)) + (u = Math.min(i, n, o))) / 2), c === u ? (s = a = 0) : ((h = c - u), (a = l > 0.5 ? h / (2 - c - u) : h / (c + u)), (s = c === i ? (n - o) / h + (n < o ? 6 : 0) : c === n ? (o - i) / h + 2 : (i - n) / h + 4), (s *= 60)), (p[0] = ~~(s + 0.5)), (p[1] = ~~(100 * a + 0.5)), (p[2] = ~~(100 * l + 0.5))), r && p.length < 4 && (p[3] = 1), p ); }, Ve = function (t) { var e = [], r = [], i = -1; return ( t.split(Ue).forEach(function (t) { var n = t.match(ft) || []; e.push.apply(e, n), r.push((i += n.length + 1)); }), (e.c = r), e ); }, He = function (t, e, r) { var i, n, o, s, a = "", l = (t + a).match(Ue), c = e ? "hsla(" : "rgba(", u = 0; if (!l) return t; if ( ((l = l.map(function (t) { return (t = Xe(t, e, 1)) && c + (e ? t[0] + "," + t[1] + "%," + t[2] + "%," + t[3] : t.join(",")) + ")"; })), r && ((o = Ve(t)), (i = r.c).join(a) !== o.c.join(a))) ) for (s = (n = t.replace(Ue, "1").split(ft)).length - 1; u < s; u++) a += n[u] + (~i.indexOf(u) ? l.shift() || c + "0,0,0,0)" : (o.length ? o : l.length ? l : r).shift()); if (!n) for (s = (n = t.split(Ue)).length - 1; u < s; u++) a += n[u] + l[u]; return a + n[s]; }, Ue = (function () { var t, e = "(?:\\b(?:(?:rgb|rgba|hsl|hsla)\\(.+?\\))|\\B#(?:[0-9a-f]{3,4}){1,2}\\b"; for (t in qe) e += "|" + t + "\\b"; return new RegExp(e + ")", "gi"); })(), Ge = /hsl[a]?\(/, je = function (t) { var e, r = t.join(" "); if (((Ue.lastIndex = 0), Ue.test(r))) return (e = Ge.test(r)), (t[1] = He(t[1], e)), (t[0] = He(t[0], e, Ve(t[1]))), !0; }, Ke = (function () { var t, e, r, i, n, o, s = Date.now, a = 500, l = 33, c = s(), u = c, h = 1e3 / 240, f = h, p = [], g = function r(g) { var d, m, _, v, y = s() - u, b = !0 === g; if ((y > a && (c += y - l), ((d = (_ = (u += y) - c) - f) > 0 || b) && ((v = ++i.frame), (n = _ - 1e3 * i.time), (i.time = _ /= 1e3), (f += d + (d >= h ? 4 : h - d)), (m = 1)), b || (t = e(r)), m)) for (o = 0; o < p.length; o++) p[o](_, n, v, g); }; return (i = { time: 0, frame: 0, tick: function () { g(!0); }, deltaRatio: function (t) { return n / (1e3 / (t || 60)); }, wake: function () { L && (!B && st() && ((R = B = window), (I = R.document || {}), (_t.gsap = jr), (R.gsapVersions || (R.gsapVersions = [])).push(jr.version), yt(vt || R.GreenSockGlobals || (!R.gsap && R) || {}), (r = R.requestAnimationFrame), ze.forEach(Fe)), t && i.sleep(), (e = r || function (t) { return setTimeout(t, (f - 1e3 * i.time + 1) | 0); }), (F = 1), g(2)); }, sleep: function () { (r ? R.cancelAnimationFrame : clearTimeout)(t), (F = 0), (e = Tt); }, lagSmoothing: function (t, e) { (a = t || 1 / 0), (l = Math.min(e || 33, a)); }, fps: function (t) { (h = 1e3 / (t || 240)), (f = 1e3 * i.time + h); }, add: function (t, e, r) { var n = e ? function (e, r, o, s) { t(e, r, o, s), i.remove(n); } : t; return i.remove(t), p[r ? "unshift" : "push"](n), Qe(), n; }, remove: function (t, e) { ~(e = p.indexOf(t)) && p.splice(e, 1) && o >= e && o--; }, _listeners: p, }); })(), Qe = function () { return !F && Ke.wake(); }, Ze = {}, $e = /^[\d.\-M][\d.\-,\s]/, Je = /["']/g, tr = function (t) { for (var e, r, i, n = {}, o = t.substr(1, t.length - 3).split(":"), s = o[0], a = 1, l = o.length; a < l; a++) (r = o[a]), (e = a !== l - 1 ? r.lastIndexOf(",") : r.length), (i = r.substr(0, e)), (n[s] = isNaN(i) ? i.replace(Je, "").trim() : +i), (s = r.substr(e + 1).trim()); return n; }, er = function (t) { return function (e) { return 1 - t(1 - e); }; }, rr = function t(e, r) { for (var i, n = e._first; n; ) n instanceof ur ? t(n, r) : !n.vars.yoyoEase || (n._yoyo && n._repeat) || n._yoyo === r || (n.timeline ? t(n.timeline, r) : ((i = n._ease), (n._ease = n._yEase), (n._yEase = i), (n._yoyo = r))), (n = n._next); }, ir = function (t, e) { return ( (t && (et(t) ? t : Ze[t] || (function (t) { var e, r, i, n, o = (t + "").split("("), s = Ze[o[0]]; return s && o.length > 1 && s.config ? s.config.apply( null, ~t.indexOf("{") ? [tr(o[1])] : ((e = t), (r = e.indexOf("(") + 1), (i = e.indexOf(")")), (n = e.indexOf("(", r)), e.substring(r, ~n && n < i ? e.indexOf(")", i + 1) : i)).split(",").map(Ht) ) : Ze._CE && $e.test(t) ? Ze._CE("", t) : s; })(t))) || e ); }, nr = function (t, e, r, i) { void 0 === r && (r = function (t) { return 1 - e(1 - t); }), void 0 === i && (i = function (t) { return t < 0.5 ? e(2 * t) / 2 : 1 - e(2 * (1 - t)) / 2; }); var n, o = { easeIn: e, easeOut: r, easeInOut: i }; return ( zt(t, function (t) { for (var e in ((Ze[t] = _t[t] = o), (Ze[(n = t.toLowerCase())] = r), o)) Ze[n + ("easeIn" === e ? ".in" : "easeOut" === e ? ".out" : ".inOut")] = Ze[t + "." + e] = o[e]; }), o ); }, or = function (t) { return function (e) { return e < 0.5 ? (1 - t(1 - 2 * e)) / 2 : 0.5 + t(2 * (e - 0.5)) / 2; }; }, sr = function t(e, r, i) { var n = r >= 1 ? r : 1, o = (i || (e ? 0.3 : 0.45)) / (r < 1 ? r : 1), s = (o / j) * (Math.asin(1 / n) || 0), a = function (t) { return 1 === t ? 1 : n * Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * J((t - s) * o) + 1; }, l = "out" === e ? a : "in" === e ? function (t) { return 1 - a(1 - t); } : or(a); return ( (o = j / o), (l.config = function (r, i) { return t(e, r, i); }), l ); }, ar = function t(e, r) { void 0 === r && (r = 1.70158); var i = function (t) { return t ? --t * t * ((r + 1) * t + r) + 1 : 0; }, n = "out" === e ? i : "in" === e ? function (t) { return 1 - i(1 - t); } : or(i); return ( (n.config = function (r) { return t(e, r); }), n ); }; zt("Linear,Quad,Cubic,Quart,Quint,Strong", function (t, e) { var r = e < 5 ? e + 1 : e; nr( t + ",Power" + (r - 1), e ? function (t) { return Math.pow(t, r); } : function (t) { return t; }, function (t) { return 1 - Math.pow(1 - t, r); }, function (t) { return t < 0.5 ? Math.pow(2 * t, r) / 2 : 1 - Math.pow(2 * (1 - t), r) / 2; } ); }), (Ze.Linear.easeNone = Ze.none = Ze.Linear.easeIn), nr("Elastic", sr("in"), sr("out"), sr()), (N = 7.5625), (Y = 1 / (q = 2.75)), nr( "Bounce", function (t) { return 1 - X(1 - t); }, (X = function (t) { return t < Y ? N * t * t : t < 0.7272727272727273 ? N * Math.pow(t - 1.5 / q, 2) + 0.75 : t < 0.9090909090909092 ? N * (t -= 2.25 / q) * t + 0.9375 : N * Math.pow(t - 2.625 / q, 2) + 0.984375; }) ), nr("Expo", function (t) { return t ? Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)) : 0; }), nr("Circ", function (t) { return -(Z(1 - t * t) - 1); }), nr("Sine", function (t) { return 1 === t ? 1 : 1 - $(t * K); }), nr("Back", ar("in"), ar("out"), ar()), (Ze.SteppedEase = Ze.steps = _t.SteppedEase = { config: function (t, e) { void 0 === t && (t = 1); var r = 1 / t, i = t + (e ? 0 : 1), n = e ? 1 : 0; return function (t) { return (((i * xe(0, 0.99999999, t)) | 0) + n) * r; }; }, }), (H.ease = Ze["quad.out"]), zt("onComplete,onUpdate,onStart,onRepeat,onReverseComplete,onInterrupt", function (t) { return (Bt += t + "," + t + "Params,"); }); var lr = function (t, e) { (this.id = Q++), (t._gsap = this), (this.target = t), (this.harness = e), (this.get = e ? e.get : Wt), (this.set = e ? e.getSetter : Er); }, cr = (function () { function t(t) { (this.vars = t), (this._delay = +t.delay || 0), (this._repeat = t.repeat === 1 / 0 ? -2 : t.repeat || 0) && ((this._rDelay = t.repeatDelay || 0), (this._yoyo = !!t.yoyo || !!t.yoyoEase)), (this._ts = 1), de(this, +t.duration, 1, 1), (this.data = t.data), P && ((this._ctx = P), P.data.push(this)), F || Ke.wake(); } var e = t.prototype; return ( (e.delay = function (t) { return t || 0 === t ? (this.parent && this.parent.smoothChildTiming && this.startTime(this._start + t - this._delay), (this._delay = t), this) : this._delay; }), (e.duration = function (t) { return arguments.length ? this.totalDuration(this._repeat > 0 ? t + (t + this._rDelay) * this._repeat : t) : this.totalDuration() && this._dur; }), (e.totalDuration = function (t) { return arguments.length ? ((this._dirty = 0), de(this, this._repeat < 0 ? t : (t - this._repeat * this._rDelay) / (this._repeat + 1))) : this._tDur; }), (e.totalTime = function (t, e) { if ((Qe(), !arguments.length)) return this._tTime; var r = this._dp; if (r && r.smoothChildTiming && this._ts) { for (le(this, t), !r._dp || r.parent || ce(r, this); r && r.parent; ) r.parent._time !== r._start + (r._ts >= 0 ? r._tTime / r._ts : (r.totalDuration() - r._tTime) / -r._ts) && r.totalTime(r._tTime, !0), (r = r.parent); !this.parent && this._dp.autoRemoveChildren && ((this._ts > 0 && t < this._tDur) || (this._ts < 0 && t > 0) || (!this._tDur && !t)) && ue(this._dp, this, this._start - this._delay); } return (this._tTime !== t || (!this._dur && !e) || (this._initted && Math.abs(this._zTime) === G) || (!t && !this._initted && (this.add || this._ptLookup))) && (this._ts || (this._pTime = t), Vt(this, t, e)), this; }), (e.time = function (t, e) { return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(Math.min(this.totalDuration(), t + ne(this)) % (this._dur + this._rDelay) || (t ? this._dur : 0), e) : this._time; }), (e.totalProgress = function (t, e) { return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(this.totalDuration() * t, e) : this.totalDuration() ? Math.min(1, this._tTime / this._tDur) : this.ratio; }), (e.progress = function (t, e) { return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(this.duration() * (!this._yoyo || 1 & this.iteration() ? t : 1 - t) + ne(this), e) : this.duration() ? Math.min(1, this._time / this._dur) : this.ratio; }), (e.iteration = function (t, e) { var r = this.duration() + this._rDelay; return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(this._time + (t - 1) * r, e) : this._repeat ? oe(this._tTime, r) + 1 : 1; }), (e.timeScale = function (t) { if (!arguments.length) return -1e-8 === this._rts ? 0 : this._rts; if (this._rts === t) return this; var e = this.parent && this._ts ? se(this.parent._time, this) : this._tTime; return ( (this._rts = +t || 0), (this._ts = this._ps || -1e-8 === t ? 0 : this._rts), this.totalTime(xe(-Math.abs(this._delay), this._tDur, e), !0), ae(this), (function (t) { for (var e = t.parent; e && e.parent; ) (e._dirty = 1), e.totalDuration(), (e = e.parent); return t; })(this) ); }), (e.paused = function (t) { return arguments.length ? (this._ps !== t && ((this._ps = t), t ? ((this._pTime = this._tTime || Math.max(-this._delay, this.rawTime())), (this._ts = this._act = 0)) : (Qe(), (this._ts = this._rts), this.totalTime(this.parent && !this.parent.smoothChildTiming ? this.rawTime() : this._tTime || this._pTime, 1 === this.progress() && Math.abs(this._zTime) !== G && (this._tTime -= G)))), this) : this._ps; }), (e.startTime = function (t) { if (arguments.length) { this._start = t; var e = this.parent || this._dp; return e && (e._sort || !this.parent) && ue(e, this, t - this._delay), this; } return this._start; }), (e.endTime = function (t) { return this._start + (ot(t) ? this.totalDuration() : this.duration()) / Math.abs(this._ts || 1); }), (e.rawTime = function (t) { var e = this.parent || this._dp; return e ? (t && (!this._ts || (this._repeat && this._time && this.totalProgress() < 1)) ? this._tTime % (this._dur + this._rDelay) : this._ts ? se(e.rawTime(t), this) : this._tTime) : this._tTime; }), (e.revert = function (t) { void 0 === t && (t = Et); var e = O; return (O = t), (this._initted || this._startAt) && (this.timeline && this.timeline.revert(t), this.totalTime(-0.01, t.suppressEvents)), "nested" !== this.data && !1 !== t.kill && this.kill(), (O = e), this; }), (e.globalTime = function (t) { for (var e = this, r = arguments.length ? t : e.rawTime(); e; ) (r = e._start + r / (e._ts || 1)), (e = e._dp); return !this.parent && this._sat ? (this._sat.vars.immediateRender ? -1 : this._sat.globalTime(t)) : r; }), (e.repeat = function (t) { return arguments.length ? ((this._repeat = t === 1 / 0 ? -2 : t), me(this)) : -2 === this._repeat ? 1 / 0 : this._repeat; }), (e.repeatDelay = function (t) { if (arguments.length) { var e = this._time; return (this._rDelay = t), me(this), e ? this.time(e) : this; } return this._rDelay; }), (e.yoyo = function (t) { return arguments.length ? ((this._yoyo = t), this) : this._yoyo; }), (e.seek = function (t, e) { return this.totalTime(ve(this, t), ot(e)); }), (e.restart = function (t, e) { return this.play().totalTime(t ? -this._delay : 0, ot(e)); }), (e.play = function (t, e) { return null != t && this.seek(t, e), this.reversed(!1).paused(!1); }), (e.reverse = function (t, e) { return null != t && this.seek(t || this.totalDuration(), e), this.reversed(!0).paused(!1); }), (e.pause = function (t, e) { return null != t && this.seek(t, e), this.paused(!0); }), (e.resume = function () { return this.paused(!1); }), (e.reversed = function (t) { return arguments.length ? (!!t !== this.reversed() && this.timeScale(-this._rts || (t ? -1e-8 : 0)), this) : this._rts < 0; }), (e.invalidate = function () { return (this._initted = this._act = 0), (this._zTime = -1e-8), this; }), (e.isActive = function () { var t, e = this.parent || this._dp, r = this._start; return !(e && !(this._ts && this._initted && e.isActive() && (t = e.rawTime(!0)) >= r && t < this.endTime(!0) - G)); }), (e.eventCallback = function (t, e, r) { var i = this.vars; return arguments.length > 1 ? (e ? ((i[t] = e), r && (i[t + "Params"] = r), "onUpdate" === t && (this._onUpdate = e)) : delete i[t], this) : i[t]; }), (e.then = function (t) { var e = this; return new Promise(function (r) { var i = et(t) ? t : Ut, n = function () { var t = e.then; (e.then = null), et(i) && (i = i(e)) && (i.then || i === e) && (e.then = t), r(i), (e.then = t); }; (e._initted && 1 === e.totalProgress() && e._ts >= 0) || (!e._tTime && e._ts < 0) ? n() : (e._prom = n); }); }), (e.kill = function () { We(this); }), t ); })(); Gt(cr.prototype, { _time: 0, _start: 0, _end: 0, _tTime: 0, _tDur: 0, _dirty: 0, _repeat: 0, _yoyo: !1, parent: null, _initted: !1, _rDelay: 0, _ts: 1, _dp: 0, ratio: 0, _zTime: -1e-8, _prom: 0, _ps: !1, _rts: 1 }); var ur = (function (t) { function e(e, r) { var i; return ( void 0 === e && (e = {}), ((i = t.call(this, e) || this).labels = {}), (i.smoothChildTiming = !!e.smoothChildTiming), (i.autoRemoveChildren = !!e.autoRemoveChildren), (i._sort = ot(e.sortChildren)), D && ue(e.parent || D, A(i), r), e.reversed && i.reverse(), e.paused && i.paused(!0), e.scrollTrigger && he(A(i), e.scrollTrigger), i ); } M(e, t); var r = e.prototype; return ( (r.to = function (t, e, r) { return ye(0, arguments, this), this; }), (r.from = function (t, e, r) { return ye(1, arguments, this), this; }), (r.fromTo = function (t, e, r, i) { return ye(2, arguments, this), this; }), (r.set = function (t, e, r) { return (e.duration = 0), (e.parent = this), Zt(e).repeatDelay || (e.repeat = 0), (e.immediateRender = !!e.immediateRender), new xr(t, e, ve(this, r), 1), this; }), (r.call = function (t, e, r) { return ue(this, xr.delayedCall(0, t, e), r); }), (r.staggerTo = function (t, e, r, i, n, o, s) { return (r.duration = e), (r.stagger = r.stagger || i), (r.onComplete = o), (r.onCompleteParams = s), (r.parent = this), new xr(t, r, ve(this, n)), this; }), (r.staggerFrom = function (t, e, r, i, n, o, s) { return (r.runBackwards = 1), (Zt(r).immediateRender = ot(r.immediateRender)), this.staggerTo(t, e, r, i, n, o, s); }), (r.staggerFromTo = function (t, e, r, i, n, o, s, a) { return (i.startAt = r), (Zt(i).immediateRender = ot(i.immediateRender)), this.staggerTo(t, e, i, n, o, s, a); }), (r.render = function (t, e, r) { var i, n, o, s, a, l, c, u, h, f, p, g, d = this._time, m = this._dirty ? this.totalDuration() : this._tDur, _ = this._dur, v = t <= 0 ? 0 : Nt(t), y = this._zTime < 0 != t < 0 && (this._initted || !_); if ((this !== D && v > m && t >= 0 && (v = m), v !== this._tTime || r || y)) { if ((d !== this._time && _ && ((v += this._time - d), (t += this._time - d)), (i = v), (h = this._start), (l = !(u = this._ts)), y && (_ || (d = this._zTime), (t || !e) && (this._zTime = t)), this._repeat)) { if (((p = this._yoyo), (a = _ + this._rDelay), this._repeat < -1 && t < 0)) return this.totalTime(100 * a + t, e, r); if ( ((i = Nt(v % a)), v === m ? ((s = this._repeat), (i = _)) : ((s = ~~(v / a)) && s === v / a && ((i = _), s--), i > _ && (i = _)), (f = oe(this._tTime, a)), !d && this._tTime && f !