Commit 48b64e32f86628b906df3fe4ca4e257815d15aa9
1 parent
Exists in
Презентация pdf
Showing 33 changed files with 1162 additions and 4 deletions Side-by-side Diff
- app/Http/Controllers/MainController.php
- public/fonts/all.css
- public/fonts/dejavusans.ttf
- public/fonts/dejavusans.woff
- public/fonts/dejavusans.woff2
- public/fonts/dejavusansbold.ttf
- public/fonts/dejavusansbold.woff
- public/fonts/dejavusansbold.woff2
- public/fonts/dejavusansboldoblique.ttf
- public/fonts/dejavusansboldoblique.woff
- public/fonts/dejavusansboldoblique.woff2
- public/fonts/dejavusansextralight.ttf
- public/fonts/dejavusansextralight.woff
- public/fonts/dejavusansextralight.woff2
- public/fonts/dejavusansoblique.ttf
- public/fonts/dejavusansoblique.woff
- public/fonts/dejavusansoblique.woff2
- public/images/1.jpg
- public/images/10.jpg
- public/images/11.jpg
- public/images/12.jpg
- public/images/2.jpg
- public/images/3.jpg
- public/images/4.jpg
- public/images/5.jpg
- public/images/6.jpg
- public/images/7.jpg
- public/images/8.jpg
- public/images/9.jpg
- public/styles/normalize_.css
- public/styles/style_.css
- resources/views/layout/pdf.blade.php
- resources/views/layout/pdf2.blade.php
... | ... | @@ -602,15 +602,39 @@ class MainController extends Controller |
602 | 602 | } |
603 | 603 | |
604 | 604 | public function preview_PDF(House $house) { |
605 | + $file_img = ""; | |
605 | 606 | if (!empty($house->foto_main)) { |
606 | - $file_img = base64_encode(file_get_contents(public_path("storage/".$house->foto_main))); | |
607 | + //$file_img = base64_encode(file_get_contents(public_path("storage/".$house->foto_main))); | |
608 | + $file_img = public_path("storage/".$house->foto_main); | |
607 | 609 | } else { |
608 | 610 | $file_img = ""; |
609 | 611 | } |
610 | - | |
611 | - $arr_house = ['0' => $house, 'image' => $file_img]; | |
612 | + | |
613 | + $arr_image = Array(); | |
614 | + if ($house->fotohouse->count()) { | |
615 | + foreach ($house->fotohouse as $image) { | |
616 | + $arr_image[] = public_path("storage/".$image->foto); | |
617 | + } | |
618 | + } | |
619 | + | |
620 | + if (!empty($house->object_plan)) | |
621 | + $object_image = public_path("storage/" . $house->object_plan); | |
622 | + else | |
623 | + $object_image = ''; | |
624 | + | |
625 | + if (!empty($house->floor_plan)) | |
626 | + $floor_image = public_path("storage/".$house->floor_plan); | |
627 | + else | |
628 | + $floor_image = ''; | |
629 | + | |
630 | + $url = redirect()->back()->getTargetUrl(); | |
631 | + | |
632 | + //dd($arr_image); | |
633 | + | |
634 | + $arr_house = ['0' => $house, 'image' => $file_img, 'url' => $url, | |
635 | + 'arrimage' => $arr_image, 'object_image' => $object_image, 'floor_image' => $floor_image]; | |
612 | 636 | view()->share('house',$arr_house); |
613 | - $pdf = PDF::loadView('house.pdf', $arr_house); | |
637 | + $pdf = PDF::loadView('layout.pdf2', $arr_house)->setPaper('a4', 'landscape'); | |
614 | 638 | return $pdf->stream(); |
615 | 639 | } |
616 | 640 |
... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ |
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25 | +@font-face { | |
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27 | + src: local('DejaVu Sans Bold Oblique'), local('DejaVuSans-BoldOblique'), url('dejavusansboldoblique.woff2') format('woff2'), url('dejavusansboldoblique.woff') format('woff'), url('dejavusansboldoblique.ttf') format('truetype'); | |
28 | + font-weight: 700; | |
29 | + font-style: italic; | |
30 | +} |
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No preview for this file type
No preview for this file type
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No preview for this file type
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... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
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0 | 75 | \ No newline at end of file |
... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1,487 @@ |
