telegram.php 7.4 KB

use Telegram\Bot\Commands\HelpCommand;

return [
    | Your Telegram Bots
    | You may use multiple bots at once using the manager class. Each bot
    | that you own should be configured here.
    | Here are each of the telegram bots config parameters.
    | Supported Params:
    | - name: The *personal* name you would like to refer to your bot as.
    |       - token:    Your Telegram Bot's Access Token.
                        Refer for more details:
    |                   Example: (string) '123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11'.
    |       - commands: (Optional) Commands to register for this bot,
    |                   Supported Values: "Command Group Name", "Shared Command Name", "Full Path to Class".
    |                   Default: Registers Global Commands.
    |                   Example: (array) [
    |                       'admin', // Command Group Name.
    |                       'status', // Shared Command Name.
    |                       Acme\Project\Commands\BotFather\HelloCommand::class,
    |                       Acme\Project\Commands\BotFather\ByeCommand::class,
    |             ]
    'bots' => [
        'channel_bot' => [
            'token' => env('TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN'),

    | Default Bot Name
    | Here you may specify which of the bots you wish to use as
    | your default bot for regular use.
    'default' => 'channel_bot',

    | Asynchronous Requests [Optional]
    | When set to True, All the requests would be made non-blocking (Async).
    | Default: false
    | Possible Values: (Boolean) "true" OR "false"
    'async_requests' => env('TELEGRAM_ASYNC_REQUESTS', false),

    | HTTP Client Handler [Optional]
    | If you'd like to use a custom HTTP Client Handler.
    | Should be an instance of \Telegram\Bot\HttpClients\HttpClientInterface
    | Default: GuzzlePHP
    'http_client_handler' => null,

    | Base Bot Url [Optional]
    | If you'd like to use a custom Base Bot Url.
    | Should be a local bot api endpoint or a proxy to the telegram api endpoint
    | Default:
    'base_bot_url' => null,

    | Resolve Injected Dependencies in commands [Optional]
    | Using Laravel's IoC container, we can easily type hint dependencies in
    | our command's constructor and have them automatically resolved for us.
    | Default: true
    | Possible Values: (Boolean) "true" OR "false"
    'resolve_command_dependencies' => true,

    | Register Telegram Global Commands [Optional]
    | If you'd like to use the SDK's built in command handler system,
    | You can register all the global commands here.
    | Global commands will apply to all the bots in system and are always active.
    | The command class should extend the \Telegram\Bot\Commands\Command class.
    | Default: The SDK registers, a help command which when a user sends /help
    | will respond with a list of available commands and description.
    'commands' => [

    | Command Groups [Optional]
    | You can organize a set of commands into groups which can later,
    | be re-used across all your bots.
    | You can create 4 types of groups:
    | 1. Group using full path to command classes.
    | 2. Group using shared commands: Provide the key name of the shared command
    | and the system will automatically resolve to the appropriate command.
    | 3. Group using other groups of commands: You can create a group which uses other
    | groups of commands to bundle them into one group.
    | 4. You can create a group with a combination of 1, 2 and 3 all together in one group.
    | Examples shown below are by the group type for you to understand each of them.
    'command_groups' => [
        /* // Group Type: 1
           'commmon' => [

        /* // Group Type: 2
           'subscription' => [
                'start', // Shared Command Name.
                'stop', // Shared Command Name.

        /* // Group Type: 3
            'auth' => [

            'stats' => [

            'admin' => [
                'auth', // Command Group Name.
                'stats' // Command Group Name.

        /* // Group Type: 4
           'myBot' => [
                'admin', // Command Group Name.
                'subscription', // Command Group Name.
                'status', // Shared Command Name.
                'Acme\Project\Commands\BotCommand' // Full Path to Command Class.

    | Shared Commands [Optional]
    | Shared commands let you register commands that can be shared between,
    | one or more bots across the project.
    | This will help you prevent from having to register same set of commands,
    | for each bot over and over again and make it easier to maintain them.
    | Shared commands are not active by default, You need to use the key name to register them,
    | individually in a group of commands or in bot commands.
    | Think of this as a central storage, to register, reuse and maintain them across all bots.
    'shared_commands' => [
        // 'start' => Acme\Project\Commands\StartCommand::class,
        // 'stop' => Acme\Project\Commands\StopCommand::class,
        // 'status' => Acme\Project\Commands\StatusCommand::class,