== s && this._tTime - f * a - this._dur <= 0 && (f = s), p && 1 & s && ((i = _ - i), (g = 1)), s !== f && !this._lock) ) { var b = p && 1 & f, x = b === (p && 1 & s); if ( (s < f && (b = !b), (d = b ? 0 : _), (this._lock = 1), (this.render(d || (g ? 0 : Nt(s * a)), e, !_)._lock = 0), (this._tTime = v), !e && this.parent && Le(this, "onRepeat"), this.vars.repeatRefresh && !g && (this.invalidate()._lock = 1), (d && d !== this._time) || l !== !this._ts || (this.vars.onRepeat && !this.parent && !this._act)) ) return this; if (((_ = this._dur), (m = this._tDur), x && ((this._lock = 2), (d = b ? _ : -1e-4), this.render(d, !0), this.vars.repeatRefresh && !g && this.invalidate()), (this._lock = 0), !this._ts && !l)) return this; rr(this, g); } } if ( (this._hasPause && !this._forcing && this._lock < 2 && ((c = (function (t, e, r) { var i; if (r > e) for (i = t._first; i && i._start <= r; ) { if ("isPause" === i.data && i._start > e) return i; i = i._next; } else for (i = t._last; i && i._start >= r; ) { if ("isPause" === i.data && i._start < e) return i; i = i._prev; } })(this, Nt(d), Nt(i))), c && (v -= i - (i = c._start))), (this._tTime = v), (this._time = i), (this._act = !u), this._initted || ((this._onUpdate = this.vars.onUpdate), (this._initted = 1), (this._zTime = t), (d = 0)), !d && i && !e && !s && (Le(this, "onStart"), this._tTime !== v)) ) return this; if (i >= d && t >= 0) for (n = this._first; n; ) { if (((o = n._next), (n._act || i >= n._start) && n._ts && c !== n)) { if (n.parent !== this) return this.render(t, e, r); if ((n.render(n._ts > 0 ? (i - n._start) * n._ts : (n._dirty ? n.totalDuration() : n._tDur) + (i - n._start) * n._ts, e, r), i !== this._time || (!this._ts && !l))) { (c = 0), o && (v += this._zTime = -1e-8); break; } } n = o; } else { n = this._last; for (var w = t < 0 ? t : i; n; ) { if (((o = n._prev), (n._act || w <= n._end) && n._ts && c !== n)) { if (n.parent !== this) return this.render(t, e, r); if ((n.render(n._ts > 0 ? (w - n._start) * n._ts : (n._dirty ? n.totalDuration() : n._tDur) + (w - n._start) * n._ts, e, r || (O && (n._initted || n._startAt))), i !== this._time || (!this._ts && !l))) { (c = 0), o && (v += this._zTime = w ? -1e-8 : G); break; } } n = o; } } if (c && !e && (this.pause(), (c.render(i >= d ? 0 : -1e-8)._zTime = i >= d ? 1 : -1), this._ts)) return (this._start = h), ae(this), this.render(t, e, r); this._onUpdate && !e && Le(this, "onUpdate", !0), ((v === m && this._tTime >= this.totalDuration()) || (!v && d)) && ((h !== this._start && Math.abs(u) === Math.abs(this._ts)) || this._lock || ((t || !_) && ((v === m && this._ts > 0) || (!v && this._ts < 0)) && te(this, 1), e || (t < 0 && !d) || (!v && !d && m) || (Le(this, v === m && t >= 0 ? "onComplete" : "onReverseComplete", !0), this._prom && !(v < m && this.timeScale() > 0) && this._prom()))); } return this; }), (r.add = function (t, e) { var r = this; if ((rt(e) || (e = ve(this, e, t)), !(t instanceof cr))) { if (ct(t)) return ( t.forEach(function (t) { return r.add(t, e); }), this ); if (tt(t)) return this.addLabel(t, e); if (!et(t)) return this; t = xr.delayedCall(0, t); } return this !== t ? ue(this, t, e) : this; }), (r.getChildren = function (t, e, r, i) { void 0 === t && (t = !0), void 0 === e && (e = !0), void 0 === r && (r = !0), void 0 === i && (i = -U); for (var n = [], o = this._first; o; ) o._start >= i && (o instanceof xr ? e && n.push(o) : (r && n.push(o), t && n.push.apply(n, o.getChildren(!0, e, r)))), (o = o._next); return n; }), (r.getById = function (t) { for (var e = this.getChildren(1, 1, 1), r = e.length; r--; ) if (e[r].vars.id === t) return e[r]; }), (r.remove = function (t) { return tt(t) ? this.removeLabel(t) : et(t) ? this.killTweensOf(t) : (Jt(this, t), t === this._recent && (this._recent = this._last), ee(this)); }), (r.totalTime = function (e, r) { return arguments.length ? ((this._forcing = 1), !this._dp && this._ts && (this._start = Nt(Ke.time - (this._ts > 0 ? e / this._ts : (this.totalDuration() - e) / -this._ts))), t.prototype.totalTime.call(this, e, r), (this._forcing = 0), this) : this._tTime; }), (r.addLabel = function (t, e) { return (this.labels[t] = ve(this, e)), this; }), (r.removeLabel = function (t) { return delete this.labels[t], this; }), (r.addPause = function (t, e, r) { var i = xr.delayedCall(0, e || Tt, r); return (i.data = "isPause"), (this._hasPause = 1), ue(this, i, ve(this, t)); }), (r.removePause = function (t) { var e = this._first; for (t = ve(this, t); e; ) e._start === t && "isPause" === e.data && te(e), (e = e._next); }), (r.killTweensOf = function (t, e, r) { for (var i = this.getTweensOf(t, r), n = i.length; n--; ) hr !== i[n] && i[n].kill(t, e); return this; }), (r.getTweensOf = function (t, e) { for (var r, i = [], n = Ce(t), o = this._first, s = rt(e); o; ) o instanceof xr ? Yt(o._targets, n) && (s ? (!hr || (o._initted && o._ts)) && o.globalTime(0) <= e && o.globalTime(o.totalDuration()) > e : !e || o.isActive()) && i.push(o) : (r = o.getTweensOf(n, e)).length && i.push.apply(i, r), (o = o._next); return i; }), (r.tweenTo = function (t, e) { e = e || {}; var r, i = this, n = ve(i, t), o = e, s = o.startAt, a = o.onStart, l = o.onStartParams, c = o.immediateRender, u = xr.to( i, Gt( { ease: e.ease || "none", lazy: !1, immediateRender: !1, time: n, overwrite: "auto", duration: e.duration || Math.abs((n - (s && "time" in s ? s.time : i._time)) / i.timeScale()) || G, onStart: function () { if ((i.pause(), !r)) { var t = e.duration || Math.abs((n - (s && "time" in s ? s.time : i._time)) / i.timeScale()); u._dur !== t && de(u, t, 0, 1).render(u._time, !0, !0), (r = 1); } a && a.apply(u, l || []); }, }, e ) ); return c ? u.render(0) : u; }), (r.tweenFromTo = function (t, e, r) { return this.tweenTo(e, Gt({ startAt: { time: ve(this, t) } }, r)); }), (r.recent = function () { return this._recent; }), (r.nextLabel = function (t) { return void 0 === t && (t = this._time), Ie(this, ve(this, t)); }), (r.previousLabel = function (t) { return void 0 === t && (t = this._time), Ie(this, ve(this, t), 1); }), (r.currentLabel = function (t) { return arguments.length ? this.seek(t, !0) : this.previousLabel(this._time + G); }), (r.shiftChildren = function (t, e, r) { void 0 === r && (r = 0); for (var i, n = this._first, o = this.labels; n; ) n._start >= r && ((n._start += t), (n._end += t)), (n = n._next); if (e) for (i in o) o[i] >= r && (o[i] += t); return ee(this); }), (r.invalidate = function (e) { var r = this._first; for (this._lock = 0; r; ) r.invalidate(e), (r = r._next); return t.prototype.invalidate.call(this, e); }), (r.clear = function (t) { void 0 === t && (t = !0); for (var e, r = this._first; r; ) (e = r._next), this.remove(r), (r = e); return this._dp && (this._time = this._tTime = this._pTime = 0), t && (this.labels = {}), ee(this); }), (r.totalDuration = function (t) { var e, r, i, n = 0, o = this, s = o._last, a = U; if (arguments.length) return o.timeScale((o._repeat < 0 ? o.duration() : o.totalDuration()) / (o.reversed() ? -t : t)); if (o._dirty) { for (i = o.parent; s; ) (e = s._prev), s._dirty && s.totalDuration(), (r = s._start) > a && o._sort && s._ts && !o._lock ? ((o._lock = 1), (ue(o, s, r - s._delay, 1)._lock = 0)) : (a = r), r < 0 && s._ts && ((n -= r), ((!i && !o._dp) || (i && i.smoothChildTiming)) && ((o._start += r / o._ts), (o._time -= r), (o._tTime -= r)), o.shiftChildren(-r, !1, -Infinity), (a = 0)), s._end > n && s._ts && (n = s._end), (s = e); de(o, o === D && o._time > n ? o._time : n, 1, 1), (o._dirty = 0); } return o._tDur; }), (e.updateRoot = function (t) { if ((D._ts && (Vt(D, se(t, D)), (W = Ke.frame)), Ke.frame >= Dt)) { Dt += V.autoSleep || 120; var e = D._first; if ((!e || !e._ts) && V.autoSleep && Ke._listeners.length < 2) { for (; e && !e._ts; ) e = e._next; e || Ke.sleep(); } } }), e ); })(cr); Gt(ur.prototype, { _lock: 0, _hasPause: 0, _forcing: 0 }); var hr, fr, pr = function (t, e, r, i, n, o, s) { var a, l, c, u, h, f, p, g, d = new Ir(this._pt, t, e, 0, 1, Sr, null, n), m = 0, _ = 0; for (d.b = r, d.e = i, r += "", (p = ~(i += "").indexOf("random(")) && (i = Re(i)), o && (o((g = [r, i]), t, e), (r = g[0]), (i = g[1])), l = r.match(pt) || []; (a = pt.exec(i)); ) (u = a[0]), (h = i.substring(m, a.index)), c ? (c = (c + 1) % 5) : "rgba(" === h.substr(-5) && (c = 1), u !== l[_++] && ((f = parseFloat(l[_ - 1]) || 0), (d._pt = { _next: d._pt, p: h || 1 === _ ? h : ",", s: f, c: "=" === u.charAt(1) ? qt(f, u) - f : parseFloat(u) - f, m: c && c < 4 ? Math.round : 0 }), (m = pt.lastIndex)); return (d.c = m < i.length ? i.substring(m, i.length) : ""), (d.fp = s), (gt.test(i) || p) && (d.e = 0), (this._pt = d), d; }, gr = function (t, e, r, i, n, o, s, a, l, c) { et(i) && (i = i(n || 0, t, o)); var u, h = t[e], f = "get" !== r ? r : et(h) ? (l ? t[e.indexOf("set") || !et(t["get" + e.substr(3)]) ? e : "get" + e.substr(3)](l) : t[e]()) : h, p = et(h) ? (l ? kr : Tr) : wr; if ((tt(i) && (~i.indexOf("random(") && (i = Re(i)), "=" === i.charAt(1) && ((u = qt(f, i) + (we(f) || 0)) || 0 === u) && (i = u)), !c || f !== i || fr)) return isNaN(f * i) || "" === i ? (!h && !(e in t) && bt(e, i), pr.call(this, t, e, f, i, p, a || V.stringFilter, l)) : ((u = new Ir(this._pt, t, e, +f || 0, i - (f || 0), "boolean" == typeof h ? Mr : Ar, 0, p)), l && (u.fp = l), s && u.modifier(s, this, t), (this._pt = u)); }, dr = function (t, e, r, i, n, o) { var s, a, l, c; if ( Ot[t] && !1 !== (s = new Ot[t]()).init( n, s.rawVars ? e[t] : (function (t, e, r, i, n) { if ((et(t) && (t = vr(t, n, e, r, i)), !nt(t) || (t.style && t.nodeType) || ct(t) || lt(t))) return tt(t) ? vr(t, n, e, r, i) : t; var o, s = {}; for (o in t) s[o] = vr(t[o], n, e, r, i); return s; })(e[t], i, n, o, r), r, i, o ) && ((r._pt = a = new Ir(r._pt, n, t, 0, 1, s.render, s, 0, s.priority)), r !== z) ) for (l = r._ptLookup[r._targets.indexOf(n)], c = s._props.length; c--; ) l[s._props[c]] = a; return s; }, mr = function t(e, r, i) { var n, o, s, a, l, c, u, h, f, p, g, d, m, _ = e.vars, v = _.ease, y = _.startAt, b = _.immediateRender, x = _.lazy, w = _.onUpdate, T = _.onUpdateParams, k = _.callbackScope, C = _.runBackwards, E = _.yoyoEase, A = _.keyframes, M = _.autoRevert, P = e._dur, R = e._startAt, B = e._targets, I = e.parent, L = I && "nested" === I.data ? I.vars.targets : B, W = "auto" === e._overwrite && !S, z = e.timeline; if ( (z && (!A || !v) && (v = "none"), (e._ease = ir(v, H.ease)), (e._yEase = E ? er(ir(!0 === E ? v : E, H.ease)) : 0), E && e._yoyo && !e._repeat && ((E = e._yEase), (e._yEase = e._ease), (e._ease = E)), (e._from = !z && !!_.runBackwards), !z || (A && !_.stagger)) ) { if (((d = (h = B[0] ? Lt(B[0]).harness : 0) && _[h.prop]), (n = Qt(_, At)), R && (R._zTime < 0 && R.progress(1), r < 0 && C && b && !M ? R.render(-1, !0) : R.revert(C && P ? Ct : kt), (R._lazy = 0)), y)) { if ( (te((e._startAt = xr.set(B, Gt({ data: "isStart", overwrite: !1, parent: I, immediateRender: !0, lazy: !R && ot(x), startAt: null, delay: 0, onUpdate: w, onUpdateParams: T, callbackScope: k, stagger: 0 }, y)))), (e._startAt._dp = 0), (e._startAt._sat = e), r < 0 && (O || (!b && !M)) && e._startAt.revert(Ct), b && P && r <= 0 && i <= 0) ) return void (r && (e._zTime = r)); } else if (C && P && !R) if ( (r && (b = !1), (s = Gt({ overwrite: !1, data: "isFromStart", lazy: b && !R && ot(x), immediateRender: b, stagger: 0, parent: I }, n)), d && (s[h.prop] = d), te((e._startAt = xr.set(B, s))), (e._startAt._dp = 0), (e._startAt._sat = e), r < 0 && (O ? e._startAt.revert(Ct) : e._startAt.render(-1, !0)), (e._zTime = r), b) ) { if (!r) return; } else t(e._startAt, G, G); for (e._pt = e._ptCache = 0, x = (P && ot(x)) || (x && !P), o = 0; o < B.length; o++) { if ( ((u = (l = B[o])._gsap || It(B)[o]._gsap), (e._ptLookup[o] = p = {}), St[u.id] && Mt.length && Xt(), (g = L === B ? o : L.indexOf(l)), h && !1 !== (f = new h()).init(l, d || n, e, g, L) && ((e._pt = a = new Ir(e._pt, l, f.name, 0, 1, f.render, f, 0, f.priority)), f._props.forEach(function (t) { p[t] = a; }), f.priority && (c = 1)), !h || d) ) for (s in n) Ot[s] && (f = dr(s, n, e, g, l, L)) ? f.priority && (c = 1) : (p[s] = a = gr.call(e, l, s, "get", n[s], g, L, 0, _.stringFilter)); e._op && e._op[o] && e.kill(l, e._op[o]), W && e._pt && ((hr = e), D.killTweensOf(l, p, e.globalTime(r)), (m = !e.parent), (hr = 0)), e._pt && x && (St[u.id] = 1); } c && Br(e), e._onInit && e._onInit(e); } (e._onUpdate = w), (e._initted = (!e._op || e._pt) && !m), A && r <= 0 && z.render(U, !0, !0); }, _r = function (t, e, r, i) { var n, o, s = e.ease || i || "power1.inOut"; if (ct(e)) (o = r[t] || (r[t] = [])), e.forEach(function (t, r) { return o.push({ t: (r / (e.length - 1)) * 100, v: t, e: s }); }); else for (n in e) (o = r[n] || (r[n] = [])), "ease" === n || o.push({ t: parseFloat(t), v: e[n], e: s }); }, vr = function (t, e, r, i, n) { return et(t) ? t.call(e, r, i, n) : tt(t) && ~t.indexOf("random(") ? Re(t) : t; }, yr = Bt + "repeat,repeatDelay,yoyo,repeatRefresh,yoyoEase,autoRevert", br = {}; zt(yr + ",id,stagger,delay,duration,paused,scrollTrigger", function (t) { return (br[t] = 1); }); var xr = (function (t) { function e(e, r, i, n) { var o; "number" == typeof r && ((i.duration = r), (r = i), (i = null)); var s, a, l, c, u, h, f, p, g = (o = t.call(this, n ? r : Zt(r)) || this).vars, d = g.duration, m = g.delay, _ = g.immediateRender, v = g.stagger, y = g.overwrite, b = g.keyframes, x = g.defaults, w = g.scrollTrigger, T = g.yoyoEase, k = r.parent || D, C = (ct(e) || lt(e) ? rt(e[0]) : "length" in r) ? [e] : Ce(e); if (((o._targets = C.length ? It(C) : xt("GSAP target " + e + " not found. https://greensock.com", !V.nullTargetWarn) || []), (o._ptLookup = []), (o._overwrite = y), b || v || at(d) || at(m))) { if (((r = o.vars), (s = o.timeline = new ur({ data: "nested", defaults: x || {}, targets: k && "nested" === k.data ? k.vars.targets : C })).kill(), (s.parent = s._dp = A(o)), (s._start = 0), v || at(d) || at(m))) { if (((c = C.length), (f = v && Me(v)), nt(v))) for (u in v) ~yr.indexOf(u) && (p || (p = {}), (p[u] = v[u])); for (a = 0; a < c; a++) ((l = Qt(r, br)).stagger = 0), T && (l.yoyoEase = T), p && jt(l, p), (h = C[a]), (l.duration = +vr(d, A(o), a, h, C)), (l.delay = (+vr(m, A(o), a, h, C) || 0) - o._delay), !v && 1 === c && l.delay && ((o._delay = m = l.delay), (o._start += m), (l.delay = 0)), s.to(h, l, f ? f(a, h, C) : 0), (s._ease = Ze.none); s.duration() ? (d = m = 0) : (o.timeline = 0); } else if (b) { Zt(Gt(s.vars.defaults, { ease: "none" })), (s._ease = ir(b.ease || r.ease || "none")); var E, M, O, P = 0; if (ct(b)) b.forEach(function (t) { return s.to(C, t, ">"); }), s.duration(); else { for (u in ((l = {}), b)) "ease" === u || "easeEach" === u || _r(u, b[u], l, b.easeEach); for (u in l) for ( E = l[u].sort(function (t, e) { return t.t - e.t; }), P = 0, a = 0; a < E.length; a++ ) ((O = { ease: (M = E[a]).e, duration: ((M.t - (a ? E[a - 1].t : 0)) / 100) * d })[u] = M.v), s.to(C, O, P), (P += O.duration); s.duration() < d && s.to({}, { duration: d - s.duration() }); } } d || o.duration((d = s.duration())); } else o.timeline = 0; return ( !0 !== y || S || ((hr = A(o)), D.killTweensOf(C), (hr = 0)), ue(k, A(o), i), r.reversed && o.reverse(), r.paused && o.paused(!0), (_ || (!d && !b && o._start === Nt(k._time) && ot(_) && ie(A(o)) && "nested" !== k.data)) && ((o._tTime = -1e-8), o.render(Math.max(0, -m) || 0)), w && he(A(o), w), o ); } M(e, t); var r = e.prototype; return ( (r.render = function (t, e, r) { var i, n, o, s, a, l, c, u, h, f = this._time, p = this._tDur, g = this._dur, d = t < 0, m = t > p - G && !d ? p : t < G ? 0 : t; if (g) { if (m !== this._tTime || !t || r || (!this._initted && this._tTime) || (this._startAt && this._zTime < 0 !== d)) { if (((i = m), (u = this.timeline), this._repeat)) { if (((s = g + this._rDelay), this._repeat < -1 && d)) return this.totalTime(100 * s + t, e, r); if ( ((i = Nt(m % s)), m === p ? ((o = this._repeat), (i = g)) : ((o = ~~(m / s)) && o === m / s && ((i = g), o--), i > g && (i = g)), (l = this._yoyo && 1 & o) && ((h = this._yEase), (i = g - i)), (a = oe(this._tTime, s)), i === f && !r && this._initted) ) return (this._tTime = m), this; o !