1 | +<!DOCTYPE html> | |
2 | +<html lang="ru"> | |
3 | +<head> | |
4 | + <meta charset="utf-8"> | |
5 | + <title>RentTorg pdf-документ</title> | |
6 | + <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('styles/normalize_.css') }}"> | |
7 | + <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('styles/style_.css') }}"> | |
8 | +</head> | |
9 | +<body class="all-in"> | |
10 | + | |
11 | +<div class="root"> | |
12 | + <div class="content" style="background-image:url(images/1.jpg)"> | |
13 | + <div class="content__wrapper"> | |
14 | + <div class="slide1 clearBoth"> | |
15 | + <div class="slide1__body floatLeft"> | |
16 | + <h1 class="slide1__title"> | |
17 | + <span class="br">Аренда торгового</span> | |
18 | + помещения 321,6 м<sup>2</sup> | |
19 | + </h1> | |
20 | + <ul class="slide1__list"> | |
21 | + <li class="red">Фрунзенская</li> | |
22 | + <li>10 мин, пешком от метро</li> | |
23 | + <li>ЮВАО</li> | |
24 | + </ul> | |
25 | + <p class="slide1__text"> | |
26 | + <b class="br">Адрес</b> | |
27 | + ул. Ак. Королева, д. 13, стр. 1, этаж 7, пом. 1, к. 69 | |
28 | + </p> | |
29 | + <p class="slide1__text"> | |
30 | + <b class="br">Артикул помещения</b> | |
31 | + ЖК - 01 | |
32 | + </p> | |
33 | + <p class="slide1__text"> | |
34 | + <b class="br">Площадь помещения</b> | |
35 | + 321,6 м<sup>2</sup> | |
36 | + </p> | |
37 | + </div> | |
38 | + <img src="images/1.jpg" alt="" class="slide1__photo floatRight"> | |
39 | + </div> | |
40 | + </div> | |
41 | + </div> | |
42 | + <div class="footer clearBoth"> | |
43 | + <div class="floatLeft clearBoth"> | |
44 | + <a href="#" class="footer__logo"> | |
45 | + <img src="images/logo.png" alt=""> | |
46 | + </a> | |
47 | + <div class="footer__contacts"> | |
48 | + <a href="tel:+70001234567" class="footer__contactsPhone">+7 000 123-45-67</a><span></span> | |
49 | + <a href="" class="footer__contactsEmail"></a> | |
50 | + </div> | |
51 | + </div> | |
52 | + <div class="floatRight clearBoth"> | |
53 | + <div class="footer__address"> | |
54 | + <b class="br">Адрес</b> | |
55 | + ул. Ак. Королева, д. 13, стр. 1, этаж 7, пом. 1, к. 69 | |
56 | + </div> | |
57 | + <div class="footer__link"> | |
58 | + <b class="br">Ссылка на объект</b> | |
59 | + <a href=""></a> | |
60 | + </div> | |
61 | + </div> | |
62 | + </div> | |
63 | +</div> <!--('.root')--> | |
64 | + | |
65 | + | |
66 | + | |
67 | + | |
68 | + | |
69 | + | |
70 | + | |
71 | + | |
72 | + | |
73 | + | |
74 | + | |
75 | +<div class="root"> | |
76 | + | |
77 | + <div class="content"> | |
78 | + <div class="content__wrapper"> | |
79 | + <div class="slide2"> | |
80 | + <h1 class="content__title">Информация об <span class="blue">объекте</span></h1> | |
81 | + <p class="content__subtitle">Аренда торгового помещения 321,6 м<sup>2</sup> Москва, Мастеркова ул., д.3</p> | |
82 | + <div class="content__row clearBoth"> | |
83 | + <ul class="content__list floatLeft"> | |
84 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
85 | + <span>Площадь, м<sup>2</sup></span> | |
86 | + <span>123</span> | |
87 | + </li> | |
88 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
89 | + <span>Адрес</span> | |
90 | + <span>Волгоградский проспект, д. 80/2</span> | |
91 | + </li> | |
92 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
93 | + <span>Тип объекта</span> | |
94 | + <span>Нежилое помещение</span> | |
95 | + </li> | |
96 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
97 | + <span>Формат</span> | |
98 | + <span>Арендованное помещение</span> | |
99 | + </li> | |
100 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
101 | + <span>Этаж</span> | |
102 | + <span>3 эт.</span> | |
103 | + </li> | |
104 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
105 | + <span>Этажность здания</span> | |
106 | + <span>23 эт.</span> | |
107 | + </li> | |
108 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
109 | + <span>Арендаторы</span> | |
110 | + <span>ВкусВилл</span> | |
111 | + </li> | |
112 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
