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<?php namespace FootyRoom\Tests; use Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher; use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject; use FootyRoom\Providers\EventServiceProvider; use AlbertCht\Lumen\Testing\TestCase as AlbertChtTestCase; abstract class TestCase extends AlbertChtTestCase { /** * Creates the application. * * @return \Laravel\Lumen\Application */ public function createApplication() { $app = require __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/app.php'; $app->make('url')->forceRootUrl( 'http://'.$app->make(\FootyRoom\Config::class)->get('domain') ); return $app; } public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $uses = array_flip(class_uses_recursive(get_class($this))); if (isset($uses[SetsUpFixtures::class])) { $this->setUpFixtures(); } } /** * Tests that a specified listener in app's EventServiceProvider is called. */ protected function expectListenerCalled(string $listener): MockObject { [$class, $method] = explode('@', $listener); $method = $method ?: 'handle'; $instance = $this->getMockBuilder($class) ->setMethods([$method]) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $instance->expects($this->once())->method($method); $this->app->instance($class, $instance); // Create a new dispatcher that will register only one listener that we are interested in. $dispatcher = new class(app()) extends Dispatcher { public function listen($events, $listener) { if ($listener === $this->expectedListener) { parent::listen($events, $listener); } } }; $dispatcher->expectedListener = $listener; $this->app->instance('events', $dispatcher); // Register all listeners again, because we replaced dispatcher with new empty instance. (new EventServiceProvider($this->app))->boot(); return $instance; } public function assertArrayHaveKeys(array $keys, $data) { foreach($keys as $key){ $this->assertArrayHasKey($key, $data); } } public function assertObjectHaveAttributes(array $keys, $data) { foreach($keys as $key){ $this->assertObjectHasAttribute($key, $data); } } } |