== a && (u && this._yEase && rr(u, l), !this.vars.repeatRefresh || l || this._lock || ((this._lock = r = 1), (this.render(Nt(s * o), !0).invalidate()._lock = 0))); } if (!this._initted) { if (fe(this, d ? t : i, r, e, m)) return (this._tTime = 0), this; if (f !== this._time) return this; if (g !== this._dur) return this.render(t, e, r); } if ( ((this._tTime = m), (this._time = i), !this._act && this._ts && ((this._act = 1), (this._lazy = 0)), (this.ratio = c = (h || this._ease)(i / g)), this._from && (this.ratio = c = 1 - c), i && !f && !e && !o && (Le(this, "onStart"), this._tTime !== m)) ) return this; for (n = this._pt; n; ) n.r(c, n.d), (n = n._next); (u && u.render(t < 0 ? t : !i && l ? -1e-8 : u._dur * u._ease(i / this._dur), e, r)) || (this._startAt && (this._zTime = t)), this._onUpdate && !e && (d && re(this, t, 0, r), Le(this, "onUpdate")), this._repeat && o !== a && this.vars.onRepeat && !e && this.parent && Le(this, "onRepeat"), (m !== this._tDur && m) || this._tTime !== m || (d && !this._onUpdate && re(this, t, 0, !0), (t || !g) && ((m === this._tDur && this._ts > 0) || (!m && this._ts < 0)) && te(this, 1), e || (d && !f) || !(m || f || l) || (Le(this, m === p ? "onComplete" : "onReverseComplete", !0), this._prom && !(m < p && this.timeScale() > 0) && this._prom())); } } else !(function (t, e, r, i) { var n, o, s, a = t.ratio, l = e < 0 || (!e && ((!t._start && pe(t) && (t._initted || !ge(t))) || ((t._ts < 0 || t._dp._ts < 0) && !ge(t)))) ? 0 : 1, c = t._rDelay, u = 0; if ( (c && t._repeat && ((u = xe(0, t._tDur, e)), (o = oe(u, c)), t._yoyo && 1 & o && (l = 1 - l), o !== oe(t._tTime, c) && ((a = 1 - l), t.vars.repeatRefresh && t._initted && t.invalidate())), l !== a || O || i || t._zTime === G || (!e && t._zTime)) ) { if (!t._initted && fe(t, e, i, r, u)) return; for (s = t._zTime, t._zTime = e || (r ? G : 0), r || (r = e && !s), t.ratio = l, t._from && (l = 1 - l), t._time = 0, t._tTime = u, n = t._pt; n; ) n.r(l, n.d), (n = n._next); e < 0 && re(t, e, 0, !0), t._onUpdate && !r && Le(t, "onUpdate"), u && t._repeat && !r && t.parent && Le(t, "onRepeat"), (e >= t._tDur || e < 0) && t.ratio === l && (l && te(t, 1), r || O || (Le(t, l ? "onComplete" : "onReverseComplete", !0), t._prom && t._prom())); } else t._zTime || (t._zTime = e); })(this, t, e, r); return this; }), (r.targets = function () { return this._targets; }), (r.invalidate = function (e) { return ( (!e || !this.vars.runBackwards) && (this._startAt = 0), (this._pt = this._op = this._onUpdate = this._lazy = this.ratio = 0), (this._ptLookup = []), this.timeline && this.timeline.invalidate(e), t.prototype.invalidate.call(this, e) ); }), (r.resetTo = function (t, e, r, i) { F || Ke.wake(), this._ts || this.play(); var n = Math.min(this._dur, (this._dp._time - this._start) * this._ts); return ( this._initted || mr(this, n), (function (t, e, r, i, n, o, s) { var a, l, c, u, h = ((t._pt && t._ptCache) || (t._ptCache = {}))[e]; if (!h) for (h = t._ptCache[e] = [], c = t._ptLookup, u = t._targets.length; u--; ) { if ((a = c[u][e]) && a.d && a.d._pt) for (a = a.d._pt; a && a.p !== e && a.fp !== e; ) a = a._next; if (!a) return (fr = 1), (t.vars[e] = "+=0"), mr(t, s), (fr = 0), 1; h.push(a); } for (u = h.length; u--; ) ((a = (l = h[u])._pt || l).s = (!i && 0 !== i) || n ? a.s + (i || 0) + o * a.c : i), (a.c = r - a.s), l.e && (l.e = Ft(r) + we(l.e)), l.b && (l.b = a.s + we(l.b)); })(this, t, e, r, i, this._ease(n / this._dur), n) ? this.resetTo(t, e, r, i) : (le(this, 0), this.parent || $t(this._dp, this, "_first", "_last", this._dp._sort ? "_start" : 0), this.render(0)) ); }), (r.kill = function (t, e) { if ((void 0 === e && (e = "all"), !(t || (e && "all" !== e)))) return (this._lazy = this._pt = 0), this.parent ? We(this) : this; if (this.timeline) { var r = this.timeline.totalDuration(); return this.timeline.killTweensOf(t, e, hr && !0 !== hr.vars.overwrite)._first || We(this), this.parent && r !== this.timeline.totalDuration() && de(this, (this._dur * this.timeline._tDur) / r, 0, 1), this; } var i, n, o, s, a, l, c, u = this._targets, h = t ? Ce(t) : u, f = this._ptLookup, p = this._pt; if ( (!e || "all" === e) && (function (t, e) { for (var r = t.length, i = r === e.length; i && r-- && t[r] === e[r]; ); return r < 0; })(u, h) ) return "all" === e && (this._pt = 0), We(this); for ( i = this._op = this._op || [], "all" !== e && (tt(e) && ((a = {}), zt(e, function (t) { return (a[t] = 1); }), (e = a)), (e = (function (t, e) { var r, i, n, o, s = t[0] ? Lt(t[0]).harness : 0, a = s && s.aliases; if (!a) return e; for (i in ((r = jt({}, e)), a)) if ((i in r)) for (n = (o = a[i].split(",")).length; n--; ) r[o[n]] = r[i]; return r; })(u, e))), c = u.length; c--; ) if (~h.indexOf(u[c])) for (a in ((n = f[c]), "all" === e ? ((i[c] = e), (s = n), (o = {})) : ((o = i[c] = i[c] || {}), (s = e)), s)) (l = n && n[a]) && (("kill" in l.d && !0 !== l.d.kill(a)) || Jt(this, l, "_pt"), delete n[a]), "all" !== o && (o[a] = 1); return this._initted && !this._pt && p && We(this), this; }), (e.to = function (t, r) { return new e(t, r, arguments[2]); }), (e.from = function (t, e) { return ye(1, arguments); }), (e.delayedCall = function (t, r, i, n) { return new e(r, 0, { immediateRender: !1, lazy: !1, overwrite: !1, delay: t, onComplete: r, onReverseComplete: r, onCompleteParams: i, onReverseCompleteParams: i, callbackScope: n }); }), (e.fromTo = function (t, e, r) { return ye(2, arguments); }), (e.set = function (t, r) { return (r.duration = 0), r.repeatDelay || (r.repeat = 0), new e(t, r); }), (e.killTweensOf = function (t, e, r) { return D.killTweensOf(t, e, r); }), e ); })(cr); Gt(xr.prototype, { _targets: [], _lazy: 0, _startAt: 0, _op: 0, _onInit: 0 }), zt("staggerTo,staggerFrom,staggerFromTo", function (t) { xr[t] = function () { var e = new ur(), r = Te.call(arguments, 0); return r.splice("staggerFromTo" === t ? 5 : 4, 0, 0), e[t].apply(e, r); }; }); var wr = function (t, e, r) { return (t[e] = r); }, Tr = function (t, e, r) { return t[e](r); }, kr = function (t, e, r, i) { return t[e](i.fp, r); }, Cr = function (t, e, r) { return t.setAttribute(e, r); }, Er = function (t, e) { return et(t[e]) ? Tr : it(t[e]) && t.setAttribute ? Cr : wr; }, Ar = function (t, e) { return e.set(e.t, e.p, Math.round(1e6 * (e.s + e.c * t)) / 1e6, e); }, Mr = function (t, e) { return e.set(e.t, e.p, !!(e.s + e.c * t), e); }, Sr = function (t, e) { var r = e._pt, i = ""; if (!t && e.b) i = e.b; else if (1 === t && e.e) i = e.e; else { for (; r; ) (i = r.p + (r.m ? r.m(r.s + r.c * t) : Math.round(1e4 * (r.s + r.c * t)) / 1e4) + i), (r = r._next); i += e.c; } e.set(e.t, e.p, i, e); }, Or = function (t, e) { for (var r = e._pt; r; ) r.r(t, r.d), (r = r._next); }, Pr = function (t, e, r, i) { for (var n, o = this._pt; o; ) (n = o._next), o.p === i && o.modifier(t, e, r), (o = n); }, Dr = function (t) { for (var e, r, i = this._pt; i; ) (r = i._next), (i.p === t && !i.op) || i.op === t ? Jt(this, i, "_pt") : i.dep || (e = 1), (i = r); return !e; }, Rr = function (t, e, r, i) { i.mSet(t, e, i.m.call(i.tween, r, i.mt), i); }, Br = function (t) { for (var e, r, i, n, o = t._pt; o; ) { for (e = o._next, r = i; r && r.pr > o.pr; ) r = r._next; (o._prev = r ? r._prev : n) ? (o._prev._next = o) : (i = o), (o._next = r) ? (r._prev = o) : (n = o), (o = e); } t._pt = i; }, Ir = (function () { function t(t, e, r, i, n, o, s, a, l) { (this.t = e), (this.s = i), (this.c = n), (this.p = r), (this.r = o || Ar), (this.d = s || this), (this.set = a || wr), (this.pr = l || 0), (this._next = t), t && (t._prev = this); } return ( (t.prototype.modifier = function (t, e, r) { (this.mSet = this.mSet || this.set), (this.set = Rr), (this.m = t), (this.mt = r), (this.tween = e); }), t ); })(); zt( Bt + "parent,duration,ease,delay,overwrite,runBackwards,startAt,yoyo,immediateRender,repeat,repeatDelay,data,paused,reversed,lazy,callbackScope,stringFilter,id,yoyoEase,stagger,inherit,repeatRefresh,keyframes,autoRevert,scrollTrigger", function (t) { return (At[t] = 1); } ), (_t.TweenMax = _t.TweenLite = xr), (_t.TimelineLite = _t.TimelineMax = ur), (D = new ur({ sortChildren: !1, defaults: H, autoRemoveChildren: !0, id: "root", smoothChildTiming: !0 })), (V.stringFilter = je); var Lr = [], Wr = {}, zr = [], Fr = 0, Nr = 0, qr = function (t) { return (Wr[t] || zr).map(function (t) { return t(); }); }, Yr = function () { var t = Date.now(), e = []; t - Fr > 2 && (qr("matchMediaInit"), Lr.forEach(function (t) { var r, i, n, o, s = t.queries, a = t.conditions; for (i in s) (r = R.matchMedia(s[i]).matches) && (n = 1), r !== a[i] && ((a[i] = r), (o = 1)); o && (t.revert(), n && e.push(t)); }), qr("matchMediaRevert"), e.forEach(function (t) { return t.onMatch(t); }), (Fr = t), qr("matchMedia")); }, Xr = (function () { function t(t, e) { (this.selector = e && Ee(e)), (this.data = []), (this._r = []), (this.isReverted = !1), (this.id = Nr++), t && this.add(t); } var e = t.prototype; return ( (e.add = function (t, e, r) { et(t) && ((r = e), (e = t), (t = et)); var i = this, n = function () { var t, n = P, o = i.selector; return n && n !== i && n.data.push(i), r && (i.selector = Ee(r)), (P = i), (t = e.apply(i, arguments)), et(t) && i._r.push(t), (P = n), (i.selector = o), (i.isReverted = !1), t; }; return (i.last = n), t === et ? n(i) : t ? (i[t] = n) : n; }), (e.ignore = function (t) { var e = P; (P = null), t(this), (P = e); }), (e.getTweens = function () { var e = []; return ( this.data.forEach(function (r) { return r instanceof t ? e.push.apply(e, r.getTweens()) : r instanceof xr && !(r.parent && "nested" === r.parent.data) && e.push(r); }), e ); }), (e.clear = function () { this._r.length = this.data.length = 0; }), (e.kill = function (t, e) { var r = this; if (t) { var i = this.getTweens(); this.data.forEach(function (t) { "isFlip" === t.data && (t.revert(), t.getChildren(!0, !0, !1).forEach(function (t) { return i.splice(i.indexOf(t), 1); })); }), i .map(function (t) { return { g: t.globalTime(0), t }; }) .sort(function (t, e) { return e.g - t.g || -1; }) .forEach(function (e) { return e.t.revert(t); }), this.data.forEach(function (e) { return e instanceof ur ? "nested" !== e.data && e.kill() : !(e instanceof xr) && e.revert && e.revert(t); }), this._r.forEach(function (e) { return e(t, r); }), (this.isReverted = !0); } else this.data.forEach(function (t) { return t.kill && t.kill(); }); if ((this.clear(), e)) for (var n = Lr.length; n--; ) Lr[n].id === this.id && Lr.splice(n, 1); }), (e.revert = function (t) { this.kill(t || {}); }), t ); })(), Vr = (function () { function t(t) { (this.contexts = []), (this.scope = t); } var e = t.prototype; return ( (e.add = function (t, e, r) { nt(t) || (t = { matches: t }); var i, n, o, s = new Xr(0, r || this.scope), a = (s.conditions = {}); for (n in (P && !s.selector && (s.selector = P.selector), this.contexts.push(s), (e = s.add("onMatch", e)), (s.queries = t), t)) "all" === n ? (o = 1) : (i = R.matchMedia(t[n])) && (Lr.indexOf(s) < 0 && Lr.push(s), (a[n] = i.matches) && (o = 1), i.addListener ? i.addListener(Yr) : i.addEventListener("change", Yr)); return o && e(s), this; }), (e.revert = function (t) { this.kill(t || {}); }), (e.kill = function (t) { this.contexts.forEach(function (e) { return e.kill(t, !0); }); }), t ); })(), Hr = { registerPlugin: function () { for (var t = arguments.length, e = new Array(t), r = 0; r < t; r++) e[r] = arguments[r]; e.forEach(function (t) { return Fe(t); }); }, timeline: function (t) { return new ur(t); }, getTweensOf: function (t, e) { return D.getTweensOf(t, e); }, getProperty: function (t, e, r, i) { tt(t) && (t = Ce(t)[0]); var n = Lt(t || {}).get, o = r ? Ut : Ht; return ( "native" === r && (r = ""), t ? e ? o(((Ot[e] && Ot[e].get) || n)(t, e, r, i)) : function (e, r, i) { return o(((Ot[e] && Ot[e].get) || n)(t, e, r, i)); } : t ); }, quickSetter: function (t, e, r) { if ((t = Ce(t)).length > 1) { var i = t.map(function (t) { return jr.quickSetter(t, e, r); }), n = i.length; return function (t) { for (var e = n; e--; ) i[e](t); }; } t = t[0] || {}; var o = Ot[e], s = Lt(t), a = (s.harness && (s.harness.aliases || {})[e]) || e, l = o ? function (e) { var i = new o(); (z._pt = 0), i.init(t, r ? e + r : e, z, 0, [t]), i.render(1, i), z._pt && Or(1, z); } : s.set(t, a); return o ? l : function (e) { return l(t, a, r ? e + r : e, s, 1); }; }, quickTo: function (t, e, r) { var i, n = jr.to(t, jt((((i = {})[e] = "+=0.1"), (i.paused = !0), i), r || {})), o = function (t, r, i) { return n.resetTo(e, t, r, i); }; return (o.tween = n), o; }, isTweening: function (t) { return D.getTweensOf(t, !0).length > 0; }, defaults: function (t) { return t && t.ease && (t.ease = ir(t.ease, H.ease)), Kt(H, t || {}); }, config: function (t) { return Kt(V, t || {}); }, registerEffect: function (t) { var e = t.name, r = t.effect, i = t.plugins, n = t.defaults, o = t.extendTimeline; (i || "").split(",").forEach(function (t) { return t && !Ot[t] && !_t[t] && xt(e + " effect requires " + t + " plugin."); }), (Pt[e] = function (t, e, i) { return r(Ce(t), Gt(e || {}, n), i); }), o && (ur.prototype[e] = function (t, r, i) { return this.add(Pt[e](t, nt(r) ? r : (i = r) && {}, this), i); }); }, registerEase: function (t, e) { Ze[t] = ir(e); }, parseEase: function (t, e) { return arguments.length ? ir(t, e) : Ze; }, getById: function (t) { return D.getById(t); }, exportRoot: function (t, e) { void 0 === t && (t = {}); var r, i, n = new ur(t); for (n.smoothChildTiming = ot(t.smoothChildTiming), D.remove(n), n._dp = 0, n._time = n._tTime = D._time, r = D._first; r; ) (i = r._next), (!e && !r._dur && r instanceof xr && r.vars.onComplete === r._targets[0]) || ue(n, r, r._start - r._delay), (r = i); return ue(D, n, 0), n; }, context: function (t, e) { return t ? new Xr(t, e) : P; }, matchMedia: function (t) { return new Vr(t); }, matchMediaRefresh: function () { return ( Lr.forEach(function (t) { var e, r, i = t.conditions; for (r in i) i[r] && ((i[r] = !1), (e = 1)); e && t.revert(); }) || Yr() ); }, addEventListener: function (t, e) { var r = Wr[t] || (Wr[t] = []); ~r.indexOf(e) || r.push(e); }, removeEventListener: function (t, e) { var r = Wr[t], i = r && r.indexOf(e); i >= 0 && r.splice(i, 1); }, utils: { wrap: function t(e, r, i) { var n = r - e; return ct(e) ? De(e, t(0, e.length), r) : be(i, function (t) { return ((n + ((t - e) % n)) % n) + e; }); }, wrapYoyo: function t(e, r, i) { var n = r - e, o = 2 * n; return ct(e) ? De(e, t(0, e.length - 1), r) : be(i, function (t) { return e + ((t = (o + ((t - e) % o)) % o || 0) > n ? o - t : t); }); }, distribute: Me, random: Pe, snap: Oe, normalize: function (t, e, r) { return Be(t, e, 0, 1, r); }, getUnit: we, clamp: function (t, e, r) { return be(r, function (r) { return xe(t, e, r); }); }, splitColor: Xe, toArray: Ce, selector: Ee, mapRange: Be, pipe: function () { for (var t = arguments.length, e = new Array(t), r = 0; r < t; r++) e[r] = arguments[r]; return function (t) { return e.reduce(function (t, e) { return e(t); }, t); }; }, unitize: function (t, e) { return function (r) { return t(parseFloat(r)) + (e || we(r)); }; }, interpolate: function t(e, r, i, n) { var o = isNaN(e + r) ? 0 : function (t) { return (1 - t) * e + t * r; }; if (!o) { var s, a, l, c, u, h = tt(e), f = {}; if ((!0 === i && (n = 1) && (i = null), h)) (e = { p: e }), (r = { p: r }); else if (ct(e) && !ct(r)) { for (l = [], c = e.length, u = c - 2, a = 1; a < c; a++) l.push(t(e[a - 1], e[a])); c--, (o = function (t) { t *= c; var e = Math.min(u, ~~t); return l[e](t - e); }), (i = r); } else n || (e = jt(ct(e) ? [] : {}, e)); if (!l) { for (s in r) gr.call(f, e, s, "get", r[s]); o = function (t) { return Or(t, f) || (h ? e.p : e); }; } } return be(i, o); }, shuffle: Ae, }, install: yt, effects: Pt, ticker: Ke, updateRoot: ur.updateRoot, plugins: Ot, globalTimeline: D, core: { PropTween: Ir, globals: wt, Tween: xr, Timeline: ur, Animation: cr, getCache: Lt, _removeLinkedListItem: Jt, reverting: function () { return O; }, context: function (t) { return t && P && (P.data.push(t), (t._ctx = P)), P; }, suppressOverwrites: function (t) { return (S = t); }, }, }; zt("to,from,fromTo,delayedCall,set,killTweensOf", function (t) { return (Hr[t] = xr[t]); }), Ke.add(ur.updateRoot), (z = Hr.to({}, { duration: 0 })); var Ur = function (t, e) { for (var r = t._pt; r && r.p !