113 | + <span>Состояние объекта</span> | |
114 | + <span>Рабочее</span> | |
115 | + </li> | |
116 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
117 | + <span>Тип планировки</span> | |
118 | + <span>Открытая</span> | |
119 | + </li> | |
120 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
121 | + <span>Наличие зоны разгрузки</span> | |
122 | + <span>Есть</span> | |
123 | + </li> | |
124 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
125 | + <span>Электрическая мощность</span> | |
126 | + <span>30 кВт</span> | |
127 | + </li> | |
128 | + </ul> | |
129 | + <ul class="content__list floatLeft"> | |
130 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
131 | + <span>Проездное</span> | |
132 | + <span>Есть</span> | |
133 | + </li> | |
134 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
135 | + <span>Проходное место</span> | |
136 | + <span>Есть</span> | |
137 | + </li> | |
138 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
139 | + <span>Отдельный вход</span> | |
140 | + <span>Есть</span> | |
141 | + </li> | |
142 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
143 | + <span>Витрины</span> | |
144 | + <span>Есть</span> | |
145 | + </li> | |
146 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
147 | + <span>Место для рекламы</span> | |
148 | + <span>Есть</span> | |
149 | + </li> | |
150 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
151 | + <span>Окна</span> | |
152 | + <span>4</span> | |
153 | + </li> | |
154 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
155 | + <span>Вытяжка</span> | |
156 | + <span>Есть</span> | |
157 | + </li> | |
158 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
159 | + <span>Центральное отопление</span> | |
160 | + <span>Есть</span> | |
161 | + </li> | |
162 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
163 | + <span>Возможные часы работы</span> | |
164 | + <span>С 08:00 До 20:00</span> | |
165 | + </li> | |
166 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
167 | + <span>Отделка</span> | |
168 | + <span>Есть</span> | |
169 | + </li> | |
170 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
171 | + <span>Парковка</span> | |
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211 | + <p class="content__quote min">Коммунальные платежи и электричество оплачиваются арендатором отдельно</p> | |
212 | + <div class="content__text">Аренда торгового помещения на первой линии Краснопрудной улицы! Интенсивный пешеходный и автомобильный трафик! Шаговая доступность от метро Красносельская (2 минуты). Густонаселенный жилой массив, насыщенное деловое окружение. Формирующее стабильный интенсивный трафик Ваших потенциальных посетителей и покупателей! Развитая инфраструктура района, метро в нескольких минута пешком, автобусные остановки, городская стихийная парковка. Сетевое торговое окружение: Перекрёсток, Мираторг, Макдональдс, KFC и многие другие представители ритейла привлекающие в данную локацию местное население! Общая площадь: 131,2 кв. м. ( все в первом этаже). Зальная планировка. Все необходимые коммуникации. Электричество 35 Квт.</div> | |
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253 | + <p class="content__quote">Уникальное расположение у входа/выхода из станции метро «Фрунзенская». Сверхинтенсивные пешеходные потоки, более 3 000 человек/час.</p> | |
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293 | + <p class="content__quote">Уникальное расположение у входа/выхода из станции метро «Фрунзенская». Сверхинтенсивные пешеходные потоки, более 3 000 человек/час.</p> | |
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410 | + <p class="content__quote">Уникальное расположение у входа/выхода из станции метро «Фрунзенская». Сверхинтенсивные пешеходные потоки, более 3 000 человек/час.</p> | |
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450 | + <p class="content__quote">Уникальное расположение у входа/выхода из станции метро «Фрунзенская». Сверхинтенсивные пешеходные потоки, более 3 000 человек/час.</p> | |
