Blame view
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/** * For usage, visit Chart.js docs */ const lineConfig = { type: 'line', data: { labels: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July'], datasets: [ { label: 'Organic', /** * These colors come from Tailwind CSS palette * */ backgroundColor: '#0694a2', borderColor: '#0694a2', data: [43, 48, 40, 54, 67, 73, 70], fill: false, }, { label: 'Paid', fill: false, /** * These colors come from Tailwind CSS palette * */ backgroundColor: '#7e3af2', borderColor: '#7e3af2', data: [24, 50, 64, 74, 52, 51, 65], }, ], }, options: { responsive: true, /** * Default legends are ugly and impossible to style. * See examples in charts.html to add your own legends * */ legend: { display: false, }, tooltips: { mode: 'index', intersect: false, }, hover: { mode: 'nearest', intersect: true, }, scales: { x: { display: true, scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: 'Month', }, }, y: { display: true, scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: 'Value', }, }, }, }, } // change this to the id of your chart element in HMTL const lineCtx = document.getElementById('line') window.myLine = new Chart(lineCtx, lineConfig) |