== e && r.op !== e && r.fp !== e; ) r = r._next; return r; }, Gr = function (t, e) { return { name: t, rawVars: 1, init: function (t, r, i) { i._onInit = function (t) { var i, n; if ( (tt(r) && ((i = {}), zt(r, function (t) { return (i[t] = 1); }), (r = i)), e) ) { for (n in ((i = {}), r)) i[n] = e(r[n]); r = i; } !(function (t, e) { var r, i, n, o = t._targets; for (r in e) for (i = o.length; i--; ) (n = t._ptLookup[i][r]) && (n = n.d) && (n._pt && (n = Ur(n, r)), n && n.modifier && n.modifier(e[r], t, o[i], r)); })(t, r); }; }, }; }, jr = Hr.registerPlugin( { name: "attr", init: function (t, e, r, i, n) { var o, s, a; for (o in ((this.tween = r), e)) (a = t.getAttribute(o) || ""), ((s = this.add(t, "setAttribute", (a || 0) + "", e[o], i, n, 0, 0, o)).op = o), (s.b = a), this._props.push(o); }, render: function (t, e) { for (var r = e._pt; r; ) O ? r.set(r.t, r.p, r.b, r) : r.r(t, r.d), (r = r._next); }, }, { name: "endArray", init: function (t, e) { for (var r = e.length; r--; ) this.add(t, r, t[r] || 0, e[r], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); }, }, Gr("roundProps", Se), Gr("modifiers"), Gr("snap", Oe) ) || Hr; (xr.version = ur.version = jr.version = "3.12.1"), (L = 1), st() && Qe(), Ze.Power0, Ze.Power1, Ze.Power2, Ze.Power3, Ze.Power4, Ze.Linear, Ze.Quad, Ze.Cubic, Ze.Quart, Ze.Quint, Ze.Strong, Ze.Elastic, Ze.Back, Ze.SteppedEase, Ze.Bounce, Ze.Sine, Ze.Expo, Ze.Circ; var Kr, Qr, Zr, $r, Jr, ti, ei, ri, ii = {}, ni = 180 / Math.PI, oi = Math.PI / 180, si = Math.atan2, ai = /([A-Z])/g, li = /(left|right|width|margin|padding|x)/i, ci = /[\s,\(]\S/, ui = { autoAlpha: "opacity,visibility", scale: "scaleX,scaleY", alpha: "opacity" }, hi = function (t, e) { return e.set(e.t, e.p, Math.round(1e4 * (e.s + e.c * t)) / 1e4 + e.u, e); }, fi = function (t, e) { return e.set(e.t, e.p, 1 === t ? e.e : Math.round(1e4 * (e.s + e.c * t)) / 1e4 + e.u, e); }, pi = function (t, e) { return e.set(e.t, e.p, t ? Math.round(1e4 * (e.s + e.c * t)) / 1e4 + e.u : e.b, e); }, gi = function (t, e) { var r = e.s + e.c * t; e.set(e.t, e.p, ~~(r + (r < 0 ? -0.5 : 0.5)) + e.u, e); }, di = function (t, e) { return e.set(e.t, e.p, t ? e.e : e.b, e); }, mi = function (t, e) { return e.set(e.t, e.p, 1 !== t ? e.b : e.e, e); }, _i = function (t, e, r) { return (t.style[e] = r); }, vi = function (t, e, r) { return t.style.setProperty(e, r); }, yi = function (t, e, r) { return (t._gsap[e] = r); }, bi = function (t, e, r) { return (t._gsap.scaleX = t._gsap.scaleY = r); }, xi = function (t, e, r, i, n) { var o = t._gsap; (o.scaleX = o.scaleY = r), o.renderTransform(n, o); }, wi = function (t, e, r, i, n) { var o = t._gsap; (o[e] = r), o.renderTransform(n, o); }, Ti = "transform", ki = Ti + "Origin", Ci = function t(e, r) { var i = this, n = this.target, o = n.style; if (e in ii && o) { if (((this.tfm = this.tfm || {}), "transform" === e)) return ui.transform.split(",").forEach(function (e) { return t.call(i, e, r); }); if ( (~(e = ui[e] || e).indexOf(",") ? e.split(",").forEach(function (t) { return (i.tfm[t] = Xi(n, t)); }) : (this.tfm[e] = n._gsap.x ? n._gsap[e] : Xi(n, e)), this.props.indexOf(Ti) >= 0) ) return; n._gsap.svg && ((this.svgo = n.getAttribute("data-svg-origin")), this.props.push(ki, r, "")), (e = Ti); } (o || r) && this.props.push(e, r, o[e]); }, Ei = function (t) { t.translate && (t.removeProperty("translate"), t.removeProperty("scale"), t.removeProperty("rotate")); }, Ai = function () { var t, e, r = this.props, i = this.target, n = i.style, o = i._gsap; for (t = 0; t < r.length; t += 3) r[t + 1] ? (i[r[t]] = r[t + 2]) : r[t + 2] ? (n[r[t]] = r[t + 2]) : n.removeProperty("--" === r[t].substr(0, 2) ? r[t] : r[t].replace(ai, "-$1").toLowerCase()); if (this.tfm) { for (e in this.tfm) o[e] = this.tfm[e]; o.svg && (o.renderTransform(), i.setAttribute("data-svg-origin", this.svgo || "")), ((t = ei()) && t.isStart) || n[Ti] || (Ei(n), (o.uncache = 1)); } }, Mi = function (t, e) { var r = { target: t, props: [], revert: Ai, save: Ci }; return ( t._gsap || jr.core.getCache(t), e && e.split(",").forEach(function (t) { return r.save(t); }), r ); }, Si = function (t, e) { var r = Qr.createElementNS ? Qr.createElementNS((e || "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml").replace(/^https/, "http"), t) : Qr.createElement(t); return r.style ? r : Qr.createElement(t); }, Oi = function t(e, r, i) { var n = getComputedStyle(e); return n[r] || n.getPropertyValue(r.replace(ai, "-$1").toLowerCase()) || n.getPropertyValue(r) || (!i && t(e, Di(r) || r, 1)) || ""; }, Pi = "O,Moz,ms,Ms,Webkit".split(","), Di = function (t, e, r) { var i = (e || Jr).style, n = 5; if (t in i && !r) return t; for (t = t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.substr(1); n-- && !(Pi[n] + t in i); ); return n < 0 ? null : (3 === n ? "ms" : n >= 0 ? Pi[n] : "") + t; }, Ri = function () { "undefined" != typeof window && window.document && ((Kr = window), (Qr = Kr.document), (Zr = Qr.documentElement), (Jr = Si("div") || { style: {} }), Si("div"), (Ti = Di(Ti)), (ki = Ti + "Origin"), (Jr.style.cssText = "border-width:0;line-height:0;position:absolute;padding:0"), (ri = !!Di("perspective")), (ei = jr.core.reverting), ($r = 1)); }, Bi = function t(e) { var r, i = Si("svg", (this.ownerSVGElement && this.ownerSVGElement.getAttribute("xmlns")) || "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), n = this.parentNode, o = this.nextSibling, s = this.style.cssText; if ((Zr.appendChild(i), i.appendChild(this), (this.style.display = "block"), e)) try { (r = this.getBBox()), (this._gsapBBox = this.getBBox), (this.getBBox = t); } catch (t) {} else this._gsapBBox && (r = this._gsapBBox()); return n && (o ? n.insertBefore(this, o) : n.appendChild(this)), Zr.removeChild(i), (this.style.cssText = s), r; }, Ii = function (t, e) { for (var r = e.length; r--; ) if (t.hasAttribute(e[r])) return t.getAttribute(e[r]); }, Li = function (t) { var e; try { e = t.getBBox(); } catch (r) { e = Bi.call(t, !0); } return (e && (e.width || e.height)) || t.getBBox === Bi || (e = Bi.call(t, !0)), !e || e.width || e.x || e.y ? e : { x: +Ii(t, ["x", "cx", "x1"]) || 0, y: +Ii(t, ["y", "cy", "y1"]) || 0, width: 0, height: 0 }; }, Wi = function (t) { return !(!t.getCTM || (t.parentNode && !t.ownerSVGElement) || !Li(t)); }, zi = function (t, e) { if (e) { var r = t.style; e in ii && e !== ki && (e = Ti), r.removeProperty ? (("ms" !== e.substr(0, 2) && "webkit" !== e.substr(0, 6)) || (e = "-" + e), r.removeProperty(e.replace(ai, "-$1").toLowerCase())) : r.removeAttribute(e); } }, Fi = function (t, e, r, i, n, o) { var s = new Ir(t._pt, e, r, 0, 1, o ? mi : di); return (t._pt = s), (s.b = i), (s.e = n), t._props.push(r), s; }, Ni = { deg: 1, rad: 1, turn: 1 }, qi = { grid: 1, flex: 1 }, Yi = function t(e, r, i, n) { var o, s, a, l, c = parseFloat(i) || 0, u = (i + "").trim().substr((c + "").length) || "px", h = Jr.style, f = li.test(r), p = "svg" === e.tagName.toLowerCase(), g = (p ? "client" : "offset") + (f ? "Width" : "Height"), d = 100, m = "px" === n, _ = "%" === n; return n === u || !c || Ni[n] || Ni[u] ? c : ("px" !== u && !m && (c = t(e, r, i, "px")), (l = e.getCTM && Wi(e)), (!_ && "%" !== u) || (!ii[r] && !~r.indexOf("adius")) ? ((h[f ? "width" : "height"] = d + (m ? u : n)), (s = ~r.indexOf("adius") || ("em" === n && e.appendChild && !p) ? e : e.parentNode), l && (s = (e.ownerSVGElement || {}).parentNode), (s && s !== Qr && s.appendChild) || (s = Qr.body), (a = s._gsap) && _ && a.width && f && a.time === Ke.time && !a.uncache ? Ft((c / a.width) * d) : ((_ || "%" === u) && !qi[Oi(s, "display")] && (h.position = Oi(e, "position")), s === e && (h.position = "static"), s.appendChild(Jr), (o = Jr[g]), s.removeChild(Jr), (h.position = "absolute"), f && _ && (((a = Lt(s)).time = Ke.time), (a.width = s[g])), Ft(m ? (o * c) / d : o && c ? (d / o) * c : 0))) : ((o = l ? e.getBBox()[f ? "width" : "height"] : e[g]), Ft(_ ? (c / o) * d : (c / 100) * o))); }, Xi = function (t, e, r, i) { var n; return ( $r || Ri(), e in ui && "transform" !== e && ~(e = ui[e]).indexOf(",") && (e = e.split(",")[0]), ii[e] && "transform" !== e ? ((n = tn(t, i)), (n = "transformOrigin" !== e ? n[e] : n.svg ? n.origin : en(Oi(t, ki)) + " " + n.zOrigin + "px")) : (!(n = t.style[e]) || "auto" === n || i || ~(n + "").indexOf("calc(")) && (n = (Gi[e] && Gi[e](t, e, r)) || Oi(t, e) || Wt(t, e) || ("opacity" === e ? 1 : 0)), r && !~(n + "").trim().indexOf(" ") ? Yi(t, e, n, r) + r : n ); }, Vi = function (t, e, r, i) { if (!r || "none" === r) { var n = Di(e, t, 1), o = n && Oi(t, n, 1); o && o !== r ? ((e = n), (r = o)) : "borderColor" === e && (r = Oi(t, "borderTopColor")); } var s, a, l, c, u, h, f, p, g, d, m, _ = new Ir(this._pt, t.style, e, 0, 1, Sr), v = 0, y = 0; if (((_.b = r), (_.e = i), (r += ""), "auto" == (i += "") && ((t.style[e] = i), (i = Oi(t, e) || i), (t.style[e] = r)), je((s = [r, i])), (i = s[1]), (l = (r = s[0]).match(ft) || []), (i.match(ft) || []).length)) { for (; (a = ft.exec(i)); ) (f = a[0]), (g = i.substring(v, a.index)), u ? (u = (u + 1) % 5) : ("rgba(" !== g.substr(-5) && "hsla(" !== g.substr(-5)) || (u = 1), f !== (h = l[y++] || "") && ((c = parseFloat(h) || 0), (m = h.substr((c + "").length)), "=" === f.charAt(1) && (f = qt(c, f) + m), (p = parseFloat(f)), (d = f.substr((p + "").length)), (v = ft.lastIndex - d.length), d || ((d = d || V.units[e] || m), v === i.length && ((i += d), (_.e += d))), m !== d && (c = Yi(t, e, h, d) || 0), (_._pt = { _next: _._pt, p: g || 1 === y ? g : ",", s: c, c: p - c, m: (u && u < 4) || "zIndex" === e ? Math.round : 0 })); _.c = v < i.length ? i.substring(v, i.length) : ""; } else _.r = "display" === e && "none" === i ? mi : di; return gt.test(i) && (_.e = 0), (this._pt = _), _; }, Hi = { top: "0%", bottom: "100%", left: "0%", right: "100%", center: "50%" }, Ui = function (t, e) { if (e.tween && e.tween._time === e.tween._dur) { var r, i, n, o = e.t, s = o.style, a = e.u, l = o._gsap; if ("all" === a || !0 === a) (s.cssText = ""), (i = 1); else for (n = (a = a.split(",")).length; --n > -1; ) (r = a[n]), ii[r] && ((i = 1), (r = "transformOrigin" === r ? ki : Ti)), zi(o, r); i && (zi(o, Ti), l && (l.svg && o.removeAttribute("transform"), tn(o, 1), (l.uncache = 1), Ei(s))); } }, Gi = { clearProps: function (t, e, r, i, n) { if ("isFromStart" !== n.data) { var o = (t._pt = new Ir(t._pt, e, r, 0, 0, Ui)); return (o.u = i), (o.pr = -10), (o.tween = n), t._props.push(r), 1; } }, }, ji = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], Ki = {}, Qi = function (t) { return "matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)" === t || "none" === t || !t; }, Zi = function (t) { var e = Oi(t, Ti); return Qi(e) ? ji : e.substr(7).match(ht).map(Ft); }, $i = function (t, e) { var r, i, n, o, s = t._gsap || Lt(t), a = t.style, l = Zi(t); return s.svg && t.getAttribute("transform") ? "1,0,0,1,0,0" === (l = [(n = t.transform.baseVal.consolidate().matrix).a, n.b, n.c, n.d, n.e, n.f]).join(",") ? ji : l : (l !== ji || t.offsetParent || t === Zr || s.svg || ((n = a.display), (a.display = "block"), ((r = t.parentNode) && t.offsetParent) || ((o = 1), (i = t.nextElementSibling), Zr.appendChild(t)), (l = Zi(t)), n ? (a.display = n) : zi(t, "display"), o && (i ? r.insertBefore(t, i) : r ? r.appendChild(t) : Zr.removeChild(t))), e && l.length > 6 ? [l[0], l[1], l[4], l[5], l[12], l[13]] : l); }, Ji = function (t, e, r, i, n, o) { var s, a, l, c = t._gsap, u = n || $i(t, !0), h = c.xOrigin || 0, f = c.yOrigin || 0, p = c.xOffset || 0, g = c.yOffset || 0, d = u[0], m = u[1], _ = u[2], v = u[3], y = u[4], b = u[5], x = e.split(" "), w = parseFloat(x[0]) || 0, T = parseFloat(x[1]) || 0; r ? u !== ji && (a = d * v - m * _) && ((l = w * (-m / a) + T * (d / a) - (d * b - m * y) / a), (w = w * (v / a) + T * (-_ / a) + (_ * b - v * y) / a), (T = l)) : ((w = (s = Li(t)).x + (~x[0].indexOf("%") ? (w / 100) * s.width : w)), (T = s.y + (~(x[1] || x[0]).indexOf("%") ? (T / 100) * s.height : T))), i || (!1 !== i && c.smooth) ? ((y = w - h), (b = T - f), (c.xOffset = p + (y * d + b * _) - y), (c.yOffset = g + (y * m + b * v) - b)) : (c.xOffset = c.yOffset = 0), (c.xOrigin = w), (c.yOrigin = T), (c.smooth = !!i), (c.origin = e), (c.originIsAbsolute = !!r), (t.style[ki] = "0px 0px"), o && (Fi(o, c, "xOrigin", h, w), Fi(o, c, "yOrigin", f, T), Fi(o, c, "xOffset", p, c.xOffset), Fi(o, c, "yOffset", g, c.yOffset)), t.setAttribute("data-svg-origin", w + " " + T); }, tn = function (t, e) { var r = t._gsap || new lr(t); if ("x" in r && !e && !r.uncache) return r; var i, n, o, s, a, l, c, u, h, f, p, g, d, m, _, v, y, b, x, w, T, k, C, E, A, M, S, O, P, D, R, B, I = t.style, L = r.scaleX < 0, W = "px", z = "deg", F = getComputedStyle(t), N = Oi(t, ki) || "0"; return ( (i = n = o = l = c = u = h = f = p = 0), (s = a = 1), (r.svg = !(!t.getCTM || !Wi(t))), F.translate && (("none" === F.translate && "none" === F.scale && "none" === F.rotate) || (I[Ti] = ("none" !== F.translate ? "translate3d(" + (F.translate + " 0 0").split(" ").slice(0, 3).join(", ") + ") " : "") + ("none" !== F.rotate ? "rotate(" + F.rotate + ") " : "") + ("none" !== F.scale ? "scale(" + F.scale.split(" ").join(",") + ") " : "") + ("none" !== F[Ti] ? F[Ti] : "")), (I.scale = I.rotate = I.translate = "none")), (m = $i(t, r.svg)), r.svg && (r.uncache ? ((A = t.getBBox()), (N = r.xOrigin - A.x + "px " + (r.yOrigin - A.y) + "px"), (E = "")) : (E = !e && t.getAttribute("data-svg-origin")), Ji(t, E || N, !!E || r.originIsAbsolute, !1 !== r.smooth, m)), (g = r.xOrigin || 0), (d = r.yOrigin || 0), m !== ji && ((b = m[0]), (x = m[1]), (w = m[2]), (T = m[3]), (i = k = m[4]), (n = C = m[5]), 6 === m.length ? ((s = Math.sqrt(b * b + x * x)), (a = Math.sqrt(T * T + w * w)), (l = b || x ? si(x, b) * ni : 0), (h = w || T ? si(w, T) * ni + l : 0) && (a *= Math.abs(Math.cos(h * oi))), r.svg && ((i -= g - (g * b + d * w)), (n -= d - (g * x + d * T)))) : ((B = m[6]), (D = m[7]), (S = m[8]), (O = m[9]), (P = m[10]), (R = m[11]), (i = m[12]), (n = m[13]), (o = m[14]), (c = (_ = si(B, P)) * ni), _ && ((E = k * (v = Math.cos(-_)) + S * (y = Math.sin(-_))), (A = C * v + O * y), (M = B * v + P * y), (S = k * -y + S * v), (O = C * -y + O * v), (P = B * -y + P * v), (R = D * -y + R * v), (k = E), (C = A), (B = M)), (u = (_ = si(-w, P)) * ni), _ && ((v = Math.cos(-_)), (R = T * (y = Math.sin(-_)) + R * v), (b = E = b * v - S * y), (x = A = x * v - O * y), (w = M = w * v - P * y)), (l = (_ = si(x, b)) * ni), _ && ((E = b * (v = Math.cos(_)) + x * (y = Math.sin(_))), (A = k * v + C * y), (x = x * v - b * y), (C = C * v - k * y), (b = E), (k = A)), c && Math.abs(c) + Math.abs(l) > 359.9 && ((c = l = 0), (u = 180 - u)), (s = Ft(Math.sqrt(b * b + x * x + w * w))), (a = Ft(Math.sqrt(C * C + B * B))), (_ = si(k, C)), (h = Math.abs(_) > 2e-4 ? _ * ni : 0), (p = R ? 1 / (R < 0 ? -R : R) : 0)), r.svg && ((E = t.getAttribute("transform")), (r.forceCSS = t.setAttribute("transform", "") || !Qi(Oi(t, Ti))), E && t.setAttribute("transform", E))), Math.abs(h) > 90 && Math.abs(h) < 270 && (L ? ((s *= -1), (h += l <= 0 ? 180 : -180), (l += l <= 0 ? 180 : -180)) : ((a *= -1), (h += h <= 0 ? 180 : -180))), (e = e || r.uncache), (r.x = i - ((r.xPercent = i && ((!e && r.xPercent) || (Math.round(t.offsetWidth / 2) === Math.round(-i) ? -50 : 0))) ? (t.offsetWidth * r.xPercent) / 100 : 0) + W), (r.y = n - ((r.yPercent = n && ((!e && r.yPercent) || (Math.round(t.offsetHeight / 2) === Math.round(-n) ? -50 : 0))) ? (t.offsetHeight * r.yPercent) / 100 : 0) + W), (r.z = o + W), (r.scaleX = Ft(s)), (r.scaleY = Ft(a)), (r.rotation = Ft(l) + z), (r.rotationX = Ft(c) + z), (r.rotationY = Ft(u) + z), (r.skewX = h + z), (r.skewY = f + z), (r.transformPerspective = p + W), (r.zOrigin = parseFloat(N.split(" ")[2]) || 0) && (I[ki] = en(N)), (r.xOffset = r.yOffset = 0), (r.force3D = V.force3D), (r.renderTransform = r.svg ? cn : ri ? ln : nn), (r.uncache = 0), r ); }, en = function (t) { return (t = t.split(" "))[0] + " " + t[1]; }, rn = function (t, e, r) { var i = we(e); return Ft(parseFloat(e) + parseFloat(Yi(t, "x", r + "px", i))) + i; }, nn = function (t, e) { (e.z = "0px"), (e.rotationY = e.rotationX = "0deg"), (e.force3D = 0), ln(t, e); }, on = "0deg", sn = "0px", an = ") ", ln = function (t, e) { var r = e || this, i = r.xPercent, n = r.yPercent, o = r.x, s = r.y, a = r.z, l = r.rotation, c = r.rotationY, u = r.rotationX, h = r.skewX, f = r.skewY, p = r.scaleX, g = r.scaleY, d = r.transformPerspective, m = r.force3D, _ = r.target, v = r.zOrigin, y = "", b = ("auto" === m && t && 1 !