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... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1,542 @@ |
1 | +<!DOCTYPE html> | |
2 | +<html lang="ru"> | |
3 | +<head> | |
4 | + <meta charset="utf-8"> | |
5 | + <title>RentTorg pdf-документ</title> | |
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15 | + <div class="slide1__body floatLeft"> | |
16 | + <h1 class="slide1__title"> | |
17 | + <span class="br">{{$house[0]->title}} | |
18 | + </h1> | |
19 | + <ul class="slide1__list"> | |
20 | + <li class="red">{{ $house[0]->metro }}</li> | |
21 | + <li>{{ $house[0]->description_metro }}</li> | |
22 | + <li>{{ $house[0]->okrug }}</li> | |
23 | + </ul> | |
24 | + <p class="slide1__text"> | |
25 | + <b class="br">Адрес</b> | |
26 | + {{ $house[0]->address }} | |
27 | + </p> | |
28 | + <p class="slide1__text"> | |
29 | + <b class="br">Артикул помещения</b> | |
30 | + {{ $house[0]->articul_area }} | |
31 | + </p> | |
32 | + <p class="slide1__text"> | |
33 | + <b class="br">Площадь помещения</b> | |
34 | + {{ $house[0]->area }} м<sup>2</sup> | |
35 | + </p> | |
36 | + </div> | |
37 | + <? if (!empty($house['image'])) {?> | |
38 | + <img src="{{ $house['image'] }}" alt="" class="slide1__photo floatRight"> | |
39 | + <? } ?> | |
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53 | + <div class="floatRight clearBoth"> | |
54 | + <div class="footer__address"> | |
55 | + <b class="br">Адрес</b> | |
56 | + {{ $house[0]->address }} | |
57 | + </div><br> | |
58 | + <div class="footer__link"> | |
59 | + <b class="br">Ссылка на объект</b> | |
60 | + <a href="{{ route('offer', ['house' => $house[0]->id]) }}">{{ route('offer', ['house' => $house[0]->id]) }}</a> | |
61 | + </div> | |
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76 | +<div class="root"> | |
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78 | + <div class="content"> | |
79 | + <div class="content__wrapper"> | |
80 | + <div class="slide2"> | |
81 | + <h1 class="content__title">Информация об <span class="blue">объекте</span></h1> | |
82 | + <p class="content__subtitle">{{ $house[0]->format_house }}, {{ $house[0]->title }}, {{ $house[0]->area }} м<sup>2</sup>. {{ $house[0]->address }}</p> | |
83 | + <div class="content__row clearBoth"> | |
84 | + <ul class="content__list floatLeft"> | |
85 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
86 | + <span>Площадь, м<sup>2</sup></span> | |
87 | + <span>{{ $house[0]->area }}</span> | |
88 | + </li> | |
89 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
90 | + <span>Адрес</span> | |
91 | + <span>{{ $house[0]->address }}</span> | |
92 | + </li> | |
93 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
94 | + <span>Тип объекта</span> | |
95 | + <span>{{ $house[0]->typearea->name_type }}</span> | |
96 | + </li> | |
97 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
98 | + <span>Формат</span> | |
99 | + <span>{{ $house[0]->format_house }}</span> | |
100 | + </li> | |
101 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
102 | + <span>Этаж</span> | |
103 | + <span>{{ $house[0]->floor }} эт.</span> | |
104 | + </li> | |
105 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
106 | + <span>Этажность здания</span> | |
107 | + <span>{{ $house[0]->floor_bild }} эт.</span> | |
108 | + </li> | |
109 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
110 | + <span>Арендаторы</span> | |
111 | + <span>{{ $house[0]->renter }}</span> | |
112 | + </li> | |
113 | + <!--<li class="content__listItem"> | |
114 | + <span>Состояние объекта</span> | |
115 | + <span>Рабочее</span> | |
116 | + </li>--> | |
117 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
118 | + <span>Тип планировки</span> | |
119 | + <span>{{ $house[0]->type_plan }}</span> | |
120 | + </li> | |
121 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
122 | + <span>Наличие зоны разгрузки</span> | |
123 | + <span><? if($house[0]->uploading_area == 1) {?>Есть<?} else {?>Нет<?}?></span> | |
