_footer.scss 8.73 KB
@import "../vars";

.footer {
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    display: flex;
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          line-height: 21px;
          color: #E7EAEE;

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          .number-2 {
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          display: flex;

          >* {
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            height: 26px;

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        &-rating {
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          flex-direction: column;
          font-family: 'Muller';
          color: #FFFFFF;
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          line-height: 21px;
          position: absolute;
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          .yandex {
            font-weight: 400;

          .stars-wrapper {
            display: flex;
            align-items: center;

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              height: 15px;

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            line-height: 20px;
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            color: #E7EAEE;
            margin-bottom: 12px;
            text-transform: uppercase;

            @media (min-width: $b480) {
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            &-item {
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            bottom: -109px;
            display: flex;
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            width: 509px;
            margin-top: 41px;

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            margin-bottom: 14px;
            text-decoration: underline;

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        order: 2;

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        &-contacts {
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          width: 100%;

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                max-width: 200px;

          .contacts-main {
            font-weight: 600;
            font-size: 14px;
            line-height: 18px;
            letter-spacing: -0.01em;
            color: #E7EAEE;
            margin-top: 18px;

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          .footer__right-contacts-item {
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                    margin-bottom: 18px;

 .footer-second {
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 .footer__centre-col-2 {
    margin-top: 24px;

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.footer-spoiler-button {
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.sp-2 {

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            overflow: visible;