== t) || !0 === m; if (v && (u !== on || c !== on)) { var x, w = parseFloat(c) * oi, T = Math.sin(w), k = Math.cos(w); (w = parseFloat(u) * oi), (x = Math.cos(w)), (o = rn(_, o, T * x * -v)), (s = rn(_, s, -Math.sin(w) * -v)), (a = rn(_, a, k * x * -v + v)); } d !== sn && (y += "perspective(" + d + an), (i || n) && (y += "translate(" + i + "%, " + n + "%) "), (b || o !== sn || s !== sn || a !== sn) && (y += a !== sn || b ? "translate3d(" + o + ", " + s + ", " + a + ") " : "translate(" + o + ", " + s + an), l !== on && (y += "rotate(" + l + an), c !== on && (y += "rotateY(" + c + an), u !== on && (y += "rotateX(" + u + an), (h === on && f === on) || (y += "skew(" + h + ", " + f + an), (1 === p && 1 === g) || (y += "scale(" + p + ", " + g + an), (_.style[Ti] = y || "translate(0, 0)"); }, cn = function (t, e) { var r, i, n, o, s, a = e || this, l = a.xPercent, c = a.yPercent, u = a.x, h = a.y, f = a.rotation, p = a.skewX, g = a.skewY, d = a.scaleX, m = a.scaleY, _ = a.target, v = a.xOrigin, y = a.yOrigin, b = a.xOffset, x = a.yOffset, w = a.forceCSS, T = parseFloat(u), k = parseFloat(h); (f = parseFloat(f)), (p = parseFloat(p)), (g = parseFloat(g)) && ((p += g = parseFloat(g)), (f += g)), f || p ? ((f *= oi), (p *= oi), (r = Math.cos(f) * d), (i = Math.sin(f) * d), (n = Math.sin(f - p) * -m), (o = Math.cos(f - p) * m), p && ((g *= oi), (s = Math.tan(p - g)), (n *= s = Math.sqrt(1 + s * s)), (o *= s), g && ((s = Math.tan(g)), (r *= s = Math.sqrt(1 + s * s)), (i *= s))), (r = Ft(r)), (i = Ft(i)), (n = Ft(n)), (o = Ft(o))) : ((r = d), (o = m), (i = n = 0)), ((T && !~(u + "").indexOf("px")) || (k && !~(h + "").indexOf("px"))) && ((T = Yi(_, "x", u, "px")), (k = Yi(_, "y", h, "px"))), (v || y || b || x) && ((T = Ft(T + v - (v * r + y * n) + b)), (k = Ft(k + y - (v * i + y * o) + x))), (l || c) && ((s = _.getBBox()), (T = Ft(T + (l / 100) * s.width)), (k = Ft(k + (c / 100) * s.height))), (s = "matrix(" + r + "," + i + "," + n + "," + o + "," + T + "," + k + ")"), _.setAttribute("transform", s), w && (_.style[Ti] = s); }, un = function (t, e, r, i, n) { var o, s, a = 360, l = tt(n), c = parseFloat(n) * (l && ~n.indexOf("rad") ? ni : 1) - i, u = i + c + "deg"; return ( l && ("short" === (o = n.split("_")[1]) && (c %= a) != c % 180 && (c += c < 0 ? a : -360), "cw" === o && c < 0 ? (c = ((c + 36e9) % a) - ~~(c / a) * a) : "ccw" === o && c > 0 && (c = ((c - 36e9) % a) - ~~(c / a) * a)), (t._pt = s = new Ir(t._pt, e, r, i, c, fi)), (s.e = u), (s.u = "deg"), t._props.push(r), s ); }, hn = function (t, e) { for (var r in e) t[r] = e[r]; return t; }, fn = function (t, e, r) { var i, n, o, s, a, l, c, u = hn({}, r._gsap), h = r.style; for (n in (u.svg ? ((o = r.getAttribute("transform")), r.setAttribute("transform", ""), (h[Ti] = e), (i = tn(r, 1)), zi(r, Ti), r.setAttribute("transform", o)) : ((o = getComputedStyle(r)[Ti]), (h[Ti] = e), (i = tn(r, 1)), (h[Ti] = o)), ii)) (o = u[n]) !== (s = i[n]) && "perspective,force3D,transformOrigin,svgOrigin".indexOf(n) < 0 && ((a = we(o) !== (c = we(s)) ? Yi(r, n, o, c) : parseFloat(o)), (l = parseFloat(s)), (t._pt = new Ir(t._pt, i, n, a, l - a, hi)), (t._pt.u = c || 0), t._props.push(n)); hn(i, u); }; zt("padding,margin,Width,Radius", function (t, e) { var r = "Top", i = "Right", n = "Bottom", o = "Left", s = (e < 3 ? [r, i, n, o] : [r + o, r + i, n + i, n + o]).map(function (r) { return e < 2 ? t + r : "border" + r + t; }); Gi[e > 1 ? "border" + t : t] = function (t, e, r, i, n) { var o, a; if (arguments.length < 4) return ( (o = s.map(function (e) { return Xi(t, e, r); })), 5 === (a = o.join(" ")).split(o[0]).length ? o[0] : a ); (o = (i + "").split(" ")), (a = {}), s.forEach(function (t, e) { return (a[t] = o[e] = o[e] || o[((e - 1) / 2) | 0]); }), t.init(e, a, n); }; }); var pn, gn, dn = { name: "css", register: Ri, targetTest: function (t) { return t.style && t.nodeType; }, init: function (t, e, r, i, n) { var o, s, a, l, c, u, h, f, p, g, d, m, _, v, y, b, x, w, T, k, C = this._props, E = t.style, A = r.vars.startAt; for (h in ($r || Ri(), (this.styles = this.styles || Mi(t)), (b = this.styles.props), (this.tween = r), e)) if ("autoRound" !== h && ((s = e[h]), !Ot[h] || !dr(h, e, r, i, t, n))) if (((c = typeof s), (u = Gi[h]), "function" === c && (c = typeof (s = s.call(r, i, t, n))), "string" === c && ~s.indexOf("random(") && (s = Re(s)), u)) u(this, t, h, s, r) && (y = 1); else if ("--" === h.substr(0, 2)) (o = (getComputedStyle(t).getPropertyValue(h) + "").trim()), (s += ""), (Ue.lastIndex = 0), Ue.test(o) || ((f = we(o)), (p = we(s))), p ? f !== p && (o = Yi(t, h, o, p) + p) : f && (s += f), this.add(E, "setProperty", o, s, i, n, 0, 0, h), C.push(h), b.push(h, 0, E[h]); else if ("undefined" !== c) { if ( (A && h in A ? ((o = "function" == typeof A[h] ? A[h].call(r, i, t, n) : A[h]), tt(o) && ~o.indexOf("random(") && (o = Re(o)), we(o + "") || (o += V.units[h] || we(Xi(t, h)) || ""), "=" === (o + "").charAt(1) && (o = Xi(t, h))) : (o = Xi(t, h)), (l = parseFloat(o)), (g = "string" === c && "=" === s.charAt(1) && s.substr(0, 2)) && (s = s.substr(2)), (a = parseFloat(s)), h in ui && ("autoAlpha" === h && (1 === l && "hidden" === Xi(t, "visibility") && a && (l = 0), b.push("visibility", 0, E.visibility), Fi(this, E, "visibility", l ? "inherit" : "hidden", a ? "inherit" : "hidden", !a)), "scale" !== h && "transform" !== h && ~(h = ui[h]).indexOf(",") && (h = h.split(",")[0])), (d = h in ii)) ) if ( (this.styles.save(h), m || (((_ = t._gsap).renderTransform && !e.parseTransform) || tn(t, e.parseTransform), (v = !1 !== e.smoothOrigin && _.smooth), ((m = this._pt = new Ir(this._pt, E, Ti, 0, 1, _.renderTransform, _, 0, -1)).dep = 1)), "scale" === h) ) (this._pt = new Ir(this._pt, _, "scaleY", _.scaleY, (g ? qt(_.scaleY, g + a) : a) - _.scaleY || 0, hi)), (this._pt.u = 0), C.push("scaleY", h), (h += "X"); else { if ("transformOrigin" === h) { b.push(ki, 0, E[ki]), (w = void 0), (T = void 0), (k = void 0), (T = (w = (x = s).split(" "))[0]), (k = w[1] || "50%"), ("top" !== T && "bottom" !== T && "left" !== k && "right" !== k) || ((x = T), (T = k), (k = x)), (w[0] = Hi[T] || T), (w[1] = Hi[k] || k), (s = w.join(" ")), _.svg ? Ji(t, s, 0, v, 0, this) : ((p = parseFloat(s.split(" ")[2]) || 0) !== _.zOrigin && Fi(this, _, "zOrigin", _.zOrigin, p), Fi(this, E, h, en(o), en(s))); continue; } if ("svgOrigin" === h) { Ji(t, s, 1, v, 0, this); continue; } if (h in Ki) { un(this, _, h, l, g ? qt(l, g + s) : s); continue; } if ("smoothOrigin" === h) { Fi(this, _, "smooth", _.smooth, s); continue; } if ("force3D" === h) { _[h] = s; continue; } if ("transform" === h) { fn(this, s, t); continue; } } else h in E || (h = Di(h) || h); if (d || ((a || 0 === a) && (l || 0 === l) && !ci.test(s) && h in E)) a || (a = 0), (f = (o + "").substr((l + "").length)) !== (p = we(s) || (h in V.units ? V.units[h] : f)) && (l = Yi(t, h, o, p)), (this._pt = new Ir(this._pt, d ? _ : E, h, l, (g ? qt(l, g + a) : a) - l, d || ("px" !== p && "zIndex" !== h) || !1 === e.autoRound ? hi : gi)), (this._pt.u = p || 0), f !== p && "%" !== p && ((this._pt.b = o), (this._pt.r = pi)); else if (h in E) Vi.call(this, t, h, o, g ? g + s : s); else if (h in t) this.add(t, h, o || t[h], g ? g + s : s, i, n); else if ("parseTransform" !== h) { bt(h, s); continue; } d || (h in E ? b.push(h, 0, E[h]) : b.push(h, 1, o || t[h])), C.push(h); } y && Br(this); }, render: function (t, e) { if (e.tween._time || !ei()) for (var r = e._pt; r; ) r.r(t, r.d), (r = r._next); else e.styles.revert(); }, get: Xi, aliases: ui, getSetter: function (t, e, r) { var i = ui[e]; return ( i && i.indexOf(",") < 0 && (e = i), e in ii && e !== ki && (t._gsap.x || Xi(t, "x")) ? (r && ti === r ? ("scale" === e ? bi : yi) : (ti = r || {}) && ("scale" === e ? xi : wi)) : t.style && !it(t.style[e]) ? _i : ~e.indexOf("-") ? vi : Er(t, e) ); }, core: { _removeProperty: zi, _getMatrix: $i }, }; (jr.utils.checkPrefix = Di), (jr.core.getStyleSaver = Mi), (gn = zt("x,y,z,scale,scaleX,scaleY,xPercent,yPercent" + "," + (pn = "rotation,rotationX,rotationY,skewX,skewY") + ",transform,transformOrigin,svgOrigin,force3D,smoothOrigin,transformPerspective", function (t) { ii[t] = 1; })), zt(pn, function (t) { (V.units[t] = "deg"), (Ki[t] = 1); }), (ui[gn[13]] = "x,y,z,scale,scaleX,scaleY,xPercent,yPercent," + pn), zt("0:translateX,1:translateY,2:translateZ,8:rotate,8:rotationZ,8:rotateZ,9:rotateX,10:rotateY", function (t) { var e = t.split(":"); ui[e[1]] = gn[e[0]]; }), zt("x,y,z,top,right,bottom,left,width,height,fontSize,padding,margin,perspective", function (t) { V.units[t] = "px"; }), jr.registerPlugin(dn); var mn = jr.registerPlugin(dn) || jr; function _n(t, e) { for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { var i = e[r]; (i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1), (i.configurable = !0), "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, i.key, i); } } mn.core.Tween; var vn, yn, bn, xn, wn, Tn, kn, Cn, En, An, Mn, Sn, On, Pn = function () { return vn || ("undefined" != typeof window && (vn = window.gsap) && vn.registerPlugin && vn); }, Dn = 1, Rn = [], Bn = [], In = [], Ln = Date.now, Wn = function (t, e) { return e; }, zn = function (t, e) { return ~In.indexOf(t) && In[In.indexOf(t) + 1][e]; }, Fn = function (t) { return !!~An.indexOf(t); }, Nn = function (t, e, r, i, n) { return t.addEventListener(e, r, { passive: !i, capture: !!n }); }, qn = function (t, e, r, i) { return t.removeEventListener(e, r, !!i); }, Yn = "scrollLeft", Xn = "scrollTop", Vn = function () { return (Mn && Mn.isPressed) || Bn.cache++; }, Hn = function (t, e) { var r = function r(i) { if (i || 0 === i) { Dn && (bn.history.scrollRestoration = "manual"); var n = Mn && Mn.isPressed; (i = r.v = Math.round(i) || (Mn && Mn.iOS ? 1 : 0)), t(i), (r.cacheID = Bn.cache), n && Wn("ss", i); } else (e || Bn.cache !== r.cacheID || Wn("ref")) && ((r.cacheID = Bn.cache), (r.v = t())); return r.v + r.offset; }; return (r.offset = 0), t && r; }, Un = { s: Yn, p: "left", p2: "Left", os: "right", os2: "Right", d: "width", d2: "Width", a: "x", sc: Hn(function (t) { return arguments.length ? bn.scrollTo(t, Gn.sc()) : bn.pageXOffset || xn[Yn] || wn[Yn] || Tn[Yn] || 0; }), }, Gn = { s: Xn, p: "top", p2: "Top", os: "bottom", os2: "Bottom", d: "height", d2: "Height", a: "y", op: Un, sc: Hn(function (t) { return arguments.length ? bn.scrollTo(Un.sc(), t) : bn.pageYOffset || xn[Xn] || wn[Xn] || Tn[Xn] || 0; }), }, jn = function (t, e) { return ((e && e._ctx && e._ctx.selector) || vn.utils.toArray)(t)[0] || ("string" == typeof t && !1 !== vn.config().nullTargetWarn ? console.warn("Element not found:", t) : null); }, Kn = function (t, e) { var r = e.s, i = e.sc; Fn(t) && (t = xn.scrollingElement || wn); var n = Bn.indexOf(t), o = i === Gn.sc ? 1 : 2; !~n && (n = Bn.push(t) - 1), Bn[n + o] || t.addEventListener("scroll", Vn); var s = Bn[n + o], a = s || (Bn[n + o] = Hn(zn(t, r), !0) || (Fn(t) ? i : Hn(function (e) { return arguments.length ? (t[r] = e) : t[r]; }))); return (a.target = t), s || (a.smooth = "smooth" === vn.getProperty(t, "scrollBehavior")), a; }, Qn = function (t, e, r) { var i = t, n = t, o = Ln(), s = o, a = e || 50, l = Math.max(500, 3 * a), c = function (t, e) { var l = Ln(); e || l - o > a ? ((n = i), (i = t), (s = o), (o = l)) : r ? (i += t) : (i = n + ((t - n) / (l - s)) * (o - s)); }; return { update: c, reset: function () { (n = i = r ? 0 : i), (s = o = 0); }, getVelocity: function (t) { var e = s, a = n, u = Ln(); return (t || 0 === t) && t !== i && c(t), o === s || u - s > l ? 0 : ((i + (r ? a : -a)) / ((r ? u : o) - e)) * 1e3; }, }; }, Zn = function (t, e) { return e && !t._gsapAllow && t.preventDefault(), t.changedTouches ? t.changedTouches[0] : t; }, $n = function (t) { var e = Math.max.apply(Math, t), r = Math.min.apply(Math, t); return Math.abs(e) >= Math.abs(r) ? e : r; }, Jn = function () { (En = vn.core.globals().ScrollTrigger) && En.core && (function () { var t = En.core, e = t.bridge || {}, r = t._scrollers, i = t._proxies; r.push.apply(r, Bn), i.push.apply(i, In), (Bn = r), (In = i), (Wn = function (t, r) { return e[t](r); }); })(); }, to = function (t) { return ( (vn = t || Pn()) && "undefined" != typeof document && document.body && ((bn = window), (xn = document), (wn = xn.documentElement), (Tn = xn.body), (An = [bn, xn, wn, Tn]), vn.utils.clamp, (On = vn.core.context || function () {}), (Cn = "onpointerenter" in Tn ? "pointer" : "mouse"), (kn = eo.isTouch = bn.matchMedia && bn.matchMedia("(hover: none), (pointer: coarse)").matches ? 1 : "ontouchstart" in bn || navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0 || navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0 ? 2 : 0), (Sn = eo.eventTypes = ("ontouchstart" in wn ? "touchstart,touchmove,touchcancel,touchend" : "onpointerdown" in wn ? "pointerdown,pointermove,pointercancel,pointerup" : "mousedown,mousemove,mouseup,mouseup").split(",")), setTimeout(function () { return (Dn = 0); }, 500), Jn(), (yn = 1)), yn ); }; (Un.op = Gn), (Bn.cache = 0); var eo = (function () { function t(t) { this.init(t); } var e, r; return ( (t.prototype.init = function (t) { yn || to(vn) || console.warn("Please gsap.registerPlugin(Observer)"), En || Jn(); var e = t.tolerance, r = t.dragMinimum, i = t.type, n = t.target, o = t.lineHeight, s = t.debounce, a = t.preventDefault, l = t.onStop, c = t.onStopDelay, u = t.ignore, h = t.wheelSpeed, f = t.event, p = t.onDragStart, g = t.onDragEnd, d = t.onDrag, m = t.onPress, _ = t.onRelease, v = t.onRight, y = t.onLeft, b = t.onUp, x = t.onDown, w = t.onChangeX, T = t.onChangeY, k = t.onChange, C = t.onToggleX, E = t.onToggleY, A = t.onHover, M = t.onHoverEnd, S = t.onMove, O = t.ignoreCheck, P = t.isNormalizer, D = t.onGestureStart, R = t.onGestureEnd, B = t.onWheel, I = t.onEnable, L = t.onDisable, W = t.onClick, z = t.scrollSpeed, F = t.capture, N = t.allowClicks, q = t.lockAxis, Y = t.onLockAxis; (this.target = n = jn(n) || wn), (this.vars = t), u && (u = vn.utils.toArray(u)), (e = e || 1e-9), (r = r || 0), (h = h || 1), (z = z || 1), (i = i || "wheel,touch,pointer"), (s = !1 !== s), o || (o = parseFloat(bn.getComputedStyle(Tn).lineHeight) || 22); var X, V, H, U, G, j, K, Q = this, Z = 0, $ = 0, J = Kn(n, Un), tt = Kn(n, Gn), et = J(), rt = tt(), it = ~i.indexOf("touch") && !~i.indexOf("pointer") && "pointerdown" === Sn[0], nt = Fn(n), ot = n.ownerDocument || xn, st = [0, 0, 0], at = [0, 0, 0], lt = 0, ct = function () { return (lt = Ln()); }, ut = function (t, e) { return ((Q.event = t) && u && ~u.indexOf(t.target)) || (e && it && "touch" !== t.pointerType) || (O && O(t, e)); }, ht = function () { var t = (Q.deltaX = $n(st)), r = (Q.deltaY = $n(at)), i = Math.abs(t) >= e, n = Math.abs(r) >= e; k && (i || n) && k(Q, t, r, st, at), i && (v && Q.deltaX > 0 && v(Q), y && Q.deltaX < 0 && y(Q), w && w(Q), C && Q.deltaX < 0 != Z < 0 && C(Q), (Z = Q.deltaX), (st[0] = st[1] = st[2] = 0)), n && (x && Q.deltaY > 0 && x(Q), b && Q.deltaY < 0 && b(Q), T && T(Q), E && Q.deltaY < 0 != $ < 0 && E(Q), ($ = Q.deltaY), (at[0] = at[1] = at[2] = 0)), (U || H) && (S && S(Q), H && (d(Q), (H = !1)), (U = !1)), j && !(j = !1) && Y && Y(Q), G && (B(Q), (G = !1)), (X = 0); }, ft = function (t, e, r) { (st[r] += t), (at[r] += e), Q._vx.update(t), Q._vy.update(e), s ? X || (X = requestAnimationFrame(ht)) : ht(); }, pt = function (t, e) { q && !K && ((Q.axis = K = Math.abs(t) > Math.abs(e) ? "x" : "y"), (j = !0)), "y" !== K && ((st[2] += t), Q._vx.update(t, !0)), "x" !