124 | + </li> | |
125 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
126 | + <span>Электрическая мощность</span> | |
127 | + <span>{{ $house[0]->electric_power }} кВт</span> | |
128 | + </li> | |
129 | + </ul> | |
130 | + <ul class="content__list floatLeft"> | |
131 | + <!--<li class="content__listItem"> | |
132 | + <span>Проездное</span> | |
133 | + <span>Есть</span> | |
134 | + </li> | |
135 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
136 | + <span>Проходное место</span> | |
137 | + <span>Есть</span> | |
138 | + </li>--> | |
139 | + <? if ($house[0]->format_house == "Продажа") {?> | |
140 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
141 | + <span>Цена</span> | |
142 | + <span>{{ $house[0]->price }} ₽</span> | |
143 | + </li> | |
144 | + <? } else {?> | |
145 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
146 | + <span>Аренда в год за м2:</span> | |
147 | + <span>{{ $house[0]->rent_in_year }} ₽</span> | |
148 | + </li> | |
149 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
150 | + <span>Аренда в месяц:</span> | |
151 | + <span>{{ $house[0]->price }} ₽</span> | |
152 | + </li> | |
153 | + <? } ?> | |
154 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
155 | + <span>Отдельный вход</span> | |
156 | + <span><? if($house[0]->separate_input == 1) {?>Есть<?} else {?>Нет<?}?></span> | |
157 | + </li> | |
158 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
159 | + <span>Витрины</span> | |
160 | + <span><? if($house[0]->shop_windows == 1) {?>Есть<?} else {?>Нет<?}?></span> | |
161 | + </li> | |
162 | + <!--<li class="content__listItem"> | |
163 | + <span>Место для рекламы</span> | |
164 | + <span>Есть</span> | |
165 | + </li> | |
166 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
167 | + <span>Окна</span> | |
168 | + <span>4</span> | |
169 | + </li>--> | |
170 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
171 | + <span>Вытяжка</span> | |
172 | + <span><? if($house[0]->hood == 1) {?>Есть<?} else {?>Нет<?}?></span> | |
173 | + </li> | |
174 | + <!--<li class="content__listItem"> | |
175 | + <span>Центральное отопление</span> | |
176 | + <span>Есть</span> | |
177 | + </li>--> | |
178 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
179 | + <span>Возможные часы работы</span> | |
180 | + <span>{{ $house[0]->opening_hours }}</span> | |
181 | + </li> | |
182 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
183 | + <span>Отделка</span> | |
184 | + <span><? if($house[0]->finishing == 1) {?>Есть<?} else {?>Нет<?}?></span> | |
185 | + </li> | |
186 | + <li class="content__listItem"> | |
187 | + <span>Парковка</span> | |
188 | + <span>{{ $house[0]->parking }} мест</span> | |
189 | + </li> | |
190 | + </ul> | |
191 | + </div> | |
192 | + </div> | |
193 | + </div> | |
194 | + </div> | |
195 | + | |
196 | + | |
197 | + <div class="footer clearBoth"> | |
198 | + <div class="floatLeft clearBoth"> | |
199 | + <a href="#" class="footer__logo"> | |
200 | + <img src="images/logo.png" alt=""> | |
201 | + </a> | |
202 | + <div class="footer__contacts"> | |
203 | + <a href="tel:+70001234567" class="footer__contactsPhone">+7 000 123-45-67</a><span></span> | |
204 | + <a href="" class="footer__contactsEmail"></a> | |
205 | + </div> | |
206 | + </div> | |
207 | + <div class="floatRight clearBoth"> | |
208 | + <div class="footer__address"> | |
209 | + <b class="br">Адрес</b> | |
210 | + {{ $house[0]->address }} | |
211 | + </div><br> | |
212 | + <div class="footer__link"> | |
213 | + <b class="br">Ссылка на объект</b> | |
214 | + <a href="{{ route('offer', ['house' => $house[0]->id]) }}">{{ route('offer', ['house' => $house[0]->id]) }}</a> | |
215 | + </div> | |
216 | + </div> | |
217 | + </div> | |
218 | +</div> <!--('.root')--> | |
219 | + | |
220 | + | |
221 | +<div class="root"> | |
222 | + | |
223 | + <div class="content"> | |
224 | + <div class="content__wrapper"> | |
225 | + <div class="slide3"> | |