== K && ((at[2] += e), Q._vy.update(e, !0)), s ? X || (X = requestAnimationFrame(ht)) : ht(); }, gt = function (t) { if (!ut(t, 1)) { var e = (t = Zn(t, a)).clientX, i = t.clientY, n = e - Q.x, o = i - Q.y, s = Q.isDragging; (Q.x = e), (Q.y = i), (s || Math.abs(Q.startX - e) >= r || Math.abs(Q.startY - i) >= r) && (d && (H = !0), s || (Q.isDragging = !0), pt(n, o), s || (p && p(Q))); } }, dt = (Q.onPress = function (t) { ut(t, 1) || (t && t.button) || ((Q.axis = K = null), V.pause(), (Q.isPressed = !0), (t = Zn(t)), (Z = $ = 0), (Q.startX = Q.x = t.clientX), (Q.startY = Q.y = t.clientY), Q._vx.reset(), Q._vy.reset(), Nn(P ? n : ot, Sn[1], gt, a, !0), (Q.deltaX = Q.deltaY = 0), m && m(Q)); }), mt = (Q.onRelease = function (t) { if (!ut(t, 1)) { qn(P ? n : ot, Sn[1], gt, !0); var e = !isNaN(Q.y - Q.startY), r = Q.isDragging && (Math.abs(Q.x - Q.startX) > 3 || Math.abs(Q.y - Q.startY) > 3), i = Zn(t); !r && e && (Q._vx.reset(), Q._vy.reset(), a && N && vn.delayedCall(0.08, function () { if (Ln() - lt > 300 && !t.defaultPrevented) if (t.target.click) t.target.click(); else if (ot.createEvent) { var e = ot.createEvent("MouseEvents"); e.initMouseEvent("click", !0, !0, bn, 1, i.screenX, i.screenY, i.clientX, i.clientY, !1, !1, !1, !1, 0, null), t.target.dispatchEvent(e); } })), (Q.isDragging = Q.isGesturing = Q.isPressed = !1), l && !P && V.restart(!0), g && r && g(Q), _ && _(Q, r); } }), _t = function (t) { return t.touches && t.touches.length > 1 && (Q.isGesturing = !0) && D(t, Q.isDragging); }, vt = function () { return (Q.isGesturing = !1) || R(Q); }, yt = function (t) { if (!ut(t)) { var e = J(), r = tt(); ft((e - et) * z, (r - rt) * z, 1), (et = e), (rt = r), l && V.restart(!0); } }, bt = function (t) { if (!ut(t)) { (t = Zn(t, a)), B && (G = !0); var e = (1 === t.deltaMode ? o : 2 === t.deltaMode ? bn.innerHeight : 1) * h; ft(t.deltaX * e, t.deltaY * e, 0), l && !P && V.restart(!0); } }, xt = function (t) { if (!ut(t)) { var e = t.clientX, r = t.clientY, i = e - Q.x, n = r - Q.y; (Q.x = e), (Q.y = r), (U = !0), (i || n) && pt(i, n); } }, wt = function (t) { (Q.event = t), A(Q); }, Tt = function (t) { (Q.event = t), M(Q); }, kt = function (t) { return ut(t) || (Zn(t, a) && W(Q)); }; (V = Q._dc = vn .delayedCall(c || 0.25, function () { Q._vx.reset(), Q._vy.reset(), V.pause(), l && l(Q); }) .pause()), (Q.deltaX = Q.deltaY = 0), (Q._vx = Qn(0, 50, !0)), (Q._vy = Qn(0, 50, !0)), (Q.scrollX = J), (Q.scrollY = tt), (Q.isDragging = Q.isGesturing = Q.isPressed = !1), On(this), (Q.enable = function (t) { return ( Q.isEnabled || (Nn(nt ? ot : n, "scroll", Vn), i.indexOf("scroll") >= 0 && Nn(nt ? ot : n, "scroll", yt, a, F), i.indexOf("wheel") >= 0 && Nn(n, "wheel", bt, a, F), ((i.indexOf("touch") >= 0 && kn) || i.indexOf("pointer") >= 0) && (Nn(n, Sn[0], dt, a, F), Nn(ot, Sn[2], mt), Nn(ot, Sn[3], mt), N && Nn(n, "click", ct, !1, !0), W && Nn(n, "click", kt), D && Nn(ot, "gesturestart", _t), R && Nn(ot, "gestureend", vt), A && Nn(n, Cn + "enter", wt), M && Nn(n, Cn + "leave", Tt), S && Nn(n, Cn + "move", xt)), (Q.isEnabled = !0), t && t.type && dt(t), I && I(Q)), Q ); }), (Q.disable = function () { Q.isEnabled && (Rn.filter(function (t) { return t !== Q && Fn(t.target); }).length || qn(nt ? ot : n, "scroll", Vn), Q.isPressed && (Q._vx.reset(), Q._vy.reset(), qn(P ? n : ot, Sn[1], gt, !0)), qn(nt ? ot : n, "scroll", yt, F), qn(n, "wheel", bt, F), qn(n, Sn[0], dt, F), qn(ot, Sn[2], mt), qn(ot, Sn[3], mt), qn(n, "click", ct, !0), qn(n, "click", kt), qn(ot, "gesturestart", _t), qn(ot, "gestureend", vt), qn(n, Cn + "enter", wt), qn(n, Cn + "leave", Tt), qn(n, Cn + "move", xt), (Q.isEnabled = Q.isPressed = Q.isDragging = !1), L && L(Q)); }), (Q.kill = Q.revert = function () { Q.disable(); var t = Rn.indexOf(Q); t >= 0 && Rn.splice(t, 1), Mn === Q && (Mn = 0); }), Rn.push(Q), P && Fn(n) && (Mn = Q), Q.enable(f); }), (e = t), (r = [ { key: "velocityX", get: function () { return this._vx.getVelocity(); }, }, { key: "velocityY", get: function () { return this._vy.getVelocity(); }, }, ]) && _n(e.prototype, r), t ); })(); (eo.version = "3.12.1"), (eo.create = function (t) { return new eo(t); }), (eo.register = to), (eo.getAll = function () { return Rn.slice(); }), (eo.getById = function (t) { return Rn.filter(function (e) { return e.vars.id === t; })[0]; }), Pn() && vn.registerPlugin(eo); var ro, io, no, oo, so, ao, lo, co, uo, ho, fo, po, go, mo, _o, vo, yo, bo, xo, wo, To, ko, Co, Eo, Ao, Mo, So, Oo, Po, Do, Ro, Bo, Io, Lo, Wo = 1, zo = Date.now, Fo = zo(), No = 0, qo = 0, Yo = function (t, e, r) { var i = es(t) && ("clamp(" === t.substr(0, 6) || t.indexOf("max") > -1); return (r["_" + e + "Clamp"] = i), i ? t.substr(6, t.length - 7) : t; }, Xo = function (t, e) { return !e || (es(t) && "clamp(" === t.substr(0, 6)) ? t : "clamp(" + t + ")"; }, Vo = function t() { return qo && requestAnimationFrame(t); }, Ho = function () { return (mo = 1); }, Uo = function () { return (mo = 0); }, Go = function (t) { return t; }, jo = function (t) { return Math.round(1e5 * t) / 1e5 || 0; }, Ko = function () { return "undefined" != typeof window; }, Qo = function () { return ro || (Ko() && (ro = window.gsap) && ro.registerPlugin && ro); }, Zo = function (t) { return !!~lo.indexOf(t); }, $o = function (t) { return ( zn(t, "getBoundingClientRect") || (Zo(t) ? function () { return (ca.width = no.innerWidth), (ca.height = no.innerHeight), ca; } : function () { return ks(t); }) ); }, Jo = function (t, e) { var r = e.s, i = e.d2, n = e.d, o = e.a; return Math.max(0, (r = "scroll" + i) && (o = zn(t, r)) ? o() - $o(t)()[n] : Zo(t) ? (so[r] || ao[r]) - (no["inner" + i] || so["client" + i] || ao["client" + i]) : t[r] - t["offset" + i]); }, ts = function (t, e) { for (var r = 0; r < xo.length; r += 3) (!e || ~e.indexOf(xo[r + 1])) && t(xo[r], xo[r + 1], xo[r + 2]); }, es = function (t) { return "string" == typeof t; }, rs = function (t) { return "function" == typeof t; }, is = function (t) { return "number" == typeof t; }, ns = function (t) { return "object" == typeof t; }, os = function (t, e, r) { return t && t.progress(e ? 0 : 1) && r && t.pause(); }, ss = function (t, e) { if (t.enabled) { var r = e(t); r && r.totalTime && (t.callbackAnimation = r); } }, as = Math.abs, ls = "left", cs = "right", us = "bottom", hs = "width", fs = "height", ps = "Right", gs = "Left", ds = "Top", ms = "Bottom", _s = "padding", vs = "margin", ys = "Width", bs = "Height", xs = "px", ws = function (t) { return no.getComputedStyle(t); }, Ts = function (t, e) { for (var r in e) r in t || (t[r] = e[r]); return t; }, ks = function (t, e) { var r = e && "matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)" !== ws(t)[_o] && ro.to(t, { x: 0, y: 0, xPercent: 0, yPercent: 0, rotation: 0, rotationX: 0, rotationY: 0, scale: 1, skewX: 0, skewY: 0 }).progress(1), i = t.getBoundingClientRect(); return r && r.progress(0).kill(), i; }, Cs = function (t, e) { var r = e.d2; return t["offset" + r] || t["client" + r] || 0; }, Es = function (t) { var e, r = [], i = t.labels, n = t.duration(); for (e in i) r.push(i[e] / n); return r; }, As = function (t) { var e = ro.utils.snap(t), r = Array.isArray(t) && t.slice(0).sort(function (t, e) { return t - e; }); return r ? function (t, i, n) { var o; if ((void 0 === n && (n = 0.001), !i)) return e(t); if (i > 0) { for (t -= n, o = 0; o < r.length; o++) if (r[o] >= t) return r[o]; return r[o - 1]; } for (o = r.length, t += n; o--; ) if (r[o] <= t) return r[o]; return r[0]; } : function (r, i, n) { void 0 === n && (n = 0.001); var o = e(r); return !i || Math.abs(o - r) < n || o - r < 0 == i < 0 ? o : e(i < 0 ? r - t : r + t); }; }, Ms = function (t, e, r, i) { return r.split(",").forEach(function (r) { return t(e, r, i); }); }, Ss = function (t, e, r, i, n) { return t.addEventListener(e, r, { passive: !i, capture: !!n }); }, Os = function (t, e, r, i) { return t.removeEventListener(e, r, !!i); }, Ps = function (t, e, r) { (r = r && r.wheelHandler) && (t(e, "wheel", r), t(e, "touchmove", r)); }, Ds = { startColor: "green", endColor: "red", indent: 0, fontSize: "16px", fontWeight: "normal" }, Rs = { toggleActions: "play", anticipatePin: 0 }, Bs = { top: 0, left: 0, center: 0.5, bottom: 1, right: 1 }, Is = function (t, e) { if (es(t)) { var r = t.indexOf("="), i = ~r ? +(t.charAt(r - 1) + 1) * parseFloat(t.substr(r + 1)) : 0; ~r && (t.indexOf("%") > r && (i *= e / 100), (t = t.substr(0, r - 1))), (t = i + (t in Bs ? Bs[t] * e : ~t.indexOf("%") ? (parseFloat(t) * e) / 100 : parseFloat(t) || 0)); } return t; }, Ls = function (t, e, r, i, n, o, s, a) { var l = n.startColor, c = n.endColor, u = n.fontSize, h = n.indent, f = n.fontWeight, p = oo.createElement("div"), g = Zo(r) || "fixed" === zn(r, "pinType"), d = -1 !== t.indexOf("scroller"), m = g ? ao : r, _ = -1 !== t.indexOf("start"), v = _ ? l : c, y = "border-color:" + v + ";font-size:" + u + ";color:" + v + ";font-weight:" + f + ";pointer-events:none;white-space:nowrap;font-family:sans-serif,Arial;z-index:1000;padding:4px 8px;border-width:0;border-style:solid;"; return ( (y += "position:" + ((d || a) && g ? "fixed;" : "absolute;")), (d || a || !g) && (y += (i === Gn ? cs : us) + ":" + (o + parseFloat(h)) + "px;"), s && (y += "box-sizing:border-box;text-align:left;width:" + s.offsetWidth + "px;"), (p._isStart = _), p.setAttribute("class", "gsap-marker-" + t + (e ? " marker-" + e : "")), (p.style.cssText = y), (p.innerText = e || 0 === e ? t + "-" + e : t), m.children[0] ? m.insertBefore(p, m.children[0]) : m.appendChild(p), (p._offset = p["offset" + i.op.d2]), Ws(p, 0, i, _), p ); }, Ws = function (t, e, r, i) { var n = { display: "block" }, o = r[i ? "os2" : "p2"], s = r[i ? "p2" : "os2"]; (t._isFlipped = i), (n[r.a + "Percent"] = i ? -100 : 0), (n[r.a] = i ? "1px" : 0), (n["border" + o + ys] = 1), (n["border" + s + ys] = 0), (n[r.p] = e + "px"), ro.set(t, n); }, zs = [], Fs = {}, Ns = function () { return zo() - No > 34 && (Ro || (Ro = requestAnimationFrame(ra))); }, qs = function () { (!Co || !Co.isPressed || Co.startX > ao.clientWidth) && (Bn.cache++, Co ? Ro || (Ro = requestAnimationFrame(ra)) : ra(), No || Gs("scrollStart"), (No = zo())); }, Ys = function () { (Mo = no.innerWidth), (Ao = no.innerHeight); }, Xs = function () { Bn.cache++, !go && !ko && !oo.fullscreenElement && !oo.webkitFullscreenElement && (!Eo || Mo !== no.innerWidth || Math.abs(no.innerHeight - Ao) > 0.25 * no.innerHeight) && co.restart(!0); }, Vs = {}, Hs = [], Us = function t() { return Os(ma, "scrollEnd", t) || Js(!0); }, Gs = function (t) { return ( (Vs[t] && Vs[t].map(function (t) { return t(); })) || Hs ); }, js = [], Ks = function (t) { for (var e = 0; e < js.length; e += 5) (!t || (js[e + 4] && js[e + 4].query === t)) && ((js[e].style.cssText = js[e + 1]), js[e].getBBox && js[e].setAttribute("transform", js[e + 2] || ""), (js[e + 3].uncache = 1)); }, Qs = function (t, e) { var r; for (vo = 0; vo < zs.length; vo++) !(r = zs[vo]) || (e && r._ctx !== e) || (t ? r.kill(1) : r.revert(!0, !0)); e && Ks(e), e || Gs("revert"); }, Zs = function (t, e) { Bn.cache++, (e || !Bo) && Bn.forEach(function (t) { return rs(t) && t.cacheID++ && (t.rec = 0); }), es(t) && (no.history.scrollRestoration = Po = t); }, $s = 0, Js = function (t, e) { if (!No || t) { (Bo = ma.isRefreshing = !0), Bn.forEach(function (t) { return rs(t) && ++t.cacheID && (t.rec = t()); }); var r = Gs("refreshInit"); wo && ma.sort(), e || Qs(), Bn.forEach(function (t) { rs(t) && (t.smooth && (t.target.style.scrollBehavior = "auto"), t(0)); }), zs.slice(0).forEach(function (t) { return t.refresh(); }), zs.forEach(function (t, e) { if (t._subPinOffset && t.pin) { var r = t.vars.horizontal ? "offsetWidth" : "offsetHeight", i = t.pin[r]; t.revert(!0, 1), t.adjustPinSpacing(t.pin[r] - i), t.refresh(); } }), zs.forEach(function (t) { var e = Jo(t.scroller, t._dir); ("max" === t.vars.end || (t._endClamp && t.end > e)) && t.setPositions(t.start, Math.max(t.start + 1, e), !0); }), r.forEach(function (t) { return t && t.render && t.render(-1); }), Bn.forEach(function (t) { rs(t) && (t.smooth && requestAnimationFrame(function () { return (t.target.style.scrollBehavior = "smooth"); }), t.rec && t(t.rec)); }), Zs(Po, 1), co.pause(), $s++, (Bo = 2), ra(2), zs.forEach(function (t) { return rs(t.vars.onRefresh) && t.vars.onRefresh(t); }), (Bo = ma.isRefreshing = !1), Gs("refresh"); } else Ss(ma, "scrollEnd", Us); }, ta = 0, ea = 1, ra = function (t) { if (!Bo || 2 === t) { (ma.isUpdating = !0), Lo && Lo.update(0); var e = zs.length, r = zo(), i = r - Fo >= 50, n = e && zs[0].scroll(); if (((ea = ta > n ? -1 : 1), Bo || (ta = n), i && (No && !mo && r - No > 200 && ((No = 0), Gs("scrollEnd")), (fo = Fo), (Fo = r)), ea < 0)) { for (vo = e; vo-- > 0; ) zs[vo] && zs[vo].update(0, i); ea = 1; } else for (vo = 0; vo < e; vo++) zs[vo] && zs[vo].update(0, i); ma.isUpdating = !1; } Ro = 0; }, ia = [ ls, "top", us, cs, vs + ms, vs + ps, vs + ds, vs + gs, "display", "flexShrink", "float", "zIndex", "gridColumnStart", "gridColumnEnd", "gridRowStart", "gridRowEnd", "gridArea", "justifySelf", "alignSelf", "placeSelf", "order", ], na = ia.concat([hs, fs, "boxSizing", "max" + ys, "max" + bs, "position", vs, _s, _s + ds, _s + ps, _s + ms, _s + gs]), oa = function (t, e, r, i) { if (!t._gsap.swappedIn) { for (var n, o = ia.length, s = e.style, a = t.style; o--; ) s[(n = ia[o])] = r[n]; (s.position = "absolute" === r.position ? "absolute" : "relative"), "inline" === r.display && (s.display = "inline-block"), (a[us] = a[cs] = "auto"), (s.flexBasis = r.flexBasis || "auto"), (s.overflow = "visible"), (s.boxSizing = "border-box"), (s[hs] = Cs(t, Un) + xs), (s[fs] = Cs(t, Gn) + xs), (s[_s] = a[vs] = a.top = a[ls] = "0"), aa(i), (a[hs] = a["max" + ys] = r[hs]), (a[fs] = a["max" + bs] = r[fs]), (a[_s] = r[_s]), t.parentNode !== e && (t.parentNode.insertBefore(e, t), e.appendChild(t)), (t._gsap.swappedIn = !0); } }, sa = /([A-Z])/g, aa = function (t) { if (t) { var e, r, i = t.t.style, n = t.length, o = 0; for ((t.t._gsap || ro.core.getCache(t.t)).uncache = 1; o < n; o += 2) (r = t[o + 1]), (e = t[o]), r ? (i[e] = r) : i[e] && i.removeProperty(e.replace(sa, "-$1").toLowerCase()); } }, la = function (t) { for (var e = na.length, r = t.style, i = [], n = 0; n < e; n++) i.push(na[n], r[na[n]]); return (i.t = t), i; }, ca = { left: 0, top: 0 }, ua = function (t, e, r, i, n, o, s, a, l, c, u, h, f, p) { rs(t) && (t = t(a)), es(t) && "max" === t.substr(0, 3) && (t = h + ("=" === t.charAt(4) ? Is("0" + t.substr(3), r) : 0)); var g, d, m, _ = f ? f.time() : 0; if ((f && f.seek(0), isNaN(t) || (t = +t), is(t))) f && (t = ro.utils.mapRange(f.scrollTrigger.start, f.scrollTrigger.end, 0, h, t)), s && Ws(s, r, i, !0); else { rs(e) && (e = e(a)); var v, y, b, x, w = (t || "0").split(" "); (m = jn(e, a) || ao), ((v = ks(m) || {}) && (v.left || v.top)) || "none" !== ws(m).display || ((x = m.style.display), (m.style.display = "block"), (v = ks(m)), x ? (m.style.display = x) : m.style.removeProperty("display")), (y = Is(w[0], v[i.d])), (b = Is(w[1] || "0", r)), (t = v[i.p] - l[i.p] - c + y + n - b), s && Ws(s, b, i, r - b < 20 || (s._isStart && b > 20)), (r -= r - b); } if ((p && ((a[p] = t || -0.001), t < 0 && (t = 0)), o)) { var T = t + r, k = o._isStart; (g = "scroll" + i.d2), Ws(o, T, i, (k && T > 20) || (!k && (u ? Math.max(ao[g], so[g]) : o.parentNode[g]) <= T + 1)), u && ((l = ks(s)), u && (o.style[i.op.p] = l[i.op.p] - i.op.m - o._offset + xs)); } return f && m && ((g = ks(m)), f.seek(h), (d = ks(m)), (f._caScrollDist = g[i.p] - d[i.p]), (t = (t / f._caScrollDist) * h)), f && f.seek(_), f ? t : Math.round(t); }, ha = /(webkit|moz|length|cssText|inset)/i, fa = function (t, e, r, i) { if (t.parentNode !== e) { var n, o, s = t.style; if (e === ao) { for (n in ((t._stOrig = s.cssText), (o = ws(t)))) +n || ha.test(n) || !o[n] || "string" != typeof s[n] || "0" === n || (s[n] = o[n]); (s.top = r), (s.left = i); } else s.cssText = t._stOrig; (ro.core.getCache(t).uncache = 1), e.appendChild(t); } }, pa = function (t, e, r) { var i = e, n = i; return function (e) { var o = Math.round(t()); return o !== i && o !== n && Math.abs(o - i) > 3 && Math.abs(o - n) > 3 && ((e = o), r && r()), (n = i), (i = e), e; }; }, ga = function (t, e, r) { var i = {}; (i[e.p] = "+=" + r), ro.set(t, i); }, da = function (t, e) { var r = Kn(t, e), i = "_scroll" + e.p2, n = function e(n, o, s, a, l) { var c = e.tween, u = o.onComplete, h = {}; s = s || r(); var f = pa(r, s, function () { c.kill(), (e.tween = 0); }); return ( (l = (a && l) || 0), (a = a || n - s), c && c.kill(), (o[i] = n), (o.modifiers = h), (h[i] = function () { return f(s + a * c.ratio + l * c.ratio * c.ratio); }), (o.onUpdate = function () { Bn.cache++, ra(); }), (o.onComplete = function () { (e.tween = 0), u && u.call(c); }), (c = e.tween = ro.to(t, o)) ); }; return ( (t[i] = r), (r.wheelHandler = function () { return n.tween && n.tween.kill() && (n.tween = 0); }), Ss(t, "wheel", r.wheelHandler), ma.isTouch && Ss(t, "touchmove", r.wheelHandler), n ); }, ma = (function () { function t(e, r) { io || t.register(ro) || console.warn("Please gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger)"), Oo(this), this.init(e, r); } return ( (t.prototype.init = function (e, r) { if (((this.progress = this.start = 0), this.vars && this.kill(!0, !0), qo)) { var i, n, o, s, a, l, c, u, h, f, p, g, d, m, _, v, y, b, x, w, T, k, C, E, A, M, S, O, P, D, R, B, I, L, W, z, F, N, q, Y, X, V, H = (e = Ts(es(e) || is(e) || e.nodeType ? { trigger: e } : e, Rs)), U = H.onUpdate, G = H.toggleClass, j = H.id, K = H.onToggle, Q = H.onRefresh, Z = H.scrub, $ = H.trigger, J = H.pin, tt = H.pinSpacing, et = H.invalidateOnRefresh, rt = H.anticipatePin, it = H.onScrubComplete, nt = H.onSnapComplete, ot = H.once, st = H.snap, at = H.pinReparent, lt = H.pinSpacer, ct = H.containerAnimation, ut = H.fastScrollEnd, ht = H.preventOverlaps, ft = e.horizontal || (e.containerAnimation && !1 !== e.horizontal) ? Un : Gn, pt = !Z && 0 !== Z, gt = jn(e.scroller || no), dt = ro.core.getCache(gt), mt = Zo(gt), _t = "fixed" === ("pinType" in e ? e.pinType : zn(gt, "pinType") || (mt && "fixed")), vt = [e.onEnter, e.onLeave, e.onEnterBack, e.onLeaveBack], yt = pt && e.toggleActions.split(" "), bt = "markers" in e ? e.markers : Rs.markers, xt = mt ? 0 : parseFloat(ws(gt)["border" + ft.p2 + ys]) || 0, wt = this, Tt = e.onRefreshInit && function () { return e.onRefreshInit(wt); }, kt = (function (t, e, r) { var i = r.d, n = r.d2, o = r.a; return (o = zn(t, "getBoundingClientRect")) ? function () { return o()[i]; } : function () { return (e ? no["inner" + n] : t["client" + n]) || 0; }; })(gt, mt, ft), Ct = (function (t, e) { return !e || ~In.indexOf(t) ? $o(t) : function () { return ca; }; })(gt, mt), Et = 0, At = 0, Mt = 0, St = Kn(gt, ft); if ( ((wt._startClamp = wt._endClamp = !1), (wt._dir = ft), (rt *= 45), (wt.scroller = gt), (wt.scroll = ct ? ct.time.bind(ct) : St), (s = St()), (wt.vars = e), (r = r || e.animation), "refreshPriority" in e && ((wo = 1), -9999 === e.refreshPriority && (Lo = wt)), (dt.tweenScroll = dt.tweenScroll || { top: da(gt, Gn), left: da(gt, Un) }), (wt.tweenTo = i = dt.tweenScroll[ft.p]), (wt.scrubDuration = function (t) { (I = is(t) && t) ? B ? B.duration(t) : (B = ro.to(r, { ease: "expo", totalProgress: "+=0", duration: I, paused: !0, onComplete: function () { return it && it(wt); }, })) : (B && B.progress(1).kill(), (B = 0)); }), r && ((r.vars.lazy = !1), (r._initted && !wt.isReverted) || (!1 !== r.vars.immediateRender && !1 !== e.immediateRender && r.duration() && r.render(0, !0, !0)), (wt.animation = r.pause()), (r.scrollTrigger = wt), wt.scrubDuration(Z), (D = 0), j || (j = r.vars.id)), st && ((ns(st) && !st.push) || (st = { snapTo: st }), "scrollBehavior" in ao.style && ro.set(mt ? [ao, so] : gt, { scrollBehavior: "auto" }), Bn.forEach(function (t) { return rs(t) && t.target === (mt ? oo.scrollingElement || so : gt) && (t.smooth = !1); }), (o = rs(st.snapTo) ? st.snapTo : "labels" === st.snapTo ? (function (t) { return function (e) { return ro.utils.snap(Es(t), e); }; })(r) : "labelsDirectional" === st.snapTo ? ((Y = r), function (t, e) { return As(Es(Y))(t, e.direction); }) : !1 !== st.directional ? function (t, e) { return As(st.snapTo)(t, zo() - At < 500 ? 0 : e.direction); } : ro.utils.snap(st.snapTo)), (L = st.duration || { min: 0.1, max: 2 }), (L = ns(L) ? ho(L.min, L.max) : ho(L, L)), (W = ro .delayedCall(st.delay || I / 2 || 0.1, function () { var t = St(), e = zo() - At < 500, n = i.tween; if (!(e || Math.abs(wt.getVelocity()) < 10) || n || mo || Et === t) wt.isActive && Et !== t && W.restart(!0); else { var s = (t - l) / m, a = r && !pt ? r.totalProgress() : s, u = e ? 0 : ((a - R) / (zo() - fo)) * 1e3 || 0, h = ro.utils.clamp(-s, 1 - s, (as(u / 2) * u) / 0.185), f = s + (!1 === st.inertia ? 0 : h), p = ho(0, 1, o(f, wt)), g = Math.round(l + p * m), d = st, _ = d.onStart, v = d.onInterrupt, y = d.onComplete; if (t <= c && t >= l && g !== t) { if (n && !n._initted && n.data <= as(g - t)) return; !1 === st.inertia && (h = p - s), i( g, { duration: L(as((0.185 * Math.max(as(f - a), as(p - a))) / u / 0.05 || 0)), ease: st.ease || "power3", data: as(g - t), onInterrupt: function () { return W.restart(!0) && v && v(wt); }, onComplete: function () { wt.update(), (Et = St()), (D = R = r && !pt ? r.totalProgress() : wt.progress), nt && nt(wt), y && y(wt); }, }, t, h * m, g - t - h * m ), _ && _(wt, i.tween); } } }) .pause())), j && (Fs[j] = wt), (q = ($ = wt.trigger = jn($ || (!0 !== J && J))) && $._gsap && $._gsap.stRevert) && (q = q(wt)), (J = !0 === J ? $ : jn(J)), es(G) && (G = { targets: $, className: G }), J && (!1 === tt || tt === vs || (tt = !(!tt && J.parentNode && J.parentNode.style && "flex" === ws(J.parentNode).display) && _s), (wt.pin = J), (n = ro.core.getCache(J)).spacer ? (_ = n.pinState) : (lt && ((lt = jn(lt)) && !lt.nodeType && (lt = lt.current || lt.nativeElement), (n.spacerIsNative = !!lt), lt && (n.spacerState = la(lt))), (n.spacer = b = lt || oo.createElement("div")), b.classList.add("pin-spacer"), j && b.classList.add("pin-spacer-" + j), (n.pinState = _ = la(J))), !1 !== e.force3D && ro.set(J, { force3D: !0 }), (wt.spacer = b = n.spacer), (P = ws(J)), (E = P[tt + ft.os2]), (w = ro.getProperty(J)), (T = ro.quickSetter(J, ft.a, xs)), oa(J, b, P), (y = la(J))), bt) ) { (g = ns(bt) ? Ts(bt, Ds) : Ds), (f = Ls("scroller-start", j, gt, ft, g, 0)), (p = Ls("scroller-end", j, gt, ft, g, 0, f)), (x = f["offset" + ft.op.d2]); var Ot = jn(zn(gt, "content") || gt); (u = this.markerStart = Ls("start", j, Ot, ft, g, x, 0, ct)), (h = this.markerEnd = Ls("end", j, Ot, ft, g, x, 0, ct)), ct && (N = ro.quickSetter([u, h], ft.a, xs)), _t || (In.length && !0 === zn(gt, "fixedMarkers")) || ((V = ws((X = mt ? ao : gt)).position), (X.style.position = "absolute" === V || "fixed" === V ? V : "relative"), ro.set([f, p], { force3D: !0 }), (M = ro.quickSetter(f, ft.a, xs)), (O = ro.quickSetter(p, ft.a, xs))); } if (ct) { var Pt = ct.vars.onUpdate, Dt = ct.vars.onUpdateParams; ct.eventCallback("onUpdate", function () { wt.update(0, 0, 1), Pt && Pt.apply(ct, Dt || []); }); } if ( ((wt.previous = function () { return zs[zs.indexOf(wt) - 1]; }), (wt.next = function () { return zs[zs.indexOf(wt) + 1]; }), (wt.revert = function (t, e) { if (!e) return wt.kill(!0); var i = !1 !== t || !wt.enabled, n = go; i !== wt.isReverted && (i && ((z = Math.max(St(), wt.scroll.rec || 0)), (Mt = wt.progress), (F = r && r.progress())), u && [u, h, f, p].forEach(function (t) { return (t.style.display = i ? "none" : "block"); }), i && ((go = wt), wt.update(i)), !J || (at && wt.isActive) || (i ? (function (t, e, r) { aa(r); var i = t._gsap; if (i.spacerIsNative) aa(i.spacerState); else if (t._gsap.swappedIn) { var n = e.parentNode; n && (n.insertBefore(t, e), n.removeChild(e)); } t._gsap.swappedIn = !1; })(J, b, _) : oa(J, b, ws(J), A)), i || wt.update(i), (go = n), (wt.isReverted = i)); }), (wt.refresh = function (n, o, g, x) { if ((!go && wt.enabled) || o) if (J && n && No) Ss(t, "scrollEnd", Us); else { !Bo && Tt && Tt(wt), (go = wt), i.tween && (i.tween.kill(), (i.tween = 0)), B && B.pause(), et && r && r.revert({ kill: !1 }).invalidate(), wt.isReverted || wt.revert(!0, !0), (wt._subPinOffset = !1); var T, E, M, O, P, D, R, I, L, N, q, Y, X, V = kt(), H = Ct(), U = ct ? ct.duration() : Jo(gt, ft), G = m <= 0.01, j = 0, K = x || 0, Z = ns(g) ? g.end : e.end, rt = e.endTrigger || $, it = ns(g) ? g.start : e.start || (0 !== e.start && $ ? (J ? "0 0" : "0 100%") : 0), nt = (wt.pinnedContainer = e.pinnedContainer && jn(e.pinnedContainer, wt)), ot = ($ && Math.max(0, zs.indexOf(wt))) || 0, st = ot; for (bt && ns(g) && ((Y = ro.getProperty(f, ft.p)), (X = ro.getProperty(p, ft.p))); st--; ) (D = zs[st]).end || D.refresh(0, 1) || (go = wt), !(R = D.pin) || (R !== $ && R !== J && R !== nt) || D.isReverted || (N || (N = []), N.unshift(D), D.revert(!0, !0)), D !== zs[st] && (ot--, st--); for ( rs(it) && (it = it(wt)), it = Yo(it, "start", wt), l = ua(it, $, V, ft, St(), u, f, wt, H, xt, _t, U, ct, wt._startClamp && "_startClamp") || (J ? -0.001 : 0), rs(Z) && (Z = Z(wt)), es(Z) && !Z.indexOf("+=") && (~Z.indexOf(" ") ? (Z = (es(it) ? it.split(" ")[0] : "") + Z) : ((j = Is(Z.substr(2), V)), (Z = es(it) ? it : (ct ? ro.utils.mapRange(0, ct.duration(), ct.scrollTrigger.start, ct.scrollTrigger.end, l) : l) + j), (rt = $))), Z = Yo(Z, "end", wt), c = Math.max(l, ua(Z || (rt ? "100% 0" : U), rt, V, ft, St() + j, h, p, wt, H, xt, _t, U, ct, wt._endClamp && "_endClamp")) || -0.001, j = 0, st = ot; st--; ) (R = (D = zs[st]).pin) && D.start - D._pinPush <= l && !ct && D.end > 0 && ((T = D.end - (wt._startClamp ? Math.max(0, D.start) : D.start)), ((R === $ && D.start - D._pinPush < l) || R === nt) && isNaN(it) && (j += T * (1 - D.progress)), R === J && (K += T)); if ( ((l += j), (c += j), wt._startClamp && (wt._startClamp += j), wt._endClamp && !Bo && ((wt._endClamp = c || -0.001), (c = Math.min(c, Jo(gt, ft)))), (m = c - l || ((l -= 0.01) && 0.001)), G && (Mt = ro.utils.clamp(0, 1, ro.utils.normalize(l, c, z))), (wt._pinPush = K), u && j && (((T = {})[ft.a] = "+=" + j), nt && (T[ft.p] = "-=" + St()), ro.set([u, h], T)), J) ) (T = ws(J)), (O = ft === Gn), (M = St()), (k = parseFloat(w(ft.a)) + K), !U && c > 1 && ((q = { style: (q = (mt ? oo.scrollingElement || so : gt).style), value: q["overflow" + ft.a.toUpperCase()] }), mt && "scroll" !== ws(ao)["overflow" + ft.a.toUpperCase()] && (q.style["overflow" + ft.a.toUpperCase()] = "scroll")), oa(J, b, T), (y = la(J)), (E = ks(J, !0)), (I = _t && Kn(gt, O ? Un : Gn)()), tt && (((A = [tt + ft.os2, m + K + xs]).t = b), (st = tt === _s ? Cs(J, ft) + m + K : 0) && A.push(ft.d, st + xs), aa(A), nt && zs.forEach(function (t) { t.pin === nt && !1 !== t.vars.pinSpacing && (t._subPinOffset = !0); }), _t && St(z)), _t && (((P = { top: E.top + (O ? M - l : I) + xs, left: E.left + (O ? I : M - l) + xs, boxSizing: "border-box", position: "fixed" })[hs] = P["max" + ys] = Math.ceil(E.width) + xs), (P[fs] = P["max" + bs] = Math.ceil(E.height) + xs), (P[vs] = P[vs + ds] = P[vs + ps] = P[vs + ms] = P[vs + gs] = "0"), (P[_s] = T[_s]), (P[_s + ds] = T[_s + ds]), (P[_s + ps] = T[_s + ps]), (P[_s + ms] = T[_s + ms]), (P[_s + gs] = T[_s + gs]), (v = (function (t, e, r) { for (var i, n = [], o = t.length, s = r ? 8 : 0; s < o; s += 2) (i = t[s]), n.push(i, i in e ? e[i] : t[s + 1]); return (n.t = t.t), n; })(_, P, at)), Bo && St(0)), r ? ((L = r._initted), To(1), r.render(r.duration(), !0, !0), (C = w(ft.a) - k + m + K), (S = Math.abs(m - C) > 1), _t && S && v.splice(v.length - 2, 2), r.render(0, !0, !0), L || r.invalidate(!0), r.parent || r.totalTime(r.totalTime()), To(0)) : (C = m), q && (q.value ? (q.style["overflow" + ft.a.toUpperCase()] = q.value) : q.style.removeProperty("overflow-" + ft.a)); else if ($ && St() && !ct) for (E = $.parentNode; E && E !== ao; ) E._pinOffset && ((l -= E._pinOffset), (c -= E._pinOffset)), (E = E.parentNode); N && N.forEach(function (t) { return t.revert(!1, !0); }), (wt.start = l), (wt.end = c), (s = a = Bo ? z : St()), ct || Bo || (s < z && St(z), (wt.scroll.rec = 0)), wt.revert(!1, !0), (At = zo()), W && ((Et = -1), wt.isActive && St(l + m * Mt), W.restart(!0)), (go = 0), r && pt && (r._initted || F) && r.progress() !== F && r.progress(F || 0, !0).render(r.time(), !0, !0), (G || Mt !== wt.progress || ct) && (r && !pt && r.totalProgress(ct && l < -0.001 && !Mt ? ro.utils.normalize(l, c, 0) : Mt, !0), (wt.progress = G || (s - l) / m === Mt ? 0 : Mt)), J && tt && (b._pinOffset = Math.round(wt.progress * C)), B && B.invalidate(), isNaN(Y) || ((Y -= ro.getProperty(f, ft.p)), (X -= ro.getProperty(p, ft.p)), ga(f, ft, Y), ga(u, ft, Y - (x || 0)), ga(p, ft, X), ga(h, ft, X - (x || 0))), G && !Bo && wt.update(), !Q || Bo || d || ((d = !0), Q(wt), (d = !1)); } }), (wt.getVelocity = function () { return ((St() - a) / (zo() - fo)) * 1e3 || 0; }), (wt.endAnimation = function () { os(wt.callbackAnimation), r && (B ? B.progress(1) : r.paused() ? pt || os(r, wt.direction < 0, 1) : os(r, r.reversed())); }), (wt.labelToScroll = function (t) { return (r && r.labels && (l || wt.refresh() || l) + (r.labels[t] / r.duration()) * m) || 0; }), (wt.getTrailing = function (t) { var e = zs.indexOf(wt), r = wt.direction > 0 ? zs.slice(0, e).reverse() : zs.slice(e + 1); return (es(t) ? r.filter(function (e) { return e.vars.preventOverlaps === t; }) : r ).filter(function (t) { return wt.direction > 0 ? t.end <= l : t.start >= c; }); }), (wt.update = function (t, e, n) { if (!ct || n || t) { var o, u, h, p, g, d, _, x = !0 === Bo ? z : wt.scroll(), w = t ? 0 : (x - l) / m, A = w < 0 ? 0 : w > 1 ? 1 : w || 0, P = wt.progress; if ( (e && ((a = s), (s = ct ? St() : x), st && ((R = D), (D = r && !pt ? r.totalProgress() : A))), rt && !A && J && !go && !Wo && No && l < x + ((x - a) / (zo() - fo)) * rt && (A = 1e-4), A !== P && wt.enabled) ) { if ( ((p = (g = (o = wt.isActive = !!A && A < 1) != (!!P && P < 1)) || !!A != !!P), (wt.direction = A > P ? 1 : -1), (wt.progress = A), p && !go && ((u = A && !P ? 0 : 1 === A ? 1 : 1 === P ? 2 : 3), pt && ((h = (!g && "none" !== yt[u + 1] && yt[u + 1]) || yt[u]), (_ = r && ("complete" === h || "reset" === h || h in r)))), ht && (g || _) && (_ || Z || !r) && (rs(ht) ? ht(wt) : wt.getTrailing(ht).forEach(function (t) { return t.endAnimation(); })), pt || (!B || go || Wo ? r && r.totalProgress(A, !(!go || (!At && !t))) : (B._dp._time - B._start !== B._time && B.render(B._dp._time - B._start), B.resetTo ? B.resetTo("totalProgress", A, r._tTime / r._tDur) : ((B.vars.totalProgress = A), B.invalidate().restart()))), J) ) if ((t && tt && (b.style[tt + ft.os2] = E), _t)) { if (p) { if (((d = !t && A > P && c + 1 > x && x + 1 >= Jo(gt, ft)), at)) if (t || (!o && !d)) fa(J, b); else { var I = ks(J, !0), L = x - l; fa(J, ao, I.top + (ft === Gn ? L : 0) + xs, I.left + (ft === Gn ? 0 : L) + xs); } aa(o || d ? v : y), (S && A < 1 && o) || T(k + (1 !== A || d ? 0 : C)); } } else T(jo(k + C * A)); st && !i.tween && !go && !Wo && W.restart(!0), G && (g || (ot && A && (A < 1 || !Do))) && uo(G.targets).forEach(function (t) { return t.classList[o || ot ? "add" : "remove"](G.className); }), U && !pt && !t && U(wt), p && !go ? (pt && (_ && ("complete" === h ? r.pause().totalProgress(1) : "reset" === h ? r.restart(!0).pause() : "restart" === h ? r.restart(!0) : r[h]()), U && U(wt)), (!g && Do) || (K && g && ss(wt, K), vt[u] && ss(wt, vt[u]), ot && (1 === A ? wt.kill(!1, 1) : (vt[u] = 0)), g || (vt[(u = 1 === A ? 1 : 3)] && ss(wt, vt[u]))), ut && !o && Math.abs(wt.getVelocity()) > (is(ut) ? ut : 2500) && (os(wt.callbackAnimation), B ? B.progress(1) : os(r, "reverse" === h ? 1 : !A, 1))) : pt && U && !go && U(wt); } if (O) { var F = ct ? (x / ct.duration()) * (ct._caScrollDist || 0) : x; M(F + (f._isFlipped ? 1 : 0)), O(F); } N && N((-x / ct.duration()) * (ct._caScrollDist || 0)); } }), (wt.enable = function (e, r) { wt.enabled || ((wt.enabled = !0), Ss(gt, "resize", Xs), Ss(mt ? oo : gt, "scroll", qs), Tt && Ss(t, "refreshInit", Tt), !1 !== e && ((wt.progress = Mt = 0), (s = a = Et = St())), !1 !