226 | + <h1 class="content__title">Дополнительная информация об <span class="blue">объекте</span></h1> | |
227 | + <p class="content__quote min">Коммунальные платежи и электричество оплачиваются арендатором отдельно</p> | |
228 | + <div class="content__text">{{ $house[0]->description_2 }}</div> | |
229 | + <div class="content__3pics"> | |
230 | + @if (count($house['arrimage']) > 0) | |
231 | + <? $i = 1?> | |
232 | + @foreach($house['arrimage'] as $image) | |
233 | + <img src="{{$image}}" alt=""> | |
234 | + <? $i++; | |
235 | + if ($i > 3) break; | |
236 | + ?> | |
237 | + @endforeach | |
238 | + @endif | |
239 | + | |
240 | + <!--<img src="images/1.jpg" alt=""> | |
241 | + <img src="images/1.jpg" alt="">--> | |
242 | + | |
243 | + </div> | |
244 | + </div> | |
245 | + </div> | |
246 | + </div> | |
247 | + | |
248 | + | |
249 | + <div class="footer clearBoth"> | |
250 | + <div class="floatLeft clearBoth"> | |
251 | + <a href="#" class="footer__logo"> | |
252 | + <img src="images/logo.png" alt=""> | |
253 | + </a> | |
254 | + <div class="footer__contacts"> | |
255 | + <a href="tel:+70001234567" class="footer__contactsPhone">+7 000 123-45-67</a><span></span> | |
256 | + <a href="" class="footer__contactsEmail"></a> | |
257 | + </div> | |
258 | + </div> | |
259 | + <div class="floatRight clearBoth"> | |
260 | + <div class="footer__address"> | |
261 | + <b class="br">Адрес</b> | |
262 | + {{ $house[0]->address }} | |
263 | + </div><br> | |
264 | + <div class="footer__link"> | |
265 | + <b class="br">Ссылка на объект</b> | |
266 | + <a href="{{ route('offer', ['house' => $house[0]->id]) }}">{{ route('offer', ['house' => $house[0]->id]) }}</a> | |
267 | + </div> | |
268 | + </div> | |
269 | + </div> | |
270 | +</div> <!--('.root')--> | |
271 | + | |
272 | + | |
273 | +<div class="root"> | |
274 | + | |
275 | + <div class="content"> | |
276 | + <div class="content__wrapper"> | |
277 | + <div class="slide4"> | |
278 | + <h1 class="content__title">План <span class="blue">объекта</span></h1> | |
279 | + <p class="content__quote">{{ $house[0]->description_house }}</p> | |
280 | + <div class="content__2pics contain"> | |
281 | + <? if ((!empty($house['object_image'])) && (isset($house['object_image']))) {?> | |
282 | + <img src="{{ $house['object_image'] }}" alt=""> | |
283 | + <? } ?> | |
284 | + <!--<img src="images/3.jpg" alt="">--> | |
285 | + </div> | |
286 | + </div> | |
287 | + </div> | |
288 | + </div> | |
289 | + | |
290 | + | |
291 | + <div class="footer clearBoth"> | |
292 | + <div class="floatLeft clearBoth"> | |
293 | + <a href="#" class="footer__logo"> | |
294 | + <img src="images/logo.png" alt=""> | |
295 | + </a> | |
296 | + <div class="footer__contacts"> | |
297 | + <a href="tel:+70001234567" class="footer__contactsPhone">+7 000 123-45-67</a><span></span> | |
298 | + <a href="" class="footer__contactsEmail"></a> | |
299 | + </div> | |
300 | + </div> | |
301 | + <div class="floatRight clearBoth"> | |
302 | + <div class="footer__address"> | |
303 | + <b class="br">Адрес</b> | |
304 | + {{ $house[0]->address }} | |
305 | + </div><br> | |
306 | + <div class="footer__link"> | |
307 | + <b class="br">Ссылка на объект</b> | |
308 | + <a href="{{ route('offer', ['house' => $house[0]->id]) }}">{{ route('offer', ['house' => $house[0]->id]) }}</a> | |
309 | + </div> | |
310 | + </div> | |
311 | + </div> | |
312 | +</div> <!--('.root')--> | |
313 | + | |
314 | + | |
315 | +<div class="root"> | |
316 | + | |
317 | + <div class="content"> | |
318 | + <div class="content__wrapper"> | |
319 | + <div class="slide5"> | |
320 | + <h1 class="content__title">План <span class="blue">этажа</span></h1> | |
321 | + <p class="content__quote">{{ $house[0]->description_house }}</p> | |
322 | + <div class="content__2pics contain"> | |
323 | + <? if ((!empty($house['floor_image'])) && (isset($house['floor_image']))){?> | |
324 | + <img src="{{ $house['floor_image'] }}" alt=""> | |
325 | + <? } ?> | |
326 | + <!--<img src="images/4.jpg" alt="">--> | |
327 | + </div> | |