== r && wt.refresh()); }), (wt.getTween = function (t) { return t && i ? i.tween : B; }), (wt.setPositions = function (t, e, r, i) { if (ct) { var n = ct.scrollTrigger, o = ct.duration(), s = n.end - n.start; (t = n.start + (s * t) / o), (e = n.start + (s * e) / o); } wt.refresh(!1, !1, { start: Xo(t, r && !!wt._startClamp), end: Xo(e, r && !!wt._endClamp) }, i), wt.update(); }), (wt.adjustPinSpacing = function (t) { if (A && t) { var e = A.indexOf(ft.d) + 1; (A[e] = parseFloat(A[e]) + t + xs), (A[1] = parseFloat(A[1]) + t + xs), aa(A); } }), (wt.disable = function (e, r) { if ( wt.enabled && (!1 !== e && wt.revert(!0, !0), (wt.enabled = wt.isActive = !1), r || (B && B.pause()), (z = 0), n && (n.uncache = 1), Tt && Os(t, "refreshInit", Tt), W && (W.pause(), i.tween && i.tween.kill() && (i.tween = 0)), !mt) ) { for (var o = zs.length; o--; ) if (zs[o].scroller === gt && zs[o] !== wt) return; Os(gt, "resize", Xs), Os(gt, "scroll", qs); } }), (wt.kill = function (t, i) { wt.disable(t, i), B && !i && B.kill(), j && delete Fs[j]; var o = zs.indexOf(wt); o >= 0 && zs.splice(o, 1), o === vo && ea > 0 && vo--, (o = 0), zs.forEach(function (t) { return t.scroller === wt.scroller && (o = 1); }), o || Bo || (wt.scroll.rec = 0), r && ((r.scrollTrigger = null), t && r.revert({ kill: !1 }), i || r.kill()), u && [u, h, f, p].forEach(function (t) { return t.parentNode && t.parentNode.removeChild(t); }), Lo === wt && (Lo = 0), J && (n && (n.uncache = 1), (o = 0), zs.forEach(function (t) { return t.pin === J && o++; }), o || (n.spacer = 0)), e.onKill && e.onKill(wt); }), zs.push(wt), wt.enable(!1, !1), q && q(wt), r && r.add && !m) ) { var Rt = wt.update; (wt.update = function () { (wt.update = Rt), l || c || wt.refresh(); }), ro.delayedCall(0.01, wt.update), (m = 0.01), (l = c = 0); } else wt.refresh(); J && (function () { if (Io !== $s) { var t = (Io = $s); requestAnimationFrame(function () { return t === $s && Js(!0); }); } })(); } else this.update = this.refresh = this.kill = Go; }), (t.register = function (e) { return io || ((ro = e || Qo()), Ko() && window.document && t.enable(), (io = qo)), io; }), (t.defaults = function (t) { if (t) for (var e in t) Rs[e] = t[e]; return Rs; }), (t.disable = function (t, e) { (qo = 0), zs.forEach(function (r) { return r[e ? "kill" : "disable"](t); }), Os(no, "wheel", qs), Os(oo, "scroll", qs), clearInterval(po), Os(oo, "touchcancel", Go), Os(ao, "touchstart", Go), Ms(Os, oo, "pointerdown,touchstart,mousedown", Ho), Ms(Os, oo, "pointerup,touchend,mouseup", Uo), co.kill(), ts(Os); for (var r = 0; r < Bn.length; r += 3) Ps(Os, Bn[r], Bn[r + 1]), Ps(Os, Bn[r], Bn[r + 2]); }), (t.enable = function () { if ( ((no = window), (oo = document), (so = oo.documentElement), (ao = oo.body), ro && ((uo = ro.utils.toArray), (ho = ro.utils.clamp), (Oo = ro.core.context || Go), (To = ro.core.suppressOverwrites || Go), (Po = no.history.scrollRestoration || "auto"), (ta = no.pageYOffset), ro.core.globals("ScrollTrigger", t), ao)) ) { (qo = 1), Vo(), eo.register(ro), (t.isTouch = eo.isTouch), (So = eo.isTouch && /(iPad|iPhone|iPod|Mac)/g.test(navigator.userAgent)), Ss(no, "wheel", qs), (lo = [no, oo, so, ao]), ro.matchMedia ? ((t.matchMedia = function (t) { var e, r = ro.matchMedia(); for (e in t) r.add(e, t[e]); return r; }), ro.addEventListener("matchMediaInit", function () { return Qs(); }), ro.addEventListener("matchMediaRevert", function () { return Ks(); }), ro.addEventListener("matchMedia", function () { Js(0, 1), Gs("matchMedia"); }), ro.matchMedia("(orientation: portrait)", function () { return Ys(), Ys; })) : console.warn("Requires GSAP 3.11.0 or later"), Ys(), Ss(oo, "scroll", qs); var e, r, i = ao.style, n = i.borderTopStyle, o = ro.core.Animation.prototype; for ( o.revert || Object.defineProperty(o, "revert", { value: function () { return this.time(-0.01, !0); }, }), i.borderTopStyle = "solid", e = ks(ao), Gn.m = Math.round(e.top + Gn.sc()) || 0, Un.m = Math.round(e.left + Un.sc()) || 0, n ? (i.borderTopStyle = n) : i.removeProperty("border-top-style"), po = setInterval(Ns, 250), ro.delayedCall(0.5, function () { return (Wo = 0); }), Ss(oo, "touchcancel", Go), Ss(ao, "touchstart", Go), Ms(Ss, oo, "pointerdown,touchstart,mousedown", Ho), Ms(Ss, oo, "pointerup,touchend,mouseup", Uo), _o = ro.utils.checkPrefix("transform"), na.push(_o), io = zo(), co = ro.delayedCall(0.2, Js).pause(), xo = [ oo, "visibilitychange", function () { var t = no.innerWidth, e = no.innerHeight; oo.hidden ? ((yo = t), (bo = e)) : (yo === t && bo === e) || Xs(); }, oo, "DOMContentLoaded", Js, no, "load", Js, no, "resize", Xs, ], ts(Ss), zs.forEach(function (t) { return t.enable(0, 1); }), r = 0; r < Bn.length; r += 3 ) Ps(Os, Bn[r], Bn[r + 1]), Ps(Os, Bn[r], Bn[r + 2]); } }), (t.config = function (e) { "limitCallbacks" in e && (Do = !!e.limitCallbacks); var r = e.syncInterval; (r && clearInterval(po)) || ((po = r) && setInterval(Ns, r)), "ignoreMobileResize" in e && (Eo = 1 === t.isTouch && e.ignoreMobileResize), "autoRefreshEvents" in e && (ts(Os) || ts(Ss, e.autoRefreshEvents || "none"), (ko = -1 === (e.autoRefreshEvents + "").indexOf("resize"))); }), (t.scrollerProxy = function (t, e) { var r = jn(t), i = Bn.indexOf(r), n = Zo(r); ~i && Bn.splice(i, n ? 6 : 2), e && (n ? In.unshift(no, e, ao, e, so, e) : In.unshift(r, e)); }), (t.clearMatchMedia = function (t) { zs.forEach(function (e) { return e._ctx && e._ctx.query === t && e._ctx.kill(!0, !0); }); }), (t.isInViewport = function (t, e, r) { var i = (es(t) ? jn(t) : t).getBoundingClientRect(), n = i[r ? hs : fs] * e || 0; return r ? i.right - n > 0 && i.left + n < no.innerWidth : i.bottom - n > 0 && i.top + n < no.innerHeight; }), (t.positionInViewport = function (t, e, r) { es(t) && (t = jn(t)); var i = t.getBoundingClientRect(), n = i[r ? hs : fs], o = null == e ? n / 2 : e in Bs ? Bs[e] * n : ~e.indexOf("%") ? (parseFloat(e) * n) / 100 : parseFloat(e) || 0; return r ? (i.left + o) / no.innerWidth : (i.top + o) / no.innerHeight; }), (t.killAll = function (t) { if ( (zs.slice(0).forEach(function (t) { return "ScrollSmoother" !== t.vars.id && t.kill(); }), !0 !== t) ) { var e = Vs.killAll || []; (Vs = {}), e.forEach(function (t) { return t(); }); } }), t ); })(); (ma.version = "3.12.1"), (ma.saveStyles = function (t) { return t ? uo(t).forEach(function (t) { if (t && t.style) { var e = js.indexOf(t); e >= 0 && js.splice(e, 5), js.push(t, t.style.cssText, t.getBBox && t.getAttribute("transform"), ro.core.getCache(t), Oo()); } }) : js; }), (ma.revert = function (t, e) { return Qs(!t, e); }), (ma.create = function (t, e) { return new ma(t, e); }), (ma.refresh = function (t) { return t ? Xs() : (io || ma.register()) && Js(!0); }), (ma.update = function (t) { return ++Bn.cache && ra(!0 === t ? 2 : 0); }), (ma.clearScrollMemory = Zs), (ma.maxScroll = function (t, e) { return Jo(t, e ? Un : Gn); }), (ma.getScrollFunc = function (t, e) { return Kn(jn(t), e ? Un : Gn); }), (ma.getById = function (t) { return Fs[t]; }), (ma.getAll = function () { return zs.filter(function (t) { return "ScrollSmoother" !== t.vars.id; }); }), (ma.isScrolling = function () { return !!No; }), (ma.snapDirectional = As), (ma.addEventListener = function (t, e) { var r = Vs[t] || (Vs[t] = []); ~r.indexOf(e) || r.push(e); }), (ma.removeEventListener = function (t, e) { var r = Vs[t], i = r && r.indexOf(e); i >= 0 && r.splice(i, 1); }), (ma.batch = function (t, e) { var r, i = [], n = {}, o = e.interval || 0.016, s = e.batchMax || 1e9, a = function (t, e) { var r = [], i = [], n = ro .delayedCall(o, function () { e(r, i), (r = []), (i = []); }) .pause(); return function (t) { r.length || n.restart(!0), r.push(t.trigger), i.push(t), s <= r.length && n.progress(1); }; }; for (r in e) n[r] = "on" === r.substr(0, 2) && rs(e[r]) && "onRefreshInit" !== r ? a(0, e[r]) : e[r]; return ( rs(s) && ((s = s()), Ss(ma, "refresh", function () { return (s = e.batchMax()); })), uo(t).forEach(function (t) { var e = {}; for (r in n) e[r] = n[r]; (e.trigger = t), i.push(ma.create(e)); }), i ); }); var _a, va = function (t, e, r, i) { return e > i ? t(i) : e < 0 && t(0), r > i ? (i - e) / (r - e) : r < 0 ? e / (e - r) : 1; }, ya = function t(e, r) { !0 === r ? e.style.removeProperty("touch-action") : (e.style.touchAction = !0 === r ? "auto" : r ? "pan-" + r + (eo.isTouch ? " pinch-zoom" : "") : "none"), e === so && t(ao, r); }, ba = { auto: 1, scroll: 1 }, xa = function (t) { var e, r = t.event, i = t.target, n = t.axis, o = (r.changedTouches ? r.changedTouches[0] : r).target, s = o._gsap || ro.core.getCache(o), a = zo(); if (!s._isScrollT || a - s._isScrollT > 2e3) { for (; o && o !== ao && ((o.scrollHeight <= o.clientHeight && o.scrollWidth <= o.clientWidth) || (!ba[(e = ws(o)).overflowY] && !ba[e.overflowX])); ) o = o.parentNode; (s._isScroll = o && o !== i && !Zo(o) && (ba[(e = ws(o)).overflowY] || ba[e.overflowX])), (s._isScrollT = a); } (s._isScroll || "x" === n) && (r.stopPropagation(), (r._gsapAllow = !0)); }, wa = function (t, e, r, i) { return eo.create({ target: t, capture: !0, debounce: !1, lockAxis: !0, type: e, onWheel: (i = i && xa), onPress: i, onDrag: i, onScroll: i, onEnable: function () { return r && Ss(oo, eo.eventTypes[0], ka, !1, !0); }, onDisable: function () { return Os(oo, eo.eventTypes[0], ka, !0); }, }); }, Ta = /(input|label|select|textarea)/i, ka = function (t) { var e = Ta.test(t.target.tagName); (e || _a) && ((t._gsapAllow = !0), (_a = e)); }; (ma.sort = function (t) { return zs.sort( t || function (t, e) { return -1e6 * (t.vars.refreshPriority || 0) + t.start - (e.start + -1e6 * (e.vars.refreshPriority || 0)); } ); }), (ma.observe = function (t) { return new eo(t); }), (ma.normalizeScroll = function (t) { if (void 0 === t) return Co; if (!0 === t && Co) return Co.enable(); if (!1 === t) return Co && Co.kill(); var e = t instanceof eo ? t : (function (t) { ns(t) || (t = {}), (t.preventDefault = t.isNormalizer = t.allowClicks = !0), t.type || (t.type = "wheel,touch"), (t.debounce = !!t.debounce), (t.id = t.id || "normalizer"); var e, r, i, n, o, s, a, l, c = t, u = c.normalizeScrollX, h = c.momentum, f = c.allowNestedScroll, p = c.onRelease, g = jn(t.target) || so, d = ro.core.globals().ScrollSmoother, m = d && d.get(), _ = So && ((t.content && jn(t.content)) || (m && !1 !== t.content && !m.smooth() && m.content())), v = Kn(g, Gn), y = Kn(g, Un), b = 1, x = (eo.isTouch && no.visualViewport ? no.visualViewport.scale * no.visualViewport.width : no.outerWidth) / no.innerWidth, w = 0, T = rs(h) ? function () { return h(e); } : function () { return h || 2.8; }, k = wa(g, t.type, !0, f), C = function () { return (n = !1); }, E = Go, A = Go, M = function () { (r = Jo(g, Gn)), (A = ho(So ? 1 : 0, r)), u && (E = ho(0, Jo(g, Un))), (i = $s); }, S = function () { (_._gsap.y = jo(parseFloat(_._gsap.y) + v.offset) + "px"), (_.style.transform = "matrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, " + parseFloat(_._gsap.y) + ", 0, 1)"), (v.offset = v.cacheID = 0); }, O = function () { M(), o.isActive() && o.vars.scrollY > r && (v() > r ? o.progress(1) && v(r) : o.resetTo("scrollY", r)); }; return ( _ && ro.set(_, { y: "+=0" }), (t.ignoreCheck = function (t) { return ( (So && "touchmove" === t.type && (function () { if (n) { requestAnimationFrame(C); var t = jo(e.deltaY / 2), r = A(v.v - t); if (_ && r !== v.v + v.offset) { v.offset = r - v.v; var i = jo((parseFloat(_ && _._gsap.y) || 0) - v.offset); (_.style.transform = "matrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, " + i + ", 0, 1)"), (_._gsap.y = i + "px"), (v.cacheID = Bn.cache), ra(); } return !0; } v.offset && S(), (n = !0); })()) || (b > 1.05 && "touchstart" !== t.type) || e.isGesturing || (t.touches && t.touches.length > 1) ); }), (t.onPress = function () { n = !1; var t = b; (b = jo(((no.visualViewport && no.visualViewport.scale) || 1) / x)), o.pause(), t !== b && ya(g, b > 1.01 || (!u && "x")), (s = y()), (a = v()), M(), (i = $s); }), (t.onRelease = t.onGestureStart = function (t, e) { if ((v.offset && S(), e)) { Bn.cache++; var i, n, s = T(); u && ((n = (i = y()) + (0.05 * s * -t.velocityX) / 0.227), (s *= va(y, i, n, Jo(g, Un))), (o.vars.scrollX = E(n))), (n = (i = v()) + (0.05 * s * -t.velocityY) / 0.227), (s *= va(v, i, n, Jo(g, Gn))), (o.vars.scrollY = A(n)), o.invalidate().duration(s).play(0.01), ((So && o.vars.scrollY >= r) || i >= r - 1) && ro.to({}, { onUpdate: O, duration: s }); } else l.restart(!0); p && p(t); }), (t.onWheel = function () { o._ts && o.pause(), zo() - w > 1e3 && ((i = 0), (w = zo())); }), (t.onChange = function (t, e, r, n, o) { if (($s !== i && M(), e && u && y(E(n[2] === e ? s + (t.startX - t.x) : y() + e - n[1])), r)) { v.offset && S(); var l = o[2] === r, c = l ? a + t.startY - t.y : v() + r - o[1], h = A(c); l && c !== h && (a += h - c), v(h); } (r || e) && ra(); }), (t.onEnable = function () { ya(g, !u && "x"), ma.addEventListener("refresh", O), Ss(no, "resize", O), v.smooth && ((v.target.style.scrollBehavior = "auto"), (v.smooth = y.smooth = !1)), k.enable(); }), (t.onDisable = function () { ya(g, !0), Os(no, "resize", O), ma.removeEventListener("refresh", O), k.kill(); }), (t.lockAxis = !1 !== t.lockAxis), ((e = new eo(t)).iOS = So), So && !v() && v(1), So && ro.ticker.add(Go), (l = e._dc), (o = ro.to(e, { ease: "power4", paused: !0, scrollX: u ? "+=0.1" : "+=0", scrollY: "+=0.1", modifiers: { scrollY: pa(v, v(), function () { return o.pause(); }), }, onUpdate: ra, onComplete: l.vars.onComplete, })), e ); })(t); return Co && Co.target === e.target && Co.kill(), Zo(e.target) && (Co = e), e; }), (ma.core = { _getVelocityProp: Qn, _inputObserver: wa, _scrollers: Bn, _proxies: In, bridge: { ss: function () { No || Gs("scrollStart"), (No = zo()); }, ref: function () { return go; }, }, }), Qo() && ro.registerPlugin(ma); const Ca = { IMG: document.querySelector(".cover-security__img"), WRAPPER: document.querySelector(".wrapper"), TARGET: document.querySelector(".services-security__info") }, Ea = Ca.IMG.getBoundingClientRect().left, Aa = document.documentElement.clientWidth / 2 - 450 + 31 - 8, Ma = Ca.IMG.getBoundingClientRect().top, Sa = Ca.TARGET.getBoundingClientRect().top; function Oa(t, e) { const r = getComputedStyle(e); t.addEventListener("click", () => { "none" === r.display ? (e.classList.remove("our-solutions__card-more-info_unvisible"), (t.textContent = "Скрыть информацию")) : (e.classList.add("our-solutions__card-more-info_unvisible"), (t.textContent = "Показать больше")); }); } console.log(Ea, Aa), mn.registerPlugin(ma); const Pa = [/* { imgWhite: "/images/clients/white/logo1.svg", imgColor: "/images/clients/color/logo1.svg", imgBlack: "/images/clients/black/logo1.svg", imgColorWhite: "/images/clients/color-white/logo1.svg" }, { imgWhite: "/images/clients/white/logo2.svg", imgColor: "/images/clients/color/logo2.svg", imgBlack: "/images/clients/black/logo2.svg", imgColorWhite: "/images/clients/color-white/logo2.svg" }, { imgWhite: "/images/clients/white/logo3.svg", imgColor: "/images/clients/color/logo3.svg", imgBlack: "/images/clients/black/logo3.svg", imgColorWhite: "/images/clients/color-white/logo3.svg" }, { imgWhite: "/images/clients/white/logo4.svg", imgColor: "/images/clients/color/logo4.svg", imgBlack: "/images/clients/black/logo4.svg", 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"/images/partners/big-logo/black/logo14.svg", imgColorWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/color-white/logo14.svg", subtitle: "Торговый партнер", name: "CommuniGate Systems", text: "Российский разработчик программного обеспечения в области интегрированных коммуникаций.", }, { imgWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/white/logo15.svg", imgColor: "/images/partners/big-logo/color/logo15.svg", imgBlack: "/images/partners/big-logo/black/logo15.svg", imgColorWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/color-white/logo15.svg", subtitle: "Реселлер", name: "ROSA", text: "Российский разработчик системного ПО (настольные и серверные операционные системы, системы разворачивания облачных и инфраструктурных сервисов).", }, { imgWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/white/logo16.svg", imgColor: "/images/partners/big-logo/color/logo16.svg", imgBlack: "/images/partners/big-logo/black/logo16.svg", imgColorWhite: "/images/partners/big-logo/color-white/logo16.svg", subtitle: "Авторизованный партнер", name: "Yadro", text: 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