328 | + </div> | |
329 | + </div> | |
330 | + </div> | |
331 | + | |
332 | + | |
333 | + <div class="footer clearBoth"> | |
334 | + <div class="floatLeft clearBoth"> | |
335 | + <a href="#" class="footer__logo"> | |
336 | + <img src="images/logo.png" alt=""> | |
337 | + </a> | |
338 | + <div class="footer__contacts"> | |
339 | + <a href="tel:+70001234567" class="footer__contactsPhone">+7 000 123-45-67</a><span></span> | |
340 | + <a href="" class="footer__contactsEmail"></a> | |
341 | + </div> | |
342 | + </div> | |
343 | + <div class="floatRight clearBoth"> | |
344 | + <div class="footer__address"> | |
345 | + <b class="br">Адрес</b> | |
346 | + {{ $house[0]->address }} | |
347 | + </div><br> | |
348 | + <div class="footer__link"> | |
349 | + <b class="br">Ссылка на объект</b> | |
350 | + <a href="{{ route('offer', ['house' => $house[0]->id]) }}">{{ route('offer', ['house' => $house[0]->id]) }}</a> | |
351 | + </div> | |
352 | + </div> | |
353 | + </div> | |
354 | +</div> <!--('.root')--> | |
355 | + | |
356 | + | |
357 | + | |
358 | +<div class="root"> | |
359 | + <div class="content"> | |
360 | + <div class="content__wrapper"> | |
361 | + <div class="slide6"> | |
362 | + <h1 class="content__title">Фотографии <span class="blue">объекта</span></h1> | |
363 | + <p class="content__quote">{{ $house[0]->description_house }}</p> | |
364 | + <div class="content__2pics"> | |
365 | + <? if (isset($house['arrimage'][3])) {?> | |
366 | + <img src="{{$house['arrimage'][3]}}" alt=""> | |
367 | + <? } ?> | |
368 | + | |
369 | + <? if (isset($house['arrimage'][4])) {?> | |
370 | + <img src="{{$house['arrimage'][4]}}" alt=""> | |
371 | + <? } ?> | |
372 | + </div> | |
373 | + </div> | |
374 | + </div> | |
375 | + </div> | |
376 | + | |
377 | + | |
378 | + <div class="footer clearBoth"> | |
379 | + <div class="floatLeft clearBoth"> | |
380 | + <a href="#" class="footer__logo"> | |
381 | + <img src="images/logo.png" alt=""> | |
382 | + </a> | |
383 | + <div class="footer__contacts"> | |
384 | + <a href="tel:+70001234567" class="footer__contactsPhone">+7 000 123-45-67</a><span></span> | |
385 | + <a href="" class="footer__contactsEmail"></a> | |
386 | + </div> | |
387 | + </div> | |
388 | + <div class="floatRight clearBoth"> | |
389 | + <div class="footer__address"> | |
390 | + <b class="br">Адрес</b> | |
391 | + {{ $house[0]->address }} | |
392 | + </div><br> | |
393 | + <div class="footer__link"> | |
394 | + <b class="br">Ссылка на объект</b> | |
395 | + <a href="{{ route('offer', ['house' => $house[0]->id]) }}">{{ route('offer', ['house' => $house[0]->id]) }}</a> | |
396 | + </div> | |
397 | + </div> | |
398 | + </div> | |
399 | +</div> <!--('.root')--> | |
400 | + | |
401 | + | |
402 | + | |
403 | + | |
404 | + | |
405 | + | |
406 | + | |
407 | +<div class="root"> | |
408 | + | |
409 | + <div class="content"> | |
410 | + <div class="content__wrapper"> | |
411 | + <div class="slide7"> | |
412 | + <h1 class="content__title">Фотографии <span class="blue">объекта</span></h1> | |
413 | + <p class="content__quote">{{ $house[0]->description_house }}</p> | |
414 | + <div class="content__2pics"> | |
415 | + <? if (isset($house['arrimage'][5])) {?> | |
416 | + <img src="{{$house['arrimage'][5]}}" alt=""> | |
417 | + <? } ?> | |
418 | + | |
419 | + <? if (isset($house['arrimage'][6])) {?> | |
420 | + <img src="{{$house['arrimage'][6]}}" alt=""> | |
421 | + <? } ?> | |
422 | + </div> | |
423 | + </div> | |
424 | + </div> | |
425 | + </div> | |
426 | + | |
427 | + | |
428 | + <div class="footer clearBoth"> | |
429 | + <div class="floatLeft clearBoth"> | |
430 | + <a href="#" class="footer__logo"> | |
431 | + <img src="images/logo.png" alt=""> | |
432 | + </a> | |
433 | + <div class="footer__contacts"> | |
434 | + <a href="tel:+70001234567" class="footer__contactsPhone">+7 000 123-45-67</a><span></span> | |
435 | + <a href="" class="footer__contactsEmail"></a> | |
436 | + </div> | |
437 | + </div> | |
438 | + <div class="floatRight clearBoth"> | |
439 | + <div class="footer__address"> | |
440 | + <b class="br">Адрес</b> | |
441 | + {{ $house[0]->address }} | |
442 | + </div><br> | |
443 | + <div class="footer__link"> | |
444 | + <b class="br">Ссылка на объект</b> | |
445 | + <a href="{{ route('offer', ['house' => $house[0]->id]) }}">{{ route('offer', ['house' => $house[0]->id]) }}</a> | |
446 | + </div> | |
447 | + </div> | |
448 | + </div> | |
449 | +</div> <!--('.root')--> | |
450 | + | |
451 | +<div class="root"> | |
452 | + | |
453 | + <div class="content"> | |
454 | + <div class="content__wrapper"> | |
455 | + <div class="slide8"> | |
456 | + <h1 class="content__title">Фотографии <span class="blue">объекта</span></h1> | |
457 | + <p class="content__quote">{{ $house[0]->description_house }}</p> | |
458 | + <div class="content__2pics"> | |
459 | + <? if (isset($house['arrimage'][7])) {?> | |
460 | + <img src="{{$house['arrimage'][7]}}" alt=""> | |
461 | + <? } ?> | |
462 | + <? if (isset($house['arrimage'][8])) {?> | |
463 | + <img src="{{$house['arrimage'][8]}}" alt=""> | |
464 | + <? } ?> | |
465 | + </div> | |
466 | + </div> | |
467 | + </div> | |
468 | + </div> | |
469 | + | |
470 | + | |
471 | + <div class="footer clearBoth"> | |
472 | + <div class="floatLeft clearBoth"> | |
473 | + <a href="#" class="footer__logo"> | |
474 | + <img src="images/logo.png" alt=""> | |
475 | + </a> | |
476 | + <div class="footer__contacts"> | |
477 | + <a href="tel:+70001234567" class="footer__contactsPhone">+7 000 123-45-67</a><span></span> | |
478 | + <a href="" class="footer__contactsEmail"></a> | |
479 | + </div> | |
480 | + </div> | |
481 | + <div class="floatRight clearBoth"> | |
482 | + <div class="footer__address"> | |
483 | + <b class="br">Адрес</b> | |
484 | + {{ $house[0]->address }} | |
485 | + </div><br> | |
486 | + <div class="footer__link"> | |
487 | + <b class="br">Ссылка на объект</b> | |
488 | + <a href="{{ route('offer', ['house' => $house[0]->id]) }}">{{ route('offer', ['house' => $house[0]->id]) }}</a> | |
489 | + </div> | |
490 | + </div> | |
491 | + </div> | |
492 | +</div> <!--('.root')--> | |
493 | + | |
494 | + | |
495 | +<div class="root"> | |
496 | + | |
497 | + <div class="content"> | |
498 | + <div class="content__wrapper"> | |
499 | + <div class="slide9"> | |
500 | + <h1 class="content__title">Фотографии <span class="blue">объекта</span></h1> | |
501 | + <p class="content__quote">{{ $house[0]->description_house }}</p> | |
502 | + <div class="content__2pics min last"> | |
503 | + <? if (isset($house['arrimage'][9])) {?> | |
504 | + <img src="{{$house['arrimage'][9]}}" alt=""> | |
505 | + <? } ?> | |
506 | + <? if (isset($house['arrimage'][10])) {?> | |
507 | + <img src="{{$house['arrimage'][10]}}" alt=""> | |
508 | + <? } ?> | |
509 | + </div> | |
510 | + <div class="content__phone"><a href="tel:+70001234567"><span>+7 000 123-45-67</span></a></div> | |
511 | + </div> | |
512 | + </div> | |
513 | + </div> | |
514 | + | |
515 | + | |
516 | + <div class="footer clearBoth"> | |
517 | + <div class="floatLeft clearBoth"> | |
518 | + <a href="#" class="footer__logo"> | |
519 | + <img src="images/logo.png" alt=""> | |
520 | + </a> | |
521 | + <div class="footer__contacts"> | |
522 | + <a href="tel:+70001234567" class="footer__contactsPhone">+7 000 123-45-67</a><span></span> | |
523 | + <a href="" class="footer__contactsEmail"></a> | |
524 | + </div> | |
525 | + </div> | |
526 | + <div class="floatRight clearBoth"> | |
527 | + <div class="footer__address"> | |
528 | + <b class="br">Адрес</b> | |
529 | + {{ $house[0]->address }} | |
530 | + </div><br> | |
531 | + <div class="footer__link"> | |
532 | + <b class="br">Ссылка на объект</b> | |
533 | + <a href="{{ route('offer', ['house' => $house[0]->id]) }}">{{ route('offer', ['house' => $house[0]->id]) }}</a> | |
534 | + </div> | |
535 | + </div> | |
536 | + </div> | |
537 | +</div> <!--('.root')--> | |
538 | + | |
539 | + | |
540 | + | |
541 | +</body> | |
542 | +</html> |